IVKI.INQI'KNT TAX HAKNKY tMM'NTY MHT WKI. OREGON Tlic following lint of real properly nHuatotl In llarnoy County, Btato of Oregon, la hcrony advertised for do liqaenl taxos for the year i ft t -'liils advertising la authorlEotl by an ant embodied in Chapter 301 of tho General Laws of OroRon as passed by the l 1 7 session of the Legislative AstKiiiibly. The tane on the following adrer tlsed Hat of real property beoaiue de linquent October 5, 1917, aad are subject to a penalty of 5 per cent and It toriM f at the rate of It per cent per milium until aaid taxes shall have been paid. Notice is hereby given that alx months after the taxes charged against the following real property first bocomos delinquent the Sheriff as required by law will Issue Certifi cate of Delinquency will bear In terest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until the Certificates are re deemed. Any time after the expiration of three years from the first date de linquent of any tax Included In a certificate of Delinquency the holder of such certificate may cause sum mons to be served on the owner of the property described in the certifi cate, notifying the owner that he will apply to the circuit court of the county la which Buch property Is situated for a decroe foreclosing the Hen against the property mentioned in such Certificate. AbrevlatioiiM And Arbitrary SIkms. Kgo. Range. Sec. Section. Tp. Township. O. V. L. Co. Oregon Valley Land Company. S. O. I. Co. Southern Oregon Investment Company. All the lands dew rlbed are South and Kast of Willamette Meridla i. W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated this S6th October, 1918. Henry Albors, all of Sec. IB and 36 To. 19, Uge. 29; all Sec. 16 and 36, Tp. 20. Hge. 27; NVV'4. NHBWK! . ; , e. 16, Tp, --'. -j. 31; a 1 Sec. 16. Tp. 19. Itge. -S; all Sec. 16, Tp. 21. Rge. 27; NV4NV4. Sec 16. Y). 22. Rge 27; SSH, Sec 16. Tp. 22. Rge. 28; all Sec. 36, Tp. 22. Rge. 28; WV4. See. 36. Tp. 22. Rge. 29; acres 5440. $824.96 Win. Allen. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4 .; NK ; Ntt'Vt, Sec. 30. Tp. 21. Rg. II $53.01) L. E. Altwasser, H. & O. Add. Wel lington. Lot 4. Blk. 20 and Lot 6, Blk. 12 $ .46 Frances M. Ames. NVjNK-4, SWH NTrcy. NWV4SEV4. Sec 32, Tp. 25 Rge. 29, $20.88 I. J. Anderson. SEVNW4; SW4 N:K. Lots 2. 3, Sec. 4, Tp. 24. Rge. 32 $23.40 . Clark C. Austin, NViSWVk. SV, SwM, 80. 15, Tp 26. Kgo.30 and NWV.NWV4. of Sec. 22 Tp. 26. Rge. 30. $29.70 Tereba E. Baker, City of Rums, lots, 1. 2. 7. 8. Blk. 7 $16.27 I'red A. Baron, SWViN'W", of Bar, 4. Tp. 25. Rge31.and SK'-, N!-: ', , I0'2 , of Sec. 6. Tp. SI, Rso. 31 lti.ee .fames II Bennett, .N't:,. BBtt :i . Sec. 24, Tp. 26. Rge.tl $35.20 Alice Bennett. Lot 1-6, Sec. 4, and Lot . 