Dewey Robinson wan greeting hi friend on the streets yesterday. A. A. Tipton was a,b ttslness visi tor during the week. Statement Of the Condition of the First National Bank Bunts, Oregon At the doee of business August 31, 1918 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $515,258.76 U. S. Bonds 123,200.00 Bonds and Securities 15,837. 11 Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 8.000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.200.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2.600.00 CASH 81,97.96 $750,983.83 LIABILITIES Capital $ 50.000.00 Surplus Fund 50,000.00 Undivided Profite Account 33,440.95 Circulation 50,000.00 Bills'Payabie (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00 Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 45.600.00 DEPOSITS 496,942.88 Capital and Surplus $756,983.83 $100,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED The Times-JIerald Ha The Large,! Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. G. A. week. Carroll ilny. Collier wan in town thin Cecil was over I he other SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. J9I8 local NEWS xotkk. Fat hens and frvs Henry Vulgamlore. for sale Mrs. Cha. Comegvs was in town Thurs- , day from Diamond. Judge R, C. Levens arrived home the forepart of thin week from his visit to Portland. Mrs. E. it Heed and Mm. E. N. Jamehon are home from their visit to Baker. Urover Hudspeath, who is In' charge of the Hunts Cash Store branch at Kiley. wan in town the for part of this week. Chan. Moore and family were over from Diamond the first of the week j and left on Wednesday for Hend . where they may decide to remain for th winter. John WIntermeler wan down from ; his Silvles home the fo'e part of the week. Mr. Wintermeier state he had a very good crop of hay on hi j place. There will he serviics at the Hap I tlst church every Huinl:i with spec ial tinging hy Mrs. Hunt. Albert ()iik-rmaii anil his mother were over from their home at Klley on Thursday afternoon. THK KlItHT RATIONAL BANK OP lll'HNS. CAPITAL AMI SURPLUS) . I oo.OOO. W. B. Johnson was among our Silver Creek visitor during the week. Lester Hamilton rame up front hi near Denio Wednesday. Melvlu Doan was a business visi tor from the south part of the coun ty early this week. Atty. J. W. McCuVtoch Is here from Ontario on legal business. Wanted 20 head young, sound work hroses, broke, five to seven year old. Oood mares preferred. Address Eastern Oregon Land Co., Ontario Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKlnney left Monday for a short vacation trip during which they will visit their former home in Pendleton and take In the Kouud-t'p. Patriotic Assurance Company. Founded 1824 One of the oldest and strongest Fire Insurance com panies In the world. J. J. Oonegan, Agent. Mrs. John Uemberllng and her daughter, Miss Isora, arrived home Thursday from their vacation visit with relatives and friends on the At lantic coast. THK POM NATIONAL HANK OF Bl UN'S. CAPITAL AND SI lll'lt HI 00.000. "THK BANK THAT MAKES YOril $ HAKE." AOOOVNTH INVITKU. Notice James McKee has taken over all the property of Cecil McKee and all persons holding accounts against Cecil McKee are requested to present the same to the undersigned at Diamond, Oregon.-- James McKee Earl Concer, a brother of Mr. J. L. tiaul1. arrived here yesterday ev ening for a short visit. Mr. Concer Is a resident of Prlneville and Is an assistant cashier of the First Nation al Hank or that place, being associ ated with Tom Haldwin, one of the 1 well known bankers of that state. Thos. Cleveland and his wife were over from their home near Van Tues day. Tom came over to have bis iUestiontiaire Illicit out and then go' home to gel things in readiness so If his I'ncle Sam called him he would, be ready to go and help lick th kaiser. Joe Carter, the fruit nisn. lias es tablished 11 fruit ami produce stand Ifl the rooms adjoining; (iciiibcrlliig's store. His son is in charge and they , expect to keep a supply of seasonable! Mr. ami Mrs. George .lames were down from their home near Harney ( the fore part of this week. It. J. Williams was a business vis itor from his home on Silver Creek the other day. A new oil stove, four burner with oven and warming closet, for sale at a bargain, See J. L. Uault. The Times-Herald Is pleased to learn that (leorge Uevans Is being advanced In bis line of war work In California where he Is stationed and has several men under him. Mrs. Nate Franklin arrived home last evening from an extended visit to outside points. She was accont puttied home by Mr. Franklin's motlj er. We have learned that Edna Van derpoel went to Portland recently In company with Mrs. McCarthy- where she will attend high school the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Huston enter tained the teachers of this city at their home last Saturday, Principal Knlston of the high school being the guest of honor as he Is to leave soon for army duty. A letter from Frank Smith to his mother states that he and Othel Coff had arrived safely at Corvallis and had joined the Student's Army Corps. The former la taking mech anlcal engineering and Othel elec trical engineering. Their rhool opens Sept. 30. Preparations are being made to entertain main outside people In this city during this afternoon. The par aile of mothers, wives and sisters of soldiers promises to he a most illsp'r lug patriotic demonstration that will create anil stimulate interest lit the Liberty Loan. S C IISC It I II E N O W - I'MTEII STATES OP A.MEItICA IO I It T II L I II E It T V LOAN Application for llomls ci.n i. inailc through this hank. IIAItNEV tOINTV NATIONAL HANK OP Hllt.NS jgu& lm m- B MMMIMrllllllMlilllBiaiM B I ' 1 i i I 9 r K I I JzHir v wt'':':mirw ML.: u iinD:T3 canning ppmsj HELPYOU.i CQUITRY WIN BUY A LIBERTY BOND Gur Service Free Harney CougLl Naiitraal Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" rrmTniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiBniwwMiiniinTrfrrffrri Liberty Theatre Special For Mothers w. THE HANK THAT I fruit and vegetables