The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 31, 1918, Image 4

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Oa. Yr
Si Moatka
rr. Montlia
Kntered nt the Post Office at Barns
Oregon, us 8eeond ClaM Matter.
rLnr! it
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14-? '"i '4.1 i !r i ' 4v 1
September 15th. The , remaining
OOUBttfl Iti Oregon, Junt b hooii uh
iii' K-i.i reprtMBtetlTM Ret to bm
..e riiiilrmeii of the Cotintv Counelln
MtiMiet of Defense, will nlso no doubt, deride
to do Mils work through their orgnn
UatloiiR. It has been deckled (hat Sunday,
September 16th. Salvation
Army Sunday tu the churches, aud
the request goes forth that the min
ister throughout the state in their
services on thla day say aomethlng
about the wonderful work the Sal
vation Army la doing and mention
the drive to the people which really
opens this day.
Last Sunday at Salem, by Invita
tion of tiovernor Wlthyeombe, the
Marlon County t'ounell of Defense
and the Commercial Club of Sulem.
"Billy" Sunday spoke nt the Armory
ii bebalf r this fundi and the citi
zens of Salem, nearly four thousand
trong, who had tha privilege ol hear
lug and seeing "Hilly" In action.
never before In their lives heard such
a speech, brimming wltb patriotism
and urging the folki to give the Sal
ration Army chance to help the
! doughboys In tha trenches of France.
I Air Bunda) i red the opening gun of
i the Di'itmi Salvation Army War
Fund drive and Its BOOB) was
' around Hi" state.
Miss Aviie Clare Sheridan, duught
er of Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Sherhlau
M the present plans are worked was married Wednesday at 4 o'clock
At the reiiuimt of Anslstant Keder
al Vood Admlnl itralor W. K. Newell,
the following Instructions for the iih
Hlstance of Oregon housewives In can
nlng fruits, vegetable and fiah, have
been prepared by MIhb Hdna droves,
superintendent of domestic science
and home economics In the Portland
public schools.
"Rvey Jar of Perishable food can
ned by the housewife la a valuable
contribution towards the nations
food reserve." said Mr. Newell, and
the food Administration urges Ore
gon women to fill every possible
i container for winter who, particular
ly with vegetables. lly cuiet'ul at-
lentlon to Miss Droves' toraulai the
canning can bo dune with a minimum
of sugar, which in very Important "
Miss droves' canning direction!
"FOOd conditions are bringing
many new problem to the housewife
The shortage of sugar should nol lei
sen (he canning of fruit since It If
possible to preserve without lUgar
Moiling water may lie substituted for
the usual sugar-syrup In canning
fruits. The sugar can be added a.
hoard l,1' fru" '" opaaad. Kara com sr
up has proven a very successful sub
stltute for sugar. Jellies. Jams or
fruits will have a slightly different
flavor and be a Hide less sweet If
preserved with karo, but win retain
the fresh flavor of the fruit.
"In using karo svrup as a suhsti
sterlllre 20 minutes.
KIhIi i-lerllle :i hours.
It. H. To Alt WKHtUB CROP! ii.W R
our the patriotic demonstration and
parade on Saturday, September 21,
oi ladies who have husbands, broth-
to Bdgar Frederick King of Spokane. ! tul" for HUnr- a" ,,IUH' moiiHUr
karo should be used, or one mnv list
half karo and half sugar. All jams
and preserves mav be made by using
three fourths or less of the measure
of fruit in karo or mixed karo anil
about three-fourths ol the measure
in sugar or karo and sugar. In using
karo for Jellies. It Is noOOaaarj to
Wash. The Ht. Kev. Illshop Dantol
Oorman Of St. John's cathedral per
ers, sons or lovers in any branch of formed the ceremony. In the Sheridan
the service of our Uncle Bam is going apartments ut the Sherman. The
to be one of the biggest things ever . minis hail be, mi gavly decorated with
nulled off in connection w.fl, i he unJiilnlc white cosm.w ..Ink -I.., I. ! '' Juices for Jellies re,iilr.
