The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 07, 1918, Image 2

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    bTkat ueTptTiiTirFiOfiH itwiiiwiSkiT
........... ui im .m.i i .mi imuUKU iii-
(t.mihi.iI outlet for rattle raisers in
the lroiiRlit Ht'fl let cil iireun
Thi (lilted States Food Admlnls
button Issues the follewlliir:
The extreme drought In Texan,
Oklahoma, and other sections of the' Marguerite Clark's father wax a
Month est, which also affects Mon-I prominent merchant or Cincinnati.
tana end certain areas In adjacent Ohio, while her mother wan one of
Mates In the Northwest, is amfanger- the social leaders of that city. None
inn the meat herds in these great
eat tie producing section. A an
Immediate result the present cattle
rami are r0 percent heavier than in
the rorrespordiiiK period of last year.
The larger part of this atock is helow
the most deslratde market weight!
ami would normally remain on the
ranges until It had attained a larger
growth. So In f al m pracllcnhe tlMM
tattle lire lielng moved lo seclions
where conditions of nniss. grain,
and water arc more favorable The
surplus must, li'iv ever, he handled,
The Food Administration, there
fore. Is for the present releasing the
meat restrictions This Is iilioul one
monlli earlier than was originally
contemplated. It is desired, however
to continue 111" same careful regard
for iTiiiiiuiiiy In heel' and in all es;en
tin i food as a measure to safeguard
the future.
There i- always a liberal run of
tl; lighter cattle at this season of
the year, hut the present supply Is
nii-cssive. I'ractically all of the
heavier and fatter cattle are more
nended for export purposes for our
own armed forces and those of our
allk's because, on account of their
thk'kncsv and fatty covering, they ,
are lesn subject to deterioration dur- ,
iiik transfer from curs to ships and
freeaers when they are not protected
hy refrigeration.
In rescinding regulations which1
prohibited public eating places from
effing heel more than once a da) I
and in releasing the householders
from their voluntary
of her relattres had ever been on the
' professional stage and It Is a perpet
ual wonder to Miss (Mark herself
how she came by her love of the
NtiiKe and drama, and most espec
ially the motion picture.
She went to a convent in Ohio
alter her mother and father died
and while she was sill very ynuiiK
and II was there ami under the lutel
atf;' of and older slHter that she re
worked in a few amateur plays and
made such a remakahle reputation
for herself thai her lame spread
thfQUgUOUl the middle west.
Later Miss Clark made her debut
in musical Comedy and theme went
to the drama. Rome of the better
known stage productions in which
Miss Clark was seen in the early
part of her cureer are: "Jim th Pen
mini," "Baby Mine," "Affulrs of An
tole ' and "Snow White "
The latter production was taken
as a basis for one of Miss Clark's
most famous moving pictures later In
her career. Other pictures In which
the charming little actress has ap
peared are: "Wlldfiower," " i'ho
Crucible," "The (loose Girl," "(irei
na Green," "I'retty Sister of Jose,"
"Seven Sisters," "Still Waters, Die
Prince and the I'auper." "Mice auu
Men." ' Out of the Darkness, " "Molly
Make Ilelleve.' "Silks and Satins,"
'Little Lady Klleen," "MIsh George
Washington," "The Fortunes of rifi"
"The Valentine Girl, The Ainu
sons," and the first of the tenons
"llab, the sub deb" stories by Mary
ituichiirt. "Hub's Diary"
Kitther than lake the chain:- !'
I planting pure or impure send many
Oregon farmers are planning to have
1 their seed tested this year. The
practise has already ' been followed
with success In many dlclrlcts, but
is unusually necessary this year due
to high prices and scarcity of seed.
I This scarcity Indicates the need
' of planting none but the best pure CREDIT
I seed of high vitality. To assure this
I the seed must be tested for purity
land germination. Farmers not In a
' position to make this test themselvus
are Invited to send samples of the
1 1 to the testing laboratory of the
Agricultural College and li. H. De
partment of Agriculture, at Corvallii
lore. Kvery citizen oi Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana and Y)omlng
is entitled to send hH seed mr Ire
test by an expert. The report will
Mow the percent of purity, noxious
weeds. Inert mailer sliclis, dirt.
chaff, -lc and the kind and numb, r
per pound Of in ll weed seed.
