DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums, Oregon .,. md mMMM Gen. Young house I'hone No. Ml CARL C. GRIFFITH Physician and Mm genu BURNS. OHKOON. J. LU. GEARY Physician nnil Surgeon. Burn, - - - Oregon. l cona iinnr iiiHMiuiiH uitiu "I'Iidiii' Main 8ft. i-rNWBN & PENMHN. j'tii md Suqrcns BM1 11 ii" mi- 'i piiiiiiniv infill ir ii hull'' 1 1 .ii n 111 u 11 . flarrdman, Ontgon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and S urgeon Direct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. u. E. HIBBARU DE1TTIST Oils.- irst door i'HI photo gallery I'm n- Otegoo. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law Hind Office Practice Land Scrip for Silr Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney ut Lw I 0. 0. P. lildj.. liuriin, Dii'uon HERMAN VON BCBMALZ Attorney at Law lite-:." .ind practice l.-C .t ('. S I. an Ullice a Bpeiiulty ll. . I 1 Hldg. nest door to pout Cifflv Burns, Oregon CHflRLES W. EUIS LAWYER Kurns, - - Oregon rrtrtiret In the StHte Courts ami be the r B. I .ami OCe. ( 'h;ir-i. 11. I joorinnl. AT'H.il.ShY- AT-I.AW, ireful attention riven to Col lee hum and Real Katute mati'-is. Firs liiHuruncti. Notary Public BOBMi Okkoon. LONE RESTAURANT OEOROfl FOON Piop.v Meals At All Hour.s. Short , Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable RfltM Give Me A Call Obboslle Times-Herald Balldlnc i Make This Room Yours Bring That job to The Old mil Shakespeare, who rta-l. fed the seven ftei of man. would ' ' mjoyt .1 htmsolf on Sept. 12 Ro'il hare round moil of then ai the (ration station 1, 1 ' "'' a.m. raouiNa "" "'"' ' " H Korinrrli (hint Ki ll B.g ui.i-iiuuii..i, He sinter of botes d "' Wetidrn Ry. I astern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IKttliiATION ENG1NEEKS Hums. Orison Ji'llN IlKMUKHLINU, f - ffimygi l"V ,- 1 'f M ll H'IMII .in1 ! 1 11 If I'll Vl !. Fine Watch Mepairinu A S .r ciHitv. GU WCA. VXVW VU-VVUA-VL VLrtU. MM) l-j j i:.-K tr. oAkmIqaa.IoI&xaa, . toucL VOwCrK eTVO luaaUt arvcL -OeAvicc. ' LVRflLi: I IAF F?ERPRESS c3- Vtrrv.nK, - Courtaoto; $1500 Reward! 1 bo Oreeon, ' i 11 Is sua .si'iH'i., I Itf StotS Inilri Mori i ,.-,. 1 ii.ii 1.1 1 la h lbs 11 ;, it a ij, member i III Ki" ii 00 ti " 11I for evi in in v leaduis 10 I I i Mrirm Mm: con. i ) I elellon il any per 11 in VM 1 1'i'h steel. v' ' 1 1 k Bursas, mill Of Ihllli hi-nili.' 1 1 ; mi) ul lia wen bare. In 1MI11011 n. Mi,, af S, lbs uiulrr.lKiiro' '.He Ike lauia 'uiiiliiluii bWB.e. for a. 1 liorjf beekifaal horse abud ii u uaa ut uiiUi'i jaw. brand leiorrled in riulH pountles. Kids iin.i). 1 ski and u'ruos cuuuuna, Uuraet raaled htIiui' .i Rose nil! ITOWO hcim.'p. mtlil ami unly III lafu benebee, M MK11MN Kile Orrmm. Sumpter Valley Railway Cd. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrives Baker 1:15A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P.M. Departs No. lt Baker 8:3 A. M. 3 i n : er 1 :05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:1 P. M. No. 1 Makes frood connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15 P. M., arriving at Raker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv- inn: Raker (5:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arrivinir at Raker 7:55 P. If, which picks up Pullman at Ra er, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Iho with No. 18 at 0:45P. M. for points Fast. -':CX ) 1 Whether you are building; a brand new home, making additions to the old one or merely repairing walls, you can have a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. Beaver Board walls and ceilings are more handsome, more substantial and more sanitary than any other kind. They are the easiest walls to build. No lath or plaster therefore, no litter. Beaver Board always gives satisfac tion. But you can't expect Beaver Board riv.uli . unlets this tnde-snalkis OS. the back of the board you buy. Burns Hardware Co. Hiiriu-, Oregon Timea-Herald Office BUCKH ARMY The stdndiird Army Shoe made from top-grade rn.itcri.ila by top-notch work men under expert supervision. All the more reason why you should insist on the Huckhhcht Army Shoe and accept no other. Worn by thousands of men in all walks of life- Office Men Attorneys Physicians Mikers Farmers Orcharditti Look fur the name Buckiii aiT Rt.imped on the Sols or rvcry Shoe. At your doaWa or if tie It not nupp'icH dir c finni the mnntifnrlt.i era, Hu rtini'liain & Hu lit, Son Krr.iuinco FREHGS1 mm jMBft L j aal-su. JasaassslsssssssslsssssssssssssssK 'SeSsteSV' ( st . u .. - bf. w tuBBBBBBHBSBBSVBSr BJySHJSV "Tiyv This In n scene from one of the phases of the big .inly offensive of iii" aiiii" Somewhere in the rolling country of the Bomme-Aiaaa from the two I i'it French tanks In thp picture are hurrying forward, probably having as a special goal s machine gun nest which has been harrying the advancing French, Hiitish or American infantry. The light tank! have hecn one of the greatest factors In forcing thd Hit mans back, ami ai the same time have held the allied casualties to a comparatively low figure. Your Fourth Liberty Loan subscrip tion will assure the building of plenty mine of theSS lanks. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Mini of Oregon United Slates Senaters: Geo. e. Chamberlain, c. l. McNary Congressmen,; W. C. Ilawley, N. J. Slnnott, C. N McArthur. Attorney General, George M. Hrowi Governor Jumes Wlthycombc Secretary of state Hen w. oleoti Treaaorer T. B, Ka? Supt. Public ItiMti-ii.-iii.ii J. A. Chur chill. State Printer John Lawrenn Supreme Judges: i.' a ii -.. i, .A ii n. ... i..k. r. i. iiiuui. , h' ii ii. ..ii. ..' I., . ...in Kakln, R. S. Bean, Thus. A. McBrlde Heury L. Henson, Lawrence T. Har Is. .Ninth Judicial Distrlet District Judge Dalton Rlggt County Attorney M. A. Blggi Circuit meets the first Monday It April, and first Monday III October. I Joint-Senator,. . . J. A. Hurle) Joint-Representative, C. M. Crandal a weekly newspaper, published In County of Harney Burns, llurney Count v, Oregon, pur County Judge H. C. Levem I suur.t to an order of Hon. 11. C. Lev- Olerk Cheater Dsltoi I ens, county Judge of Harney County, Treasurer Pearl O. FIbI Surveyor J. G. Nicholson Slmrirf W. A. Goodmai Assessor John Cold wel School Supt Frances Clark Coroner O. W. Clevengei Commissieners: W. H. Robins, R. L. llass. County Court meets the first Wed nesday in January, March, May, July September and November. Harney U. K. I. and Office Register V. O. Cosad Receiver Sam Mothers'iead City of Bums Meetings of the Council every Pee ond aud Fouith Wednesday. Recorder W. Y. K In, Treasurer, Henry Dalton Marshal A. A. Perry Ceuucllmeu: J. E. Loggan, Sam Motherkesd, C. M. Salisbury, J. R. Thomase. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COl'RT OF THE STATK OF OREGON, FOR HAR- NEY COUNTY. Elizabeth K. Golf, plaintiff, vs - William E. Goff, defeudunt. To Wllllum E. Goff, the ubovo ii ii in -ii defendant ; ..,J!'l" -J-. ECHT JH black mil jm JH GUN mctal ru Elk m3k on LS nsm V3 INDIAN tANFS fl Er3 CALF SS SJ Br ' . . ' jfl Motormen v3fl BIsMV' Bbs ? Conductors Jk Br H rZ."TeT Hunters CP-'r.BrBr' ' :y 6 .50 $7.50 to JUMP INTO AQT.CN In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap- pear and answer .lie complaint filed against vou in the above entitled court and suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for i.ublical ion of this sum-' inom.. to wit; within six weeks from the 1 7th day or August, 1018, thtit being the date of the first publication hereof, ami ir you full ho to appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in suid complaint, to wit; A decree of said court forever dis solving the marriage contract now , ami heretofore existing between plaintiff und defendant and awarding to plaintiff the .are, custody and j control of the three minor children of i said marriage, and her costs and dls-' bursements of this suit, and general , relief. You ure further notified that this summons Is served upon you by pub li.utlon thereof in The Times-Herald, Oregon, made and dated the 10th duy Of August, 1018, the dale of the first publication being August 17th, 1918 ami Ihe his! publication thereof will ! be on September 28th, iois. J. S. COOK, of Burns, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICK Burns. Oregon, August 14, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that'Olauco Mei'lggloll. of Catlow, Oregon, who. on April 11, 1914, mude Homestead Kntry, No. 07334. for SE Vi . EMi 8W V4 Lots 6 end 7, Section 6, Township 33 R., Range 31 E., Wil lamette Meridaan. has riled notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the bind above described, before Register and Receiver, at Bums, Oregon on the. lsih day of September, 1918. Claimant nunies us witnesses: Auhruv llebeiier und 10va Murlg- gloll, hoth or Callow. Oregon, rieii Qoyt ond William Curroll, both of Burns, Oregon. V. O. COZAD, Register. Buy u War Saving siussp. r!r 1 NOTICE TO TRAPPERS Notice 1m hereby given thai Coyote nnil liohrut skins niUHt have all four I ii'i'i nnil 1 in- 11 alp attached when I I I I I i i r I I . . I 1:1.111.1 . I I 1 I . 