The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 07, 1918, Image 8

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    SI, Geo. Buchanan was In town Thurs
Rm J. J.
crea adjoining
Geo. Cawlfleld was In town Thurs
day. Untitling Loans and Investments
Harney County Abstract Co.
P. 8. Weitenhlllnr was registered
from Crane the other day.
Scott Haves was up Sunday bring
ing his son up to (titter high school.
Farm Loans on Irrigated ranches
Harney County Abstract Co.
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Rita were visi
.Jftftft5j HnnnnniiMMn
Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business June 99, 1918
Loajis and Discounts 1518,458.23
U. S. Bonds 105,312.50
Bonds and Securities 27,970.22
Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 3.000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00
CASH 140,494.98
Capital $ 50.000.00
Surplus Fund 50,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35.018.81
Circulation 50,000.00
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24.800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
Capital and Surplus
United States
Oregon State
The Times-JIerald
Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
The right place for your son Ml.
Angel College, St. Benedict, Ore.
Wm. Catterson was in town Thurs
day afternoon on business.
Phone B63 for your Fire Insur
ance Harney County Abstract Co.
Pat Connelly, the sheep man from ;
the Drewsey
action, was In town
The oldest Insurance Agency in
Harney County Harney County Ab
stract Co.
Arthur Beede was In town for a
few days this week looking after
some business matters.
I am shipping my Surprise Valley
grown alfalfa seed to this place this
season and find it in great demand.
Those desiring some of this fresh
seed should give me their order at
once. Chas. M. Faulkner.
J. . Simpson, traveling represen- ' Loa" ,I,r,Ve Mr "w" WttB con
tatlve of Blake McFall Co.. the firm ! j''" by .h,B w,fe 'ul ",tle dau8h'
that has been furnishing the news ' '
and Job stock material for this shop j j. i. Lowe was In town Thursday
for the past 26 years, was here this and informed The Times-Herald that
week looking after the wants of the j Mrs. Lowe and daughter and little
customers of that house. ; son had recently departed for Moun-
The Times-Herald is informed that l tain City, Tenn., where they will vla-
the parents of Henry Sberburn and
Oliver Belzaar, both of the Denlo
section, have received Information
from the government that their sons
had received wounds in the war of
such character that they were being I
aent home I
A. E. Brown was in Monday to
meet with the Liberty Loan repre-I
sentatlves. Mr. Brown stated to i
some of the boys that he was not !
able to go on the proposed trip to
organize over the county hut he
he could help some ami then handed
J. J. Donegan, county manager, a
check for $50. That's the way with
some fellows who are real fellows
I Prolonging Human Life.1
In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex
istence, every available resource in Nature's .store
house is utilized. These mut be classified and systern
ized and ready for use. This in the work of the
The intelliirent handling af this vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your phvsician, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but competent graduated pharmacists.
The Rexall Drag Store
Buy a War Saving Stasia.
Born- To Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald, Monday, Sept. 2, a
T. J.
Abstracts of Title Our Specialty.
Harney County Abstract Co.
C. V. Heed, the Sunset stockman,
was in town Thursday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Freeman were
in town from their Warm Springs
Valley ranch Thursday.
Mrs. J. W. Shown was down from
Hartley during the week the guest
of friends.
The Harney County Ahsract Com.
' panv now owns the U'ne Insurance
imsincss formerly ojvueu uy j. .1
i)negan. Give us a call.
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Morton and
Miss Helen King arrived over from
Mend Wednesday evening on a short
visit with relatives and friends. They
will return to Bend in a Tew days.
John Graves was among the dele
gates from other points Iitc to meet
with J. D. Zurcher last Monday after
noon, to discuss the coming Liberty
I it for a few months. Lem Is left en
tirely alone at present and says he s
: going to register on the 12th and of-
fer his services to Uncle Bam. He
! has one boy in the service now.
. , . .
L1yd ( ulP ln town to see us
yesterday for a few minutes. He said
he had cut five tons of hay this year
off the same ground that yielded
him 90 last year. However, ho has
plenty of hay and Is looking for some
more cattle to buy to help eat it. Mr
Culp Informs us that 400 tons of hay
sold in the Narrows section the other
day for $5.00 a ton, but II could not
be purchased for that price in his Im
mediate neighbor hood.
tors to our city the first of this week.
Horn Sunday. Sept. 1, to Mr. and
Mr. Geo. W. Kaycraft, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. K. ft. Hill and Mr.
Zola gomervllle are In I ha city from
the Denlo section.
Itv. W. F. Shlelda has decided to
locate lu Nyssa where he will be pus
tor of the Presbyterian church. We
coiiKratulHte Nyssa.
Found On the street Monday, a
new pair of tan kid sloven. Owner
may have them by proving; property
and payliiR for this ad.