4 and 5, Sec. 3, Tp. 24, R I I $13 10 Chaa. L. BOM, SNEV. W'jSEV4. Bee 16, Tp. 25. Rge. 1'5 . $9.36 . I. 1, Bratengsr. all Sec. 16, Tp. 25, K. 35. $40. SO Win. 0. Brady, Princeton Lot 10, tt.k. 23 $ .28 COM. M. Bran, Burns, N. W. Tust. ( ,.. Add . Lot 2. Blk. 9 $ .93 Hydeii Brooks. NVi NW'(, N DKV4. SEViNE'i. Sec. 11, and NW ilWy. Sec. 12. Tp. 26, Rge. 33. $18.48 it. J B.'jwn. SEViSWVi, Sec20, "!.. 25. Rge. 24 $t.l7 Stroud L B.ii MM, f'E'i. Sec. 24, T(). 24. Rge. 31, $1840 A. R. Hnl. Bit., E'iNWV. N Mi :.W',. Bed 14, Tp, It, Rge. 32 and Kuril Lot 4-5, Blk. 19. $61.75 i:.-fv Burbory, K'jSW'i, WV4 st;', , sec. It, Tp Rge. II H. $29.70 La wen. Lot $ .25 lrrog. Dl,. , Sec 6, 1 15.49 ami Wagner, !iW4, Sec. It, lCf; . :." $37.44 SE4, Sec. 1, Tp. $12 Q Andn-w Christenton, G. wu. 14 i'ia ( li men Tp It Rge. II ( lonl : . Tp Hiram D. Crag " iff Harold W. Crary, Harrlman, Lot 6 Blk 2 3 Fred Itlk 13. M. B. T 11. 25. Crump, Heroey, Lots 6-6 $ .81 Cr i r, NVj sw'.i. Sec 15, Rge .. $10.80 W. Davum Sii. Sec. 16, $9.36 of Sr 8. or J no 1 i. .i. use - ', Glenn L. Devlt, BBV( rp. zs. it" t . : sw 't T11. 25. Jti; 33. Vnna M rii 4 Blk II Claud C Devil,, 1 ji 25. Rge 2'!. Win It Dawson Tp. 25, !lge 1, TIioh. Dawion. WVpUBH. tee. 1 1. See 9, $24.00 Davis, ! : i 1 in.-.. Lots 3 $ 4.65 WV4, Sec It, 114.10 HWV4, Sec 2. $12.15 Est., BVfcNWU. Tp. 25, Itge. 31, 11141 Mary Deal on SK Vt . 20. Tp. 26. 1'ge. 31. $20.70 James Doering, Nff'jSW", Se . 12. Tp J. Rge. 32; NW(4 BW4, H 8WVt. Sec. 28. Tp.3g, Rge 82. $22.06 Fred M. lie Neffe, BE i , 80-26, Tf), 26. Rge 31. $21 60 ItorlJia lfiiioa. Mi NH . SK XW V4 , 8E 14 , Sec. 36, Tp. 28, Rft. 21 Leore R. I, Tp. N vV ' , SE ' , See. Hi 'If. See 21, Tp. Katie M. NWK, WMj Rge. II, Harry M. $21.00 Dickenson. NH :.i: ' 22, Rge. 29; N Vi SW, ENW4. SWVi NKV4. 22, Uge. 29; NMi N V 22. Rge. 29, $38.17 Downing, Lot 4, 8WU 8WH. Sec. 8, Tp 2,1. $25.13 Duncan, 8 Mi SWVi, Boc 4, Tp. 22. Rgo. 27; NMi NW, Sec. 9. Tp. 22, Rge. 87. . $56.80 James A. Udger. W Mi WH. Sec. S, Tp 27. Rge. 14,; HI ' H Mi . &oc 4, Tp. 27, Rgfi. 24, $45.06 R. L. Edmonston, K Mi E'.j.'H.ic. 86, Tp. It, Rge 19 $14. to Ed Eggleston, WMi KM. Boc. It, Tp. 25, Rge 81, Itl.60 John Elohner. W Mi WMi, Bee 8S. Tp. 22. Rge. 33, $28.21 Henry Etchner, NWli, 8ec. 38, Tp. 23, Rge. 08, $86.00 Selma Elliott. S ' i . Sec. 86. Tp.26, Rge. 29 $20.80 Henderson Elliott. 8EM, SBM. S-c. 29, Tp. 26. Rge. 31; Lot 3-4-6. NVM SWM,. Sec 28, Tp. 26. Rge. 31; SE NWM,. NWVi SW 14 . Sec. 26. Tp. 26, Rgo. 31; NEM, SE M, , Lot 2-3-4, Sec. 27. Tp.26, Rgo. 31; SWM, SE4. 8BM, SWM,. Lot 3. 