The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 21, 1918, Image 1

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The Times-Herald coca re
gularly to mora homes In Har
my County than any Other
newspaper. If you wish to
reach the people use these col
inm for your advertisement.
The Times-Herald In an oM
established friend of the people
? Harney County where It ha
been a weekly visitor for thirty
yearn. It' Job department Is
equipped to serve your needa.
NO- '
She 3ftnrt&
On last Saturday Dr. Griffith eal
i'il this office by telephone and re
ported that an chairman of the local
Red Cross Chapter he had received
i request for uneci garment,, to be
Mnt for relief of war stricken romi
Irlea. The Times-Herald had little
space at that late hour to devote to
'in' story, therefore mentioned It
only. With the request for cloth
ing were enumerated what was Sp-
-irert and wtiot kind not needed, i
-'or the benefit of thotie engaged In
gathering Hitch clothing we publlHh
it n'wlth the Instructiens: ,
I'he kind- of OarinentM Needed
hvery kind of garment for all
sees and both sexes, Is urgently need
il. In addition, piece goods. light,
arm canton flannel and other kinds
of cloth from which to make gar
ments for new born babies, ticking,
hooting and blankets, woolen goods
of any kind and shoes of every
lM are asked for. Scrap leather la
needed for repairing footwear.
Since the clothes will be subjected
to the hardest kind of wear, only
varments made of strong and dur
.iiile materials should be sent. It la
i .less to offer any afflicted popula
iioii garments of flimsy material or
gaudy coloring. Make the gifts prac-
'.arm. Mils need not be in perfect
ondltlon. A hundred thousand dea-
'.tuto women In the occupied regions
re eager to earn a small livelihood
repairing gift clothing and making
new garments adapted to the needs
with which they are familiar.
GarmentM Needed
Men's Wear Shirts (preferably of
light colored (tunnels), undershirts,
inderdrawers, trousers, coats, work-'"i--i
overalls) juil. sijfles. over.
"at- ei . sweater-vestsT "socks
t weateri.
numeBI Wear - Skirts, drawers,
corset slips, petticoats, shirts, coats.
suits, shoes, doth hats, knitted caps,
leu kings, blouses.
Hoy's Wear Shirts, union suits,
undershirts, trousers, coats, suits,
shoes overcoats. Jerseys, socks, stock
ings, sweaters.
(iirl s Wear Dresses, skirts, over
i oats, nightdresses, drawers, stock
ings, undergarments, petticoats.
suits, blouses, shoes, waists,
noys' and Girls' Wear Hooded caps,
pinafores, woolen union suits.
Intent's Wear -Baby blankets, baby
shirts, sweaters, bonnets, bibs, dia
perm, shoes, baby dresses, cloaks.
lackets, shawls, socks, bootees, bind
ers. Miscellaneous- Bed-ticks, bed-sheets,
pillow cases, blankets, mufflers.
Woolen goods of any kind whatso
ever are acceptable; soft hats and
apt for all ages, and sweaters of any
kind and sice.
Men's shirts and pajamas so worr
or shrunken as no longer to be ser
vireable, are particularly welcome
' Hid- the material can be utilized
for making children's garments.
Do Not Bend
(SarmentH of flimsy material or
i-audy coloring, ball dresses, high
heeled slippers, etc.
Stiff hats, either men's or women's,
straw, dress or derby.
Anything containing rubber, rain
coats, rubber boots, etc. (Nete: Hub
her heels can easily be removed from
hoe. )
Hooks, toys, soap, toilet articles.
Notes or communications of any
(irt or description must positively
not be sent.
Mrs. Itobt. Baker was In to see this
force yesterday afternoon and slated
thai she and Hob had run around
i inslilerable this summer and had
iinlemplated buying property some
nere 10 make their lmine but fin
ally came back to Hurney Valley and
bought the Geo. liagey place up the
iw.i-i. Air. and Mrs. linker had re
sided on thU place for the past two
or three years and had found It a
good thing therefore decided to make
it their own.
This Is one of the farms that har
lieen a good producer for many yeart
It formerly belouged to the Adams
hoys who farmed it and were among
the first to successfully raise grain.
It Is well improved, Irrigated and a
good portion of it In alfalfa and other
such crops. Bob and Mrs. Baker
have one of the best terras in this
Wbple country. I
Tho following hitter was received
recently by Mrs. Will Cummtna of
this city. Miss Herbert was race
located in thin city and worked at
the hospital run by Mrs. Cummins.
