The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 28, 1918, Image 4

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    mi MM I
iht &mt-!Axni
at the Post Office at Burns,
in. aa Second Class Matter.
monly throughout the go-called
humid areas, there would he lea
friMiuo'.t losses ffom drought and
bet'er wheat 'Top would result, (he
department specialists Hay. in this
area the mistake Is often made of
chinking that there will always be
moisture enough present for maxi
mum crop growth, and the result is
short crops where more attention to
moisture preservation would have as-"
sured good yields.
If wheat Is grown in rotation with
oats or after wheat, the stubble
should be plowed to a depth of at
least 7 Inches Immediately after
harvesting the crop of grain. The
ground should be harrowed within a
tew hours after plowing, and cultiva
tion with harrow, diskdrag. or roller
should be given as necessary, there
after until planting time, to kill
weeds, to settle and make firm the
In a letter to his mother Owen
Cawlflold tells of honors recently re
ceived by him. Owen has been on
the battle line for the past three
months. Following is his letter:
August 28, 1818.
My Darling Mother
Have neglected you for some time
hut will -drop just a Una to let you
know I am still well and getting
along fine. We hare been rery busy
as we are on the firing line now and
hare been for nearly three months,
and have been on the go night and
day, have seen lots of action and
been under heavy fire a great many
times. I agree with Shermn about
what war Is, only It Is lots worse than
he said It wbh. Will sure have a lot
The story of the suffering of the
Belgians who before (he war had
nvorythlng that life could give, and
who wore accustomed to help others
less fortunate, is one of the most
heart breaking chapters of Uerman
Oregon, which In the past at the
eali of the Commission for Relief of
Belgium, known as the 0. K. B., has
responded generously, aud must con
tinue to do so until the end of the
Harney County, has been asked to
make up a quota of $350.00. $60 of
this fund has already been contribut
ed through the bottle system estab
lished oer the county. The Commit
iiwi ii' mHtmtm
to tell when I get back. Well 1 will tee In charge most respectfully sollc-
write a long letter the first chance I
subsoil, ami to maintain a soil mulch get. but enn't right now.
above, l.ate plowing does not allow I Oh I yes yon can addles i my latter,
time for these necessary operations. Corporal J. O. Cuvvii'loH, now as I am
It a cultivated crop precedes wheat scout corporal.
frequent cultivation given to this Your loving son,
crop will preserve moisture and
i maintain a sou inuicii
11 level cultivation has been prac
ticed. good seed bed can usually be
prepared by disking and harrowing
i after removing tho crop. If weeds
are present, however. It may be ad
visable to plow shallow, the disk pre
ceding and following the plow.
0 en
It donations tovvurd this touching
char.ty and the same may he riven
or sent to Chairman Mrs. II. C. Leo
nurd, or Treasurer Mrs. I. eon Hrovvn
Till: t.iiii:i!t' KITCHEN HKHVICK
o dishonor, war is the great
pjity that can befall a nation,
now beginning to realize how
ling its effects are. It is not
h to affirm that the war at-
some degree the condition of
every man. woman and child
untry. From the loss of life
' Sacrifice runs all the wav
scale to a slight depreda
mfort or luxury.
every widespread disaster
Usually a small modicum of
.;i e iii the other side of the
It nut) do) apparent i make
hvelght of difference against
t it ts there ami perceptible
t for it. What have we of
et against the evils of war'.'
Assistant Federal Food Admluls
trator W. K. NOWell, who recently re
turned trom a conference at Wash
ington, says that one of the most im
portant problems confronting the
Food Administration now Is that of
The aged Joke about the milkman
who was wont to Increase the product
.if his cows by frequent manipula
tions of the pump handle has aerved
Its day, and it la hoped that no basis
for It exists. But It Is still true, and
always-will be true, that the milking
cow requires plenty of' water. The'
water, however, la given tfa cbW, and
Is not administered drrecity to th
Male or Impure water Is distasteful
to the cow, and she will not drink
enougn for maximum milk 'produc
tion. Such water may carry disease!
germa and make the milk unsafe for
h ii urn n line or bo dangerous to the
'ii' degrees above the freeclng point
ind should be supplied at practically
the same temperature every day.
Hiiv a Liberty Bend.
I shalt be a candidate for re-ele.
tlon to the office of county treaeur
er for a second term at the Noveu
Iter election.
- 'Because of repeated requests from
friends and tax payers of this count-.
