The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 12, 1918, Image 2

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200 head of rait In wrn rocalYOd nl
It Is Important that an animal In- tho North Portland Htock Yards over
funded for slaughter should be kept night, Monday 1400 head. The cuttle
off feed from 24 to 36 hours. If kept markel recovered from Its ilem-
an full feed the system In gorged and oral teed rondltlon of last week and
Die blood vessels loaded. In such a all grades are selling steady at fol-
rondltlon it Is Impossible to drain out lowing quotations. Prime steors
the veins thoroughly when the animal $12.00-13.00; Oood to choice steers
is bled, and a reddish colored, unat
tractive carcas will be the result.
Food in the stomach decomposes very
rapidly after slaughter, and where
the dressing Is slow tho Ruses gen-'
crated often flavor the meat. Water
fit. 00-1200; Medium to good steers
$8.25-0.25; Common to fair steers
$6.00-8.00; Choice cows ft heifers
$6.00-7.25; Fair to medium cows ft
heifers $5.00-6.00: Canners $.1.00
4.00; Hulls $5.00-7.00; Calves $9.00-
should be given freely up to the time! 12.00; Stockers & feeders $6,008.00.
of slaughter, as It keeps the tempera
ture normal and helps to wash out
Hie system, resulting In a nicely col
ored carcus.
The care of animals previous to
slaughter has considerable effect on
Hie keeping qualities of the meat. It
is highly Important that they be not
excited In anv way sufficient 1 to
raise the temperature of the body.
Bxcitement prevents proper drainage
The new arrivals In tho hog alleys
over night was 500 head. Monday
2450 head. The market suffered a
decline yesterday of 2 5 cents and as n
consequence trading today is slow
and has an undertone of weakness.
Quotations; Prime mixed $l!t.L'r,
11.60; Median mixed 118.7119.90;
Rough hearten 117. 16-17. 60; Pig
118.60 10 60: Hulk 118.78 19.00,
With a nominal run of sheep anil
oT blood vessles. and If elreme will Iambi over night li mutt ill mail.ei
cause souring of the meat very soon r -mains stationary at quotations a-t
after dressing. In no Instance should follew: rlme lambs $12.00-14 00'
an animal he killed inituedlatelv after
u long drive or after a rapid run
about l!te pasture. If heated by such
cause It Is far better to allow it to
rest overnight before killing than to
risk the meat spoiling. The flesh of i
an animal that has been overheated
is usually of a pale color and verv
often develops a sour or putrid oder
within three or four davs after being
It is also essential that the animal
lc carefully handled so as not to
bruise the body. Bruises blood
to settle in the injured part of the
body, and often cause los.
A 116 hour fast, plenty of water.
i. ireful handling, and re, before
slaughter are all important in ecttr '
itig meat in the best condition I r either fresh or for t urlng pur
ii:ki i dvs i. km mi; may
In ct operation with the melon
; Purdue LJnlverall
United Statei Department of Agrlcul
t ire last year mad' an Investigation
of the coal oi producing milk in 18
.Try herd! in Porter County. Ind In
that study it was found that when
Other conditions were the same the
dairymen who fed the largaal qUanl
ity of clover, alfalfa, and other le
gume hays used :S per cent leM grain
;'air to medium lambs $9.00-11 (Mi,
Veirllngs $10.00-11.00; Wethers
$9.00-10.00; Ewes $6.50-9.00.
Poached la He Couldn't Sleep.
llronchlal couehs. tlrkllnir In
throat, and asthmatic spasms break
' one's rest and weaken one so that
I the system Is run-down ami serious '
sickness may result. Kuos llalbert.
Paoll, Ind.. writes: "I had a severe
1 cold and coughed continually n'
i night; could hardly sleep. Foley's '
Honey and Tar cured my cough." 1
Sold by Peed Bros.
Frenchmen Gathered In Qroupi to
Watch American Who Was
Actuslly Drinking Water.
