The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 12, 1918, Image 1

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    The Timee-Herald
ftiilsrljr to nor homo la Har
ney Count than any other
newspaper. If yon wish to
reach the people use theae est.
unana for yoar advertUemtnt.
Made Occasion of Entertainment
And Patriotic Demonstration.
Community Siag and Speaking
Liberty Theatre That Nighf.
The annual election of the Amerl-
iM Hod Cross Chapters all over tho
I 'hided States occurs on Wednesday,
Oct. II. This In to be made a time of
entertainment In this city with patri
otic addresses and some special com
munity singing.
A meeting of the executive Com
mittee was held Thursday evening at
which time Chairman Griffith presid
ed and considerable discussion of the
work was taken up. At this meeting
It was decided to Invite the public to
in. 'ml the annual election and take
purl In the entertainment. The man
.1 cement of the Liberty Theatre has
given the house for this occasion and
also wired at the Instigation of (hap
ler members for some special Red
Croat motion picture reels to' use in
iiinnectlon with the entertainment
planned for that evening.
There ia a possibility of securing
ana of the several Red Cross lecturers
for that date but if none are available
me members of the lecturers who
will be here for the teachers' Insti
tute will be pressed Into service and
deliver an address.
Mrs. Eugenia Rembold has been
appointed to take charge of the musl
cal part of the program which prom
ises to be one of the enjoyable fea
tures of the evening. A community
Mug Is a real attraction and an In
spiration during these war times. The
gOVernfJMat authorities suggest the
llnaiag of patriotic song and lively
lunea at public gatherings. The pic
lure dhows are asked to have the
m irons sing and thus we keep up
our nplrlts and lend courage In try
ing times.
While our armies are so successful
wo must keep up our work at home
and send every available help to the
boys who are making such sacrifices
for their country. The Red Cross is
the biggest factor in this work of
any society. We should give it our
uid in every way possible. The ladles
f thin county have been loyal and
hard working during the paat year
ami have accomplished everything
tni-y undertook to do for the
Croat, Let every Individual give
theae loyal women their hearty co
operation and good cheer.
The big meeting scheduled for '
Wednesday uigbt, Oct 23, at the j
Liberty is free to ail. Come and hear i
the reports of the officers for the i
losing year and see what really has '
in-, n accomplished. See how your)
dollars have been spent and after you
have been apprised of the great good
done by this society you'll want to J
give them another handout at any !
future time they ask for contribu
tions. According to information received
tho several auxiliaries of the Chapter
are supposed to meet on the same
date and make selection of of fleers Hpv ,, s Hughe-, the new rainl
and reaffirm the constitution and by -j t1. who (l,n)(.s t0 ,ftk0 , harge of the
IttWS rnVftm IIV lliu,v,.r Th,. Tlmu. '
Herald would suggest that these aux
Hiarles Join with Duma in this big
patriotic meeting and there lake up
their respective work in the selection
of officers. Hums would welcome the
Red (Toms workers of Harney county
on that occasion and make them
feel how much they were a part of
ills great organization.
III ll.ll
Portland, Oregon, Oct 9;h il)18.
The Times-Herald,
Burns, Oregon.
To the Editer: We are in Portland,
lid I am helping in a very hunlil'j
i .ii It y to build Pershing's bridge of
nlilps. There aro four wooden ships
ot 3600 ions each on the way in tho
Mini where 1 work and one in the
Stream receiving its equipment See
Iiik Hie great number of big fir tlin
l is used in building them, a lands
B Sn Would Ihink then strong enough
III I't.'.luf .,..,, II.,,. .........).. II,.
......I . , , ,, n 111,11 , ., 1 1 11- ,, '. , I l i.i
eompanir serves meals, cafeteria style.
Us workers. The r..h i. good 1
Krbls? W1"" th,: w1iIh
ie blows air,,,, for ul. race begtas for
"""" Mwwthe ! the III.
"' "'' " ' "'"
him who siiiim his toe. if ths worl
l used the same apt i S ahlls
Bora as ihoy do eiuroule lo d iggej
ship In about n
We hear lots about the big wagon
paid in the shipyards which Is
true so far as mechanics aro eon
earned, hut common labor is paid Iims
than the rate current In Harney
county. As a matter or fact tho wage
of common labor Is about one-half
that paid to shuepherders In Ilurin y.
But believe me It is not quite so
lonesome. Where there aro about
1000 men per acre at work, the op.
portunltles for solitude ore not many.
