The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 16, 1918, Image 7

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    DR. B. F. SMITH
Physician and Surgeon
Hums, Oregon
flee and residence. Geo. Young house
rkuc No. BKil
Pkraieian ad Hur;eui.
Baras, - - - Orison
Office areaed ttWr Tonanama
'Punna MainHA.
Phys. clans and Surgeons
Call answered promptly
I 'i Uarritiian.
night or iiu
Harriman, Oregon
Dr- Minnie Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore.
Otlioe first door st photo Kallery
Burns. Oregon.
Attorney at Law
land Office Practice
Land. Scrip for Sale
Vale, Oregon
Attorney at Iaw
I. O. O. F. Illdif.. Burn. Oregon
Attorney at Law i
Cmteels aad practice before I'. S. Land '
Ofiioe a specialty
Office: K.y Bid, next diKir to post "tli a
Burna. Oreon
C.4ARUES W. EtililS
Barns, - - Oregon
I'rsctict in the Stale Court and
dire the I - Luul mli.e.
We will do your Job printing-
lhe Brunswick Phonograph
at The
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price if within the reach of all
On display and being demonstrated at the
The Plumber
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition
Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices
In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage
'Jims. II. Ixjonanl.
Osrefoj attention litm to Colleo-
Ut iiml K,.nl Haute matter.
Wire liiNtirHncH.
Noury Public.
Buunh. Okkoon.
"'. O. UtUiAMI
f" MK a (tutor
law. a kiwlaaaailoa aar
vioa. A. U. Kavuknkk
rar,art UeJaf Ri
linear f Mae a
WaeUru Hy.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Burns, HrcRoa
JOHN OKI! II Kit 1. 1 Ml.
Jewelor. Optknun and
Fine Watch Repairing A Spe
I cialty.
TOa (PoAh
aj wutorvvVn, ticu; ovwu
lot caMmLm
IrotmAMA oA d
OVl XamA. Wk 61 -trVO
XuxuUu wWoL -OcAyncc.
l-)tyvwtrV Couneolcr:
Meals At All Hours. Short
i Orders and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
Opposite Itnea.Herald Bulldlna
is a Robber!
.. dSSr0
" JjfimB&Sbr
k nC
Ah B
Only when the man in
side the PLUMBER is
crooked. Our aim is to
give honest service, and
install honest goods AL
WAYS. If you want
any such goods and such
service in your repairs
or in new work, it's easy
to get it. Just call us
in;hi.gri-:M ta list dm-..
(Contlnuiul from pngo sl.t
Minnie. L. McCall, N48W4HK',.
II, Tp, It, Kge. 8S; $2.38
uoo. B. MayCarthy, N4N4NE4
SE4. See. 15, Tp. 37, Rgo. 36,
Frank B. MoOormlck, N48 4
NW4SE4. Soc. 15, Tp. 37. Rge. 86.
Mra. W. M. McDonald. NBW
NW. Seo. C. Tp. II, Use. 31,
Lewla 1, McFall NW4BW4,
Sec. 3, Tp. 86. Rge. 80 14.80
Wni. A. McOow. HV4NHNWU
NWVi. Sec. 3, Tp. 31, Rge. S3,
I'lttH B. McOrew. BWHNWH,
Soc. 7, Tp. 36, Kge. 30. 4.60
M. P. and P. B. McOrew, NV4
SENW4, Soc. 11. Tp. 86. Kso.33,
Jaase C. McKee. 8K , Sec. 1. Tp.
Mi Hro. 85, 15.20!
Albert K. Naldrutl, NMiNE--;
NWVi. Soc. 23. Tp. 87, Rge. 36.
12.60 I
Then. H. Naniur. N'4SE48WK,I
Sec. 21, Tp. 36. Rue. 36 2.60
W. U. NoRley. N VjNKH NW 4 .
Sec. 27. Tp. 35Mi UK-''. "2, 2.46
K. R. Nolop. NHNKNK4.i
Seo. 21, Tp. 35. RRe. 83 $2.39!
