rttprr - - , T?3?5-i?!Xl gflaWTil 0B.'B. F. SMITH 1 physician and Surgeon Hums. Oregon 1B, residence. Geo. Young house I'honc No. litU "J CARL C. GRIFFITH Physician and Suigena HUKNB, ORKOOfl. .ai j. rjrj. CBARY pi.tHJciail and Suramin. Burn . - - - Oregon. t , ..ml floor Tnnaviaiii Bid. ri Main Hf). DENMRN & OENWftN. phys clans and Surgeons I ii)witiI promptly tgbtordaj, l.1,, I ! ii i mum. Hairiman, Oregon Or- Minnie Hand bysician and Surgeon Din- i Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. L. E. HIBBARD tEi2sra:xsT tSnttiiv urat door eat photo gallery hums. Oregon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law I OKicr Practice I -and Scrp for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law 0. . K. Bld., Bur in, Oregon Jhkkman von schmalz Attorney at Law itwtn and practice before U. B. I.aiid Other a Kpec-ialty riy Bldg. next door to poat offlc Burn. Oregon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER lunus, - - jrKvn Iractin-H 111 tne eiate urar iiu sr- . .. . .- n . ....I l. I the U.S. Land Office. Cham. 11. I-ieonard. ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, leful attention given to Collets lion, and Real Kstate m altera. Fire Insurance. Notary Public I'.IKNB. OUEOON. : - LONE : - RESTAURANT UEORQB FOON Piop. lea Is At All Hours. Short hdera and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates Give Me A Call kppuslte Tisnee-Herald Bnltsllna : Old Bill Shakespeare, who rlaaal tted tho seven ages of man, would Imvo enjoyed littnaelf on Sept. 12. He'd have found moat of them ul tho registration stations. r. O. Hii.i.ahii A. O. Kaulkmh formerly Aksi. Ktigltirer formerly ('hint a ImU.8 Kwl.iui,..uH,.r (liner o( Boise A "P. Western Ky. Eastern Oregon Eogiaeeriog Company CIVIL AND HUUiiATION ENGINEER Euros, Oregon John UKMIIKRUNU, .lowolor. Optloiati and Knirrnvor. Fhie Watch Repairing A See cialty. TO (PcxW lvrv MAAwvuS-rv ato-i. avvvu VotrvvltM ty, o tyrt tXanva. vrxycn. a vo liuvlwu awcl -OcAvicc. jSerwtA, Cowriacle: $1500 Reward! Tuo Oregon, 1 funnaaoil Nevada Lite atntk Prates Hon .-... Uilciii nl i d 6irM. rallli or tmilr liflonalnn to any ut In lacm bcra. In aildllloa loth !-, the ouderataned uffe-e (be aame coiidltlou Ijoo.tfu fur all horaaa braudeil tioree abod bar on bulb or cltbcr ) brand reionled lo alaht inniitl"'" Kane Haruey, l.aae ami (took cuumiaa. Hornet vested wher aold. None but crown horaee aold and only In large buuebra. w w hkiiwn Fl le Oregon. Sumpter Valley Railway Ca. Arriyal and Departure Of Traias Depart No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrive Baker 1:15 A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Depart No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M. Sin)', er 1:05 A. M. Arrive Prairie 2:1 P. M. No. 1 Makes good connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co.- No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15 P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv ing Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arriving: at Baker 7:55 P. M. which picks up Pullman at Ba er, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 0:45P. M. for points East. I r I -ri'-imwm ,. I'grWt - atilih Hi uuilcr i lillV til five fi.uOO OU ll I 7 jlVi r.w.rd lor T. ! f ,i . i ' leeairiK lo J. 'je v,' ii earreai aiiu van ' ewl Tlcilou otuojr par ii in iiiii leal "W i lake This Room Yours Whether you are building a brand new home, making addition! to the old one or merely repairing wall, you can have a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. Beaver Board walU and ceUlngt are more handsome, mora tubttaatial and more sanitary than any other kind. They art the eaiie.t wall, to build. No lath or plastertherefore, no litter. Beaver Board always gives satisfac tion. But you can't expect Beaver Board results unless this trad ark b on the back of the board you buy. Burns Hardware Co. Burns, Oregon Bring That job to The Times-Herald Office BUCKHECHT p K a. u. a. ARMY When you walk into h.oe store mid ask for Buckhbcht Army Sh can be sure Thst this Army Shoe is to ttsndard-that if is made by workmen who have turned our more tlmn 600,000 Army Shoes under expert supervision -mid that it is backed by a record of more than fifty years of honest shoe