The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 23, 1918, Image 3

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    "j :"
I Carolyn j
of the
Corners j
(Cofrrriiht WIS. br DodU. MeW Cwnpsnj. 1m.)
The Home of Carolyn May.
It was ome distune,, from the rnll-
tnad station to the block on which
arolyn May Omncron hnd lived all
tr life until she hnd gone to stny
,1th Tncle Joe Stag. The child knew
he could not tnke the enr, for the con
ductor would not let Prince ride.
She started with the dog on his
ensh, for he was not muzzled. The
luK beenme heavy very soon, but sha
Itnggered along- with It uneomplalu-
piK'y. Her disheveled nimearanec
nth the bag hnd the dog, gnve people
no noticed her the Impression that
Barolyn May had been away, perhaps.
lor a "fresh-air" vacation, and wus
i itnlng home, brown and weury.
u her c.i)cctunt family.
But Carolyn Mny knew that she wns
inning home to an empty npiutmeiit
i moms that echoed with her moto
r's voice and in which lingered only
leiiiorles of her father's cheery spirit.
Yet It wns the only home, she felt,
lint wns left for her.
She could not bhnne Uncle Joe and
llss Amanda for forirottlnir her.
imty Itose had been quite disturbed.
kxi, since the forest tire. She had
Ivcn the little girl no hint that pro
Mi in would be made for her future.
Wearily, Carolyn May travel- I
rough the Harlem streets, shifting
hag from hand to hand, Prince
being sedately by her side.
"We're getting near home now, 1'ilu-
P)" she told him again and iiuln.
Thus she tried to keep her heart up.
Ilu iiiine to the corner near winch sue
Ltd lived so long and Prince suddenly
uiiTed at the screened door of a shop.
"Of. course, i"r fellow I That's tho
: "a," Carol) u May said.
I She bought a penny afternoon pn-
rr on a m,w.-i stand and then went
ki the sho;i and got a nickel's worth
and straps for the dog. The
li rfc did not know her, for he v as
new man.
'Hay ventured along their block.
lie children all seemed strnuge to
lu-olyu May. Hut people move so fr-
mtly in Harlem that this wus not
all queer. She hoped to see Edna
-Mine other little girl with whom she
In! gOM to school. Itut not hi. id she
tie bed the very house itself did uuy-
I . hail her.
"Oh, Carolyn Muy ! Is thut you?"
I A I, line hoy wus looking through the
an fence of the areavvuy. He wus
juiiitor'.s son.
" Hi. Johnny I I'm real glad to see
M!" cried the little girl. Then she
hied more slowly. "We- -we've coiuu
idle again me and Prince."
"You'TO grawad lot, Curolyn May,"
lid the boy. "My pop and mom's
"I'll go up Into Kdnu's Hut, then,"
ii weary little girl sighed.
"The PriCM have gone away, too.
ley unut be back tut tomorrow
"Oh!" murmured Carolyn May.
' 'But, sny, I can '! the keys to your
M. i he water's turned on, too. Evcry-
Ing's all right up there, for Mrs.
rice she sweeps and dusts It nil every
in a while. Shall I get the keys?"
"Oli, If you will, please 1" returned
relieved child.
'1 ' o hoy hobbled awuy. but soon re-
ii d with the outer-door key and
key to the apartment Itself. Car
fa May took them and thanked him.
leu she gladly went in arm ciimoed
i wo Mights to their floor.
sin- saw nobody and easily let her-
If Into the flat. It had been recently
I and dusted. Every piece of fur-
ni i- -lood Just us she remembered It.
'Oh, Prlncey, it's home!" she whls-
rwl. "This Is our real, real home!
I loved 'em nil at The Corners; but
' n i like this there
Prince perhaps agreed, but lie was
Hi ply interested In snuffing at the i
L'l of mear scraps she nail ptu- ;
I lor bis supper to reply.
fVell, well. Prliiee." she said, "you
111 have It at once."
Propping the bag In the private hull.
i m Into the kitchen and stood
tiptoe to open the door of the cloaot
I'M ilie dresser. Securing u plate,
iinptled the contents of the paper
f' It mid sit the phite down on thf
K , I
ll -preiidliiL' out the paper she saw
be hlg-type headlines OS the front
Experiences of This Newspaper
"an Like Those of a Character in
Novrl I its for Plnht Months IC
he Desert At the Mercy of Semi-
lavsge Tribes, Man and Wife Escapi
x Last to Return In Safety ane.
