The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 19, 1918, Image 1

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    SBw Wnxit&
The Times-Herald goe re
The Times-Herald is en oM
established friend of the people
-. Harney County where It ha
been a weekly visitor for thirty
year. Ii'm job department is
equipped to Nerve yoar need.
gularly to mors homes In Har
ney County than any other
newspaper. If you wish to
reach tho people use these col.
am mi for your iTrrtlnriunut.
;t rites paid to
a soldier boy friday
bert C. Hin, On of Harney
L'uuntv'a Soldiera. Did .."
e j r- i nil
juouay i vnnip lcwii, OOuy
nt Home for urial.
Another one of Harney county 's
Idler boys has pawed away.
A telegram Sunday from Camp
win anounced that Robert (". Helm:
tiled at 11:30 that day of Span
influensa. The young man was
dieted Into service on July 23, last
id had been at Camp Lewis since.
'I he Crane train was held at On-
10 Wednseday until t p. m. awalt-
the arrival of the body and it was
night op that night and on to
jrn:- Thursday night. The funeral
held yesterday afternoon at 2
oc-k at the cemetery, the service
Hng conducted by Rev. B. 8.
ighes, pastor of the Presbyterian
Robert C. Heinz was a son of J. J.
pin and would have been 32 years
on the 24th of this month. He
us horn in Casper county, Missouri
ki came with the family to this
lunty In 1891. He Is survived by his
ther, five sisters and three broth-
Mis mother died In 1896.
This Is the second son of Mr.
Bint to die In service, the other hav-
Ig gotten on English soil on his way
aid his country and was stricken
Ith pneumonia and died.
An a mark of respect for the dead
klriier the business bouses of the
tv closed during the funeral ser-
Ires. The attorneys attending clr-
)i' court took their place in line
Id marched behind the hearse to the
Imetery. The Harney Countv High
Niool dismissed and the students
nl faculty also marched to the
metery in a body.
The flags were placed at half mast
irlng the afternoon as a further
irk of resp set,
The active pall bearers were young Will Young, who Is here from
imp Kearney on leave, also Sailor
K. McLeod, who is here from hit
Ice on a submarine.
The casket was draped with an
Irni't-ican flag and completely cover-
wlth flowers.
The Times-Herald knows It volce:i
I' sentiment of the entire commuu-
ln extending syranamy ana con-
tiences to the bereaved relatives of
bbert Heinz and to say further that
hrney County honors this younB I
lira win reference ins memory. .
SI-WISH lH,lK.m.
The following instructions were re-
layor Mothershead from the State
lived the fore part of this week by
lea Ith Officer. So far there has'
ken no cases developed in this vid-
Ity that is known of, therefor- the
Ihools continue as well as other
leetings and gatherings, but should
case develop tho lid will be shut
)n at once. The Instructions read:
fo The Mayor,
Burns, Oregon.
Pear Sir:
'By order of the Surgeon General
the United State r.uhll. Health
I'm k -. you are directed to dlscon-
Biuc all public meetings, closing all
pools and places of public amuso-
fnt on the appearance of the pros-.
it world wide epidemic of Influenza.
'Vim are requested to urge upon
ry one of the necessity of avoiding
rowds, unnecessary street car traffic
nd shoplug, until the :t jil
Hnlc has subided
"Yours very truly,
"State Health Officer."
informs The
B. C Hggleston
Hies II. -raid that he hr.s pu
residence In which John Caldwell
IH x , ., ......Mtnn
n some time the middle of next
loiith. Mr. Caldwell Is preparing
ive l,i Ilia farm mi thn riviir which
recently disnosed of to the Ben-
tt Brother's he having taken
iperty hack.
Mr. Kgaleston also states Ilia' ".
Hiighet has purchased the resl-
ince pronerty adio nlji.; the "i. li'1
iir.-d, formerly BeaapSfldl ''v J- rt-
Ml'HT HK IM'NtlfCn
School Supt. Clark states that the
! of War flavin Stamps aro not
,pro'ireMins; ln accordance with the
nw,UK an" ho several
i nenuui iiiir:ct or the county to
school district
start new on the campaign mid croat"
more Inter it.
The reports coming ln Hits month
were not up to what they should be
with cno exception. The Andrews
district, with only seven pupils brings
In the total of $1 2 1 5.00 In Liberty
Bonds and War Stamps for the pre
vious month. This is a fine showing.
