First National Bank Burns, Oregon To my friend and Patrons of the Flrit Nat tonal Hank: With the clone of the present month, the writer, after twelve and one-half year service aa cashier of fhl hank, retire from ita a. tlvc manairement to aasume responsibilities elsewhere. Ihiring these yearn the bank haa grown and prospered, develop ing from Ita childhood, no to speak, Into a strong, solid, financial In stitution, commandiiiK i-expcct and attention far beyond the geogra phical linen of south-eastern Oregon, whone Interentn It has aided and helped to develop, and whose patronn It ha no effectively nerv ed. , , ... To my many friends who have aaslsted by their patronage and kindly word of commendation In the upbuilding of this Inntlu i Ion, I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation. While distance may separate us, my Interest In thin section and Its people will continue, and my mind will frequently dwell upon your problem, and my energies will le extended In your In-half whcn- ever they may le required. 'With the acceptance of my resignation, our Hoard of Director advanced Mr. Welcome to the vice presidency, thus bestowing a fit ting recognition to an efficient and painstaking official, who ha served the hank faithfully since its first conception, now over sixteen years. It was a gracious tribute, merited and deserved. As cashier, the directors elected Mr. K. 11. t'onser, who was personally recommended by the writer, anil whom I have known for over twenty years. Mr. t'onser, both by training and experience, In well qualified for the position. Ills previous connection with Port land banking houses and with financial Institutions In the) stock sec tions of central Oregon particularly fit him for thla new responnl bility. With two nurh hankers an Mr. Welcome and Mr. t'onser at the helm, and the co-operation of an efficient and courteous office force, backed by the same conservative board of dins-tors, the public Is as sured of the same treatment an has been accorded It In the pant. I nhnll retain my stockholdings in this bank, so shall consequently have a direct personal Interest In It, and shall therefore keep a watchful eye upon Ita affairs. 1 hope to frequently visit Hums, so an to keep more rlonely In touch with your affairs, and to learn of your condi tions and possible needs. In conclusion, I earnestly urge my many friends to extend to the new management the name consideration and courtesy they mani fested In me during the yearn I have lived and labored among then. Very sincerely yours, J. Ii. HIM. The Times-fferald Ha Tha Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper la Harney County. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. I1S IjOCAL. NEWS NOTKS. Fat hens and fry for Hale -Mrs. Henry Y'ulgamioru. Mist Slater, the teacher at Lawen, is in the city visiting with friends over the week-end. Mrs. V. L. Shelling is here on a visit to 'her daughter, Mrs. Chan. M. Faulkner. Mrs. Alma Davis 1b here from Prairie City on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dulton, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and their little daughter, are home from a visit with relatives and friends at Boise, Idaho. W. J. Altnow, one of the extensive sheep growers of this county, was here from his home near Drewsey durlngthe fore pari of the week. THE KlltbT NATIONAL. HANK OF lirit.NH. CAPITAL. AND HI 'itPl.l H j 100.0M. "THK HAM THAT ' MAKK8 VOl'll f f MAFK." I ACCOUNTS INVITKD. Jap McKinnon took his departure ' toe fore part of this week for Mis souri where be goes for a short visit J with Mrs. McKinnon and to look I after some business affairs. Thos. Van Zandt was In town the other day. Dave and Mr. Craddork were down from Sllvies during this week. Win. Bennett was down from bis j Si lues home lust Wednesday on bual i ness. Mrs. Ted Hayes and her daughter. .wins una. win occup i no i no. Sprague residence In this city during the school year. Mian Helen Purlngton left this week for Kugene where she goes to resume her studies In the l.'uivertdty I fn- lh AAmln. .,.... if LUUIH15 '".ii. Harry Oouldln has been over from the OO Ranch during the past week assisting at the Bell A Bunch with the cattle; branding, marking and vaccinating for blackleg. Alva Springer was In town Ihc 1 other day. He Is rather off his feed 'he says, his physician not allowing I him to eat an he would like of some stomach trouble. because Mrs, Sam Mlrkle arrived home this week in company with her son, A. K. She had been visiting with relatives and friends In the Wll amette Valley but expects to remain here for the winter. Miss Pauline Herner, who ban been with the First National Bank of thla city for some time, took her depart ure for Portland last Thursday morn ing for a short visit. Mrs. A. C. Wel come Is assisting In the bank during the young lady's absence. Peter Chrtstensen and Frank Cat terson were up from Lawen yester- I day. Pete Bald they came up to get a Oerman hunting license to have ' their questlonaires nronerlv filled I out and turned in to the local board. Holland Cowan had his wrist 1 broken while practicing football 1. Lilian! and Mrs. Thos. Sprague has gone to Portland to Join her husband and son who have been down I here for sev eral weeks. Mr. Sprague has secured a home