Joiiu J. Nolaon. NSEHNE,;.I
Soc. 0, Tp. 30, Rge.33 I2.4T, '
J. A. Nichols, NW, Sec. 35. Tp. 1
35. Rgc. 30. 15.20 I
Utwrano Noble, SE4NE4, Sec. I
23, Tp. 36, Rise. 29 14.60 !
Hurry Nolan, NKVi. Sec. 33, Tp. !
36, Rgo., 29 18.20 ,
('. F. Nordntrum. SWVSE4.
Sec. 1, Tp. 36. Rrc 30... I 4.60
Minnie L. Nu. NK'SW(4, Sec,
1. Tp. 36 Rice. 30. $4.60
C. K. Nyholm, NViNESE4.'
Sec. 9. Tp. 36. Rge. 31. 4.60 !
Walter O'Brien. NK4SW4. Sec.
29. Tp. 36. Rge. 29, 14.60
Nellie O'Connoll, N .Y U . Sec. 19,
Tp. 35. Rge. 34 15.30
Alma and Ella Odman. NSWVi
SEVi, Sec. 3, Tp. 36, Rge. 31,
H. K. OUon, NWNWVi. Sec. 9.
Tp. 36, Rgo. 34, 12.66
P. B. OUon. NV.SKUNWK. Sec.
7, Tp. ,"G. Rge. 32V. 12.46
Clark I). Oahorn. SSEViSKVi.
Sec. 19, Tp. 36. Rfl. 36. $2.60
8. B. Osborn, SE4NEUNK.
Be. T. Tp. 26, Rgc. 36. $2.60
Tony Oswald. S ,SW ViSVV , Sen,
23. Tk 35 Vi. Rge. 32. $2.45
W. H. Otto. SMiNEViNE. Sec.
27. Tp. 36. Rge. 33. $2.39
L. 8. Overholt, SNEV4NW.
Sec. 15, Tp. 36, Rge. 32 4 $2.46
A. K. Page. S'iS&NE VNW V .
Sec. 13. Tp. 37, Rge. 36, 5.20
A. K. Rage. HKViSE, Sec. 17,
Tp. 36. Rge. 29 4.60
A. K. Page. SWiSEViSWK. sec.
31. Tp. 30. Rge. 32. 2 46
Arthur Radrlck, NW9E"4, Soc.
29. Tp. 30, Rge. 32, 2.46
Win. I'ahnatoer. N HNTO V HE '4 .
Sec. 7, Tp. 37. Rge. 30, 2.60
Allien R. Parker, N V4NE 14 NW Vi .
Sec. 1. Tp. 36. Rge. 31. $4.60
P. Parker, 8HSE14 NE '4 . Sec. 27.
Tp. 36, Rge. 32. $2.46
W. H. Parks, SV.NK8WV,, Sec.
3, Tp. 36, Rge. 88, $2.46 I
k'l..r..,...., 1 l.,r,...l SUNW L. RK L: 1
Sec. 33, Tp. 35. Rge. 32 V4,
E. O. Patrle SV48WyNWV4. Sec.
36. Rge. 32 4, $2.46
L. Patterson, NV4St;4SE4,
T. 36, Rge. 31, $4.60
Pearson, S 4 N '..SK , NK , .
TP. 37. Kge. 36. $5.20
Pofferman, NV43E4SW4.
Tp. 36, Rg, 33, . $2,39
9, Tp. 37, Rge. 36;
Hurley L. Pennington. 848 4
8W4SW4. Sec. 13. Tp. 35, Rge.
3, 14.78
Henry Peters. N 4NE y,SW 14 . Uc.
:. Tp 36, Rge. 33, 12.39
Ja;i. C. Peteraon. SK'NWU, Her.
16, Tp. 36, Rgo. 30. $4.60
L. M. Peterson. NW4HEI4, Sec.
26, Tp. 35, Rge. 32 4 11.41
Wni. Henry Peterson, N4N4-
HK'4 8W4. Soc. 10, Tp. 37. Rge. 30,
A. E. Petty, 84N4SW4NW4.
Sec. 36, Tp. 36, Rge.36 6.20
H. L. Pfelffor. NE4. 80c. 35, Tp.
35. Rge. 34 6.30
Chaa. A. Phillip. SWV48W4.
