The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 07, 1918, Image 1

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nry liohntr 10jun4
The TImea-MeraM
The Times-Herald In an oM
eat!ilihed friend of (he people
of Harney Oonirty where It bM
been weekly visitor for thirty
yearn. It' Job department I
equipped to serve your need.
giilnrly to more homM In llar
nry Ceaaty than aay other
newspaper. If yon wish to
reach the people pae these col
umn for jror advertisement.
She WiM$MtMh
Meeting During Week at Which
Plant Were Perfected to Put
Drive Over on Schedule Time.
State Field Manager to Help.
A mooting was held in tlhs city
lust Monday afternoon when Field
Manager J ! Burcher wan hero
from Portland and met with the ex
ecutive committee and representa-
thes from the several districts
throughout the county. At that
time the details of the coming drive
were considered and the organiza
tion perfected. It waa decided to
have some ladle on the committee
in the several districts and Mm.
tirace D Lampshtre of this city was
maili chairman.
Mr. Znrcher explained the plan of
ramps icn and the hope to put us over
by the first morning and alo stated
during his remarks that he had been
assigned to help in thla territory and
would return for that purpose. He
.ilso stated that It was planned to
get an exhibit of war trophies for
this place during the period of the
drive. A soldier will be one of the
speakers during the proposed tour
of this county and a large delega
tion of citizens have signified their
Intention of making the tour. In
cluding several ladles, therefore each
place should be prepared to meet
with the war workers and give them
"in h assistance as possible.
A meeting has been called for this
afternoon for the purpose of discus
sing with the executive committee
the rating and an equitable method
of arriving at the quota of -each
inward this loan. Representatives
have been Invited from the several
(immunities of the county and It is
hoped to arrive at a means of placing
the amount each should subscribe to
the loan.
The tour of speakers has been def
initely arranged and the dates fur
nished each community.. -
The organization for this county
James J. Donegan. County Mana
ger, Hums, Oregon.
Mrs. Grace B. Larapshiro, County
t'halrman Woman's Division, Burn,
Wm. Farre, Secretary, Burns, Ore
Ron, j
1'iibliclty H. C. Leonard. Chair
man. Chester Dalton. M. A. Biggs,
all of Burns, Oregon. Mrs. Wm. Fi
ner, ( rane. Oregon; Mrs. J. I). Smith,
Drewsqy. Oregon.
Card Index W. W. Oould. Chair
man. Chester Dalton. John Caldwell
P T Itaii.lall. W. Y. King.
speakers and Entertainment- Fred
J Williams, Chairman. Mra. J. L.
.aull, Miss Drusa Dodson. Mrs.
Frames Clark, Mra. B. K. Italston.
4 Minute Men- Geo. S. Blzeinore.
Transportation Ed. C. Kggleston.
Rating Committee To be named.
Soliciting Committee. Burns Dis
trict. Joseph Thompson. Chairman,
fhas Lewis, Chairman, N. K. District
No j R, L. Haas, Chairman, 8. K.
District No. 4; Harry Smith. Chair
man N. W. District No. 1 ; Joe Thomp
n, chairman 8. W. District No. t.
County Kxecutlve Committees
Bf'RNS- Men C. F. McKinney,
chairman. J. L. Gault, I. W. Oeer Sam
Motbershead, Chas. W. Kills, Wm.
Farre, J. C. Byrd. Women Mrs. K j
K Purlngton, Chairman. Mrs. J. L. '
'iault. Mrs. Sam Mothershead, Mrs
Wm Farre. Mrs. Julia Smith. Mrs
Jessie Mogllen.
DENIO M. J. -O'Connor. Chair
man, Mrs. D. D. Deffenbaugh, Mrs ;
i in J fill. .virs. l. if. Hamilton, Mrs I
Wm. Sherhurn, Mrs. BttgOHa Hath- '
ANDKJBWg Geo. A Smyili, Chair
man Mrs Mart Alberson, Chairman.