Dt'an Morton came over from Dia
mond Wednesday ( I says. he's here
to look at the town and meet his old
time friends.
Ferd Tipton and his little son were
In town the other day to consult a
physician concerning the health of
the boy.
Fred Haines and wife and Mrs.
James Uunyard were in town Thurs
day. Mrs. Haines was makliiK proof
on Home land.
Patriotic Assurance Company.
Founded 1824 One of the oldeHt
and strongest Fire Insurance com
panies in the world. J. J. HoneKun,
Mrs. Millar announces that she
will have a display of hats at the
Schwartz store on next Wednesday
and invites the ladles of the commun
ity to call and see them.
B. O. Thompson, the government
repicsenlallve who was here In the
summer lu charge of the grasshoppe,
pest. Is again In this vicinity. Il-i
MUM In Thursday evening by way
of Lakeview and expects to remain
for a time assisting in locating the
egg deposits of pests ln this count;
Frank Johnson came over from
Prlnevllle the fore part of the k
and met W. P. Davidson, president
of the Orogoa ti Western ColonlM
lion Co., at Crane Wednesday Tiny
spent Thursda:. lu this city on hiisl
IMM going on over to i'rllieville the
following day.
Mr and Mrs. V. Cawlfleld vara
over from their home at Van Tues
day they having accompanied their
son over this far on his starting tor
the training camp to enter active ser
vile. They have two other sons who
are younger but who would volun
teer today If they could.
ft. Jacobson and M. It Mathews,
two infants who are well known
commercial traveling men, the for
mer with the J K. Gill Co.. the lat
ter with g grocery firm, spent a
short time In our city this week cal
ling upon their respective customers.
They ore making the Interior this
year In "Jakes" Cadillac.
Nollle Heed, accompanied by Mrs.
Harry C. Smith, left yesfrday morn
ing for North Yakima by auto. They
go to vst for a short time and to
bring Mrs. Heed back after an ab
sence of a few weeks In that neigh
borhood visiting with relatives and
putting up fruit for winter use. They
will b absent some ten days or two
Joe Carter, the fruit man. has es
tablished a fruit and produce stand
In the rooms adjoining Gemberllng's
store. His son Is in charge and they
expect to keep a supply of seasonable
fruit and vegetables on hand. If
they haven't what you want they will
try and get ft for you. Visit the
stand and get prices on fruit for can
ning and winter use.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 0
Miss Martha Hartley
part lire Wednesday
Welcome and
look their de-
morning for
Portland and other outside points of
Interest. The Weh oines are on
tbair vacation and Miss Mauley Is
returning to her work In Cortland
following u few weeks visit with rel
atlvos and friends in Mils vlclnliy
The Welcomes will liktl- take lu tbe
Hound up at Pendleton before
turning home.
I. ester Williams was one of the
outside members of Hit. executive
committee of the Fourth Liberty
Loan to be present last Monday af
ternoon to discuss details with J. D.
.irrclier, who was here from Port
1 land. Me was accompanied by his
wife and Mrs. W. H. Johnson. The
latter told The Times-Herald man
that Bill had gone to I'rlnevllle and
had staled upon leaving that the
ranch should not be left alone (this
was his reason for not taking Mrs.
Johnson with him) so she decided to I
run away and thus prove to him that ,
the ruin li could be left without either
, of tlieni being on it to hold It down
Born Sunday, Sept.l, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Choat, a son.
Otus HlienWe' wak a business vis
itor during the latter part of this
In the future as ln the past, It will
be our aim to serve you. -Harney
County Abstract Co.
Mrs. Dan Varlen lias gone to Cali
fornia to visit for a time. Sho left
tills week.
Mr. and Mrs W. D. Huffman
I were among our visitors from the
; southern part of the county during
the week.
Miss Lulu Mayes was In the city
the fore part of this week. The
young lady Informs The Times Her
ald that she will teach this year.
T. G. Howser and his son Darrell
were over from Ontario during the
past week on a short visit and to
spend a few days In the mountains
before the opening of school.
Miss Agnes Foley took her depar
ture yesterduy morning for Seattle
where she goes to resume liirt" studies
lu the Holy Names Academy for the
coming year.
Hugh Tudor was abuslnesa visi
tor from the Stein Mountain cTiun
try yesterday. He states his sheep
are doing very well, considering the
dry season.
W. H. lit ram. C. A. Moore and Hoy
Klphart were among our visitors
from Callow Valley during the first
of this week. Mr. Moore was here
to make proof on his land and the
other two gentleman were hi wit
nesses. J. N. Jensen, Kalph Weaver and
Sam Tlmhrell were all up from
Crane Moa.iav to nasi with the axae-
illlve committee of the Fourth Liber
ty Loan and to take up the detuils of
the coming drive with J. I) Zurcher.
special representative from headquar
ters. Mrs. J. K. Slicemore and her chil
dren came in Sunday to be In readi
ness for school, but Virgil found It
necessary after registering to return
to the ranch for a short time to as
itst Mr. Sizemore in putting up the
balance of the cr.ips before entering
school for the winter.
