The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 05, 1918, Image 5

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    It i
Carroll Cecil and Put were In town
yesterday from Silver Creek.
high school dancing party w
tit en ni Tonawama hint n'ulit being
Inder t'ae chaperonage of the ten h
When people want the local news
m thin county they always turn to
Tim Times-Herald and generally
find It.
MoHsera Wright and Weasell ot the
Rtnt Knglneerlne; department who
bate been doing work on the road
between Bnrns and Crane and also
iu ;i iv i " f aome aurveya toward Bend,
tre located In town again.
The high school loams hud a game
0( toot ball ni the fair KrouiulH yes
terduj afternoon between Senior
lophomOrt and Junior-Freshmen
team. It resulted In n victory for the
higher class team but the other bo.tx
are going to get revenge at i.onio
future time.
Mr Hurry (lolden Im over from the
00 Itattoh on a visit with relative
Sli. .nine over particularly to repot I
in nine Liberty HoiiiIh which sh'J
hail sold In that neighborhood. Har
ry !n one of the committee In that die
triit.hul Mrs. Uolden seems to ho tho
(,ii, who brings In the "bacon" on
mi. h drives as Liberty Honda. Hod
Croat, etc., and we suggest that she
In' continued as one of the war work
ers In future drlvea.
The manager of this great rellgi
ouh weekly had already written a
in. '.it ion of aome of the neighbors
bringing in some big potatoes when
Emory Keren showed up at noon with
a load of things. Among them was
as few of tike finest potatoes we've
seen yet. They are not ao large as
some others that have been brought
In hut are fine and uniform In size
mill each hill averaging good yields
in fact some of them had literal!
busted themselves" In growing. We
had been using potatoes from this
garden ever since they were big
. ugh to use until Mrs. Foren put
.1 ini to any more being sold, but
liiis Weak when Mr. Fotcn started to
dig aome more he found lie has a
. u tntlty yet for his neighbors. One
nice big lulcy onion was In the col
lection "for flavoring" Keren says,
. u white carrot that would make
.t i ouple of tneasea for any Individual,
evi n nn old cow, If It la a stock car
r 'i Mr. Koren does not know where
lie set uri'd the seed for these carrots
Inn thinks Ills grandson got It from
the government collection of seed
ent out through The Tiuics-llcrnid
III pay $50,000.00 for
the kaiser's hide
Further: I'll pay from 50c. to $1
more for coyote and cat hides than
any other buyer in Eastern Oregon
Highest Cash Price for
Hides and Pelts
If I don 't I'll give you the 50c. and
you may keep the hides.
L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore.
Notary Public, Lund Office Practice. Fire
Insurance mid Real Kstute.
If you want your hay insured, Hee him
Office: Tonawama Building
I Patronize
and get a daily service between
FARE, $6.00 50 lbs. baggage free
A. A. Trangott, Agent, Burns, Oregon
Phone SO or CI 2S
V. Q. Cosad was in f.t"t morning on
a mission of 'Information. He In one
of Uncle Sam's latest recruits In high
salary position, having had the honor
thrust upon him of being appointed
Komi Administrator for this county.
Vic la ready to do his duty In any
capacity he may be placed but la
somewhat at a loss respecting his
itutlMB in: this particular branch of
war work but Is ready to meet all
comet's in the matter of food regula
tions regardless of site, color or pol
itical proferment.
.Just as some unfortunate men are
known as "Mrs. So-and-so's hus
hnnd." so .young Jack I'lckford was
once famous as "Mary Kick ford's
brother' until a few years ago.
Itecently. however, .lack I'lckford has
won for himself a unique place. In the
film world and there are those who
Insist that Mary will have to look
well to her laurels In the months to
There is u certain : or.icthlug about
both Mary and J.ick I'lckford n
something Impossible; to explain tn
clearer terms than this which on tears
them to everyone everwhere Mob!
probalily It Is the spirit of eternal
youth and the Joy and fun they put
Into their work and which shows In
every move and gesture and every
sparkling I'lckford smile.
