The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 05, 1918, Image 2

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W. A. Goodman, traveling ex
penses 16.60
Pearl Keeler, stamps for
Teasurers Office
A. O. Faulkner, plats for As-
uessor , 20.00
Maud Furhman, board for
District Attorney's witness-
Mi. A. Biggs, auto hire for
Sheriff's office
Hums Oarage, supplies for
Olass a Prudehomme Co.,
supplies for Clerk 'a office
HuxliotiK & Company, sup
plies lor Clerk's office
wUshonR ft Company, sup
plies for Treasurer's office
R.75 Claudlne Dawson, Clerk of
Election, Pine Creek
Latnpsulres Oarage, supplies
and repairs for sheriff
Olass ft Prudhomme Co.,
supplies for Court house...
later Mt. Tel. ft Tel. Co..
rental and tolls for sheriff
. no
Court House 1.75 'Duke Young, Trip to Sod
J. ft. Oould. Jailor, months of
July and August
Harney Valley Lumber Co-
lumber for court house
pump house 18.84 '
Lunaburg Dalton ft Co., sup- '
Clark. Institute
20.00 Praam
Lamps hi res Oarage, supplies
for Court house engine
J. J. Patterson. Justice fee
plies for Court house 2.50 Juettoa court
Irlirns Oarage, Supplier for : J. J. Patterson, dllo
Sheriff 36.95 John P. McOutre, repairing
W. T. Skeins, drayago for Sheriffs car
Court house 1.00 J. J. Patterson. Justice .fee.
Chester Dalton. stamps and Justice Court
express advanced 25.75 J. J. Patterson, dito
Chas A. King, care of County J. J. Patterson, dito
Poor 294.75 J-J. Patterson, dito
John P. McGuire, Hepalr of C. T. Llllard, refund of taxes
sheriffs Car 21.00 Inter Mt. Tel ft Tel. Co., Ron
John P. McQuire, repair of i tal and Tolls for Treaaur-
Court house engine 2.75 er's office
Frances Clark, office ex
pense 11.63
Electric Light ft Power Co.,
lights for Court house July
and August
B. , A. Dickenson, hauling
three loads of coyote feet
and burning
Harney County Tribune, sup
plies ft priming for Court
Roy C. Moullen, Repairs &
supplies for Sheriff's car
Wrays Stage, express for Assessor-
Hall-Welter Co.. Chock writ
er for Clerks office
1 Inter Mt. Tel ft Tel. Co.. Ren
tal & tolls for Clerks
! inter Mt. Tel ft Tel. Co., Ren
tal & tolls for Assessor's
Inter Mt. Tel ft Tel. Co., Ren
tals ft tolls for District At
torney's office
Inter Mt. Tel ft Tel. Co., Ren
tals ft tolls for Superinten
dent's office
34 93 Inter Mt. Tel. ft Tel. C.
Tolls for Roadmaster .
4.07 Intor Mt. TH. ft Tel. Co..
Tolls for Commissioners ...
36.20 V. A. Good man. board of
3 20
prisoners 170.84
2.U.W. L. Plot i Juror at special
term of Circuit ijourt
Roy McOee. Locating Grass
hopper Nests
Olass ft Prudhomme Co., sup
plies for Sheriff's office ....
W. A. Goodman, traveling
Ryder Brothers, supplies for
Court House
L. R. Reed. Supplies for
Court House
Bart F. Slier, hauling wood
to Mrs. Lackman
Reed Brothers, supplies for
Circuit Court
V. A. Goodman, traveling
ICxpense . 90.25
Mrs. Harry Smith, assisting
In sheriff's office 80.00
V. A. Goodman, stamps for
Sheriff's office 78.73
J. J. Callow, Refund of Tax
es . $38.88 Disai'd
K. C. Kggleston. Juror, spe
cial term or Circuit Court
Hold Waddel, over taxed OOSt
Justice Court
Luther Cole, ldto
Fulton Miller, dito
William Parsons, dito. .
Luther Cole, dito
Henry Schwunzara, dito
Willie Sklenes, dito
Larou McCulloch. dito
H. C. Levens. Tavellng Kx-
penses to Road Machinery
R. L. Mass, Traveling Ex
penses to Road Machinery
Exhibit 69.45
Dr. C. C. Orlfflth. 2 mouths
salary as County Phpslclan 150.00
J. O. Nicholson. Surveying
proposed County Roads . 212.40
W. Y. King, viewing proposed
County Roads 30.00
Lampsblres Oarage, supplies
for Road coustructli.., 78.45
I. S. Geer ft Co.. Supplies for
a anisf;s
Treasurer War Work oiiruil
National Board V W. C. A.
In an ItltaOIS rauh; town lives u
widow who launders seventeen lias
kets of wash a
When the Cn'tfJ St:ites enterer
the groin war the Young Wouieni
Christian Association was. us always
working among women. With th
call o new duties Its members die
not abandon their old responsibilities
The War Work Council was forme
soldier The lei
ter teggjtfd her lo
come ami see Inm
before be w a s
sent lo France
inspiration Women of every rae
and creed are its wards. The tusl
of the War Work Council Is tiemeua
week and every ous.
night thanks God
for having p u t
p i t y into the
hearts of women.
