The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 14, 1918, Image 2

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or RRD CROifl
weekly. All this character of work
done up to July 1st, 1918, wax ac
complished lit n rout of 14.347.383.
If tho morale of the men at the front
Ir to be maintained their famlllim
mind be properly cured for and de-
The tt'nr Council of ll Amorli sin
)'d Croaa baa today leaned the ; c
ond Installment of Its report! to the
Wi ,-k among the soldiers at tho front lulls provided lor Hhopn, shoe lm
up to July Lat, I Bit, coil II. 84, 801.
v pOctal Ktnerisoncy Fund wan ex-
American people concerning tha uselpended during the name period tak
boing made of the American Kdltng care of thousands of refugees.
Cross War Fund. This particular in- This was done at the cost of $174,-
ptallmenl covers the work being done
in Italy since the beginning of the
war and the plans made for tha por
ted up to the end of December, 1918.
In carrying out Its work In Italy
the American Red Cross has appro
priated to July 1. 1918. the sum of
17,989, t;.-.:i. ro Tii- greatty enlarged
field ol opportunity and obligation
In Italy DAI . tiled for an eppTopria
tion for six months ending December,
1918. amounting to 112,867,887.60.
Thus h i lie Aid Of the year 1918 t tic
American lied Cross win have ex
panded since the war began al teas)
twenty million dollars In the work of
relict' in Italy, Need for American
Red Cross work In Italy became ap
parent to the War Council early in
the eummer ol iiut. and a tompor-
'00.00 Another Item of expense
lories, work by nurses and ftnfcni I
assistance to the Italian Institutions
engaged In this field. For this pur
pose $1,030,700. has been appropri
ated. There are many other activi
ties which will cost heavily and
during the early days was that of which have been provided for, among
transportation. This amounted to them are surgical dressings and sur
$200,462.00 In connection with the gleal Instruments $1,241,212.60,
foregoing there are two things wor- supplies Including gasoline and ap-
thy of note. The first Is that the pllances, maintenance of every dos-
purchaslng power of every dollar crlptlon. allowances for drivers and
contributed to the American Red living expenses, $496,000. Canteen
Croat because of Its vast field of vol- rest rooms, $4r,:'.,7"2 CO, gifts of
lintary endeavor and supply Is a clothing and Other for
11 88 The other is the strict wnii-1 loldlen at the front $iii), (Mm, food
omy observed in all branchei ef: tor children 1867,800, for the pur
following lelegrnni from
chase and maintenance of Nurses'
Home ni Milan $66,027.60, for all
Henry p Davidson, Chairman of the! medical work 40426, for dtati ci
Italian Commissioner, at the close! ifflcos and gonoral offices si Home
of the Second War Fund Campaign
ill i e of general Inters d :
"American Red Cross drive has
be n OTerwhelmlng, Bucceas nol
ry commission headed by Oeorge !'. alone in amount raised but in spirit
Baker Jr.. was sen) to Italy to make shown throughout the country, Will
a thorough and exhaustive Investl- cable you shortly final flguree, We
Ration of the needs. As a result of are now in a position to carry out
the Commission's report a perman- SUOh work as your Commission re
ent commission was in process of for- I Commends and upon consideration ot
roaliou when the Teutonic drive on War Council It will be approved all
the Austrian front filled all Italy' to the end In the spirit which you
with homeless, starving, despairing and your associates are perfectly un-
rofugees anil brought on n crisis derstood. It is vitally Important
which took the American Red Cross that any program adopted by the
workers ln'o Italian fields, and from American Ked Cross In any part of
that moment their activities never world should be curried out In such
aaaed. Today Italy is fully con- manner that everyone cun Justly feel
! vinced that the American people are
a nation of deeds as well as words.
There is scarcely a village or com
mune which has not been given un-
llstakatile evidence of the gencros-
Igty. kindliness ami ability of Amerl- ditorea authorized by the War Coun
m in the work of eavina BuroDe ell for the six months ending Deoem-
Irom the grasp of Teutonic autocracy, ber, mis, amounts to 818,667, s:t7,-
i it this connection Colonel John 60, The original estimate was one
I Bachanan, one of the directors of the milllot dollars le.s but the Buttle of
British Ministry on Information said, the Plave while a great victory was
"1 hope American i apprei ate the
iwork which their i;'d Cross organl-
Eatio'i has i! iue In Italy. The Amer-
11. an work was wond n'ul. it was or-
that each dollar has been treated a
though it were the particular dollar
given by the person making the greut
OS) sacrifices in order to give "
As stated in the beginning, expen-
) 1 1 ,860, fund t lor prm enl lou ol
tuberoulosls 11,100,000, transport
lion 183,000, purchasing section $4.-
i i Ion 66 l,60, i :;
ection 181,606, s ctlon of the Bee
rotary General 146,691, BecUou of
Public Information 181,790.
