SaBs With Our Resident to Peace Congress . i K 1 ' i ' A it I p ' A' B yjWtrpiiliriMi"'""''' - .v ' s5r .! SMasssssBHtaMfJSSj MNMauMau l .srSKSBSsnaistt " Her is a ship that is CWWWi M Woodrow Wilson, and tho Dotted St.itos . Ioaco delegates, m r,J ,'i ".'? our v'orious war president r ... 1 i . - -i-w lll LIIll II (1HI ll.llVJiff on .......... d . .. .-oweu to autocracy. The tfurononn ,. , ,, T" "wereac tin. world lias ever known, tho mats have already gone to wekS Pi?rt Af lT"nK '" 8I,1U t0 be 1,r0Ht "u i" aiplS an ofllclal visit in England before return., I T'?" ,,1attyJ FyM WiUon .ad party will III ily pay , North German Lloyd SteamBhlp c5Zc B tha 8' 8' U0rc w8"'Kt". tonucrly of tho WHEAT SHOWED SPIRIT OF 0. S. 1. Alixululcl.v the . J 1 1 v ! if l 1 1 1 1 1 i our wheal expoi I i since the latest hnr- real hM i n toe m arclty r ocean ;e. f exporta continue al the nt rate, by July i . r next year wo "III i . Hum 287,000,. Sacrifice to Ensure Allied Loaf ,"lsli,:-' '" ' " . . 1 Tana are vra making t:imi a rii'g'i pledge thai the broad ration of allied Europe i hall be maintained, Bj October 10,1918, we haqdtrrad I chance r,r Ur,..n... ml that tbia ooun hipped 65.000,803 bushele since July ,,., ,. .. , ,. ' n m ' ' " .' by tho public Hchoola a OitllOnsbtp Ti I book for uko freo of chargo by toreigaeri Attending the freo ovoning school Aaaerioanisetlon classes which hate bsooms a common adjunct of iiio public sohooli in the towns and lan, it OOnters. But the Textbook la equally available through the County Superintendent of School wbero a ningio applicant for ottisenehtp In an h:ikn;k hocikty its citizens, because Ihey are free to (IIJUHTI A X govern themselves, a high degree of morality and nelf control. Wo must Services at 11:00 o'clock. Sub tend) him. in other wordH, to be an Jcel of Losson-Semou noxt Sunday: "God the Only ramie rind Creator. The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes day at 7:30 P. M. The roadlug room In (he church Edifice, Is open on Tuesday and Fri day front 2 to 4 I. M. American among Americans. ThiH Ih th great aim of tit Government and tho public schools, and the sup port, of all cltiMns is desired. The Boreal of Naturalization Is represented In this district bv Mr. Isolated iiiHtriei receives instruction John spood smith, chief Naturaiiza- ln citizenship under tho direction of. t Ion Examiner, 404 Federal Building, a school Teacbor. Tho opportunity j Seatl !e. Under him Is a force of for Instruction in citizenship Is thus 'seven Examiners, two of whom are becoming universal for foreigner In stationed In Portland, Oregon In the classes up to the age of 20 years. 'Sunday School mepts on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may he admitted to its tho United States. j Custom House Building. These of- Tlieso classes for foreigners who flclals will be glad to Interview or correspond with citizens and officials desiring to cooperate in the America nization work with the Government. Greatest Single Food Achievement. lands In continual menace from a horde of unasulmiluted aliens' WhOSB W have Invited to enter our1 ports, Every army iiruft board in i the country ba i had abundant ol tb tact, imerii Unlsm 1m an ae which can no longer be Ignored. it i proposed by the Bureau of desire to become citizens are like wise open to the alien who never has taken the first steps to become a citizen. Here Is a groat field for patriotic work on the part of civic and patriotic organizations. Under, an intelligent Instructor tho true glory of Americanism should be made so plain to all aliens that they will of their own volition seek to become oitiaena. A campaign to oniist tho alien as a member of a c!as studlng Americanism la the public schools is thus in Hie highest sense a campaign for making citizens, and Is the duty tic Americans everywhere. This Ih a work for Women :ii well OS . for It is .lust as esseiit lal I the wife of a foreigner to i I citieem hip i'i true! Ion as her band. The Bureau of 1 it Ion also, offers u series of motion picture The public is cordially Invited to the Church Sevlces and to the Read ing Room. , Ho your Christmas shopping early. SUFFICIENT SUPPLY NOW. All the N.uiona Will Be Ablo to Re turn to Thir Normal Cup. ply of Whits Crpcid. A Memorable Achievement of the Titanic Struggle en... i. in..... .... , ; .. ,i... ..........I .. ........ .