Sec. 11, Tp. 36. Rge. 29 4.60
W. M. Pore. 8E48E4NEV.
Sec. 11, Tp, 30, Rgo. 34, 1.22
A. C. Piatt. N4NEV4NW4. 8c.
13, Tp. 36, Rgo. 31, 4.00
Henry Plchel, 8 4N48W4SW4.
Sec. 9, Tp. 37, Rge. 36 $6.20
R. N. Potf, N4N4SWViNWVi.
80. it. Tp. 37, Rge. 36 $6.20
Hugh Porter. N4NW4SE4.
Sec. 37, Tp. 30 4. Rge. SIM. ..$2.45
Harry It. Porter. 8W4NE4NE4.
Sec. 7. Tp. 36, Rge. 36, $1.30
('has. J. Poxleitner, 8 4NWV4
NEVi. Sec. IS, Tp. 36, Rgo. 31.
CnrUI Peters, S48BV4NE4. Sec.:
II, Tp. 36, Rge. 36 $2.60 i
Ida I). Prriher. N43EVSE4,
Sec. 36. Tp. 35, Rge.
F. D. and Mary
30, $4.80
E Pratt. N4-:
l'p. 36, Rge. 36.
NWV8EV4. Sec. 27.
E. I Price, SEV4. Sec. 11, Tp. 36, '
Rge. 30, 16.20
lone E. Pruuty, N4SW4SW4.1
Sec. 6, Tp. 37, Rge 38 2.60 '
lone E. I'runty. NE4NW4. Sec.. 1
23, Tp.
Sec. 17.
T L. E.
m Sac, 1 1
B. c.
I Sec. 11,
:;e v4 . Sec
27. Tp. 36, Rgo. 30 14.80
O. D. Putney, B4NWU8WV4.
Seo. 17, Tp. 38, Rge. 81 14.60
f,ucile Rarlg, N4NE4NW4.
8ec. 13. Tp. 38. Rge. 82 12.46
Nannie M. Rarlg, SE4SE4. Sec
19, Tp. 36. Rge. 30, 4.60
A. W. Rau. N48W4NE4. Sec.
23, Tp. 36, Rge. 36 , 12.60
J. M. Read. 8 48EV4NB4. Sec.
16, Tp. 36. Rge. 83. $2.39
W. E. Reber, N4848W48W4.
Sec. ll.Tp. 36, Rge. 86. $6.20
Prank Redman. N4N4NKK
SWV4, Sec. 11, Tp. 36, Rge. 88.
Wm. Renfeldt. 8W4. See. 6, Tp.
36, Rge. 31 11.11
t. K. Rlikhart. SB4. 8c. II, Tp.
35, Rge. 26 IB. II
Jennie Rlfenoerg, N4NW4
NW4. 8c. II. Tp. flit, Rga.Sl.
, 14.11
rr f. Kafcerta, 8B4SW4, Sa-
7, Tp. Hi Rgo. .30, $4.60
W. H. Robinson, 84SEV4NE4.
: 1 , Tp. II, Rf. 32, $2.45
Orsoa Rogari, S4NVV'4NEV4.
Hit. 1 I , Tp. II, Rg, :',;!, $2.39
Klov.l i. linger, N4NVV4, 8E4
NW4. Sec. 7. Tp. 36, Rge. 34.
Oscar Ronnlng. S 4HH USW A .
8ec. 17, Tp. 86, Rge. 82 4. 12.45
r'ranois A. llook. SW4NK4, Sec.
11, Tp. 36, Rgo. 34 12.65
John Rooney, NEK, Sec. 81, Tp.
81, Rge. 35 6.20
John Rboney, B4N48W4SB4.
