I xJ The Tlmcw-glcrnld roea re- The Ttmcn-llrrnid la an oM established friend of the people (if II ii'iicy County where It haa been weekly vtMitor for thirty years. It'M Job department la equipped to aerve your needa. iliirly to mow homM in Hni- ime twunty man any other ispaper. If you wish to i-.-ich the people um those col. .ik for your advertisement. VOL. XXXI I BURNS. HAKNEY COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 23, 1918 NO. 4 K SCHOOL CHILDREN INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC TO PROMOTE HIGHWAY IMPROVING IN BURNS RAPID-MOTOR SERVICE NATION IS ASKED TO VOICE ITS GRATITUDE UICH E ST M M AN ALL. In H ry TO MEMORIZE CREED MAY LOiSi mt . fWJUJr tWi V , A Lited States Bureau of Educa. lion Suggest "The American's eet?,' Composed of Some lif toric Phrases be Memorized flu' school chlldron .of America be asked by the United States fe..ii of education to memorize he American's Creed" for wlilch iv of Baltimore paid Tyler Page la ry land $1000 as the first prize mar In a. contest which attracted amis of entries. rhc iroed. as printed in the Con- nal Kocord, follews: 1 1 believe in the United States of koru-a us a government of the peo- i t!io people, for the people. dsc just powers aro derived from Dt of the governed; a demo- !:i a republic; a sovereign na- of many sovereign states; a per- ( It union, one and inseparable, es-1 Mishcd upon those principles of edom. .. nullity, Justice and hum- ty for which American patriot rificed their lives and fortunes, i 'I therefore believe It Is my duty I my country to lovo It, to support i constitution, to obey its laws, to pert its nag and to defend It linst ail enemies." fhe creed Is composed of some of ! historic phrases of America. The ring appears in the Congression- j ncord from the explanation by P. ' ("avion, commissioner of educa- i I rThe first clause, 'I believe in the ttted States of Amorlca,' Is from 1 ! amble to the constitution of i United State. The sceend clause, i ovemment of the people, by the llt. for the people,' Is from the table to the constitution of the Ml States, Daniel Webjtor's eih iii tho senate of January ilti, 10, and Abraham Lincoln's Gottys- n, .peecn. "Whose just powers derived from the consent of the 'emed' is from the Declaration of jssendeaee. 'A democracy In a re- ' Be' is in substance from No. 10 me Federalist by Mr.dlson ami Icle 10 of the amendments to L!ie i ii-;. '!'... i of the I'tiited States. "A i erfect union goes back to the ' imbie to the constitution. 'One treble' la irom Webster's sell In the senate of January 2G, 'Established upon those prin- !!- of freedom, equality, Justice humanity' is from tho Declara- of Independence. 'For which American patriots rifii i-d t heir lives and fortunes' Is Ui- Declaration of Independ aml Lincoln's Gettysburg ad- '1 therefore believe It is my duty Inn . iniii t ry to love it' is in sub- e from Kdward Everett Hale's Man Without a Country.' To irt its constitution' is from the of allegiance, section 1767 of 1 iinni siniuti-i- 01 in,; iiiiiu.-u ..,.;.....! -...... .. w.. r-. .i... I 'To obey its laws,' from shiiiKton s farewell address and si article of the consUtution of d Siates. 'To respect its the national anthem, The Bpsngled Banner,' army atid V r illations, war department 'ular in flag etiquette. April 14, 17. And to defend it against all Met Hum the oath of allegiance, Ion 1T",7 of the revised statutes Ihe L'nltod States. 0 nlMi-:it.; llll.i: IIOKHKS. U lime of the vesr liractl- 1 I the heavy work on mori i' l-!ii finished, and during elm horses are more or less Idle bprses give no retur;i trf'- ' nei-rormed. the feeding il'l lie a-.i eciiiioniical as DOSSlblo, , are 1 bould be taken 01 Is iii order thai Ihei mav 1.,, ible condition for In 1 'ii- early pflng. for I1011I1I not be confined to I -.11 illirillK Hie wimn .. - al apply of grain. It Is far bel I, ,.,, .. . 1, ilw, tw ' 'HiKii ineiu I III "111,11 ' ev. "oiiiis. 1 ney sliouid no Bi" " fun oi Lbe yard or lot during the '1 id -iiiiuid be provided with a . . , . . .... .. 1. lien one tli.it 1 : inoroiinii- and ,el, provWed .villi bed- 1J" "'""" ''"' "'-r "urt " ' Ihe hoi-e with tt lieuvy " of hair dm lug the old months. Hliei i; nece.