The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 05, 1918, Image 1

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The TimeeoHerald govs re
jci'Urly to more homes la Har
ney Ounty than any other
newspaper- If yon wish to
reach the people OM theee col
umn for pour advertfsewMmt.
The Times-Herald la aa oil
established friend of the people
Harney County where it ha
bevii a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It' Job department la
equipped to serve yoor
NO. 4
(8Jie Mmje-llefala
'"" I'lul' ' "" ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' i i y .'!''' '. '.. ' : " 'y ' . '.i .
' " i " ii - i i i , r i ii " i j i
Patriotic Addresaes and Singing
Stirs Large Gathering at Open
Air Meeting. Helps Stimulate
Buying of Liberty Bonda.
f ""liulgarla surrendered to the allies
tot Monday and the news came to
Burn in the Idaho Stutemnnn of
ToeHday morning. It was certainly
good hows and brought forth cheer
ful expressions from our citizen. In
(ail .tome felt so good about It that
an impromptu out door gathering
i was staged In front of tho Liberty
Tbentro Wednesday evening where
JiicU' Biggs and Assistant Bailey of
the attorney general were asked to
address the gathering of people.
The piano was moved out of h
theatre into the arched lobby In front
and the high school glee club, lad by
: principal Storll, rendered some patrl
' otic songs and helped to make the
occasion one of rejoicing at the suc
cess of our armies.
Judge Biggs, made a fine address,
and one that brought the people to
their feet, with stirring words of en
couragement for our great country
and its able president. Mr Bailey also
had some good things to say.
James Donegal) made a short an
nouncement in connection with the
Liberty Bend campaign. It is In
tended to properly celebrate again on
next Saturday which has been made a
Liberty day by the president.
During the fore part of this week
Muue generous men moved the equip
ment of the surgical dressing depart
ment of the Bed Cross from the high
school building to one of the rooms
adjoining the Heed Grocery formerly
occupied by O. W. Clevenger's furni
ture store. The ladies have a conven
ient place to do their work which is
under the direction of Mra. C. C.
Crlffith. Mrs. W. M. Sutton and as
sistants. The rooms will be open
each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day afternoons from 1 until 4 o'clock
until further notice.
The room used for the surgical
dressing department was kindly do
nated to the Ked Cress by Q. W.
Clevenger. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Grif
fith donated a stove and thus the
quarters are well equipped and com
fortable. o
ino n i:d
Manager James Donegan of the
Liberty Loan drive called his exe
cutive committee together the first
of the week to discuss ways and
means to bring Harney county
through on the Bend subscriptions
as we are still behind our quota a
few thousand dollars. It was decld-
ed at that meeting to ask some of
the more substantial citizens of the ,
loimty to Increase their subscriptions i
In order that we not lag behind our
former good record. '
Vesterday Mr. Donegan came to I
Ibis office and reported Dial one than obtained nere. Many people
man, who had not been solicited in j have got mad at the president and
any way. had come forth with a sub-j administration for permitting It, but
stantial subscription and has set an they should really give the policy
axample for others to follow. That j their hearty endorsement.
man was our fellow townsman Fred i A weekly wage of forty shilling is
Lunaburg. No one had soli. Ite.l Dim thought good pay for a skilled work
and after hearing of act eel eondl- man In England, where salaries ere
lions at the open air meeting In front lower than here; It amounts to ton
ol the Liberty Theatre Wednesday j dollars a week. Offer it to a city
evening be subscribed $iroo worth
W ho will lie I he next man?
W KWARTZ sieiti: LOMsV
1. Bchwarta has dec'4d to dose
bis stock out in a different in, inner
than disposing of it to the retail
n Hie Mid has turned the stock over
i" oreCltori to sell in bulk. War con
community made the disposition to
Ms old time customers Impractical
end he therefore took this method ,nejrBi
lie best and quickest way of clos-, Moat of tnB. hJ,)H tnat farrled our
Ing the business out. A man Is hereftMny () Kur)(. W(,ri, unt iwlt. The
rrom Portland and an inventory lBrUl8), workman built and manned
being taken of the goods which will thenl for u ,l(,WHi)()V 1, and we
be offered for sale In uuantlty to , ould Im, Krle(. him a slight re-
ile'ilers. I
A salient? When tho Yanks have
I been in France a little longer "there
Won't be no such animals."
