I The Times-Herald JULIAN HYRD Maasgi r SATURDAY. DFCBMBF.n 7, ISIS SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Sit Mnnlhi . Thr Monlh . . $2.00 . 1.00 ,., .78 Kntered at the Post Ofrieo at Burns, Oregon, an Second Class Mutter. STATU OF OHBG0N, 4XHINTT OK HAKNKT. . NOTICK TO COXTKACTOUM. PKOl'OSAI.. Sealed proposals, addressed to the County Court , of Harney County, Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for Constructing a Bridge In Harney County, Oregon, over the channel between Harney and Malheur bakes at Narrows, Orogon," will bo re ceived by the County Court of said County nl ill orriee in the court house. ;it Hums Oregon, until 1 1 00 0'clOCh p. 111. oil the 30th tluy of uiiii'i'. ini. and at tit.it time and place will he publicly opcne I and i FORMS, AU l iipon a iiiauk torn to i" d from the County cierk. m bis office at th". oourthouie, at Barns Oregon, must , re the prices proponed, both In riling and figures, and niuat bo signed hy the Udder, with his address. RIDDRR8 BOND. K.i.h hiil It I ci! by a ' l .. . . fler's I i tab) bid I duly ei con- I I intraol la an fall to e In ten .: i -t Including Sunday) from -, b 'i glvei ad to i ;in. i . and iii.- tame shall i.- tii-- property of the county, ah i . oa h, boi i and o rtlfled Checkf will be returned to the un.ie- l ui bidden a bo i ubmftted the '' HL'RKTT BOM). A corporate surety bond will be j required for the faithful perfor-l mance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half of the total amount bid. cans avii sri:ruic.Tio.N. 'Plana may be aeon and forms of i ons and i mtraet may be secured at the County .lark's office, courthou in Bursa Oregon. i:i:m:( riov or BUM. Tie- right Is reeaf red to reject any or ail propoeala or to accept the pro posal deemed best for Harney County. Count Court of Harney County. H. C, I.evens, County Judge. It. L. Haaa, County Commissioner. .. . (' ant i n nil ilouw Cheater Dalton, county Clerk of Harney County, Oregon. Dated this 4th day of December, 1918. thk xkw Iff Ml maeazim: "Bull'llajj The West" Batablished If 10 Por the de relopment of Western Industries, agriculture, mining, oil, and aeentc attractions. Of Interest to the Western Inveetor, farmer and sight seer. Printed on high grade paper with copper half-tone Illustrations. Year, $2; copy, 20c. Sample, 10c. 3 back Bumbexjl for lie. Send now. The New West Magazine, 1211 Walker Bank Blrlg., Salt Lake City, (Hah; 1004 White Bldg., Seattle, Wash.; 790 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Address nearest office, or place your subscription through this news paper. o Nothing is ever accomplished by forcing a man to kiss the flag. If ie-i will not honor the land In which ho' leepe, eats, earns his livelihood. ii iii. ad, protected Uld hil I beet ise he Is It'a i .: laea, onlj 1 1 - him vi;i i ,i Id Lib . Oregon, . lot I HANK WKM'll HAH RXPH1UBXCH WITH roiti'i:tH. The V. S. 8. Mount Vernon was torpedoed oh the morning or Beptem .. This Is the Iran- port on Which Prnnh Welch ( Smith) has been llnce M entered the nuvy. lie wrote of it recently but said he could not give mUCh of a doiicrtpllnn. lie Is noi permitted to go Into detail on the subject. Ilowover, he wrote that lie was Just finishing hit I roak fast preparatory to going on watch when the torpedo struck Mho ship. He Bald It felt as though the ship raised entirely out of the water and then Just aa suddenly sunk down about ten tv.