in Burns. It is expected that every I loll
woman or girl antitled to take part in The bride, who is considered one of
this big demonstration will be In the moal beautiful girls of tha city,
Burns for thai occasion and thai the ws radian) In her bridal robe-.. Her
altlaens of the I : i M ba ho tu. gown was a simple one of white geor-
'i - shi ul i be t crepe, n ade oh charmingly g rl
d to far ;i - the war i-'i line . and be .a. enveloped in
i iricti. v. ii rmlt. the bridal - i i worn by ber
should get I Eth Mm, Lewis of Norfolk,
i e this event one Va., who wn married a year ago to a
to b. II our citizen n trail ol t Ii ei The vt il was ar-
Several outside pe pie will be here ranged low on the forehoad and held
at thai time and the Lil rty Loan ' place with cbaplel of 01
c-onu.i :; r . v ill tour tne countv lust iiloi.nm.. 'I he I, ride . arried an ex
preceding this date and return to Quia tfe shower bouquet of whltt ro i
i rns in time to take pan in the buds and white sweet pes
closing pan of the day. it would be A wedding dinner was nerved in
the proper thing for the citizens ol the Sherman (lining room to the
II - city to look after every detail family. The table was decorated With
i ttertalnlng out of town guests a mound of pink ropes,
o thai dut". o'lve it your attention , Mr ami Mrs. King left on the even-
o : lug train for Spokane, where Mr
Data are be'lng secured through
out the drought sections of the State
of Oregon by the Oregon Develop
ment branch of the Portland Chamb
er of Commerce to be presented to
the Oovernment at Washington with
a view of securing funds from the
Treasury Department of Agriculture
to assist wheat and rye growers of
These funds are to come from Hi"
$r.,(ioo,()oo which the President rs-
oently placed at thg disposal of these
departments to enable ttiem to fur
nlsb aid to those wheal and rve
growers in thg Northwestern and
Southwestern sections of the United
Btatel who have Inst two SUOeSSlVS
crops by winter killing and drought.
it Is not Intended to make loan to
farmers who have banking collateral
or eiiu otherwise iecure roonev, bu'
io those who might ii" compelled to
abandon their homes aod make ureal
sacrifices, due to lack of luud.i.
The loans will probably not be
made for an amount to ex d ?:; an
acre. A maximum of I no acres In
some localities and I .Mi In others will
be established
The farmer will be required to con
tribute to an Insurance fund out of
the proceeds from the sale of bis crop
If his ..pel at i. .a-, are successful The
notes will bear I! per cent Interest,
payable November, 1919.
In order to give applicants a basis
for temporary credit to asi-lst In ob l
talnliig the seed, the Department of j
Agriculture will investigate all impli
cations and as soon as thev are :ip
proved the Federal Land Hanks will j
issue a statement of iipproxal to the)
$J3t per box
Possibly for less, next week
in any quantity desired
Page 9s Sweet Sh op
a ggjggHHgggflgwi
Brown 's Satisfactory I tore
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Hon Ton Corsets
limn. : : ; .- Crtaon
We curry giMxtw udvrrtlscd oil II, t ' II n. Product. I'tusSr"
effect that the money will be advanc
cook the mixture longer. It Should I ed When the crops is planted and h
"she.t off" the spoon when t"sie.i i .u certificate, note and mortg
The n. ccs for elf!ea may be sealed j age are executed and dellvel id
tvery hot ami in heated containers) Banks wishing to assist their com
without : Idlng any mgar and Hi mutt t . In this matter should at
in iv be made from this a need u mmunlcate with the Ked
Li la Iheir dli trlci
The I hambi r I in m i
writ;.-!, letter Io aral Int re led
. and oft I. lal and to
i .1 in i be winter, i I addh .
ual amount of sugar, which
i e more plant If ul.
The cold pack anethod of canning
King Is manager of the Spokane
U you buy a $100 bond of the
Fourth Libert Loan you are lend
ing the United States Government
e OUgfa money to feed a soldier ill
France a little more than seven
in .nth-. Or you have furnished
i .ii- Ii mom y to give him com
; ' outfit of winter and summer
clothing, Including shoes and block
ings, and slicker and overcoat and
blankets, with enough left over to
arm him with a good revolver. Von
lone : bat much to beat back the
11 111.
Il take. 838 more to arm him wiih
bran, ii of the Dul'ont Powder com
pany, I1 wa-. the bride's wish on hc
ii"::.' of ar limes, that everything
connected with the ceremony be kept
as simple as poeeldle, mid there were.
therefore, tto attendants and no
guests other than the Immediate
family Statesman
(The bride is a niece of Judge Ii
tr.i.l . uli. I vei-1. 1 1. 1, lew Inii nr.n.i ,' I, . . . .... ...I .1 .
