The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 30, 1918, Image 5

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This In tho man who will bring
your boy back to you. It in i;,.
wuru N. llm-icy of Chisago, chair
man of the V. S. ahlppinK board
who Is now overseas to make dual
.arrangements for bringing our
) ankj no i in
Jl'ST syt IHS
Our Oovernment, which deals In
billions, will find a way of putting
water on arid lands to meet require
ments of returning soldiers, but If
the jobs they left are given the men
and there Is solemn inference to
this effect where will be the rush to
get on the land? Oregonlan.
It Is to be hoped that tho consci
entious objectors In all these months
months have not become too firmly
fixed In the habit of conscientiously
objecting. Mother will hardly wel
come a conscientious objector who
feels obliged to voice an unfavorable
opinion of her cooking.
Some of the boys from across
landed at New York yesterday. By
looking at the map In this issue it
will be noted that New York Is one or
the few states that has remained in
the wet column so no doubt there
was some celebration.
When our boys come home we'll
have to have a big time but with the
dry atmosphere around these parts
he enthusiasm will have to be 100
per cent to make the thing real. Wo
can do It.
Perhaps swords will soon be beat
en Into plowshares. During the
peace celebration we certainly saw
wah boilers and garbage cans beat-
i ii into producers of lnferanl sounds.
- o .
And what shall we do with our
lollar-a-year men? Our sense of
economy and good judgment would
impel us to chain them in their places
ind keep them Indefinitely.
Cheer up. Everybody's good at
aotnet b
The Italian Ynliul Is creatlvo. So
Is the French, lloth I'ratico and Italy
have done morn for creative art than
any other nation. Ancient Greece was
artistic, but gave It up when she
gave up her Individuality.
The creative mind Is always Im
aginative. Imagination invents.
An Italian's Imagination made wire
less telegraphy possible, and con
traduction ha not yet silenced the
French claim that Daimler and
Farinan were the parents of the
automobile and the aeroplane.
The German 1b less creative, but
he is supremely painstaking and
diligent. He has that genius for class
ification that toilsomely elaborates
another man's discovery and makes
it serviceable.
And what of the Yanks? A groat
European chemist has been kind
enough to say that we're marvels at
leaping gaps.
His compliment carries with It a
touch of censure. We have learned
In a year and a half how much we
can do when wo must. Tho Notion
that Germany could Ao certain
things better than any other nation
Is now exploded. That Germany did
so Is Indisputable, but that was be
cause America didn't try. We must
lay the blame on our lack of patience;
we can't plead lack of aptitude.
This Is not a vainglorious fanfaro
nade. Of all that enormous list of
products for which we depended ab
solutely on Oermany there Is none
that we are not now providing hero
at home or Its substitute. We real
ized, when we had to, that Germany's
supremacy In chemistry was due to
our disinclination to challenge it.
During the last two yoars it becamo
necessary to do what Germany had
been doing In the dye Industry and
accordingly It was done. So also with
drugs; and now, after a period of
monthH. America's chemical Industry
stands In the position which Ger
many's held entrenched against the
world. Potash, salvarsan. the photo
graphic agents, all the coal tar pro
ducts for which wo looked to Ger
many as habitually as we look to
I China and Ceylon for tea, are now In
Uncle Sam's backyard between tho
woodshed and the barn.
The fireproof and acidproof glass
of Jena, without which many a chem
ical experiment 1b impossible, is as
necessary today as formerly but we
don't end to Jena for It. Nor to
Thurlngla for the watch crystals
which we thought we could get no
where else.
Fetish cults are not confined en
tirely to the South Sea Islands and
the Congo. It Is well that tho most
mischievous of them all has now been
effectually dissipated.
Yes, we should have started noon-
It r on the problem of getting things
ready for peace, but it came rather
Midden like and no one was pre
The American boys who hoped to
knoet the Kaiser In Berlin must bo
ladly disappointed that he did not
main there for an introduction to
Ihem. Hearsay knowledge of them
raa probably all that he carod for.