To tier came one
day a letter from
her only son lie
was then at I'arnti
Funslon. Kansas. ! aH "" ""-'" V measure to tak
learning lo be a ! car, t'" won,en um were 'caught
in home or me mazes or war. just a
the parent organization has taker
caie ol them through many years ol
peace The varied activities decider!
: upon by the War Work Council fol
The mother!'" MOBSjiy WO neeUs of the difler
opened the itae' oowmoalUtg of the count i v. Sec
bank in which ' relaries trained In the methods ol
the organisation were sent out
broadcast. Tiny wrrc Instructed tc
repoit to the National Itoatd of the
Young Women's Christian Assocla
lions In Now York the lines of work
which could be Lest follow ed in the
various localities. These secretaries
work in close cooperation with min
isters, women's clubs, chambers of
commerce, churches, military officials
and (baritable societies. The rec
ord of a day's doings of a secretary
reads like a novel, an economic
Ireutise, and a psychological essay
all compressed Into a llne-a-day entry.
A secretary sent out by the War
Mrs. Davison
wp ...... pom noaruiiiK Ml dimes anil
quarters against rhls day. The money
was scarcely enough. NavertbeMlv
she started she walked ihe in-.,:
eighteen miles Then her strength
gave out. and she took tin in
She did not know that visitors to
Camp Funston stay In Junction City.
leven miles away. Ho she got orf
the train at Fort Riley. An Officer
set her right and she reached Junc
tion City after dai k. Somehow she
found a rooming-house. Some onw
there stole five dollars from her
five of the precious dollars she had
-arned over the wash tub and saved
oy walking. Terror-stricken, she i Work Council must be equal to any
Crop out of the bouse when no one I emergency. Miss l.llll.ui ) f nil at Cull-
was looking. Uootho, close by Camp Merman, hut-
Later In the night a soldier found lying along the street at nightfall
her trembling In the street, and took I came upon a forlorn couple. A Fin
her to the rooms of the Young Worn- : Dish soldier bad found a Job for hi.
mi's Christian Association, rooms wife, an that alio mltfht come on
Which the War Work Council ha (iron Cleveland. When she arrived
opened as a cfoariag'houM for trou- she was refused the place because
bios. The poor Irightened woman she spoke no Kngllsh. Their money
was put to bed. but she was too had bOM all spent on the railroad
miserable to sleep. The matron get far-, and Ihe soldier was due back
up at daybreak, built a fire, and com
torted her. The son's commanding
officer was reached by telephone
irly in the morning, and the boy
came to his mother on the first trolley-car
he could catch.
The two spent long, low voiced
hours together, perhaps the last
hours they will have this side of
heaven. Every moment was as p-e-clous
as a month had been lust year.
The old ladjg had still one present
worry. The boy's bad cold might turn I asked
into pneumonia If she left him. Ilut
she had not money enough to stay
another night and buy a ticket home.
When the matron told her that her
lied was free, she broke down and
cried and cried.
. "I did not know there was so much
at (imp. The situation was bad.
Thanks to Miss Hull a Cbiilicothlan
housewife now has an industrious
and grateful domestic, a soldier Is
happy, and a soldier's wife Is safe.
Army folks often benefit even more
d'.i'-cily from the secretaries' work.
In llremerton. Washington, a secre
tary was accosted on the street by a
sailor. She was a slender woman,
and he had mistaken her for a girl.
"May I walk along with you?" be
"Surely," she replied with mature
understanding and Intuition. "What
Is the matter? Are you homesick?"
The lad's stoiy came out with a
rush Yes, he was homesick, so
hopelessly, despairingly heartsick that
he was on the verge of deserting.
Ilut this woman gave htm genuine
better. Then she went back to be'r ! 8ym,1U?,1y nd onrouragement. She
u.t-ii luiii ill in if, nun. y
pity left in the world," she sobbed.
Hhe stayed till her boy's cold was
seventeen washings and her memo
ries. Because of the certainty of Just
each cases as this was Governmental
From north, south, east and west
these pioneer secretaries sent In
their reports. The appalling size of
sanction given to the activities of the i 'f ,tk'"K " vealad to the
War Ai-li Cmmnll f lh V U I . A " ' ""v "" nyaieuui uzttl ion
From the Pacific to the Alantic ' its I l.ho 0,flw'' tl,e n'Bt H,e"' ut
field extends. Every state In the
Union bus its members. Urgent ap
peals for help are its cause and Its
of the multitudinous phases certain
lines of work were revealed.