Samples should lie taken In such
manner as to he representative. In i
sampling a Mink of grain part should
he taken from the top, pun from the
middle and purl from the bottom of
the sack. These sumples should be
thoroughly mixed and a small test
sample' taken. This Is to he labeled
and milled to the College seed tstlng
' o
United States Sent to Allies
141,000,000 Bushels
of Wheat.
AMKItlCAN POOD siiir.Mi:.Ts
TO A 1. 1. IKS
Allies Got 844,800,000 Pounds More
Mtst and Pats In 1917-18
Than In Year Before.
Cor Miller and C. Sts.
Sunday High Mass at 10:30 o'clock
Week days Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Hatur
days at A. M
Rev. Father Francis, O. F. M.
We will to your job priming.
When Children Start To Mrhool.
School starts at a time of reai
when the change of seasons Is llkcl.
to cauHu coughs, colds, croup, Im
fever and asthma. I'rompt action ;'
the rirst sign of Infection may keep
children In prime good health and
help them to avoid losing time. Fo
'ey's Honey and Tar la an Ideal homu
remedy. Sold by Reed Bros.
I Old 17.,
Ilii' 18..
g.lOO.flOO.OflO lbs.
:t,ni lbs
Increase, 844,900,000 Iba
IUHl I" !IMM)OO,000 bu.
1017 18 840300,000 Im.
Increase. . . Wi.Ihkmkh ,u
1'iilly eiinipiieil liberal endure nml HmrtlJIeeViwir
Icnliiioii in Commerce, JiiiiriuiliMMi, Arr ! lerlur ,
Tearhlns, Library Word, Muslr, lliiimeliulit t n. I ' .. siral I .
MWliirv S. i. m.i-in rl. ". ..I A. i. .'i. i nnj lirilUS i.lll'i .".
till ii,-li.-ilnii-, Im.i-il i.n -..i-rl-in i- I PfMtfftl -,,tr. fi'-n:.' - I
I. Hi. ..I. 'ill r.-.-..i it. I. il l..f I .. ui.iii.'liiit.. I '
I'nllli.ii I'lll-J:. I U.i-,.ry il Vi.ii.iII . Imiiii-.. Ik r - : . .In, ,
'nl till n. Lily I."- . ir li,- ,1 . 1 - .
agreement to ! Roberts
arlail purchases to 1 '-j peund: per which will be : how 11 at the Libert)
week Including bone, the Food AdVjTheatre tomorrow night.
iniiiistiat ;on requests that this freer Unlike most ol her fellow actresses
of heel be restricted .1 far .1. M Clark is iu'. a sportswoman and
practicable to the cattle which dress frankl) admits thai she prefers a
under 47.". pounds. To achelvc thl good book and an easy chair to the
the retell meat markets are asked to itrenuous enjoyments of riding,
M&allae In the use of these lighter m itorlni or golf.
lyittU' and families and patrons of
nil public anting places are requested
to patriotically accept beef of this
weight, even though they have hereto
lore been ac ustomed to using the
heavier beef only.
The desire of the Food Adminis
tration at present is not primarily to
whole, but to induce a preference In
increase the consumption of beef as a
favnr of the lighter weight cattle, of
which we have an abnormal surplus
This will bring about a conservation
of the heavier cattle needed for our
nold a rs and for export to our allies.
Al the same time it will afford
A I I I'.iirii t. Allss Clark has no
rival.-, for she uas already knitted
twenti leven sets of mufflers, wrist-,
lels and socks for the lied Cross. a
record which it Is sufe to say few can
We learn that the Kaiser has cul- i
led an imperial council to consider '
pluus for the future.
We don't blame him for disliking
to think about the present
Th" bust that the (jermuiis can say
about their military maneuvers at
present I.- that they have a retreat
Kach day every Amerlcuii soldier
In France is confronted by a great
duty. Our army there has a great
task to perform for our country, for
the world, for civilization, ami for
humanity, our soldiers are doing
their duty with a courage and fideli
ty and efficiency that thrill every
Bach da every American cltlsen
al home is confronted by a great it n t
a duty as Imperative upon him or her
i. the dun of our soldiers li upi.
them. The Amor'cau people have
great tusk to perform, n la to up
port 10 the limit oi their ablllt) our
Army, our Navy, our country al war
To work with Increased energj and
1 li lent ) ..I bat our national pro
ductlon maj be Increased; to econo
ml.e iii consumption so that more
material ami labor and transport-!