Mrs Waller Ross, Mrs. Sam Klllolt,
11 Wm. I). Huffman, Miss Alice
CATLOW Jud Wise. Chairman,
" - Julia Wise Mrs Arthur Page,
Mrs Florence i,ewl. Mrs. Kllen
RUwait, Mrs. Kd. Tulloih.
DIAMOND U. H. Brown, t'halr
man, M. Horton, Mrs. Cassi. Smyth,
'hs. Comegya, Mrs. Anna Haines,
Mrs. ('has. Comegys, Mrs. Corey
KTyth. Mrs. R It, Brown, Mrs. Fay
1 """Ky. Mrs. Millie Patterson.
"P" RANCH - Mrs. Tom Allen,
Arihur Page.
f'HANK J. Ralph Weaver, 8am-
"-! Ttrubrell, J. N. Jensen, A
K. I
- - - ii- j- - 4 . . .
" ' - ! . H . i . . i ..! - - . " 1 1 i in i " 't ' ' ; '
. , ,, . . ,. ,. ,. ., .,,.,. -. - A -. . - -'--? ", - t
Brown, Andra Urpuirl, Mra. Will
Fiser, Miss Kthel Turner, Mrs. Ferry
Welttenhlller. Mrs. Ktta Rucher, Mrs.'
J. K. Weaver. ,
HAHNRY-lra Mahon, Geo. Buch
anan, (tad llowser. Fred Haines, I. I..
Poujade, Mrs. Julia Clark. Mrs. Leni
Lowe, Mrs. I. L. Poujade. Mrs. Rob
ert Irving, Mrs. Ira Mahon.
LAWK.N John (Iravos, L. B. Hay-!
es, Lloyd Johnson, 8cott Hayes R. R. j
Bite. Mrs. R. R. sit.. Mrs. Lloyd John
son, Miss Lulu Hayes. Mrs. Jeriyi
Dillon, Mrs. Fred Otley. 8r.
DRF.WSKY c. W. Drinl water. I
I'-'d. J. Howard. Ceo t. (.. u ... .'i.nn '
Wilbur. W. A. Robertson. Mrs. Clar
ence Drlnkwater, Mrs. Len Stallard,
Mrs. J. D. Smith, Mrs. Wm. T. Van
derVere, Mrs. Wm. Altnow.
S1LVIKS Dave Craddock, Archie
.Cross, Mrs, Waller Cross.
S1LVKR CKEKK--It. J. Williams,
R. L. Hutton, Lester Williams, Wm.
B. Johnson. W. L. Beat. Mrs. J. C.
Cecil, Mrs. Wtn. Spencer. Miss Kdna
Vanderpool. Mrs. T. J. Shields. Mrs.
Frank Dibble.
NARROWS- Joseph Morris, Geor
ge Cawlfteld. C. V. Reed. Geo. W.
Simmons, J. H. Henderson, Mrs. Rob
ert Cole. Mrs. Wm. Harris. Mrs. Wm.
Dunn. Mrs. Bd. Anderson. Mrs. Geo.
VAN James Anderson. Thos
Cleveland, Joe Llllard, Mrs. ('has
Lilian? Mrs. Thos. Cleveland. Mrs.
John Ott. Mrs. C. F. Landtag, Miss
Roberta Smith.
WARM SPRINGS- J. K. Sizemore.
Mrs. Harry Golden. Mrs. Henry Pease
Mr. J. K. Sizemore. Mrs. Al Cote,
Mrs. Wm. Fay, Mr. Manual Saunders
Miss Alice Hurlhurt, Miss Esther
ALBKHSON Frank H. Clerf,
Chairman. Mrs. Nick Vowgtly, Mrs.
Hugh Tudor. Mrs. Manual Clark,
Mrs. Frank H. Clerf. Mrs Wm
I). II. Sinvth Jr.. Jii. Paul. B. II
Clark. Mr. D. H. Smyth. Mrs. J. R
Jeiiklm. Mra. James Paul. Mrs. J. F
Mahon. Mrs. Claude Smyth.
F1KLD8- J. M. McDade. Chair
man. Mrs. M. Mi)ou. Jok.u McLaln.
Mrs. Blair. Mrs. J. M. McDade, Mrs
Cbarolett Sl.urgeon.
Sh- in I sli.-cp Ciinuiiiitiy
A nil res t'qulrl. Crane. Peter Kgos
cue, Andrew. Joseph Garcia. Denio,
Frank Kuney. Catlow, Jeanne Roux.
James L. Gault, who lias been
cashier of the First National Bank
In tills city for several years and who
has brought it up to a most efficient
and important financial institution,
has tendered his resignation to the
directors of tbat concern and will
leave about October 1st for Spokane.
where he has accepted a responsible
position with the Spokane Cattle
Loan Co.
This Is one of the big hanking con
cerns of the Northwest and is under
the direction of Armour ft Co. It
has hail considerable business con
nections In this community during
the past years and with Mr. Gault on
the Job It will no doubt be a greater
factor In tho stock industry of this
Mr. Gault gave the writer this In
formation today, having Just wired
his acceptance. He will retain his
Interests in the local Bank and be In
close touch with the business Inter
ests of this community as his new
position will give him an opportunity
to '""tlnue to be of service to his
old time customers and friends.
lC.-,.t,i Ihii rituullu .if ih' l..-,l!ni
trials wjlh hogs In pounds of gain
for each bushel of i-orn fed, or 1
pound of gain for every pounds
of corn, Is all that should be oxpec
ted from feeding apm alone in a dry
lot. A mixture of one part tankagu
and nine parts corn gives much boi
ler results, usually producing 1
1 pound of gain for every 4.B pounds
of the mixture fed.
The ! mi ii i it of grain tuieded to
' produce a pound of gain Is Aonsldor
1 ably lessened If the hogs have access
! to green forage. Corn fed to grow-
Ing shotes on rape should produce 1
I poound of grain for every 3.07 lbs
I of grain fed. The addition of some
! highly concentrated feed, such as
'tankage, meat meal, shorts, or lln
'seed meal, should reduce by one-
half to three-fourths of a pound the
quantity of grain necessary to pro
dure n pound of gain.
To all Mothers and "Wives of men In Their Country's Service:
The Fourth Liberty Loan Drive in be launched In till county
on Saturday, September 21st with, IHg street parade and public
speaking In Burn, details of which will fcf found elsewhere In thla
Issue. The main feature of this parade will be the representation of
the Mothers and wive of Harney County who have son and hu
lianils iii the scrxlce.
To these noble women who have (riven their sons and husbands
to the cause The Kxceutlve Committee of the Fourth Liberty Ijoanv
Drive gives greetings and extends the hospitality of Burn for this
day. It shall be their pleasure and privilege to do homage lo yon and
you are urged to he present and carry our service flag In the parade.
Other feature for your entertainment and pleasure are being plan
ned anil a committee of Mothers will welcome you at the Commercial
Club Booms from HI A. M. to 1 1'. M. on Hal unlay, September 21st.
where you are to register and get Instructions for the formation of
the parole. '
Will you not each one make an especial effort to he present
thus --honing again your splendid patriotism and your pride In "The
one who won't come home till the victory' won."
ThurmUy, September 12th HIM,
has been designated by the Pre
sident of (he I lilted States as
registration day, for the regla
t rat Ion throughout the nation of
all men between the ages of
eighteen and forty-five, Inclu
sive, for military service, and In
accordance with the suggestion
of the Chairman of the State
Council of Defense and also of
the Provost Marshal, General'
office, I, Sam Mothershead, .May
or of the City of Burns, do liens.
by proclaim that every flag In
the city of Burns he displayed on
the above date and that the peo
ple of this City render every pos
sible assistance to the prompt
and efficient completion of this
work. Oeneral CmvVder says "I
iv. int to have every flag flying
and cut) Hand plating on regis
tration dii)", and let us comply
with this i-ciicst so far us It la
l(csH-ct fully,
, created by the war for those skilled
Reception Committee- Mrs. Julia ;! these two lines. Mra. Kloise Under
Smith. Mrs. Ben Brown. Mrs. Chas. jlck, who has had several years of
Leonard. Mrs. Chas. Kills, Mrs. Klla sucuuHsful experience along commer
Luekey. ial lines, left a position in Link's
Supper Committee Mrs. B. i: Pur-j Business College in Portland to take
Itigton. Mrs. C. C. Griffith. Mrs. I charge of this department, which
Frankle Welcome. Mrs. Florence Dal-, bids fair to bo one or the most popu
ton. Mrs. Bertha Smith, Mrs. Sam lar and practical departments of the
Mothershead. school.