She signed up for war work and
since the lelter was written has been
transported to France as Mrs. Cum
mins bM u photogrHpli of tho young
ludy that was mailed In France:
63 Washington Square New York
August 22. 191s.
Hear Aunt Etta:
Your letter came yesterday and
I am going to answer It at once. I
" :' " Rltt(l '" 1"''"' ""'" '"" "cfore we
sailed. We don't know when we
will go but probably before long. I
will be glad to be on the way. I have
enjoyed the time in New York but
am beginning to fuel restless. It
will be five weeks tomorrow since
we came.
1 told you didn't I that we have
regular Infantry drill and I am th
second lieutenant of our company
Yesterday all the units In the city
that are In uniform were reviewed
by some of the army "high-ups."
There wcro eighty hundred and fif
ty of us In uniform and there are as
many out of uniform in New York.
There was a big crowd watching us
and five hundred Y. M. C. A. workers
ready for overseas service. The
nurses are being shipped over Just as
rapidly as they can - be outfitted.
All the big churches hero have a
basements and the hoys keep them
canteen and reading room in their
filled up too.
I found out yesterday that there Is
a nurse In tills unit who nursed at
the Haines Hospital for a while. Her
name is Leah Gamble and she came
Into Burns froni Welser, Idaho.
Tho town must be very much
changed from what It was when I
was there Most towns are since all
our boys have gone to war.
There Is another Mary Herbert In
the A. N. C, and we have heen get
ting our mail mixed so you had bet
ter address me as Mary K. Herbert.
By (he time an answer to this letter
.ould reach N. Y. we will probably
be on the wing so you had better
address me over seas. Don't forget
to write to me when you can for I
enjoy your letters.
Iove to all,
Mrs. Hanley Is enjoying a visit
from her mother, Mrs. Cameron, who
Is here from the southern Oregon
home for the first time. The lady
states thin is the lamest nralrie
...... .
country she had seen since leaving
Iowa many years ago.
Uncle Sam: "Gosh that Patriotic Spirit prowl faster than you can plant the Sed!"
OBF.iiON'S response lo Dili I. ns Irl IHf I'uct I r
the whole Nation I" I t l""'i He D'tiie of Ore
L".rs "DO on DIC" iuMI wMhei os ll i
Baltic-Tine "over llic.e" oi IlKDiNI' llw HnUlfliur
'w here" is l-onoicd .' nvf ii' Inm
Til's ,h 4lh WNrtji -,,",, i"v ""' "
Hearty Reception Tendered Party at
Every Point and People Responded
To Invitation to Make Pledges for
Bonds. Big Gathering and Dem
onstration With Mothers' Parade
The writer met the Liberty Ixian
campaigners on Silver Creek Thurs
day night where a very enthusiastic
meeting was held and where they
met with unexpected success and a
most appreciative audience.
All were in good spirits and re
ported a fine reception at every stop
with a ready response from the peo
ple. If the former meetings were
like the one at Silver Creek they
were certainly gratifying and Inspir
ing, for the people responded cheer
ing themselves for more Bonds than
fully and without hesitation, pledg
it had been hoped for.
The (iimpalgn party left last Sal
urday afternoon and the first meet
ing was held at Crane where they
WCTt met by Sergeant Major Frank
Christ) and Elton Watklns, of the
Department of Justice, who were
the principal speakers during the
tour. Both ure fine talkers, the for -
mcr desi rllilng his experience and
his comrades In th front line trench-1
cs. the latter most eloquently put-,
ting (he war situation before his au-
(Hemes In a manner few can equnl.
Both have made good on die trip and
have die sincere gratitude of those1
in (barge. !
Soon alter the close of the meet
ing at Silver Creek those who had
been covering the big territory cann
on to Burns to get a rest before .on
tlnuing their Journey over to Drews
ey yesterday stopping at Harney for
a noon meeting and then back to this
city this morning to ha in readiness
for the finale to tho big canim:gn
for Bend pledgos before the twenty
Manager Donegan. Secretary Wm.
rarre. 10m Alien, jamos ""
and W. V. King made the Journey
all the way to Sliver Creek. In com- I
pa)y wh tne Ho)der (,oy allu Mr.
Watklns. but several others of tho
. . . ,
committee im hiding tne initios, came
In following the meeting al Diamond. I
picnic UffailsiVi
in ci i"r lop nil-'
ci.s to, i wi re .voio. i ih, in lo the Inrt man and
our mi)
liut ilnlhir
According to Mr. Farre there had
been approximately $40,000 pledg
ed and subscribed during the tour
including the meeting at Silver Creek.