80c. 29, Tp. 26, Rgo. 31; N Mi NWV4, Sec. 38, Tp. 26. Rge. 31,; NWM, NBM. SE M, NWM, Lots 2-3-4, boc. 32. Tp. 26. Rge. 31, $111.03 Cyrus K. Epley. E Mi SEM. Sec. 12, Tp. 25, Rge. 32 Mi; Lot 1-2, 80c. 7, Tp. 25, Rge, 33, $29.70 Eldora I'itxgorald, W Mi NEM,. Sec. 15, Tp. 25. Rgo. 31. $11.20 Mary G. Fischer, EMi W, Soc 24, Tp 26. Rgo. 33, $12.60 Clarence A. Fischer, W Mi EMi. Soc. 14. Tp. 24. Rge. 33, $22.10 Howard M. Foss, SEV4, 8ec. 31, Tp. 24. Rge. 33, Alfred M. Foster, N. W. to Burns, Lot 7, Blk. S C. W. Frarler. Narrowa. Blk 1 Anna C. Fredrlckson, SWM.SEM, 3 Mi SWM,. Sec. 14, Tp. 26. Rge. 24... ?.'Ms NWM. SEM NWM. WMi NEM.. Sec. 23. Tp. 26. Rge. 24, $29.16 John Gardner. E Mi SWVi. Sec. 4. Tp. 24. Rge. 30, $13.27 Frank O. Garrison, Wellington. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. Blk. 66 $1.38 Civile Gibbons. NEM. 8ec. 10. Tp. J3. Rge 25 $18.72 Albert Gibbons, W Mi SWM. Sec. 2, F'sSjJM. Soc. 3. Tp. 23. Rge. 26 $8.45 Clyde Gibbons. NMiNWM.: SWM. NWM. Sec. 12. Tp. 22. Rge. 24 . $29.02 Pbflonten (.ailspio, all Sec. 16. Tp. 26. Rge 30 $106.60 Jacob M. Gove. E Mi SWM.; 8 Mi SK',. Soc. 32. Tp. 23, Rge. 29 $15.60 Frank I Gowan, Lot 12, blk 43, Lot 2 blk. 56. Lot 8 blk. 28. Lot 10 blk 46, town of Albrltton. N Mi NWM. Lot 3 and 4, sec. 14. Tp. 26, Rgo. 31. $22.02 Edith L Graft. E4SW,4. It 6. 7. $22.96 26. Tp. $25. 2p 8M1NWM. Sec. 21, Tp $20.80 $29.70 Tust. Co. $ -46 Lota 3-4 ... $ .63 h L ;ra Tp. 27. Bee. SEV.8W',,, SEM. Sec. . . . ti. 'i p. 2, itge. .J Wm. J. Grant, SWM 26. Rgo. 33. Stephen Grenhulgh, NEM SWM. NWM.SKM 20. Rgo. 29, Franklin Groff, NEM NEM. Soc. 14. SWM8WM.. Sec. 12, NMiNWM,. faec. 13. SEM NEM. NM18EM. .sEM SEM. See. 11, Tp. 21. Rge. 30 $37.70 Anna Groff. SEM SEM. Sec. 12.. Tp. It, Rge. 30 $130 Krjd W. Orund, II. & G. Add. to Wellington Lot 6. Blk. 12. $ .23 Haroy Elliott. SWM SEM. SK' SWM. Sec. 29. NMiNWM.. NWV,-i:-, SK',.WM. Lots 2, 3 and 4. . llj Tp. 26. Rge. 11, $45.05 Lute Mace, Lois 2, 3, 4, 7, ami i Sec. 14, Tp. It, Rge. 2D, fS.Se S. Y. Hyde, all See 16, Tp. II. Kg.' II, 1131.60 Sena Heeratrli 1.. WftBEtt- & SK',, Bee. I, N'lI'iM''-1. WV4NEM. UBM.NEV :'EViiEM , Bee. 17, lp. 27, Rge. 34, $30.80 Mrs. L. M. Hamilton. 8M1SEM. SBMNEV. NEMSEM. 8ee. 17. Tp. Bee. 2 2. Tp. 22, Rge. 32. 10. Tp. 23, Rgo. 32. $21.70 Jas. 0. Hansen, NMiNWM. NMi-NEM- Sec. 16. Tp. 28, Rge. 33, $9.60 J. E. Harper. City of Narrows. Lots 1, 2, Blk. 1, Lota 6. 7, 11, in Blk. 2. Lots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. In Blk. 8. Lots 1, 2 lu Blk. 11 $2 26 Sybil E. Harrison, City of Drewsey Lot 1 In Blk. 10 $3.61 Harney Co. News, Macliiiier. Harrison Haskins. NE M . NVJSE M , Lots 1, 2, Sec. 35, Tp. 31, Rge. 34, ... $18.72 Don O. Henderson, HK',4. S'jNEM. Sec. 17, N Mi NEM. See. 20, Tp. 27, Rge. 16, $47.60 Braeat Hester, NWM. N Mi SWVi, M ::U, Tp. 23, Rge. 25 ,14. 