-.sary ill order U) al- Iecssary shelter and pro- ilnsl rains, snow, and c jib Jti I B.; Jig" . I The richest woman in the world may live to be the poorest. It is Frau Bertha Krupp von Boh len, owner of the Krupp gun works, which fostered Hun mili tarism. If ihe new German gov ernment repudiates the home debt as is blntea then Bertha's millions In government securities will bo swept away. Above all this. Justice Is asking that the Krupps, with the ex-kaiser and other militarists, face a murder charge. Would this mean ivr tba. too? winds. Winter winds come mostly i from the north and northwest, and ! the shed should be so situated and . constructeil as to give the proper protection from thin quarter. In the feeding of idle horses high-prit-ed feed should be avoided In order to keep them In proper con dition at the lowest cost. It Iiuh been round that idle horses do very well on a winter food consisting of all tho hay, oat straw, cornstalks, or sorg j bums they will consume, so that i little grain is necessary. Idawss al.to , tlon of tho feed, thus insuring pro-, permits of a more thorough nuurtlof per digestion. GOOD BYK, OU MIX. Von Kaiser Bill Has got his rill. He's lost his pull "mlt Gotf i l's just u mutt Who l lost his strut ll-'s on tin- lohog, vliut? Ha dreamed a dream That mads him bMbb The lord of all the earth; A i,d from bis roost He tried to boost Bs breed of royal birth. Old Liidenliausse And Hlndenstrau -. And dear old Von Tirpltz, Were tools of Gott In one great plot To turn tho trick for Fritz. Youiik eirls and wives And babies' lives Were naught to him, the King, ,nage. shoot. fAn(, k)1, a)d ,oot Were quite the proper thing. Bu, wne tho Yanks wl(h a tUelr Unkll Went some two million strong. The Kaiser took Another look And sang a different song. ym Kaiser Bill Has get his fill, HI I Got! has done him dirt; Good bye, old Hun, You're on, lbs run Co with the devil flirt! T. T. OEUK. HHIKIS AUDIT B1HHS. 11. ids migrating al night average longer Mights ttfan the day migrant The ulghthawa pel forms the Ipng-! titration :"":'"" '" :",v ' '"' ' binl 1, ,,. ,, j 7.01H1 miles, from 1 the Vn!'.' "'' Tin- files of the United Slil - D ...ii-imeiii of Agriculture oontnin , ,-oileei-l. J"""' ' ' 11IK i"" ","' of Nor'h American birds ., ,,,,,,u ii r,...,.,.,iH riie Afi ic it-i 11 ii-" for length of migration, When . , .- 11,,, iinllrii I Villi K ire hi11 Bjruwi .,,,,... . , ,. Ap,M ,.... ull(i ' ( , HkIr i. ,.,; ,i .he Antarctic I"u'1" - w. b, nasi "as ., , .--, ookiyg atior some bW affairs. Several Cases Developed During Week. One Deal h in urns And Two in Southern Part of County. Country People Sick The Times Herald finds today that while there are some pretty tek people tho Influenza Is not so mvvulent and that this community is gradually getting rid of It. Mr. Irwin, who Iks charge of tho quar antine cases, Icoka after their wants, Stated yeuerdny that most of those In quarantine tviuld be out within tho next day or t o. One xlotlm AWA In Burns last Saturday night, Mrs. Tim Crowley having die 1 of tho disease. She bail been III but a short time but it was a severe case. She leaves her husband and two little children to mourn her besldoa her parents snd several sistors and brothers In this vicinity. T. S. Dugger, of Denio, also Honry Schwanzara have died of tho disease in the southern part f the county where It was epidemic for a time but word from there states it Is being stamped out with no other fatalities so far as learned here. Few bad ca':es are reported here In Burns iliirln.- the past week. James l'rlli Is reported as having the pneumonia following an attack of In n in-ii, .a and other members of tho family are down with It. This family constitute all the severe cases reported during tho week. Dr. Smith was called to the Barber home Just this side of Wright's point the other day and repot ts that family us tedng sick with Influenza, though the patients are all Improv ing. ' BIG SIIT IS lKMIHNKI Pan Francisco. Nov. 14 - The Gov ernment today dlsmtsned distrsint proem dlrgs brought against the heirs to the estnte of tM late Henry Hitler, California land baron, to col lect approximately $7,000,000 In tax es and penalties when th heirs paid, tinder protest, taxes amounting to s?.ri00.noo. The estate plans, It was sab! to recover this amount by filing suits- - OragoBlan. o School Bupt. Frances Qlark de sires The Times-Herald to announce that since Institute she bad donated br services to aid in caring for In fluenza patients and till I Is reapoh Bible for tin- negligence or her cor respondence. Klie'bas not -been able to write teachers during the period. OUR 1918 THANKSGIVING BIKD. S r.- j .-fj - J.-TMUMAS l. 'gP1 ' " ' ' Regional Director of Highways Transpori Committee Issues a ulletin. 