The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 17, 1918, Image 8

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    Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business Jane 20, 1018
Loans end Discounts $518,458.23
U. S. Bonds 106.812.50
Bonds and Securities 27,970.22
Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 3.000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
CASH 140,494.98
Capital $ 50.000.08
Surplus Fund 50,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35,038.81
Circulation 50,000.00
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25.000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24.800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-JIerald
Hti The Large! Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Huy a War Saving Stamp.
Otus Slzomoro wan In from hlit
much home Wednesday
Huy a War Saving Stamp.
Phone U63 for your Klre Insur
oca- iiariifv County Abstract Co.!
P. S. Wcltenhiller was up from
Crane Wednesday evening on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith, and Bon I
"Pat Murphy" accompanied by S. S.
Smith, went out to Iron Mountain
Ualley Hayes was up from Lawen
last Tuesday to meet his daughter,
MIhh Lulu, and take her down to the
ranch, she having JuBt returned from
Monmouth where she had been at
tending the normal.
Notice to parties who have ordered
wood from me; When you are In need
or wood please notify me a few daya
in advance and I will take care of
your wants. E. B. BENNETT.
Dr. W. C. Brown has closed up the
office for a few days and gone out
to get a buck deer which some
friends claimed to have staked out
for him near Van. We're getting our
appetite whetted up for his return.
Sam Mothershead and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hlggs and Mr.
and Mrs. A. 8. Swain are home from
their trip to the Blue Mountain
Springs. The huckleberry pi prota
lsed to some friends failed to mater
ialize, at least some of them didn't
get any huckleberries.
Thos. It Douglas was, over from
Diamond during the present week
on business. Mr. Douglas Is u pion
eer of this territory, having come to
Canyon City in '65 and since has re
sided in this territory. He used to
carry the mafl from old Camp Har-
The oldest Insurunco Agency In
Harney County Harney County Ab
stract Co.
Mrs. J. C. St-vclk was over from
the Clover Swale ranch the Other
day for a short visit.
What your son needs Is a college
education, Ml. Angel College, St.
Benedict, ore.
Mrs. A. A. Terry Wgl taken to the
hospital at Pendleton la -I Thursday
for medical inane ni
Kcrd Tipton and his daughter were
visitors from their home on last Wed
nesday. Mr. Tipton has been on the
sick list but Is Improving.
Mrs. Kmest Mustek arrived home
from Portland Wednesday evening
She had been visiting down there
since last month and upon hearing
that Ike Schwartz was not so well
she decided to come home and see
if she could help In the store.
W. C. Cecil and his son Homer,
W. B. Johnson, It. J. Willanis and
other residents of Sliver Creek were
In town Wednesday on business. Mr.
Williams and his wife came over the
fore part of the week and accompan
ied their son Edgar as far as Crane
on his way out to enter the service.
John Ollcrest came back from his
visit to Denver and other points to
the -east of here Wednesday night
and is again the guest of friends In
this city for a short time. He will
return to his California home In the
near future but expects to go out the
western route.
Misses Ilda and Lulu Hayes arriv
ed home the fore part of this week
from Monmouth where they had been
attending the normal. The former
has been employed to teach In the
school of this city during the coming
'' i
- - - . . tv. . i .
D. A. Brakeman was a business
visitor during tire week.
In the future as In the past, It will
be our aim to serve you.- Harney
County Abstract Co.
The ullve-lo-t he-times parent gives
his son a college education. Ml. An
gel College, St. Benedict, Ore.
County Surveyor Nicholson was a
business visitor to our city from
Crane the fore part of this week.
C. B. Ausmus was In town the
other day. He is recovering rapidly
from his recent operation and says
he's good for many years yet.
Mr. Newton who had charge of the
school ut lttverslde last year, was In
town this week. He states be will
teach there again the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Mller were In
town the first of this week. Mr.
Mller is one of the foremen of the
P. L. 8. Co.. having charge of the
stock In this county.
Capt. A. W. (iowan hit Wednes
day evening for Crane where he took
the train the following morning for
Portland to attend the Nutlonul Kn
cumpmeul of the (J. A. It.
A tan coat was picked upon the
Canyon road the fore part of this
week. Owner may have same by
ailing at thi-. office and paying for
this notice.
Deputy SI. .-nil Itandall and Dis
trict Attorney Allen Biggs went to
the Drain Camp Thursday evening to
Investigate an alleged lusano man.
They did not bring anyone back with
them and it evidently was a mistake.
