Notice to Bend Subscribers ThftMCOnd instnllnirnt of principal on Fourth Liberty Loan (rubscrtptfosa will be due on November 21st. It will bicilitMtc the work of the bmikn eouNidrrnblv if nil who npreed to pur chaae bonds under tho installment plan will meet tlionovonil payments prompt ly us they beOOBM due. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Burnt, Oregon The Times-Jleraid Ha The Largest Circulation Of Aay Newspaper In Harney County. " - SATURDAY. NOVEMBER S3. ISIS I V VOCAL MUS NOTKS. Mrs. Archlo McGowan was up from Crane yesterday. For Sale 1916 Model Ford Tour- alive or dressed as suits the pur- ing car. Just overhauled, good tires, i chaser. Phone, Sl'21. Inquire at this office. .. I'HK l-'IItHT NATIONAL HANK OF J. L. Hutler and wife were re- . IICKNH. CAI'ITAI. AM) KLIU'I,L'M glstered at the Hotel I.cvons during gltHMIOO. "THK HANK THAT the week. ! MAKKM YOt'll s HAFK." ACCOf NTH 1NVITKD. Clyde Embree was looking after some business affairs in town jester- Mrs. Clark Is ImcU from her hur day. ric (I visit to I'aulina where sin- MM llaled Alfalfa Hay for sale in car lots. Write Finney & Bender, Onta rlo, Oregon. Mr. Cochrane-. 0OBB4M ted with the state military police who was hero for a time during the summer, isriim,. jn lr(Hll ,,. ' rail(., ari, w, k back again. ,',,. is p.,,,,,,, doinM W(. ,', Full pa.Miicnt I'ourth Liberty Loan Itonds are now reuily for Deliver). it km;y ooi nty n a t i o n a i. HANK. Marshal McDonald tried to scare BR a case of "flu" for himself but after staying at home one day found he didn't have time to lake It so has postponed indefinitely. The gravel Ir being placed on the floor of the new stone garage build ing of the Hums Harare. They have also fitted up a room in that part for the vulcanizing, tho steum pipe being Je used in coils to heat tho v. ork shop and rooms of the build ing. It is a handy arruugement. Mrs. I.ouel Iteed Is assisting ill the telephone exchange because of the enforced absence of some of the operators. Mrs. Ithon has been out of the offio for several days taking care of her husband who has the in fluenza, and Miss Qlsdy MoKlunon was Quarantined al the bom of Mr. and Mrs. Hert Richardson because member ol the tamUy bad th la fluen.a. f Prolong inff II unian I A IV! In the f'fi ort to letifftneii tpetDRti ! humsfi ex istarico, every available resource in Nature's sloii house is utilized. These must be classified and sy-l.-m-ized and ready for use. This is the work of tin chemist. The intelligent iiandlinK of this vast store of reme dies, under the direction of vour phvsician, devolves on Your Drupfint We employ none but competent vr,.iltiaLi-tl pharmacists. The Rexall Drug Store REED BROS., Props. II. '". Hoyer was here from Ontario during tbe week. Thornburg Is able to be out after a severe attack of pneumonia. K. I). Towsley was down from his Kiulgrant Creek ranch during the week. H. U. Hugger, who has been work ing In Mend t'or some time, Is ugaln In Hums. Mrs. K. It. Ueynvaan has fat turk- i eys for Thanksgiving. May be had ailed because or the sh 1 i;,ss i;f hei son itex. lie is recovaiing rapidi, With no complications. ,.,,.,,, , .. ... , Kd Kgll is at the home of Mr. and . n,r ,..., ,., .fc... .' ian,in v liin . i in itif ii ,,, ,. -uilll nf ,,.,,,,. .. ,,.. : omplicallons. Wo have Just received a carload of choice Hood Itlvc- apple Of the Order early a suiaiiy of the SI I already spoken for. The price Is r8.36 per box at Crane. Crane Mercantile Couipar Robert Drink water, C. A. Harlan. Attorney J. K. MarKs came over from Canyon Thursday on some busi ness in this county In connection with the John