Sea. 13. Tp. 37, Rge. II 6.20
W. T. Rosenberry. N4SW4NB4,
8p. 16. Tp. 38, Rge. II 2.46
Perry Rosenberger, N48E4
8B4, Sec. 6, Tp. 36. Kge. S3,.... $3. 89
Henry H. Rosonkoetter, 8 4N4
NWHNE4, Sec. 9, Tp. 37. Rge. 36,
Eleryn A. Rossman, N4NW4
NEVi. Sec. 17, Tp. 36. Rge. 31,
Fannie Roup. 848W4SE4,
Sec. 5, Tp. 37, Rgo. 36, $2.60
Orris W. Rowe, NK4. Sec
36. Rge. 36.
1, Tp.
IK 91)
N. M. Ryan. N UN AHW ANE VI .
Soc. 33, Tp. 36, Rge. 36. $0.20 $4-0
Sathers P. Rothrock, NE4NW4,' Fanny C. Whltaker, 848WV4
Sec. 11. Tp. 36, Rgo. 30, $4.60 SWVi. Sec. 33, Tp. 35, Rge. 81,
BdW, Hchaferman, SV4S4SE4 $4.60
NE4. Sjc. 1, Tp. 36, Rgo. 33, Fanny C. Whltaker, 84S4NWV4-
v T. $4.78 SW4, Sec. I, Tp. 37, Rge. 36,
Miller Schonboe, NW48WV4, Sec. J-20
11. Tp. 36. Rge. 30 $4.60 8. Wiley 84N4SE4NW4.
Dr. Ceo. V. Schrann, SVbNWV;- Sec. 35, Tp. 36, Rge. 33, 4.78
NEVi. 80c. 29, Tp. 35, Rgn. 31
Wm. Schwartz, 8E4NEV4, Sec.
'26, Tp. .364 Jlgo. 32.. $2.45
Ph. Schwelzor. N4SE'4NEVi,
I Soc. 9. Tp. 36, Rge. 33, $2.39
A. L. Sears, S4NE4NE4. Sec.
I 3J. Tp. 36. Rge. 36. $4.60
Asa F. Soay, NW4 8WV1. Sec. 33.
.Tp. 36. Rge. 30, 4.60
Otto R. Sell, SWV4NW4, Sec. 29.
iTp. 36, Rgo. 30, ..$4.60 i
Amy Sevier, -S4N4 8VV'4NWVi,
Sec. 25, Tp. 36, Rge. 36, $5.20 ,
Mae Sevier. N48W48BV4, Sec.'
15, Yp. 36, Rge. 36 $2.60 1
Louis O. Shaffer. N4.S4NWV4
SW'4, Sec. 3, Tp. 37, Rge. 36,
Oeo. H. Shirley. SViSEViNWU.
Sec. 11
Hen.. 17
Be. 27
L. C
29. Tp.
Sec. 6,
Tp. 36, Rge. 33 $2.39
M. Shoemaker. NWV4SEV4.I ltev- Henry Zlnnecker. S4NWV4
Tp. II, Rf. 9. $4.60 8E4, Sec. 21, Tp. 364 Rge. 32,
VV. Shrove. N VaNEVi NE V . ' $245
i p. lib line. 30, $4.60
Hhulters, SWV4NEU. Sec
II, Rgo. 29 $4.60
A. 81mpklns. S4SW4SBV4,'
Tp. 36, Rge. 31 $4.00 i
X. Smith. N4S4NE4
13, Tp. 37, Rge. 36, I
SE . See
$5.20 j
Josephine Smith, S4SEVSWVi.
BfJC, 27. Tp. 30, Rge. 33, $2.39 .
Kan Smith, N 4S4SE4NE4 . '
Sec. 35. Tp. 3C, Rge. 33 $4.73
C. A. Somorvllle, N4N4NW"
: E4, Sec. 10. Tp. 37. Rgo. 36.
Oeo. C. Sorum. N4N4NWV,-!
NE4. Soc 13, Tp. 35, Rgo. 33,
; $4.78 !
Carl Sorurn, S4NEVNE4, 8ec.
!. Tp. 37. Rge. 36 tt 1:11
Henry 8pcsjstra. ' 8 4NWVi8EVi.!
