The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 21, 1918, Image 5

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trnk t'lerl wm in town last Sat
if, Mnlion and 'wife were In thin
p i ii ii i -..-.
i'Iiiiio n'r rnui auu Niure pieuo
-I. . Ii.i.lll '! 1U Jl 11, .a, ttj 0
r " !? w vm V
Jurus. !'
K i nompeou uo ma uaugQicr
LtM Kiin'1. were tu the city yesterday
L buaf "-
IB. J. MUlllm ;,, Ul U.U.U.. ,v,. i., .
here from th,lr randh In the Crane ! town Thursday accompanied by hie
Creek country during the week. mother. Mrs. IP. R, Qray. The latter
and "Daddy" are nuikiiiK
to mak
their home, having leaned their farm
M. O. Flemlnc. the nnlnmnlrl.l
will be at the Hotel Lerena on Tue t'n'' l K Kn,ln,,tt ,t,aho' to n,Bk"
day and Wednesday, ifc.nt 54 ,.,,.i
26 I near Crane. Mr. Gray Ih ovor there
now having driven over with the
Reward Two bay work geldiuca tem which ho wants to use on hla
..- . - I -
brandod It D veutrd with lajty O oa
right shoulder got oat of the l'uring-
too aawmill pasture In June, A
reasonable reward wljl be paid for
I Information lead lb g t6 their recovery.
Mr rnui Mrs. Nick Voegtly are ov- .4-Addresa A. M. Weber, Burns. Ore-
.k.U hnm. mt ilkouv. t- Ml.
' "" ' . I .
r '
troiu their home at Alberson vis
L.I with relatives and friends
o tnide a Winchester pump
12 i'.uurp. for a twenty gauge
Murtlu or Stevens.
VV. M. Sutton.
r M
lllM'IH I
M Morton MflM OVW from
iterday to be Brvemt at a
KIIh worth Bglf took his departure
Thursday morning on his return to
California after a very pluanunt vis
it with his fathiT. brother and hIk
vfr and )ii muny hi liool friends. The
young man had expected to go east
in a short time but .because or hlH
C It will be necessury that he re-
f the d rectors of the First nmiu the present California quur
Hank todav.
ir1'. tli
Mr nil Mr i. Holt Mrinkw ti."
its of "their duuKhter, Mrs
ii i.... I.. .1.1.. ..:.., ..
I A. II. Ill ,111, 111 lllin i .1 j ii. I it i. Ill
( ,i week. They also visited with
beir other children here.
Kri riiianuel Clark arrived over
Ifroai ber home at M-mn L.iRe jrester
Igj tvi uing to be present and take
the parade of mothers and
soldiers th's afternoon. She
boy over there.
Times-Herald expressed re
it Chapman got "sloppy" in
iiup Wm. Hanlev a compllmentarv
Mta-up In his Oregon Voter. It wus
Mjalh unfortunate that it was re
plied to in the manner in which It
va However, neither article h.ts
tone Mr Henley any iiurin.
Hull Haines and wife left yesterday
(or their new home near Numpa.
i hey took tneir Belongings
i,i Crane and there chartered a tar
la wli. Ii to sh ip to their destination.
Mrs George Hagej sccompgnted
them and will virtit with tliem for
tlnn Qeorge is keeping a bsohe
lor hall during lu-r u'lsence bill I
heii he return! he'i I ill to make
t trip himself.
ters . Ills friends in this vicinity
are proud of his advancements and
procpecia ami he was given tumor
atfing words on his departure.
O. T. Storli. formerly pr'nclpal of
the North Hend high' schoo'i. arrived
here Thursday evening to succeed
H. B. Halstoit. who has resigned ns
principal of the Harney County lllxli
School to answer a call to the colors.
