The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 21, 1918, Image 4

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Om Yr
tim MoatW
JEotered at the Pott Office at Buri,
Oregon, Second Class Matter.
"lie follwlng report is authorize. I
t' the American Ked Cross War
hIh for civilian patient Includlng
one- for tuberculosis and a larger ap
probation had been made for eipilp
plug Hie operating workrooms for
miking surgical supplies and cloth
ng. The appropriation for those
purposes amounts to (187,500.
"In Its work in Switzerland a in
all other countries the plan of the
American Red Croaa la to utilise
those agencies for relief which it
find's suitably organised and working
in a proper manner. 'The scope of
these societies include the making
of relief aupplies. tubercular relief
work, furnishing employment to pris
oners of war and providing food and
clothing at depots to those passing
thrugh. The American Red Cross
appropriated to such societies from
May 1st to December 31st, 1918,
$200,000. In addition. $15,000 has
been set aside for the use of the In
ternal Red Cross at (ieneva. Con
sidering the fact that Switzerland
today Is overrun with refugees and
people from many warring nations.
it BBS been ililfn nil to procure such
accomodation! as are needed In car
r lug on the work of relief. ' Ware
houses hare been either rebuilt or
remodeled at BubpIIs, Renes and
Copenhagen at a cost of more than
$90,000. Auto trucks for necssary
liiiiilinic have been purchased for
$18,750 and $187,500 have been set
aside, in an appropriation for freight,
boxing packing and delivery. These
appropriations and the necessary
labor in warehouses, chauffeurs,
salaries anil general items of operat
ing expenses, aggregate $494,823.
75. While these figures are small
compared to the expenditures for
American Ked (Tosh Activities in.
II... tl.i.l ',,..! I ....... i ....,.- , .
it. mil ii iiifiiniiiiiciii i '.miil I,.
Ike American people concerning ,he1r " " " " to Iui""
BBS of American Ked Cross Wir IUn .OOO.nuu .or .ne per.ou euu
V .Hid covers the activities of the war! "' December 31St, 191S. the amount
Work in Switzerland where most ur- ; ""! ,llul ttl" '"' " 0"M'11hI..c1
tent reasons far seen wnrh l.t, -an hardly I miniated and has nl
the foremost f f which is the neesa
dtv of caring for the American sol-!
era in German prison i imps a:ni
(li'krc 111 tllM 11. .rill!.. 1. 1 !.!.. In. I,., I IV-tll.'
- " " '' .w..(, .v ... ..... V .......
St i tea ti, relieve Bwltsorlaud of u
i ui' the creat burden thai war has
laid upon bor. The report bo i . n
icndit ur.' to June 1st. i it - ..I
$200,000 consisting of a k,.ii of i -'".
" 10 to the Swiss Rod Cross, and a
: uiation Of $75,001) to assist til"
.', iss Government in caring for In-
r.'ady giVBfl the Swiss people a bet
ter Idea of the power of the United
Stat.- as B factor in determining the
Ol the arar than could have
been given in any way outside of ac
tual warfare and unquestionably will
have weight as corroDorative
testimony to the report the I iltini
3wl Journalists will carry home to
: eopl "
in o i:it iii.s.
Hut while rocognlxlng the gravity
of these problems, we should hall
the project with the same enthusi
asm ns those who are unable through
the limitations of their environment
to appreciate all that it comprehends.
As an economic measure Its signifi
cance Is tremendous, but It should
have more than an economic Interest
for all Americana
The histories of groat nations sre
in one particular Identical. Times
of acute crisis, boldly faced and over
come, have been followed by periods
of acute crisis, boldly faced and over
of enormous internal development,
both economic and Intellectual. It
came to Athens after the I'ers'an
War. It came to Home after the de
leat Of Carthage. It came t'o Kng
land after the Napnleanle campaigns
Hut to us It came In a degree unpar
alleled In the world's history alter
'the reconciliation which Bided th"
Civil War.
Any bittsr Struggle brings to light
, the latent qualities II led to .'inline
it. When it has passed, those iual
Ities remain, and demand a flnlil for
I heir BXOBreiSB, Those who have
seen at close rani;.' the dating of the
Yanks In France have asked In won
der how so much courage could con
trlve to He hidden in these drafteil
clerks, tailors and dairymen.