9, Tp. 30. Rge. 31. $4.60 1
" -"
'""" I'- P
O. Spencer. 8 Vi N W Vt SR w . I
36. Rge. 33. 82.39 -
SW4. 8ec. 1, Tp. 37, Rge. 36, I
Walter K. Stewart, 8E4SW4,I
Sec. 9. Tp. 36. Rge. 29, $4. fro
T. H. Stokloy, NE!,, Se. 33. Tp.
31, Rge. 35. $r, 10
faruy 8troet. NE ,4 NW , Sec. 1,1
ITP. 36, Rge. 32. 2.45
W. H. stump, 848B4NWU,1
:' 23. Tp. 3fi. Rm. 32 4 $2.40
Jno. B. Stutzman. SVi'SWNBVi
BM. 19, Tp. 36, Kge. 32 4. $2.40
Jno. B. Stutsman. N4.VV'4SW',
:,. U, Tp. 36, Rge. 32. $2.40
Frank W. Hunbtiide. NW'SWVi,
:,. LI, Tp. II, Rga. II $4.60
Floyd Sutherland. ;! ViHW; -SB . I
:' I, Tp. II, Rge. 32 $2.40
ChM. L. Sutton, BW4NW4, See.
9. Tp. 30 Hge 34 $2.60
Wm. Sweeney, NWViSW4, Soc.
31, Tp. 35. Rge. 30, $4.60
J. E. Swope. N4SWNW. 8ec.
19, Tp. 36, Kge. 324. $2.40
T. J. Tate, S4NEViNWVi, Sec.
17, Tp. 36, Kge. 36 $2.60
A. 0. Taylor', N48WNE, Sec.
29, Tp. 35. Kge. 31, $4.60
Ada B. Toal, S4NENW, Sec.
33, Tp. 364. Rge. 324 $2.45
Wm. Terrell, S4NWNW, Sec.
15, Tp. 36, Rge. 36, $2.60
Farm Investment Co. N4NW4
SE, Soc. 21, Tp. 36. Rge. 36,
8. H. Thomas. N VaS "ASK U NR iz
Sec. 35, Tp. 36, Kge. 36, $5.20
W. H. Thomas 8 4NESWVi,
8ec 29, Tp. 36, Rge. 31. J4.60
J. O. Thompson, S4S4SEV4
NK'i, Sec. 25, Tp. 36, Rgo. 33, 1
Irene K. Thurher, S 4SW V SW ',4 ,
Soc. 7, Tp. 36, Rge. 36, $2.60
Mr. W. M. Thurston, NEV8W,
Sec. 21. Tp. 36, Rg. 29 $4.60
E. P. Tobln, NE4 8W, Sec. 7,
Tp. 36, Rge. 29, $4.60
Oeo. E. ToblaB, 8 4N4NE
NW, Sec. 25. Tp. 35. Rge. 33,
$4.78 '
Z. A. Tolllnger, SEBW. Sec.
II, Tp. 36, Rge. 34, $2.65
R. W. Tripp. NW4SE4, Sec. 33.,
Tp.35, Rge. 32 1.23 !
I Jno. 8. Twinem, N48W8EVi,
.See. 35. Tp. 354 Rge. 32, $2.46
C. B. Tucker. 8BNW, Sec. 6.
'Tp. 88, Rge. 30, '...$4.60
0. T. Tucker. S48W8E. Bee.
! 17, Tp. 86. Rgo. 834. $2.46 I
, J. I.. Toll. N 48 4 BE SB , 8ec.
3. Tp. 87. Rge. 36, $6.20
Raymond M. Van Hoomlaen, N4
848E4NW4. Sec. 18, Tp. 86, Rge.'
'81 $4.78
1 Clara Volght , 8 4 NE 4 N W . Sec .
5, Tp. 36. Rge. 31, $4.60
Erall Volkman, N4NE4NW4.
Sec. 29, Tp. 36, Rge. 88 $2.39
Geo. C. Ward. N4NE4NW',4.