During the American operations
against Meta a German regiment
underwent an almost unique experi
ence. It was flanked right and lo't
simultaneously, and though It might
have continued to fight It did just a.t
practical a thing In surrendering.
The Americans could have massacred
It or starved It without losing a man.
Its colonel called the role, and
every man answered. He then sug
gested to his captors that as his com
mand was so distressingly complete
It might as well preserve Its organiza
tion, and with Its officers and ton
corns., It marehed, disarmed and
under escort, to the detention camp.
The only thing lacking was a brass
Tho coup was accomplished by
Yankee quickness. The quickness
was made possible by flawless trans
portation facilities and equipment.
These things make for bloodless vic
tory. And they cost money.
The amount called for in the new
loan appeal is stupendous. It is not a
case of "Have you bought s bond?"
but "How many have you bought?"
But money means superior equip
ment and bloodless triumphs. Fight
ing with safety so far as it is pos
sible improves with organisation.
Death and casualty rates have shrunk
considerable at the front. We havo
seen 8 per cent go to 3 per cent.
Money buys gas-masks, lire-saving
appliances and hospital equip
ment. It's our money or the lives of
our boys. Don't weaken, men and
women of Harney County.
Last Tuesday, being the first of
the mouth, the pool ball, soft drink
places, drug stores, etc. closed at 'i
o'clock because of having seen In a
Portland paper where the State
Council of Defense had Issued an or
der that all such places be closed at
that hour. It caused considerable
unfavorable remarks from those who
had not been given aay -aatiea and it
was responsible for a meeting called
by the local defense league later In
the week where strong resolutions
were passed sgalnst such drastic
measures and the protest has been
signed by practically every business
concern in Burns.
Later it was found ma- Portland
had registered such a vigorous pro
test and the Liberty Loan Executive
Committee had filed a strong plea
for a deference of the order until It
could have further Investigation, the
Defense league called it off for seven
days. Now it is probable the order
will be entirely Ignored or greatly
modified. It does not apply to this
section of Hie country at any rute
and the people will not likely be ask
ed to observe it.
i .
Take a large cake of Ice and hold It
against the back of your neck. It will
keep you from getting hot uuder the
The following is a vindication of
the government, which allows food to
be sold to the allies at lower prices
SOWST-digger In America Ho will
Yet British workup u. for ibis
1 ', are ' 1 10 us 1 lalsf) kttvn ii n
helping u in various v.iy.. For ;i
long lime tie ii 1 been buiid'ng
day, ami I nil : i if
40 eombal planes shipped by um 'ii a
year, in oilier words, urn 11,11 worn
men, I tarting any BlOMllng ul 7 A. Al.
I could have quit al 1 n on the
morning and rested lor year. Tbej
would have liulll 4(1, our first year's
,,,,,,,. ,,, lh,.y k(,, rKnt ,
, HllI,ilo,i our ttrniy as well as
fliwilfui m nnrk it lid lieanu.
Germany has lately been the Land
of Promise and France the Land of
Another Patriotic Program and
Demonstration Planned. The
Schools, Honor Guard Girla
Prominent Men to Take Part.
Since Prelsdent Wilson has de
signated next Saturday, Oct. 12, as
Liberty Day It has been deoHed by
the citizens of Burns to observe It In
some fitting manner, therofore Chair
man Slzemore of the Four Minute
Men has conferred with the schools,
the Circuit Court Judge and the
Honor Guard Girl, as well as many
citizens with the result that he Is
promised a program that will be in
teresting and inspiring to all.
While details have no! been work
ed out It Is possible that a parade will
be a feature of the celebration and
with an open air meeting of chorus
singing with the High School Glee
Club leading under the direction of
Miss Norrls, the music and art teach
er. Judge Biggs has been asked to
address the people again ; Hon. C. M.
Crandall of Vale will also be one of
the speakers.
The pogram will take place in
front of the Liberty Theatre at 2
o'clock P. M. If weather will permit,
otherwise Tonawama Hall will be
Such celebrations are encouraged
by the government to keep up the
enthusiasm and spirits of the people
and to keep them mindful of their
part In the great struggle now going
on to suppress the Hun. They are a
good stimulus to a community and
bring nut the patriotism of every red
blooded American. President Wilson
In making the proclamation fixing
Saturday, Oct. 12, Liberty Day, said
In part :
"Every (lay the great principles for
which we are fighting take fresh hold
upon our thought and purpose and
make It clearer what the end must be
and what we must do to achieve it.