I'erhaps only a part of It was there
at the beginning, and the rust of It
was brought to birth by the demands
' f the battlefield.
But In whatever way It Is display
ed today, the wise proposal of Sec
retary Linn- will open up new fields
for the employment of all the Inltia
tlve, valor and resource which the
present conflict engenders In these
voting men. The time for prepara
lion is already upon us; for through
the smoke that overhangs the Kuro
pean continent we see In ever dear
er outline the signals that mark the
beginning of the end.
inerlca hns two favorite sons
One I- Jackie and one Is Saimule. and
llic are mighty promising young
om. per... ii in six throvghoul the
nation subscribed for the Third Lib
erty Loan. Lei us make it one In
live for l he Fourth Loan.
terned Russians, .v further approp-l
riatlon for this work ' for seven! The mu leal comedy "farmerette"
months, June l-t to December 1st. la Bon as familiar an Institution as
U lis, amounts to f 1,72,2S8.?6. Of the musical comedy bathing girl.
Hawaiian girls, harem girls, poll
in;: ir'. military girls, baseball girls
and bathing nirls. of course Bach I
costums changs means a different
BOOg, and as eai h show carries about I
Hi- same assortment the rotation be
come monotonous. 8p they Invented
the stage farmerette In si:u overalli
neutral countries none suffered
- I mui h through war as .Switzerland.
T " inhabitants of Northern France
a I Belgium deported by Qermany
have been seirt into Switzerland and
the Swiss Government has been try
to provide for them. PrUouerS
li '.e also pass-,! through Bwitser
la il and these too have been ., led
b the Swisi people
R id Cross fell that the American
people would wi-di to share with
I Itzerland "Tie burden of caring for
.v.!.. b who : across her bor
i -o i Bis work h.i b "ii under
en through the American Red
or.-..: itorobousei were e
lished at three places In Bwitser-
d With supplementary storehouses Studied surveying, ami plutled a 240 j
Copenhagen, Denmark. (Supplies a. r.- farm; she made elaborate milk
with lis fork like an overgrown
The Amerii an ' flj iwatter.
I?i the meantime, al the stale Nor
mal School of Agr.culture, Wisconsin.1
a young lady who name la with-1
he'd weal through the coursollke a
through a plank. She miv cl
concrete in most of the standards
lorinn and Investigated grates of'
wheat-for stripe ergoi and smut; she
nl from the I'nited States
1 transported by the Southern
route where clothing and comforts
re gathered so rapidly that by
V IgUSt 1st there were sufficient sup-
. wrote theses on stock breeding,
Inhaled the science t' crop-rotlne,
and, for some Inartistic reason, made
a specialty Ol pigs, That ill. lady was
raised on a lam Is not considered by
alias on hand to provide for 15.000 the faculty as contributing in a en at
prisoners for six months should the measurs to the profundity of her
(ortunes Of war throw that many erudition.
American soldiers into German pris- '1 here are plenty more like her in
one. These supplies consist of ev- Wisconsin, and. thank Heaven, there
SCything that men In such condition are still more outside Wisconsin. It
need, and plans are being perfected i type ol fsmerette that Interests us I
for keeping in communication with quite as much as the musical comedy
them and sending news to their fain- kind. Show troupes don't flock much j
iltei In America. The appropriation In Burns, but we hare girls'
'or this work amounts to $475,000, who i an dpn overalls (not sills ones)
rhe large.,t single Item In the pp and take the place of boys as effecti
i r priation for relief work in Suit I vel) a- the inn t boyish (horns girl I
serland during the coming period i- thai Broadway ever generated
ti.r conatrustlon and maintenance of I i leaniug a hogpen is not an ele
hospitals, lulls, canteens and homes gant job Anu there is little elegance
for soldiers who are obliged to re in washlug vermin from the filthy
main in that country for any length body of a wounded soldier u com
of time. Tin's approi r'utlon is in-: inonpla. s In the dally experience of a
'ended to provide for all present Ked Cros:; girl. Not many duties are
SSOSeeitlaS among Interned Allied more unsavory- or more sacred, and
vjldiers and refugees, also to antlcl- the picture needs no spotlight to II
pate the possible requirements for lumiuate its glittering moral.