People have failed to grasp the
great benefit this Raving procoss has
upon the children and the public in
general. It is of an educational
character and one that should be
cultivated. A man who has boon" con
nected with the campaign In this
state during the past several months
has this to say in a recent letter to
Mrs. Clark:
"My conception of W. 8. 8. ha
Always been that it is so patriotic
thst only the firing lino exceeds it;
so religious In its creating of habits,
in character building, that It rings
true to the spiritual laws of Almighty
Ood; and so sound and simple In its
economic relationship that even a
child can understand It. It Ib des
tined to be a factor in the llvo3 of
the coming generations and the de
stinies of our people. Keep your
good work going. Never let up, and
as I leave I shall think of good old
Harney county as over hitting the
bull's eye in W. 8. 8. In whatever re
lationship 1 may assume with the
National W. 8. 8. work I will con
tinue to look to Oregon to keep up
the high standard of excellency that
lia-i always characterized It In all
patr.ciie ondcv.or-'.
ANOTHER ko:.;,ii:k
A teiegrsab iroui Portland the
Other SJf stale I that F.dirar Willi:. mi
10n of Mr M( Mr.. R , w,n,Bmi ,
Sliver Creek, wan 111 vlth the Spanish
tnfiuonza at the Benson Polytechnic
School at that placo. Mr. and Mrs.
Williams left at once going out by
Bend and hoped to catch the train
last Wednesday night.
H:s brother. Fred, received a tele
gram Thursday morning, from
his uncle, Boon Dodson, in which he
stated the young man was not in any
,i. ,,...,
was doing as well as could
be expected and for the family not to
Mr all(I MrM wllUonll, ha(1
,.(, ,i0wn to ,.,,,
young man
last week us it had heen understood
that he nud others wo-jld lie called
to other polnfi for duty.
Misses Jauanlta Upson and Anna
Otioy left thin morning for Pcrtland
I where they go to enter St. Vincent's
' Hospital to begin their course of
: training as narsae. These young
I ladles, together with others, had
, signed mi to take up such a course
j In response to a government appeal
aoveral weeks ago. Miss Daisy De
fonbaugh another who thus signed
up, left from Payette Instead of re
turning here. Miss Esther Hughet ex
pects to liuve tomorrow morning for
the same place to begin her work.
The girls each received their call
from the army to enter tho student
training course of the cantonments,
but since they also had an Invitation
"TOM the hospital to take a thorough
course they accepted that In pre
ference. rowuvnoK ok Hfiiooh ok-
School Sn'.f (lark hai asked Tha
IVnios-llcrald O announce that fjja'pateft gives the text of the answer as
has arranged for a convention of i he
chool hoards of lrney county next I
Fridav afternoon (Jet. 26, 111 colliioc-
... .. .. i I !..-(.. 'a
Uou witn tne leacnern,,.
School officers. Inciurting tne nir. c ,
tors and clerk of each school district
are asked to no in'wiii iai..n -uim ..-.
. ....,. .. I
that i'fli rnoon ami comer wmi nv
slslnr.iit hta.e Bupi. arieu... ...oy
They i
also may i viui ineuist-ivu. "i uij - ,
i i . i . . ........ , . r fs.A nu it
port unity 01 Hearing oiner oi .in
asedUt I ll '' ''" l'ri"'i I at
that t!mo.
Tho W0Fs "tl'aiits ' and "Phil
II m" "" "Cuba" u "Sox" are blot
tti from on- vcicahuHiles until ihe
I'' H. II
No Reply Received up to Yesterday in
Response to President's Last Note.
Late Papers Indicate Further Dis
cussion and Little Prospect for an
Armistice in Immediate Future
The peace rumors of surrond- ment nd ndT,ce of the d"
er of the German forces of the Jg" J "e ?nn of the
, , .. , . United States and the allied govern-
fore part of this week seem to ment8 and th- prcgldont feelB u nl.
have had no foundation. The dUty to say that no arrangement can
Times-Herald tried to get Some be accepted by the government of the
authentic information over the united states which does not pro
telephone Thuridiy but found vluc satisfactory safe-
.1 u: i .i guards and guarantees of the main
there was nothing to the reports , , "
, , " tenanco of the present military eu-
and later newspapers reports premacy of the armies of the United
proved it. The papers this states and the allies ln the field.
morning indicate that theGer-j 'He feels confident that he can
man reply to the President's safelv assume that this will also be
last note has been answered but th" Judm" and decision of the
, .. ,. . . allied governments.
whether it was received up to, .The pre.Wen( foelll hat , a,,0
last night is not known. Accord- hl. duty to add ,nat neher ,he goy.
ing to best information Germany ernment of the United States nor, he
will seek to CO.ltinue the con- 1 quite sure, the governments with
v.rsnlmn nnrl fiinrn thore i-whlch the United States Is associated
nothing to be accomplished in
that we have trade no attempt
0 get il by wire, as ti is not of
sufficient imporlunce.