The same size dwelling which rem:
for $15 per month In Hums com
mauds $:if, to $40 In Portland. Tho
Portland houses renting at this rate
have more frills and furbelows th:in
the Burns article. In other words,
they are "modern". As for vacant
houses, there "alnt no such animal."
Portland Is now swimming In tho full
tide of an abounding prosperity.
Please to change the address on
my Times-Herald to 907 B, Evoroit
St., Portland.
Tbe regular fall term of circuit
court has been In :eslon since last
Monday with Judge Dalton Biggs on
the bench. A few chic, have been
tried and there are iMIl several to
come up for consideration during the
term. Among the cases are:
Mary Griffin vs. I. N. llughet - re
covery of money. Verdict In favor of
plaintiff for $237.96.
R. A. Watson vs. J. K. Houusevclle
damages. Jury failed to agree and
tho case has been continued for the
Elisabeth Goff vs. W. K. Goff
divorce. Decree for plulutlff.
Several criminal cases are lo lie
taken up this term. One hai hen
tried, thai of the state vh. Bet tor
Arwine and Belle 'Jenkins, charged
with adultery. Tho Jury brought In
a verdict this morning of not guilty.
State vs. Basil O. Gray larceny.
Plea of not guilty and set for trial.
tit ate vs. A. A. Traugott unlaw
fully procuring T'r.j Instiratico. Plea
of not guilty.
State vs. L. I.. N.joiichestor--lHtrn-ing
with Intent to Injure Insured.
Plea of not guilty.
State vs. L. L. Nooncheater arson
by burning dwelling house. Plea of
not guilty.
State vs. L. C. Newell -failure to
support wife, rtea or not guilty.
Slate vs. Andrew Grovers Sr. and
William Grovcrs maliciously killing
and disfiguring an animal. Plea of
not guilty.
These criminal cases are expected
to be disponed or during the present
term and will likely t:ke most ot
next week.
Court adjourned today, It being u
The William llanley CO, entered tin
order of appeal In the proposed lr
rlgatlon district case and It Is thus
again lied up pending the decision of
tin suprtm ourt
ork of the Presbyter!:; n church in
this section, arrived last night with
his family and he will occupy the
pulpit tomorrow morning at tho usu
al, hour for service. It Is hoped hi
will he grccN d by u goon congrcga
Lj ,iimlpi, die services have been
neglected for some time and the
chunh people not In the hublt of at
tending services hero.
Rev. Hughes comes here from
Enterprhc where he had been locat
ed for a Cine.
Mr. Hughes wai Xorruorly Miss
Day Canyon, daughter of Sam Ken
yon, who formerly resided In this
vicinity, (the will ilud several of her
former frionds und school mates In
Hi's rit- who extend her cordial and
heuriv welcome,
The .news dispatches ol yesterday's
papcra atats thai " l! rumored in
Sweden tho kaiser bus abdlcafsd. In
n a .... -, 0
they could build
1 , ,, -iiig this nuinor necrewry "',,., nKhllng
st j !,', ,.,, ,,
' ' kw in whose favor
, ,.
aid oai bo
,, ,;. . . 1; but tr be should
1, 1 in ,. lemocratli
Suggests Armistice Until Terms Com
plied With. President Makes His
Reply, Putting it yp to Germany.
Fourteen Conditions Enunciated by
President as Fundamentals
Prime Maximilian, the new Ger -
man Imperial Chancellor, sent a note
through tho Hwlss government to
President Wilson in which he re-
quested the President to take up the
question of peace and to commun
icate with tho other belligerents re
garding tho Qbjeet, Ho Htuted In
his note that the President in his
message to CoagreM and In later
proclamations, had proposed a pro-
gram for general peace which Ger- 5 Impartial adjustment of all col
many and her allies could accept ui on la! claims based upon the principle
a basis for negotatlons. The Pesldont that the poople concerned have equal
made a prompt reply to this pro- weight with the interest of the gov
posltlon which appears herewith: 'eminent.
President Wilson Tuesday inform- 6 Evacuation of all Russian ter
ed the German government that be- ritory and opportunity for Russian
fore the (Tnlted States can discuss an development.
armistice German troops must with- 7 'Evacuation of Belgium without
draw from all Invaded territory. any attempt to limit her sovenghty.