'her Americans. For the cons- o
'ruction of these homes, hospitals,
uts and canteens $312,500 has been
appropriated and an appropriation
of $187,500 has been provided for
the construction of workrooms,
training schools and materials for
'..unfa, t ure in such establishments
This appropriation covers the
vork to De ember .'list, 1918. The
Santa Clans In Allien. n g limbing
longingly over to Frame Mul 1 1 i -
passports have bean denied him this
War against China his been de
clared by the Bolshsviki it is al
strife thai has long existed In the
kitchens of America and has I n
characterized by many a great smash.
Tip. young Fallows of eighteen to
twenty for the most pan go to regis
'ration with their hearts beating'
high li means the realization oi
their dreams.
Are you not sun rise. I to I irn
thai paachstonas and plumei
and nutshells win help "fin the war"
Save tin mi for the gaa sat h tnanu
Armies are always capturing the
key to this place and thai Thai 'd
have had SOme Inn with BaldpBte
and Its seven keys
Kii Villi Winkle would have had
tO sleep a few more years these days
If he'd wanted to sidestep registration.
"The king of France with twenlx
thousand men.
Marched up a hill and then man li
ed dot. u again
Does not the old nursery tin me
recur to us when we think of the p
Immenee eosl ami effort or the tier- i Weinstein is in town bavins
nan drive this yeur. and the fact just returned from ti trip to Portland.
that tbsy are now pushed back to o
their original line? Buy Liberty Bend
MltS. ( InUIKII)
Charley has written another Isrfler
home to his mother enclosing some
poetry that was written by a comrade
Dearest Mether:
Well I have not much to write
but will send you some poetry and a
few lines. Mother I know very well
what your and Dad's opinion of a
soldier In time of peace was. Now
your opinion Is very similar to the
one that nine tenths of the civilian
have. But I will endeavor to try
and give you a new light. Now if
It hadn't been for the regular army
we would have been 'n a bad pinch.
The -ninety day officers are blanks
nearly And the Idea that a soldiers
life in time of peace was easy and
that he was no good Is very wrong
It look a man to make good in the
army In time of peace and come out
with a clean record. Now the exper
lemes (bat the bins have mi In
their sojourn to the Islands are por
travel heit In this pnelry which was
written by soldiers of Hie 2nd F A
I have lots of It but eiinnot Mend It
iCI al once. Get I lad to rend It. The
Hoys or Dohle soldiers as they are
called run give you many tales which
beat these In poems. Here Is one
There Is a Transport in the Harbor"
I have heard the bullets whistle
I have seen the Holo kill
I have heard the war tribes singing
From the outposts on the hill
I know the plague smell if Manila
The Chinos wily ways
And what it means to be a soldier
At fifty cents a day.
Hut my heart Is sail and weary
And I wish that I could say
There's a transport In the harbor
And I'm ordered home today
1 ii. seep the Moro In the palm
Murder shining in their .
Heard a comrade calling "Mother"
As he's laying down to die
Seen the lateful marks ol 4!ack
ii'i the man Just gone along
Fought and wrestled with a lepei
In a pan;, stricken throng
So the wander lust has bit Be
Ami I wish that I could BB)
There's a liausport in the burbot
Ami 1 in going home today.
I have seen the passing boatmen
In hit eaysoo floating bj
in I he muddy reeking waters
Where the Spanlah warship lia
I i.:.'. e i !,. pt iii running watei
i hn.e hiked up burning hills
I have SBl and shook and shivered
With the lever and Die . hill
All the oriental Jewel,
l'i r these few words 1 would pay
There's u transport In the barboi
And I'm ordered home todgj
Hark '. I hear a siren 0 oe
Onl beyond Corregidore
Its a gra Old Aiiuv 'I roup Bhlp
Coming from the homeland shore
And It's ailing gen! Ij I alllin i
Tir- come bark BOTOSS the .
wipre u mother and s iweetheari
l.oi and look and wu.i lor Bl i
Ai i in soldier .i iv, are 01 r
Ami 1 1 ' no longer l 1
There's s transport in the harboi
And l in oid. r.d home toda) .