"' ' ..... , . . .... . fc . . . . . ,
sect ful and tha bouaawife will I ting forth the-necesslty of a!d for this
find it :.u easier, safer method than llatr'el Oregonian,
the open kettle. (Ir.'it .are -hoiild n
be exercised lii the election ol Jars. KALHR IDKAL
rubbrs and lids. Bee that there are
UO nicks on the edges ol the jai ami Roma Ol OS are nol obliged to WOT!
that lids fit and are in good comll :llll ,,,. d-. line to. but these are in
t'on it is unsafe to use obi or doubt ,),,. tgim , i
fill rubbers. The wash boiler. With A; mo t of us OOOUpy our.elve
a wooden rack In the bottom make .,,-.,,,, .,,. n making a living wc
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Ruildinp; and Farm Loans IVSade Direct
a rill.- with a bayonet on it and li '" ""' Mainour County Fair to ba
you buy a second 1100 bond you bold at Ontario September Id, 11.
furnish him this rifle and J .00 0 ear '" a'"' l8' "" r'' ;" " (l"Z'Mi train
tridgas for it; and there will still be " a'" r:l"' llors" owners training
.ugh of your money left to pur "" ""' ,ra'k at Ontario and twice
chase a good sized bomb to throw in , t,lat ""' making entry by mall and
a lugout, or demolish a machine gun ' reserving stalls from all parti of the
bevether will, tha linns oru.ruiii, n W-.f
B good canning outfit lor the uold llm) , w,. ,,, loniathlng that wi
peek method. s ,u.-. even if make raw bud
A very thin svrup for canning mav, ,,,., i,,.,,,,,. wa hit our vocation.
be made by using one cup of kuro;jusl ,,,. Uover nt Is doing
or 0 up or sugar to three cups of I ;lr choosing for BO, but the war will
water, ami boiling for five mlnutea ,,, ,, forever and Ibis phllosopln
One cup of karo to two cups of water .,,, u,M for all time,
makes a syrui. with little more , T. tragedy In life la a
C Levens, of this city, ami has visit- b,"lv ,,r '""' "," !'hM ,h" 11:"""" rooatlonpl mUfit. Prematura death
ot me sweetening in karo. the otBarn, nolanoholy, but h la chaetful
half in sugar. destiny compared with a Ufa pro
Blanching is an Important step in ' Iinr..i for' fifty yearn in an ancongen
tbe cold pek method ii canning, it i calling.
Is use I for r 'tables and hard fruits jjany ., m, wc.rks like a slave th
Art. r the fruit or vegetable la pre .,,,,.,! dying, but if ha would stop
pared lor canning, place it In col gvoldinj it he would aacape tha
ander or square of cheese cloth, ami trouble of working altogether, ills.
submerge In a kettle ol rapidly boll ; Woi g Is paiufut; d.ath will gel
lug. wat.r for the desired length ol ..,, ,. fnubi It might U wll g"l b m
time (see table below . I and then I j t,,. Mlir
plunge Into cold water, and out ! Kveryoue or us Is good at some
again, then pro. I according to di- ihliig. ,t most of us are doing
ractlons beiow.
Recipe i-'or Canning Fmlts
Select rni, ripe liuil. P ire. blanch,
and lack III jars, (over wllh syrup
or boiling water and place rubber
Farms and Ranches Homesteads
Blueprints ESTATE
Fire Insurance Life Insurance
Office Phone It-lio
Resident Plicn. C;-8H and G-43
Agents for WRAY'S STA GE
Members Burns Commercial Club
ed here hi former years, she is quits
well known to many of out mg
people I
iks before t be opening day
'i hi lal number or entrlea
I .1 lior as is due to the
faet thai a majority of Iho fairs of
orthwest have been
cling pro. i
might well bt in ff for 19JJ lot ludli .
tb'!. ,,.,..- . f uod !. r a those hold niuiuall: at
lal "i i op -.i : Baker Cauyou City, and
sjei bpwl In with in Caldwell, The big annua
pi Int. d card baa rcl ' ' vada ha be. n
to us in - take a ire than I to ' number ol b
es wii ii gu i i ris in uorthern
Dl neighboring ... unties who take in
the lair at Ontario are rejoicing at
Sora io i obe ed and il Inted our-
i for Hi benefit ol disloyal cus
tomers Who tOOb six. It paid to lie
unpatriotic and the less wa allowed
ourselves tha more we loft for the "''' i'r,"ii"',',; for real racing.
Kaiser's friends. . o
With the bowl behind the counter Survivors of the British tanker
or in a government rationing de- Mlrio, torpedoed near Cape llatter
parlineiit we are ail likely to be-' as by a German submarine, were
have, and the rextaurauuteur's prof- i C bilged to make their way to safety
Something else Were it otherwise,1
every one would be a success, and
the world would be I'
The (Socialists In New York have
de. nan led a sl hour work day.
and cap In position, Do not lighten Wll ,, .,.., ,,, .. . , lh, n.,
I1,r ll,!- " M '" ' areusod crew ., ,..,,.,. ,. on the subject ol
tu cover on until II ..... he . but I ,,.,,, u, t .,, tri i yon to
"oi tight, ii the wide-topped all ... i,,,, i the wrong lob for ou
saallni lai d I A are u ed, follow ling olse
m nirecuoiia mai are given Wlin me v., ,,, ... .., ,. .,,.,, ., ,!,;,.
