The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 12, 1918, Image 5

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Spanish Influenza In no prevalent
of water tor th,o mouth and nostrils
or oily spray for the nostrils).
, ""'iiiii'iii in ti rr ,.t...i 1...11..11..
round the army camps and . the a. should go to bed at ,,,::
Lr ' ClIII'S llllll IH'tM Ittlt 1I1I!V mIkiiu !... . " -vsj
-,,, - . VVK lM'l(
In ImIdi taken all over the country peraturv 1
,Hliisi its spread. Fortunate
lve o far escaped but It may come
evoral day, or until the tera-
upjuisi .i0u. ruriunaieiy we comfort rtMtnro.l
normal mi.,: ., i, ..,ii,,.. ..,
. .uu,,,,b ul
uti rc.itorcd.
A mild lnxitivn u',...,i.i i .-
,.y time and we ahould be prep.r- such a8 fttCJB(M fo, '
d to of ..set u and prevent it. getting Mo-tMU doael of ",X.. sal" or
0 the school, In Burn.. a , ,, un(Jr '"lo1
THe i tntea-iteraia noted the fol-1 rteriUt.-;, .... .,..:. 7C
U"T 'V rH?Und Pf7ire9PecMn l aVH c'""8 "erwarde by being
,. dreaded d.aeaee. It being . copy w.rmly ehVd. Thl, prevent. ,"
f , bulletin Issued by a railroad phy
l,iHii to tne employe, of the
roiul be represented. It might be a
(oul tliliiK to have around In case of
,ymptonis appearing. It follews:
Orlwi" The sources of Infection
Ijire the secretions of the nose, throat
prevents pulmon
ry eotnpllcattona, which are aerlou..
A,H other precautionary measures
shomd be observed. sjich as the avoid
ance of promiscuous coughing, sneez
ing, spitting, etc., which dlssonil
nates the Infection.
(illlise eiiii'lm ... ...1 i.. --
ttiil respitory passages, which are advantage
thn it in Ute air by coughing, sneez- I Cure Tho I. ., n-.... ....
. . ,,w njiriiui IU111 IUr
the disease and no effective muaua of
preventing Its spread, but precaution
ary measures cannot be too widely
Ing. eti 1 He disease is universal and
pprcnl . In direct contact or indirect
ly through the use of handkerchiefs,
(pwels. cups or other contaminated
rtjei i
protection and prevention Avoid
crowns aim ussemoiages and ludlvl-
lilii.iN or groups afflicted.
Keep the bodily functions In per-
Ift t niiiiiiiioii aim tne general health
up to Tinal standards.
Exposure to fresh air and sunlight.
Avoid lll-ventllated quarters.
Exercise in the open air.
"Tin' use of mild antiseptics a. a
mouth wash, such as common salt in
solution (half a teaspoenful to a pint
i.illKAItv ru u mn
The Initial meeting for this year of
the Ladles' Library Club of Burns
was held last Saturday at the home
of Mrs. Ben llrown. Names of sever
al prospective members were Intro
duced for consideration by the club
anu arter the usual business a short
program followed by songs from a
quartet of high school girls was en
Joyed' by all. Dainty refreshments
were served.
98SSs$$fm i '"" '
Shortage Haa Shewn Us the Wonder-
ful snd Unique Qualities Contained
In the Qraln.
As absence makes the heart grow
fonder, so does scarcity of wheat In
vite attention to Its wonderful and
unique qualities as food. Wo have been
eating wheat products all these yenr.
as a matter of course, and It never oc
curred to us that we might over be
called on to go without them. Now
that It la neccsHfiry to use wheat sub
atltuteg, we have discovered that use
ful ns they nre there la nothing that
really takes the place of wheat flour.
The magic of the wheat lies In Its
gluten what the baker refers to as
the "binder." He must have a certain
proportion of wheat flour to furnish
the hinder, or his oatmeal bread or his
rice pastry crumbles. The Niihstltuti'S
nave tin. same nourishment ns the
wheat. But I hey lack the quality of
the wheat Hour crust. Then Is Bottl
ing In them to (Mprteofl the gases lib
erated by yen if, and So they refuse to
use iikc wi t dough. Bread made of
the substitutes is heavy nod soggy un
less there Is ugh wheal dottgh
mixed In t Kve It life.