The foregoing ll a resume of tho
work that has been done In Italy
and of expenditures ol the work
leniaiid a continuation of this work
'icing done. Should tho needs of war
Mid expenditures Of even grealtr
urns there Is no doubt that the people will respond,
ni r attended with los e I hal
iditurea or another mil
lion i i irlni for the wounded, in
o tar ai the amount of money to be
inlzed and accomplished with deft- expended is concerned, the Item of I paign of. extermination.
as . energy ami tact, it must have furnishing food to refugees and fan- Accordingly a number of a ten
en enormously expensive but it Hiei ol soldiers at tha front la glveulsfon poultry specialists were enl out
h worth many times what it coat first place in the work now being I by the Department, and tio era ade
. . a " -- . . , ... . , .
HI remarkable el feet on the mor-, done. I ins service Know u as ( anleen : which thev conducted bad the effect
not only of the people at home J Service consists of furnishing fif-
ut at the front where its maximum teen thousand rations daily which
It Isn't only In their amateur truck
gardens that oity dwellers are learn
ing to copy us community folks The
imitators uatura4i lug aorae distance
behind the originals, but it Ih a fad
that In the large towns chleki n ra
lug is now more than an experiment,
some montna ago toe uepanmoni ,.,,,, ideration, since tho
of Agriculture bei tme alarmed al the came .' a llmi when
speed with which poultry breeders needed bis mowej to pul In and hat
kiiiniK off i heir stock. Its
l breatened 1 1 ari Itj nl I ae I uggeted
to the breeders i ke pol ej of pla ring
safe while tie- still had aomethli I
sell, but the effect t esembled a
Bumper Crops Stiffen Allied Line,
Morale Country Districts
First in Liberty Loan
Only the farmers know the ex
treme difficulties which humpeied tin
production for the allies tbll yem
of the bum pet ciois noceaaary to
reed tic troops battling al tha H tro
pean fronts and the civilians working
tor llieni behind the lines.
Tin- public baa i ear i few tepo ti
of tha widespread aabotafo whleh
has wei k d lor the heiii'M! of tiie
l Inn, v. i" i her prai Meed In i as nun
of lieu, i in propagand i or I. vv
"eiiii :ii ion", Hul enoi is ra
yeah d ni the ti la ol tr.e I. W. W.'e
li I Yn ( fo 10 hl .i l ' in
have bten fn ' i im d
I w ho made free, n hi n ol
: .'. , ol In i alu 1 1 .i u an i rtj io
mite lb- lei ' to destrot standing cropa
and sioci nr.ii ti -.
hal vejrj bodj d ifl i know Is thai
the far ni r made good, and a Ith tha
conaervation throu ih tho Food ,.i
ministration'! autervlslon, kept tin
joiuiii) Vank In Prance, tbe (French
I'oilu and British Tommy with un
limited supplied of good wheat
Ob top of tin; the farmer set the
pace fo the rest of merlca with Ills
auh 'crlplloii to vir funds It v a
the agricultural dlatrlcta that tirst re
ported their 1 iotas oversubscribed
In the Third Liberty Loan.
Do ibth as it will be the farmer
who flrstropoit "Over Tha Top" In
the Fourth Liberty Loan, In spite of
the ii! tbal tile loan in bi Iwh a
. of au pre " it
PI; I in Is ci ly, liniii superficial
TI Ird Loan
the farmei
Cor Miller and C. Hts.
When Children Htart To Behoot,
Hchool starts at a time of ycir
wliefi III, i t In,,. i', of ,'casotix Im 111,,-tu
I " "
Hunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock ' " eoughs, colds, croup, hay
Week days Muss at 7 o'clock. I r"v"r ",ld "l""1'- 'rompt action at
. .... , the first sign of infection niuv In
Instructions for children Hatur , , ,, , M . ...
children In prime good health um
daya at 9 A, M. , li 1 j them to avoid losing time. Ko-
Hev. Father Francis. O. f, M. ley'a Money and Tar Is an Ideal bom.,
Hector, remedy. Bold by Reed Bros.