The Timea-Herald had a long
distance report from the Baker
Democrat at 1:30 last Tour
tiny to the effect that no nolo
had been received from Germany
in reply to the last note of tlio
President; and that the rumors ttt ta ttnd not the "hips alone, bul
of the past two days were not de- tle cry boats in which their pass.Mi
pendableand had no foundation. Bcrt'and bretfi sok t.i make tbclr
It hud betMi reported here that wa? to Bafety: ,n the,r P'wi1 en
Germany had accepted the terms fore(d withdrawal from Flanders and
of the last note asking Only thai Fr";e 'he German armUn are pursu
the rig.its ( t t le German people '"K & pouri,o ot wanton destruction
be sateguaided. That morning whlch haB always been regarded as
Mr. Gleeson, the Road Master, ("rect violation of tho rules and
said he was called by a party in ir'tices of civiucd warfare, cities
Crane who stated a dispatch had anu villages, if not destroyed, are
been received theie that Germa- boln stripped of all they contain not
n had unconditionally eurrend- ol,l'. b"t often of their inhabitants.
ered, but accord tg to the infor- Tne nations associated against Ger
mation given OUt by Baker this '"any cannot be expected to agree to
is a mistake. a cessation of arms while acts of in-
The Times-Herald was not ''"'"anlty. spoliation and desolation
salibiied with the report from aro bjln: continued which they just
Baker at 1 o'clock on Thursday '' look up" wlth horror and with
and asked for information by burn'" hearts.
way of Juntura and Vale. The "u ia "ecjssary. also in order that
same rt-sponse carr.e from that tll,!re IIiay bo no possibility of mis
source. The Vale Enterprise understanding that the president
stated it had no war news of should very solemnly call the atlon
any character that day. ,t,01 ' the government of Germany
Again the Democrat offiCfl nt to th" language and plain Intent of
laker was called a: 3:16 and in 0,,e of the torms of peace which the
a direct conversation with people Germun government has not accept
of that paper it was Stated that 'll It la contained In the address of
the rumor Of Germany throwing, the president delivered at Mount
down arms had been officially Vernon on the Fourth of July last.
denied h an Associated Press! "it is as follews:
dispatch from London. Germany Must destroy arbitrary patMN
had not indicated any intention I "The destruction or every arbitrary
to surrender and that there had power anywhere can be separately,
been no rtoy as yet to the secretly and of Its single choice lls
President'slast note. turb the peace of the world; of. If It
The full text of the President's cannot be presently destroyed, at
last note, ent to Germany on
lust Monday, was published in
the Boise Statesman of Tuesday
morning. It is published below,
Should it be accepted it would
virtually mean unconditional sur-
render. However, our informa-
tion of Thursday does not war-
rant tho assumption that it has
heen accepted and we mu t
a wuu jiiMini utM.iiiM. iriuu
of the Pr 'Kident re ids:
Washinton Associated I'reis
"The unqualified acceptance by tho
present ueriuan government ami oy
IttMtrA tnalosliir of Ih.i . I . . 1 . .. t . . . , , I'
... ..i .., u, u etnai tne governments
uie ..... ,..., ,..e ,
of tho United Slates of Amorl-a ln
" ... . ... ...,,,.,.., . , ...
..l..l U. ....... a.. . I... Dl. ... 1.,, ciamo m. mo mu . .hi. mi. ,i...
..... .m, ....... ......m-. ....
1 IS. and In b.s subsequont address-
- . J..O. ...., ... r.n... ..,...,
mi i 'in i no iiriiL. in mi i iii i i. i. i i .
a frank and direct statomenl of his
decision with regurd to the conimuul
catiom of tho Gorman government of
i in- ;th nud i2t,h of October, i ui s.