Tho president's message was not a 8 All French territory to be freed
reply, but in the form of an Inquiry. 'and restored and reparation for the
'Die Imperial German government it taking of Alsace-Lorraine,
asked whether it accepts the Arms 9 Readjustment of Italy s fron
la.'d down by the president In rfls ad-, tiers along clearly recognizable lines
dress to congress January 8 and sub- : of nationality.
loquont nddri i ' Froest opportunity for autono-
Tho text of tho communication nsous) development of the people of
handed to the charge i Switzerland Austria-Hungary.
here follews: )l Evacuation of Ronmania, Ser-
"Slr: I have the honor to acknow- bia mid MoillHlleglO. with aecees to
lodge, on behalf of the president,
your note of October 0, enclosing the
omamnl. -atlon from the German gov
ernment to the president; anil I am
instructed by the president to request 12 Secure sovereignty for Tur
you to make the following conimuul- key's part of the Ottoman Empire,
cation to the Imperial German clian- Inn with oilier nationalities under
" 'Before making reply to tho re
quest of tho imperial German govern
ment, and in order that that reply
ahull he candid and straightforward
as the momentous interests involved
reqiilre. the president of the United
States deems it neceacary to ussiiro,
himself of the exact meaning of the
note of the Imperial chancellor.
" 'Hoes tho Imperial chancellor
mean that the imperial German gov-
eminent accepts the terms laid down
by the president in his address to the
congress oi the I'nitod Slates on the
8th of January last and In uubsoiiuent
addresses, and that It h object in en-
terlng into discussions would be only
lo agree upon tho practical details of
their application?
"Tho president feels lo say
with regard to the suggestion of an
armistice that he would not feel at
llborty to propose a cessation of arms Itlti
to the governments with which the President Wilson set aside $50,
government of tho United States Is j 000 from his Nationul Security and
usaociatod against tho central powers, ' Defense Appropriation to promote
so long as the armies of thoBe powers! the work for the first six mouths,
are upon their seil: the good faith of He has since appropriated $200,
nny discussion would manifestly de-, 000.00 more to carry tho work
pond upon tiio consent of the central through another ton months.
paveri Immediately to withdraw Two main purposes prompted the
their (orces everywhere (rem invad- Planning of the United States School
d territory. Garden Army: (a) Increased food
"The i resident also feels that he production and lb) training of
is Justified in asking whether the im- 'school children In thrift, Industry,
perial ihancellor Is speaking merely i service, patriotism, and responsibl-
ror the constituted authorities of the
empire who have so far conducted the1
war. He deems tho answer to theae
questions, vital from every point of
"Accept, sir, the renewed nsMtr-
aure of my high consideration.
BelOW is presented i':- l. of 1 1. '
14 conditions of peaCd lUlu'acluted by
President Wilson, As the American
executive holds the position f apok-
i in in for the entente allies, these 14
: ril .,,,,,H mi,y , regarded as terms
1m( wlM ,, IirMftbbj to all the na
I lie central powers.
The n principles given below are
therefore likely to be the fuuda
mantels of any pence treaty thai the
entente allies will permit the van
ied 1 ntral pot era to all a
1. Op n convpnanti of peaci with v
. 2 A bsoluto freedom of the seas In
peaco or war except as they may be
closdo by international action.
3 Removal of all economic bar
riers and establishment of equality
of trade conditions am mi: nations
consenting to peat1!! and aisoc'ating
themsofvei for in maintenance.
4 .Guarantee for the reduction of
mi (loth I armaments to tho lowest
point consistent with domestic safety.
the fiea lor Hernia and international
guarantee of economic and political
'hi'i endoncu and territorial in-
tegrlty or the Balkan states.
Turkish rule assured security of life
and opportunity ror autonomous de
velopment, with the Dardanelles per
manently opened-to all nations.
13 Establishment of an lnde-
pendent Polish state, including ter-
ritorles inhabited by indisputably
Polish populations, with free access
to the seu and political and economic
Integrity guaranteed by International
14 General association of nations
under specific covenants for mutual
guarantees of political independence
and territorial integrity to large and
amah states alike,
Tho United States School Garden
was organized in March of;
The necessity ror man power was
being relt. This was especially true
In agricultural pursuits. Not alone
wore tho drafte young men going
from the farm, but great numbers of
(arm employees were being attracted
lo 1 ho cilioj by higher v,agts offered
in other industries. If the miliums or
ciiy boys and girls cuMld lie induced
to give their leisure Unto to cultivat
ing the thousands of acres of untlll-
ed lumi in front and back yards ami
Vacant lots of our cities, (owns and
villages ii would result in a substan
I lal increase in food production and
an Improvement In the quality of oar
COmlUg citizenship.