-,,. ! . .Li, IIIIUD UlUnilUllllft llin Ull II II M- II- .Mtturalizat ion to carry the American-1 , . ,. ,, i mis oi our Government Inr u.J' Willi 'hi iiv ii him iijroigucr , . , . .u .... ,, ... ... citizenship classes In the muni;" inn medium oi uie pumic ohool ' ol the United States In I erj America eared and sent to Rurope In n year of crop failure i n.ot 1 the li is the history of Wl oi 1 1 In ihe ii month. Oar w n.-.u ex- port m proved - (y to the world that America waa In tbia war from sti n to Qnioh and wining to make any sacrifice thai will h iry or maintain the health and of peoph . upon who:i rested the beeriest wvlgbl i" our war. Now thai preseure on oc i Is eased by the stopping of large mjve- our efforts to save wheal The ac- undiluted surplus i-eti- tine ami other hitherto InaVni eta "in become available, and probably m more than ot r normal sur plus will have to Lave HiN coiimry. We In America anil the nations which have won the world far freedom will be enabled t ,.,it their normal wheal loaf ut the common table of the peo pies of democrat . Vi entered the erpp year with a wheal supply which gave us only '-o,i hm i,i MX I bushels mailable for ex port. When 'I crop year end bad sent I 11,000,000 bushels of -to Europe, The American people had I OUI of their normal consumption 131,0 ' ,000 bushel . A survey of export figures shows that the of (lour brim.! I Ubout by the wheatli ;s meals, u heat- lass, substitution in our k'ti hens mid bai.eries, eiiildeil us to send to our armies and the allies 88,000,000 barrels of whits Hour wheat Sgured BS Hour. Mini WS exported only our islbie surplus, we would have been able to ship less than 4 . Ti( M 000 Lain 1 1, Before the lal of December our sur plus had gone overseas, end an addi tional 80,000,000 bushels bad been tak- n from the Stock reserved for boms imptlon anil added to the surplus . tready shipped to the allies, it seem sd liardly possible that v.e could lirlug our total exports abOVS 100,000,000 busbebl by July 1. Put In .Iuiiuar the lata Lord Itliomlda, then ISritlsh Food 1 hi roller, Cabled Unit unlet we ould SSOd BO additional 76,000,000 busliels lie could not tabs responsl- bllltj for assuring bis people thai they wouid be fed. The Aliierlcan people responded by sending,uoo bush els of wheat, saved from their home iniHiiiiijit Ion, between the first of the year ami jit- advsol of the new crop. : : AND )NFlRMEO : I : : : : -:- ' 'I in a oi war with Ueruiauy shows thai even In the I ar thinking students did not undervalue the strength n republic inly . : m mid id In Euitilie sill ; be tiiuil di e u. "I do r I lie Ai soldiers," he told a high ofllclai '. "because time, v.'li ii l :. ar is the luti II ;i nee and de- vol. mi of one le, inlred million original minds aid people train ed io ii faith m Individual initia tive. The day HuU these peo ple, DOW so mat! rtaiistic In out ward appearance, are stirred spiritually, day is the day of Gel tunny's doom." (ii.iriii where a publii : as i . over 2000 public schools are now cooi wiii the Govern- l through ' oral i worth In r pri Ion which in US ' I confident thai the sob will accomplish their tusk in the m , s field. - soon -i the newly arrived im- i 1 1 in- iftar an Is - rears . i ior bis final certificate or lp. Ninety days after tiling .;. bl ipl i on bs may pome into j. court for a tost as to bis fitness to I- heroin., a in, nil. .r of the body of i -Itlzeus. If 1," satisfies the court that T be speaks the American language , ' ,ll!tl IIOIL ,11- 1 Sll I I leiem i ueiUU!U! LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS, :: OREGON Established thirty-two years jBtstd no introduction Through square dealing have won the confi dence of the people and are no longer in the experimental class, but stand among the solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de serve the support of all home people KVEhYTHlNG FOR EVERYBODY .;. ;. .;. .j. .;. -;. .j. .;. .. .: .;. .j. .j. .i. .j. .;. .j. .;. j. It is strange that a rider should abol(h ponies. Hut that Is Just what i b prohibit i": i .'hT did. H iiiy Nete: t)f the : (ding men who during tho last year have made the voyage to Kurope, a large part (Xpeet to remain there for the i oliling winter, a number of them aro at pre em enjoying i walking tour in Prussia. o .The readjustment from war con ditions to peine (otulitlollS In tho commercial and industrial world will have to be bundled with gnat ran, or In u year or tWO we shall ba i each other, "Does recon struction r COP l urct '!" ed with our form or government and With the idea!