insnuhiduring. Look for cir registered trnde iwna But'XHIiClil ItSllipW llll the sole of svery Shoo lor our inutu.il pioledion. Al your dealer's or if he la not supplied ordnr din ct from the manufacturers, Buckingham & Hecht, San Francisco UiCLE SAM- Well ol I l '1.11. IHKKCTORV State of Oregon United Statea Senater: Geo. K. Chamberlain, C. L. MeNary Cengressmen: W. C. Hawley, N. J. Sianott. C. N McArlhur. Attorney Qeneral, Oeorge M. Browi Qoveruor James Wltbycomb Secretary of State Ben W. Olcotl Treasurer T. D. Kaj 3upt. Public Instruction J. A. Cbur chill. State Printer John Lawrenn Supreme Judges: F. A. Moore, Oeo. H. Burnett, Root Battta, R. 8. Bean, Thoa. A. McBrtde Henry L. Benson, Lawrence T. Har la. Ninth Judicial Dlatrict Dlatrlct Judge Dalton BtgRi County Attorney M. A. Blggr Circuit meets the flrat Monday In April, and flrat Monday In October. Joint-Senator J A. Hurloj Joint-Representative, C. M. CrandaP County of llnrney County Judge H. 0. Leveni Clerk,. . Chester Daltos Treasuror Pearl Q. Flak Surveyor J- O. NIcIioIhoii Sheriff W. A. Goodman Assessor John Caldwell School Supt Frances Clark Coroner O. W. Cloveugei CommlsBleners: W. H. Robins. R. L. Hass. County Court meeta the flrat Wed nesday in January, March, May, July, September and November. Harney V. S. Land Office Register V. O. Cod Receiver 8am Mother1. City of Burns Meeting of the Council every Be end end Fourth Wedneaday. Recorder w- T KU Treasurer Henry DaJtoa Marshal A. A. Perry Ceuncilman: J. K. Loggaa. Sam Motherhead, C. M. Salisbury. J. R. Thotepaon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. Elizabeth E. Ooff, plaintiff, v William E. Ooff, defendant. To William E. Goff. the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore n dependable Je a pair of g-JJ' oe, you z, JK J' '' JILT f f AT There's just one thing to remember ask for the BtJCKHncHT Army Shoe by name and be sure that you get it. Then yeu will appre ciate why it is worn by thousands of Office Me Attorneys Physicians Hikers Hunters Farmers Orchard is ts Motormen Conductors and others in every walk of life. tmmamgmmmmmamtmmmmmm $.50 $y.i50 Htfcta a 3CRAP o' PAPER. jW t " .. ne. worfr bWTRoy ut a nimiy soan. gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled court and suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this sum mons, to wit; within six weeka from the 17th day of August, 1918, that being the date or the first publication hereof, and If you rail so to appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the n Hi i demanded In said complaint, to wit; A decree of said court forever dis solving the marriage contract now and heretofore ' existing between plaintiff and'defendant and awarding to plaintiff the care, custody and coutrol of the three minor children of said marriage, and her costs and dis bursements of this suit, and general relief. You are further notltled that this summons Is served upon you by pub lication thereot In The Times-Herald, a weekly newspaper, published in Burns, Harney County. Oregon, pur I suant to an order or Hon. H. C. Lev I ens, county Judge or Harney County, Oregon, made and dated the 16th day or August, 1918, the date of the first publication being August 17th, 191S and the last publication thereof will be mi September 28th, 1918. J. 8. COOK, of Burns, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. "NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ' IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. ' In the matter of the estate of Jesse M. Bunyard, dee'd. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix has filed her final account In the above entitl ed court and estate and that the I Judge thereof has set Tuesday the 22nd day of October 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon 1 and the County Court room in the 1 Court Houae aa the time and place i for the hearing thereon and settling thereof. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objectlona in writing, If any such there be, on or before aald date, and to appear on i said date and contest said final ac count If objections there be. Dated September 21, 1918. OBRTRUDE R. BUNYARD, Administratrix. 