Parade Committors A petition signed by the parent
Red Cross Mrs. I. Holland, Mrs. J as well as nearly every voter In
Homer Mace. Mrs. C. 11. MfConnell Bums requesting that Instruction in
Mrs. Roy Moulleh. Music, Drawing, Domestic Art, and
Honor Guard- Miss Drusa Dodson. J Manual Training be ottered to the
High School Mrs. Italston. ' students of the Bltjr graded schools
Public School Mr. W. M. Sutton. ; as well as to the high school students
Mush Mr. Kugenia Rombold. I was lavorahly aetaXl Opon b limn
Decoration -Fred Williams. boards last spring, and each one of
Marshall of the Day Mrs. Julia these lines except the last named are
ii. '
Some of the larger land owners '
and pioneer farmers of the silver
Creek country paid a visit to this
city recently and discussed with C. I
B. McConnell the advisability of ,
forming an Irrigation district In that
section and get in shape to handle
the water to best advantage. At the .
time The Times-Herald was told of
the plans but asked to not give it
publicity for the present as it might
Interfere with the plans.
Tbtirsday of this week W. B. John-
son Carrol Cecil and his two sons.
D It. Thorn, R. J. Williams, 0. A.
Coflier and others were in town
again and have utlvaucud the promis
ed project far enough that they are
willing it be given publicity. The
writer does not know Just how much
territory the proposed district will
cover hut It will include an area Ihal
is in farm lands and one that Is
now producing more than uvurage
crops under present method. and
when the water is properly handled
it will Increase the yield very mater
ially. (Hie of the gentlemen Interested
Informs The Times-Herald that they i
have the sufficient names on a pell-
Hon asking for the formation or a
district and tbat It will be pushed
along as rapidly as the proper pro-
cess will permit in fact, it Is hoped
to have the matter before the county
court in November.
,. , ,, ..
With a college education your son
is bound to deliver the goods. Mt. .
j Angel College, St. Benedict, Oregon,
JIUWW',. . -
Harney County High School open
ed Its doors last Monday morning to
a first day enrollment which fell but
one abort of the number registered
on the opening day one year ago.
With the addition of those now at
work on the ranches, who expect to
enter within a few days it 1b expec
ted that there will be fully as many
lln nttendence as last year, which id
that particular was the banner yeaf
in the hltory of the Institution. The
iiew state law which forbids the glv-
lug of credi's for work done in any
other than standard schools will also
attract many students who have done
one or more years of wor's In ono of
the non-standard schools of tho coun
ty. A new Commercial Department
has been added and full four years
couhse is offered to tho e students
who wish to prepare themselves fur
u business career. Opport unity la
also offered for a one or two years
course In stenography and typewrit
ing to those who wish to prepare
tfcaajaelvea within a short time to
take advantage of the many openings
offered to all students. Owing to the
shortage of manual training Instruc
tors It was found iiaovi-H. M to con
duct that Department this year, al-
though a complete sat ot equipment
for the conducting of classes up to
sixteen In number at one time has
been installed. Miss Helen Norrls,
who has been an instructor In the
schools of Nebraska and of Colorado
has charge of the work In music and
drawing, which will be offered In
every grade of the public school as
well as In the County High School,
The girls of the sixth, seventh and
eighth grades , as well as those of
the High School will receive instruc-
lions In Domestic Art during four
days of each Week. This work will be
carried under the Instruction of Mrs
Hazed Trlska, who has had charge of
the same work In tile High School
during the past three years,
The Domestic Science, and the
Physical Culture Departments for
girls will bo under Mrs. Utl Uuls
ton. The Domestic Kcleinn rooms
have heen repainted, running water
provided and additional equipment
The Departments of Knglish and
Latin are under the ct argu of Miss
Jennie Muggins, a graduate of the
University of Oregon, who has had
several years of successful experience
In the schools of South Dakota, and
Oregon. Miss Hugglns will also have
charge of the Literary Societies or the
Mathematics, Science, and Boys'
Athletics will be under the charge of
'"w principal who will be selected
shortly lo succeed Mr, Ralston, who
(,M t0 'mP Lewis with the Seplem-
ber contingent.