04 Wm. Hester, NWM NWM. Sc. 36, Tp. 24, Rge. 27. V $11.70 Clarence D. Hllli.rtm, NW',, Sec. 36, Tp. i'2. Rgo. 25, $9.36 O. A. Hobbs, SEM. Sec, 33. Tp. 23, Rgo. 32 $21.60 T. E. Hogg E-t., SEM SWM, Sec. 35, Tp. 29, Rge. 25; Lot 2, Soc. 2, Tp. 30. Rge. 25; NEMNE, Bee. 12, Tp. 32, Itge. 32 3-4; Lot 1, 10, 8ec. 24; Tp 25, Itge. 32Va $6.16 Hamilton Company, 8 Vs. NWM. Sec. 36, Tp 18, Rgo. 36, $20.00 1 . M Hopper, EV,, Bee. 36, Tp. 28, IUo. 34, $4.80 W. O. Howell, all Sec. 3, all Bee 9. all Sec. 10, all Sec. 16, all Sec. 16. all BK 21. all Sec. 22. EM1EM1, WVs SEM. Sec. 4, Tp. 24, Rge. 33, N, Sec. 27, Tp. 26, Rge. 31, Lot 1 and 2. Bee, 28, SWM, Sec. 21, all Sec. 16, Tp. 26, Rge. 31, $779.10 Clarence O. Huffman, SEM, Bee. 13. Tp. 23, Rge. 26, $13.46 It S. Hyde, SEM NWM. SEM. EVsBWM. 8M1NBM. Sec. 16, Tp. 19. Rge. 25; all Sec. 36, Tp. 19. Rge. 28, $267.20 Anna J. Jackson, W 4, Sec. 16, Tp. 30. Rge. 30, $18.72 Olga T. Jetley, B Mi NEM,. Bee 23, and SWM NWM.: NWMBWM, Sec. 24. Tp 26, Rge. 39, $28.40 Allen Jones, Burnt Lots 4, 6, It, 18. Blk. 7$, $71.68 Mr.. Janata Joues, NWM., Bee. 86, Tp. 22, Rga 33; NEM, NKM.NWM,. Lots 6, 7, Bee, 17, Tp. 88, Rge. 81. $24601 hen C. Johnson, EViHEMHEM. I, Tp. tl. Rge. 32, $2.70 (bear C Johnson, 8M18WM, See. 28, NMiNWM. See. 38. Tp. 25, Rge. 31. . $12.16 Oscur Conrad Johnson, H:8KM,, See. 21, NftSWM. Sec. 18, Tp. 16. Rgo 31, $10.80 Ben Jordan, HEMHWM,. Boc. 18, Tp. 20, Rge 36, $2. 56 C. W. Kellogg, 8WM.8EM. 8 V 8WM, Sec. 6, SEM SEM.. Sec. 8, Tp. 26, Rge. 88, . $14.16 C. W. Kenyon, Burns, Browns Add. Lots 4 and 6, BIV. 6 , $6.68 Andrew F. Jackson. BMM8WM. Soc. 2. WMiNWM.; NWM.NWM.. Sec 11, Tp. 67, Rgo. tl $88.40 Key and Studebaker. N Mi 8 Mi. 8EMSEM,. Sec. 19. SWM.NRM. NMi 8EM,. NMiNWM. Sec. 16. NBMNBM. Soc. 30, Tp. 21, Rge. 27; KHNBM. NWV4 NEM. Sec. 16, Tp. 21. Rge. 26; EMiNEM. Soc. 35, EViHEVi. Sec. 16, Tp. 20, Rgo. 26; W Mi NEM. 8BM NW'i, NWMSBM. Sec. 88, Tp. 16, Itge 27; NB M SE M , 8WM.NBM . Sec. 7. NViSWM. Sec. 8, Tp. 20, Rge. 17; NMiNWM. HEMNWM. NWM.NBM.. Sou. 23. NMiNWM.. SEM. NWM See. 14. BWMSWM. Sec. 11, Tp. 21, Rgo. 26. $139.81 Matbew M. King, NMi BWVi. SEM SWM. Bee. 25. Tp .26. Rge 29; Lot 3 Beel, Tp 26, Rge. 29, $23.40 Harry C. Kindle, Lol4, 8 Mi NWM. Boc. 2 and Lot 1 Sec. 3 Tp. 26, Rgo. 29, $23.40 B. D. Kltzmlller, WMi, Bee. 16, Tp. 27. Rge. 36, $22.40 J A. KruniholR. NBM 8WM. NWM SEM. Lot 2-3-6-7, 8ec. 3 Tp. 27. Rge 30. $23.86 Chrlst'an Kllnger, EMi WMi, Bee. II, Tp. 27, Rgo. 31, $25.60 Christina Lackman, Burnt. Morri son Addition, NMj Blk. 13. $30.28 C. L. Lee, Harrlman, Lots 1-2 Blk. 14 l3-2 Mary F. Lindsay. SEM., Sec. 16. Tp. 26, Rge. 33, $21.60 Clyde Love, WMi SWM,: NEM. SWM. NWM. SEM. Sec. 8, Tp. 27. Rge. 25. and SEM. 80c. 3. Tp27. Rge. 26. $54.32 Laura Lyle. 8V4 Sec. 16, Tp. 29. Rge 33, $1920 R. G. Lyle. NMi, Sec. 16, Tp. 29. Rge. 33, $19.20 Fred Marke. SEM 8EM, S Mi NK'4. NEM