Mr. Storli is a married man and hus
brouglft his family with him. He has
worked with Mr. Ralston in the
schools In the past and comes with
the Treccomeudatlon not only of Mr
ltalstou but other educators, there
fore' we are quite sure of the school
going forward without Interruption
1 In a most satisfactory way. Mr.
i Hah.tini has been notified he Is ex
I neded to report for duty ut Canto
j Lewis on Oct. 7 and has the Interval
to look ufter any business uffulrs he
may have. He will remain in this
! city for a few duy before going to
lortluiid from which point he is to
tended to Join him at once but flnda
upon consulting with her local phy-
ralolan that she will hare to go to
Portland fo an operation for an old
ailment. The Senior Grays are
among the old and respected pio
neers of this country and are well
known to many people. The Timor
Herald regrets to learn of their con
templated move but considering their
age and the fact that the lower alti
tude Is beneficial to their health, It
Joins with other friends In sending
them off with best wishes for u con
tented and comfortable time during
their reclining years.
three-acre tract. Mrs. Gray had In-
There Is a meeting of the directors
of the First National Hunk of this
city today for the purpose of electing
a successor to J. I.. Uatilt. who has
resigned as cashier and will leave
000 for Spokane. Among the out of
town directors here for that purpose
are John I). Daly of Holse, president
of the Institution; I'restley Smyth of
Diamond; Grant Thompson, of the
Crane Creek section.
loll BALK
1911 Hutek TOOrlng Car. self
starter electric lights, in good, Mrsl
condition. Burnt Oarage, Crane
10 Wr ' i-iST
' r; Laaaaaaaaaaaaaai--a-"" rtt" '"iTi- . "" i . n
The Law op Tut Land
At the Liberty Theatre, Sunday, Sept, 22
Notary Public, Lund otlkv Practice,
liiKiiniiicf null Real Rotate.
If you want your hay inuured, see him
J. K. llounseville went out to the
south end at the same time the Lib
erty LOOfl cainpalgners maile their
tour. Mr. Itounsevelle formerly re
llded at DontO before tuklng up his
resilience in this cltv and tukes a
i prlile in the putrlotlc loyalty of that
He wus iii yesterday and saui too
lied ( ross dunce down there WM a
complete success and together with
he supper made a neat sum of iimu
y for the i;.ii-,ii
The supper was under the man
agemenl of Meadamea K, H. Math
rick. II. B, Kelton. (.ester Hamilton,
Bon Hamilton and Mr Hilmer Ol
iiii. It MTOl the bOOt of everything
hat could he had and whs pronoun
id a haniiiet hv vlslt( rs All the
Liberty BoBd delegation were honor
guests at this supper.
"i ue dam e was under the manage
ment of Peter Bgoeeue and under
,iis energetic und persuaslw methods
it netted u DOOt sum, which with the
lame amounted to Over $l!0 which
wus brought back by Mrs. Lutr.p-
Through the generosity of Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Alberson the hall over
their hotel, together with the dining
room ami kitchen and free fuel, It
is possible to make everything taken
ill at these dames and suppers jirac
Ih ally dear.
In addition to the above funds
raised for war purposes, Mr. Hounse-
voile informs us that $141 was con
tributed to the s.iivatioii Araij drive
ami some 6,00fl pledged und sub
scribed tu Liberty Bonda,
o -
Office: Tonawama Building
To find and develop the best
strains of the leading commericul
potatoes grown In Oregon, the U. S.
iJepurtment of Agriculture propo.-es
to cooperate with the O. A. C. experi
ment station In conducting a state
wide investigation. Dr, A. B, Cordley
director of the station, and Dr. Wil
liam St unit , or the !' B. A. probably
the greutesl potato uuthorlty in the
country, hav planned the campaign,
which will work hand in hand with
Hie good In:. pei lion and certification
nnu conducted by the College, (i. It
Hyslop. pnfessor of furm crops at the
College, will probably have charge of
the work In the State. It Is expected
that tt reliable source oT the best seed
stock for farmers and potato tpecl
a list. will be obtained.
and get a daily ttvrvice between
FARE, $6.00 50 lbs. baggage free
A. A. Traugott, Agent, Burns, Oregon
Phone SO or G 12S
We don't need to be told that war
Is wasteful. We have already sur
mised It,
If generals of all ages, from Sen
nacherib to Napoleon, can watch ua
from their present habitation, they
will take on an Increase of cynicism.
They were probably cynical enough
before they died.
They learned the futility of trying
to create something by a policy of
destruction, and must feel some dis
appointment at this epoch. We have
learned nothing from their mistakes
We build cttlhedruls and shoot
them to bits with cunnons. We raise
und educate a generation to muke
hecalomhs out of It.