Virgil Shields ha written again
to his mothet and they were sent us
to publish. We also have two letters
from D. A. Campbell, who has Been
right on the firing line. These will
be published next issue. Virgil
St. Algnan. July 27, 1918.
Dear Mether:
I Just got back from another
trip to the front last nlto so will
drop you a few Hues before 1 start
out again. we were gone six nays
. . ,- . .
and sure saw a lot of things. We
i went up about eight miles beyond
Cbalteau Thierry right in where the
, big shells and little ones were light
ting all around us.
We got there one night Just about
i dark, and left the next afternoon
about 4 P. M. The town of Chatteau
Thierry and all others beyond there
are simply demolished. In some of
those little places, not a single bull
ding Is standing, and the fields and
woods arc simply torn all to pieces.
We saw many German dead and some
Americans that they have now had
time to bury. It takes a trip like
that to make one realize the horrors
of war. We all brought back sever
al souvenirs. Had a 24 hour stay in
Paris on the way home, and got to
see some more of It although I was
pretty tired and sleepy, as I had not
I "8 my "no'" orr tor nv
, n"ei' U cerla,nly is tho
had my shoes off for five days ami
most beau-
! uful clt l ever Haw
We got back al I P
M. yesterday
and I think some of us will go out
again tomorrow. I like the work
fine, altho It is pretty strenuous a'
times. I am going down to Mont
rlchard this evening for a little while.
Had a little rafn yesterday and today.
It Is real cool now too. I got a let
ter from Marie, written Just afler
reaching Sixikutie. She seemed to
I Uko " f,nt' n,) th,'r'- ' here's nothing
more to say so will close till next
Lots of love
As ever
8t.-Aigaan. Aug. 3, 1-18.
Dear Mether:
Just got back yesterday from a
trip to Chatteau Thierry and found
several letters waiting for me, amoug
them were some from you. Krnest,
Marie and Ruby so will drop you a
few lines altho there is really noth
ing so very much to say. I bad a
good trip, stayed at Chatteau two
uites. The Germans pulled off an
air raid the last nlte. but very little
damage was done. Gee, I wish they
would send me up to that Reck of the
woods to stay for a fellow at least
realizes that be Is doing something
to help win tho war when he la up
there. Kveryone Is busy almost da
and nlte. and" yet you hear no one
kicking. Ail any one thinks of is
getting a few more "bosches." We
only stayed about 8 hours In Paris
this time and slept most or that time.
I wish they would get everyone of
those slackers in tbat country and a
lot that I know in Spokane. I can't
see what a young fellow is made of
who will stay at home now. I really
believe mother, that Dec. 1st will see
the close of this war. Most of the
French seem to think so too, now,
and two months ago, you couldn't
cnvlnce one that it would be over
within a year. Here's hopln'.
It has been raining most of the
day today. You asked how much I
weigh. I haven't been weighed for
some time but am lighter than I
was this spring.
Mother, I picked up an old album
out of a scrap heap the other day
that bud some swell views of all over
Kurope In It. Am sending you some
In this letter to keep for me. Must
(one and write to Marie. U rile often.
Love from
In reeding poultr a valuable les
son may be learned from nature. In
the spring the production of eggs on
the farm is an eus matter Fowls
which are at liberty to roam rind an
abundance of green and animal feed
on their range which, with grain,
furnishes a perfect ration for laying
hens. In addition to this they get
plenty of exercise and fresh air. So
far as lies within his power, then,
the feeder should aim to muke the
conditions during other seasons
Kills Bennett is again at his old
post in thu Burns Garage.
