Stood Firm for Complete Victory kkt .. 'whk V laaasailBE dl 11 mii 1 .mi im aaa 11 iii.mii i i3 Br 1 Gas and oil 76 Clerks' nalary 200.00 l'niiure mid Htutloii(r.v 60.00 roiRhtii grade examination oo Intermit 011 bonded debt ... 1970.00 IntoroKt On school warrant 1700.00 iiisunuieo I'l'ninluinH ... 40G.Q0 1 Kxprosw on KIIiuh and Hildas 13.30 Total estimated amount o( 1 r 1 1 1 ; 1 v to lto expended for all purposon during I ho HTOOK MKN TO MKHT. The nurnn Cuttle A Horso drowen Association will hold a meeting In lluniH nt. (ho Commercial Club Rooms 011 TuciHday. Nov. 26 at 1 o'clock i m. All members are urged to be preBent. K. C. RKYNVAAN, President. o NOT1CM ,oar 10, 093. 8 DKI'AUTMKNT OK TIIK INTKRIOK JOstlmntcd ItH'ilpU From county school fund during I ho coming school year 2927.20 Proa stain hciiuoI fund dur ing the Mining year 111.80 Cas'.i now In II10 bunds of the district clerk 3.93 Four great allied lenders stood linn, despite crafty Hub bait to "split" humanity. To ihom must go the glory and lumen of having stood their guns for humanity. Justice and freedom's victery: Wilson of America. Lloyd (JaorgO of Hnglund, (' 1 e in e 11 1 0 it u of France, Orlando of Italy. .Sn KNOCKED OUT!! 1 --" """"k.. jA v - - Him m XHitiJW -- K : j Total estimated receipts not Including the money to be received from the lux which It is proponed to vote ... $3592.4:1 Kccapif illation Total estimated expoiiHis for the year $10,G9C80 Total cHtlmated reedpts, not Including the tux to 1 voted ,681.48 r.alaini, amount to he rain ed by district, tux to be I nltcd Hltttcs Indian Hervlce Klamath Agency, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1908. Proposals will be received at the office Of the above :lhhi : '-. . .m' until 8 O'clock P M., .Wvombor 15, 1918, (or the iiirnlHhlng of kitties, mures m.u breeding cattle, hogii and sheep: tiuld stock is to be purchimed for the Klamath Indians on the Kla math lt("-,ervutio:i. State of Oregon. The right is real r?eo to inject any and nil bids, to accept any part and reject the other and to waive techni cal di (eel 1 SI the ii.lere itl of the Borrtcc 1 1 ; raqulr , There w!ll be inirchriiied H fol fel fol eows: CATTUB I and :'. jrtT old lleil'ers, approxi mately 1000 to 1200 head. 1 to 2 year old Heifers, approximate ly 200 to 400 head. Willamette Merldaan, In Harney County, Oregon, containing eighty ' (80) acres, more or less, together with all water and water rlghtB ap purtenant there-to. The terms of Balo are: purchaser to assume and pay the mortgage of $2000.00 now against said real pro perty and mako payment In cash of at least the further turn of $2000.00, balance of purchase prlco to be paid on or before five years with Interes' at 6 per cent per annum, aecKTd "Y netond mortgage on sm.i land, or1 such other terms .tn said guardla'i may deem to the best Interest of said minors. Ulds for the purchase of said real property may he MUbfoitted to and lefi with iny attorney .1. S. Cook, of Hums, Oregon. ZKI'HA BTKUCK, Oumd an. How a Hulriman Huffered. It. J. Porter, Sterling, Col., writes: "I suffered with a painful, weak back. As a traveling salesman I had to stoop frequently to pick up my grips, and the pain when I straighten ed up was awful. I was Induced to try Foley Kidney Pills. Relief wm Immediate. Say, they are great." Proinp'. and Mmto, Sold by Iteed o The saying "few die and none re sign" does not apply in Germany. Muny are dying at the front and re signation seems to be the favorite occupation In official circles. o Kor Sale 40 acres adjoining; Burns. See J. J. Donegan. V(,to( $13,104.37 