Without wheat we go without
bread, without cuke, without pie, with
out strawberry shortcake. n( affec
tion fur nun pone can miike It a sub
stitute for all these stand-bys of the
table. If It I. necessary for the sake
of the war. we shall cheerfully go
without. Any deprivation we may feel
Is as nothing to what our associates In
arms already have undergone. But we
Shall look forward to the happy days
when there will he an abundance of
wheat once more. Kansas City Star.
Small Vestel Was the Flr.t to Croat
the Atlantic Wholly Under Its
Own Steam.
The f)n,nn Wnulorii l ',,!,.,, I-,,.
the legal voters of School District tfo. ' to1 ronipally hM 676000 wtM of
.V! Ei JSSLlV T?1 NM "und in the vicinity of Buck
ha a SCHOOL MEKTINO of said Mounltttll, , whttt ,. Rnow1 aR ,
IllLitrl.l is- I I 1 lw I. ..I.I .. t I) . n I. . l
""". " "",u "l gu""K " Twelve Mile Buck Creek and
Cat This Out It la Worth Money.
Building, on the 26th day of October
1918, at 2 o'clock ln the afternoon to
vote ou the propostlon of levying a
special district tax.
The total amount of money needed
by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 30, 1818, snd end
ing ou June 30, 1110, is estimated ln
the following budget and includes
the amouuts to be received from the
county school fund, state school fund,
special district tax, and all other
moneys of the district:
I -ilinaiid Expenditures
Teachers' salaries $7980.00
Salary Teacher of music and
art with supplies 712. fiO
Furniture 200.00
Apparatus and supplies, such
us maps, chalk, erasers,
stoves, curtains, etc 150.00
llepairs of schoolhouses, out
buildings or fences COO. 00
("reek districts.
This same Company
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with Gc to Foley A Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive In return a trial
also has between the North and West package containing Foley's Honey
boundaries of Harney Valley and the and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
National Foreat approximately 12,800 and croup, Foley Kidney Pills snd
aores of grazing land. These lands Foley Cathartic Tablets Sold by
can be purchased at s reasonable ' Reed Bros.
price and on very eaay terms. Small
salea given consideration and large
sales solicited. These lands are es
pecially adapted for sheep grazing.
For particulars, call ou or write B. ere. Let the Fourth Liberty
F. Johnson, l'rlneville, Oregon. prove it.
From a nation of wasters we have
become a nation of savers and lend-
I'll pay $50,000.00 for
the kaiser's hide
Further: I'll pa 1 from 50c. to $1
more for coyote and cat. hides than
any other buyer in Eastern Oregon
Highest Cash Price for
Hides and Pelts
If I don 't I'll give you the 50c. and
you may keep the hides.
L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore.
This spring marks the eightieth an
niversary of an important event lu
modern history the voyage from Cork
to New York of (be Slrius, the tir-t
vessel to cross the Atlantic Wholly un
der its ,, itenm. All thai remains
of that stanch nttie craft is a dumber
of brass pnper-wetfhta made from the
metal work after It was wrecked In
Batlycottnn buy In 1SI7. Captain lNli-
erts, cotnmnnder of the 412-ton Blrlus
on Its maiden trip, was later trans
ferred to th President, which went
down with all on board. Thus both
tii" siiius and her master met wiiii a
tragic end.
The BlrlUS made (lie voyage from
Pork in iti day--, reaching New yort
I only a few hoars before the Great
i We-tern. another steamship which
bud sailed from Bristol. The latter
niinte (he best time, crossing the
ocean In B days, The Slrius hud a
passenger list of seven on Its initial
voyage, the youngest of whom was
Vincent B, Itnnsnme. then four years
old. who was reported living a few
years ago in Wiltshire, BngtSnd,
where he til long the rector of n
parish church.