'It mui-t bg clearly understood that
the procoss of evacuation and the'
. .iiulll Ions of an armistice are mat
Men wh'ch Kurt be left to the Judg-
PHPJ" ' "' ... '
a. i a belligerent will consent to con
sidor an armistice so long as tho
armed force of flermutiv i-nnHmin
the Illegal and Inhumane practices
thoy still persist In.
ks '" we with bunds dripping
"At the vory lime that the German
govern meat approaches the govcrn
ni nt of the United States with
po i! '.s of piuco Its submarines are
I'littiiC'd In HlnkliiR nasKenu.r stili. -. '
least its reduction to virtual im.i
The power which has hitherto
controlled the German nation t. nt
the sort here described. It is within
the choice of the German ,,,,,,,,
alter it. The presidents words justi
miotml naturally constitute a condl-!
tlon precedent to peace, If peace Is to'
,. ly u,e action of the German1
nnoii e thaannlua 'I'h.
feels hound to say that the whole
process of neace UL in hi. I.wlumn.
j0H ll)0ll tho B4flnltiis and the
satisfactory character of the guaran-
teas which can bo given in this funda-
,nnlui mutter. It is Inilisneii.ahle
against Germa.iv should know hevoiid
a preadventure with whom they are '
"Trie president will make a aepa-!
..ttte ...M)lv tn ,,.., Vll, ,, ,,.,;
rBle ,. to ,ho royu, ,,,.,,,,
(foyernmoiit or Auslrirt-llungury.
. . . .
"Aooept ST, the renewed assur-
i of my high consideration.
(.I'Kiiod) ltOMlOKT I.ANSlNd "
.,-. . re.., Tick Oedertin.
., . .
"Charge d" Affaires, ad Interim, in
charge of German Interests In the
Culled Stale.'
Special Program of Music, HpcnkiiiK
and Motion Pictures at lib
erty Theatre
Even should this be the end of tho
fighting there Is work for (ho Hod
Cross for many days, months In fact,
and we should therefore give It even
greater attention and support than
ln the past. It will be one of the
greatest factors ln bringing about
normal conditions and relieving suf
fering following the devastated coun
tries. Through this organization the
suffering people of that war-stricken
territory will be aided for a long
time. We must not only keep up this
but other similar organizations that
are doing such humane duty ln that
On next Wednesday night, Oct. 23,
the annual meeting and election of
the Red Cross Chapter will take
place. In dTder that there be nothing
to conflict the management of the
Liberty has given up that night to
this purpose and will give the usual
picture program scheduled for that
night either on Tuesday or Thursday
night, owing to circumstances that
muy prevail at that time. The house
has been tendered to the organiza
tion for that evening and Its equip
ment and employes are at the service
of the Ked Cross to be used In what
ever capacity desired.
A recent meeting of the Executive
Committee decided to make this an
occasion of such Interest as to bring
together the entire community in or
der that all might take part In the
baslness of the meeting and hear the
report of the several officers and
In addition to the business there
will be a community sing under ihe
direction of Mrs. Eugenia Hemhold,
also an aildres by some speaker, and
throe reels of moving pfa Hires order
ed (hfOUgh the Northwest Division of
the Amerldin Ked Cross. This nmt-'
ter was taken up by wire with hejil
j tarter with the result thai Harney
County Chapter haB heen promised
the follewing: "The Spirit of The
Ited Cross," two reels, "Humanity '
Appeal" a one reel subject.
These are recommended by the R( d
Cross as being appropriate for use on
such an occasion and they have been
The public should bear li, mind
that this Is an open meeting free to
all -and fhe citizens 5f the ooanty are
lordlally Invited to attend and take
part in this meeting.
Not satisfied with his strenuous
work ut the Paramount studio, in
Holy wood, California, where he i
busy making photoplays, Julia i
Eltlnge has entered, like most of tho
other screen stars, Into tho work of
a'dlng the fled Cross and other funds
for our Boys In France.
He has appeared in so vera I be
nefit performances in western cities
where he has met with a most cor
dial reception. Mr. Eltlngo next
picture, "The Clever Mrs. Carfax."
was scheduled at tho Liberty Theatre
in this city for next Wednesday
night, but Mr Eltlnge will again
help the Bed Cross by sidestepping
that date for tho boniflt of that or
ganization which holds Its annual
moetlng aud election on that night at
tho theatre, and he will appear the
night after.
Liberty patrons recall his recent
visit in tho "Countess Charming,"
and will he ready to greet lilm In tail
next production.