I Mib h eows not over 4 years out, ap- The amount Ot mOttO) to be rained j proximately U bead, by this special tux Is more than tbe BHBBP amount rabwd by special nchool dli- Oood y.mng Breedlag Ewea, approx- tncl tax in the y'ar Imuied'ale'.y pre-; imatoly 250 h;.,l. ceding this, plot six pet cent, it la I nous di mr: to MlM tbia additional Breed Bowe, 2. r.t by apeclal levy for tbe foi Plajt, approximately 80 beed. lene: tnefeaao of teachers HOB8B8 alarlea and Inoreaaed ooel ol all Una Qi Id iga, weight 1,100 to 1300, 6 to of ruei, labor and supplies. , 7 yean old, 8 ipana. Dated this 28tb .lay of Bepl mber, I Qeldlnga, erelgol i3(o to 1500. 5 to f v.-in tary ' .lit me. It'a " sat ml ild aot tor tbe lot k of rigl tbe mil' heads. Hlndenburg, Uudeadoi '-. .".;' lufO : ' . regis! 1 r ! 9 ' 1. 1;. Com N'OTKK OF i(H(ll, MKKTI.W; N'OTICK 18 HBttBBT 6lVBN To the legal voters of School District No. 1 of Harney County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEBTINO of said District will be held at Public School Building, on the 30th day of Nov., 1918, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on tho proposilon of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during tbe fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1918, und end- 1 : v.i!:f; bud : 1 111 . ; al dlHtrk'i tax, aad all l i;i i i;i.': ited B.Tpenditures Teaehers' lalarlei 1788000 -"alary Treacher of iniisle und if with auppllei 71' BO Furniture , 200. 00 Apparatus and asjppllee, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc 150.00 Repairs of schoolhouses, out buildings or fences 500.00 Legal Services 50.00 Engineer's Supplies 26.00 Janitor's wages 700.00 Janitor's supplies 10.00 Engineer's wages 802.00 Fuel 1100.00 Light 50.00 I3B I I'll pay $50, 000. 00 for the kaiser's hide Further: I'll pay from 50c. to $1 more for coyote and cat hides than any other buyer in Eastern Oregon Highest Cash Price for Hides and Pelts If I don 't I'll give you the 50c. and you may keep th hides. L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore. WILLIAM FARRE Notary Public, IanJ Oftoe Praotiot), Fir UiturMOB i"(l ''ttl Estate. If you want your hay inaured, nee him Office: Toaiawjuna Building I 'I Is. 3. L 0 MILT HENRY DAITON BAM MOTHKK8HBAD :or.s School DIst No 1 HO. Ion nf In HARNEY COI riONALBANK ell ... 'i i a I . ; ii 1 , I i ' tl ll I , . il , . lad . ., ' V. J. bondi h'mI I'lT.iiiisii-'" f 'ill'', I. ' ' I I St'il anptodgrd . H'.oouoo Total D - ii udi ii oo o i Ibarty Bend' I ,. i i ..t stni nnpbdfsd J'.'.ojOoo i iii.Tiv i. nun Bonds, si . 4 e4 per pant, i sdged to . no- V, 1, dspoaita sO.O 'i ni Pal meats aetaallf mn ' o'i Liberty IH Beads ol be Knuriii Liberty I aaa asm C.I .... HHKI .ITiKJO.'O iMOritlSS etbat lhu I'. H. Honda, owncrl mid unpli'dired .... ;;.'.. in:y 17 Slocks iiiIht i In, ii I , ,,:k! lies rvs Hi, k stock fOOOn Htock ot Pedfral Rfcrve Hank I ' ..T (n t of Miibacrlpiion) i '.HOOH Khll.ll.l'f ill. 1 II '!.!., 1. ,llJ'J.' Ki'Kl gsMM ownc I nlliur limn Hunk In Km 1,800 0U Lawfal Bsearra nii ii..iri kc- MrVS Hllk 80,ilS4 2ll r'oli In vmill and not amount duu from Vailonal hanka 143,1)7(11 Net amount do from liatika and bsaksrl.and trut oenpenli aloihcr theeabovs 7,'.'s7j Ch.i'ka mi i.Kukn In ilie lime iHvi.ri.iniiKi n .iiniii liank 10i0 Total ( laai Ave lt-m l Ml..,7:i ', C'hscka ..ii lmil, 'i.'aii'd nu'aldu ot city or '.,.. i 01 leporlliiK l.auk and other raah limm Kedeinption fund with t'.s.Treaaurvr and due from tl. 8. Treaaurer 7 years old, 4 II span. i:ir. .. ttood ' i "'i and w..rl stock, I 10 tO 1 BOO pound;. :. to 7 y urs old ii ipn t, No member of Copgre ... I IB Btat. l. i ii;: i i i or emploi t a of the nt. ( 18 Btat, L. 177 1 shall ' (li ... 