Story Told to Beacon Reportsr si
Ijrt not particularly Interest the little
H. ItPKId'M. hHo
WnR verv tired-..
0 tiled ( (,;nk of hrr nw'n .,,.
''"! lbs rend mi, however, even her
Imple nilinl mltflil have boa sti'ttlc.i
v the following paragraphs minted
nciow the heading of this startling
story j
Thr wonderful itood fortune In eacsji
.tM,r"m the StSf that overtook m
""' on v.hhii they traveled ana
wulch was oivikIu between tho .unfile u.
France iMtiioahip and two of a Tur-
Kln soimlnm Ska only be equaled (e,
nio chaneo whin, followed. Naturally,
He a Journalist Himself, Mr. Cameron It
pn-pureil to tell tli. rtoo.n. ni hi. ..
...... mumo nuventure In tho column
tiie Beacon at a later date.
ns of
The In which they left tho sink-I"-:
Uunniven WM separated In tho nlxht
ami log from that of the other rofuweoi
" m vairieu oy the current fu
mo sum u. in fin t, the
Were euv.'loie .1
"y N'R until
landed upon a stretch
of di
elle.l beach
There win no town neer, nor even an
encampment of Arabs. Hut soon after
their dlspmtmi knilon snd before the of
ficer In ooinmund could take means to
communicate with any civilised, or scml
clvlllsed, place a party of mounted and
armed tribesmen swooped down on tho
These people, boln Mohammedans, and
having seen the battle the day before
between the French and the Turks, con
sidered the castaways enemies snd swept
them away with them Into the desert to
a i eitaln oasts, where for nearly eight
months Mr. John Lewis Cameron and his
wife and tho other refugees from the
t'uiiravcn wore kept without tielnir nl-
lowc.l to communicate with their friends.
Mr. Cameron was on furlough from
his pnper because of 111 health. At the
beginning of bis captivity he was In a
very bad way. Indeed, It Is said. But the
months In the hot, dry atmosphere of
the desert have made a new man of h'mi,
and he personally cannot hold much ran
cor against the Mohammedan tribe that
held him a prisoner.
There wns more of the wonderful
story, but the sleepy little girl hnd
given It no attention whatsoever.
Prince had eaten and lulu down In his
fnmlllnr corner. The little girl had
gone softly Into her own room nud
made up her bed ns she had seen her
mother ntul Mrs, Price make It.
Then she turned on the water In
the bathtub and took a bath. It was
delightful to have a reul tub Instead
of the i'iilvuiilid bucket they used at
Uncle Joe's.
She put on her nightgown at last,
knelt nnd said her prayer, Including
that petition she had never left out of
Itslnee that first night she had knelt
at Aunty Hose's knee:
"Cod bless niy papa and mamma ;
and bring them safe home."
The fnlth that moves mountain! was
In tbfit prayer.
Cnrolyn May slept the sleep of the
wearied If not Of the carefree. The
DOlseS of the street did not disturb
her, not even the passing of the fliv-depnrtin'-nt
tracks some time after
midnight. ' .
sffer did nearer sounds arouse her.
She had no knowledge of the fact
that a procession u( A- " T. '"'V
and lue-senjiois from the ral'load com
pany came to ring the bell of the
Price's Hpnrtnieiil. I.nter the Janitor's
family was aroused, but the little lntne
boy thought It would be better for him
to say nothing about having seen Car
olyn May and of having given her the
So when In tho enrly morning a taxi
cab stopped at the street door and a
husby-balred, troubled-looking man got
out and helped a woman clad In brown
to the sidewalk the Janitor bad DO
knowledge of the fact that Carolyn
.May and Prince were upstairs In the
apartment that had been so long
"And the Prices nre away," said
Cnc'e .Toe In a troubled voice. "What
do you think of that, Mainly V"
"Oh, Joe! win re could the dear child
have gone?"
"I haven't seen her," declured tho
janitor. "Itut I can lei yog into the
Hat. There's been lots of tilegnuus
to Mr. Price In the night and they
weren't all yours. You're Carolyn
May's uncle, ain't you?" he asked Mr.
Uncle Joe acknowledged the rata
tin:.- nip. "Let's i:o upstairs," he said
to Amanda. "Now that I'm hero "
"Oh, dear, Joe!" almost wept Aman
da, "could anything have happened to
her In this big city"
"'Most anything, I s'pose," growled i
Joseph Stagg, following close on the
Janitor's heels.