- w fnr the
ui . . us ,. i i . i ., dike in :: oi i.
s'red length of time ( .,., (able) re ,,,,, ,,,-,Al. ,.,, worj, , ., cu ., .
- leaving the , i lial
1 1. in. ma i . cape. Process the do
Toufcht and Sunday
"Jean The Woman"
With Geraldine Farrar
.Mail.-.., i qui p o and those "'"v" "'""' ""' bolUn "1"1' t'ffhten j, proVM ,),.,, U(. ,,,,. ,,,. UBNari
it is easier for us to figure. It is al
ways piaaaanter rr uh to be able to
calculate how much that old Mend
of ours is able to put away.
Hut us all on an eijual rooting. We
are righting tor democracy let us
try it on ourselvea througout the it.-
t-o .
through a aeu of burning oil. The
Ccrinan ideu of pouring oil on the
troubled waters Is as abhorrent to
common humanity as the rest of their
the lids, and if (Mason Jural Inver
Ul cool. Iii boiling Hie fruit, Hie
wuter should cover I he Jar. or come
even with Hie top und the tli if
: i. nii.ii :on should ue coiinled from
when the water begins to boll
around the Jar. The calmer should
have a tight cover to keep the steam
and heat in.
Time Table I'm- Canning
HeuiiH (Hiring) time for blanching
to 10 minutes, time for sterilizing
I hours.
in picking our Jobs.
And when a branch of the Social
1st party goes on record by claaalf
lug work among the woes of man
kind, It Is up to the rest of Hie So
lallsls to ussIhI their weakening
brethren to a more wholesome con
cept ion of I he purpose of life.
The French are harvesting l.XDU.
n mi mi In I:, ot wheal In the ...miner
ed anil recoiKiuei e.l portloiiH of
Kranee. TIiIh wheut was idantol by
i Tor : i' i ili.h c . 'I hours.
Hla.khawk I'ralrle Wildcat 1)1- rarrolH, hH,,lnK, s , , lnIlu.,,
visions. The names or the divisions for Hlerlllzlng, I , hou:s.
are Ilk- the soldiers composing them- (.()ril (.i,,,,,.,,!,,,, J , , 11u.s.
uoiuiiig it not Amoricuti.
Meets, blan.hlng, ii to 10 minutes. ,,, Kr..iili. grown under (lertnaii
iliillllliUtloil, and
for the ullles.
will make bread
The crown princess or tierinany
recently took a utile pleasure trip to
for Iterlllllug, 8 hours.
" ii.inaioes, nuuicning, i u, - uilnutOH, Helgoland In a submarine Khe did
Ureal anthualaam prevalU at head America nits behind bar stacks of for atertUstng, II minutes. j , have an opportunity to aaoura bar
quarters In Portland over the coming I gulden wheal with a t mi hand of men Meats, time to stariliae, 6 bovra, umbaad's conaeut, a ba wa i nt
for the National War Service aud money, she win soon call ihu Blackberries, storlllse Id minutes ,,, urg,n) uiiairs.'
apd of the Salvation Army In Ore- Herman bluff, , Prult Julcos, sterilise ao minutes.
on, in ihe (ad thai already 27 coun
ting through County councils ol Di
Hi'n.ies and plum . ; lei II c I 6 in I u
Ho yotl want I ivc luel, Iron,
I le men w ho arc helping to thrash lite mniiu .....l tut,,,.-' T ' ...i...
tonse and kindred organlzal ions, un ul and the men who are helping Pag DI I, Mam hlng I to I iiilnute-i, ,1 ration SBVS vou can do this b) Ii LV
1.J II- lie, I il,.il I. ....... , I. I.. .1 ..:...' . . . . .. .. .. iw . ... .....
'' " "w v to mrusn uermany are oquailj use- siermae ie mmuu log your old stove or furnace repair
"" '"" "'""" nny, m ung i'i i their country. i ivars, blanching i to 8 mlnutea, ,..i instead 1 lying new one,
r. ' s- ci ul tWfW bT -
lj i.' ! jS4 ! SmaHBBBBBBsjBBS bBs -
CRSHI SJgfc jS tk, x Iggv
F 'i- WVyWgViimBgll i. .m aftwJraJgtt. ..1. a5ii
fVgtsgaaa gar lgsa'astt HI V) I sVaBgsJtf
l ggV1 eV II isS R
fr sklBaH i- sa wjjsgstijgsa 1. BLfBjjjjjssBjsjpBip ifTjgBBsVV
Monday Night, Sept. 2
Mr! Gardner perform some hair
raising stunts in this picture its
all action f-'ont start to finish
Next Wednesday, Sept. 4
"Doug.0 Fairbanks, in