for them and they will be to gether so long as he Is engaged in war work. .JL Carrot Cecil and hit were In town this week from Silver Creek. Walter Cross and his son Archie were in town Wednesday "I mis week. Mrs. Hazel Miller arrived over from Grant county Wednesday on a visit to her father, V, 0. Cotad, and other relative. Wanted 20 head young, sound work hroaea, broke, five to seven yean old. Good mares preferred. Address Eastern Oregon Land Co., Ontario Oregon, It. H. Brown Is In town on busi ness. He Informs us he and Mrs. Brown are spendlug the most of their time of late 011 the farm recently ac quired over In Malheur county. Patriotic Assurance Company. Founded 1824 One of tho oldest and strongest Fire Insurance com panies In the world. J. J. Donegan, Agent. THE FIKHT NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND HUHPI.UK 100,000. "THE BANK I'll AT MAKES YOUR 9 SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Mrs. Edith Linton, mother of Mrs. Lampshlre and Mr. Moullen, took her departure the latter part of last week for her home in Eugene where she will remain for he winter. She wan accompanied by her granddaugh ter. Owendolyn Lampshlre. who will attend school there. Joe Carter, the fruit man, has es tablished a fruit and produce stand In the rooms adjoining Uemberllng's store. His son Is In charge and they expect to keep a supply of seasonable fruit and vegetable on hand. If they haven't what you want they will try and get It for you. Visit the stand and get prices on fruit for can ning and winter use. B. A. Kalston. late principal of the Harney County High School, left Tuesday morning to report to his local board at Portland for army duty. Mr. Kalston hopes to get Into an officer' training camp In the Im mediate future, hut il'he falls to get his desire In this respect, since thai branch has been closed temporarily, he then wants to get over to France Just a quickly an possible. Buy a Liberty Bend. Harry Withers was In town Thurs day. Oet. Cawlflold was In the city from Narrows yesterday. Hugh Tudor was a business visitor to our city last Thursday. A. K. Olson, of the Inland Ranch, I enjoying a visit from hi mother. A. K. Richardson arrived home Wednesday from a trip to Portland. ,! . Frank and Mrs. Dibble wore over from Sliver Creek Thursday. Mrs. Price Withers was the guest of friends In this city Saturday, day on i.ulstiess. Lost A child's coal, trimmed with white buttons. Finder please return to Mrs. C. M. Salisbury. I N. Nelson Is home from a trip to Portland where he visited with his wife and son for a while. He roports Mrs. Nelson's health still poor. Miss Annette Leonard left Thurs day morning for Eugene where she will attend the 1'nlverslty of Oregon for the coming year. A. C. Barnekoff, traveling sales man for Glass A Prudhomme. was In. town this week looking after the In terests of his concerns. Chas. Beelcley. the merchant and post master at Berkley III Callow, was a business visitor to our city last Wednesday. John Gllcrest arrived here Wed nesday night from California and will spend some little time In this vicini ty. Mr. Gllcrest will buy some cattle while here. John Gemherllng and Thos. Steph ens are back from their trip to Denio. While they were out they bagged a couple of deer besides did some pros pecting. Prof. G. Merigeloll made proof on his homestead last Tnurutay und took .lis departure tho following morning for Seattle where ho will be ei.Ka.'.c 1 in music during the season. Mrn. Merlggloli returned to the Cat low farm to remain for the winter. - - ' : -. n 11 -j I 3 3 i i - r' I BHUD i Fi Hag gimnrinniiuiiwniiiiiniiiiiiiiiffliiiiniiM 'W'lMMSMSSSn I VL3MV.:!m--WmM HELP YO UP, COUNTRY j WIN BUY A I LIBERTY BOND Out Service Free Hantia Donnlq National Bank jBum5,Drgnn "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" minii mmim umiu MiiiiiiiiiinriiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHininiiiiiiiiinmfiiiiiiiiimjijjjo Born Sunday. Sept. 22, to and Mrs. Clifford Reed, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Page and their little sen were In 'he r'ty durln-; the present week. Piano for rent and square piano for sale, cheap for cash. -Box 246 Burns, Oregon. A. S. Swain left Thursday for Wallowa where he goes to make the acquaintance of his youngest grand son Howard Swain Allen. After a H. M. Horton and Karl II Conner ',., V,H uc w1 be BCtolnimill,, were passengers out 011 Ihe Wray j w)Ill ,.r (UUKn,r for , ,,aHl ,,,, stage Monday morning, the former holIu. tiy Mr Swn wl ,, bound for his place of business at j or m0ra Bund and the latter for Prlnevllle where he went to arrange hi affairs Mr and Mrs. A. C. Welcome arrived that he might return at once and take , home Saturday night from their vaca up his duties as cashier of the First don trip to outside points. They Mr. and Mrs. I their son Joe came over from their "Valley of the Moon" ranch Tues day and left the following day for Portland, going out by way of Prlne vllle. They go for a short vacation trip and to look ufter a III tie business Incidentally. Thursday evening at the fair grounds. Principal Storll had the boys out for a preliminary practice game and It proved raiher disastrous lor Holland Taylor Huston also sprained his an kle slightly. The boys will have to get