The lanltor s passkey crating in -
the lOCh of the private hall door start-
ed something thut none of them ex
pected. A startling bark echoed in the
rooms which were supposed to be
"Whatever is that?" gasped the Jan
itor. "It's Prince! It's her dog!" shouted
Uncle Joe.
"The child is here!" cried Amanda
Parlovv, and she was the tli'st to enter
the apartment,
Prince bounded wildly to meet her.
He leaped and bailccd. A cry sounded
from a room beyond. .Miss Amanda
and Uncle Joe rushed in.
Sleepily, her lace Hushed, rubbing
her blui eyes wide open, Carolyn Mny
sut up In bad,
"Db, I'nc'c !"'! oh, Miss Amanda I"
she said. "I- I v.'"s J1'"' droamlni; my
own papa and mamma hnd come home
and found mo h ic"
"Mv dear! Mv dMrl" sobbed Amt'.n
da pnrlow, dropping n knees be
ll'c the bed.
You re a gical young one:" growled
Dncls Joe, blowing his nose suspl
clciislv. "You've Sigh about scared
evvii'idv to death. Voiir Aunty Hose
is almost eruxy." '
(Hi I'm sorry," stammered Caro
lyn Muy. "BUI yOU Nee Uncle
je! You and Miss Amanda ure go
lug to be happy now- Al""y u'""' K"ys
'two Is oomp'n.v .' So you wouldn t
hove loom for me."
"BIOSS me!" gasped the hardware
,lnl..r. "What do you know about
,u ehttd's feeling thut way, MandyV
"t sin afraid
haa been selfish.
Joe," the woman snhl, sighing. "And
that Is Something that Carolyn Mny
has never been In her life!"
"I tltwuo I dunno," snld Uncle Joe
ruefti'ly and looking at the little,
flnwer-lllte face of the child. "How
about Aunty ItoMt How d'you s'pose
she feels about Hannah's Cltr'lyn run
ning nwny?"
"Oh I" ejaculated the little girl.
"It may be Mint 'two's company nnd
three's a crowd,' but you and Aunty
Hogs would he two likewise, wouldn't
you. Car'lyn May?"
"I I never thought of thnt. Uncle
Joe." the child whispered.
"Why, your running nwny from Tho
Corners this way Is like to make both
Mainly and me unhappy, as well as
Aunty Hose. I T don't b'lleve Mainly
could get married nt nil If she didn't
have a little girl like you to carry
dowers and hold up her truln. How
about It, Mainly?"
"That Is quite true, Carolyn Mny,"
declared Miss Amanda, hugging tho
soft little body of the child tightly
"Why, I I "
Carolyn May was for once beyond
verbal expression. Resides I here was
a noise In the outer halt and on the
stairway. The door had been left
open by the surprised janitor.
A burst of voices came Into the
apartment. Uucle Joe turned wonder
Ingly. Miss Amanda stood up. Cnr
olyn May flew out of bed with a shriek
that sturtled them both.
"My papa ! My mamma ! I hear
them I They're not drownd-ed I Qod
didn't let 'em be lost In the sea!"
She was out of the room In her
nightgown, pattering In bnre feet over
the floor. A brown man, with n beard
Csught Her Up In Hlo Strong Arms
snd Hueged Her.
nnd twinkling blue eyes, caught her
ii(i In his strog arms and bugged her
swiftly safely to his breast.
"S'nuggy!" he said chokingly. "Pa
pa's ""muggy !"
"My liaby' My baby!" cried the
woman at whom Joseph Stagg was
staling us though he believed her to
be the ghost nf his lost sister Han
nah. ll was several hours later beforo
a really sane thing was said or a sane
thing done in thut little Harlem tint.
"It's lil 8 a lovely fairy story!" cried
Curolyn May. '"Only It's better than a
fairy story It's renl I"
"Yes. yes, It's real, thank Cod!"'
murmured the happy mother.
"And I'm never going away from my I
little vlrl again," added the father,
kissing her for at bast the tenth time.
"Rut what Auntv Hose Is going t j
dr I don't sec," said Uncle Joe, shak
ing his bead with real commiseration.
"I've sent her a dispatch saying that
ths child Is safe. Rut If we go back
without Hannah's Car'lyn "
"The poor soul !" said bis sister. "I
can believe thai In her secret, subdued
way Aunty Hose Kennedy Is entirely
v rapped up In Carolyn May. She will
Buffer if I hoy are separated for long
and so abruptly."