Sec. 11, Tp. 36. Rge. 82, $3.46
Ward Fruit Co. 8W4NB, Sec.
31. Tp. 36, Rge. 80, $4.60
Thoa. Wallace, N4NE8B.i
Bee. 8, Tp. 86. Rge. 31. $4.60
F J. Walton, N4NE4NE4, Sec.1
35, Tp. 86. Rge. 30 $4.60
David Ward, N4NW48B4. Bee.
21, Tp.
B. D.
86, Rga. S3, $2.39
Warren, 8 4SB48W , 8.
23, Tp. 17, Rgo. II, $2.60
E. 1). Warren, H4SEV4NWV4. Sec.
85, Tp. II, Ri;e. 80, 14.60
Hon. F. Wiitklns,' N4SW4NBV,,
Mc. 27. Tp. 114 Rge. 32, $2.45
Hiir.-y Wclln, 8EV. Hoc 13, Tp.
36, Rgo. 34, $0.30
Stella E. Weusell. 84NWNE4,
Sec. 17, Tp. 36, Rge. 32, $2.46
Fred Wetteroth, N4S4NW4
NE4. Sec. 11, Tp. 37, Rge. 36.
Otto H. WeUel, 8 4SWMNEV4.
See. 18, Tp. 86. Rge. 82, $2.45
Wm. Whaler, 8 4NB4NH4, Seo.
IS, Tp. SB, Rge. 81 $4.60
Henry J. Wheeler N48W4SW4,
See. 9, Tp. 36, Rge. 824 $2.46
Martha White, N4S4SE4NW4.
Bee. 23, Tp. 36 Rge. 86 $6.20
J. H. White, S4SE'48W4, Sec.
26, Tp. 35, Kge. 30, 14.60
Ewd. C. White, S4SW4SW4.
Soc. 8. Tp. 36, Rge. 31 4.60
A. M. White, N4NE4SW4. Sec.
13, Tp. 36, Rge. 31, 14.60
S. S. Whltehorn. N4N4SW4
8W4. Soc. 26, Tp. 36, Rge. 36,
fc'annv (' WhltakiT. SVkSW'
NW4. 8ec. 31, Tp. 36, Rgo. 31,
Li. w. wiuiaiUH, iNVfcrKW'4rKWV4,
Sec. 31. Tp. 36. Rge. 36 $2.60
1 Eldon Williams, N4NE4SE4.
Soc. 26, Tp. 30, Rge. 30, $4.60
Wm. Wlntermute, NW4BEV4,
Sec. 33. Tp. 35, Rge. 32, $2.45
Myrtle F. Wlon, NWV4NW4
NE4, Sec. 11, Tp. 36, Rge.34,
1 $1.33
Jas. Wright Jr., 84NW4NWV.
Sec. 27. Tp. 36. Rge. 31, $4.60
Jas. F. Wymer, NE4SW4, Sec.
15. Tp. 36, Rge. 30, $4.60
Inga B. Young. S4S4NE4SW4
Sec. 1. Tp. 37. Rge. 36 $6.20
J; Fred Youngqulst, S4NE4
SEV4. Seo. 6. Tp. 36, Rge. 32,
Oeo. L. Zimmors, S4N4SW4
NE4. Sec. 3, Tp. 37, Rge. 36,
O. V. L. Co.. 84N4NE4SEU
Sec. 15. Tp. 35. Rge. 33, $4.78
O. V. L. Co., N4S4SE4NE4,
8ec. 3, Tp. 36, Kge. 33, $4.78
0. V. L Co.. N4SE4SE;, 84
SV4SEVi, Sec. 27, Tp. 35, Rge. 30,
0. V. L. Co. N4NW4SW4. 8ec.
5. Tp. 36, Rge. 32 $2.40
O. V. L. Co.. N 4 NEVi SWVi, Sec.
Tp. 36.
O. V. L.
Tp. 36,
O. V. L.
Rge. 32 $2.40
Co.. N48WV4NW4. Sec.