'i iblng of A 1! of . ... to tb ' '' .1. ii. I , on LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS. :: OREGON Established thirty-two years Need no introduction Through square dealing: have won the confi dence of the people and are no longer in the experimental class, but stand among the solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de serve the support of all home people EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY nT. " v i I Seven organizations , . f "n witM .i"st mi'' !,in to rii v";) serve that tight ing tx.y ol voiirs 1( he w ith him lentil the time he IOf),Ve8 Inline t ill he evl S back to back him up .itiil to buck him up to (In for hint the very things t liat you would do if yOU were t here. It's a big jab, that. It takes all that all cf us can do, wcrking together shoulder to shoulder, each organization looking after the part cf the job that it knovs best. HELP THE UNITED WAR VVORK CAMPAIGN I. S. rEER & CO, aJirnSSHBdlVit; Total I IAI1U I I IKs. Capital H'oi'k paid In HurplUH Kunil Ii ii.! I v !!. -1 proflla.'. l....:i'i..; I.teta curront cxpfnaca. In t. 1 1 hi and I4SM paid f , ':'." ' rJireulatlDf aetat nntnaii'iius liiMnand lioponlla aiibji'rt to Heaerve: Indlvldal il!ilt ant.jei't to check Ortltlcalea ol dcpoill duu In lea than DO deyi L'li'iler's oheckn outatandlnti Total demand ('oposlti ubjeot to Keaervs WI.TMSI Tiiuedepoaltiaubjectto Keserre: (ortltlcalea of depoalt. I'oalal aaTlnga depoalla Other tins depoalta ,., Total time deposits lab- Jeot to leeBTM . 137.0M War loan depoalt account 7,tm& U Othur fulled Mates .! poalta, InoludlnR depoi Its of li. H. dlabuisluK ofneera 4,ia.r as Cah Leltera ot Dredlt anil Travel eta' Cheoka ou'tlandlug l.a'J7 7it 1.17.'. 00 fi.:iN.,i: ;S KOTICE OK GUARDIAN'S BALK OF RJCAL PROPBR1 I Notice l hrrehy glv" that hy vir tue of an ortlor of sale duly ruUU and entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County, on the 19th tlay of October, I'.iis. li.-i'imliin. eropowerliiR and di recting the undiTHlKnetl. guurdian of the iiersoiis and eHtates of tiraut Struck. Alice Struck, Fannie Struck and Tlminnt Struck, miiiurs, to aell the real property belonging to said minors. I will, from and after the 30th day of November, 1918. pro-j ceed to sell at private sale the fol lowing described real property, to' wit: The east half of the northeast . quarter of miction nine (9), In town-! Hhlp twenty-three (211) south of range thirty-one (31), east of the That Fall Suit! Have it made now during the slack season. We are always busy but more time now than we will have a little later. Call and See Our Samples and Styles Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company I -i. mm i n .YJ.OUOIO 7.0C2 14 2.:. too oo 3H.H01 HO ..I on ... W1M ISS.H99 28 IM41 tl.lMM 'Jh 1190 00 n.;,i,l:i,W Total i.iri.iiiiii (or redlaconnta, Including llime with Fed eral Ituaurve Hank 1.AO000 Total contlpgeiit iikI. injr I. . '4X100 m'IA IK OKOBKaON, . ( i.imty ol lliuiicy. I, I. mm M. Hrnwii, CealiliT of tbe almre named l.ank, do nolemulv awcar tlmi the xliove laic nt la true to the heat ol my knoWlcilHV anil he lie i. I. son M. Mkown, f'a'lilcr Huhacrlhel and aworn to In-lorn mo thll I 111. dajr ol Noreuihur, 1 JIM. A W (iOWAN Special $1.25 Brooms 80c. Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager .Haal) Correct A tteat. Notary fuhllo. BURNS I" ' I'srsaaSN J I' ' .-. ii.u 1U.S..V lKl.TON I Illli'ClOII OREGON fl II