The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 16, 1918, Image 8

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    Notice to Bend Subscribers
The second inslnllment of principal on
Fourth Libertv Loa-n Hiibscriplions will
be due on November 81st.
It will facilitate the work of the bunks
considerably if till who npreed to pur
chase bonds under the installment plan
will meet the several payments prompt
ly as they become due.
Burns, Oregon
J- a-aoaaaaaaaasaaaawa
For Sale It'll Modal fwrfl Tour
ing rar. Juit overhauled, iroofl tires.
Inquire mt this offlm.
Friends In thin rlly have ronolved
word that Mr. and Mm. John Kesslar
are the parents of a flew baby girl.
Examiner Brock or fho Federal
land Loan Bank I In tJbls vicinity
passing won applications tor land
loana In tela county.
The Times-Jierald
Has TIm Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
ixKWL. mnra notes.
a M- Holton was one of our visit
ors from Crane yesterday.
Chas. Wilson has wheat, barley
and potatoes for sale.
Kd Kgli came over from the ranch
Wednesday to look afUsr some busi
ness affairs.
Baled Alfalfa Hay for sale in oar
lots. Write IMnney A Bender. Onta
rio, Oregon.
Mrs. John Uaxsey spent a few days
in town this week with tier mother.
Mrs. C. G. Krye.
Full payment I'ourth Liberty loan are now ready for Delivery.
Frank Cierf has been at Hot Lake
l'or some time past. Friends bere re
ceived a letter from him stating he
had recovered from an attack of the
"flu" and would soon be out again.
For Sale: A good house and
furniture. Will Hell at a sacrifice.' A
small payment down balance like
Friends in thiH city have received
word that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Whitney have arrived at the ranch,
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
B. Whitney in Valley View dis
trict. They are expected on up to
this city as soon as the influenza
epidemic has subsided.
Buy a War Saving Stamp.
Dec. 1 we are allowed more sugar.
It's getting better right along.
Mrs. K. li Beynvaan has .fat turk
eys for Thanksgiving. May be hud
alive or dressed as suits the pur
chaser, l'hone, 8F21.
Mrs. K. ('. KKKleston and her
children have moved to their new
home in the residence just vacated by
John t'uldwell ihihI tamlly.
We can now have flour without
substitutes MOOrdiag to a telegram
received by Food Commissioner
''ozail yesterday morning.
Dr. Susie Standard Is here assist
ing Dr. Smith in caring for his
patient during Ills indisposition.
She has been very busy looking after
Influenza patients.
MAKKS vol It S s HAFK."
Horn Monday, Nov. 4, to Mr. and
1 Mrs. James Dillon, at Heno, Nevadu, i
a son. This Information was received j
by friends in this city the latter part
of last week.
Mrs. Frncea Clark left Wednesday
morning for Paulina upon receiving
word that her aon Hex had the influ
BOS. It Is understood by later re
port that he has measles Instead.
Mildred Dattrm. dauhter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Dr.lton, has been
quite III at the fnr.illy homo for the
past few days suffering from a bowel
trouble. She Is reported bettor to
day. Notice James McKee has taken
over all the property of Cecil McKee
and all persons holding accounts
against Cecil McKee are requested to
present the same to the undersigned
at Diamond, Oregon.
Dr. J. W. Oeary left the fore part
of this week for Denlo where It was
reported that people were suffering
from Spanish Influenza and had no
medical assistance. We have heard
nothing later as to how the situa
tion is down there.
Te mother and young brother of
Miss Pauline Herner arrived here tin
latter part of last week and will re
main bere with her for an Indefinite
time. They have taken the apart-
mont of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc
Oowan at the Harry Smith residence
Mrs. J. O. CawlHeld recently re
ceived a letter from her son Owen
Who Is at the front in Franco. Ho sent
her a piece of an aeroplane which
had been dropped In the vicinity of
his company. Owen wrote that there
had been soven enemy machines
downed In his sight that day.
40 acre ranch 3 miles from Castle
Rock, Wash. 4 acre cleared 14 acre
tillable all fine soil 4 room house
good spring ar.d running stream,
i'lenty of wood. A good little ranch
for any purpose. Pries J1600. Wi'l
trade for l'arnev Valley land. Ad
drM Ceo W. Fenton. Camp 7-K.
Newport, Ore. .