Now Is your chance to get your
winter supply of apples and vegeta
bles as we will have a mlscelaneouB
car load in Crane about Thanks
giving Day. Apples will sell from
$1.40 per box and up if taken from
the car. J. C. Carter, F. B. O'Con
nor, and Post Master at Crane.
MmMS&t ' 'iX fit
(&' ' BkHhILw1 '
wm -
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The popularity of Queen WIN
helrnlna of Holland has received
a severe test and a small Jolt,
which shows plainly how far de
mocracy's blow at autocracy la
being eflt. Dutch Socialists have
voiced a request that she abdicate,
the sheltering of Dill KohsnSOl
lern, former German kaiser, being
a straw which offered an opportu
nity to expose the political unrest
I'll pay $50,000.00 for
the kaiser's hide
Further: I'll pay from 50c. to $1
more for coyote and cat hides than
any other buyer in Eastern Oregon
Highest Cash Price for
Hides and Pelts
If I don't I'll give you the 50c. and
you may keep the hides.
L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore.
Notary Public, Laud Oiiic Practice, Fire
Insurance uud Keul lOntatc
Jf you want your hay injured, ee him
Ofllce: Tonawama Building
,.. :-: OREGON
Simple Minded people will rejoice
today becauae there is peace; with
out much knowing why.
Tho sons of greed will rejoice at
the proBpect of lower taxes, and
higher profitfl.
Mothers will rejoice that aons will
return unncarred.
Some will be glad that the day of
absolutism appears to have gone.
Hut really tho final cause for
praise is that we can begin to dimly
see that all the hell of these four
years was not without divine pur
That out of the furnace 1b coming
the gold, and that tho blaze has
burnt the dross away, and left a
world cleaner, or higher ideals of
worthier purpose.
He has not hid his face from us.
He Is still moving among the
habitations of man, and those legions
of sacrificial spirits, who laid their
human all on tho altar, have not died
In vain, for their blood washed away
mountains of human Belflshnes.s
mounds and peaks of heaped up
wickedness; and, as the clouds drift
slowly away from the face of heaven,
we rind the sun still shining, as calm,
as serene, and as life-giving as when
man's Insanity, and worship of false
gods befogged Its face, with their
smoke from burnt offerings on the
altars of Baal.
For His mercy onduroth forover.
The world knows this today; a
year ago It doubted It; four years
ago It didn't care.
For the awaking of the sons of
men to the glory of tho Infinite lot ua
thla day give reverent thanks.
For Croup, "Flu" and "Grip" Coughs
M. T. DaviB, leadlrng merchant of
Bearaville, W. Va., writes: "A few
nights ago one of my patrons had a
small child taken with croup about
midnight. Came to my store and got
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
Before morning the child entirely re
covered. Parents can't Bay enough
for Foley's Honey and Tar." Sold
by Heed Bros.
IT is the "stay-at-home"
dollar the dollar spent
for local products that
keeps circulating among us.
All dollars may look alike
to you, but it is the "stay-at-home"
dollar that makes
Oregon grow and prosper.
Hums Industry league of 0boon
The dally papers look strango with
out the war maps. It was "tho only
war we had," and It In natural that
we should miss It a little.
Food restrictions have made it nee
nssary for many a stout woman to
reduce, greatly to tho benefit of her
appearance and health. Now that
sugar and wheat aro easier to obtain,
we hope that sho will not begin to In
dulge In them as formerly, If she
doea she will be sure to loan what
she has gained In gaining what sho
has loat.
Mrs. Illenl (Jains Twenty Pounds
Wants Others To lie Helped.
The problems Involved In winter
leeillng are usually distinctly differ
ent from those of summer feeding.
I Paaturo (or green feed), usually tho
basis of aiiiuiner feeding, Is not avail
I able. Broadly speaking, thore aro
I two factors Involved In this problem,
I first to aatlafy the needs of the cow
! and, second, to ault the pockotbook.