1 . bounty 1 annul be paid an provided by law. ciiestbr DALTON, County Clerk. NOTICE Or I IN .11. ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COtmT OF TUB STATE OF OHEQON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the mutter of the estate of lliirvo Dixon, dfcoaHcd. Notion in heri'hy kIvimi thut the uti- darslgaed adtninlstratrlx ha fllad her final urtoiint In tin- alinv I'titltl I 0 uisn ami tin? County Judge Iiuh Hot Monday, the laoond iluy of Baptsir bar, 1018. at tan o'oloch A. M. at tbo oifiro of tini County Judge In Burns, llnrni"' County, Ori'Kon, ai 1 1 1 time i anil plaeo lor bearing ohji rtlons I Hi. ri'lo. MARY F. DIXON BUOUtrll of tin; estate of Murve UUon, daOtased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS i he sold ; IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THH it IS THBRHFORB, ORDERED STATU OF ORBOON, FOR HAH I That you, and each of you. appear b M;V COlNTY. fore tbll Court on Monday Hie 23nl In the mattor of the estate of j day of September, 101 8. at the hour James F, Mahon, deeeased, jor iomio o'clock u. m. in the court- Notice is hurehy given that the un- room f tnH court at the court derslKiied has hoon duly appointed bousa In the City of llurns, Ilnrner executor of the last will and testa-! County, Oregon and then and ther meiil and estate of James F. Mahon, j show cause, If any tberebe, why this deeeased and has iiuallfled as such. Court Hhould not Kraut said Quarfl All persons harlug claims against j lan a License for the sale of such said deceased or his estate are hero-, real property, hy notified to present them to the AND IT ALSO APPEARING TO undersigned at his ranch on Cow the court From said Petition tk$t Creak, Harney County, Oregon, or all of the next of kin of said minor to his attorney, Charles W. Bills, at child and all those Interested In his his office In the Masonic btilldlue; :n Burns Oregon, duly verified as hy law required within six months Irom the dule of this notice. Dated August 1.1st, ltll. Iru J. Mahon. Kxei utor 1st Rub. Aug.:ilst r.th Pub. Sept. 28th notice FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Hums. Oregon, September 4, 1018. Notice is hereby given that Thorn as Van Bandt, of Silvles, Oregon, j who. on September 20. 1911, mad.' j Homestead Entry, No. 07001. for ' S I If N '4 , See. 9 ; S W 4 N W ' , , SV4NV4NW'. . Section 10, Township 20 S. Range :i 1 E., Wllhi'mlle Men- dian, has filed notice of intent lot. to ' ,,luk" r"ml ""-cc-year PTOOr, to OS- , ,a,,llK" ,''al,n '" ,,,fi lnmI ul,' " A" " " 'KlBter and Re. elv- ' '" ,)ur,,s' ()r,,K""' 1918- I I ,11.1 ,. I n.il.ioj ,. .; ll'llllocui.,.' "- " Claimant names as witnesses: S iolirrf Itennell. Si vies (Iris'nii - -- --r. George 9Y, aiblle, Suddlebutte. Ore- gon. Andy laggurt, Silvles, Oregon. Cyras A. Sweek, Rums, Oregon. V. G. COZAD, Register NOTRE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby Klvefi that the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testa- nient and the estate of Frank A. Ellis, deeeased, by order of the County Court of Harney County, Oregon. All I'ers ins having claims against the "u'l deceased or his estate are hereby notified to present them to the under signed at the office of her attorney, Charles W. Ellis, ut his office In the Masunlc Building In Burns, Oregon. duly verified as by law required. within six months, from the date of this notice. Dated September 14, 1918. PEARL I. BLLIB, i:ecutrlx of Ihe Estate of Fronk A. Ellis, Deed. '' I'uti. Sept. 14 5th Pub. Oct. 12. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. w ; IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR- NEY COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Charles A. Hollies, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix has filed her fl- nal account In the above entitled court aud estate and the court has set the 14th eNxy of October 1918 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon as the time and the county court room in the court house in Burns, Omgon ss the place for the hearing thereon and all settlements thereof. All persons Interested in ' said estate or having objections to titled Matter on the 9th duy of Aug hiiid final a. count are hereby noli- usl, I9II, directing that said publl fii'd to file their Objections In writ- cation he made al least 0000 a week lug on or before said (lute and to for six (I) consecutive weeks, com appeur at said hearing und contest nienclug August 10. 1918. said final a count. j. y. BIGGS ANNA HAINES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Executrix, 1 Voegtly Building. Burns, Oregon. Is) Pub. Sept. 14. ( First Publication August 10. 1918. : Hi Pub. Oil, IJ, Last PubllcattonSeptember 81, 1911. "By their fruits ye shall know than " Whatever the prlnrlplea may be which resulted In tba homh Iiik or the Federal building in Chica go, they are might) poor prlnclpb i lo hold. ORDER TO HIIOW CACHE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF HARNKY. In the matter of the Guardlanxhlp of LouIh R. Oarrett, a minor. TO ('ORI)IA WIL80N, next of kin of Louie R. Uarrett, a minor, and to all other next of kin If uny mich there he, and to all personH Inter ested or elalminK to be Interested In the aetata of nail minor child. IN THH NAME OF THE BTATN of OREGON: WTbereat it has heen made to appear to tba Courl from tnn petition of J. W. OARRETT, Gusr dlan of Louis n. Oarrett, a minor, (fl ed herein on the 24th day of August, 1918, and praying therein for an or der giving and granting said Ouar diun a License to sell certain nai es- j tate belonging to said minor child, I that It Ih necessary umt expedient ii ml would he henefli inl to nuld minor child that such real property should said estate, resided out of this Coun- tv ami Slate, IT IS, TIIEKEFORE FURTHER ORDERED That a copy of this Order he published at least three ( .: i successive weeks before a .1 da) of hearing in The Times Herald, a newspaper published, print ed ami i rculated In said Harney County; the first publication to ! made on the 31st day of Augus, 1018, am! the last publication to be made on the L'lst day of September, 1918. The real property above referred to and for which a License to sell is prayed for. is described as follews: "An undivided l-24th Interest in in and to the East half of the South west quarter, and the Bosthwail I quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 14 and the Southeast mmrier of Section 22, and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, a,,d ,lle We8t "'' " tlw Southwest quarter, and the Northwest quarter of " Northwest quarter of Section ' .....I ll... IS'-- S ... 23. unit the , -" ""' me esi nan or nie soutli- u.-..i i-i..r ,., c....,;.... .. , i .... H..M..V. wl .'iii.iii L.u. ami ino North half of the Northwest quarter, und the Southeast quarter of the j Northwest quarter, and the East half j of the Southwest quarter of Section 35, all In Township 20 South, Range 29 East of the Willamette Meridaan. Harney County. Oregon; and also I'ts G a" 9- and the Southeast lurter of the Northwest quarter of St'ctlou 2, Township 21 South, Range -" 'aBl we Willamette Meridian, Haraar County, Oregon". " ' LEVEN'S, Judge, "aed this 24th day of August. 1918. SUMMONS N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TMB STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF HARNEY MAE B WOODS, Plaintiff. v MYRON J. WOODS, Defendant. TO MYRON J. WOODS. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORBOON You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Com plaint filed aguinst you In the above entitled suit on or before the 21st day of September, 1918; and If you fail to so appear and Answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint; namely, a Decree of Divorce dissolving the bonds of mat- rimony existing between Plaintiff and Defendant, and for the care and custody of the minor children of Plaintiff and Defendant, to-wlt: MII- dred I)., aged II years, and Isabella M.. aged 9 years; and for such other ond further relief as to the Court ' may seem equitable, j This Publication is made pursuant to un Order of Hon. H. C. Levens. 'judge of the County Court of the ' state of Oregon, County of Harney. mude and entered in the ah.v-n.