WANTED: Man and wife for a
responsible position on a large cattle
ranch. Must have had previous ex
perience and able to give refeiunces
A good place for the right parties.
Inquire of The Times-Herald.
Mr. ami Mrs ('has. Ingram and
C. A. Bedell hm up from Henlo
the first of this week. Mr. Bedell
Is now residing in Winncmuccu and
came up on some business, he having
property In this city.
nciir. -tenner ana laniiiy iook m j. Jokl,;, ,, wttH town for
their departure yesterday morning , r,.w (lllVH thH W).t,k visiting with
mi the Uray stag for Portland Mr. Joklsch and their little daughter
where Mr. i;!.hner Is etnploM.I In Hie ,(, ,., (lowl , ,nt. ,.,.,, hom,.
Chas. Newell Is In the city.
Ml. Angel College. Ht. Benedict,
Ore., the place for your hoc
For Hale 4 acres adjoining
Burns. 8ee J. J. Dnnegan.
Corey Smyth and wife were regis
tered at a local hotel during the
Miss Daisy Defenbaugh was reg
istered at the Hotel Levens during
the week and left for Washington D.
C. later.
The Harney County Absract Com.
pany now owns the Klre Insurance
Business formerly owned by J. J.
Donegal!, (live us a call.
KOH HALE Several head of good
milk cows anil heifers, also a young
bull.. Beef stock.
TIIKii PORCIBR, Crane Ore.
Hyron Terrlll took his departure
c.tcrduy morning for southern Ore
gon to visit his mother for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kounsevelle
have arrived from their home In the
south end to take charge of their In
surance and real estate business re
cently purchased from the Itiluu.l
Bmplre Kealty Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Trias. Johnson and
their daughter Mrs. Kred Williams
and her children, arrived home Thurs
day from their outing spent at Pay
ette Lakes. They return in fine
health ami report having had a flue
time. They look It.
The many friends of Kilwln Kay
Crlftln will he glud to learn that he
Is among the survivors of the Ill-fated
I'. S. S. "Westover" which wa:i
torpedoed and sunk July 11. mix
BdWta writes his mother that he Is
In a hospital some where in Frame
but hopes soon to be on duty anin
doing his hit In the great struggle
for Justice and freedom.
ramiei mmaammmm m
ney to McDermltt in the early days I winter, but wo have not learned
when he had to hide along the route
from hostile Indians.
whether her cousin Is engaged to
teach during the coming year or not.
I Prolonging Human Life! I
In the effort to lengthen the span of human x
istance, every available resource in Nature's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and system
ized and ready for use. This is the work of the
The intelligent handling ef this vast itore of reme
dies, under the direction of your phvsician, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but oompetenl graduated phartiapigii,
The Ke7.aI8 Briig Store
&KKi BROS.! Props.
i urn mmwmzm&r:, .
hli yards and where the children
win attend school the eonisi raw
lira, Claud Brown and ,ier Chil
dren arrived home hist Saturday ev
ening from a visit to her mother,
Mrs Story In Idaho. Mrs.
Ilrowu says there Is wry little fruit
in that section this season.
Miss Beatrice llotchklss took her
departure yesterday morning for
Portland where she will enter hos
pital to become a trained nurse. The
many friends of this oung lady are
st(re of her final success in this pro
fession. Miss Jocelyn Burke took her de
parture Monday for her home In
Portland after a visit of several
weeks with friends In this vicinity.
The young lady hopes to return to
Jiurus nest for u portion of
her vaiatiou as she bus many friends
Mrs. Jennie Ppson and her daugh
ter, Miss Juanlta, came over from
Drewsey last Saturday In company
with Kd mallard. Miss I'psoe. Is one
of the applicants for the nurse course
offered by the government and was
here to submit herself for examina
tion preliminary to being accepted.
The Times-Herald received Instruc
tions from the postal service to
change the address of this paper to
several of the boys serving In the ar
my from Camp Lewis to American
Kxpeditlonary Korces In Krance.
Among the Harney County hoys in
the contingent are Buck Miller. Hatl-
den Klllott and Itoy Clark. These
three boys are in the same battalion.
Kred Otley was In town Tuesday
and says he Is liable to lose about all l
his family In war work. His sou Char
lit Is going to go out at once for ar- .
my duty and Dick contemplates dis
posing of his stock ami offering his
services either this fall or next I
spring, and his daughter, Miss Anna,
has offered herself as a candidate
lor the nurses training course to the:
Monday and Mrs. Jokisch und Doro
thy followed OB Wednesday. Both
are engaged to teach again the com
ing school year, Mr Joklsch having
charge of the high school grade-, at
Crane and Mr-., jokis.h win teach
in the southern part of the county.