-t. The water tight doora were closed which prevented the transport sinking. Pour fire rooms were torn open and Prank writes that a team and wagon could have been driven through the cavity made. In this condition the trans port win able to return to port In France on Its own power Which brought commendation from the higher officers for the very efficient manner it was done by the offtceri mil new. The following poem WM writ I. -n bj the Incident ; TUB MOUNT i:itt HONOR BOLL COI'XTY COritT IM'IMJMT King Albert of Belgian certainly i had a Wonderful comeback ak September morning, ih" tilth, on Thursday morn; wiii a rarnbow atlor . i An in e be red ten l dawn; And our prOUd To the throb of engines' pound Sei mi d to chime In with our dream ing To tl o "1 ah the On i un, I i As I . ir forward i rning, U'! ' I Dg, I ling For pO -it Ion iii t i fair am id i h . arhend .lusl ii.-ie a; b I lie holier n DCS, Bpuarel . oq our center, bulkhead. Hurling firemen to their doom. Thirty thousand tons of metal Lifted, twisted, eraeked and in-tit , Ten feel lower apOn we nettle iaa the water fills the rent, ih .u! i hrec o' i n loj al brothere, Bhipmfitel true and hcrOOS hold. Pride of sweethearts, wlvoi and mothers " ' 1 1 v. adorn the honor roll 'Ere our ship I ad to blvt r Depth bombs roll from off her - ''ii. s.'iivm roar and engines quiver As the I'-beat's might we spurn. Bvery man sticks by hhi station ".Stand by till death" Is Naval law Traditions of our mighty nation Again are kept without a flaw. BOOfl we circle wide the Oeeun Ltkra - rippled bird In flight, While iii tfoyers spread commotion wi;h th searching depth bomb's might; Then to port our ship ts headed, Listed now andnrouuded Hon-, ON aero the car zone dreaded Bank three hundred mile, in Shore. Sixteen hours of super itenmlng On one half our holler power. Brings us to the lighthouse gleaming Traveling fourteen knots an hour; Through a mined, and narrow chan nel, Dark, and swept by in hound tide, Water-logged and hard to handle, (luldes our ship to berth Inside. Letters, wireless, orders, cable l-i; li.ie our Captain and his Crew For the work so brave and able Which has brought us safely through ; Bl ' our hearts are bowed in sorrow, Anil the praise Is tinged with pain Ah we view with deepening horror, Phlrtl i v of i omradns slain. Theirs the price and theirs the glory, Qui -n," at to hlstoi tory, in tight nil war If W0 on o ;.-Acioo has evh! lary Mm h To 1 1 - - ,i for nil tut the world's only use for trenohesj v. Ill I e -iery. To the Tax Payors or Harney Ceunty: Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Harney County, him fixed Monday, December 30lli, 1918, as the time, nnd the Court House at llurnn. Oregon, at the place, where the estimate of money proposed to bo raised by taxation fur the ensuing year, 1919, may be dlanusscd with the said County Court, also, when and where any taxpayer subject to such tax levy, when Dade, shall he heard for or against any proposed lax lev.. linn, i! HmiitoB of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the Banning year, 1919, by Harney Counly. Oregon, and the purpose for which the said money Is proposed to be expended, to-wlt: County Ceurt: Salary of County Judge, per diem of Coniinliloneri eie t 1,704. GO Circuit Ceurt: ' Salary of bailiffs, reporters, Jurors, witnesses, etc 6,030.00 Justice Ceurt: Fees of Justices, constables. Jurors, wltnosses, etc (30.00 Sheriffs Office: Salary of Sheriff and deputies, traveling and office expense, otc. 7,665.00 Clerk's Of rice: Salary of Clerk and deputies, and Offlco expenses 6,166.00 Assessor's Office: Salary of Assessor and deputies and offlco expense 4,200.00 TVcHsurer'N Office: Salary "of treasurer and office cxponso, 1,600.00 School Superintendent's Office: Salary, traveling and office expenses 