SEM. Sec. 6. and sw.i NW'i. NWU SWM, Bee I, 24. Rge. .12 M $18.60 Koi t R llnyls, SEMNWM-. B M SWM. BWMSWM, Sec. 9 Tp. 22, Rr;n. .'if. $18.04 Win II Rl It-hurt. HVaBBM. HW M , See 24. NMjNWM, Sec. 25, Tp. 18, Hgo. 83, $11.68 Eva Rogers, WMi, Sec. 83, Tp. 29, Rge. 80, $18.72 Ruth A. Rogers, 8 Mi SB M. Sec. 88, Tp. tl, Rge. 27; NMi NBM. Sec. 4, Tp. 21, Rge. 27, $14.20 Ruben J. Rogers, 8 Mi NBM.. NMi- SNM. Bee. 4. Tp. It, Rge. 27, $28 40 J'orry Rutherford, SW M.. 8M18KM.. NMiSBM. Sec. 12, Tp. 87, Rgel4 I $27.18 Joseph Rutherford, Lots 1 and 2 , R'4NWM, Boc. 7, Tp. 27, Rge 3u. $40.88 Chas. Rhode. 8V4NBM. N Mi SEM. Bee. 7, Tp. 33 Rge. 32. $27.90 O. 8. Rlnohart, WM18WM. SBM 8WM,, BWM.8EM.. Sec. 14, Tp. 19. Rge. 29, $20.80 Annie F. Banbourn, Welllngtcn, Lot 3 Blk. 70 $ -23 Fred R. 8anbourne, NWM. Sec. 36, Tp. 19, Rge. 32 $21 60 Margaret Banbourn, 8 Mi. Sec. 36. Tp. 19, Rge. 32. $48.20 floury R. Scott, NEM. Soc. 36, Tp. 26, Rgo. 33, $12.t',0 Bothers and Bothers. SEM. WMi. See 38. Tp. 33, Rge. 30. $110.40 Perry K. Baffle, 8WM,. Sec, 21 Tp. 26, Rge. 30, $28.06 Andrew J. Sk Ions. 8 V4 BE M . NE M -SEM. 8EM.NEM. Sec. 24, Tp. 14, Rge. 27. $10.63 Walter F. Sklens. EM1WM1, Sec. 24, Tp. 24. Rge. 27; WM18WM. 8BM 8WM. 8WM8EM. Sec. 18, Tp. 24, Rge. 28. $21.06 Toblo Bklens. 8WM.. Sec. 26, Tp. 24, Rgo. 27. $10.41 Chas. W. Skeels, SEM. 80c. 10, Tp. 28. Rge. 36. $ 60 Wm. W. Smith, EMi. Bee. 26. Tp. 26, Rge. 14 $46.05 Elmer B. Smith, NWM. Sec 14. Tp. 83. Rge. 25. $21.06 Chas. F. Solders. SEM. Sac. 4. Tp. 51, Rgo. 26, $37.44 Julian Steckle. Wellington. Lot 6. Blk. 6. $ -23 Jno. L. Stongor. SWM. Sec. 6. To. 21, Rge 27, $28.40 James H. Stewart, SEM. Sec. 28. Tp. 24. Itge. 31. $20.70 A. Stone. WWWVi. Sec. 24, Tp.36, $39 60 NV, . Sec. NBM. Sec. $132. 23 Sec 2 and Sec. 1. Tp $22 40 NEM. NMi Bge, it, $27.90 Mr. Lelah Miller. Burns. N 40 ft. of Lot 2 Blk 6. 16.81 R. P. Moffett. 8WM. 80c. 19 Tp 19 Km 34. $102 62 Moon. NWVi. Sec. 23, Tp. II, 114.16 Moore. Wellington. Lots 70; Lot 12 Blk 28. Lota 3,4.5,,10,11 Blk. 67. $2 9 Lewis 8. Morales, N. W. Tust. Co. Add to Burns, Lot 1. Blk 10, $.46 J. II Morris. 8M1. Soc. S, Tp. 27. Rge. 35. $22.40 Thos. Murry, Harrlman. Lot 6 In Iilk 13. $ .$7 Miller Murdock. NWM. 8ot . It, 2.-,. Rau. 30. $10. 1'l Te "6 Rue. 30. Prank Matnev. SW M It, uml BV NK'i. NEM 34, Tp. 19 Rge. 28, Ieo May Est. bol I. 8EMNWM. NMiNWM. 27, Rgo. 33. II. R. Miller. EM SEM. Sec. 14. Tp 24. Edw. B. 25. Rge. Charles 4-5-6 Blk. r'.'i- Itire 33. Itlioda E. Stoy, 25. Rge. It, M M. StrlcHllnr. EMi, II, Rge. 25. C. W Strleklliig. WMi, Sec :t2 llae 26 ' 8. W. Swan. SWM SWM, $20.79 NVt. Sec. 22. Tp $11.48 36, Tp $60.40 36. Tp $60.40 80c. 13. MUNEU. See 23. NWUNWM. See 24. Tp 19. Rge. 33 'A $19.32 i Margaret A. Tapp, SV4NWM. Sec I 14 . Tp. 27, Rgo. 34;NMiNBM. Sec. I 18. Tp. 26. Rge. 31 $23.20 Thompson and Thompson, NEM SWM N Mi SEM. SEM SEM. Bee 19. Tp 26. Rge. 34. $26.20 Christian J. Tokle. BVfc. Sec 16. Tp. 31. Rge. 24, $26.00 Trlscii ami Donugan. Bums, Morri son Add all Blk. 4. Lois I. 2. 