on hand. MAKES YOl'K V ACCOUNTS INVITED. SAFE." Frank Keuny was In town yester day and said his flocks are now do ing quite well on the range, although hts part of the country was not m fortunate as this section in the sup ply of rain. It C. T. Miller was in to and stated that the range and pasture have been Improved hy the recent rains but not to an appreciable ex tent so far as the cattle are concern ed as the new grass Is yet too short to do them much good. J. C. Ileatty was up front his ranch In the fertile Trout Creek valley during the week trying to find some help to go down and assist him in taking care of his garden. He will have many tons of tomato which he hopes to send out by par tite)' haven't what you want they will try and get It for you. Visit the stand and gel prices on fruit for can ning and winter use. Mrs. William Stirling and daugh ter Miss Agnes took their departure Tuesday morning on Wray's stage for Portland where Miss Stirling will remain and take up some war This office is ill receipt of a letter from Kev. W. F Shields slating they arrived safely at Nyssa and were get ting straightened out In their new home. He expressed the belief that thev would like their new field of labor but also held a warm place In their hearts for this place and were ' not o far away that they could not I come back for an occasional visit and a camping trip with their Camp n yesterday I work After , Bhort V,H MrH. 8tlr. Fire Olrls. ; eel post. I Geo. Itaycraft was a caller at this , j w. Huchanan was In from his office Wednesday. He Informs us he ramll the other day making the flni.l Is putting In his time at his trade of , arrangement completing the deal carpenter and the family are look- j whereby he Is the ownar of an addl ing aftet a dairy herd of HoUteins j tlonal acreage adjoining his ranch, which are making good as he Is re- he having bought out a neighbor ceiving 61 cents for butter fat at I OVer there and in so rfoin left hlm- Caldwell. Burr Wood anil his wife arrived here Wednesday evening from On tario on their way to Portland, mak ing the trip by auto. Mr. Wood is a son of Col. C. E. 8. Wood and In formed the writer he was hurrying through to enlist in the artillery up on his arrival in Portland. He did not say whether he bad been called in the draft Just Issued or whether he was going in some special capacity. self afoot as he traded In his Ford car on the deal. Prof. (1. Merlggioll and wife came over from Callow Tuesday on busi ness before the land office. After making his proof next week Prof. Merlggioll expects to go to Seattle where he will be employed on the Orpheum Circuit during the coming season. They were accompanied over by A. 8. Hebener who has re turned together with Mrs. .Merlggioll to Callow. I Prolonging Human Life! I In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex istence, every available resource in Nature's store house is utilized. These must be classified and system lzed and ready for use. This is the work of the chemist. The intelligent handling sf this vast stere of reme dies, under the direction of your physician, devolves an Your Druggist We empl.y none but competent graduated pharmacists. The Rexall Drug Store MM BUM., Praps. I In k expects to return home when their other daughter, Miss Ntnttie will go out on a similar mission. Itev. Win. Halrd. Preby'i-rtat .Sunday School Missionary in this district, was a visitor to our city for a short time last Tuesday. Kev. Halrd makes Crane and the Callow section at frequent intervals but sel dom gets to this place, therefore his occasional visit are appreciated by his Iriends. He now is the possessor of a Ford car which gives blm a method of covering bl field more conveniently. Geo. Cobb was In yesterday to have this great religou weekly changed to his address at Nampa. Idaho, as he and Mrs. Cobb take their departure toi'ay for that place where they have purchased a developed 20 acre tract a short distance out. This tract I under irrigation and Is devoted to fruit and alfalfa. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Cobb from our com munity but they have a delightful place to go to and since they have not disposed of their properly In this OOUntJt we shall expect them back at some future time. UMt, Hoy L Shaw spent a few days In our city during the fore part of tills week greeting his old (line friends. ir Shaw, who Is a vetrln arlati. wtis formerly loeftti 1 In tit's c'ly following bla school work, but upon the declaration of war with tier any ha was one or the noat anthu litstlc boosters for volunteers. lie wauled lo go to the navy but decid ed hi- would heller take arm service us thus he could belter 4orve with bis professional services, therefore when his number was called in the draft he responded at once. He has been stationed on the coast but was out on a furlough, his wife's former home being In Prairie City, and they came there for a visit While she was at the parental home Doc. took occas ion to run over and greet his old t II ilcuins here. Upon leaving he expec ted order to go directly to some point In Virginia where he would be ata- I tloned pending hi opportunity of go PbhI ? " Sddia Goes to J-leaverv"- -EssAmty Special next Saturday at the Liberty. Mothers and wivtl of Soldiers participating in the Liberty Loan parade will 1 honar guests at this performance. Does Pershing Speak forlfou? (j "m '.''V.vtJ8i?m"'l IA yr w J "The German army can be beaten; y the German army will be beaten; the German army mul be beaten." Pershing coasted on every man, woman and child in Ann i ic to back him np when lie said that back him tip with their souls, their flesh, thefl pocketbooks to t lie last drop of blood, to the last dollar. Our young men are backing him with'theff blood." Every one of us at home must back him with our dollars our last dollars our future dollars. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds. Any Bank Will Help You. TMIS AYaTIBlT COIMIIUHD TQUVOI TJ VAxBXOTXO oo-oramATiow o Burns Cash Store ing acros to get into the real crp. if i. iftiiilfiHi' nittteHVi