Grant Hturtevant and wife, accom
panied by their daughter, Mrs. Wal
ter Struck and her children, left
Thursduy morning for La Grande
where they go to make their home
Mr. Sim t.-vant has purchased a small
acreage In that place where he has
a fine hearing orchard and lots of
garden space. Mr. Hturtevant has
been a resident of this vicinity for
many years and our citizens regret
the departure of this estimable fam
ily from our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II Neal are In
town today. They have recently turn
ed over all their property to their chil
dreu and are now at leisure. They
propose going to Southern California
ut once, in fact are on their way,
and while they do not expect to make
their home In this section In the fu
ture they will no doubt make fre
quent trips here as this Is really their
home since they have resided In this
county for many years. However,
their friends are glad they are taking
life easy as they deserve it.
Married Sunday. August 11, Wil
liam W. Gould and Miss Mamie Win
ters wero united In marriage by Jus
tice of the Peace Patterson. It was a
very quiet affair, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Holm being the only ones present.
Even the parents or Mr. Qould were
not let In on the necret until after the
ceremony. The bride has been the
poHt mistress in this city for the post
few years and Mr. Could has been the
deputy. Close friends of the couple
had predicted such a union but they
were not prepared to have it come
about as it did. Both are highly re
spected young people who have the
best wishes of the entire community.
mmm HfrnrnrrmTrrriiiiiimiim i
it A.
J .Ji-JL- .. -J
. . a
wllrVeq.fl for Mr
i I
vnter Y busl- his
Whatever you have that is valua
ble; whether It Is Just a trinket wor
thless in ltlf but valuable in senti
ment; whether It l an Important pa
per Hint nniht be safeguarded; or
whether II is a deed or a negotiable
security; the liest wuy t keep It safe
ly Is through the Hafe Deposit Her
vtoc we render for a small yearly
It will pay you t Inquire.
Harney Eourtfij National Bank
j Burns, Oregon
Miss Violet Harkcy
Portland tomortovr to
ness college
Ed Stallard was over fid
home on Otus Creek the firit
! the week.
I .Z 'Jr. JHHaT?; Mm m gB ' gfVltl," Bp 4-
t nt-i , kjgkfl '
""iiwp' ' gsw.'SVBS5aBraiiHHf HL
U I yin i nx tmm wan n 1 BaViKaM
g i. J m Tr Price Msrh" H L gain
Clarence Woldunherg and his wife
were visitors to our city Wednesday.
Clarence is the sou of L. Wolden
berg, Sr.. who established the brew
ery here several years ugo und who
was u resident of Burus for many
years. Clurunce spent his boyhood
days In this city and wanted to come
hack and see his I. inner schoolmates
j and friends. He Is a commercial truv-
I eler, Belling shoes In (he territory
south and being ut McDermltt, Neva
du, decided to run up for .ia ar
two. lie r iportl his lather III good
; health uml glsO hlH sister The fum
i 1 1 v have resided in Sun PrKOOUca
1 I I , ' ' "rifil yours,
Mr. ami Mrs. V. II. Staples are here
from Ontario on u visit with old time!
Irionds. lloth wero former residents
of this city, Mrs. Staples being an
employee In the Citizens Bank and
worked with John Biggs and Al Wel
come. She Is remembered by nisiiy
Of the old time residents of this city
ffH ure pleased to welcome her
among tin in again ufter an absence
of 18 years. Mr. Staples is In the
automobile business In Ontario und
has the agency for several cars which
Im 'hides this territory, lie came ov
er to look over the Held incident ly in
respect to prospects for sales and ..l g
to renew ac(Uiiliitauces He turumr
ly worked for C. II. Voegtlv and
others hero. Ho Is a brother to Mrs
ThOS, J. men.
At the Liberty Theatre, Tomorrow Night
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number of
cents it contains
This great Family tutors makes h epeckUtjr f
increasing the' buying power of your money. We
can ti t lii because
We Buy For Cash
We have no heavy credit bills te pay. and take ad
vantage of all trade discounts
We Sell on Close Margins of Profit
A reasonable per cent for our trouble and Investment
is all we ask of our customers.
We Handle High Class Goods
Every article we buy is the best possible to be had
for (ho money.
On tliea t hrew liiiWneHK virtue we base ur hid for
vour truHt
Burns Cash Store