Both Jack and Mary were born In
Toronto. Canada. Jack received his
education in tho public schools of
; that city and later at St. Francis
Military Academey. New York. As
he says himself, since leaving that In-
I ntltutlou he has received a very llber-
; al education In his stage and screen
'work For Instance, In "The Ghost
House" which In Mr. i'lckford's
latest Paramount production and
which Is to be showen at the Liberty
Theatre on next Wednesday, lie re
ceived a thorough Initiation into a
college fraternity. "If the real OHM
are any worse than that." smiled Mr
I'lckford the other day, "I'd sure he
n tion-frat man! "
"I'eg Robin" and "The Three of
I'm" are the most Important staff
plage in which Juck Pick ford worked
In Juvenile parts before attempting
screen work. The latter began with
; the old Hiograph compaii) with
which his sister was first associated
ami where lie bas given all sorts of
i roles, from the most Insignificant
' "extra" part to a near-star part.
Boon ofter hln advent to the screen,
I however. Kiituous Players Company
claimed him and early in tills com
pany he appeared with Mary I'lckford
Marguerite Clark and others In small
roles. It was not long, however, be
fore his genius was "descoverod" and
he began co-starring with many fam
ous actress of fll.ndom notably
Louise Huff, who still works with
him . Mr. i'lckford's most famous
characterizations wore In "The Dum
my," "Freckles," from the novel by
Oene Stratton Porter, "Great Kx
pectatlons," "The Varmint" and uow
"The Qhost House."
Mrs. Hall's Health Failed Complete
ly Tunluc Itt-storrd Her
"I regiet now that 1 did not take
Ttinlttc sinner as I would not have
had to sell out my business," said
Mrs. Mlr.nle Hall, proprietor Of 'he
lunch stand known an"Mothor's
lunch stand known ub "Mother's
Seal tie, Washington, recitly. Mrs.
Hall has lived In Heat lie for eighteen
yearn and resides at 8110 lift Ave.,
North Wesl, contlnunlng her sic le
nient Mrs. Hall said:
"I had suffered from stoma Ii
trouble :id nervousness for sVverul
years. My system got In a terrible
run (low. conditio;- and kept getting
worse until It resulted In nervous
prostration. I sold out riy business
because I Just could nut bold out uuy
longer. I was then taken to the hos
pltul, where I lay for nearly two
weeks and when they carried me
home 1 was no better off than before.
My headached bo badly I felt like my
eyes were weighted down with lead,
and my back hurt so It felt like It
would break, my stomach got In such
a bad condition I could hardly ea
anything, and what little 1 did man
age to force down would ferment, and
the pain caused by It would almost
Iraw me double, as would form and
bloat mo up so I could not wear my
corset, and I wan so nervous und mis
erable that I never knew what u good
nights sleep was. 1 lost weight all the
Hiii". and hail gotten in such a bad
fix that I rcalh thought IB) time hail
limn; cone
"Then as a last report 1 began tak
ng Teniae, as i had road and heard
o much about It, and the first bottle
made :i big cbaOfe In my i-'clligj. 1
have taken four bottles now. ami It
has made such u wonderful Improve
ment in in Condition, that 1 have
bought my business back, and am
working every day without the least
hit of trouble. I have alreudy gotten
'nick fifteen pounds of my lost weight
tin! am not bothered any more with
headaches or backache. My appetite
Is fine, and my stomach Is in such a
good condition that 1 an eat Just
uiythltig I want and never feel a
dgn of Indigestion. I think so much
of Teniae, that whenever anyone
.limes to my stand and talks of
having Indigestion and stomach
trouble, I ulways tell them to take
Tanlac, and I know several people
who are taking It because they know
what It has done for me."
Tanlac Is sold in Hums by Reed
Bros . and In Crane by tho Vale Trad
ing Co. Adv.
Notice is hereby given that we have
had within our enclosure at the 00
Ranch lor the past five years, on
red, white faced, cow, branded '.'
connected on right ribs and marked
with u crop and split in the left ear.
Owner must come and prove proper
ty and pay all charges on or before
three weeks from this dute. otherwise
the animal will be Mold and after pay
ing for this advertisement and other-
costs the balance will bo given to Har
ney County Chapter, American Red
no Ranch
Dated Sept. 2 S. 1918. ,
If you have a Real Bargain In an
Improved or unimproved farm In
Harney and adjoining counties, send
full particulars at once. Owners on
ly need answer. WE MEAN BUSI
NESS. So hurry.