- of the American people to become s egpebla citizen and good neighbor, be Is admitted. Otberwl a lbs ofplJuaUon h- denied or .oi. tn ued. Of course ha must ply with all the requirements as to witnesses, length of i residence, i ertificate of arrival, ate. The tin"" is well within the memo ry of many of the rearb rs of this paper when proceedings to admit cltueni wars a farce. Such Is no lip classes in the public schools. To farther stimulate the interest of the alien in his stu ll:e Bureau, I'y Wil h thS public is, will i certificate t I : ' ' It I ' tO i.i , them- with ol the United aid In taking ; that ilirei lion by the teach Much of the work abors outlined en accomplished in tills Btai ; nd ( broughout i be country. :m of i American tra- ' I liroug'.i i b four tnd tho work b.'is been most rapidly extended since the Dotted BtatM entered Ihe wur, Hatty things remain to be dono to carry out the vast plan to completion I in every corner of tho country, but public officials and citizens by tholr , practical help aim Intcrost can hasten tho work that has been 1 undertaken. Americans should be as proud of their citizenship as t heold Romans uere to he Romans, We are proud ' of our flag because of what it symbolises. We must ba proud of our oltisenahip because of the rlght- j BOUaneaa and majesty of the great I principle of equality, liberty and Justice of our (ioverninent. We should strive to make every alien iinong us an American first, in his Hardware that Wears Hard We have TOOLS necessary to repair house or barn, farming implements and the thousand odd fixings about home. Keep things in STANDING UP shape. When the weaken, repair them. Our KITCHEN arr! HOUSEHOLD sup plies and accessories are of the best wearing and ncalest appearing articles of their kind. AND .YOU SAVE THESE $ $ $ I. S. GEEK & CO J a ,... . That Fall Suit! !n Mil V'i- mir I m:i! .' him riitmhlo tT """;"r ' "'"'- A -Presenta.lve of ,.,., Auu,rit,ut y ,., hlm tho laiiKiiagc. We must also teach hlm that a government based on the it of the governed Is one which hah l oppression, and yet reipilres of PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO ASSIST NATURALIZATIONS. IN Few persons perhaps are aware of the extent of the campaign for the at Ion of aliens in citizenship that the United States Kovurument has Undertaken tliroiiKh the Dureau of Naturalization, Department of Labor. Tho war has demonstrated beyond the Government attends the bearings. The qualifications of the applicant are weighed end tnalysed. in ths majority of Instances where be dee not., show a Sufficient acquaintance with ths form ef our government and ih Ideals oi the American people bis case Will be continued to permit hlm Io tual i a ful her study. Bat the lUdgeS and the people generally ars iuick to note that tin foreigner Ih at a disadvantage If he I tack the means pf informing himself I Of that which ths luw ami the COUTtS require. To meet this almost mi- hersal need among applicants for citizenship the BueaU of Naturall.a lion, with the suuctlon of Congress, bus prepared from material furnished Have it made now during the slack season. We are always busy, but more time now than we will have a little later. Call and See Our Samples and Styles ;-Zoglmann Clothing Company I'm still buying all the HIDES, FURS and PELTS J can gel hold of BESSES Further: I'll pay from GGc. to $1 more for coyote and cat hide than . anu other buyer in Eastern Oregon Highest Cash Price for Hides and Pells If 1 don't I'll give you the 50c. and you may keep the hid' L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore. W JtsstWsjB W 4 sflB BsWBBBBBBSlfl r, ESP3E SEE Luxury of Eating A LUXURY THAT MOST HAVE OR UNDERSTAND GOOD EATING IS PEOPLE DO NOT Firstly It consists of what you buy and secondly of how you cook or serve it BECAUSE the WOMEN of Orefloft do m much oi the buying for. Oregon homos, the responsibility for movement for a Or cat ef Oregon" rusts with them in a very large way. 'i In- degree of out in will depend on the extent tn whuh Oregon s women WILL it w home products. n.iMii indu i ''' OasooM We will furnish you with the best eatables procurable and at a very fair price. We will give you the best groceries you will find in the city. Then it is up to you as to how you cook it; but even there the mer it of our sales is shown by the result. Go where you knew you can find real luxury in plain simple food that is stand ardized and houghtJay the mosi discriminating housewives in your community. Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager E5 ', -fr -253 v nit. ;;,;., tiAkJ.w: