fie ww$ Ttir Times-Herald goes re gularly to mort homes la Har ney County than any othr newspaper. If you wish to roach the people use theae col amns for your advertisement, The Times-Herald la an oil established friend of the people if Harney County where It ha boon a weekly visitor for thirty years. H'h Job depart meat la equipped to aerie yoar need. VOL. XXX! I URNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 28, 1918 NO. 48 Mtfalh MORE SOLDIER LETTERS FROM THE WAR ZONE D. M. McDade Writes Boy Are All in Good Spirits end With Plenty to do. Dud. Campbell Writes Again to His Sister. I). M. M Dado who is now serving his country In Ffcance, Iirh written n letter to W. Y. King of this city. It la In acknowledgment of the receipt of the Dally Orezonlnn which Mr. King had neat to him as a present. Mac wrltea: l-. miliar Grande. France, Aug. 23, 1918. W. Y. King, Hums, Ore., U. 8. A. Hoar friend: I wan agreeably surprised to hear from you and appreciate very much the "present from home." There are several Oregonlans here and they cer tainly Jump at a chance to read once more the lloae City "paper. I cheered up one fellow who la In the hospital by giving him s few copies. Between work, waahing etc. and '. -iking advantage of a little liberty, not much time la left to keep up an extensive correspondence. Many a i time have I essayed to write and failed, when attacked by the tempta tion to smoke and dream of "back there". As I write 1 can picture Barms on a drowsy summer's day. I can see the clouds of dust arising from different parts of Harney Val ley; and the shocks, the stacks ol hay, steins Mountains still looms up In my fancy and Happy Valley still m-stlee close to Kiddle. How then Hill can I send anyone an interesting account of "La Hells r'ance ' when my thoughts are thus over shadowed. From letters already published, mid correspondents you probably have h good Idea of what this coun try Is like. The particular section 1 am In lt where the grape growuth. From slope to slope you can see the well ordered vineyards which soon will be furnish ing more "vln blanc" and "vln rouge" These two light wines are sold every where In France as well as other liquors. The beer Is "punk" and, as strong drinks are "taboo" for the en listed man, you see very, very few of the many overhere, who have to sand 'heir tracks when on liberty. The French people are wonderful Hill. After four years of bitter war fare they are still up and going.' They are kind and hospitable. Their patl enes and gentleness when dealing with the ImpetuouH "Yank" shown their appreciation of what America I- doing and has done. Like many others I am trying to make easier the path by learning to parle "Francala". I could write reams about the his orlcal places in Bordeaux, the strange sights one sees, the quaint little villages, the little Incidents (hat occur etc. For myself can say that I am In fine spirits and good health with plenty to do. I think everyone "over here" feels as does ray young brother who came over last summer and has been seven months at the front. In his last letter he stated that while he was entitled to a furlough he would n't be disappointed If he failed to receive It as the only way to have an 'after the war" session was to keep after the Hun" and not lay off a minute. Kathor a poor return this for your kindness Hill but Its the best 1 can 'lo. With best regards to you and all Ihs real of my friends I remain the same Dan McDade. Miss lluby Campbell of this city Is tn receipt of two more letters' from her brother Dudley, who I--, on the f'riiiK lfcie on the western battle rout, Threugh: her kindness we ars I -i-i, allied to publish them: Dear Mister: I received your letters and the all cams In tt hunch. They were dated the fourth I am sure glad when 1 got-it 'in r from homo. We have moved since I wrote you last, In fact we have moved quite "Ken aa we don't stay In one place rery long. We move In the night, and omstlassj have quite a time finding our location. II haa been raining quite often here we are and It rains pretty hard. The villages and towns sre pretty thick la this country, Host of them have sees rcessered). There are a lot of old castles In this country and churches. Moat every place the ground Is torn up with deep shell holes. All the bridges have boon blown out on the rivers, but are now being built hack. In some placos the bridges are built on boat, so thoy can be moved at any time. There are not many people up here, but they are moving back now as fast as the huns are pushed back, and they have boon going back pretty faat now. Kvery place you go there are lots of soldiers of all kinds I was pretty close to I'arls the other day, and It sure looks good down there, after being up on the front. 1 will close now as I cun't think of any thing more to write. With love to all, Write often. From Dudley. Dear slater Ruby: I think I am gutting your letters now as I get one pretty regular. You asked about the country, well there Isn't much to tell about It up here on the front. The towns and village that were once pretty are now all shot lo pieces. In one large town where we get our supplies, nearly every building is shot to pieces or was hit. The brldgea were ahot out and now are being built hack moat every place there are large shell holes trenches and dugouts, the dugouts come In pretty nice sometimes as we don't have to dig them. Lots of the people, farmera and town people are coming back and building up the ruins, and what Is left of the houses. Some are harvest ing what is left of the crops. Home times you can see an old temple or mansion that has not been hit that Is very pretty. The wind does not blow much hern the wrathe Is very fine here now, when It ruins here it rains pretty hard. You spoke of the Fourth. I will never forget (he 4th over here, as we started to move on the Fourth and It seems like we havu been mov ing every since, but we have been going ahead all the time, it don't seem so bad. You are getting quite a bunch of cattle it will keep you busy riding for them aoon. You ought to be able to afford a now saddle horau, besides old Folly. 1 hope the old devil is liv ing when I get back. I bet you look fine in over alls. Why don't you ever tend me a picture. I had my firat Liberty Bend sent lo you, as it la paid up I thought you might use it, as you are taking les sons on the piano. I have two more, but they are not paid up yet. it is a good way to save money, as we hav en't much use for it up here, I will send you some Inter. Well, this is about all for this time. I doubt if you can read this aa I am Writing on the steering wheel. 8o good bye, love to all, From Dudley. P. S. The band Is playing tonight and they are pretty good. TKAf'HKRH' INHTITITK WILL BK 1IKI.D IN OCTOHKK School Supt. Clark states that she has things well in hand for the annual Institute of teachers on Oct. 23, 24 snd 26. She has secured a splendid corps of Instructors, there being some seven from the outside coming to as slat. She Is going to Issue an Invitation to the several school boards of the county lo be present for a conven tion during the Institute week as there will be much of Interest to such officers. It Is the Intention to have the school board convention on Frl- day, the last day of the Institute. Among the speakers and instruc tors coming are I'resldent llnniiv of the Willamette University, who has receatl) returned from a tour of the war stricken country; ir. Sholilou of the University Of Oregon; Mr. Hrunibiiugh of the O. A. C, Mr. Seymour, state Hub lender Ol the 0. A. ('., ami Assistant Slate Supl. Carl ton. There will nlso he a primary in tractor from Monmouthi The day programs will bo of ht titular Interest to both patrons .iikI teachers and there will also he night sessions to which the public will be welcome. It Is hoped that all who are Inter ested In the schools and education may he able to attend these profita ble meetings. J. II. Jenkins waa In the city this week on business. gay a Liberty Bend. r PROUD MOTHERS AND WIVES OF SOLDIERS Honor Guests of Citizens of This City Last Saturday. Parade With Service Flags, Urge Lib erty Bend Sales, Entertained. A most Impressive and touching parade was witnessed In thlt. city .as, naiuruuy iiiBrswii wnei urn mohers, wives and slstort of n:on who are serving their country were honor guests of the citizens of Burns. Mothers' Day was observed all over i . ... t ., i . .. Oregon on that day and In keeping with the spirit of the occasion and to stimulate Interest in the Liberty Loan Drive Harney county was right in line. It proved an inspiring affair and brought bettor feeling among the projects and all repairs of or extens people and also impressed the gravity j jus to existing buildings involving of the big world war upon us ss the M aggregate cost of over $2600. mothers were brought together. The parade started from the Sum mit Hotel on Main street and was headed by a drum eorps with the ecftors followed by a float with Mrs. C. C. Griffith representing "The Greatest Mot he. In the World'' hold ing little BUIie McKlnney on a stretcher. This was followed by an auto with a Liberty Bot.d banner, then the mothers, wives, sisters and children of the fighters; the Liberty Bend fsecutlve . o:t uilttee and apoak- era followed in autoo snd then the Red Crona organisation, the Honor Guard Girls with .a float representing the Salvation Array for which the girls were making solicitations. This was a most successful ar rangement and many dollars were contributed to the Salvation Army War Fund during the afternoon. The high school was represented with a beautiful float also; the public school followed each grade In charge of the respective teacher, it made a long parade and one that caused fav orable comment, by the people and visitors. Flags were flying all along the line of march and the colors were also profuse In the parade. The line of march ended at the court house where the Liberty Loan speakers gave excellent addresses. Later the mothers were taken to the Masonic Hall where supper was serv ed by the ladles of the city and where they were entertained with music by the children's orchester which Mrs. Farre got together for the occasion and where Mrs. Gault sang for them. Later all were honor guests at the Liberty and then the Red Cross dance One mother from the country stat ed to The Times-Herald man that she had never been better treated In her life ami that she was sure she voiced the sentiment of every mother and wile from the country In extending to the gootl women and ctlxena of Burns her sincere gratitude for their goodness and consideration. To Mrs. Orace B. Latmpahiru and her excellent assistants is due the credit for the success of th'a demon tratlon. It was well conduced and brought forth the commendation of all. RIGHT WAV TO OOk CKHKALH. There are severs! practical points to remember In cooking cereals. One Is that there Is more danger of not cooking them enough than of cook ing them too much. Uncooked cereal preparations like cracked wheat and coarse samp, need several bourn' cooking, and are often Improved by being left on Hie hack of the stove or In the tireless cooker overnight. Cereals partically cooked at the fact ory, such us the rolled or flue granu lar preparations, should be cooked fully as long aa the directions on the package suggest. Flavoring Is also an Important part of cooking cereals. The flavor mint commonl) added is salt. Bucb Sdded flavor is perhaps less neces sury in some ol I lie ready to fit kinds which have been browned at the factory and have thus -.lined the pleasant flavor which also appears in the crust of bread anil cakt or in tot i, bill la the plain boiled ii'icalt or usees Ike oerefttJ use of sal1 In cooking them may niak all tftO dif ference between an upti-'tuing am. an unpalatable dish. A good genera) rule Is one level leaspoouful ol sa'l to each quart of water usi d In cook ing the cereal. Misses Jeana Cook and Fvelyn Hynl took their departure Monday morning for Seattle where they go to resume their atudlea Is m Seel. CURTAILMENT OF NON WAR CONSTRUCTION County Chairman Farre of State Council of Defense Receives Instructions. Material Denied Until Construction Approved. State Council of Defense has been designated by the War Industries ..... Hoaru as its representative in passing up0n proposed construction in the state of Oregon, in order that all j huildlng which la not absolutely necessary may be stopped. This is part of the new plan of the War In- dustrles Board by which permits iVom that Board will be required fori construction projects. I'ermits will be required for all new construction The procedure will be as follews: The person Interested In a eon atruction project will apply with a full atatemeni of the facts under oath to the appropriate County Represent ative of the State Council of Defense. The County Representative of the will then Investigate tbe necessity of the proposed construction and trans mit Its recommendation, with a sum mary of the facts, to tin- State Council for review. Tne Htate council, or Its appro ! prlato committee, will review the case. The War Industries Hoard will in form all persons applying directly to It, that they must first take up their projects with the appropriate repre sentative of their State Council of Defense. Further Information con cerning procedure will be transmitted to you from time to time aa It is re ceived from the War Industries Board. it is hardly too much to say that the success of the entire priorities avstem of the Government will under this plan depend upon your loyalty and enthusiastic cooperation. 1 trust thai you will give this matter your unremitting attention and al the same lime Impress upon your entire organizations the fact that this task will be one of their most Important functions. The Secretary of the Navy. Acting Chairman of the Council of National Defense, in the absence of Secretary Baker, has assured the Chairman o the War Industries Hoard of the sup port or our organisation in the fol lowing language: "The Council of National Defense without reservation pledges Its entire organization National, State and County -to give to the War Indus tries Hoard whole-hearted coopera tion in carrying this plan into effect." It is up to us of the State Council of Defense for Oregon to see that this pledge is made good so far as our respective territory Is concerned. To the