We now know more certainly than we
evcY knew before
why free men
brought the great Nation and Ooveru-, made many warm personal friend
mont we love Into existence because ships throughout this entire Central
it grows clearer and clearer what ' Oregon section, and it Is rather a dlf
aupreiue service It la to be America's flcult thing for him to quit bis pro
privilege to render to the world. The fessionsl services and remain in this
anniversary of the discovery of Amer- .community but that he is determln
Ica must therefore have for us in this j od to do.
fateful year a peculiar and thrilling) Dr. B. F. Smith succeeds to Dr.
significance. We should make it a ' Griffith's practice and has also
year of ardent rededlcatlon to the purchased his handsome home and
Ideals upon which our Government . office where be la now located. Dr.
Is founded and by which our present i Smith has been here for a couple of
heroic tasks are Inspired." I years and Is one of the finest physl-
This week Dr. C. C. Griffith,
chairman of the Harney County
Chapter, American Red Cross re
ceived from the Bureau of Com
munication and Information of that
organization at Seattle three pictures
on cards with a short sketch of their
career in the army work of three
Harney county boys. These photos
were published in the Twice a Week
Spokesman fteview at Spokane and
had been clipped by this bureau.
They were forwarded to Dr. Griffith
to send to the respective families of
tie- hoys. One was of F.lbert Tavlor,
son of Mrs. Geo. Dutisniore, another
of Chester I'rtill of Princeton and
the third was Joseph Rhodes, son of
Mrs. ('has. Arnold.
Harry Lander is being serious these dins. The famous scotch comedian
is subordinating ii i eomedy to the all-fmbra Ing demands ol ei r Along with
his work for bis Injured Soldiers' fund mid iui v. M. C a . Laudi r Ii making
;, pa 1 1,1 ithsneats to prspara tor the next Liberty Losn General
subscription is the thorns of Lauder's message, Hers is whai he saye:
ii;e dearest word In anj language, it is the thing the
i,, .1 . . .,,, fl hting to take u.iy. It is the one big thing we must fight
to I
Wb'al bavs you done t0 help win the war? What are you doing to
preset vs Itbsi iff
Every Sunday 600,000 Oorquuu in ihe United states sing songs of
pulling I he trigger; they srs talking of you of the Uuued Stales. What
are u doing ( do about thamf
I : it now our ansvsei must be --BUY LIBERTY BONDS1 We have
given that answer once, twice .iheady. Hut we must make it again and
again as n cil Is. We must turn our dollars into silver millets I'uat is
the way we can become shareholders in the Hank of Humanity Our part
Is to provide the wherewithal, since we can't do what the boys out there
are doing.
Back In France I saw battalions of young fighters marching along and
chanting a song - any old song right Into tho mouth of death. They knew
win ie they were going. They were fighting to save LIBERTY. And they
are calling on you to help them, you hack here.
Our part Is easy oemnafed with theirs but It Is OUT? PART and It
must be (lone. 1'nt. your money Into liberty supports. Sign up us share
holders In humanity's bank.
Pacific Lire Stock Company is
Given Time to Answer Charge
of Fraud in Obtaining Land.
Suit to, Recover by The State.
An adjourned term of circuit court
was convened last Monday by Judge
Dalton Biggs at the time the grand
jury begun its investigations. Very
little has been done during the week
other than hear motions and such
preliminary work preparatory to the
opening of the regular term on next
One case of interest that had con
sideration was that of the state
against the P. L. 8. Co., in which it Is
claimed that a large acreage of land
has been obtained by fraud. Attorney
General brawn of this state and his
assistant J. O. Bailey were present
also KdWajBa T- Treadwell of San
Francisco 'Who represented the com
pany. Mr. Treadwell made some mo
tions asking portions be stricken out,
to make mere definite, etc., all of
which weMfDverruled and the com
pany was gHbn thirty days In which
to file an atnrwer.
A few minor equity and law cases
had attention but very little done
Judge Biggs adjourned court yester
day for the day as there was nothing
up. The grand jury flnlsed its In
vestigations Thursday and was dis
charged. DIt.