Road A Bridge Work 169.16
Lunahurg Dalton ft Co., sup
plies for Road Construc
tion 2.25
A. II. t'ooley. Hauling lumber
for bridges 40.00
Burns Oarage, Supplies for
road machinery 7.00
Universal Oarage, supplies
for road construction (2.10
Hackney Bros., hauling lum
ber for brldgea 10.16
Harney Valley Lumber Co.,
Lumber for bridges 9ft. 0
1.98 Oerald Nicholson, viewing I
proposed County Roads 33.76
Universal Oarage, supplies
for road machinery 8.10
A. B . t'ooley, Hauling lumber
and freight 21.40
Holton Hodmer Co., freight
on Rosd machinery and
parts 86. 1 u
Harry I, Smith. Hauling
freight for Road work. . . 5.60
Hums Hardware Co., supplies
for road ootutruotloa .50
C. T. Riddle, Surveying
roads 22.00
Boise Lumber Co., Lumber
for Surveyors stakes 3.05
R. Hardesty Mfg. Co., Siguss
for roads 88.20
T. H. Short, repairing road
machinery 26.40
Russel Grader Co., repair
parts for graders 17.30
Central Scientific Company,
Supplies for High School 91.21
B. A. Dickenson, Hauling
from High School grounds 20.00
Ira F. Powers Co,, ovens for
Domestic Science Depart
ment 14.50
Links II II H I II i' l l College.
Bookkeeping sets for High
School 40.00
, Remington Typewriting Co.,
Typewriter for High School 4 2.90
Oragjg Publishing Co.. sup
I piles for Commercial Depart
ment High School 2.23
Harney Valley Lumber Co.,
Lumber for High School 89.04
J. K. 0111, Reference books
I. Schwartz, Gasoline can for
domestic science
Lunahurg Dalton Co.. Sup
plies for High School
for High School 6.64 Bolls Wall Paper Co., Sup-
Kllham Stationery Co., sup
plies for Art Department
i plies for High School
48.90 (Continued en page four)
Save your old Tires -Have thorn repaired
Bring them to tiur
Vulcanizing Department
which is equipped in first cla3 ghape
For your convenience we keep a supply of
rOBD RKlMIlt.s aud OILS
at Narrows, Riley. Alberxim, Harney, Drews y
and Jui.'iM'a
It Goes Anywhere and
Does any Kind of Work
rs AJMMk
w iraoor
Equal to the work of 3 men and
three good 3-horse teams.
V rj
yK nasSL iCBVHnfll Q HsnfaaHgMHsw -
m m. if BrHii iIMtmWJi Tn MiriWTP ,t?$w
We cou!d write this ad by just telling you in the own
erg own words what this wonderful little geared-to-the-ground
Tractor is doing for ranchmen in Cregcn
and Washington.
Uncle Sam wants more farm products aid 30U
want the pi of its to be earned! Yep can replace ihe
men you have lost with a Cleveland.
The Cleveland will do anything that hcrses or mules
can do and can go wheie they can 't over gullies,
n t and ditches, tl roufh cft t oil, wet clay, sand and
gumbo. No sinking or flouncerir g dtes not jpack
the soil.
Only one man is needed to run the Cle eland. 12
horaepewer is developed at the diawlar ai d 20 horte
at the puliey.
Coburir. Ore.. Auir. 30. 191K
MirNeff Tractor Co.,
Portland, Ore.
Gentlemen: I have had my tractor hitched to
most everything on the farm, including the ford
Car. Last spring after we finished plowing,
pulled a ton Aorse load working the ground
down, and covered the ground at a faster rate
than a team traveled. I have filled Silo,
ft- wrd. Harrowed. Ittteed. Hay led Hay. Haul
ed the Manure Spreader. Pumped Water. Saw d
Wood, and am going to fix a pulley on the drive
shaft so I can run the milking marh'ne and
cream separator with the tractor in case the Vy
horse power motor goes wrong for a few days.
C. B. Swango.
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 28, 1918
McNefT Tractor Co.,
Portland, Ore.
Gentlemen: I have been using the Cleveland
Tractor since March of 1918 for orchard cultiva
tion, and have found it ail that is claimed for
it. Am using a two bottom 12 in. plow a 16
16 disc the latter I can use with a 10 ft. spike
tooth harrow or a 10 ft. clod machine thus do
ing the work of 3 teams ami men. My land is
extremely rolling, but the Clevelsnd has no
trouble mailing the hills.
A. Hamiltjn.
Waahugal, Wash., Aug. 26, 1918
McNeff Tractor Co.,
Portland, Ote.
Gentlemen: I have used the Cleveland Tractor
for one year, and consider that it has replaced
at least two teams and drivers when in use and
done better work. I used it for a few days
threshing with a 26-86 American machine, which
pulls heavy. For cutting silage it is tip-top.
I have 8 silos to till with it this fall.
K. E. Turk.
See a CLEVELAND at Work-then you'll want one!
It plows, harrows, reaps, culs cnsilsRe and feu), ruriB saws
pumpH, pulls road machinery, and dees oraeticullv all the
I work formerly done with horded and Mationery cnsriiHa.
Fill out and mail the coupon, or write us for name of closest
place where you can see a Cleveland demonstrated.
McNeff Tractor Co., 2nd Floor Pittock Block,
Portland, Oregon
Mail This Coupon for Tractor Facts.
McNeff Tractor Co., 2nd Floor. Pittock Block,
Portland, Oregon.
Send me Catalog. Prices, and name of nearest place where
I can see the Cleveland Tractor.
This is without any obligation to me.