Atintle rrye is back In tewn:
after spending a few weeks with bar I
family oul on the Btttsen. Mr STye
Brant mil to visit during the epidemic'
Of "flu ' but found on her return
thut u was not all over by any j
means. However, she decided (o tay
at home as one may take It in the
country as readily as here in town.
She Is still In good health and not
likely to contract tbe disease
'A telegram wan received the first
of this week aiinouiiclnk that Hen
Sloi urn hud died lust Sunday at Orun
ger, Wash., from pnouinotila follow
ing an attack or Influenza. Mr.
Slocum was a resident of this city for
several years and formerly was as
sociated with Wld Drink water In the
blacksmith business In Burns. He
leaves n wife and children. Mr. Slo
cum stood well with his notghlKirs
and friends who regret hla untimely
Some Chap with a aanso of the
pontic fitness of things, and a far
seeing eye for Justice, has suggested
that the first act or the peace drama
should open with Kaiser Rill hand
ing his sword over to King Albert of
No more fitting Incident could be
staged, so far aa (he kaiser la con
cerned. That haughty Pruastanlsm should
giro up its sword of might to the
king of the tittle klndom that stood
between barbarism and civilization,
well knowing that this stand meant
annihilation, that would be a aweet
revenge for humanity.
Put what on earth could Albort do
with the sword of Prussia?
The sword that linn washed ItselT
In tin' virglti blood of Imioient lid
glan girls; the sword that has hack
babos; the sword that tins been born
comrade with the obscene torch and
the devilish gas bomb?
What would the chivalrous king of
brave Helglum desire of such a
What, would any clean handed
man besmirch his good right arm
with the feel of the miserable thing?
We think not.
No, Jet Prussia's sword rust In Its
clotted scabbard; let It rest In the
deserted halls of Potsdam palaee, for
gotten by men and feared by no ona
forever more.
Aye, lei the fat rata of tbe royal
sewers nibble at Ha stained grip,
and the clean rust eat It little by
little until It crumbles and disap
pears; a relic of the age of hate, the
stained, clotted, cruet symbol of
what freemen havo blotted from the
Report of the Condition of the
HarneyCounty Matlcral Bank
of Burns, Oregon
November 1. 1018
Loan and Discount. 32V61.30
United Sutra Bend SM SOn.OO
Liberty Loan Bonds 37 000.00
United Statea Treasury Certificate 10.lOu.00
Bend and Securities 38,619.17
Furniture and Fixture 4,502.22
Real Estate Owned 1,300.00
Rebemption Fund 1,175.00
Cash and Exchange 183,255.63
LI Air j .TIES
Capital Stock $26,000 00
Surplus 52,000.00
Undivided Profita 7,902.44
National Currency 22,700.00
Rediscounts and Bills Payable Federal Re
serve Bank 1,500.00
Deposits 530,010.88
Accounts Invited
Even Modesty Is Expensive
Died Yesterday. November IB. at!
the emergency hospital In this city.
ll...., A ..,.,,,1 07 ... ..,., '
I I. ft. mil i . j .!', nf,iii it ji'nt"i
ir.iiu pneumonia following SB attach
of Spanish laflttSBSa. The youm; DM
had been over lit Hend where lie con
tracted the disease and thought he !
had recovered sufficiently to return
to his homo near Weaver Hprliigs. j
Upon rear bin,: this ejt k suffered ,
a relapse iind wiih taken to the etner
pency hospital where ha died He
tgaveg a wife mid four small children
n Mi's section. Mr. anil Mr. I'earcc
came here in March l!l.. and took
up ;i honesti mi a bare thai had
resided, Ha had Uis pit vail
developed but the crop hud bean a
' .1 I ti i this .lesson and b" decided lit
go in Bead sad wot, in the mills for
i. time IseYtai the wife and four
little girls on the hOSBSStShd. He-
aides his wife and little girls he In
survived by his parents at New Hed
ford, Mass., also two brothers. Dr.
U. U. and Charley II. 100 res, and a
lor, Mrs. Olive I'. Whltmarsh. Ills
people were couiniuc 'cattd with hu
DWllig to local condition Willi no
plant to hold the body it was berted
' terday evening, ills widow baa
he sympathy or many In this tie In I
ly. Thpa, Morgan, a neighbor, ha.
the three older children with him
and he has signified his Intention to
put In tin- i nip and aid in any manner
lie run.