1 he Federal Railroad Administration is Co-operating Tho following bulletin was sent out from the olfico of the regional director of tho highways transport committee at Portland with a request lliat it he published: Man cannot live alone the few note-worthy exceptions who have "Kobinson Crusocd have merely given tho world some Interesting tales, so I take It as nxlomatic that as long an (he earth is Inhabited, roan must travel about from social and economic necessity. W'o will cease to need roads and cease to transnort ourselves and commodities when mankind ceases to exest, so why should It be our everlasting lot to wallow knee-deep through mud and almost impassable roads in Winter, and during Bummer be followod in all our travels by an oononiotia cloud of dust? A road should not be con sidered for this generation alone, but be a factor of such prominence and permanence as our present experi ence teaches. Let me briefly show how good roads reflect value., to farm lauds when transportation is available. A given piece of land will produce a crop that requires of Hie owner an expenditure for seed, fertilizer, labor, wear and tear (depreciation) on tools, machinery and Implements; then the crop moves to market and a treat factor in the farmer's profit will depend on the cost and the promptness of this transportation; ihe net return from a farm handi capped by lack of transportation Is less than from one that has II : Iran -peiiaiinii is a double-edged -word for it cits the costs on tho return mankind peases to exist, so why groceries,, seeds, etc. Before tie pastoral slime of rwsn he depended on what lie could lad; Hum by subduing living creatures he de pended on his flock tor food and (slothing, they living on what they could liiui: then the agricultural Stage came and was an Immensely Important growth, for 111:111 nuiv learned to DOS its and raise them at will) man cow ( eased to roan about and settled In one placi . tiu.-n came private ownership of in. '. Increase In popwlat Ion, tb'a building of communities and toe growth of ' ties and finally the marki t. The Highways Transpori Com 111 1 ,,i the Coum i! of N'atloaa! 1 is Cents is now well organised i en 1 I Itaff&'A. ,m "My soldiers nor tl A marl. can people at home cannot un-dci-iiinil a retreat of the Ameri can flag. We are countor attack ing" were the Immortal words of General Omar Bundy at the Marne. July 15. this year, the turning point of the war The I'anks did counter. The throw tho Huns back across the Marne;. The Huns haven't quit retreating) courage and promote all endeavers to utlllso the highways to their full modern extent, and to this end is now directing the establishment of highway rapldmotor service. This Is not necessarily a product of the war, I, ut a delayed work that would have Icon successful If formulated before this because of tin- tacUfUM avail aide through the use of modern LruekS, and I'll-; 1 01. elusion has been ,,i-oveii sound hv the satisfactory re sults obtained by motor transporla Hon in support of the w.-r. Julius L. Metre, regional director 01 the highways trunsport committee, has begun a vigorous campaign to es tabu- ii dependable motor truck transportation based In many re spect.! upon present Government parcel post delivery methods of the poaioffice department, lie is check ing up localities iiiut ha.-e motor truck lines and those where such facilities ure now lacking. State Director Amos Benson ha; be -n out checking conditions ol highways in localities that are now planning Ihe Immedls ilabllahment of such rural motor express service, a,nd e: peelall) b .1 a tlva In causing tho sarly completion ol highways thai sw re begun t his Summer, Earnest response from the contrac tors to comply with bis eisbos has been gratifying to him. Clc'lri .an of lilstr vt No. 1, I-'red A. Itascb, will leave in a fen days to make u study of the conditions with a iew tu astahllsblng receiving siu tlons ut tlie nmd junctions to the main highways, and al tho f:riiiers1 premises, so there will he prompt receipt and dispatch of all ci in modlties shipped or delivered PaclMtlas should be arra.iKod in thut a farmer who pun any produce on bis ahlpping platform with In si ruction.' to the carrier may return to his farm and continue his work SlthOUt any need for pofSG'ial ex- hungo of f elicit lea. The DJOtOr express service will 1 top but 11 moment ami be on its way. The farmer may put In the box a re quest for merchandise to bo purchas ed lor him and returned on tin- same day. and in