AN imihi:i;imi:
The Times-Herald neglected In it
last issue to mention the memorial
WW 'H'lducted by the llarne
r"l""-v Uur Association ln which the
-iM,,'"K attorney! participated in pj
,P "'"''"' to "le ttorj ol
": ,;"1 J"W '" " Wohster. which
I I... Int.. I ...I .. .. t
"" ""'" nl l",, ,lr111' court room
ibsi weeu. Many remarks of high -
teem Wro ,lellvert"l this oeCMlon
......... .,...,,, , ii-i,,ira him ienow
.1.......... i. ...i m v ... .
Juuge wenster.
James Donegal! arrived
' ",""'"y ",Bnl " lno Wr' s,8
I ,rom a trln ,0 Portland where he hud
j b,'6n ',,"e,I because of the llliiess of
Ihi8 HO" ''ttt Mr 1)ob'' rapoti the
""J wo11 "' nak at work. He also
, ,,,, ,,.
leports the Skleues boy, who was 111
aj being much Improved and on tag
Iriutl to recovery.
NO. 51
Secretary Farre Checks up and
Finds Harney County to Good
With a Few Thousand Extra.
Sum Likely Increased Today.
Secretary Wm. Karre of tho
County Llber'y Loan Executive
Board reported to this jfflce yester
day evening that Harney cou.ity had
over (subscribed its quota for the
Fourth Liberty Lop.n Ilonds. Tho
total at that time wai
While our quota was $172,000.
Crane State Bank, 227 subscribers,
Harney National Bank, 470 sub
scribers, $84,6000.
First National Bank, 470 Mil,
bscrlbers, $68,600.
In the hands of the secretary, 11
subscribers, $700.
This Is a very gratifying showing
as it was considered a hard task for
us to raise the amount assigned us.
With crop failures and dry weather,
necessitating the removal of live
stock to other sections for forage It
was quite an undertaking to secure
the amount. However, it is certainly
a credit to the loyalty and patriotism
of the citizens of this county that
such a showing is made.
Judge Dalton Biggs adjourned the
fall term of circuit court yesterday
and took his departure for home last
night, being taken over to Crane by
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Biggs in order
that he might take the train out thlp
The criminal case in which L. L.
Noon Chester wa? charged with arson
wai tried before Judge Blags during
the fore part pf this week, it KOing to
the Jury Wednesday evening and
after being out all night and up to
almost noon Thursday without com
ing to any agreement they were dis
charged. This case, as well as the
other Indictment against Mr. Nooi.
Chester, was continued fir the term
for cause.
Following his case the Govr.
charged with maliciously ".illiing and
mutnatiiig an animal, were brought
" tral. The Jurv found William
Govers guilty and the charge against,
tne lather was dismissed. Judge
B?gs sentenced the guilty man ono
to two years in the state penitentiary
and Sheriff Goodman left with him
for that institution this motrt'cg.
L. C. Newell, charged with Dot
supporting his family, entered a plt'ia
of guilty and gave a bond to suppoit
them in future. O. Gray, plead BU Ity to tfci
charge of the larceny of a cow and
was sentenced one to five years and
The charge of .inlawful procuring
of Insurance again:-! A. A. Trauggott.
was dismissed.
i Jr.
The program arranged for last .
Saturday afternoon in celebration or
Liberty Day proved a success. The
speakers were Judge Dalton Biggs
and Hon. C. M. Crandall. The musfc
was under the management of the
Harney County High School. Miss.
Norrls, the music and art teacher,
and Principal Storll taking charge
of It. The patriotic t-ele.-tlons were
well rendered and received with
cheers, tho school Glee Club taking
the lead In the mush.
Both the speeches were line and
brought a realisation to the people
who were present that while we were
at present successful In our drive
against' the enemy, the war was not
over and we should not be con
fident. in the evening a dance WB1 glvon
ii Tonawaau toe the benefit of ih.
itoigian aiid Preach orphan aadei
i he ma mi genie:! t ol a .uininitt.- com
posed of Mrs. 0. H. Leonard, Mrs. 1.
N, Brown, Mrs. J. C. Foley and Mr,
Eugenia Bombold. The total receipts
weru sin::. tin
Hev. B. 8. Hughes Pastor.
Sunday school at 10, A. M.
Preaching Services at 11, A. M.
Christian Kndeavor ut ti.3.
Breaching at 7.30
You are most cordially luvited to
all services.
' Comt-aiul be one witli us iinil we
v!ll do thee good.'
Buy a War Saving Stamp.
;c!oee "! Iho ".lr.