The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 05, 1918, Image 4

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Kolerml at th Tost Office st Burns,
Oregon, itti Second Class Matter.
J. L. Ilaltcock. n new agaat for tho
Warn SpriiiK Indian Reservation,
passed through tUll city and while
here cIIscuphoiI the condition of the
local IMuto tribe with Sam Mothers
head. The gentleman is interested In
the Indians here ,i:;cl l.iees It pos
ishle to bettor their condition, es
penally in the way of edtiratiing the
younger generation. He will there
foro take the matter DP with the pro
per authorities with a view of es
toMtehlnfl school for the Pint oh in
i is place,
Thin has been considered before
and with the good offices of Mr. Hub
roak added to the influence aleady
osed toward this end It may be accomplished.
The grand jury empaneled lt
spring to convene for the coming
term of court begun session last Mon
day and had completed the work be
fore it Thursday afternoon and after
reportlrg was discharged. The grand
jury reported having found eight
tme bills end four not true bills. The
jurors i dnsisted of I. H. Holland. 1
c. Smith. W. P. Harris. Henry Otley,
Tim Don -.. n, I), Qatar, w. B. Huston.
Fran Schmidt, so industrial club
boy of Shordian, Or., harvested trom
hia oi.-ili t acre trait of potatoes 1 .".
sacks of commercial grade. 2 sacks of
:d11s, am! almost one sack of seed
)1 exhibit ion specials. For the seed
he was offered $5 a bushel by oue of
the k'iiding Portland seed firms. The
-ash value of his crop was more than
$r0- ;j rate of $100 an acre. Frank
hid his exhibit at the State Fair. He
is a little shaver 11 years old. He
jnrew Jr-i crop according to the direc
tions nr the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege dub and crop specialists.
age forre employed by them through
out the year and not to increase the
normal working hours of their force
during the Christmas season. They
;ii 11 agreed to use their utmost ef
forts to confine Christmas giving, ex
cept for young children, to useful
articles and to spread the period for
holiday purchases over the months of
October, November, and December.
In order to relieve the transportation
facilities of the country from a con
gestion in the Interests of the nation
that It cannot be permitted, the retail
Interests represented at this hearing
have agreed o cooperate further in
the campVlgn heretofore and now
being carried on under the ausplnes
of the War Industries Board to re
strict deliveries and to Induce their
customers to carry their own pack
ages wherever possinle.
The retail interests to which re
ference hai been made have further
agreed to make an announcement to
the above substantial effect in their
advertisements commencing in early
September ami repeating same week
ly thereafter. The above suggestions
If faithfully and loyally put Into ef
fect throughout the country will
make possible a continuance of the
holiday custom without endangering
the national Interests thereby.
The Council of National Defense
will cooperate in carrying out the
suggested measures. It looks to or
ganized business bodies of every
nature and throughout the country
actively to Join In the movement as
providing means whereby that co
operation between the government
and the people can be had which
alone will permit the continuance of
holiday business In such form, on
such scale, and by such methods as
are consistent w'lth the national wel
iaru. This announcement is definit
ly conditioned upon loyul and thor
ough cooperation in spirit and In
letter on the part of sellers and buy
ers throughout the country.
The Oregon State Council of He-
feiiM- lius therefore adopted a resolu
tion as follows, to which your at
tention N especially directed:
The State Council of Defer.Be. hold
.h.i to 1 ii" cardinal prinolpls of
its original resolution, that Christmas
giving for the season of 1 !) 1 S should
embody the elements of Simplicity.
Necessity, conceives Hint the spirit or
such giving, sanetifled by the custom
of centuries and Involving the high
est traits of hum!! character, should
not at tltis time he Ignored or dimiu
lilted i rather should be directed into
higher and finer channels, and In
order that this spirit may be still
further deepened and strengthened
urged upon all. to antii Ipst
(Continued from page two)
Hums Hardware Co., Sup
plies for High School
Northwest Furniture Co. Sup
piles for High School
Yaw man A Krbo Mfg. Co.,
Filing Cabinets for High
J. W. Yanderpool, Ice for
Domestic Science
Hampshire's Oarage, Oasollne
for Domestic Science
A. B. Cooley, Express char
ges from Crane
Meier ft Frank Co.. Curtain
Ooods for High School
Ilasll K Halston, stamps for
High School
Hackney Urol hers. Freight
from Crane and advance
Wray's Singe, freight from
Bend ami Advanc" charges
County of Haney.
I, Chester Dalton, County
and Clerk or the County Court In
and for said County ft Stale, hereby
certify that the roregolug Is a true
and correct list of claims allowed by
the County Court at the regular Sep
tember term, 1918.
Considerable Amount of Ingenuity Re
quired to Make Words Pit Sav
age Knowledge.
"Actions speak louder than words.'
The actions or the Allies during the
past few weeks have certainly phout
ed aloud to the world.
Oeneral Foch Is personally of small
stature, but notwithstanding he Is at
present the biggest man In Europe.