Rge. 32. $2.45
Co.. N4NE4SW4, Soc.
7. Tp. 36,
O. V. L.
11, Tp. 36,
O. V. L.
17, Tp. 36,
Rge. 32 $2.46
Co., S4SW4NW4. Sec.
Rge. 32 $2.46
Co., S4NE4NW4. Sec.
Rge. 32 $2.45
Co.. 8 4SW4NE4, Sec.
Rge. 32, $2.45
O. V. L
17. Tp. 36
O. V. L. Co., 84 NW 8W, Sec.
17. Tp 36, Rge. 32 $2.45
O. V. L. Co.. N4NE4NW4. Sec.
19, Tp. 36, Rgo. 82, $2.45
O. V.
L. Co., S4NW4NW4. Sec.
36. Rge. 32. $2.46
L. Co.,N4NW4SE, Sec.
36. Rge. 32, $2.45
L Co., S4NEVSW4. Sec.
36. Rge.32 $2.40
L. Co.. S4NW4SE4. Sec.
36, Rgo. 32, $2.45
I. CO., N4NE48W4. Sec.
6, Rgo. 32 4. $2.46
19, Tp.
O. V
19. Tp.
O. V.
19, Tp.
O. V.
19. Tp.
O. V.
5, Tp. 3
O. V.
1 1 , Tp.
u. v.
17. Tp.
0. V.
17, Tp.
O. V.
19, Tp.
0. v.
II, Tp.
0. V.
1,. CO., N4SWV.SW4. Soc.
II, Rgo. 32 4. $2.45
L. Co.. N4NW4SW4, Sec.
Rge. 33, $2.39
Co., 8 48W48W4. Sec.
Rge. 33, $2.39
Co., S4NEUNK4. Soc.
Rge. 33, $2.39
Co., 8 48E4NW4. Sec.
Rge. 33 $2.39
Co., S4NW4SW4. Sec.
19, Tp.
O. V
19, Tp.
O. V
Rge. 33. . $2.39
Co., S4NW4SE4. Sec.
Rge. 33. $2.39
Co., N4SE48W4. Sec.
19. Tp
Rge. 33. $2.39
O. V. Li. Co.. NV&NWSW14. oec.
29 Tp. 35, Rge. 33 2.39
O. V. L. Co., 84NE4SW4, Sec.
29, Tp. 36, Rge. 33. $2. 39
O. V. L. Co., N4SW4SW4. Sec.
29. Tp. 35. Rge. 33 $2.39
O. V. L. Co., 8 4NWV4SE4. Sec.
31. Tp. 36, Rge. 33, $2.39
O. V. L. Co.. N4SW48E4. Sec.
31. Tp. 35, Rge. 33, , $2.39
O. V. L. Co., N4SE4SW4, Sec.
31, Tp. 36, Rge. 33, $2.39
O. V. L. Co.. NW4SE4 8ec.
36. Tp. 35, Rge. 30, $4.60
O. V. L. Co.. NE4 Sec. 11, Tp. 36,
Rge. 34, $6.60
8. O. I. Co., NW4SB4, Sec. 5,
Tp. 36, Rge. 29, $4.60
H. O. I. Co., NE4NE4, Sec. 6
Tp. 36, Rge. 30, $4.60
S. O. I. Co., 8 4SW4NW4, Sec.
21, Tp. 36, Rge. 32, $4.60
8. O. I. Co.. 8ViSV4SWV4NWVi.
Sec. 25, Tp. 86, Rge. 33, $4.78 ,
S. O. I. Co.. S4S48W4SW4,!
Sec. 25. Tp. 36. Rge. 83, $4.78 J
8. O. I. Co., N4NE4SE4. Sec.:
31, Tp. 36. Rge. 33, $2.81.
