The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 30, 1918, Image 1

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The TImes-IlornM goes re
gularly to more homes In Hnr
nej County than any other
newspaper. If yon wish to
teach the people mi these col
umn for yonr advertisement.
, The Times-Herald lit an old
t.iMI In .1 friend of lhe people
of 'i nicy County where It has
heeu a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It's joh department la
equipped to nerve your need.
NO. 5
Bills for Irrigation,
Clearing of Lands Get no Further
Than Introduction. Clamor for
Labor Throughout Country is Now
Heard. Work Enough For All
The sudden and unexpected close ,
of the war has probably put an end !
lo movements for providing farm
fcomos for soldiers. The soldiers will
tt home and in private occupation j
prfore any progress could be made I
touetit. Secretary Lane estimated I
K would require a million or .wo
Men to make the preliminary study
wcessary to work out a plan and de
ipfmine location of suitable lands.
He had in mind Irrigation of arid
fends, drainage of swamp lauds and
clearing of rut-over lands. Any pro
ject would require a year In pre-'
pration and at least another year
efore the land would be ready for '
cultivation. Before this could be
icoomplished thj men will practically
111 be discharged from the Army.
Both Oregon Senators introduced :
bills designed to start work along
this line, but neither bill was acted
on. The Chamberlain bill provided
(or construction by the United States
Irrigation and drainage projects
hriHigli contracts with districts.,
organized under state laws. The bill
assumed that the land would be in
rivate ownership and that owners
rould vote bonds, whlh. daposited
with the Secretary of the Interior,
ould be the Government's security
against loss in the construction of
the reclamation system.
It was the plan of the Chamber
lain bill to provide employment for
returned soldiers on the reclalnia
tior. projects and to acquire homos
within the projects on which they
worked. '
The McXary bill bad a similar
arpose but provided that the re-
klaniiaiion work bo under control of
te Secretary of War the main
irposa being to provide homes for
eturni'd soldiers. The rei lainiation
ork was to be treated largely as a
rl of substitute for a pension
. A bonding provision is part
McNary plan, with ropay-
ieit- to cover a period of abo 14 68
ear:-, with a low rate of inter
it ion ni Inutilities and
c certainty thai
returning there has been
denes of concern as to emp'lo)
em. Almost every kind of Industry
iiig for help. Fan;., i at
id they must raise greater crops
ill. hi ever and they want to
now where they are going to fi t
ke labor. Shipyards are still calling
r labor and recruits, for tho mer
mni marine are needed. Deferred
on- Tuition work of ail kind It
boned, particalarly building In
les, roi i o i raei Io
ta I. etc. AllBOCl every Kind
: ntlal work, from painting
i to building n skyscraper, ku
n defi rre i of the high
tor tad materials.
Wiln lal or mi'! materials p
Will lie tal
i. i ; doubtful i ore, wbetb
v in be lie tow
tar the m
.i le foreign
i i succeed In elll ,'l"lr
I in our markets, thus llmlt-
IX ,. II ' 'I oi
DXHl i: Alios u:i:k FOR WAR
i lie purpose of bringing be-
re I he eoiile in a forcible mati'.ei
,,,..., i i .,i,, f..,,.i Mini shar-
W I , ,-ll JIJ,, .......
It' Ii with the mih m and the 111
I 1.1 . til l '"""
I ,,, , mined December l-
a nation-wide "Con
wt.t., i . . .. o' i.i i,.ii..f" ..mi n stirr-
III HUI III I .-!, , i
Ik program of education and eatbiUV
ni win be carried out iniuiwan"-
houl the country.
ii i ku lul ii ner-
' " II . I ' . 1 , I M I I -
pal in from Herbarl Hoove
ii be read from all puipns i
unhes of all denominations. Wed-
Reclamation and
nesday, December 4th, will be
"Women's Organization Day" and a
special Hoover message will be the
central feature of a patriotic pro
gram In all the women's clubs of
the country, the meetings being open
to all women whether club membeVs
or not. On Friday, December 6th,
special patriotic exercises will be
held In H the public schools of the
'('tilted States, and a special message
from Mr. Hoover to the boys and girls
of America will be tho central feature
of the program. Throughout the en
tire week meetings and parities will
be held, and effortB of war workers
will be centered upon the task of
waking tho public to an alert real
ization of the after-war need for
greater conservation than ever.