"That's true," Miss Amanda snld
gently. "And Joe will feel It, too."
"I bei I will," agreed Joseph Stagg.
"Hut I have you, Mandy. Aunty Hose
"Be'l -'""''" " lmv'' "nybody. And for j
her to go back alone Into her old house
for she won't stay with us. of
course " he shook his head dolefully.
"Let us write to Amity Hose," said
Hannah Cameron briskly. "We want
her here. Why, uf course we do I
Don't we, Carolyn May?"
"Why!" cried the child delightedly,
"Hint's Just the wny out of It, Isn't It?
H"! how nice things do come about
in this world, don't I bey? Aunty Itoie
shall come here. You'll like her ewr
so much, papa. And Prince will be
Rind to have her come, for she always
llUS Healed Prlncey real well."
Prince, who had been standing hy
with his ems cocked, vuwni d. M hjlitod
in 'I lay down Willi a sigh, as though
considering the tnatler quits sntlsluc
inrdy settled.
Carolyn May. having climbed up Into
her father's arms, reached oul and
drew her mother close beside her.
Bsipg the K.iisi r and All Highe i
may pa very interesting and dsllghl
till hut wlio would wunl to be an Kx
All Highest?
Get the Genuin
and Avoid
. ffillllHI I
isfaJP!? i a, 1 1
mJ& ssam Vbbs akaesdr M
srti sAt? r'm
Ig- 25&&r-c n m y
-I flpTn Every Cake
JasBKaVi-jw? . !LlasP8a
stnhaMi ifii ssaaaaaasaaaaawaaaTsW aai - iiiwM."if, rom
EaUI- - TaaWa-. "Vaam v LZTl Vv-ulrVMBT '
laai nkaussaai' nr" ' rsvJB ibbv si nnsiai ni
il WMsttifLJa wvkwm WZm mm mm
' Hi '' JaikSi JalPPTBt " asaa, JsaawfJrJyJJ. " JfcW ' W &
In Thst, ae In Many Other Ways, ths
Chinese Thester Seems Primitive
In Our Eyes.
Scenery In Chlnu Is conspicuous by
Us absence. Mountains, mountain
passes, rivers, bridges, clly walls, tem
ples, graves, thrones, beds and other
object uru ivprxini'iii. u by an arrange
ment of chairs, stools nnd benches,
while the passage of rivers, horse rid
ing, unlocking of doors and entering
houses where not. even u scrcec extts
bid ween the visitor and those be visits,
the climbing of mountains, execution
of criminals nnd numerous other ac
tions ure presented by pantomimic
motions that lire perfectly understood '
by the audi) nee. Thus, a leper drinks i
wine, in which, unknown to himself,
a vctiot imis ki rpi nt h"s been soaked,
feels an Itching sensation and throws (
himself into nn imaginary iish pond
Where, to tho beating of gongs, be goes
through (he motions of washing and
finds himself cured of that loathsome
disease, to become a future chief grud-
uute. or u general s. nl on a distant
expedition brandishes bis whip, capers
.mssOBBBSb' sT , Skv -
Sjagnr- T- B (3ejlaBs?ssslsBssSBpss?E9P'P3ssr
vjjj MlfEflnsSe, j ; W'Ja-
aViaaSl fft BkV ' WSr.AwA.
ml&SikMii&S&s ' - :Ja"3isiiBi '';E
SfRSr ''WITenof ISe'flTonofCoal WtaBHgjaW W
mBg&mmMi Va2uc408tWi Value 0 7.03 ''4gDfl ,
Why Compare Beef and
Coal Profits?
Swift & Company has frequently stated
that its profit on beef averages only one
fourth of a cent a pound, and hence has
practically no effect on the price.
Comparison has been made by the Federal
Trade Commission of this profit with the
profit on coal, and it has pointed out that
anthracite coal operators are content with
a profit of 25 cents a ton, whereas the beef
profit of one-fourth of a cent a pound means
a profit of $5.00 a ton.
The comparison does not point out that
anthracite coal at the seaboard is worth at
wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton
of beef of fair quality is worth about
$400.00 wholesale.
To carry the comparison further, the 25
cent profit on coal is 3' per cent of the
$7.00 value.
The $5.00 profit on beef is only 14 per
cent of the $400.00 value.
The profit has little effect on price in either case,
but has less effect on the price of beet than on the
price of coal.
Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely;
beef must be kept in expensive coolers because it is
highly perishable and must be refrigerated.
Coal is handled by the carload or ton; beef is deliv
ered to retailers by the pound or hundred weight.
Methods of handling are vastly different. Coal is
handled in open cars; beef must be shipped in
refrigerator cars at an even temperature.
Fairness to the public, fairness to Swift &
Company, fairness to the packing industry, demands
that these indisputable facts be considered. It is
impossible to disprove Swift & Company's state
ment, that its profits on beef are so small as to have
practically no effect on prices.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
arodUvj the stage a few times amidst
the clashing of cymbals, and then
stops and Informs his audience thut he
has arrived. Or a criminal who Is to
bo hung, accompanied by the weird
music from the two-stringed fiddle, will
wiill and moan his confession and then
walk over to one side of the stage and
stand under a bamboo KIe with a rag
tied to the top. He has been hung ! All
pain Is represented by throwing the
head bnck and gazing upward. Anger,
by very hard breathing and staring
eyes. n,very movement of the hand or
head, the positions In which the feet
and arms are held, are all significant
of soirfu definite action and meunlng,
and these movements are perfectly un
derstood by the Chinese, who will tell
you, like the modern school of stuge
artists In the West, that scenery Is r.n
unnecessary bother. From "The Chi
nese Theater," by Frank S. Williams in
Asia Magnnlne.
Aftor our stunt of wild rejoicing
Is over will come the serious national
question- of reconstruction and
readjustment. Attention, class!
Careful Study and close cooperation
win be required of us all.
Here is only one of th
minor reasons why that
letter from vour Yuk
A hero orer there may be
lute In reaching you. I
Maybe that brown enre-'
m ioo is iu me uonom Dag,
" In the far corner of this
S big army postal station
j in France and It takes
time to handle the ton
" itnAtt inn rt iwaal mU.
slves and souvenirs which
P t he Yanks stamp with the
home addreas. But It
does get here, despite
submarines and all- May
be that letter you are
looking for now is in
one of these bags in
this- new photo from
Wanfed!! r
"Fugitive Bill of Germany wants
to be known hereafter as "Count"
llohenzolleru. The ex-kaiser is
here shown as the "plain clothes
man" his own greed has reduced
him to suns gold lace and the
clunking sword. Justice is de
manding u. at this arch-murderer
of all time be brought to trial:
And ho will.
Tor Miller and C. 8ts,
Sunday High alasa st iO::;o o'clock
Week days Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children 8atur
days at U A M.
Rev. Father Francis, O. F. M
. o
Buy a War Saving Stamp.
I Sumpter Valley Railway C?.
Arrival and Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie
Arrives Baker
2:35 P. M.
4:15 P.N.
No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M.
Sun j: er 1:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:1 P. M.
No. 1 Makes Reed connection
with O.-W. li. & N. Co. No. -1
(Fast Mail) leaving Portland l:lo
P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A.
M. and No. 17 from east arriv
ing Baker 6:50 A. M.
No 2 connects with No. T (Fast
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P.
M. which picks up Pullman at
Ba er, arriving at Portlainl 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
.0:45P. M. for points East.
$1500 Reward!
Tan Oral I
. In li sin! Ni . Mid
I. iv,- steak ' '!
lieu aitiiltl illnil '
Wales ni' liliiiri
mm id Is in, i, i
Will (iw J IHH (U
n nsril (in i i
ii, in Issdius 10
Ilie si rest sni. cei.
vii l lull el an . '
tj i i psrlisi ni I,.
In,.' InuM'H rsu!
in in ii Iti bslOUgii !
"asaaasajjlV ssBSBSBSBSas9iBSBSBSaV tJb LBbV?
sbMbiTvsbsW UtftBW flstWaV- aVaLm Bat
ii Hny ui lis ! .
lU SlIUlllllll lOIIll) ul,,,n , ll,,. ini,!,lk.KieU
iiHuis I lie mini) i in, .in inn a,,oo im r,u mi liurns
lirsiiilnl Innse stiiid bur on bnlh or eiilu i jw.
InsuU lecuiiliHl in Slfhl iiiiinilcs Rsnto
llsruey, I. mi siul irnnk iHiUBtlvt, lliiise.
Mill, ii when in ii
Nuns but irown korsss solil snd ouly ta
larsjc iniui lirs.
W. W. U SOWN nit Or(ta.
roivn alay yead do further.
...,.. .