This will be augmented by a consider
able amount with the Drewsey and
Harney meetings and by the close of
the campaign here this afternoon
and at I .a wen tomorrow at noon,
Harney County will be well toward
the goal. However, It is hoped to
have the entire amount subscribed
by B o'clock Saturday, Sept. 28.
Mr. Watklns Is a forceful and el
oquent speaker who drives right
from the shoulder and doesn't mince
words In expressing himself in res
pect to the war or his opinion of
those who neglect to do their pert
We hope there will be a good crowd
In Burns to hear this gentleman this
afternoon and tonight.
Major Christy has been In
1 city before and assisted In the
, Cross drive. The young man
improved as a public speuker since
his former visit and his stories are
more convincing und interesting. He
lis hoy who appeals to his hearers
and his sincerity Is manifest,
The students of the Domestic Sci
ence Depart luetit of the County High
School moved by a desire to serve the
community have organized a "Liber
ty Kitchen Service." In pursuance of
U,,. ,an lhHV ar)l off,.rmi, , ,.H
j frultH jelleH ror thH,. wno ,.,
fruU jar8 aud HUgar to lne h,gu
,(.noo, buUnlng. Heveral people of
i the community have already taken
advanlaKe of ,nl8 rvlce which Is
fr,,e lo all. Any one desiring to have
,,., 1.
lit' iniiitiiisj twii.
Bnould ,.onimun,,.ate wltll MrM. UaiH.
ton at least one day belore they wish
tho caning done.
Huy a Liberty Bend.
uiMilial Hie enuny. lo agum go
i wm com Mice tin
li' I.elllCii Miiuj.
I ipu( weir Willi them In thr
l.-Himt I....N USSITTMi.
..,. ,, jjainmi
Ed. Morgan returned the fore part
of this week from a trip to Idaho.
He formerly lived there and was
back on a visit and to look after a
few business matters. He reports
excellent crops over there where
they have an abundance of water
for Irrigation and an altitude so
much lower than this. However the
fruit crop Is a failure this season.
Mr. Morgan came to this office
and asked what further had been
done about the proposed monument
to Harney county boys. The Tlmes-
The followiii Igetter was received
Ing in a way. C. W. Ixiggan had con
tributed $1.00 alSO J. E. ItlillllS.eV.'lle
but that Is as far as It had gotton.
We really feel a little guilty in not
giving this matter more aggltation
but hasp been more or less engrossed
In other things. Yet th. Is a most
worthy undertaking aud one. with
such merit ti at It should Itfrva the
active support of our pe-jpl3. cv'e
realize these are busy times and wo
all each and every one have our parti
cular duties to perform. That a cer
tain amount of war work is ours to
do whether It be by Bod Cross work,
soliciting funds for some worthy
cause, using our Influence to promote
the sale of Liberty Bonds, Thrift
Stamps and War Stamps, or whatever
It be, yet we might find some one
who can spare the time to give this
matter of a monument to the Harney
county boys who are serving their
country in war work.
It isn't necessary that this monu
ment be erected at this time but the
mi essery funds should be collected
and placed where it would bo avail
able .it the proper time.
Tho suggestion to build a monu
ment to tho boys who give up their
lives in this war lias ulso been given
a start hut allowed lo languish. It was
proposed to do this with War Saving
Stamps. The first donation to this
and the suggestion came from Mrs.
Ted Haye. who gave a War Stamp
WhTcn was mutched by The Times
Herald. These things are worthy and
should bo given attention by some
one or more than one in fact.
The Times-Herald does not desire
to be custodian of such funds but will
act temporarily until an organization
may be effected to take care of them
One of the things which makes
Western photodramas starring Wil
liam S. so realistic and convincing is
his use of none but dyod-ln-tho-wool.
nevor-b e c n-citrrlcd-below-t h o-knee
cowpunchers. Thus procuring genu
ine eharaclors in his supporting cast.
Hurt not only must plan and act his
his own role, but also painstakingly
rehuarse the parts given to thoso big
hearted follows, who, although pro
ficient In the "S RV of the range
often are woefully lacking In soreen
ability. If it were not that Hart, who
Is a Western ma. and a big favorite
with the punchers, knows how to
overcome their natural bashfuluess
before teaching them the rudiments
of acting, many of his pictures would
be much less true to the real West in
Its palmy pioneer days. Hart's first
offering under the Artcrnft trade
mark Is "The Narrow Trail." which
will be seen at The Liberty on next
Wednesday night. It was directed by
Lambert Hlllyer under the super
vision of the well-known producer,
Thoraus H. luce.