Preliminary to the inauguration
of "Conservation Week", meetings
of all county feed administrators,
together with a leading club woman
from each county, will be held in each
state, and this gathering will be
addressed by a member who w'll
bring a personal message direct
from Mr. Hoover. Instructions for
the campaign and material for the
work will be given out at these
gatherings. The meeting of Oregon's
county food administrators and re
presentative clUb-women has been
called by State Food Administrator
W. B. Ayer for Tuesday, November
The orginal pledge made by the
Food Administration on behalf of the
people of the United States wa i
17-Ms million tons of food to be
shipped overseas by July 1, 1919, an
amount greater by 50 per cant than
last year. Now that France and
Ilelgiuni are liberated and millions
of people In South Central Knrope
clamoring for food, the I'nlted States
is undertaking to increase Its ex
ports from 17-Vi million tons to L'O
million tons.
Ho business man In any town
should allow a newspaper published
in his town to go without his name
and business being mentioned some-
here In Us colnmne, j kn en
change. This aiiplies to all kinds 01
business - general ht.ircs, drygood .
groceries, furniture dealers, manu
facturing eetabllahmenta, automobile
dealers, mechanics, professional men
ii'id in fact all classes of business
Bn. Thai does not mean that you
ahQUld have a whole or a hull' or e. n
:i quarter pay add in every issue ol
the paper. bUl your name and bust
ihould be mentioned If you do
not use more than two line spine.
A stranger picking up a newspaper
should be able lo I. II JUS) '.hn'
DUa .,. M ill B town b'
looking at the business mentioned In
the aper. This It the beal possible
to a i advertu r. The man who dOi
not advertl t bit bn does nil
j.iju Hce tO himself and Ills cily. Me.
the man who c pi cl '!
in do the ni". ' fr " advei
for hi i town. Tie' riian who In
baring the bu Ineai thai
' to town but r
!,,.,,. i no( ii valuable addition
y town. The life Ot any town
lihi mi adt i ; i ""'"
Tht voir.:: Of lel ;
, .,.yit,g "Bread, Bret ;" muel b
i in ! am i '"'- wouk i
!. .-, good plan, ho
,!.,., with war bnadv v. can : pare
or course wiien the grolgtlce was
'signed Presldenl Wilson could nol
1 loin the wild erowdt In the street.
nut ii on receiving the newt be had
relaxed bit dignity by a llttU pi
,, dance of his own, who
could blamo him?
Although the latter part of last I
week It appeared that Hums was
almost freo from influenza
new cases developed during the week
and two deaths have rosulted hero,
.lames Kribs died Tuesday night at
his home in this city, and Clifford
Dickenson, son of B. A. Dlckonson,
died late this afternoon at tho em
ergency hospital, botli of these vic
tims hail developed pneumonia. In all
there were nine cases at the hospital
this week.
Two additional nurses were brou
ght in from the Bgll section the first
of this week to assist, Mrs. Donovan
and Mrs. Thos Hutton. Tho latter Is
reported to have contracted the
disease and is under the care of tho
attending physician.
Crane has 30 cases according to In
formation from there and one man,
II. L. Bunnell, died there from the
eifecis of it yesterday afternoon.
Information was telegraphed from
IN d Cross headquarters at Seattle
yesterdny that a Ked Cross nurse
who had been sent out from there
was reported Bick at Donlo. Tho locul
Chapter authorities were asked to
see what could be done for her. An
Executive Committee meeting was
held that evening and an attempt
made to get in touch with Denlo by
wire but up to the time of going to
press there had been no response
from that source. However, It was
learned from parties coming up from
that territory that there are about
40 cases of influenza between An
drews and Denlo and that the nurse
was really ill, possibly from over
work. Harney County Chapter Is
bending every effort to secure volun
teers to go down Into that territory
and aid the trained nurse. Every
available person in this vicinity Is
active in I he work and since it is im
posslblC to get trained nurses any
one who has had any experience Is
urged to help.
'resent Indications nre Hint Hums
will have no schools until aftor tho
holidays at least. Othor pIbcos that
have raised the restrictions and per
mitted gatherings have experienced
recurrence of the epidemic.
Telephone word was received tbit
evening that the six-year-old son or
Mr. and Mrs. I.lovd Culp had been
dangerously hurt at the family home
below Lawen by hli horse falling
wllh him. Dr. Smith made a hurried
trip down and found the little fellow
suffering rrom concussion of the
brain mid anconsclOUS. II Is a sarlOUB
i o umr Christmas shopping early,
"- . - "" . I . INIU . M;WfKsOvHH
'irfKisr-' -4 -i m j wm
ymSi I ' f
nggegjXVV VBM l
. r m Wif its i
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33 J . .xJff""' -
J h," m
Lloyd Johnson and Bill Catterson
were In town for a couple of days
this week completing the necessary
arrangements and filing the papers
relative to forming an irrigation
district in the Dawen neighborhood.