8, 4. Tp. NWM. 8ee. 14 Tl) $24.30 1, all Frod Meyers 25, Rge 31, FroiLnrlek Mav r, all Bee Beo I ; NH, NHBH, sw;8WM. S-( I, Tp. 22. Rge, 24. ell See 2.'.. SMi. SHNW'i, E'iNE'4. SMiSW. NEM- Bee. 27; all See II, Tp. 21. Rge. It; SHs. SMiNL'. Bee. 7. Tp 22. Rge. 2'.. $116.63 A. v. MeCeutlend, ttZ, see. 25. Tp It, Rge. II, $21.60 Ha'i IfeCenley, sw, , Bee It, Tp. 24. Rgo. II M, $27.00 Tim MeConniek. ssw,, SMi- SEM. Soc 22, Tp 23. Rge II, $21 60 Hurry It. MeClure. 8EMNWM. : v. '.NEM- NEMSWM. NWM BEM. See. 22. Tp. 24. Rge. 34 $9.74 Torrance J. McDonald. SWM NW M . NM18WM. Lot 4. Sec. 5. Tp. 24. Rge, 32. $24.34 C. W. E. Newell. 8 Mi NWM. Sec. 19, Tp 26, Rge. 31; BWMSWM. 80c 18. NMiNWM. Sec. 19. Tp. 25. Rge. 30; NEM, NEM. Sec. 24 Tp. 26, Rge II $18.60 fieri W Seerei). SEVi. Sec 36, Tp. See. 36, Tp. 26. $18.40 NEM. 80c 26. $10 68 Tunker. Bums, Uits 1. 2. 13; I.1.1 7. In Blk. 21. $41.86 Cl.ni.t an G. TWeeg, SWM. Sec 26. Tp 26. Rge. 30. $23.40 Frank Blk 1 Goo. w. Beeroe 26, Rge28;NWM Rgo 27, Sarah A. Skinen, Tp 24. Rge. 27 Mrs. A 7. 8, Hlk. sm.n:;", v II 24. Rga Rub) Rge c Rga Rge 40, Bee 4 Blk Lot 3 W. Varien , See. 6. Tp V :r . 11. .2 Lots 1 and 23. Itge. 33 $21 00 SWM Sec. 11 Tp, $2!. 60 V. i.ator. all Sec. 21. Tl). 26 16. $20.40 II. Voegtly, EMi. Soc. 36, Tp. 4 17; SW'iNE'i. Sec 8, Tp. 4 0. 16; .-av.N'W'i, v ::... Tp I!.;,. :t8; 1 .01 i t. .. I. vj i 'i is. Tp 23, Rge. It; 12. Tp. II, Rge. 10 23; Lots 3 and 4 ami 6 In Blk. 54, Am..! Voss Rgo. 32. Albert Walker, NBM. Sec. 14, Tp 821.46 Carrie L. Newell. SEM NEM. WMi NEM. NEMSEM.. Sec. 19. Tp. 18. Rge. 34, $6 60 Lawson Newell. Lot 2. 3, SBtt NWM. SWM NEM. Sec. 1. Tp. 19. Rgo. 32 Ms. $14 00 Kllza Newell. HW M NW ' , . B ! SWM. Sec. 30, EV4 NWM. Sec. 31. 'I. 25, Rge. 31, $31.20 l. P. Morris, N',4. Sec. 3 6 Tp. 27, Rge. 36, $22.40 Krunk McCausiand. SI'.',, Bee. 2r.. Tp. 23. Rge. 33 $10.80 A. k. Rolen, swm SWM. E4 NU'MBWM. Sec. 10, Tp. 23. Rge. 26, $5,115 Oscar Nordland, NWM. Sec. 36. Tp. 24, Rge. 31, $1956 L. N. Olson,, Drewsey, Lot 2 Blk I and Lot 3, Blk. 5 and Lots 6 and 8. Blk. , $47.89 Geo. E. Percival, Lots 6 and7, EMi SWM. Sec. 6, Tp. 22, Rge. 33, - $22.00 Albert It. Porter, 10 Mi SEM. SEM SWM. 8WM.SEM.. Sec. 8, WS4SWM Sec. 9. NV4NEM.. Sec. 17. Tp. 25. Rge. 81, $46.90 Portland Company, N Mi NEM. BMi WM. SWM PWM. Sec. 4. 8WM. WV4SEM. BUM 8EM. Sec. 6 SMi See. 6, all He 7. all Soc. 8, all Sec 17. all Sec. 18. all Sec. 19, all See 20, Tp. 24, Rge 33. $702.40 R. B. Post, Narrows, Lots 6, 6. 