We will do your iub priming.
Ambu ."
Tjri:rT"r9c?TV "aBurfS-fw T-nitar,
Ul'iiV, X Ul ViXJKVit .4 P.e. or in War
Fully equipped liberal culture naxl -i iilillctlep, luonla. Si-i in I
.... I ' !. . . ft ....I .'...'. -. ' ,.i.. I. ,l ,! ....
I rill 11 III L' It! t.''l.M ,", ,,,,, 'ill, I !,. i,,.' , . , .. , . .,,, ,,,,
leu. !, 1,.1. Hi. in . V..r' '.In. ii im i Im! I." rls. I .ei-l I OiiSiiii.i r-lm- rl.
T I I'll, llillii. l.lll.lii v .,r' . .'.Inn .,"i , 'hi. l . ns. i nni I iin ,ui i km- n
1 m, :...,,-, s Inrli.ii . ntl Hm.-ii ((Imi in.:. I. ..., h.m, i ..-! . .1
3BP ll .1 .I.".i.l .,.,,. . .... i.l, .if. I "in, ,.ili.-, lirMtra,
f rl. . I .,. ' '- ' ' ' '. ' I I
','A . !..; . I til l i . .,l ' on s, .1 .... , I ,.
it m
vgv , :
' wv'mr.
r I I
I ... . i ,i Ii ii- IimIiV fill ' t 't v
U'rilr tli . ' '" U . J..L
'" . ' ',
.. I "i
& - M
Perfect Confidence
ras telt. A survey made in Julv
lows that up to that time relief
bad been distributed to nearly four
Iniidred thousand needy families of
t Idlers. At last reports the Amerl
n Hed Cross had In operation In
laly 41 kitchens with a capacity of
:i0,000 rations weekly. These were
antrlhuting to the comfort and sup-
of 13 1.000 families. It is main-
will take fourteen thousand tons of
food from the United States t ach
month and will be served from more
than one hundred kitchens. The
ervlce will cost $,1,300,000. The
nasi matter is the employment of
thoae who are able to do soma part
of checking the massacre and even
encouraging the backyard chicken
farmer In the big city, who found
that his stock could be maintained to
a great extent on table .craps.
Willi the advantages Ol a commun
ity like ours It is a positive ilm to
do better Hutu tbOM CltJ enhiislasls.
ill., immor ohm : . and V 1 , v. ,t!i
, laid in 1
ti", ! ii id be 11 call I upon in
1 all,
l It t eil 1 not Ii a . 111 : 111 il
i ' I'o 1 iii I., .in wi re noi
In . 1 in, hi t: . 1 Ird, 1 11 .1 1 a tha
gi . nn '-in 1 1 1 ,1 ror Inci
son ,1 c 'ii all ciops 1 nd a ipeciall)
on whea'. the great Western staple
to 1 1" : II lie at in Ol five mil
lion American troops with which it is
expected to crush tha linn utterly
next vi .ir
Kor wlnt.r win at iiloni-. It Is pro
poted to lucre. ise the area bv t.'i,-
000,000 aire,. These flguree provtda
for a iiiiuiiniim ol 513,000 a. les ol
No otliff wordi aarj drcrilM' i he relutipiiM
that slitnilil t'xint lftw' n a Bank Ulld i 1 m
Ii' you haven't confitleno- in th w umlnosn of a
bank, yo'i certainly will nol I Hit 'ut morn'y
to it.
This Bat.k inviien can -ful Inapce.ion of its
final ti;il ilrwnth and MUtiti bopii a rtii'thod".
We know they stre abovt criiiciam, but tho
Isjint is, we want ymi to !' v it.
When you have teamed, il.on we iollcit your
im inc h on our merits.
lleceni experimenl have gone
Onlng 4:5 work rooms where nearly lowing
iii the war. Twenty-eight workshops toward simplifying chickou-fccd
have been erected In various purts of problems, and though the majority
give employment to r us r D0 fanners, ot there are
A f 11 .ii if it- ii t if i ti . '
for this branch of American Ked
Croas Activity amounts to $ :i . 0 7 7 .
aree thousand women are employed
producing an average of 10,000
irments. There are nineteen health I 140. A colony for refugees from
Venetla near I'lsa Is caring for 2000
persons and before winter this will
probably be lucreaaed by $i,i.',
iters containing s.n 41; children
ftiore are twelve adult health centers
iring for an average of ;,0H persons
many in that majority who can find
time to do as much us the it-hred
bookkeeper - atari h. sputH
and all.