Mtildrick estate-. He was accompanied by his wife and son. They went on down to Crane and lie expected to take a duy off for On shooting before ho returns homo. C. A. Harlan was up irom CTana Thursday looking in on hi friends and attending to son business. H reports his mercantile business crow ing most satisfactorily. Workmen begun excavating for new brick building for the OCCUpane) of Ihe Crane .Mercantile Co. ih;ii morning and Cy says they expect io h n new home .soni- I h I sari In January. Bur wr Bvii stamp. C. R. MrOonnell has gone to Vale and Boise on business. Peter Hanson was over from his j home on upper Silver Creak during . tho week. Tbe beautiful weather of the pant week ha caused many favorable re marks upon the fall climate of this action. O. M. Ryder of the firm of Ryder Bros., Baker, was here this week looking after the trade of his firm In this section. Jamos Weston and family were up from (ra no last Wednesday on a visit with relatives nud friends and looking aftaf some business nffalrs. Tho Timos-llerald Is Inrormod that Mrs. Thos. Morrison died hi lo-r homo In Canyon this woek from In fluenza. Tom's many friends in this county sympathize with hi in deeply. THK FIRST NATIONAL RANK OK III It N. CAPITAL ANR Ml Itl'l.l'S 1 100,00. "THM RANK THAI MARKS YOUR $ SAKK." ACOOINTH INVITED. Notice - .lamos McKee has taken over all the property of Cecil McKee and all persons holding accounts agaiust Cecil McKee aro requested to present the same to tho undersigned at Diamond, Oregon. Walter Cross and hlsgranddaugh- i era, Misses Cora and Jessie Shepnrd. were down from Trout Crook for u ' few days this week unending to ihe job of getting vaccinated for in-1 fluenia. They went (lack to the ranch to remain until the bun Is raised and the schools resume. 40 acre ranch :( miles from Caatle Hock, Wash. 4 acre cleared 14 acre tillable all fine soil 4 room house good spring and running sir. MUR. I I'letiiy of wood. A good little ranch I for any purpose. I'rice $1600. Wl!l trade for Harney Valley land. Ad dress Ueo. W. Fenton. Camp "-K. Newport, Ore. Died Wednesday afternoon, at Crane, James Officer. ! let eased for I merly resided In tho Dayvilln country but of late years hud been residing .In the vicinity ir Crane. The In mediate cause of his deuth Is re- ported us from .i hemorrhage. I ti ll was Buttering from tuberi ulst ; trouble and was In h stOMJ in Crane when a saver coughing spell oaAM on him. He walked out on the street ! where lie Minn I'Xplreil from ti.,. Wood. We understand he leaves n , wife and sl children to iiiourn hltn. ' Hurry Smith came In from the , ranch th Other da7 suffi ring Irom a cold. Hih wife conceived the schen to Keep him at horn for a te ., ,,i .,,, the .lUtliorllie . tuarai- th house as a suspeel ol influousa :,t ,t didn't work for very long Ujajlttnlty for their sacrifice In under- Andrew Irwin, who look after tho tuklnr tl.'s inmortuit work and , " '" " niii'oriiii.i iirs a n qoaruntl I. tooa th nail over and m unity. I nnectlon with the ,,:"lv,'l wl1" '"' ,'""1'1 "" il'"' whan ""fry appeared on the seen,- and I A,"'y k"1 l""1' "' ,,1" '", "' "VWn ). ..i. 