With but one exception every In
dividual in the proposed district
signed a petition to the county
court asking permission to form the
district. We understand the matter
was placed before Mr. Olson of the
P. L. 8. Co., who had no authority
to sign It, however, 'but he told the
men to go right on with the organiza
tion. The proposed district covers
some valuable land In the Lawen
country and a consistent boundary
was made in order that there could
he no objections as to the class or
character of the lands embraced.
The petlon was filed with the
necessary bond and the court Is to
act upon it at the regular January
The hams are placed in a large tray i
of fine Liverpool salt, then the flesh "Uurlng the past four weeks sever
surface Is sprinkled with finely Hi thousands ot bodies lave been em
ground erVde saltpeter until the !)Unled under my direction as special
hams are as white as though covered ' representative of the Council of Nat
by a moderate fros! or, say, use ollu Defense In charge of this work
throe to four pounds of the powdered j hl pbjldelpbla. Not only did nearby
saltpeter to tho thousand pounds of J nieuibers of the I'urplo Cross respond
green hams. promptly and heartily, but the War
After applying the saltpeter, salt
Immediately wllh the Liverpool fine
salt, covering well the entire sur
face. Now pack the hacs in bulk,
but not In piles more than three j
feet high. In ordinary weather the
hams should remain thus for three
Thon break bulk and result with
the fine salt. The hams thus salted
and resalted should now remain In
salt In bulk one day for each and
every pound each ham weighs that
is, a 10-pound bum should remain
I ten days, and in like proportion of
lllnu Int larortlf. Oflfl smaller stZAS.
j '
NoxfVash With tepid water until'
Irie hams are lliorougniy cieaneii,
and. after partially drying, rub the,
entire surface with finely ground
black pepper.
Now the hams should be hung In
the smokehouse and the important
operation of SSMkiag begOO. Thii
smoking should be done very gradu
ally and slowly, lasting 30 to 40
Aftor the hams are cured and
' smoked they should le repepperea,
I to gaard against vermin, and then
bagged. These hams improve with
age and are ill perfection wh'n one
-. . ar old.
Do our ' brlstmas hopping early.
J) i I lL ill
''" ' lll'i s
The Present Epidemic Similar to Black
Plague Which Has Swept Earth at
The Close of Other War. Becomes
Endemic in a Day and Even Isola
tion Does Not Make One Immune
Howard S.Eckles of New York has
taken a position entirely opposed to
that of the medicos. The Weston
1 Leader publishes the following state
ment made by Mr. Eckleu:
"Itegurdless of what death certifi
cates say, the embalmer who has
handled many of the cases In tho
epidemic knows that they are differ
ent from any that ho has dealt wkh
before Ibis visitation. 1 know that 1
naVf. found them so.
)0lmrtmont, ut the request of the
Mayor of rhllaoljihla, detailed to
the Purple Cross a number of its
members who were stationed at
neighboring camps and cantonments.
j lmve done onough 0f this work
L. - rHonally during this period and
posted enough bodies to be thorough -
,y a(.(1,minted with the post-mortem
svllll,t,mH, which resemble and pro -
I m,iy uro identical witli those which
ihiory KVes us of the Ulack Plague.
.Tlu, epidemic already in six
WMkH MaR rot America five times
H nluIiy jivcg aH wo lttV0 ost on the
L...I. 4,-1.1- C..-n A t.o ,. 1 v
uaiue-iitsiua ui nuiujiu, hioi.m,i
., , not lhe rcult of any one specific
..It (g ,)ot tno influenza; is not the
Asiatic C&olera; It Ih not Bubonic
Plague; it Is not Pneumonia al
though It frequently causes pneu
monla, or at least a condition closely
resembling it.
"It is tin- Bksek I'lague of the Mid-
die Ages, which so often In' the pgsl
'has swept tho world.
"It Is a cross breeding of bacteria
uiieinbiilmed bodle-. burled in
jrounn- which later la ehurned and
re lunned by the tramp if armies
;lll( ,), i,,,!) 0f shells, as the lines
alternately advance and retreat.