1st Pub. Sept. 21 r.th Pub. Oct. 22. Traced by Laundry Mam. Prrhnpn the mnnt atrlklng Inatanc on rneord In Rnitlnnrt of how limndry iiinrUH iimhIhI the pollen waa thnt of the Ynnnoiith lirnch myatery, when the tniilll.,l.-d Im.ly of n woman wiw ' iiiHi-overi'd on inn weatnrn wnnrn or thnt, pravlOM to the nr, popular ann uliln rcNorl. Over 4011 liiiimlrlcH were vIhJIciI by tlm pnlli to dlacovnr the ownnrahlp of tlm linen found on the body. It wiih traced at Inat to n amall bund laundry nl Woulwlrh, whither It had benn annt ly a Mm. Bennntt. Twelve houra lati'r the dead woman had been Identified, Mod her hutduind, Herbert John Itnnnctt. waa In eiiHliMly charged with her mgrder. Ho had, as be thought, obliterated every clew. Ife hi'U persuaded the woman to stay nt Yarmouth under an nssuiiin.1 nam. He had also, by suspi cious prHraaMi Kot tier to hldn her Identity In every prsjatMe way: and lie bad (leenveil hnr lo Ihn bnanh at (lend of ntgtll mid titer slrunirled her -silently, swiftly, secretly while pn- tentUag to caress her. (tut he over looked tl lnteiice of that one little telltale laundry mark which brought him to tlm scuff old. Mysterious Lake Tchad. The natives of the surrounding coun try reverence (he Late Tchad, in Af-rli-n, and Its Island Inhabitant. They l.elleve that if great snake lives below the lakn's surface, unit eotniniinds the worship of the men of Isl I dwell era. Some even think that these suiilt worahlper live withiu tlm lake, The Island folk urn doubtless glad of a legend which protect them from at tack so effnctlvely. Unfortunately for them, foreigners nre not ho gullible and iidvenliiroua traveler are the more eager lo push on to the lake after Inuring the wurnlngs of the fear-atruck natives. Little Men and Big Job. Among the idilnfnst enemies of man kind is the Individual who seizes a Job for which he la too little. If he Is 8 tailor, bis coats make other humun beings fear the light of day. If he builds buildings they tumble down and mangle those who occupy them. If h Is an oculist be puts out his patients eyes, or If a surgeon he Is prone to eul off the wrong leg. In nil of life's sit nut Ions the little man In the big Jot causes misery, but most of nil he meeti dlaaater when he meddle with the af fairs of uatl.itis. I et rol t Free Pre NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATUS LAND OFFIOE Burns. Oregon. September 4, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Thoni as Van Zandt, of Sllvlea, Oregon, who, on September 29. 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 07001. for 8EV.NEV4, See. 9; 8WNW4. BfcNWNWa. Section 10. Township 20 S., Range 31 E., Wllla-nette Meri dian, has filed notice or Intention to make final three-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiv er at Burns. Oregon, on the 9th day or October. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: S. Robert Bennett. Sllvles, Oregon George W. Waddle, Saddlebutte. Ore gon. Andy Taggart, Sllvles. Oregon. Cyras A. Sweek, Burns, Oregon. V. O. COZAD. Register NOTICK TO rRKDlTORH Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned bus been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testa ment and the estate of Frank A. Ellis, deceased, by order of the County Court of Harney County. Oregon. All pers ins having claims against the said deceused or his estate are hereby notified to present them to the under signed at the office of her attorney, Charles W. Kills, at IiIb oMce In the Masonic Ituildliig In Burns, Oregon, duly verified as by law required, withiu six months from tho date of tills notice. Dated September 14. 1918. I'KARL I. ELLIS. Executrix of the Estate of Frank A. Ellis, Deed. 1st Pub. Sept. 14 f.th Pub. Oct. 12. NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOl NT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the matter cf the estate ot Charlea A. Haines, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un deraigned executrix haa tiled her fi nal account in the above entitled 1 court and estate and the court has set the 14th day ot October 1VU8 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore- ... . noon as the time aim tne county court room In the court house in Burns, Oregon aa the place for the hearing thereon and all settlements thereot. All persons Interested in mi Id estate or having objections to said final account are hereby noti fied to rile their objections In writ lug on or before said date and to appear at said hearing and contest said rinal account. ANNA HAINES. Executrix. 