'War conditions, working on the characteristics of woman, has
done more toward tbe return to the really modest evening gown than
any decree ever laaued by fashion maker or moral squad. The new
gowns for the winter aeason ahow higher necks and sleeves. Shortage
of materials and almost prohibitive prlcea mean nothing to woman.
Those conditions only work to excluaireneaa ao woman will have it.
Hera are three new models, satin being the malarial for the body of
the garmentn with frills and trimmings of filmy chenille, cobwebby
lace ai.d fur. Each garment explains itself to the woman.
Frank Johnson, the Oreron A
Western Colonization Co. man, came
In from Prtuerllle Tuenday evening,
lie reports his town having influenza
Mr. and Mrs. Jaases Haul were In ; out up to the time of his departure
town Monday on business before the 'there had been but one totality, lie
local land office. Jim was certainly f found Influenza, meuslcs and
pleased to hear the news of the close
of the war. He brought us In some
"flu" preventative In the shape of
some fine onions which were grown
from the government seed which he
was furnished from this office thro
ugh the kindness of Nick Slnnott
David Newman arrived homo T!iurs
day evening from Anchorage. Alaska,
where he had been for the past
; couple or years. It was a pleasant
I surprise to his friends to find Dave
Mr. and Mrs. tJeo. Tregasklss, ror
many years residents of -l his section,
passed through this city Wednesday
on their way to some point In Wash
ington just across the Columbia ion the stieet yesterday lie has been
Kiver where their son Fred la am-j mining up in thai country and
1 a lime keener iii u big a'- j he nut! u partner iiave .1, leal it nl
mill. They have been residing el -property wiih prospects for rich
Valt for the past 19 years ami Mr. mines. Mr. Newmei may remain
Tregatkisi had been bach to Burnt I here for the' Winter at auj rate bt'll
one I since Ilia: time. I I iv for it wlilli.
Prolonging JHuman Life!
In tbe effort to lenaTthen the, spAfi of human x-
istance, every available resource in Natt re's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and system
Ized and ready for use. This is the work of the
The Intelligent handling of this vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your phv.sician, devolves on
Your Druggiftt
We employ none hut competent graduated pharmacists.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
in .imp
provallant ut I'uulina on tils wuy
over, lie said Ilex Clark, aon of
Hchool Hupt. Francos Clark, has. the
measles at the home of his uncle at
Paulina. Mrs. Clark had understood
the hoy had Influents and has gone
over to care for him.
Chester, the 12 year old sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Vic (Jibson. accidenta.o
shot himself last Tuesday afternoon
with a 22-callbre ririe, the ball en
tering the fleshy pari ( ins leg irom
tlit rear. Chester was with a pom
punioti in the fields mar tht Levant
farm boats whon tin dopt oc
curred, 'i be in. thought bt iii tbt
KUii on aieiy anil was allowing It
to point down bit back iiom m( ii i
shoulder when ht palled tht trigger
with tht I nil thai H was dltt
sjL i lis companion ran to the bout .
and told of the accident when Airs.
Andrew, (vh.0 ( the
house telephoned In hi hi itL i
whoa aiim nut ut mil to gel him.
ir Irwin went qui with others Uj
bring the bay to tht bouse and found
him pursing bis log hut npi si ski
1 "ed ii.i lie i pled to I hem before
they reached bin that he was all
right and had slopped tht blood, lie
assured his mother upon beraurivei
in the i ar with bit father' thai he was
jail right and objected to being treat
lad as an Invalid. Ha la reported si
getting slong fine, sltbougfa nothing
much Iiiih been done wit It the wound
oilier than dress II and I sap II dean
as Or. Hni 11 li lias been unable to he
i out until yesterday anil lir. Ueaiy
was called to Denlo.
The kaiser says ho was not running
away, Just getting out of Qarmany
in order not to embarrass the new
government in organising. Very
considerate of the old hov. Ht will
likely he required to ko mer to
London tor i rial one or these days.
"Mudo in Qarmany", War. ttulu,
Desolation, Cruelty, llestiality. No.
thank you. after this we want no
thing more with the "Made in Ger
many" label.
Why not adopt a Krcm h orphan?
It will only ebat ou ten cents a da.
and (ha orphan will he cared for in
Franco. So you will uot have to wash
it", little face nor Wlpt its little
need not prevent you from
Winter is approaching and it is time to
consider purchasing warm clothing and
comforts for cold weather. We have a
complete line of
Shop early in the season and get best
Burns Cash Store