tills wise he can order meats of fish wiih a much BS Ml I I ii Mving in the ciiy mid having avail able market boms deliveries. ii . Herbert Nuan, stain Highway neer, is giving bis earnest oor operation to ihls work, and in view oi ihe termination ol tag war (l looks gs it road building will be a major industry very soon, until both city and SOuhtr) reap the full advaut- 01 u, h , 1 , lea ;i pnl) godd roads can live. lr. Julius I-. Meier, dinlor of highways committee, la just in re n-ipl of a telegram from lOdward N. Hurley, chairman o( the United States Shipping Hoard, In which In- urges rani wed action and vigor In all movements thai pertain to motor truck transportation, Ha a: Pood wu tl begin to move from even hill through eei; villey 1 ( ontimied on page five) - BSaWBffS Iraaa JSSAlj r Cfmt smt e flfl I SJ r' I HsSsfSLt S "?'' aes ifJfPasjiHjjH.aawj wl ifiBTtKT'lliSIL V5l esaBwiwsHSl L I sgv .! KsaWssLJ Bjajl Ja Hi' t- .-, ,aj eHAesHB ess fl-asu. jul.bi aBnow i" , I President Issues Thankagiving Proclamation. Help Declared Imperative in Building New Structure of Peace and Good President Wilson, in a proclama tion, designated Thursday, November I us. as Thanksgiving day and said 1 this year the American people ha w speclul and moving cause to be grate- iui ami rejoice, i.ompieie victory, lie said, has- brought not only peace, but the confident promise of a new day as well, In which "justice shall replace force and jealous Intrigue among the nations." The proclamation follews: "THANKSGIVING, 1918. "f!y tho President of the L'nltod States of America. "A rHOCLAMATION. "It has long been our custom to turn in the Autumn of the year in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many blessings and mer cies to us as a Nation. This year wa have special and moving cause to he grateful and to rejoice, tied has in his good pleasure given us peace. It has not come as a mere cessation of arms, a mere relief from the strain and tragedy of war. It has come as u great triumph of right. Complete ; victory has brought us, not peace alone, but the confident promise of a new day as well, In which Justice shall replace force and jealous in trlgue among the nations. "Our gallant armies have parti cipated in a triumph which is not marred or stained by another pur pose of selfish aggression, in a right cause tbey have won immortal glory and have nobly served their Nation in serving mankind. God has. indeed, been gracious. We have cause for sueii rejoicing its sevhres unu strengthens in us all tho best tradi tions of our National history. A new ihinea about us. In which our hearts take iiew courage and Took forward with new hope to new and greater duties. ''While we render thanks for the iiiing, let u-i no) forget to uivint . gidani s in 1 lis pet (own anee of those duties and divine, mercy and forgiveness ror all errors 1 or purpo ' . and pra thai 1 all that we '; wo :,.. 11 strong the ties of friendship and mutual reaped upon which we mu il a K tq build the new structure ol pe ;i mi good will among nations. "Wherefore, 1, Woodrow Wilson, President of the Unltod States r America, do hereby designate Thurs day, tin- si ii daj oi November next 1 1 day pi Thanksgiving and prayer. and Invito the people throughout tin- land to cease upon thai day trom iiielr ordinary Occupations and in their several homes and places ol worship to render thanks to God, tew ruler of nations. "In Witness whereof. I bae lure unto set my baud and caused the seal of the United States to be af fixed. "Done in tin- iiisiriei of Columbia this sixteenth day of November, In the year of our Lord Due Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighteen and e: the Independence of the United States of America the Hlltl. "WOODROW WILSON." "r.v the President! "Robert Lansing, Secretary ol State.' i;i:soh 1 ions or roioi,i: k Hull of Burns Lodge No. 1)7. A. P & A. M. To (iods counsel chambers there is I no key; Our l'ast Master ghd llrm.. iii- Kdward C. Bggleatou pat ed to his reward al LgkevlOW, Or B, N( a) r B, 1 ims. Life to him bad no p ai nobler than thai q( frlondi nip, a d he -,, never busy In detecting other men's faults. I To his bereaved wile and cbtl wo axtand our sincere sj mpetiiy, e hi them w'o win cherish the mem lory of our departed brother, end , emulata bis precepts at duty, bon r and gratitude. KraieriKiiiy submitted, Win. larre. .1 W, Biggs, Sam atotnershead, Commli Will our boy.: like Ihe home v hen the) return? Or will Sl i ,11 learn 10 ma ka arms item .'