7, and 8, Blk. 1, $106 Grace A. Price, Wellington, Lots 9 and 10 Blk. 69. $ 2.1 Harry 0. Provlnse, SEM. Sec. 83. Tn. 28. Ree. 32 U. $21.25 Harry C. Prodhommo, Wellington. 1 Tp Lot 12 Blk. 156. $ 2: M. E. Race, Lots 6 and 7.EViSWM 8EUNWU. Sec 6. Tn. 27. Rge. 12 -l,'4.iV x li.inis. Lot In HI 16 $273. AH EMi. Sec. 16. Tp 2K $19 20 NViNWM. WMi 24. Rge. 32. $27.90 O. K. Walker. NEMSEM; EMi NEM. Sec. 7. NWM SWM.. Sec. 8. !Tp. 17. Rate. 34 $16.10 Jno. R. Walkup, BWNW,W- 3WM. Sec 12, NW'aNWM. Sec. 13. Tp. 27. Rge. 27. $20.70 1 BonJ. O. Washburn. SMi. Sec. 86. Tp. 31. Rgo. 24. $3600 1 John Wo'st, NWM. Sec. 30. Tp. 111. Rge. 25, $36 27 $11.84 Sec. 26 Rge. 36; Fred Racine, 8MHW", NMiNWM,, Sec 86, Tp. 11. Burnt, S. 10 ft. Lot 2 aad all Lots 3 and 6 In Blk 6, $41.67 ae. Raycraft, NWM, Sec. 11, Tp. P. S. Wettei.hlllor. NWM, EM SWM. Lots 6 aud7. Sec. 6. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4 EMi NWM. NEM. SWM. Sec. 31, Tp. 23, Rge. 32; SE',., Sec. 1, Lot 4. SWM NWM. N Mi SWM. Soc. 4, Tp. 24, Rgn 32; NVjMV.''., SW". NWM. NWM SWM, Bee. 22, Tp. 22, Rgo. 32; EMiNV.'Vi. Lol i end 2. Bee, 7, Tp. 23. Uk" 34, SWM. Sec. 32. Tp. 23, Rge. 32 V; SWM. 80c. 14, Tp. II, Rge. It, $109.84 Wellington Trust Co., Wellington, Blks. 15 to 308 less 17 Blks. und 1 Lot, $101.89 H. E. Werner. SEM SEM. NWM BEM. SWM NWM. NEM SWM. w 36. Tp. 23. Rgo. 26. $0.36 James E. Weston, Bu.-ns. Lot S In Blk. 8. $0.30 Ouy Wlllard, SWM. Her. 24, Tp. 24, Rgo 33, $22 10 A. and I. Venator. Burns, 8 Mi Blk '88, $18.60 David Williams. HWM. Sfl. 23, Tp. 26, Rgo. 33; Plnceton, Blks I to 32 less ton lots. $23 46 Maltle A Wlllanis, SWM. Soc. 2, Tp 25. Rge. I 2, $28.06 Thorton Williams, Bat., NE'4. Soc. 30, Tp. 22. Rge 32, $19.20 P. G. Wllllunu, SEM. Sec 10, Tp. 23, Rge 32. $43.20 Geo. W. Williams, lrrng Des.. Sec. 1. Tn 21. Ree. 31 : Irreg Des Sic. 12, 21 $160 NWM. Sec. 14. $10.18 Rao. 31 Ira L Williams, Tp. 23, Hge. 32. Frank J. Wllllamt. SEM SWM, Sec. 26. NMiNWM, Sec. 86, NEM. NEM. Sec. 34, BViHEM,. Sec. 4. EM. NBM. Sec. 8, Tp. 20, Uge. 31. H M. NV4. Lat 4, Sec. 1. Tp. IS, Rge 81; Haras, Lot 6 Blk 41, Lot 4 Ulk 1 1 $61.43 Chat. H. Wilson, g8WM, NWM. HWM. 8WMNWM. Sec, 18. Tp. 21, Rgo. 34, $10.68 Wm. J Wilson, HWM SEM. 8oc6, NEV, NWM. Sec. 6, NEM8EM. Soc. H.NWMSEM.. Sec. 27, Tp. 24, Rge. 82, Lots 1 and 4, Sec. 84, NEM NEM. Sec. 83, Tp, 26, Hge. 32, $32.40 W. P. Wood, NM), Sec. 36, Tp. 36, Rgo. 33, $19.71 John M. Zelllg. WMNWM. BMi NWM, 8W. Sec. 13, Tp. 34, Rge. 84 l-78 Oregon Wettern Col. Co., Bumi. Lott 4. 6 and 6. Blk. 44 $6.97 Chas. A. Byrd, tract under con tract, 28.48 acres $16 88 Chns. Alttchul, all Sec. 23. Tp, 24, Rge. 84, $16.86 Chat. Alttchul, all Sec. 31, Tp. 24, Chat. Altschul. W Mi NBM. NW 15 WMBWM. NWMSBM, Be 21. I , 24, Rge. , $11 t If. J. Hamford, B3-4NE M SK ',., 8 MSB M NEM, Her. 36. NKMNW" NWM SEM. EV6NWM. Sec. 23, Tl 36, R.