The cow must have an ample aupply
of feed of a palatabte nature, and
thla feed must be auppllod at a price
which will permit a profit on the
feeding operation.
, q
h. O. Feyon of Seattle was register
ed at the Hotel Levena during the
"I havo not only gained twenty
pounds since I began taking Tanlac,
but It has done mo so much good
that my doctor after seeing the im
provement this medicine brought,
advised me to keop on taking It,"
declared Mrs. Mary Bleal, of G19
Dayton Ave., Seattle, a fow days ago.
"I feel ao grateful for Tanlac, I
don't know what to say," continued
Mrs. Illenl. "For threo yoars I suf
fered audi agony with my stomach,
that I wasn't able to do a thing
around the house. In fact, I was
hardly able to get around at all. I
completely loat my appetite, and
what 1 did force down cauaod me so
much pain, I could hardly stand It.
Of course this got my nerves In a ter-
hrlble condition, and 1 hardly knew
what It was to sleep at night, I d
Just roll and toaa until morning.
"At laat I got ao bad off that I
was taken to the hospital, and had
an operation performed. I was there
for five weeks, and when I finally
got back home, I was a perfect
wreck. I was ao weak 1 couldn't
move around the house at all and
had to stay right In bed and my
husband had to leave hla work and
wait on mo. I had the beat attention
I could get but nothing seemed to
give me any atrength and although
I tried and tried to get up and move
around, It waa no uae. I wag too
weak; I Just couldn't do It. Every
body Insisted that I go back to the
hospital, but 1 Bald; 'No', I had been
through bo much I Juat couldn't boar
the thought of going back thore
"Then I decided to try Taulac, aa
I had heard so much about It and It's
the honest truth this medicine did
more for roe than I ever thought
anything could do. I have taken
six bottles now, and my stomach is In
aplendid condition. I have a fine
appetite and can eat anything I want
and never suffer the least bit after
wards. "Tanlac certainly has built mo up
wonderfully. Just think, before I
took It, I didn't have strength enough
to set my own table, and now I can
do every bit of my Iioubo work, even
to the washing, If necessary, and I
sleep like a child and wake up In tho
mornings feeling refreshed and full
of life. I've gained twenty pounds
and look so well that my doctor
told me to keep right on taking
Tanlac, and you may be aure I'm
going to do It. I'm glad for everyone
to know what Tanlac has done for
mo and hope the story of my case
will help others sufferers to get tho
name relief."
Tanlac la sold In Burns by Beod
Bros, and In Crane by Vale Trad
ing Co. Adv.
Services at 11:00 o'clock. Sulf
Ject of Lesson Hemon next Sunday:
"Ancient and Modem Necromancy,
Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism,
Denoum od."
The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at 7:30 P. M.
The reading room in the church
Edifice, la opeu on Tuesday aad Fri
day from 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday School meets Saaaay at
10 o'clock.
Paplla may be admitted U Its
clasaea up to the age of 2i years.
The public la cordially lavlted to
the Church Sevlces and to the Read
ing Room.
Established thirty-two yean Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
Hardware that Wears Hard
We have TOOLS necessary to repair
house or barn, farming implements and
the thousand odd fixings about home.
Keep things In STANDING UP shape.
When the weaken, repair them.
plies and accessories are of the best
wearing and neatest appearing articles
of their kind,
THESE $ $ $
I. S. GEER & CO.
That Fall Suit!
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
Luxury of Eating
Firstly It consists of what yon buy and
secondly -of how you cook or serve it
We will furnish you
with the best eatables
procurable and at a very
fair price. We will give you
the best groceries you will find
in the city. Then it is up to
you as to how you cook it;
but even there the mer
it of our sales is
shown by the
Go where you know you can find real luxury in plain simple food that is stand
ardized and bought by the most discriminating housewives in your community.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor