fiaes i ARE WE DOWNHEARTED? NO 'VaH Va LaHaaaaaaaSa i iT'J-h ' V B J aaSSa! Mr KD ' JJ j Dfcv f e XasMBeaiBaaY s . ' j bm - (I MaaaY wLriH i "- aa -.... . CITY'S FIRST AND LAST FALL ANGRY AT BEING DISTURBED Jrcho'a 8lg and Capture On of tha particular Steriaa of tha Old Taatamant On Ilia rooming of Washington 'a birthday Gen. Sir R. II. Allanby'a Ana trallnn trooper rode na conqtierora Into a little village of lmta, noted a;eo-jrrnptiii-nlly n being the city of low eat elevation on earth, and In Biblical hlfltor.v na being the arena of tha Protrdaed Land, obaervea the Mliwe upolla .liiiiiiuil, tn the Cnnnanlte .Terlcho wna a fortlflod olf.v. comranndlng both tha lower fonl of (he Jordan and the route lending up to the highlands of .inden. The atory of Ita alege and capture nnd the deatnirtlon of Ita population Is one of the npi'ctiiculnr atorl.'a of tht old Testament, which ramnins strongly with Its gentle solrtire hy n C'hrlstlnn Old Oantlaman Vaatly Mora Annoyed t Conatabl Than Ha Waa at Hun Air Raider. "He wasn't hiilf nngry," anld a con atnhlc to mo. amlllng remlnlsrently na he cnat hla eye over whnt remit I noil inoatly top atory only of an old-fnah-toned hotiae which had auffered In a recent air rnld. "You ahnuld hare henril hla language!" "Curious thing," I anld, "tho top floor doesn't appenr to ho touched," "Yea, Hint's where be win," anld rte conatnble. "Of cotirao, we thought he wna n .ciiannlly. We cleared nwny the rubbish, nnd somehow or other got up to hla rooms with nn nmtmlnnce nnd the doctor. The door vns closed, no We storied prying It open. Thnt'a when the fun slnrlcd. "The door una flung ipen, and there "I shot down ten of them myaelf, but It waa no uae," aald a cap tured German officer recently, telling of his frultleaa efforts to maka his own men fight when they heard the Canadians were opposite them. The fierce courage which haB made their namea to terrible in tha Hun ranks Is easily discernible beneath the camouflage of smiles on the faces of the Canadians above, on their way to the front in a motor lorry. Knowledge that their own valor was matched by the determina tion of their supporters at home doubtless has kept their morale high. A rousing oversubscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan will do aa much for American troop army in n yenr of our Lord thirly-flvo aloud the old gentleman with a big book In bis IimimI'-. Ills 'specs' on, ntnl In a proper temper. I Just caught a glimpse of a cosy armchair drown up to a bin-in:; fire, "'Whnt the does this mean?" he anya. 'Haven't I been disturbed enough this evening? Get out of It, nil of you.' And without troubling to Mint his door, he went hack and sal down with his book beside the lire muttering most awful. It gave me the biggest ahock of the raid." Lon don Mall. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH (Catholic) When Children Htart To Mcliool. Cor Miller and C. Sts. Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock Week days Mass at 7 o'clock. Instructions for childrea Satur days at 9 A. M. Rev. Father Francis, O. F. M. , Rector. We will do your job printing. School starts at a time of year when the change of seasons is likely to cause coughs, colds fever and asthma. Prom the first sign of Infection may keep children in prime good health and help them to avoid losing time. Fo ley's Honey and Tar is an ideal home remedy. Sold by Reed Bros. o "A-ubu." I centuries Inter. According to the Old Testament story, the city wna left desolate with n curse from Joshua upon the man who should attempt to rebuild It. And It Is rotated that Hlel. the Betbellte. who did rebuild It loat his two sons tn the construction of the wall as punishment for bis temerity. It waa at .lerlcho that Joshua Insti tuted his campaign of rightfulness upon bis enemies: and It wna on the Jericho mad lending up to the Judenn highlands that Jeans laid the acene of the atory of the Good Samaritan who gave first aid to n wounded enemy. The advance from Joshua to Jesus in Net Equal to It They had not been married ery long, but she had grown cold and llat- the human Ideal of duty toward one's leas; ao one evening, after ahe had enemies Is the very measure of the spread between the Ideals of Hlnden hurg and Allenhy on the anme ques tion. This war la fundamentally a con flict between the Idenla of modern brotherhood and ancient overlordshlp : and nowhere Is the contrast more note- yawned about seventeen times, he said : "You seem to be so cold and Indiffer ent, Mnlvlna. Have you forgotten those happy days when I waa paying you my addresses?" "I should think I bnv.n't ' I should think I haven't forgotten those happy days. 1 never had less than three fel- ins IS HKeiy wormy innii in hum nine vionge or croup, hay J'richo, where the people todny are pt action at & ,n "lc ''anda of their enemies UNIVERSITY of OREGON rl'rJ!r t UNIVERSITY of OREGON "w5S5F X Fully equipped liberal rnlliire nutl Ni'ifiilific ilepurlnifiilN. Specinl JU training in, .1 oiirn ji I i rit. Architecture. Low, Medicine P H Tenrhiiu;. Library Work, Mii-.ii-. 1Iimi-,IioI.I nv. i'ln -i, ,1 1 riniit(tiMl I'iiie r(. fl 4 S M-ii, r ii. , li iri. of Aittrr'rmi no! Ilri.:li lbirr. iMill. Ii-i In it mid lirlil H ' rl. MjM En all Mt., 1ms, ,1 ,,n -nri. u. i- in pffrrvnl I fimiif-fr ! .M ,.l lr lit U.-. tiritlfra, W tlr. SJtiil'-nl ri-,iiiiMiii-ii,li'il for t'.imiltissiKii--. llltlllal jllMHIIPSl Mill Ti V Jfl aka Tiiiliim l-'HI- l I il,t,ir ,,f SO.OOO vnlmnr.. lrmil,riri liir Mirn nnii in. ,'A B i l-ri""-'" I '" ''. iim It iipiiiirlunily ! r iirlii il imrV ay. I ijKt tvdlA V Wrilr Itrginlrnr. -nCriii-, Orrtili, lor illwMlr.ilr-u bimMrl. -.. JPfTjB orthy than In this little village of ,lows every evening calling on me,H "Rut, dear, hnv-n't you got me to pay you attention now?" than they were under the rule of their I "Yea, I suppose I have. You are do- own people. The world, with the excep- ' Ing the best you know how; but you tlon of Germnny and Turkey, hns trHv- don't flatter youraelf that you are eled a long way between the two falls equal to three, do you?" Stray Sto of Jericho. ' rla. WAR BEGAN IN APRIL, 1913 ' ii Huge War Credit Waa fta That Year Voted In Germany nnd Supported by Soclallat. When did the wnr begin? April, IBIS; not Auguat, 1014, na the press always has It, writes Charles Kdvnrd Kuascl In Ilnrper'sr The real declara tion of war wna made by the German rrirhatng when ft struck observing Europe dumb and chill by passing, an extraordinary wnr credit of f2Ti,000, 000; nnd to that act of belligerency In I a time of profound peace the socialists I In the relchstng gV0 practically their support. All men In the world accustom' 1 trt make upon the day's news an Intel!!' gent diagnosis must have gasper in ' stared ut this portent. t'nless Get I many deliberately planned nm I ' i bring down upon mnnklnd flie WW Ii" armament hAd silently threatened i m many years, tin re v. is no good r son for this perilous aanef rnitllii'.' ; rai , tnlnly none appeared In the strti o Kurope. Yet the socialists seemon ( i be for It; thut wns the Ineoinpirl, . slide fact. August Rein 1, tin n still active, w the ablest and most fatuous of th ' leaders, nnd criticism Irom many l:mv seemed to goad him into a defense. It was of a nature to chill the laal hope In nny friend of peace. Two raaaOBI he gave for the retchstag's action. One wna that President Poln enre of France, who had been but new- ly elected, waa a warlike and danger- oua num. and no one could tell to what Kngths he might go. The other waa j that In the Ralknn ware the Turks, taught by German ofllcera, had been , beaten by the SerWana, taught by I French. The Judicious might grieve Indeed when they came upon aueh an offering from such n source, and anybody able to rend tnlgtit aee that wur waa close at hand. Pity the man or the: woman who cannot iwafRf tholr very aplrlt in(l hai if .oi.d book. Though th 'arn. of If (c h i great and heavy, ,ir though hoy e small and annnylnf h 'oc ,i i a our favorite iiutho, for a ah. it a ronewa our gran t ion th ra "ii things of life hv cl inging no tno ighfs into now chaj. m theri" reiri' king and reneat Ing our ea' and ('.. elating the og lo ri netvatl i . I on. In i .'' tt 1 1 iWI fve paper th governiri" il has ! filiicn 111.' usanl fgl output o "ovel" v') si ill not object; Every on a ho r.