The people of this community re
gret that 111 health has been the
cause of Dr. C. C. Griffith retiring
from the practice of medicine. He
has been in active practice In this
city for several years, being first
associated with the late Dr. Marsden,
later Mil-ceding to the big practice
which that popular physician had
built up. Dr. Griffith Is not only a
fine WHfy'stclan, but a man who has
clans In the practice. He is a very
competent mini professionally and an
agreeable gentleman to associate
with. He bus proven this since com
ing to this city and It is fortunate for
the v that Dr. Griffith
should find such a man to succeed
him and one whom he can recom
mend to his many friends and former
Dr. Griffith has purchased a big
farm from H. ('. I. evens and at once
begins to break up a large acreage
formerly devoted to wild hay and
which will he seeded to alfalfa, lie
will not take up his residence on the
place permanently for the prosent as
Cbas. Wilson and his wife are still
on tlie premises, but as soon as Mr.
Wilson has disposed of his peronal
affairs the Doctor and his wife will
make their home on the fariu Just
below town.
It is unfortunate that so many
truths are truisms. We would realize
that early shopping at Christmas Is a
holy obligation If people would glvo
up saying so. We tell each other
about it, and repeat it to ourselves.
AsI on December tho 24th we join
the good old annual bull-fight.
Proverbs were made to be negloot
ed. Even ethical fundamentals are
sooeptod to be disregarded. Wo
agree that It is wrong to lie; we feel
Insulted when we are called liars;
and we would be ashamed to bo with
out gumption enough to tell a good
one when expedient.
When Moses broke the stono tables
of the Law on Sinai he probably saw
what was coming. " What s the use of
ten commandments?" he thought.
"Or twenty? They'll all be endorsed
and disobeyed by the same people."
The ancient rale about Christmas
shopping has additional backing this
year. Consideration for saiegirls
we have habitually withheld, but
herejK is Miss Columbia that speaks.
"Make work easy for salespeople,'
she says. "Don't exhaust their re
serve energy they need it for knit
ting. Don t make It necessary for
storekeepers to hire extra clerks
they are wanted for war work. Don't
buy useless things. Buy chiefly for
children. Spread your shopping over
October, November and early Dec
ember." This is embodied in the published
request of the National Council of
Defense. Patriotic citizens will ob-'
serve It, and others may well contem
plate the possibility of something
stronger than a request next year.
It was to be expected tluit J. Black
ton, having po.'led hU unlimited ex
perience;! and clever brain with the
tremendous rosourcei of I ho Para
mount Company, would turn out pro
ductions far above the average.
His first production under 'he
Paramount banner surpasses all ex
pectations. It is a screened version
of "The World fcr Sale," by Sir Oil
bert Parker, who has given the film
rights to all his stories to J. Stuart
The two men aro personal friends
and Sir Gilbert Parker lent the In
spiration of his pergonal presence to
the actors while "The World for
Sale" was being made. Thus It Is
that the screened version fairly
breathes the sp.'rlt of the book which
has been one of the best sellers for
many years. It is a whole-ale breezy
story of the great northwest, against
which background appear in sharp
relief the clear cut characters one
has known and loved in the book, ex
actly as If i hoy had stepped bodily
out of its puges.
Liberty Theatre, according to its
usual custom or furnishing tho beat
at all time", hu announced the ap
pearance of "The Wfcrld for Bate,' on
Sunday, Oct. 13.
S0O he- 01 beef cattle arrived at
the North I'prtland Stock Yards over
night, Monday's receipts totaled 1S00
head. Top grades of beef cattle are
selling at Steady prices, but the mid
dle gradi ' are sagging and are slow
sellers at a decline of 2n to 50 etits
Qaotatlons are; Prints steers 5:12.00
-$t:'..0(. ; ciooii to choice steers $11.
tlQi3.00; .: (Iinni to good steors
$9.75-ii.(ni; rair'to medium steers
l',g 6:9.85; Choice cows & heifers
.0- .'. : Medium to good cows &
beife: 1 :.2', I'iiir to medium
cow. . .. ; 'or S. 00 MO : Cauni n
It.fl loo Bui IE "ii : 00; Call a
$9.oc-u'.i "; st icki rs d 1 1 idon
I fft.00-S.00.
.'.' 'i hog ' arrived In the h . dlvl
sio ; : wdaj
in' . 1 gO&Q head. Trad 1 '
rei th ty to
ir Quoiatloni : Prims 01 id
liv.Sg.lo dtum mixed fl I -
II. I 0; Rough heavies tlg.oo Ifl.TSi
: 7.001 BnUi . 19.60
1 : r. r. .