It Is probably that all the boys of
seventeen and some few of the men
of forty-five wish they were a year
Bids for peace according to speci
fications are In order, but we under
standl hat the specifications da not
Call for a Herman peace.
Nobody will weep for Del m
enee. Ten years or thereabouts i'l
give him time to think- something
that be evidently has never done
our young sailor objects to being
itilled a "jacklc " In his own par
lance he refers to himself us a "gob. '
In our view any one considering him
self a "gob" should welcome the
name "Jackie."
An army cannot march nor riaht
their without Its home support. Think or
How much do you aupopau tin Es
kimo knows shout an nllvcT Or a
Hottentot about cherubim T Or a can
nibal a bout the Holy (IhosiT
That's why tfte men and women who
translate the Rlble Into pugun lan
guages have to use a greater amount
of Ingenuity and Imagination than
anything else, observes a writer in the
World Outlook.
It must have been n yvry pleasant
person who finally suggested to the
mingled relief mill amusement of the
tired workers, that "the lamb of Hod"
might Just us well be translated "the
little seal of Hod," In the Exklmo Itllile.
Eskimo children hne the same ten
derness toward the funny little things
with their mournful eves ami soft fur
10 65 ' ,nnf """'r children have toward baby
si p.
The Eskimo Bible WBi one of the
most difficult l'i Imnslote, end bus Jiim
been Mulshed ifter "SM ciir of work.
Of course, to a half (rosea, fur-clad
people, living In IgtOOS Of Is It bur
poonsT end surrounded by point- bears
and walruses, il Is ncl to Impossible
I to tninslnte Hie story of the bright
i colored. Hitn-dicnchejl holy land. The
language of niirim'ni people is nec
essarily lacking In dozens of words
and phrases, and, too often, even
Hut Rlble translating Is like Creek
grammar there'., un exception to
every rul . The Zulus live In a coun
try us warm and tropical as the holy
Innd on the pleasantest of days, but
the Zulu Mllile Imi offered about us
many dlfllcultlcs as any respectable
tusk has a tight to offer.
In the first plnce, the earliest trans
'atlou was made by more than thirty
people working Independently. Despite
Its Inaccuracy ami Inconsistency It
was extremely popular BB08S Hie na
tives; it even shaped Buhl thought ho
completely that every paragraph of
the Zulu newspaper teems vvllb Bible
Vocabulary. I'.Ut It was Inaccurate.
Many of the inlslnkes verc, of course,
extremely amusing. The translators
found to their sarprlaa thai Instead of
crossing the Red sen and the Jordan
dry shod, the children of Israel went
oer tiiirviy. Ami n literal transla
tion of the promise thai enemies should
melt away before them s discovered
to mean In Zulu Idiom th their en
emies should be as happy lis men full
of beer.
In 180 a new trunolatJoa wis be
gun. There was still many illlllcul
tles. How were the translators, for
Instance, to describe as in loolafa 8,
l s : i. the satire wardrobe of a Jeweas
at the height of the nation's civilisa
tion to the Zulu debutante who III the
heaviest winter season wears little
more than a string of scarlet beads?
Iawen P. O., Oregon.
September 26. 1918.
Kdilor or The Times-Herald:
I desire to call the attention of
I ' Inhabitants Of Harney County
'tfho are at present straining their
jjiirsc strings to the utmost to meet
l?ielr full quota of the 4th Liberty
J-oaa Uoiid drive) to the exorbitant
prii-ea charged as for wheat substi
nle," For instance locally we are
ihargetl $1.05 for 9 lbs of rolled
oats (latest purchase ) while from
?nxt mall advices .'10 lbs of same can i full oompliaaoa
toe purchased In Chicago for fl.lS.I tiBun Will denote
purcnuses to the end that tile season WMUt the army Is doing In Frame
may be marked by an absence, as rar , iiemember that we at home are It
as may be humanly possible, or the I aupport. and subscribe to your limit
hardship!. Imposed In years past, by ior the Fourth Liberty Loan,
the stress of concentrated and otten- I 0
times Chaotic buying within the all j one of the Institutions of the army
too brief period preceedlng Christmas Frame Is the traveling biiMiroom.
1)a An outfit that requires three trucks
We ask the public to make their , lo ,-arr.v it is rolled up to the Hues as
selections now. at a time when de- the boys leave the trenches ami pro
llheratlon and well-considered action ; vldes bathing facilities for live nun
are possible - when stocks have not ,r,., ,,. hour,
been diminished, and in volume, i r
every thought or need, no matter1
how exacting. Early Christmas buy- i
lng. in the truest sense, will conserve
Che man-power of the Nation, and
Freight en same Is 4th class $2.19
por cwt. or the local price$11.67
pi cwt. Chicago price freight added
SV.fiS per cwt. In car load lots the
difference would be greater " Evi
dently there is something rotten In
Trulv yours,
I- B. I think local merchants
Hftoald rail the atteilon or W. U.
Aver lo this matter.
witlf these sugges
a true spirit of pat
riotism and loyalty to our country,
'lease see that the merchants and
citizens of your county are fully In
formed ot the restrictions under
which this limited buying is permit
ted and that the authorization Is not
i hused i
Please see also that this Is given
due publicity in all the newspapers
in jour county.
