' '. i ujiiii WORLD SHORTAGE IN BEET SUGAR Crops Are 40 Per Cent. Less Than Pre-War Average Cen tral Powers Hit Hardest. CANE SUGAR IS ISOLATED. Wiled Beet Production Falls One-third In Rigid War Economy Practiced. The world locl:i.v Is producing forty is-r cant, loss hooi sugar than (he pre ar average. Oognttng the American, Allied ami f.ciiniin-Allsirian I TOp, iis Well us lln- aentrals, the I'. 8, Food Adralniatru Hon hai estimated thai Ihe world shortage created by Ihe llghl crop of Itl7-r.is is Hi loiisi three and u half nillion tons That the I91T-I91S crop or cane aun ar wns two million tons in exceaa of the previous year doea not relieve the general ahortage. Ouha iiikI -iiiMt protlnca one-half of the world ciino crop, and the Java sun ar is too far removed from America to iranaport when whipping is badly need n to transport nmi maintain tin; mill ri'.ry forees in Prance, In Java n law purl of tbp old sugar nop is still awaiting shipment, since M reqnlrea IM t ISO days for each boat thai is aenl to Java, the poaalblll i.s of obtahilng adequate ahlpmenti wf Java sugar this season are remote. Alllea' Production Falls. Taking the Allied nations as a croup, fittielal reports show that heel snnr production Is less by one-third than the re-war average, French boot simar Industry has Buf fered most by the war. 'Ihe French yield of beet sngar is now only 30.1 per cent, of the prewar average, For Ihe live years preceding tin out Jireak of hostilities In Bumpe, Prance produced an average of 7 inrar each year. Tor French production waa 210.-110 tons, wuii I'll I'm lories operating, as com ItOI'NIMI CRAMM TO IH0FKN1) I.Ailoit IAY TITI.K It Is well that the government tins rENOLBTON, OH. Auk All three set aside a day out of the your, dmll- if the winners In the Roundup buck- eating It to the eauae of labor, a lug contests last year will be back day when we are called upon to turn this year to compete again for the our thoughts to thla great element championship. of the world. At ordinary times we Yakima Canutt who won the chain- are likely to take the conveniences plonshlp of tbo world last year by of life for granted aud to overlook three sensational rides, is now In the the fact that from the beginning to ordnance department of the navy, the close of our day labor la the but haa written that he haa been baste element which provides these granted a furlough to come back to convenlencea. defend his title. Hroncho Dob Hall. Kvery article we use. whether It who won second honors last year, Is Is made of .wood from the forest, Iron alreudy back after spending several months cowboylng in fllmlnnd with Doug Fairbanks and Hill Hurt. Dave White winner of third lust veHr, has sent word down from Canada that he is in the bail form of his career and Is coming hack to win the title. Though many familiar faces will he missing among the Hound up per formers this year, hcc.iuse they are now "over there." there promises to he no shortage of material for many of the contests, Many of the little Wild West shows have gone out of existence and the Pendleton Hound from the nines, or any other product of nature, requires labor at every step from the procuring of the raw material to the final touch of manu facture The army of labor must keep step with the world day by da) to render Civilised life possible If these are the obligat Ions of the nation to labor in limes of peace, how mucb greater do I hey become In times of war? The army of working men Is lessoned by the draft Inc. of men for the nonproductive Industry of war. New duties are Incumbent upon the men who are left. Ships up, staged this year as a benefit for must be built .equipment and ammu- POLES DRIVEN TO GERMANY TO WORK Hun Commander's Brutal Order Issued to Conquered and Helpless People. very Able-Bodled Man Forced te Leave Hie Starving Family and Labor Under Shocking Condi- tloni for the Oppressor. ! f f his I have seen. I could not believe it unless I had seen It through and through. For sev eral weeks I lived with It; I went all about it and back of It; Inside and out of It was shown to me until finally I came to realize that the Incredl ble was true. It Is monstrous, it Is unthinkable, but It exists. It is the Prussian system. F. C. Walcott. IIOI.Y FAMILY CIIHIK'M (Catholic) Cor Miller and C. Mis Hominy High Mass at 10:89 o'clock Week days Mass at 7 o'clock. Instructions for aklldrea flatur daya at t A. M. Hev, Father Francia, O. F. M. Koctor. We will do your Jwb priming. Husband ami Wife Mrs. Frank 1. Wood, llox 18, If p I). 