J (' llcatty was In Trom his Trout
Creek home this week, having ac
companied bis two sons over to enter
the high si boid Colli are now lo
cated and doing fine with their
school mates. These boys are Har
ney county products that havo re
sided In tbe big outdoors all their
lives and are the kind of boys that
make good with their fellows wher
ever they are put.
Some friends were kind enough to
stake out a buck deer for the benefit
of Sam Mothersheud and Chas. M.
Faulkner (at least that's the story
being told) but It appears even then
they couldn't gel up the courage to
shoot It. At any rate these two fel
lows had been camped in the moun
tains for two days looking for a deer
when Chas. Itohn came up and within
:i0 minutes from the time he struck
the camp he had bagged tbe buck.
J. B. Italciiinh, the civil engineer,
was In town the fore part of this
week. He Informed The Times-Herald
that he had been engaged In war
work in connection with marine
drawing and harbor protection more
Of less for some IRtta time past, do-
iug the work at his home but bad re
cently received a summons to appear
in Portland, Me doesn't know what
Is expec ted of li I in on Ills arrival but
arranged to take his family and pre
pared to remain there for an ludefln
Its time. They left Thursday morn
lug, goi'.g out by way or I'rlnevllle lu
their car.
Cal Gecr Is c rippling around with
a badly sprained ankle which he was
iiuforiuuaie enough to hurt while
coining over the mountains recently
from Kiddle. Ma is one of the in
dustrlous "young'' men of this com
munity, being Hi, and his Injury In
terferes with his activities as he
wants to cut the weeds around his
properly, fli the fence and get ln his
winter's supply of wood. Mr. (leer
Is capable of doing all this If he la
not handicapped by having to wear
"ne of his son Irwin's shoes, which
has been tbe case the past couple of
r? r
Your bonds are now
ready for delivery.
Please bring your receipts.
t '.'srztLZi
A. A. Kelnman was In, town Mon
day on business. . , .rp
Jatpav.'Kfth and family at again
at their hurtic In this illy after an ab
sence of the summer.
FOR SAL! Several head of good
milk 0OWI and heifers, also u young
I bull.. Beef stock
THBO, crane Ore.
Oall Barnes and wife are back
from an extended tour of Idaho, Mon
tana and adjoining states. Mr.
Barnes states they expect to return
to Idaho where they will locate.
Mrs. Joe Fine, who was burned In
the lire that destroyed the family
home in Barren Valley and in which
their three small children perished.
. ... ... ..... ..... .... ...... c
i 1
ttas oro.igi.. . ...v ,or """" r,,.f ,, wMI ,, ahIe t0 r(,Mim,
treatment and Is now In the hospital. UNUH, vo,.aMon Mrpl Ilbb, lnf-
.-.ue ,n re..r..,g. , ,,,, ,,,. vVllllam desire
Judge H. ('. I.ev.-ns and Controls-
shiner 1 I. Mass were passengers
out on Wray's Stage yesterday morn- j
iug en roule to Portland where they
go to be present at the demonstration
of tractors tne coming week with a
road machinery should they find It
to the best Interests of the county.
Judge Levees stated to The Times
Herald that he would likely be absent
about a week.
Burns Cash Store
Harney Eounitj Natitraal Bank
Bums, Oregon
We write all kinds of fire
ance. If you can't call. I'lion
B63 Harney County Absnut 0
You will never regret hat lug (
your son a college education.
Angel College, St. Benedict. Oral
Wanted- 20 head young,
work hroses, broke, five to
years old. Good mares prcf
Address Kastern Oregon Land
Ontario Oregon.
Frank Dibble and wife and Bl
Bauer came In from Silver Cf
Thursday evening. They had
camping in the mountains for
days when Mr Bauer got sninettl
In one of his eyes and It was ne
sary to come to a doctor to lisrl
removed. The young man secal
enlist recently. He was absent
eratlng a passenger auto at Ci
Lewis at tbe time and wrote
mother he expected to enlist.
came to Portland, disposed of hi
and was readv to carry out his ini
lions when his mother surprised I
by coming to Portland. Thet dle
sed the matter and the toung I
finally decided to wait and mice
turn with tbe coming reglstraioi
ft . V" r.'? taw y nffhTr
We have a complete line
of Tablets, Pencils, Color
ed Crayons, Pennoldrs and
other school supplies to fit
out the children Come in
. .-- lll.CC