Very truly yours
Executive Secretary.
Bade date of September 3rd, 191.
tbu Council ol National Defense au
thorizes the following statement:
The Council of National Defense
iiaa heretofore emphasized the neces
sity of restricting Christmas buying
i.orlnx Uie coming fall for certain
wpeHflr. reasons which It has stated.
These reasons are In brief the neces
sity for saving labor and material In
the manufacture and sale of Christ
aa gifta and of saving the transport
iitlon and delivery facilities necessar
ily involved In the large volume of
Ctirfctma purchases.
After conference with representa
tives of leading Industries and retail
iutareats concerned, It is found that
he manufacture of goods for the
coming holiday season has been sub-
'tant tally completed, that the trans
portation of the goods to the point of
hi also largely one and that
much of the material used for ChrlBt-
purchases, especially In the
luufacture of toys, Is the waste
iterlal derived from prior pro-
tts or manufacture.
The retail Interests represented at
the conference have agreed not to iu-a-ease
their working force by reason
f Ilia holiday business over the aver
U-Boats Have Murdered Thousands.
There Is a danger lest famlllarltv.
even wlih such a monstrous crime as
j unrestricted I'-boat warfare, should
breed Indifference to Its enormity.
sn.vs an nchenge, Therefore, it is
i well to bear Iti mind thin, except when
I the attack Is made on Ago ting ships or
! transports carrying lighting men, the
torpedoing of ships and sending men
to their death far out lit sen. Is simply
murder, unredeemed by any extenunt
lng circumstances whatsoever. .lust
how great a bill of Indictment Is be
ing ipe-vii iqi by the Herman admiralty
tzi.inst Itself is seen In the statement
given by the government lender In
the house of commons, thaf up to Feb
ruary, 11118. the German 1! boats bad
killed 14,130 noncoiiilnitant llritlsh
men, women and children. This, be It
noted, Is exclusive of the murders done
Upon peoples of other nal Ion nil lies.
Mystery Crater in Plain of Arizona Is
Thus Expiamed by Geologists
of Prominence.
About forty tulles from Flagstaff,
Atlz., In the midst of a gnat plain.
there Is a saucer-shaped hollow or
rater about Ihree-qiiarters of a mile
BCroaa ami dot) feel deep. The rim
of (he crater rises between lfjQ mid
-'(JO feet above the surrounding plain.
Itocky fragments are scattered about
for several miles around tl rater.
Among these rocks many fragments of
meteoric lion, - ntalnliig black
diamonds, have been found. The in
tier walls show that the crust of the
earth was broken whan the crater was
lormiii, yet no volcanic locks exist
Geologists have offered theories to
account for this phenomenon, tine Is
Hint an Immense meteorite made the
hole, and Hint the meteoric fragments
mentioned ON remnants of the fulling
elar. Another theory ascribes the
origin of the crater to a tremendous
explosion of steam In the rocks be
neath, and a third combines the first
two by suggesting that the blow of a I
falling meteor, striking the earth's
crust at a point where Kiihtemineim
water bud accumulated in the neigh
borhood of healed rocks was the cause
of the explosion.
il green tomutes that have been
"touched'' by the frost are dropped
while still old into cool water and
allowed to stand for a while they are
less likely to spoil rapidly than If al
lowed to warm up more quickly.
I shall be a candidate for re-election
to the office of county treasur
er for a second term at the Novem
ber election.
Because of repeated requests from
friends and tax payers of this county
I have consented to become a candi
date for sheriff at the November
election Having served In that of
fice In this county for four terms 1
feel that I am competent to fill it
aud it elected I promise, to enforce
all laws to the best of my ability.
Buy a Liberty Bend.
Buy a Liberty Bend.
ul jM t aBBBgjeBBnjej gB !y m
n H. , v . Bnaaasr h s
,V Hit- vvl wtiT' "sB-Pi "" y
( hnuiKHn
At tha Liberty Theatre Next Wednesday, Oct. 9
Thos. W. Stephens
Will pay better prices than
any one else for all your
Furs, Hides and Pelts
See hint before disposing of them
Your Wife Deserves a Treat
Britur her to our CANY aid 1( K .'KAM Shop
and tell her to "Go the Limn!" You know he do
serves it, a thouHand time6 or. Try "courting"
your wife once in a whiln. It'll do you both good.
In anticipation of your visit, nre ma! ;ntf iho
BSST ICE CREAM and set-vino 1 1 e da:Mi h gW el
things to he had in this t wn.
Page'sSweet Shop
Bdck tip im PrsMeat
eJ.ej.What we seek is the reign
of law, based upon the con
sent of the governed and
sustained by the organized
opinion of mankind."
President Wilson.
Any Bank Will Help You
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm Loans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance
Life Insurance
Office Phone B-llO
rat Phosu - ma U-
Agents for WRAY'S ST AS
Members Burns Commercial Club
Buy a Liberty Bend