toughened to the task If they are to play that strenuous game. 1 I . , . I Prolonging Human Life! I I In the effort to lengthen the Hpan of human ex Wtance, every available resource in Nature'H More house is utilized. These must be classified and sy.stem lzed and ready for ug?. This is the work of the chemist. , Tjie intelligent handling of this vast store of reme dies, under the direction of your physician, devolves on Your Druggist We employ nan- but competent graduated pharmacists. I National Bank of this clfv. Mr. Con ser was formerly an assistant In the First National at Prlnevllle with Tom Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Welcome en tertained some friends at their beau tiful home Insi Tuesday evening, Mr and Mrs. J L. Gault being the honor guests. A very enjoyable evening was spent with a congenial company who had known the Ouults for many years. Cards were played and the table honors went to Mrs. Ernest Music and Chas. M. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs Gault elh received an ap propriate token of the occasion to take with them to their new home In Spokane. Mr. Homer Mace was Joint hostess with Mrs. Welcome In this enjoyable affair. Married Last Sunday evening at the bone of Mrs. J. K BUerooro In thla city, W. E. Crowder and Mm. Dairy Carter were married, Justice J. J. Patterson performing the cere mon. Both are well known people of this vicinity, the bride beln a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Edwards. of Lawen. She ha resided in this county for several years. Mr. Crow der is the owner of the Five Mile Hunch east of this city. The newly married couple have gone to Cald well, Idaho for Hie winter where I Mr. Crowder had arranged to feed his slock, laler they will return to the farm near here to make ih.-ir home. .1. L. Gault and familv look ihelr departure: today for Spokane where lliev will make their home in future. Mr, Guult having accepted respomd Die position with a bit bunking in stitution In that city. tg8 (Jaiills will lie missed by Ihe people of Hill vicin ity where they have li,;en active In the affairs for so inauv voars. Mr i Gnull was 11 man to OMaftft in busi ness affairs while Mrs. (iault wus ac - live in musical work She will be i tulssed from he Hid Qnw work i where Hhe was always i'.,v with her energy. She was also ulwuys ready I with her musical talents on all pulrl otic occasions or in social, church or ' other work. She gave unntintlnglv 01 her lime and was a gracious lady in her Intercourse along the lire of charitable or war work. Her admir er regret hr departure and con gratulgt the neighborhood In Spe- j kan where to Gaults may lake ut ' their reslaeai visited Portland ""(l other western Oregon sections, going over tho Mi Keuzie pass and came back by way of Pendleton where they took In a iurt of the Hound ('p. The entire Journey was made In their auto. I. 8. Geer A Co., are building a machinery shed on the rear part of some lots recently purchased near 1 the residence of Mrs. Kembold. A. O Faulkner and his little dau ghter took their departure last week for Indiana where they go to visit the parental home for an Indefinite time. Faulk, may take up some war work later If he finds he ran do so. and ' should tlii be the case we are not likely to see him ngnln until he has: helped "smash the kaiser." 1 George Marsden and bis wife ac-1 companled by hi mother were here from Bear Valley last Monday at- tending to some business matters and j ..,,, Heaven or HobokM also to visit with friends for a short I rhristma.." I the slogan I Ima 'fi.i.. i. .- Ji..... .. tl . ... . ,,. . ,,,- ,,rm 1. nr there" reported by Dr T I) Bit Marsden 8r ha vi.ited her manywlth formPr 0 A c,rloiJ friend in tbl vicinity for some time ' Tns new war (.ry w orlglnate(1 J and they were particular pleased to ,he ,, pugh ,,,,, the Mun, J "ee nr been well speeded up. 1- Grant Kesterson wus in towsl nenday. John Kirk was In town frotal home near Wagontlre during present week. Frank Johnson came hack from Prlnevllle the first of t hts to be present with the attorney ot Colonization Co. In going liefore county equalization board with recommendation a to hsngi the assessment on the land of company. 1. M. Cheney, one of the puJ residents of this county, hut now ing In San Francisco, arrived her fore part of the week and litin M greeting his old time friend Cheney looks like the I'alifoi climate agrees with him. as he wo much more than when be left h and looks the picture of health U til slot, ts VltiOltni'H ,rtfg1tf3fr Does Pershing 4 . n'i J BN VaB Br ' t ' ai HH. i t l!Ba h( B!V Ji u '-'f (fm Sk'-& yi Ni9k! Br3 ry "The German army can be beaten; j the German army will be beaten; the German army muift be beaten." Pershing counted on every 111:111, woman and child in Anient . to hack him up wImh he said that back him up with their souls, their flesh, tin 1 jMttketbooka to the last drop of Mood, to the last dollar. Our youiifj men are hacking him with their blpoti. .'".Every one of us at home must hack him with our dollars our last dollars our future dollars. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds. Any Bank Will Help You. Wl iBVMTIMMBIIT COKTansUTED TMBOUai TBI umoiia c'o-OiitATioi o Burns Cash Store The Rexall Drue Store REED BROS., Prpi.