-re. 35, $14 7 F. ft Bovd. W Mi EM BWMSWM Bee. 26. Tp. 39, Rge. 16 $r 60 Ellsher Brewster, 8 M HEM HEM HWV. Sec. 26. To. 39. Rge. 36, . $ LUlle Bamford. 8MNWM. SV NBM . Sec. 17, Tp. 16. Rge. 86, in.16 B. L. Betbrlob, NMNWM. SK NWM. BWMNBM. 8c. 16. BH (Continued on page six 70 Perfect Confidence - mmmmmltmmammmm ;- jn -tf - MBMl BB Hi 7lt s,a- rx... . . No other wdhIh chii tbmiHm ttr nlntiDrm thAt BhOttld cxiHt hi'twiM'ii it. Hank ntui ih patrons. If ynu havon't confitipnce in rV gnnrdr"" of a batik, you cert liny will not trust yor money to it. This Bnnk invitps careful inftnption of its financial strpnjrth and Found IVuBttWWS m ih'd. We know they are above m itieii-rn. belt the W)int i, we want you to kr.'.w ir. When you hnv h-nrnprl. then we solicit your business on our merit. CRANE STATE BANK CKANK ORKHO'N 1 UNIVERSITYo'sREGOyf -jrn jadttBtnptv Tiiiuli r in Zti-dMcf J h !'- Jr is Wr l'nlly -iiiiixl liberal ciilmn . wdeeteHIeiiiMirleeSe ftwriel 1 A Irelniag in Cemeeeree .lonriinlimn. Arcliincinr., Law, MealelMe a I ..chm.4.1 ikmry Wurl.. Msartf .HiraarhaH httt, I'livni. ni I ralatatlaal HeeArts. B Qj Mill' ,r? HjIJ-II la sHaatS ' "" ",,, UrllUU olll.r lrlll. Ir im nS HrM ..tU M Br IllUrl"!''!""'""''!"1'"" In l"""1 "'' e.!.lrlr ,.!., ..I liru !, brU. -. H P rli. Ml-iil- r,. ,-, . H.J lot I .MnHilnloas. Illu;,l ur,rl II. O. T. C Ealtl Trti,i I'll i.i i.,i.f,rr .i sii.ikmi vssasMO, DsattttsHss Isr tMa to6 wttato, jj8 iX Vril llrf lclrt,r. I ,vr. fir-Sun. tur Utmmirtlrti bt.klrl. fjf . i raHMBaHaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBVBVBBBaBaBBMlBMaBBW I l k)7cC : I I - THE UNIVEaSA.LC.vR If you use "bogus" or countfrfeit parts fur reniacemer.ts aiid repairs to ycur Ford car, jou can't expect satis factory nor curable strvice from our car. It's not fair to fli- ;ir to repair wiin i,ir quality WllO kllOW p"" uc' 'u 'he i niiiiifc fora nih e 1; U ami have your I'.n.i ar a -ed for by men wfoknow Foid n.i. hi -im and how best tp k ep tie car in working order. Bring-your 1'oid carlo our shop wh r-you'r.suieof tbosquRfS tleal; str-of Foid mteiials and sure of Ford low ijte.. Keej your Ford cur runnir g u .tiiidhid; BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE Let Men Doit li BILLING SYSTEMS The Times-Herald carries the standard sizes Billing Systems Binders and Indexes Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on Duplicate Sheets for above Finest and largest assortment of Bonds and Flats stock to be found In the country on hand Prompt attention given all orders for anything In the printing line. Call on us for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc. The Times-Herald. Burns mim.