Archie Cross was In town yeati r
rM I, 4P
U3i -rv-l . HSTBiiW -r ' - , T iaT-v
tar I winter wheal In California, 600,000 in
Oregon, 764,000 in Washington, .
leai Iii Idaho, 156 in I tali, (6,000
hi Aii.on.i. mill 6,000 In Nevada. This
is an imieuse of eighty pen cem
over lid aoraagee ior vVaabtagtoa,
but ver linn Ii smaller inere.tics lor
slick pin the oilier states of the Twelfth Fed
eiiii Keeerve district.
In presenting these figures, the L)e
puitinent of Agriculture points out
that It Is absolute!) ueie-isuiy thai
a tremendous wheat crop be brought
in next year to renew somewhat the
1 rve supplies, accumulated from
the record crops of lfll-1916, and de
pleted thiough the ilepeniletii MJ of all
the allies 011 us.
There Is no doubt ill uu body's mind
that the American farmer will re
spond Instantly and effectively to uti
.1111. until p.c-ented to hllil, US this
one. by tho government.
There Is no doubt that the nutlve
wit and courage of the American
farmer will rout natural and criminal
enemies to his Victory crop s.iccess
us his sons urn outwitting and out
fighting the lluu from tho Vosgua
to I'icurdy.
There Is least of ull a doubt that
the American farmer will lug In his
reaponae to the cull of the Fourth
Liberty Ixtan hecauso of his Increased
re ponsiliiliiles 111 other directions.
It was Oregon, whose oichnnl I,
farniH uTid cattle oversbinlov ull her
other wealth, which first hoisted ll.o
Thtid Liberty Loan Honor King in
tho West, and it was that oilier
purely agricultural statu, lowu, which
barely nosed Oregon out of first place
11 tho national raca for the honor.
I loth Oregon and Iowa will ho the
special marks for all other states to
shoot at In the Fourth Liberty Loan
race. A dark horse probably will win
the acclaim due the first statu
to fill Its quota.
The answer of the nation to the
A in erl cun sized task of raising the
American-sized Fourth Liberty l.oan
must be prompt and overwhelming.
With American troops glorying in (he
laurels wrested from the boasted
best trained fighting men of the
win Id, those at home cannot return a
less emphatic response to the (ull
upon them.
Lot every mmi do his share.
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crank Company oregon
"Carry On" Lct'n Have Teamwork
WMti will best iiriu," honor iii his Town, iiis
( . .illil 1,1)1 i ;. ill . ti.e is ! : ' i j 1 1 . Io I iliiivdf
Un- one who delns s In Hit lili
Liberty I oiui or tin 'tis forwut'd will
ingly, prompt!) and VOl.UNTAItll !
oii know and we KIIOM WllUl lm- answer is nu
I.i i ii it ti to siitiMiiiie. it, at i- certain, mil. win
Noil do il I'I'.MMI'TI.Y, nn I withoiil lieing soilftlit out
mil reminded ol iliis dulj ''
In 'nip lint Oregon over (he lop I-'IHST your
application roi llli lilx-ilv Loan Honils must lie In
I ha ds of your hunk in the local Liberty Loan
Coiiiiiiillec ULlOltlC Saturday, Scplcinber 2Hlh.
Diui'l wnil a week, n iluv, AN HOUR. DO IT NOW.
Relng li.ic.l on Oregon's Honor Moll of "Volun
teer" sui,s( rilicis is tbe liiucst patriotic ilislim lion
a iv man, woillgn or cliilil cun linve.
As She Is Spoken.
The teacher wiim KlvliiK dictation for
a writing lesson. She beijaii "Once up
on a time "
"I'leiiKc, Icacher, what Is a punny?"
asked n little elrl.
"What do you nienn, I.lz.le?" galled
the teacher. "I do not underbuild
"You said: 'Once n ptinny tline,'"
The teacher explained by Improving
her enuinliiiiou.
Save your old lire !iae thern repaired
Bring them to our
Vulcanizing Department
which ia equipped in firat class shape
For your convenience we keep a supply of
at Narrows, Hiley, Alberson, Harney, Drewsey
and .lunturu
The Times-Herald Prinlafor Part' lar People