The Slrius was a schooner rigged
ship and was 178 feet over all, with
a beam of LTi feet and a depth of 18
Legal Services T.0.00
Lnglneers Supplies 25.00
Janitor's wages 700.00
Janitor's supplies 10.00
Engineer's wages 802.00
Fuel 1100.00
Light 60.00
Oas and oil 75.00
Clerks' salary 200.00
l'ostage and stationery 50.00
Kighth grade examination.... 4.00
Interest on bonded debt 1970.00
Interest on school warrants 1700.00
Insurunce Premiums 406.00
Express on Films and slides 13.30
Total estimated amount of
money to be expended for
all purposes during the
year $16,C9C.80
P.Miiimicd Kereipts
From county school fund
iiiiriiiK the coming school
From state si hool fund dur
ing the (uuing year
Cash now In the hands of
the district 1 lerk
Kstablished thirty-two years Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
The Labor Problem
681. W
Notary I'ublio, Land Offlee Practice, Fire
Insumuco und Real Estate.
If you want your hay insured, see him
Electricity on the Farm.
It Is apparent from the fact that
200,f)0 horse power In electric mo
tors is now actually being used on the
farm that the phrase "Klectrlclty on
the Farm" does not constitute an Idle
dream any longer, remarks tin- Cen
erol Electric Rerlew. Although ldo,
((00 horse power of this Is used for Irri
gation and reclamation purposes (u pe
culiarity of eenriarld sections), the
remainder, or -10,000 horse power, Is
actually being used for mlsrcllmieous
farm purposes, such as driving the
cream separator, butter churn, and so
on. The only thing that we ore not
doing with electricity on any scale Is
plowing and cultivating, and this now
bids fair to be a commercial reality In
the very 11 'iir future. Scientific American.
Total ei 1 1 mated receipts, no)
including tin' money to be
received from the ta
which it is proposed to
vote $3592.43
Total estimated expenses
Tor the year , 10.9.S0
Total estimated receipts,
not including the tax to
be voted 1,611.48
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you. Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the pee-wliiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new laborgaving machinery. We want to show you
low easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
Office: Tonawama Building
lBM 1 I J
and get a daily service between
AIRE, $6.00 50 lbs. baggage free
A. A. Traugott, Agent, Burns, Oregon
Phone 30 or CI 20
London's Tes Houses.
The death of Sir Joseph Lyons re
minds us What modern institution
the tenshop Is. You need not he very
old to remember the time when prac
tically the only places where a cup of
t".-i eiiuid lie obtained la London were
the old fashioned coffee booses, nii
their boxed-ln coiiipiirtineiits and nnr
row, uncomfortnble Beats,
Tlie customers were exclusively n.
mill if a woman required light refresh'
meiit she had to search for a confec
tioner's shop, where tea sad coffee
were sometimes grudgingly served, ut
famine prices, ut little round miirblo
tables tucked nwuy lu durli comers.
London Chronicle.
liulance. amounrto he rais
ed by district tax to be
voted $ 13,104. 37
The amount of money to be rulsed
by this special tax is more than the
amount raised by special school dis
trict tax In the year Immediately pre
ceding tills, plus six per cent. It Is
necessary to raise this additional
amount by special lovy for tho fol
lowing reasens: Increase of teachers
sularles and Increased cost of all lines
of fuel, labor and supplies.
Dated this 28th day of September,
Hoard of Directors School DlnJ No. 1.
Huy u Liberty II. mil
' " '
I That Fall Suit! I
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Willi ams-Zoglmann
Clothing Company
Used Stamps Valueless.
The Ited Cross wishes to make It
known, as widely as possible, that the
report that used postage stamps huve
any value through the extraction of
the dyes contained in them is abso
lutely falae. This false report bus al
ready resulted In the receipt by tho
poet office department of muny stumps
collected by misguided patriot! who
sought thus to do something to help
win the wur. The Outlook.
Boy's Remark Got Results.
Bob hnd been downtown with his
mother shopping nnd was tired when
they boarded a homeward bound street
car. Kvery scat was occupleil. After
11 few minutes' siieni survey Bob
leaned up against his mother with 11
tin ii sigh and suid: "Well, mother, 1
:, 1 eat I ess day for us." Even
newspaper earaouanf couldn't rental
this. Several Heats WfS QUlckl vil
sssssnsjajpparar.'ih :, rx ' iky
1 r
v aar
The Hun's doubt as to his ability to whip the world will
grow when American armies begin to fight their way acroaa
the Rhine. Will it be from your contribution to the Ameri
can war cheat that the bridges into Rhineland are built?
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
MTiwno co.orsjtaTio or
Farmers Exchange
BBShaehBBBiBBhBSai 1