2, Merrill, Me, writes: "Foley Kidney Fills helped rne so much. My husband also has received much hen erit from them. He was so lame hn could not stoop over and now he fatal no pain." Lame back, sore muscles, stiff joints, rheumatic aches at)d palne quickly eoaquored by Foley Kidney Fllla Bold by Reed Bros. ! UNIVERSITY of OREGON 7 raUls Ur Etflchacy in Feme or in War illy (Mill ip immI I.ImtmI nil Inn m;J sMfottflflo oVpftrletH-iiffl. SiM-rlnl ruining in ('oiimirrn', .foiiriiiiliHiii. Arcln.i'i ( nn, LtfWa Mc-iliriiir fii liiiiL. I.ililiirv Wttril, 'In- ic, lliiMrfiuiiJ A i is. 11 -.ir il I l - utl l''l nr A rln M.lil,.r S. a in th irgp ss Am n. BN tnil llrilUlt tsffit rr- lrill, 1 . MrM mul IU ll work .ill p-l-iltilf, Imnril I'd rerjiii in tPi s-.'lll wtir. ' ' s Irf1 '' IfPtH lirw, hr'jr, rll . KiiiI-iiIh tf I Mil KM' It'll ll tur ( 1 1 HI III i M ti i II . 0 ,,l k i'INI- ll lit Oi I ( . I.II..M I 111 I . I lUtUf .,1 111,1 ID i. .hill"-. I it r,. , ! ., . .r..l MtUWrg, JU KfeMMf litMt'Hl, mn li MBOfflllHllf fur txiri.uttf uti 'n vny. Krilr llrtfUlrrir, I .. ,.,... Orvum. Ur i'lur il.-d li.-. I, I. the Bod Croaa, Ik attracting from a wider radial than ever liefore. MALHEUR (Ol'NTV I Milt ItKAII.V PATRIOTIC The Mainour County Fair to he held at Ontario September 10, 11, 12. and 18 Is to be really and truly ! a patriotic fair. The board of Direc tors have decided to pay all prem iums under $10 In Thrift and War Saving Stamps except In cases where the exhibitor insists upon cash pay ment, The Fair Hoard baa also decided to donate the entire net proceeds to the American lied Cross. This Item la-t year amounted to several bun- !,M2 tuns of d ed dollar 1017-18 tilt' The I'nr ij I Ian I., luMthU, 1.1. --- - ....... ,,, ,,, ,, . i nitu the Committee on Public Information at Washington, D C. and the Fader ...1 wiili more limn 12IH) dial w er :n existence before the war and before " Reeerve haul, al Ban Francisco to - genpral campaign of destructive ess launched by the German armies France nevertheleas managed to manu facture more beet sugar In miT-is than In 1916-IT, when the total output WM 202,419 tons. Italy In 1017-T8 produced 100.800 tens of beet SUgnr, which was .V.iMmi Inns less than the previous year ulid 110,280 less than the annual output of agar for the five year pre-war pe riod. One of the prent difficulties expert meed In Italy's beet suirnr liuluiirv as finding sufficient labor to handle -f" me crop Thousands of men usually One of the spot lights or the war employed la beet sugar production Boima upon tbo fliureof the German were called for tnllltarv service, The .,,, .. , ... , , epcril KallopiiiK fruntica lv down Tleld per acre iiuiounted to iipproxl mately half of the usual quantity of H r"a'' Hith a s",Hl1 ta,lk '' f"" Pur- l.ets harvested. "" si '.lire a war exhibit which has been On exhibit at S:in Francisco fur se eral Weeks and It looks as If il would be lent to Ontario Fair week. These features with the Rod Cross Exhibit the Federal Food Con servation Bxhibll to be sent out from Portland, the Military Airplane, the si 'ai premiums for War Broads and Bod Croas products removes any doubt thai the Malheur Fair Is to be really and truly a patriotic fair. t MMMMMMMMIM I1'. ('. Walcolt, a member of the j Fulled States food administration, and I during the time America was f ling ' tl iviiiaii populations of Belgium, I Serbia and northern Franca u aaatat- ant of Mr. Hoover in these Invaded I countries, has pictured in n graphic , way the conditions he found aiming the people It was his duly to help. After describing the terrible condi tions In Poland In HUH, ihe millions that were dying of starvation, the hundreds of thousands of defenseless people that hud been ruthlessly cut down by the sword of the (icrinau con iiieror. he says: In that situation, the (iernuin com mander Issued a proclamation. Kvery able-bodied Fob' was bidden to tier many to work. If uny refused, let no other Pole give him to ea'. not so much as a mouthful, under penally of (ieriuan military law. Thla is ihe choice the Herman cov ern.nenl gives to the conquered Pole, to the hi band ami fallier of a starv ing lamlly: l.cnre your family or die or Survive as the case may be. Leave your country ti)h is destroyed, to work in German) for it- further ib tructJon, If you arc obstinate, we shall s, , thai ymi surely starve. Slaving With bis loll,, be Is doomed and they are no) saved ; (he father and huabund can do nothing for them, ha only adds to their risk and Buffering, i Leaving them, lie will be cut off from his family, liny may never hear from " him again nor he from them. Qer ' Let us give all praise ami honor, many will set him to work that u tier- I to the true Americans of Oat mail ', niun workman may be released m tight name and descent who fought bruve- against his own mod nnd people, lie ly and well In our ranks ut FlMttOB, I H,,"n '"' to-"d '" '"'"'"ks. behind I barbed wire entanglements, under armed guard. Re shall sleep on the DO not forget the Fourth Libert) bare ground with a single thin bliiu- Loan Is scheduled for the last ot kid. He shall be