Thee was a nominal run of . I' i
and laiphs over night. The lamb nil
of the trade is cm-lined to sliow
nresjtaaea but the mutton end $ bold
ingntai. Quotations! Prims Iambi
Tk'.Ou-J-J.OU; Fdr to me,iliini lainl-,
! ' 00-11.00; Yearlings 10.00- 1 1.00;
Wethers $9.00-10.00, liwea SC.HO
9.00. Buy u Liberty Bend.
Assignments Made in Count? bw
Women's Division of National
Council of Defense. Object
Publicity War Work Activity.
An executive board meeting of tho
Woman's Division of National Coun
cil of Defense was called by County
Chairman, on Oct. 1st and a secretary
was elected also the work of getting
tho speakers signed up was attend
ed to.
Miss Helene Dalton was cbeaea
secretary; Mrs. Wm Flser, for publi
city work for Crane; Mrs. C. W.
Ellis, for publicity work for Burns;
Miss Helen Norris, for publicity work
for Burns; Mrs. Clarence Drink water
for publicity work for Drewsey.
Everything published In the papers
of this county is clipped and forward
ed to the Office in San Francisco, wo
aro expected to have something pub
lished each week something of tho
wonderful work of the Salvatioi
Army, the Y. M. C. A. of the Knight
J of Columbus; something of the work
the Y. M. C. A. is doing for the
working women in all parts of tho
world. The drive comes late In Nov
ember, but the speakers are request
ed to begin at once so the following;
programme was mapped eut:
Four Minute Talks
At the Ladles Library Club: Mrs.
Olsen, Mrs. Sutton, Miss Norrls, Mrs.
At the Rod Cross Roems: Mrs.
Leonard, Mrs. Gemberllng, Mrs. Ellia.
Mrs. Remhold.
At the Surgical Dressings Roem:
Mr. Sutton. Mrs. Ellis,.
Honor Guard Girls: Miss Helena
Dalton, Miss Drusllla Dodsou, Mrs.
At the Teaches' Institute: Mies
franc and Vicinity: Mrs. Weaver.
311ss Ethol Turner, Mrs. Fiser.
Drewsey and Vicinity: Trfrs. Archie
Reed, Miss ullve Stork.
Narrows and Vicinity: Mfsa Alice
Hurlburt, Mrs. Mary Griffin.
Dculo and Vicinity: Mrs. H. J.
Joklsch, Mrs. Lester Hamilton, Mrs.
Catlow and Vicinity: Mrs. Lillian
Smith, Mrs. Mary Kelley, Miss Augus
ta Nelson.
Entire County will be covered by
County Chairman, Mra. Francos
Executive Beard: Mra. Clark, Mrs.
Iter.ihold, Mr.'. Sutton, Mrs Olseu,
Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Gemberllng. Miss
Dodson, Miss Norris and Miss Dal
ton. o
Bi:s3 Drusn Dodson oT the Girls Ho.:
or Guard was lu to see us vesleruy
and to announce that her organisa
tion which had charge of tho drivw
ior the Salvation Army war fuuda,
had succeeded in securing all and
tuore than the quota assigned this
county. Very little soliciting wua
done, in fact practically all the mon
ey received was from voluntary con
tributions and this from only a por
tion of the county.
Mias Dodson accompanied the mem
bars of the campaign comnjlttae on
tho Liberty Loan drive over a por
tion of tho country and made tier
nli Ion known lth tho result Uiat
the money came In without 1'urt.her
lOlil . 1. ition.
Harney county's quota wa.i.iix1 : at
aad lbs girls have secure. 1 fsso
When ;t was aaiiouni ' f.ll-
i' .. og tin- Liberty l oan drive, 1
least seine time this fall an rim
mated drive foii ar fui:ds for the
several ipcleHes a live In war work
would he mads the Honor Guards
decided to ... uj any . I'lirt -
effort toward tanviualng any 1
portion of (he county other than
what had been covered until I he (iriio
sol for the amalgamated drivi
this :'t Is proposed to solicit funds for
the Salvation Army, y. M. C. A., War
Community Service, American Libra
ry Association. Knights ol Columbuj,
and the Jewish Welfure Board.
Ai the proper time this drive will
take place and then people will bo
given an opportunity to contribute
further toward war work. MSS Dod
son wishes The Times-Herald to
proas the appreciation of her organi
station to those who bad contributed
so liberally uud fret .