William Allen White tells In the
Book News Monthly how thirsty he
liecaine for water. Just common, plain
water, on a motor Journey through
France, where It was not safe, for
unitary reasons, to drink the water
of the region. The coffee did not taste
good and the wine tssted like diluted
vinegar and looked like pokeherrr
Ink. It seemed only good to put in
fountain pens. Finally, at the end of
a week he and his party stopped at a
hotel where there was bottled water
brought from the American commis
sary department. When he came to
the table ha ordered a bottle and this
Is what lie says of It ;
"Try going seven days on pukclier
ry Ink end boiled coffee ynuraelf and
note the reaction, tour veins win be
dry; your stomach will crackle u It
minds the fOOd, The water In that
iHittie. a quart bottle, evnporntcd,
They brought mother, It disappeared
They brought a third. The waiters in
the hold were attracted by the sight.
No Frenchman ever drinks water with
his meals, mid the speeiacle of this
American suiming himself with water
while he n t was a rare sight. The
waiters gathered In the corner to
watch me. Henry saw them, and mo
tioned toward inc. and lapped his fore
head. They went and brought other
waiters ami men from the bar. lie
ttiN n rare bird: this American go
ing on a big drunk on water. So Ihey
peered Indoors, through windows and
stood In the dining room corners to
watch the fourth bottle go down. And
when at the end of the meal Ihe Amer
ican rose, and walked through Ihe
crowd they made way for him. A des
perate man at least commands respect,
whatever his delusion tuny be."
Bird Island, In Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, of World's Moat Desolats
8 pots.
nird Island, most northerly of the
Magdnli n Islands, holds the world's
record for wrecks. The whole group,
lo the flulf of Si. Lawrence, Is exceed
ingly dangerous, but Bird Island stands
first. More like a huge rock than an
Island Its walls rise grim nod gray In
the path of the mariner. The Island
has no beach or roast, only a steep ir
regular cliff rising abruptly from the
water. The top Is n barren plnteau of
about five acres.
Th principal Inhabitants are birds.
Qu'.la, gunnels and murres come In
thousands to nest and rear their young.
The roar of their thousands of wings
drowns the noise of the waters. The
Indiana say that they ore the souls of
shipwrecked sailors.
The human tenant of the plateau
are the lighthouse keeper and his Wife,
doomed to solitary existence except
about once or twice a year when a ship
brings provisions, Bometlmea, perhaps
in about every three or four years, an
enterprising naturalist comes to study
the bird life on the Island.
Ships can approach Bird Island only
In the calmest weather. The slight
est ripple and the craft keeps a re
spectful distance. The lighthouse Is
reached by a rope and windlass. The
hardiest mountain climber would heal
' tutu before attempting to scale Its
rough gray walls.
The keepers of the light have been
singularly unfortunate. The first went
Insane and had to be kept coiillned by
his wife and assistant until the pro
vision boat arrived. The second was
borne away by a floating piece of Ice
when seal bunting In the early spring.
Ills wife maintained the lighthouse
alone until help BOOM from u neigh
boring island.
May Liberty Bend.
OH, October III. ISIV
Notice Is berebj given thai
v ho p. i i i.i tic addn s i
did. on the i Btb
di o! February, 1918. file In thn
a Bworn Btatemenl and Applloi
No. 0101 12, to pureha to the
.'.vv, ny.',. Section i-'. Township
27 S.. Range SO B . Willamette Mt-ri-dlan,
ami the timber thereon, under
tin- provisions oi the act of June 3,
1878, and acta amendatory, known as
the Timber ami Stone Paw.' at IUI n
w'lhout lessening the production of value as might be fixed by appraise
their cows. That Is, the dairymen meat, and that, pursuant lo such an-
wbo fed legume hay obtained as plication, the land and stone thereon
much milk from 62 pounds of grain have been appraised, the stone esti-
hs the others obtained from 1 00
i muds of grain.