scantily fed and bis Bfm7?t uM At " JSa ii it t in for the army made there must be an Ini'rease In ihe coal mined and shipped, and additional supplies of all kinds must be transported. Without the army of labor at home I there could not lie the army of com batantl in the field. The obligation of the United States to Its body work ers Is great. The workers have shown In the main loyal acceptance ot the aims of the Government ami loyal endeavor to assist In carrying out these alms. Labor Day this year of all others should bring different classes of Americans closer to each other in s.impathy and understanding. Sol dier and civilian, capitalist and work er, we are people Inspired by one great purpose. Lot us give honor to the force of working men who help to make the attainment ol that pur pOSS certain. There never were lUCb suburban ites as the v.iuks. They are always bemg reported as visiting the suburbs of some French City. The next da) we loarn that they have gone down town And the Hermans have moved to the country. Perfect Confidence No other words can describe i he relation tlmt should exist between a I'tink nmi its put ions. If you haven't confidence i ll 0 s ornfrii M of n bank, you certainly will iiu; ttuit your money to it. ThiH Bank invites careful Inaprctlon of its financial strength and sound business methods. We know they are sbove criticism, hut the mint is, we want you to km w it. When you have learned, then we solicit your business on our merits. CRANE STATE BANK (.'HANK. OREGON IIIIIIH IsMssssWssWWMsB I 1 1 1 September UNCLE SAM'S PARTNER earnings shall be taken from him to pay lor his food. That U Ihe choice which the (ier iuan government offers to ii proud, sensitive, high strung people. I lentil or kIii very. When a Pole gave me ttiat proclama tion. I was boiling. Itut I had to re strain myself. I was practically the only foreign civilian In the country j and I wauled to gel food to the people. That wus what I was there for and 1 must not for an) cause leopardiae Ihe i undertaking. I asked Governor Gen eral von Ile-cler. "Can tills be true'.'" "Iteally, I cannot say," he replied. "I have slgmd so man) proclamatiens: j ask General Von Krlea." So i asked General von Krlaa. "Gob i eral. Ibis Is a clvill.ed people. Cm this be true J" "Vis," be said, "II Is true" -with an air ot adding, Why not? I dared not trust myself to apeak ; I turned lo go. "Wall." he said. And ' be explained to me how tiermany, official Germany, regards the atata of subject peoples. ii is hard for us to Imagine Nuch n eonilltb.u III America as Mr. Walcolt h;i described ii- SXlttlni 111 llun-rld- den Poland, nod yel thai is just what ( WOUld exist Nhoulii our hos, and Hi I boyx of our allies, now lighting In Prance fall to defeat the soldiers of ibis murder empire, This fair coun try ot our- would be mil do Into a Uur- iiuill province; our people would be ihe slave, of ihe junkers of Germany, subject to the beastly whims of the offloera of the German gnny. in no war in which America has ever en gaged have the slakes been so glial as In Ibis present COUlllCt. Should we. by any chance, lose; should the Hun, by any chance, win; our llhciilcM, our happiness, everything Americana hold dear, would be lost. 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80- a Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock S9 Company I: CRANE OREGON WILL "USE NOTHING GERMAN' (f cjurienjr of Life and Charles Hsiiu (lilnoii.) Planting home gardens, producing more food, nnd saving food are all war-time efforts of this government in which the women of America have co-operated loyally. We are all in the home army; the home army here must help the fighting forcea and home armies over there; 120 million Allies must eat. Club Organized for the Purpose of Boycotting Products of Hun Manufacture. Chicago, High art ami low art, music and literal III e and dolls that talk and walk lire lo be Inline forever and forever to memben a! u new club here, when Ibey b ar Ihe "Made iu lieriiauy" Nlainp or liavur. "Urn- Nothing Gorman" is the nana of ihe club. Aud the woman who have formed It swear that they mean what Ibey say, and thai BftOf the war Ihey Intend Unit the kaiser d, cm not re cuperate from Ihe Ills he Las brought upon himself through Heir aid. The cluo aspect! tO spread lis me, sage countrywide, and thus lo Induce women throughout the United Slates to lank I liiui up In Ignoring every thing (ieriuan. THE UNIVERSAL C P ECONOMIZE Save your old lire Have ihem repaired Bring them lo our Vulcanizing Department which is equipped in first class shape WORK GUARANTEED BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE For your nvenientv we keep a supply of PORT) RKPAIBS uud OILS at Narrows, Riley. AUnrson, Harney, Drewsey and Juntura WjlSHA The Times-Herald Prints for Par. . !ar People