1,520.00 'oroiiorN Office: Of coroner, Juror , i. -.. lied. 00 BtOCh Inspecter: Baler ol Btoi h InffpMetor 400.00 Count Health Officer: Salary oi Health Officer I " IM lit -t Hi ah t of Weietits itml Mi-iumi-.: 1 1 . i r n ' Count pro rat Widows' Fen-Ion; Allowance on i ii es: By next summer the War-Time Mr. McAdoo has reslgnri.l Back-Yard Gardeners will be Just1 flees. But the country does plain gardeners, but we predict they cept the procedure on 7iln p will iuIII be on the Job. air. nation. v .. " "i gun A Real Economy Dread making bcoitMNi a plea i fallen bread OTCOka is un kiDiwn with CrcNcent Making 1'owder. 20 per cent greuter energ-y ins tires lifrlit, delicious bread from all i'onrs. ' " 'T -ll it ZSc lb. ( tra in, supplies, bui lal , In ; : - I GOUT! Hon i : . Jail i Hbr - : ! S I 1)00.00 lOD.OD 0 -I 1,600.00 100.00 ; MB Thos. W. Step! 3ns Will pay beUer pr" any one ce for all your Fairs, SIHes as See hfm before dIfroK?2Tjfof Ccm BUcif: ok.:gon 1.:-: HHbHBbVBI ' : l-'llllll 0 1 III I i -s I.I I i. and I - lary of Boat - - - -in truction, ii pal) . lumber and geuer penaesi inoluding S8,000 0 to v.iih .state Highway Commission l.ev i. in , ra . the amount si. ii. prohabh- r Ipl i of Harney County, for Ihe year in-ui .our b T than by direct taxation i .1 Btera is on County d i o ill I'eri i.in'ii of Public i eroenl uni of I ore ent il it, by the State ol mnly o wild animals Total probabl i eeipl i w blah Hum derived i ron i dpi i will ie u.-.e. i toy the reduction ol Indeb and for other uses in which they can pi applied, Totalnmount of property listed o I roll Total amount or tax Intp Total to be ral ted b) ts t$A Ion mf-nt or special school district levies on file with ihe County i l-i). Dlsl. No. Amount Diet. No. I 1S,104.S7 ': 4 1,500.00 ::t . 7 . 11 IS 15 17 is SO 2', 21 30 111 y 7i ,00 .1 ,0014 V ,0007 ,0089 Holidau Snc ('hrif.ltr.rf: Con profusion, fii; , Slradivarc Sit l id for . Vol Ivan Spruce rounding hoard nam a piano no inetalic sound Paae's Sweet Sho 11.1140.00 BJ.50 iiss.sta.oo I I t ,.l I. II ". U17.74 5 1,187.74 N. BROWN & SONS Brown 's Satisfactory Stori QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corset Hums. : : : : Oretjm WeoBiT) goods ndveetieed o the "If osne rmdurte !' 1 1.182,642.00 ; in iiu f mmmmmmmmmmmmm ' ,0184 402. Hi Bfi L'r.r. os 2S1 1,881.88 44 888.88 4.". 755.00 4K :t:t'j; 60 281.80 51 1177.74 511 016.70 81 160.00 57 270i;t; 88 y:tr. no . Amount 1,801 00 117 1.14 14a :2 8,886.80 ::o.5:i '. !l II il 2,500.00 780.46 1,886 "ii 488.88 1.805.20 1,340.72 l.Olti.41 I . You will please take notice that the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid against the several funds on Dec. 1, lhl.s. and the amount or cush in the bauds or the County treasurer of Harney County available for pavlin-ni of such warruuts, was on Dei-ember I . I ! I : Warrants Cn-Ji General fund S8,7S,76 188481.80 Bend fund 4,7ti.!ll 1 1,1,55.77 HIk.Ii School fund 1,486.81 i!, loo.oo Itubhlt bounty fund l.'i.l'u , . , :14.:',L' Building luiid if m 67.00 Pat ! al Bui i 181 under the . i I . i the t ..:y Court, ' I ii. ' Inland' Empire Realty C A. A. TRAUCOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS s " OANS MADE ON APPLICA TION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER Phone 30 orCilM Burns, OregBBl BJBJ Bl . - . : - v -.- .--.: - "i I '"' ' J '. cut I-. r. R. 0' live in a bouse, irefull . ... ; i aa g nulling ii t p rth taking .. d., y0ui Chriatma n pptng early. mall l.a in Patronize WRAY'S AUTO STAG! am! get a daily service between BURNS and BEND FABEi $9 - B 50 ilMk rnj ga e l HE AM QUARTERS AT SIEED BROS. PhoiK1 15