The Bureau of Education undo
i".'i 10 aci omplish this through the
ai lo 1 of the lniied States;
School Garden army, it In au educe
1 problem and can be RolYod
tl clone) oulj
(a) a general director who is re
sponsible for organization, pro
paganda, and administration. ;b)
Regional directors who aro charged
with the responslbiltv cf writing in
structions upon gardening that will
enable supervisors and tea. hers to
take a garden company successfully
t!"iouj.h a season, oven though not
Otpcrl gardeners. These lnfi'.rti'lio'i.i
have been put out In leaflet form
evil sent from the etnL'f.l officca to
an who applied for them, (cj As
i.l.tant Regional Directors who wok
MuUr the Regional Director and
v jiok duties are slinllat to thohe of
Hi" Lfgional Director 'Vcepitng that
of v.itmg garde l leaflet! (! fo
0,.'.t!on with S'.alo t'o.itKil of Iv
'in-i: through a State representative
M 1 1 ii. led by thorn, (el The Army
nlan .i organizing school boys and
.I: Is i(o compar..v of 161 or less
u "iP r ihedlrectiei: of a ;'ar.le,n teach
er, a captain, firs' lb utenar.t and
noi.. lleutenan (f) An :iif!f;nla
'.' encli enlisted "Old It r. A double
luo.i.v bar for the eaptt.u, Fiiule
TjrttisG bar with two t-lnr In the
border for the first lieutenant, and
one star for the second lieutenant,
and a combination bron?.; and 'aek
enameled bar for privates.
What Has Been Accomplished.
One million five hundred thous
and boys and girls have responded to
the call of the President and enlisted
in teh United States School Garden
Tweiity thousand acres of unpro
duitlve heme and vacant lots have
been fonvertcd Into productive land.
This will release an qual acreage
now used in truck gardening for the
production of other foodstuffs more
important for war purpses. It will
also relieve transportation conges
tion through home consumption of
home produced fodstuffs.
Fifty thusand teachers have re
ceived valuable instruction in garden
ing through the garden leaflets writ
ten by exports in this office and dis
tributed from here.
Boards of Lducation and other
civic organizations have been in
flu-..-nce.i to give-44aiiclal and mural
support to the school and home gard
en movement and to pay xtra salaris
for supervision and teaching.
Hundred of thousands of parents
have become interested in the gardn
movement and are working with
their children in home gardens. In
Salt Lake City alone 5200 mothers
representing sixty-two parental as
sociations are actively supporting
food production i he schools.
Thousands of civic, commercial and
patriotic organizations have become
interested in the movement and are
giving it hearty support.
One and one half million children
have been given something to do this
summer: something that will help
carry the burden of the.r country in
this struggle for freedom, something
hat will help them to build character
ad Kumething that will appeal to
gad develop their latrlctisni.
Home and acant lot gardening in
cities, towns and villages have been
dignified and made popular to a de
gree that practically insures them a
prominent place in th school system
of our country. It would be difficult
toestlmate the educational and mat
erlla value Of such results.
Chairman Dr. Griffith of Harney
County Chapter, American Red Cross
has received a requisition for linen
for the Red Cross hospitals in
Prance. This is to be a linen shower
where each houeshold is expected to
contribute something toward the col
lection In used linen. This should be
substantially new; of strong rather
thn'i fine texture.
Harney county is asked to give:
IdO bath towles, Hill; :;no hand
tcweli I8.:i0; 210 handkerchiefs
18x18; napkins, 14x14; o sheets,
64M02. The medical department de
sires that the sheets .onform closely
to thes.' ipacifleationa! Heavy un
bleached muslin ti4 laches by 102
Inches finished with 2 Inch hem at
top and 1 inch hem at bottom.
The plan for this linen shower Is
to a.-k each family in the Chapter
jnrisdii lion to contribute one article
or a iet of articles of household linen
fret their reserve slock, ilnir, with
out material reduction either of the
household stock or the sources of
ipply, 1 he mi d ma be met,
A committee n 111 have charj
1 in: work.
BU) a War Saving Stamp.
War Di
Mrs. William
from her I I
1 I" pi .1 of '. laatioa Involves
; iils'dt 1 1