Most or us have at lea..l the ex
,11 1 1 hut we ure fighting to destroy
something tbut hoped for aggran
dizement out of coniiuest. Hut It is
uhsurd thut such u policy should
have survlvedSeiiiiucherlb. Angels
they must feel tempted to laugh.
And yet, for us In progressive
America, the process is not 0110 of
waste. Our young men will return
from Franco with a developed effi
ciency heretofore undreamed of.
Have yon ever read figures giving
details of the system of piping that
carries water to the battle front?
As the front changes the system
changes, and the new formations can
never be foreaaen. Here are prob
lems which, our young engineers
learn to solve with a speed and pre
cision never developed In time of
peace, because they were unnecessary
Do you know that armored tanks
charge Into battle with telophone
wires laid out to keep them In touch
with the main command? Field bat
terlen also manouvre without falling
to get anr.wera to "Hello, Central."
Do you know that by team work
forty American soldiers erected a
steel bridge over a hundred feet
long In five minutes? We didn't
need to do those things In time of
peace J so we didn't learn how.
In scores of other ways young
Americans In Frunce dally achieve
the Impossible. The Trulls Of their
experience will be reaped in Ameri
ca here ih Burns -when peace is
Muny peaceful truders are danger
ous. The half built skyscraper, the
railroad, the machine-shop daily
make work for the surgeon; but In
half a century surgery would never
have (he strides that It has made In
four years of war. Even the tele
phone wire Is now used to local an
Internal wound, aiftl this Is only one
of thousands of expedients lately de
vised for relieving human pain.
War is wasteful; but for that very
reason It teaches conservation and
Inventiveness, We shall realise this
when r,00i) young American magici
ans return from Furopo.
the Germans see a naming sworu at
the gate of their lost I'aradlse.
They will never enter there again.
In considering the question of
peace by diplomacy we must remem
ber that howitzers and machine guns
are the peace arguments best adapt
ed to tho understanding of1 Gerraunr
and she is likely now to get enougtk
of both to convince her.
Men who usually read novels- Uuc.e
been reading the questionnaire. Its
stead. It la almost as long ae a. Ustok
and of enthralling Internet!
The news from abroad' la aeetaln
ly encouraging. But' lb Is not yet
quite time to beat shieldtt Intoi ptough-
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DONT MISS "BHIB. Cut out thlu
slip, enclose with lie to Foley tt CO..
3835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address clear
ly You will reoelve In return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and jroiip, Poley Kidney Pills and
Folajl Cathartic Tablets Sold by
Keed Bros.
o 1
Buy a Liberty Bend.
Established thirty-two years Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
If you have u Heal Bargain In an
improved or unimproved farm in
Harney and adjoining counties, send
full particulars at once. Owners on
ly need answer. WK MEAN BUSI
NESS. So hurry.
Northwestern Securities Invest
ment Co., II North 10th Street, Port
land, Oregon.
in the matter of Hie estute of
Jesse M. Huinurd, dec d,
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix has filed
her final account in the above entitl
ed court and estate and that the
Judge thereof bus set TOOOflOl tho
2L'iul day of October 1918. at the
hour of 10 o'clock In the fOTOOOOO
and the County Court room In the
Court House as the time and place
fur Hie hearing thereon and settling
All persons concerned are hereby
notified to file their objections In
writing, ir any such there he, on or
before said date, ami to appear on
said date and contest suld final ac
count If objections there he.
Dated September II, mix.
1st I'ub. Sept. 2 1
5th Pub. Oct. vz.
The Labor Problem
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you. Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the free-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
tho new labor-saving: machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your refrular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
That Fall Suit!
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
1 M frflfr
Table Satisfaction
With the st ivniioiiN work mapped out for the people this
vt'iir. it Is mora than svsr Qeoessary tlmt their food should bo
both satisfying nwd strengthening.
This yon are assured of if you buy your GROCERIES from us.
Our StOfS is filled from front door to burk with the best and
freshest Grooeriee to be found in the markets.
keep your working power up to par
by buying und eating groosries from
Farmers Exchange
A. Ottinger, Prop. N. Franklin, Manager
- 4- -B. A. -B- 4 Jg