The medical profession has identi
fied Spanish Influenaa or la grippe
epidemics that have iwepl the coun
- ni varying Intervals, generally of
a decade or more, since 1 8S0. it
lo irave Identified the germ
and to have li covered a uny to oom-
bal it or ai leatl the pueui icus
following its train by means
i of a serum cpmposed of like germs
cultured and then killed. The QC
velopmenl ol this serum was report-
id in the University of Minnesota
not long ago by I r 111 .itn Mayo
,uid is i.ow in. Keneral and successful
U I.
lo we have the medico and the
embalmi r flatly arrayed again n
.neb otht r on the iiu Isi ue a th the
i ! the beal of It, by
. n o i t lie gratifying reauua oi
bis sen. ui treatments In the can-
Bellki . h wever, the doctors 111
i i'" naelves tumped by one
of the notorious and wli
wildfire, faster than thi s ud With
spaed it cro I ip.b ocean:'
i i rondlnenl and I ct bi endemic
: ' '' " si"':' ''"'" ly jl!
1 I '' ada to the north and
:' now '"' "'"'
" U'lin" " :'1"'' "' '"
spreads without.
SI'iiKl'lt PltOb'ITAm.K I l.K I ii.-
Large shipments of sulfur or ter-
Illliser UBC are being broiighl into
... .1,
(lie), on. II IS only recently inai son
Investigators have found bow to-
lori nil sulfur is M a Plant food,
liberator of oilier mineral plant food,
,nd aid tO baclerlal activity, Tbe
!nlpmenti are t reeull of several
..... ,.r InveetllStton conducted by
the Btate Agricultural Collegt at the
central and several branch expert
ment stations. The experimental
findings bave been verified by
numerous field trails through county
agents and farm owners.
Sulfur increases crop production
with certain crops and soils for a
value far in excess of the costs.
Since it may be a plant stimulant
its continued use is best safeguarded
by feeding the crops on the farm and
returning the manure to the land.
"In some cases a gain ol two or
even three tons of alfalfa were ob
tained by the use of 80 pounds
head of the soils department at the
college. "(Jraln crops have shown
flowers of sulfur," says W. L. Powers,
20 per cent Increase from sulfur
Increased yields with some crops
have run as high as fiOOO per cent
in Southern Oregon trials conducted
by F. C. Heiraer, superintendent of
the branch station at Talent.
The effects of one application of
flowers of sulfur lasts at least three
years. Since tho cost of application is
. $2 to $3 an acru the yearly cost,
producing a gain of one ton of alfalfa
' an acre Is but a dollar.
l:njeM (lrlc(i frut Is prepared In a
- ... ,i a,
palatable fashion, tamuies win nro
. ,, , w)n ,, watted. This will
re;,, t unfavorably on the gardens lor
nevi year and on the drying cam
paign, The main difference betwe..,, dried
and fresh foods lies In the proportion
, u-.,i i thav contain. Theref' re tho
rr i III preparation Is to Hi
ilc.k ..,,,.,. aboul equal in amount to
(l;1 ,(w, ,ur!n drying,
(ln,, r,,u ,,,,,, why dried food- bave
,,,.,, unpopular is thai they so often
have been undersoak'ed and over-
cooked. When lhe time of sod mg is
... .I thai of cooking shoi t, Mm
, , win l e more like thai "i fresh
Bhane and texture must bi
ered, the more solid the artlol
longer the time required for di
llll(, ),,,,,. the longer the period ot
soaking required. After wa
,.,,,.,, f,)(),is should be put Into three
or (-onr umM their liulk of water and
u,sx (.OVl.r,.,i ut B cool place from
three to forty-elghl hours, Recording
to their substance. Should any indl
i afoii of fermi ntatlon appear, I hey
mil. I be scalded at once. Qthei
leave them until they regain their
original size or lose most Of th
wrinkles in the surface; then the
time of cooking will be bin Utth
longer than thai n.eded by the same
fruit or vegetables trs ih fn h
The water In which frull
d should be used to coolj the
of ii ; k ii flavon d
like tbe aprtCOt, more water mi
,i for cooking and Dial in
it loaked will serve to give flavor to
, eaB apples or a gelatine tie
. n
Morris Bobwarta kill I m
th.vari . th- , sehwaru home this
Bjoi The animal w evbi ii
urrerlne from rabies as i, would
. .,.,,.,, ,,,,,, .
Mm. h. B. MacceMioard the anil .ii
during the night nroiind their porch
but thought It was a dog. K ily
thii morning Mr. Bchwarta weul ul
I ... I ...I..,.. HI.... M
.hit some woou wuuii .nr.. ..,..,
. ..!..., 1.1 .....I.... t . M... ..,,,,..,1
cui mi kiwuiiwh -
Whleb bad gotten IntO tin- B0B
'.nil. I'pon going near Mr. BcbwartB
dlaoovered II was a coyote Instead
of a dog and quickly dispalelie,! ii
with a club. It wat a lucky th
was found before it bad bitten I
of domestic animals or i ol iho