'i it hi W In ' urn II mi ' yourself, I'm too bosj to pa I party to Mich i anuflatuj." Cal (ieer CaUd In I" hello Thursday as he was going by Hd in discussing th w-.ithcr he rnarhd it was a finer day than It was SO years ago on Thursday and Wfa in asked Why '"' reniemi.ered Unit nir ticular day so well be suld that till years ago on the lul dir of N'ovetn ner he and Mrs. (leer WOT made man and wife. It Is u foregon elusion thai they have been year ol contentment and good fellowship hs they aro still sweihourls. Their maiiv trietttls of tills city certainly extend bent wishes to those respected people who hav jouinejcd together tor so many years ami who have been r ponsihie tor natty happy times tor foaogr people who had th goed rori tine in he numbered as tht n frlanoa. May thy live to celebrate ih;r dlsnond wedding Is the bop of the writer. I The Tine i ' r Id i:- Intel nod by neighbors ol Ut Drew e country that Mlghborbood can boss! f tie- crack rifle shot of tho world in the person of ls Joi si Tho be - . i .. - ii. an ;-uod i iiu ,t gamu I ud remark- d at i U i n b M -i I ..r.irie.i thai ii I'ncii . an would lei dial lalie hi "Wii cue le .1 una: B .i i inn (or vry shol bu flrod within rang, Upon arriving s camp i. li" wa:i iai. en in ihe rifle I I bis sfiuinl and ; uivd i' bull'l evei y ahol al i distant s of 440 yard Ut tt movlitK bsffel, 'ihe officer In chare ihoughl tber wa mime n take ami tried him ,i;;aiii Willi He tan retulti Jsa was sent , bai t( I I I ! I Q "ver I in-re it is understood in mads good In his i a, That's t hs kind of record Ihe American bO I WOr e. peeled t.i make and jl St Is one ul Ihem th I eang up io gpt ststi'oua unit then -some, Backus was In town Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mahon were In town Wednesday. O. W. Simmons and J. O. Butler were up from Narrows tho, fore part of this week assisting a neighbor In making proof on his land. Henry Trowbridge waa among our visitors during the present week. Ho makon froquont trips to our vicin ity In his huitnoss dealings. The Red Cross Christmas pack ages have had tho attention of Rev. Father Fronds and some of tho ladlos during the woek. The time for mailing has boon oxtondod to Nov. 110 which will gl.vo more time for this v-( rk and tltu give the boys n DOttS? chum n ED roeeivo something from nome. Jamos Anderson and Joe Milord wore In town Thursday renewing ac quaintances and attending to some business, affairs. Jim had Just com !!oted his work on tlM t'nltcd War Drive In his community And hurried over to turn in his money before he P lit it he mi d. If nil tho pcoplo wore lilso Jim AnderHon and his neighbors It wouldn't be uny trick at all to secure war funds. Friends In this section have re- cr-ntly received letters from Mri. James Mutton and her daughter, Mrs. Claude Smyth, to the effect that the latter has been 111 with Spanish in fl'.ienza at l.os Angeles, hut Is ro OOVMTfSg, They aro Hpondltig tho winter In Southern California and have asked that this great religious weekly he sent to them for the re mainder of the time they are down there. Mrs. 10. C Kgglestou called at this office the first of the week and stal led that she had decided to con tinue the business of her late hus band. He was connected with the oregon Life Insurance Co. and was a nis.rie, man oi important lerri-j tory. Mrs. Kggiestoii rocelved flat tering propositions from the com pany to continue, the work of Mr. Kgglestou and after consulting with BOB of her friends In this ssetlOR decided to aceepi the responsibility. She If capable woman and one thai will do crcdllelilc work. Marshall hfe Donald Inforia TB Herald lltat tho hOO)ltl that was fitted up for influenza patients kn the bulbllng formerly occupied by Mr. FlreoM-d hat been closed us the patients had sii recovered but later OR developed and ho was arrnim Ing to house then In the Marv Cald well building wh'eb Is more eORVi n tool tor neb porpo Ths first onergeno) hospital wm taken oar Mri .1. K ?.' .''v and Mrs. (Catherine Oraaam who proved fine en:--e- i-.ii capable women, They de serve "i he I I wit he of this con- presenl (t)ldemlfl of Influenia