NO. 45
General Crowder Wants Every
Flag Flying and Every Band
Playing. Government Request
Suitable Recognition of Day
(JencraJ Crowder saya to State.
County and Ixical Councils of Defeie-.
"1 want to have every Klug fliying
and every bund playing on Ileiclstrii-
- -
tj)n Day."
President Wilson, by official pro
clamation, has set Thursday, Septem
ber 12, an Registration day.
On that day every man in the Unit
ed States and its possessions between
the ages of 18 and 45 years, inclus
ive, who has not already registered,
or who is not already In the military
or naval service, must register.
This includes citizens as well
aliens. There are no exceptions.
Registration will be held between
the hours of 7 o'clock a m and 9pm
on Registration Day.
Local draft boards will be in full
charge of registration. It Is the duty
of the local boards to name the place
for registration, and to give proper
publicity as to their locations.
However, faiTute on the part of any
man subject to registration to leara
bis proper registration place will be
no excuse for his failure to register.
Failure to register on Registration
Day is punishable by Imprisonment.
up to one year without option of a
Men who will be absent from home
on Thursday September 12, should
consult the nearest local board at.
once for instructions.
Wm. Farre has received instruc
lions from the State Council of De
fense thut it is the desire of the gov
ernment that the coming registration
day be given fitting recognition by
i very citizen of the United States.
The letter says in part:
"It is desired that this day, when
the manhood uf our Nation shall
consecrate its lite upon the altar of
humanity. Justice and freedom, shall
bn specially observed, and to thi.
oiid you are earneitly requested, on
the Sunday preceding till-3 date, lit
set aside and mark by spec. a! service'
'be duties, privileges, and obligations
resting upon each and every eltlaaa
of our land, affected either direi tiy
or ind'rectly by registration. Tl .
observance may be by sermon, song,
or prayer, but whatever the meant
or method, it should constitute an
appeal to the patriotism, loyally a. I
conscience of each and every citlzei.
of our Nation. There should be
plared before them a clear concept
of the causes which led up to thi.
struggle in behalf of humanity and
the mighty task which the Nation
now faces and the necessity of a uni
ted purpose in bringing this struggle
against cruelty and autocracy to a
victorious close.
The form of this service Is left to
your individual Judgement. Let it
be one of solemnity, and patrioic ob
servance. It is suggested tbat not
alone on 8unday, the date for this
service, but on registration day itself
bells may be rung, flags fly, and that
there shall be patriotic music by
voices and instruments wherever pos
sible." . ,
List of Registrars and Registrotiou
places for September 12th:
Albritton. Klizabeth Mlddleton,
Saddlebutte; Alvord. Nick Voegtly,
Albersen: Andrews, John Smyth, An
drews; North Burns, Wm. Farre;
South Bums. W. Y. King, North Cat
low, W. NV Monroe. Catlow; South
Catlow, K W. Lewis, Blltzen; Currev
H. D. Cecil, Suntex; Denio, M. J.
O'Connor, Jas. Dillon. Denio; Dens
tedt, Curtis Smith; Diamond, M.
Horton; Dnwsev. C. W. Drlnkwater;
Kgll. R. L. HUtton; Happy Va'.le
Claude Smyth; Harney, Fred Haines.
Crane, Sidney McNeil; Lake Joe Mor
ris, Narrows, l.uwen, Frank Catter
sou; Pine Creek, A. I. Johnson. Van;
Poison Creek, Frank Whiting; Sun
set, Chas. V. Reed; Silvies, Walter
Cross; Virginia, Daniel Quler; Warm
Springs. Harry Goulden, OO Ranch;
Waverly, 1. D, Prult; C. S. Green.
Home Creak Ranch; Chas. Frazier, r
Ranch; K K. Lursen, Grain Camp.
"Whatever is worth doing Is forfk
dlong well " No one can say that the
aircraft s. andal Is not a thorough
and complete one.