Hon may lie left free for the uses of
the Government; and with (he re-l
sultuut suvlngs to support the Gov j
eminent rinanclallv Is the daily duty
of every Aim-rliim it is a duty tlyt
Will he met by every American whose
heart Is with our soldiers in France,!
who glories in their courage and
fighting ability and their success
"Work or fight " Congress does
both over most of the bills offered
for its consideration.
.... ., . work or right congress does
present is that they huve a retreat . ,.
both over in. 1 1 of the bills offered
Xpert in charge.
for Its consideration,
Ik- ""U JfiJSyk Mm plE
s- T)-, Ak!r,7Zt. sZL
In splie of 11 Niihiiormnl food supply
III this country the American people
bine been able to ship lo the Allies
as well lis our own forces oversells
I 11,0011,000 bushels of wheal, besides pounds of meat, luring the
year ending June .'to lust. This has
been iniide possible by the whole
souled co -opera I Ion of the people,
who. besides practicing selfdenlnl,
have speeded Up production and re
spomli d nobly to the upK'iil from
s broad,
Food Administrator Hoover, in a
letter lo FreeldetM Wilson, gives a
brief sninmnry of the results of food
ennsen nlloli In the tidied Stales and j
of Hie artlvltlee of (he Food Admin- I
1st ration lo lids end The eoiiservti-
Hun measures have been put through 1
prot'tlenll) on a voluntary imis which
is i-,-.;i...ii as 11 splendid tribute !
id.- pntrlotlsin or the American eo!e,
Men I shipments were Increiisrd Ml.
ihsiihmi iMiiinds during (he lir-si flseill
year, hi cninpared 'ith our tiient ea- i
ports during the year before AiueriOai
entered lite war.
"The total Miiue of Ihcee food icii
ineiiis." Mr. iiooM-r wrote I'reeidenl I
With. hi, "which were In llie main pur-
1 based ibioia-l. or wllh eollnborallon
of the Food Administration, autonni
10, roundly, 8t,4UfJ,uulUHW during the
llscnl year."
In I'-Hli 17 the Culled Stales sent
he Allies JUdBOOOyOOQ pounds of
iiienl. In I'.II718, Willi voliiuliiry con-
Hirvaiioii practiced in America, and
aided bv inlrii Weigh! of 11 I1I11111 Is, we
I sent I he Allies ' .11 1 1 . 1 1 XI i Sin pounds of
at. an im loose of si i.ouuawo
iir. I ii!-' iir. Or, , Ii.r ,li,i-l. ! I In.' 1. !
rrgi i , ,- i
.2.-.W ..i. -' rii ii-ki.m
eJgff! WkSTHU.t.I.VU, . oIll '- .JL.
Rum.' Tif'mmm Jhn iKsa , .. 4'x.:
" i
vj eji
-'c.rla. a
J,. M, "V
-lining for Efficiency
ui Par. or la War
ri'Mi,. Spaifil
.j Wg Mraielne
tiiial 1 1'iiM- ArlH.
tr- uttil Im-II irli
rl in ii i w, hi -ii.'-s-,
II . r. :.
iii'l mn ii.
Perfect Confidence
No other wordu can dMcrihu the reltttfotiM
that thoilld cxint betwocn a I'aiik and it h
If you haven't confidence in tli sr unclnr8B of
bank, you certainly will not b list your mon-y
to it.
This Bark invites carcf"! itvpeetion of its
financial strpnjrth and founi blialna method".
We know they are tboVi criiicism. Lut the
riint is, we want you to km w it.
When you have learned, then we solicit your
business on our merits.
The vaults of Ihr I'. S. Treasury again need
refilling. Ever Increasing expenditures ntccssary
io hasten the end d tin Wur, the Kcciiiuu up and
lluckinu-uu ol "Oui boys," the Sn-.i ,. of ii,,.
Allied Nailons and their Peoples, the Pcrticitm
lion of Jtcmociai and llcsli'lll lion nl Allli r
racy require the unstinted sacrifice Ilia lo
TUUIt IJl'.M, MJ1 MAII'l. "I'.ll
vThe Rve of the ll!i Liberty Loan Is here.
FIRST in ever patriotic endeavor, oUKdON
Willi mora
lo ucril irr
ll Ills illllv
hoiiik over
i every true
cannot, m II not, ilmll Ml falter NOW.
lo work for, lo for, more
lor- even tun OrcMoniun will mukc
1,1 "'' nun i n win ui)'.', ih:'i:at i.
Il'e iii r 1 1 :S I unci- MUnin
While i li. rnmpaiuti dues not ofricialli Marl
until ... ,.i-ml.i i liSlh", we will sn voluntarily
pledge om subscriptions and anticipate our
i"," In, ,' ,,'," hs- '""" "", county mi, il,i slate
ll Wll.l. m. VVHRN IT'S OPRNRDV,
i in sin Uaaan Less (.uuumig
Wheat Saving Enormous.
When tile lood Adiiiliilsl ml loii lias
fan oierntlons In die sinniner of I it 1 T.
ids country ns fiu-tiiK u large dellelt
in iie, 1 1 Cogntlng in nil carryover
m In-ill from Hie llllll crop, c liud lit
the lieglnnlng of the I'.iit harveai year
just enough sbee I to lake cure of
America's normal ponauinptloB. ool
llllsliei of Mlll'illls
Al i he dims of the IPIT-H tuirest
rear U Kood Administration's official
i"iior,s showed linn out total wheat
shipments to the other side hud been
i inisiicis, Kvery bualial
-.iniiie.i whs wheal saved bj the
American people from uwir normal
In i-en-iiis iiiiii cereal producta ra
iiuced to terms of eereal boabels our
shipments to Allied deetlna lions i-ra
.",10 SIMI.IMHI Imshels. SO.', II M I.I Sill hushela
more th.ui H' n ,, sent III I010-1T,
Included in these figures are I8,B00V
'Hio bushels of rye and llie MI.0U0.O00
bushels of saved wheal In nddition
we ienl the neutrals dependant on us
III.IMHIIHMI IlllshelS nl irline lll-elldstlltTS.
"rhe-e Bgurea do aoi full) convey
llie volume of the elToil mid Miirlllct)
umde during the iuhi year by ib'e
u hole American people," the, l-'.niil Ad"
mini .1 no or Wrote, "I Hill sure that
nil the millions of our people, nut'lc'iP
m nil us well ,is urbiin, who bin m-
irlhuied to these results should real
I w ii.iiiiiie sal lif act Ion t im t in
M-nr of uulveraal t i shortages in
the Northern Hemlspliere, Mil of ihoag
people Joined together Ugailial Ii.r-
many cajne through to the new bar.
vest, not only wllh henltli it nt I streiiKtb
fully maintained, hut with only tcio-
poriiry periods of liuidslilp.
"It Is illlllciilt lo dl.-lliiirnlsh lio-
Iween vnrloiis sections of our people
... i i. ii i. .. ..
MM- iioiili-n, i'iiimi. i-iiioif; imici's, loon
trade, urban or sgrlcvltnral popalg.
lions -In nssessim; credit for these
results, hut no one will deny the dou
in. mi purl of llie AiiitIciiii Womeu.
"Bike" Revived Again.
r , . i i, in. ,., ui in,,.i . ...., i in , I,,,,, ),,. i
;l... 1,1,.,-, l.. i.iis I. .i-. In i .il.iiii, ll,.. ,. ...
. ,,, .,,,. -, h '." ......
Hull llie horse hns glVHI Up lo the nil
toiuohiie ns ii pleasure whlcle have an
othei guess, The wur hns given added
Impulse to wheel iiirtnitfacture acc'ord
ing to n wheel siiiesuiiui quoted in the
iioston Post, and outside of the (hou
nd betas' inaiii' for our iroopn across
the wiiter matt) mora wheels ire belns
iniidi- lor llie Allien. .in public, n lul'gCI
D umbel ii.nii in foi met veurs.
The Bap ITraoeUoo Libert; Lou
Cotnuittteu hns adopted Iba stialgbl
geograpblcal oahvass for the Fourth
Liberty Loan campaign, and iba
'"'' districts Of Hie olt) Inn,- ,,.,.
given uanias of sectors of the Aiiiod
butt lo 1 1 in, i
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
5ct s
Save your old Tires - Iiave them repaired
Bring them to our
Vulcanizing Department
which is equipped in first class shape
For your convenitned we keep a supply of
ut Narrows, Riley, Alliorsun, Harney. Drewsey
and Juntum
4g.'.4Bjagmmmaaagi ;mmWammmmsmmVSmmma WmmsmSaaarV'af
The Times-Herald Prints for Par." b.r People