Northwestern Securities ft Invest
ment Co., 22 North 10th Street, Port
land, Oregon.
Reward Two bay work geldings
branded H D vented with lazy D on
right shoulder got out of the Purlng
ton sawmill pasture In June. A
reasonable reward will be paid for
information leading to their recovery.
Address A. H. Weber, Hums, Ore
gon. Just now It requires about 15,000,
000 pounds of fresh beef a day to
feed the American Army in France,
besides proportionate quantities ot
other moats, canned goods, potatoes,
vegetables, bread, coffee and other
foodstuffs, all laid down In France
and all ready at tho dot. And Uncle
Sam Is managing It all.
the legal voters or School District No.
I of Hartley County, State of Oregon,
that a SCHOOL MEKTINO of said
District will be held at Public School
Building, on the 26th day of October
111 8, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon to
vote on the proposliou of levying a
special district tax.
The total amount of money needed
by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 80, 1918, and end
ing on June 30, 111 8, is estimated In
the following budget and Includes
the amounts to be received from the
county school fund, state school fund,
special district tax, and all other
moneys of the district: i
Est limited Expenditure
Teachers' salaries .7!X0.U0
Sulary Teacher of music and
art with supplies 712.50
Furniture . 200.00
Apparatus and supplies, such
as maps, chalk, erasers,
stoves, curtains, etc lfiO.OO
Repairs of sclfoolhouses, out
buildings or fences 500.00
Legal Services B0. 00
Engineer's Supplies 25.00
Janitor's wages 700.00
Janitor's supplies 10.00
Engineer's wages 802.00
Fuel 1100.00
Light 60.00
Gas and oil 75.00
Clerks' salary 200.00
Postage and stationery 50.00
Eighth grade examination.... 4.00
Interest on bonded debt 1970.00
Interest on school warrants 1700.00
Insurance Premiums 406.00
Express on Films and slides 18.30
Total estimated amount of
money to be expended for
all purposes during tic
year $16,C96.80
Estimated Receipts
Kroni county school fund
during the coming school
ear .......... 2927.20
From state school fund dur
ing the coming year tJi'il.HO
Cash now ill tie- hands of
the (llstric' clerk 3.93
Total est limited receipts, not
Including the money to he
received from the lax
which It Is proposed to
vote :i592.43
Total estimated expenses
for the year J16.696.80
Total estimated receipts,
not including the tax to
be voted .1,592.43
Balance, amount to be rais
ed by district tax to be
voted $13,104.37
The amount of money to be raised
by this special tax Is more than the
amount raised by special school dis
trict tax In the year Immediately pre
ceding this, plus six per cent. It Is
necessary to raise this additional
amount by special levy for the fol
lowiiiK reasens: Increase of teachers
salaries and Increased cost of all llneB
of fuel, labor and supplies.
Dated this 28th day of September.
Board of Directors School Dist. No. 1.
lluy a Liberty Bend.
mw I
I 5
Farmers Exchange
The Oregon & Western Coloniza
tion Company has 676,000 acres of
grazing land In the vicinity of Buck
Mountain. In what Is known as the
Twelve Mile Buck Creek and Silver
Creek districts. This same Company
also has between the North and. Went
boundaries of Harney Valley and the
National Forest approximately 12,800
acres of grazing land. These lsrn
can be purchased at a reasonable
price and on very easy terms. Smsril
sales given consideration and large
sales solicited. These lands are es
pecially adapted for sheep grazing.
For particulars, call on or write R,
F. Johnson, Prliievllle, Oregon.
Established thirty-two years Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
The Labor Problem
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the gee-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
I That Fall Suit! I
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
" iWHE
The Hun's doubt as to his ability to whip the world will
grow when American armies begin to fight their way across
the Rhine. Will it be from your contribution to the Ameri
can war chest that the bridges into Rhineland are built?
BUY Fourth Liberty
Cat This Out It Is Worth Mom.
DON'T MIS8 THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 6c to Foley St Co.,
2885 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive In return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, oolds
and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and
Foley Cathartic Tablete Sold by
Reed Bros.
From a nation of wasters we hare
become a nation of savers and lend
ers. Let the Fourth Liberty Loan
prove it.
I '