1st l'uu. Hept. 14. -j Mli I'tib. Oct 12. NOTII'K TO TllAITIlllH Notlco In hereby given that Coyote and Bobcat aklna imiih( havn nil four feet and the acalp attached when ted for bountv therwte - . . ,.. . .. bounty cannot bo paid as provided by law. CHBSTBR DAiroN, County Clerk. NOTICK TO CUKOITOItH IN THF. COUNTY COURT OF THB STATU OF ORBOON. FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of James F. Mahon, deceased. Notice Is hereby glvea that the un dersigned has been duly appointed 'executor of the last will and teiita in i-ii t and esliitcol' .Iiinum I-'. MahOB. deceased and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said deceased or Ills estate are here by notified to present them to the undersigned at his ranch on Cow I Crk, Harney County. Oregon, or to his attorney, Charles W. Kills, at his office In tlm Masonic building In Hums. Oregon, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the dato of this notice. Dated August 31st, 1 9 1 . Ira J. Mahon, Kxecutor. 1st Pub. Aug. 31st. 51 h Pub. Sept. 28th. NOTK'K OF GCAHIMAVH HALF. OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF HARNEY. In the matter of the Guardianship of Louis B. Garrett, a minor. NOTICE IS HEItKHY GIVEN That the Underslgnod. J. W. GARRETT. Guardian of LOUS B GARRETT, a minor child, pursuant to an ORDER of the County Court for Harney Coun ty. Oregon, made and entered on the Srd day of September, 1'JIS, giving r:t ,,tiiit; Bald Cuardiaii a License to sell certain hereluafter-dest-rlbed real property belonging to said Minor Child, will from and after the 28th day of October. 1918, offer for sale and proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bidder upon the following terms: either for cash or credit, or both, as the said guardian may deem best, and subject to the confirmation of said Court, the following-described , real property situate In Harney Coun- ty, Oregen: "An undivided l-24th Interest in in and to the East halt of the South west quarter, and the Southwest quarter or the Southwest quarter or Section 14 and the Southeast quarter ol Section 22, and the Southwest quarter ot the Northwest quarter, and the West half or the Southwest quarter, and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 23, and the West half of the Southwest- quarter of Section 26. and the North hair of the Northwest quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the East half of the Southwest quarter ot Section 35, all in Township 20 Soufli. Range 29 East ot the Willamette Merldaau. Harney County. Oregon; and also Lots 3, 6 and 9. and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 21 South, Range ! 29 East of the Willamette Meridian, Harney County, Oregon". Orrers Tor the purchase or said real property maybe made to me In writ ing at the office of.my Attorney J W. BIGGS, Voegtly Building. Burns, Ore- I gon, rrom and after the 28th day ot I October. 1918. J. W. GARRETT. Guardian. Dated this 27th day of Sept.. 1918. First Publication Sept. 28, 1918. Last Publication Oct. 26. 1918. .., o ADMINISTRATORS KALK Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale, duly mad and entered by the County Court or the 8tato or Oregon for the County or Harney, on tho 19th day of Smut ember 1918, In the Matter of the Estate dr Joshua T. Fry, deceased, the undersigned administrator, will on and atter the 30tb day of October 1918 at the office or his attorney In the matter of said estate, vie; Char lea W. Ellis, of Hums, Oregon; whose o'fflee la in the Masonic Building In said City or Burns; offer for , aale for cash to the highest bidder the herelnarter described real estate. ....t.i.w.t a nAnri.mailAii liv Ihn Pnnrl i ! " - - - . in one parcel; the said real estate belonging to said estate and being described, as follews: East one-half of the South-west one-quarter (EV4SW) and Lota (3) and Four (4) of Section Thirty (30) in Township 25 South of Range 32 East of the Willamette Meridian In Harney County, Oregon. CHARLES V. REED, Administrator ot the Estate or Joshua T. Fry, deed. 1st Pub. Sept. 28tb. f.tli I'ub. Oct. 26th.