1 have nnmenled to become a caudl
date for sbcr'ff at the November
lu cold woather. when cows are election Havl g served in that of
(tabled most of the time, Kiev ihOttM iflet) In mis comity for four terms t
be watered two or three times I day fel that I am competent to fill It
inless arrangements have been made
to keep wuter before them con. Unit I).
If possible, the water should be 1., or
and if elected I promise to enforce
ait l.i wu to the lie i or my ability.
The girls or the Liberty Kitchen
Service have been making conserves
and Jellies the past week. Anyone the shortage of stock feed.
who has fruit to be canned or Jelly tin 'This deplorable condition prevails
Early plowing and thorough tillage he made cau have It done by these not only lu tho Northwest", said Mr.
of the plowed soil aid in catching the i girls it they will notify Mrs. itnlston I Newell,' but Is almost universal, he-
water which falls and In storing this I one day in advance.
Apricot ousel e
1 pound dried apilcots
1 4 quarts water
Ii pine apples
lng especially serious In the South
and Southwest Excessive drouth has
done Immense damage to the corn
crops, and In Kansas the production
of corn was cut to one-fourth of what
It should have been. As I passed
and the water already in the soil for
use by the wheat plants. The firm '
seed bed under this mulch enables;
the young wheat plants to make use i
of the subsoil waters which riBe by
Capillarity when there is a perfect ,
union between the plowed soil and I water. Cook until tender in water
the subsoil. Sufficient water Is thus In which they were soaked. Put ap
aaeured for the germination of thojrlcots thru strainer. Add shredded
Med when IOWB and for the early fall Pineapple, Add one half as much
1 growth of the seedlngs. a very im- -ugar sa fruit and cook until thick.
, porta nt consideration, l'lant food is ' Put Into sterilised glasses and seal wber
also likely to be more abundant in with paraffin. " Vet In the fin f this great dmrf
the soil When SUCh methods are em- Cold Puck Method nge we must maintain and Increase
PloyOB. . Tnk(, (.li,un Jiir. an(1 )ii() fu)) jf ,f possible i th herd, and flocks of
Wash dried apricots and soak in through that stute. on both sides of
the railroad I could see hundreds of
t loin ii n I of acres of Immature corn
burned while by Ihe intense beat of
the sun. The long dn uth also did
great damage to the wheat every.
truit. If pea. lies halve t Ix-iii. pack
them in jars as attractively aa possi
ble ami do not crush them. As soon
as the jar Is packed, pour in the boll
the nut ton, espei .ally the dairy herds
it ere are to meel the demands of our
own people and those of the allied
countries winch are depending upon
No yoin g man who is a slacker, a
newer would be. Greater draft delinquent or a deserter is eligi
bility. A year ago we were ble under any circumstances to take
Mel part a country of iudi- 'advantage of the oniiortiiiiilv ottered
dividual communities, In- by the Government for induction Into ' ll,H -HrH- Pour enough warm water
dates. Men were pursuing the (Students' Army Training Corps '",0 ""' "Oiler to com- Wit hill on.-
i objects, communities were for special training at a university" ,,",f 'ncn "f "'' ir Hds Put the lid
ng beyond their own im- ! or college before called into service. "" ""' boiler aid lot boll for fifteen
state:, were caring for On the other hand, once a duly nMPUtes. Take the lid off the boiler
people. luuallfled registrant has accented Ihe al"1 H ""' "team escapo. With a
lng syrup, put on rubbers, screw the us r"r dalrj products and other "-
lids down tight then take one quarter H'll,i"1 foods. We must not only
turn to the left. Take u boiler mid "'"'"'ain our own dairy herds as a e H rack in the bottom -ind put in tlogal health essential, hut we
must see to it that the depleted dairy
herds or our allies have a t I lipid' !
in order to suve the child life of
Your Wife Deserves a 1 reat
.tmiinui .. . -
Brinji her to our CAWY and ICE LEAM sShop
and tell her to "( o the Limit!" Y'nu know si,t de
serves it, i hour and times )v r, Tiy "cotifltrg" n a while. It'll ducu both vrood.
In anticipation of your vi t, e rre making1 ihe
BEST ICE CRI AM and S'rvinjf ihe daintiest svuet
things to be had in tl is own.