thre eertainly hav th t hunks of the oogs are other who also -houid he gtven . . i ..i . . .j . i...i . ,i i. '" ' " "u,r l,r""1' "' H ""' wruer other than th two ladles above, Is not familiar with all il refrains from making any personal mention ' mo II. -ie we mac he nhle to g'-l the necessary Information to give proper mention to thee who hav given their time and skill toward relieving the situation. Charley ' vnatnriliiv WARTIME ECONOMY need not prevent you from SEASONABLE COMFORTS Winter is approaching and it is time tc consider purchasing warm clothing and comforts for cold weather. We have a complete line of MACKIFJAWS, UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, SWEATERS, Etc. Shop early in the season and get best Burns Cash Store Report of the Condition of the Harney GYmty HatiMl Bank of Burns, Oregon November 1,118 RESOURCES Loan and Discount United State Bend Liberty Loan Bend United State Treasury Certificates.. Bonds and Securities Furniture and Fixtures Real Estate Owned Rebempttc i Fund Cash and Exchange U A35. Capital Stock Surplus .'... Undivided Profits National Currency Rediscounts and Hi;!.! I aj. serve Bank Deposits Accounts United States Depositary John Kecthoff. Sen., did St I Melollus, Ore.. ittHt Su.idny. Mr. Seethoff lived iii this (it) for about I two years prior to lit 11! and still ; owns a section of land adjoining town, lie noted from In-re to Mo- loilu when ho built a large flour mill. He leaves four i h'.ldren and his widow. .Mrs. 11. V. Bchnall Is a ,iUUghter of the deceased Fred (loyt and family took their departure last Monday morning for fori limit Cri-l ti.iil il ii t.i; ..-it lit hlfti , ,, . , Interest In the I'niversal Oarage and WSJ pn parinp to ilium to l'ort land whrru he had a position; on KundiM nicruIiiR they reoatvfd a t.'.'!- (ritn i ucliig the sudden de. iili of Mrs. Ooyt's mother which haateu--i their departure, Prod stated to the writer that he hsd a good posl- ; oa , .r,iuli wbtoh was so at- tractive tii;i: ha preferred it to a business of his own. THE WAR'S ON GERMAN TERRITORY NOW i MiMsaneaaMSsmr Tgg- V x "Kr !l!.iina'aYTtu'WLftoa f ri i "H t M? V--v Slgfcir5RE3stLSB:MLa NdgHCV gfcC' HtlUL aSRCeRtTtyt rAWCE ii .a TTi i Jr isti I ,T,1.30 J.00 A'.OO 1G.U0.00 J8,619.17 4,502.22 1,300.00 1,175. 0 183,255.63 $640,113.32 $26,000 00 52,000.10 7,902.44 22,700.00 TIES te Federal Ke- 1,500.00 530 010.88 $540,113.32 Invited Oregon State Depositary Rye Smyth and his son Cutui were here from liapiiy Valley WeJ nesday on business. The aviator at Dallas, Texas, w': set the v.orld's record by plishlng 102 consei-urive loops. have lmaglued a' his fi.ilt-h that li bad been suddenly whirled beV non-prohibltiou days. OL w. cievenger Is preparing to move his undertaking bade Int the Odd Fellow building, to Occupy' the north store room .f the building i ' ' where V.'. B. Huston, fornncrU' COSH ducted bis hastaets. The tiinc u I remodeled for hix oecupi Nd -. ... .t w'fe were hers tit for ;nrt of this week from Al herson. They can tn to rWi wion relatives and friends for a tew deal 'and to get vaoeinated, .Nick ststsj ho is doing a very good bu i- in I the mercantile line at thai point liMSi Here is a de- i tailed map of the allies' mortgage on Qermany. n is the line where F o c h will stop his troops until Germany signs the peace papers which the alllpa will dictate. It means that the war Is moved over Into Germany, and, it further lighting ' Is uecesaary. It will be In Hun villages. The shaded area shows German ter ritory, with bridge heads across the Hhine, which will be occupied. France and Uelgium are free from the can non's roar.