8. O. I. Co., N4NW48W4. Sec.
31. Tp 86. Rge. 83 $2.39-
8. O. I. Co.. N4NE4SE4. Sec.
7. Tp. 86, Rge. 86. $2.69
8. O. I. Co.. N48W4BB4. 8ec.
7, Tp. 36. Rge. 36, $2.60
8. O. I. Co.. N4NE4NE4. Sec.
13, Tp. 36, Rge. 36 $60
S. O. 1. Co., 8484NE4SW4.
Sec. 25. Tp. 86. Rge. 36 $6.20
8. O. I. Co.. N4NE4NW4. Sec.
7, Tp. 37. Rge. B6 $8. 60
8. O. I. Co., 84NW4NW4. Sec.
7, Tp. 87, Rge. 86 $2.60
S. 0, I. Co., N4N4NW48W4,
Sec. 16. Tp. 37, Rgo. 36 $6. JO
B. O. I. Co., N4N4SE48E4.
See. 16. Tp. 37. Rge. 86 16.10
8. O. I. Co.. 848W4NE4, Soc.
17. Tp. 87. Rge. 31. 18.60
Spain might, bare kept her In
fluent to herself. Perhaps alio
would have been leaa generous In
that case, but h would have been
far kiader
Austria probably reflects that she
would bo fur better off If four years
ago she had reconciled liernelf to
IohIiu' her Arch Duke ueil liuc.hesa
and said nothing about it.
lHm't You Need One Now?
Indigestion, billiousneas, bad breath
gas, constipation or any condition
arising from a mass of undigested
food in the stomach needs Immediate,
attention. Foley Cathartic Tablet
are mild and gentle, but sure In act
to. n. Cause no griping, pain or
ausea. Cleanse bowels, sweeten
stomach, and tone up liver. Sold by
Reed Bros.
Burns, Oregon, October 10, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that James
11. Olbson, whose post-office address
l Is Burns, Oregon, did, on the 12th
iday of January, 1918. file in this
office Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 010078, to purchase the
W4 NE4, NE NW4. Section 32,
Township 21 8., Range 32 E., Wil
lamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of the
act of June 3, 1878, unu acts amend
atory, known as the "Timber and
8 tone Law,-" at such value as might
be fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, tha
land and timber theroon have been,
appraised, at Three hundred and
fifty-six Dollars, the timber estimat
ed 236 000 board foot at $1.00 per
M, and the land $120.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and sworn
statement on the 23rd day of Decem
ber, 1918, before Register and Re
ceiver, at Burns, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Ini
tiate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
V. C. COZAD, Register.
Burns. Oregon, October 10, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that Hans
Bang, whose post-office address is
Narrows, Oregon, did, on the 19th
day of February. 1918. file in this
office Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 010112, to purchase tha
NW NWV4. Section 12, Township
27 S.. Range 30 E.. Willamette Meri
dian, and the timber thereon, under
the provisions of the act of June 3,
1878, and acts amendatoryrknown as
the "Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such ap
plication, the land and stone thereon
have beon appraised, the stone esti
mated 4000 porches at 2 cents per
perch and the land $40.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and sworn
htateniont 011 the 14th day of Decem
ber, 1918 before Register and Receiv
er, at Burns, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
issues, by fling a corroborated affi
davit in this office, alleging facta
wh'li would defeat the entry.
V. G. COZAD, Register.
In tho matter of the Estate of
Henry Lulg, deceased
the uudorslgned administrator has
filed his final account herein and
that the court has set Monday the
28th day of October, 1918, at ten
o'clock A. M. as tho time and tho
County Judges office at Burns. Har
ney County, Oregon, aa tho placa to
hear any objection thereto.
Dated at Burns, Oregon, this 28th
day of September, 1918.
Administrator of the estate
of Henry Lulg, doc eased.
Burns. Oregon, October 16, 1911.
Notice is hereby given that Rich
ard S. Hlocum, of Burns, Oregon, who
on November 28. 1918. made Home
stead Entry, No. 07118. for Lota 2.
S. 4. 6. and 7. Section 4. Township
21 8.. Range 29 K, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, at Burns. Oregon, ou the 20th
day of November. 1118.
Claimant names aa wltneaaea:
John Breed lore. Clyde Mulkey.
George Hillings James Kriba all ef
Burns. Orugoa.
V COZAB. Register.