Page 's Sweet Shop
Europe, Several plans for meeting
this serious problem were discussed
ov the conference. Among these was
1 horizons are broadened. I opportunity for such induction, unij ,l"th remove the tars .ml straw ihe ""' "'"" for securing ihe cooperation
an sees ins son or Ills neigh- ,a- signed the required waiver of all
going forth to war. bis i laitns for deferred classification, he
voluntarily goes out to the must go through with the induction,
fit of that boy. the condi- ; and attend the college until called In
will meet, and th" govern-' to servlcA. even tlimurh be sboiil.l
left, provides or regulates ubeeuuentiy change bis mind.
realises that the govern- T, obtain this induction, a regls
have to provide these boys train must first appiv in the regular
lids down tight. If M.i ars tuin r H" '"rmers and dairymen through
upside down ami let coot, Fruit li" ''"'ividuul pledge not to feci mill
should not be stONd away for two nr ll''''v' " " SBlmals except i,i r'
three days. cows, young pigs, and poultry. Ii
o .was also decided that we must this
PAll.INK FREDERICK DOMINO. " Mv '""''' "' "'" wM wl"'
'grain instead of flour, to the allies,
in Order thai they may grh. the
wheal over there and have the mill
simple necessities, food, wav to the tinner authorities of the any popular film nctress haa niia
bid Shelter. It Will also have r ..,.11.. I,.. .l,wlr,.,l t e( would, wlllio.n ,l.,..l .,,.1 . . 'as tlllis secured to feed to their
them with training, trans- attend, for admittance thereof. The, variety r subjects, but it is doubtful
regular colleg itri:nce require- whether any screen star ha, to ills or
ments modified to a certain extent to her credit a larger assortment or ore
Ind hospitals for their csre, meet changed conditions, will govern I with a wider scope than Pauline
dred other essentials. And action by the college authorities on Prederlcsk I'arantont -tar and omo
llso begins to realize that It the application, tlonal actress. For those win. havi
pm 111 ins iiKiivioual capacity If this application isapprove'l by followed the work Of this notiular
weapons, artillery and a'.r-
their protection, medical
dairy cows in Prance . Italy and
"There will probably be rev.
changes in the general conservation
program 'I In re is still necessity for
the greatest care in preventing wasts
m mm m&
Va?s SsV, v-v- . 'sssBisBssaBBVasssssgag
the President
01 any lood-stuffs ami ror conservs
ick of the government, to u allege authorities, it will be for- ""ir it will perhaps be Interesting t,, '''"" '" u" ","'l' -i'ty tit Um
part in providing thes.; ah
lecessary things lu hi;. own
Proportion, either from his
warded by them to tho Provost recall h -r Inramoiiiii productions in
Marshal Ceneral at Waslilngtoii, who the order of their appearances:
will isiue a competent order for the "Mold" "Zaza." "Bslll
or from his baro sufficien- Induction of the registrant, and send "I-ydla tJllniore," "Spider
this order to the registrant's local
need only to see the ban- board.
e 1 ourin liberty Loan i-i The Hoard upon receipt or the Case." "Ashes or Kmbers
ws of ho mm throughout I order, will summon the registrant be-'' tue Wilds, Hie Slave Market"
to I how itiagni- for4 (t and offer him voluntary In- "Hapho," "Hleeplng Plres," "Her
dUCtton into the Students' Army Better Self," and "The I.ove That
Training Corps. He must indicate his Idves." The most recent i'antmoiint
acceptance or rejection of the ofrer Photoplay In which Miss Frederick
within ii hours, a waiver of all ' "I'licara Is "Double-Crossed." u story
flour esseiit!als-wheal. meal, fat aed
sugar The one great ract lo Keep in
mm. I Is that vli le, ibrough our on
, seraii.iii effort! Cit" w.. VCN
"The Moment Before." "rue Words; " Km" ",r B1'-'"' ,,'', "' I:,,,n
Great Snare." "The vv. , tons or food-slufrs, next year we must
1 tidrcv
send them fifleen mlllloit toi,H 'j ,. :
Individuals bive risen to
y and their ontmrtiiuit v
ill t'e ill, III. , of Ihe ! It '.
Im'" Of the p. .or alike Hie
Food Administration will continue to
depend upon the housewife to work
out her conservation problems In her
own way, wllh this object In view.
"The important phase of the sugar
situation is to maintain prices high
llgual preudly: "1 have claims to defered -classification being of roung wife, which carries ';"""Kl' "' Mll'"i"' urodnctiou, yel
c:i I , the call or th 11.1
ni'. 1: 1 '. 1 1 and 1 sin with
one of the conditions of acceptance, ti'eineiiduous feminine appeal. This
While attending the college he is w"' appear at the Liberty Theatre
""l! '" !l' hour oi us ;sUbjeci to call Into active servic at uel Weduesdsy,
(?C Whnt we pcc'i is the reiorn
of Law, ba 1 ?ci upon the con
sent of the governed ami
sustained by the organized
opinion of mankind."