County Chairmen of fhe State Council of Defense: The new rulings of the War Indus tries Hoard regulating through priori ties the construction of non-war buildings and placing the responsi bilities of this regulation on the Nat lonal Council or Defense, has given to the Council, the States Councils, and In turn the county chairmen, one of the greatest and most Impor tant tasks of the war. I am quite sure that each county chairman real izes the responsibility thus placed upon him In seeing that the wishes of the government In this work are carried forward. It Is no mean re sponsibility, as each chairman will have to decide matters which would moan material welfare, advancement and upbuilding of his community. Many times you will have to decide whether tho material, tabor and transportation involved in these im provomehts is not of more Impor tance to the government tban the benefit Unit would accrue to your i-Kiii in unity. The State Council of Defense has the assurance ol' the War Industries Hoard thttt every build llfg project will altl in winning the war or Is of necessary interest to the coin inunlty will receive cureful consider ation. Kverything that partakes of luxury, amusement, personal conven lento, or designed to contribute to Hut pleasure of an individual, will be discouraged. A building must be a real war essential to receive consid eration either from the State Council ol Defense or the National ( ouiuil. Tho Priority Division feels confl dent that it has absolute dhiioI of the situation, for any dealer In build Ing materials who will supply mater ials on any work not carrying gov ernmental approval will find that he cannot get a replacement in his stock of the materials he has dissipated by furnishing them to a non-war pro ject. Before anyone can get govern mental approval and show the cer tificate entitling him to get building materiala he must file with his coun ty chairman of the State Council of Defense an application in writing, . This application can be In the form of a letter but must be sworn to before a notary public. The application, whether in the from of a letter or as a sworn statement of facts, must give the location of the building, the name1 of the owner, the kind of building; whether wood, brick or concrete, and number of stories high; the probable ier to succeed Mr. Gault, and A. C. cost of the building or repairs, and Welcome, who has been connected what the new building Is to be used with the bank since it began business for. The person making the applies- was advanced to vice president with tlon must give his name and address, an active position in the institution. and his relationship to the building; j Mr. Conser has had wide experlen whether he la owner, architect, con- ce in the banking business and Is tractor or lessee. The application well qualified to fill the position of should state briefly and concisely the cashier. He comes from Prineville necessity for the projected construe- j where he has been assistant cashier lion, and a statement from the appif- in the First National of . that city, cant why he desires to build at this With Mr. Welcome sdvanced to his time. All applications must be in ' responsible position and with the lat dupllcate and sworn to. These two ter's familiarity of the clleiitile of the points are Important, and the county . bank we predict a most congenial and chairman shall consider no appllca- competent team to care for the grow -tion until all the conditions above lug business of this institution, noted have been fulfilled. Mr. Conser made a hurried trip Upon receiving the application, the back to Prineville to arrange his af county chairman will make such in-1 fairs and arrived back in this city on vestlgation as he may deem necessary Thursday night ready to assume his to check the statements of tho appll- new duties the first of the month. cation and inform himself on the nec essity of the project. When this in vestigation is completed the county chairman will forward the applica tion, together with the report of his investigation and a recommendation of approval or rejection, to the State Council of Defense. The county chair man In his Investigation should as certain if I lie materials to be used tan he secured locally or will have to be transported by rail, and If he ap proves of the application he should statt his own views why he deems the project a necessity at this time. In addition to receiving applica tions and passing upon their merits, tbe county chairman should see that the plans of the War Industries Hoard for the curtailment of non-war construction are understood through out his county, by the uho of the newspapers and other agencies, and to create a public state of mind which will automatically discourage build ing. He should maintain close com munication