Such a saving Is certainly worth
while, patriotism demands Increa
ed production; the high coil of living
'em a nd economical production;
both those demands a.-' mot whan all
our good inv; are W)lt, and when
i.,tir milk now Is mcuttalnd at low
mated -miOo perches at 2 cents per
perch ami the lard $40.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof In
Noxious Weeds Growing In Forner
Highly Cultivated Field Can:
of Real Agony.
Agricultural loss Is not confined lo
' northern France, The very high level
! of intensive productivity of Ihe soil in
general wns everywhere due lo two
factors which war has largely ellml
, anted ; human labor and chemical fer
tilisation. Indeed, the t pi etacul tr fee
'. tines of agricultural destruction in the
departments evacuated last spring
j gaping sh. ij holes, crumbling tranches,
barbed wire trailing Ilka some rusty
snake across the iieidt, area Ihe fruit
trees cnl doe o to the level of ihe soil -
look less sinister to the French eye
than the miles and miles, the thou
sands and thousands of acres of rich
wheat nod heel sugar land untouched
by lire and sword, yet grown waist
high Willi the thistles, brambles anil
every other sort of pestilential weetl ;
the apple trees full of great bunches of
mistletoe. Before the war a French
farmer was baled bit urt by his
neighbors ami fined for allowing Ibis
ties In his fields and ll Istletue In
support of his application and sworn ' his orchard remember this and you
Sale 40 acres adjoining
See J. J. Donegal!.
btatemenl on the 1 4th day of Decern
her. 1918 before Register and Bet !
er. at Burns. Oregon.
Any person Ik at liberty to t
tins ; in. has - Inure entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
i sues, by fling a corroborated affi
davit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
v. 0. COZAD, Register.
will get an echo of I be tragic reson
ance that Ihe phrase "I. rres iihiiiiilmi
nets" has In Ihe French heart. -New
Treasurer War Work Council
National Board V. W. C. A.
camps ail
phase of
m I
Houses In tho
over the country
the Y. W. C.
V.' o r k
are one
A. War
Count II
activities. The s
reception bo
are placed al I ii i
entrance to ths
cantonments f o i
the use of women
Vllltiag llieir sol
dler relatives to
m ci ssat y h i
these proved that
I t p t s and Ixtr
rowed rooms wars
pressed into use
until houses could
be built Often
i h a- sodatlo
rooms iii the geai
est Iowa wera
turned temporar
ily into bOS'.UM houses.
"We put iiii an extra cot." re
i-orted one araatOta secretary, who re
lamed to tell the War Work ('nun
til tho special needl Of her common
ity, "for an old Lithuanian mother
Mr.-. Davison hoip-c has been tho refuge
Of Stricken women. She can till you
also oi Incidents when the hostess
house tigs brought about a happy end-
Prayers of gratitude for the Hosl
s House are murmured eve y night
In man) towns by women who are oi
no tat tlcular Imi ortant a to anv one
some man in the arm;
and to God
i ommandanl i of the camp: srs
iatlvi of the boatess 1 1
i. bj the most forlorn woman. No
e recti l except at the direct
request Of tbe commanding olllcer.
Fifty-four bouses ate now in utc,
Others are being built as fust as turn
lier and carpenters can he secured.
Each house has Its Individuality.
Tim plans to.- Hie building at Camp
Gordon, Atlanta, fieorgla, were re
drawn by Miss Fay Kellogg in order
to lave three magnificent oak trees.