According (o ion there
were 702 men and boys registered
for army duty under (ho now law on
Thursday of last wook in this countv.
of those wo leurn from u member of
die Local Boutyl, muny have waived
exemptions and are ready in answer
the cull of their country when It Is
given. One man over 40 witli a wile
but who also has u hoy In (ho navy,
didn't pretend (o fill out his ques
tionnaire, but simply wrote across tho
face of It "Give me a gun." That's
the spirit of the country and our
answer to the peace proposal of the
Dan Yarlen arrived home last
Saturday from California where he
ucenmpanled Mrs. Yarlen who will
remain there for the winter. Mrs.
Varien is not enjoying good health
and she finds the milder climate of
lower California beneficial.
The manager of this great rellg
ous weekly had the pleasure of
meeting with many of his old time
friends of Silver Creek Thursday, ev
ening at the Liberty Loan nteetiitg
which was followed by a Bed Cross
dance and supper. He was accom
panied over by Judge Levens, Mr
Allen Biggs and Evelyn Byrd. Judge
Levens was not a very good sport,
pleading he could not dance he went,
home with the Liberty Loan speak
ers and W. Y. King commandeered
to drive "Doc Yak" back and to wait
the pleasure of tho other member
of the party to start. The real sec
ret of the matter was that Mr. Wat
klns had told the boss of the big
chicken supper served his party ut
the home of Mrs. Frank Dibble and
the further suspicious evidence of
numerous boxes and baskets taken
from (he automobiles as the neigh
bors arrived for the meeting, had
aroused his curiosity as to their con
tents. He didn't dance couldn't
dance In fact yet he insisted on
staying, with the result that the par
ty didn't get back to Burns until an
unseemly hour and tho next morning
he resembled a follow who had beeu
to Denlo.
The Sliver Creek people ure not
half-baked Americans In any manner
nor do they do .things in a half-hearted
way. Whatever Is determined u -on
by that neighborhood they do.
At the close of tho Liberty Leai:
speaking they were given an oppor
tunity to volunteer their subscrip
tion to the Bonds and before Billic
Farre could get his blanks unroll. ..
dial old patriot Hill Johnson was at
his elbow ready with his chock and
pen to take up Ma quota. He wa
(Illicitly followed by others and for
almost an hour Mr. Farre was kept
busy with the. aid of It. J. William
in taking '.ire of the volunteer sit'
The Bed Cross da.'ice that tollOWi '
was a very enjoyable social affa-r
and the supptr served at midnight
(lie kind that would make a man
go hack to Silver Creek every tine
he hears of a similar occasion.
The stale wide essay contest in tho
interest of the Fourth Liberty Loan
Jrive is attracting considerable at
tention among tho si hool children o
the sta(o. Tho subject chosen for tht
youthful writers is "My Liberty
Bend aud 1 ". and it is hoped that a
large proportion of tho 270, 00'
grade and high school pupils in the
state who are eligible will take part
in this Interi'sting competition.
l'upils of the third and fourth
grades will write not more than 20ri
words; fifth and sixth grades, not
more than 400 words; seventh and
eighth grades and high schools, not
more than 1000 words. Each teach
or will select the best essay in her
room. Each principal will select th
best essays in her building, one Jrom
each competing grade. These will be
sent to the county superintendent
who will choose the best essay iu
each grade, too In all, and forward
them to Fred L. Boalt, chairman ot
203, Northwestern Bank Building.
Portland, where the 370 essays sub
mitted will ho again road and one
from each grade will bo selected a
worthy of a first prize, which will be
a gold medal. But each of the tea
young people in each county whose
essays were deemed of enough ex
cellence by (heir counly superinlon
dent to be senl to State headquarters
will receive a special pin in recogni
tion of their efforts.
All papers should he In (ho htiinU
of the coutity superintendent not
tn(er than Sept. 27.
l'upils of private and parochial
schools are also eligible lo onlor tills
contest under Hie same terms.
The purpose of this contest Is to
encourage disiusslon of the Liberty
Loan In the HOMES of Oregon. Pu
pils will not be perm it led to receive
uny specifh help from their teachers,
but may obtain anv assistance from
their pure mi
In any district where school has
not opened the young people are par
Ocularly urged to write their essays
and to forward llietn to their county
superintendent, having first wrlttei
their names and addresses plainly oa
their munuscripts.
Dorman Leonard's parents have
received a card stating his safe ar
rival at a foreign port but he did not
state where be was.