with the Building Hermit Commissioner of the State Council of Defense, and he will find the com missioner glad at all times to furnish a county chairman with assistance and Informatoin in determining ap plications. The entire effort of the War Industries Board is to discour age non-war construction, whether it is in buildings, roads or other im provements, so us to release labor. material and transportation for war essentials, but at the same time will endeavor to aid and assist every thing that Is essential to preserve the health and well being or the people. Your taak In this new work Is not an easy one, but every county chair man 1 reel sure will meet It with the same oroad gauged unselfish patriot ism which has marked bis efforts in the past. If your problems are many and complex, remember we at state headquarters will try and help you. Again assuring you of hearty pa triotic co-operation on this latest call of the government for service to win the war, 1 am, Very sincerely yours, JKSSE A. CUHRKN, Huildlng Permit Commissioner. o CliOCKN TO UK HKT AHF.AI) At midnight, September III), all (locks will bo turned ahead an hour, making it 1 A. M., October I. ending up- day-light suving scheme Institut ed by the Government Hot inning to the old system, an hour of morning light will ho con served. Hy tho Summer plan the if on i was saved at the end of the day. The past season witnessed the first trial of the daylight suving plan in America and results lit all Industries, H Is said, were highly satisfactory. Oregon tan. Horn Wednesday, to Mr. and Mtb. Joe Mliltr, a daughter. Mrs. Miller If. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cawlfleld end the new grandfather Is circulating a.cund tswu with "norni hirst". FIRST NATIONAL BANK ELECTS NEW OFFICERS A. C. Welcome Vice President, E. H. Conser Succeeds J. L. Gault as Cashier. Latter Goes To a Spokane t anking House. The Times-Herald mentioned two weeks ago that J. L. Gault, who had been cashier of the First National Bank of this city the past twelve years, had tendered his resignation to take effect the first of the coming month. A meeting of the directors was held here last Saturday at which time Earl H. Conser was made cash- Mr. Gault has accepted a responsi ble position with a big banking insti tution in Spokane where he and his family will remove at once. During his residence here Mr. Gault saw the First National grow from u small concern to one of the strongest In all of southeastern Oregon. He is con sidered a good bank man and his man) friends regret his departure hut are glad to know he is bettering his own Interests and entering a Wider field of usefulness. o A BIG I'HTIHK PRODI CTIOX XKT WKKK The Liberty has secured Annette Kellerman, reputed to be the mo?t .hapely women in the world, in "A Haughter of The Gods" for the com ing week. The picture consists of eight reels and is one of Die most beautiful ever screened. It covers a great scope and there are thous ands in the cast. Miss Kellerman 1ms been seen here in "Neptune's Daugh ter ' and the present production hus been witnessed by several of this vicinity who saw It in larger places, and they report it a most wonderful picture. This production is brought In re at much larger expense than the usual run and is one of several specials booked by the management for the .oming months. It is the in tention of the management to ban one or two of these big pictures each month as there Is a demand for the best. This is what is being fulfilled by the Liberty-giving Its patrons the best In the moving picture line, "A Daughter of The Gods" is a sea picture with hundreds of shapely women representing mermaids and nymphs. It is a picture that one should see and one that will remain in memory for days. Although this production has been shown in the big cities for $1.00 and even greater admission prices, the people of this vicinity are able to witness It for 50 cents admission. "A Daughter of The Gods" win be played two nights. Friday and Satur day, and but one show each night. o- MOW NHKKP HISINK'SS LOOMS A new and mighty sheep industry is developing in Japan, Korea, ani some of the Indian Ocean Isles, ac cording to a letter revolved b) I 0. I Lewis. aJ O. A. C. from IV Roland Valla, California solghtfsi now traveling in the Orient. The vast natural mountain ranges ot these countries are ideal ranges for sheep, and are bring stocked with a good quality of animals us rapidly as possible. Japanese agriculturists have visited the College withia tbe present year anil tailed upon Prof K. L. Potter, of the animal husbandry department, to assist In selecting tbe type of sheep tlosiruble and explain the O. A. C. methods of lireedlag and management Dr. Valle tblaks tko Orient will prepare to take advaasage ef the wool famine following the war.