A tine olll Houllie.n mansion secured
for the Young Women's Christian As
sociation heatbiaarters at Petersburg,
Viigiula, is as popular with the sol
lie fiom lamp as is the official
who came a hundred miles lo sag her U)Hi.. ,, ,M
hoy in camp, tfhe cannot apeak a Tlll, hosiers houses serve the entire
word of Kugllhh and she has to have. Iltttjoll
I er old black pipe every hour. But TlH w()rk wth g,r, ,g Qne ()f (hj
her boy loves her. I most Important functions of the War
Another charge bestowed upon us, Work council. It iloulj with all kinds
II the glrl-wlfe of a 'bootlegger' ar-: ()f wulk wlll s,rB (lr,B , .n.1
lested for selling whisky to soldiers. I tOWssS, in cities, in country villages,
Ho was wild with anxiety about heril1(1 ,M the Breut lllunllta(.lllri,,K ,.,.
till we said we would look after hei.,ter( ,in) a, touclioa by the iinu uai
Conditions of u country in u state ol
war prepuiallon. Their patriotism
"A thirteen year t)ld Imp lias jimi
been turned over to our care. She
ran away from a convent, and, be
ing adventurous, made straight foi
i amp."
Any hostess can tell you heart
breaking stories of times when the
may urge I hem toward unexpected pit
falls. Their very enthusiasm leads
than into danger.
t imi -it
Bank Recponslble for Error.
All Interesting decision has been
made by the Missouri court of appeals,
relative to holding the sender f s
telegram rcponslble for a mistake in
Iransml Ion A Wyoming hank role
graphed n brokeroi t lionse, offering n
carload bl potatoes at si .".." a hundred
pounds. The telegraph company's mis-
lai.e iii iran mission made the price 88
cents ii hundred, The supposi il offer
was accepted b) Ibe brokers ami the
potatoes v.ero shipped, when payment
was leildl red at Ihe rale of ,",."i cents a
hundred the Wyoming bank refused to
accept the money ami brought suit
for the iiii amount. The Missouri
court of appeals ruled that the Intnl.
hail made Ihe tl It-graph coliipanv Its
agent in forwarding the telegram and
that as the brokerage house acted in
good faith It COtlld m be compelled to
pay more than the amount quoted in
the message.
Painted Designs on Lingerie Give Op
portunity for Unlimited Displsy
of Originality.
Now thai the hunt hearted hosiery
manufacturers have decided to reduce
their manufacturing cots by cutting
, out the fancy colors anil Startling, de
I s!;.'tis of Ihe Indies' lines and limiting
ii,.. output to plain soiuber shades it at
cannot be beard coming, thai portion
I nf femininity Hint demands nnveltleo In
Ins that fairly si ream will have to
fall back on the new fad in underwear,
on palntlnga, dona to sun the indi
vidual taste, on the lingerie, each piece
to follow Hie same deign and niiike up
ths sett ami a mosquito net overdress
', will put a splderweb stocking in the
shade when It comes to startling scenic
I effects.
Imagine a set with a lifelike rapre
1 telitatli.n of the execution of Marie
1 Antoinette on the back of the corset
I Cover and a panoramic sketch of Ihe
Inking of the Biisille running around
the bottom of the underskirt, with
tiller sidelights of Ihe From It Bevolli
tlon sandwiched in where opportunity
Possibilities? Why! A pair of silk
Hies never began to offer the poesi
hllltles for effective display of the
irtlstlc temperament tlni ibis new fad
lues. All Struggling artists whose pro
ductions are not In demand since the i
war economics have put a qulottia on
the picture market win rise en omasa
will call the originator of Hie new Idea
blessed. Bi oekton Times.
tmtmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmtmmmmmammaimaammmammmimtmam ssan
fl Fully equipped llbenil culture) mid cliMillllcdipiirlmiilM. Specinl
Ik Intioiiig ill tadiiinorce. .loiirimliMMi. Architecture, Low, Medicine
H I.. it lilitH.I.II.rnr) Work. Mimic. Iliiinirlf. MA rlN. I'lt sit id Iritlii imi. ....I I'lllrArU. 1
JP4 M llli .s. In,, r In 1 hart "I Amrrlritn .i.J llmUb ofllo-ra. Drill. lr. l..r, - ,.,..1 Ii. I.I Wrrrlt LM
DbT nil M-l.r-tltilr, htif caperlm.'.- In pr-r-itl trr. 1 :..ntllf- nymirm t.l Ire n. It. IrrLlfl. n. I
P rlr. Stnd. nl rr.t. mntert.l.'rl lor fWntMlrMllonn. OIIIHt.l ,..rmin.l II. II. T. C M
USL I III,... I II I'l: i il.rr ..I SO.ISSI ralamr.. Ihrnltorl W nra IiU ... IjM
HudiJa rt" UwnM. mr k .mrtnnHr li w.rklr.1 oM'n wr. 1 jB
Wrll Hr-tl.lmr. Hrr. Ors . If llllrlS nnntilrl. JtdbrS
Wm HliJ.",!. tLxv a ilA sJkstatrVaTuBslJ
,,nPffliiWM i lilsSsati
Save your old Tirea Have them repaired
Bring them to our
Vulcanizing Department
which is equipped in first class shape
For your convenience wi kri a supply of
at Narrows, kiley, Alberpon, Harney, Drewsey
und Jutit i.ra
The limes-Herald carries the
standard sizes Billing Systems
Binders and Indexes
Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on
Du plica' e Sheets for above
Finest and largest assortment
of Bonds and Flats stock to be
fount! In the country on hand
Prompt attention given all orders for
anything In the printing line. Call on ns
for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc.
The Times-Herald, Burns
State Protects War Garden.
Tiif luprvaw Judicial eoarl "f Mas
sarhtisstts in m. Id ins (as of Com
iiiiiuwi'iiiili vs. iiiiiiiitii, tiiiit ubsra
liiiitlliu'il ti r.iiiiuili'il 'i li'iiiiuiv nt will
r.t city lots, tin; tenant smu- suUtl to
growing crops uh against the landlord
null ii subsequent leasee with knowl
Sdga Of Ills lirsl ti'liiini'.v.
Tin. court mill: '"iiif isnsral prig
dpls ! Hint uliriv ii parson In in pgs
isasinn of land undor u litis timt bmi
lit- ilt-ti'i'iiiliit'il Ity mi iiiiii-i lulu fvt-iil
not ulililn IiIn ctintriil, It U HMnt IhI
in tin- inii'i'i'MiM of igrlcultura Unit
SUCll II tfl lllllllllliill of Iiii It'll si- hIihII
not prsvenl iiim roaplng abai iu Iuih
BOWn noil WO "if ' rttiMiin why n
tfiuinl mIiuiiIiI Ik ilfiili'il 'lit- right tu
smbletneats hy tin- in-t nf ihe luini
ls)d wht'iv i In- Crop IsmNftl (iii s
cll.v hit rulhi'r Hum mi n fiiriu."
Lsbor-Ssvino Drvicss.
Wlittlit-r ftiiiilliliiiiN niter tin- nit
will lit' BOttOr or witiM'. fur the sver
njff i it ii it In tli t'nlli'il Sliitf.s, ihun
llicy were before the wnr U s ques
tion Hint t'unuiit he ilerltleil until the
itiir Iiiim heeu liver fur BOOM time, mu.v
the t'lirlnlluii tallies Monitor, flnilii-
us kIijiim lire, htiwever, iiienrliiK here
mil there. Kor t'Xiuiiile, HDinehtitly Iihh
invtntod iatlea which omMm
nlllli III 1o tWO lllfll's Wlltlll KHWlllg.
Dili does mil look euctuimglng, hut
isrbaps it win ba mnnpsnsatad for hy
he ln ent Imi of ii tlevli'e which will
mil If (WO luilleni mill'
lieu lo IIII out one mnn's Income tas
Special Liberty Theatre
Next Saturday, Oct 20
"The Law of The North"
'oJ&V '' rBSsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHsH IssOs i isaaafsaaBBa
khggJglkAJ' ' 3MM3saa' k bbbsbbbbbbbbbb! PH
fef W m sS ' iJ
An Exciting, Romantic Story of
The Northwest Mounted Police
Admission prices 10c. end 20c. Loges 30c.