-ads the news frot abroad rv laea thai nowadays trutij Is far more interesting than fb -t Ion. o ' Buy a War Saving Stamp. Look for the Blue Crescent Label to A Woman's lleurly Recommendation. Perfect Confidence No nther words can rjtMcribe) tu relatioiiK that should exist between u Hunk and its patrons. If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a bank, you certainly will not trust your money to it. This Bank invites caraful inspection of its financial strength and sound business methods. We know they are above criticism, but the noint is, we want you to know it When yau have learned, then we solicit your business on our merits. CRANE STATE BANK BANE, ORKHON Worry and overwork rauae kidney trouble and women suffer equally with men. Miss Sara Westen Holvl dere. III., writes: "I could not atoop and when down I had to crawl up by a chair. I war ao lame I suffered agony. Now 1 feci like a new person, stronger and better In every way I heartily recommend Foley Kidney Pills "Sold by Reed Pros. For Sale 40 acres adjoining Hums. See J. J. Douegan. It means something you it means that the contents of the package, whether Crescent Baking Powder. Crescents Coffees, Teas, Spice, Extract or other products are the best that can be produced. It means that they are made right, prieed right and distributed fairly. It means that yto are protected by a guarantee that gives you your mon ey back if you are not satisfied. It means that you not only save money by ask ing for Crescent Pro ducts, but you are help ing to make your locality more prosperous. Your grocer sells Crescent Pure Products -sJ3 1 : 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock Company oregon CRANE 1 Tfce Timea-Herald Prints for Pari' . lar People Forward! With no thought of bursting shrap nel and poisonous gases into which they plunge with every muscle tense, with every faculty of mind alert, with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. That is the way our men are going into battle. When the shrill whistle sounds the advance, out they go their whole heart in the task before them. No power on earth can hold them had. Forward! The same sharp challenge to battle is sounding for us. We must answer in the same proud way the way of our fighting men the American way. IVe must lend eiie way they fight. We must show the war-maddened Hun a united American people mov ing forward shoulder to shoulder, irresistibly, to Victory. Our task is to supply the money, the ships, the guns, the shells that we must have to win. It is a tremendous task. We must do it as our fighting men do theirs with the indomitable spirit of Victory. We must work, and save, and lend with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. Get into the fight with your whole heart. Buy Bonds to the utmost! Thia Space Contributed by Swift & Company t At Your Service To be progressive and to serve you right, we have installed 3MlS the Electrical Wizzard in our Shop It coat uh tome money but it will save jon a lot of moiu'v. BeciaUM it, honPHtlv, quickly anfl nurely icaie rne irournc in your Electric Starting and Lighting NVKtein on our ear. Don't let a uesscr tear your oar all ta Placet trying to find tin-trouble. With AMBU wo an i-ll you wh.ii it is innide f thirty minutes ao mutter how complicated or of how long st nnd ing. Universal Garage Co. BILLING SYSTEMS The Times-Herald carries the standard sizes Rilling Systems Binders and Indexes Billing Sheets I and 2 on Duplicate Sheets for above Finest and largest assortment of Bonds and Flats stock to be fovmd in the country on hand Prompt attention given all orders for anything in the printing line. Call on us for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc. The Times-Herald. Burns