Corregidore is a large roil, strong j
ly fortified as Gibraltar In the I. arbor I
or mouth of il
Holo The Holo is a curved knife
about IS inches long. We have them
here in the regiment Some were
used In the Spanish American war.
Thev are fuvorite weapons of the
Mom's Be sure and let Dad read
Ibis and gel him to write and tell
w hat in- 1 binks 01 ii
Mr. B.C. FgRleston, Hums. Ore
My dear Mr. Fggleston;
I shall be a candidate for rw-ele,
tlon to the office of couuty treasiu
In reply to your recent request ur for a second term at the Nov.-n,
I am pleased to advise you that we ber electron.
have decided to assist Harney Coun-
ty In going over the top for the neat
Liberty Loan sul will send authorlz
atlou to you to make subscription of 1
$1,000 of bonds through your local
1 T
O ' '
Because of repeated requests from
friend and tax Bayers of this county
. , .
Autnorisauon ror masing suuecrip- j have consented to become a caodi
tlon will reach you within a lew days. te far sheriff at the November
Uinretelr vuurs. ''
C. H. Samuel
General Manager
Now the horse will ugain come In
to his own. During the giDtless per
iod he will he Sunday best.
Secretary Haker Is In France study
lug the aircraft question. He will
undoubtedly find that It presents an
excellent field for study
election. Having served In that of-
flee in this county for four terms I
feel that I am rompetent to rill it.
and If eiected I promise to onfof
all laws to the best of my ability.
u 1 '.
Your Income will probably be sul
lee taxutlot for several years in
ter the war. Do not rcpfno, hut be
thankful that It U large enough for
you aud lor Uncle Sam too.
15,000,000 ares to be irrigated.
80,000.000 to be drained. 200,000,
000 to be cleared.
Ths is the modest plan that Secre
tary Lane has presented to the pres-id-ni
and congress. The figures
convey the scope of an undertaking
.".. am w ' wswsBFjk.
sW a. 'iWiN.
W A5li ''
9r 5R! .
among Swllzerlands . ivilians ,,v whl, h l, to l, i,r..vld,.d
Is divided Into three branches BOf- for returned soldiers.
, from Invaded districts Includ 0f the men supplied by (Harney
lag children of Intemsd-SOldlers, Civil County ) for the national army there
lan citizens of the Culled States or ar mallv whfl ,, , (.OI11(, otf ,ho
ttlwil nations either detained in
Switzerland or in transit through
the country and Swiss' families whose
sons or lathers are in IIr
Stales Army
Hut most of them are in clos
er ton. h with farm life than the con
tingents provided by the big cities,
I nlted an.l are In a better position to est!
The total appropila-; niai,, what It means. We can think
tlon ror this work amounts to S20D,-
MO The American Ked cross has
made a small contribution to bo ill
morn intelligently of its details and
gauge more accurately the multitude
ol problems which II presents.
Il I 1 1 1
snV' '" ' 'lift
ife? rs " ' 1 BbsV
gf'-'T s W r
f&Mfci MsteBBW' .C 1
fsS-'jW 'SSifsC fe., K S
"" M Law aWtsaV " "I
f3 ';-.. -Sv '
vfe jfl SB Ssft-V mil
m 'iJBBBi-u-iisBtnr
Ba bsBB" 'rsjBrey' "mr
1 vS
At the Liberty Theatre Next Wednesday, Sept. 25
$X5 per box
Possibly for lc?8, next week
in any quantity desired
Page 's Sweet Shop
IJM2 i-- BBB.
( ''wtmn iff-'-" ' H
vft4k "Slm;.r-iA. -Mm bbBsKTH
.- V -frt .lVTlWill .,
'Wi OeiVal sW,'W':"
!mf mWE2Zr.
Bdck nh im PfsidAt
sJ.What we cee1c is the reijrn
of iVw, busod upoQ the con
sent of the governed and
sustained by the orgauized
opinion of mankind."
President Wilson.
Any Bonk Will Help You
raTmoTio cu-ofaAVius oi'
Inland Empire Realty Co
Building and Farm Loans Blade Direct
Farms and Ranches
Fire Insurance Life Insurance
Resident Phoiwe G-86 and -:
Agents for WRAY'S STAG 5
Members Burns Commercial Club