President Wilson.
Any Hank Will Help You
Not est! ma I the HL'gresr.lte
ihich dm splendid show
Iquired In rn - i--. casos it
giving up pf comforts.
cherished plans. But earh
any time the l'rovost Marshal Gen
eral shall direct
Contrary to a very wide-spread be
lief, there is no specific age limit for
the Students' Army Training Corps.
The age or stedents accepted, de-
as subscribed for his bond pends considerably on the college
eis mat he Is a component I authorities.
WtLL iiiii.o hk; pOTAhllf ri.A.NTs
NlAn ITALH soon
country, that he stands
Hi it, and that it is a . nun
of his sacrifice. He is in
feeling with his neighbor.
Inity, his state and his na-
'HUi WillJAT VfKl.ll
lat yields, the object of
Iber or the American land
k planning to take part in
Liberty wheat harvest, be
ke preparation of the 1
It be firm, moist, and well
Btieath, with a mellow,
who can qualify for admittance to
college, of course cannot be inducted
into the college through draft boards.
Inasmuch as they are not yet old
Students under 18 years of age,
By Special wire rroin ('resident W.
W. Mackey of the National Nitrate
Company the Malheur Knterpriae Fri
day afternoon received the Informa
tion that the Trustees of that com
pany have authorized an expenditure
of seven hundred thousand dollars
for potash plants at Vale. These
plants will be constructed and equip
leasoiialde to ,.. consumer. Slim
the Sugar KquaHsatlOO Hoard has
taken over the entire sugar supply.
j with pOWl r to fix price 1 l.iilit profll .
and direct distribution, this siluulloii
is now in hand. BOOSUSS of shipping
and transportation difficulties and
labor shortage there will probably be '
necessity for sugur conservation
throughout the war, hut there need
be no fear of a sugar ramiue if the
people will strictly observe the rules
of the Food Administration, which
insure a steady supply sufficient ror
all necessary purposes.
enough to register. Hut there Is ! ped as rapidly as men and materials
can be assembled.
Geo. K. Miller, treasure of the cora-
iii.lhicc 111 t, rev.-1, 1 the ctilleL.,. all.
ihorities from accepting them as re
gular students; later, when they
reach the age for registration, they
may apply while In college for in
duction Into the Students' Army
pany gave a complete report to the
trustees of his recent trip to Vale and
reported on sample and recommenda
tions made by his chemist who Is
Training Corps . the granting of employed by the United States Navy
which would enable then lo continue
their college work until called
This announcement means that the
Nor Is there anything to- prevent 1 industrial development of Vale ha
- " """ oiuer men irom musing application 1 actually begun. The National Nitrate
s In Its preparation Is im- for induction. The college authorities company's plants will employ many
specialists of the 1'nlted I would undoubtedly take Into con- people and the importance of Vale as
rtment of Agriculture. j slderatlon in such cases, however, the a mineral urodurlnir .-...,., . .ui-
... t
ame of thorough til- purpose of the applicant In desiring j ping and manufacturing point will ba
ore generally recognized , t attend the college. They could
lelhods or seed-bed pre-
ire employed more , ui
approve or reject the application ne
tordlng to their conclusions.
Vale Knterprise.
Iiuy a Idberty bond.
Thoser who remember Kauiiie
Ward s Paramount picture entitled
"The Cheat" in which the famous
Japanese actor, Sessue Hayakawa
made one of his firit semen uppear
ances, and which scored an over
whelming success, will he glad to
hear that another I'uraiiiount picture
ty the same author, IHctor Turnbull,
will soon be shown, und tliut no less
an artiste than Pauline Frederick
has been picked for the leading role.
This Is "Uouble-Crossed," which will
be shown ut the Liberty Theatre on
next Wednesday. Oct. 2.
September moriiB und September
eves are chilly. Let's go to tho tuov
I ies.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Building and Farm lioans Made Direct
Farms and Ranches x,,,-., .
Fire Insurance Life Insurance
OsSca Phone B-116
HesMent Pnosita G- aadi 4J-4S
r 7 srrt 1 "Xrr
Agents for WHAY'S sr7J 3
Members Burns Commercial Club