mm 'Al. AND rKHHONAJ, Horh Angoll la over from hlH Isee! Iliniiii- I Building Loans and lnvontmpiitx IHarnay County Abstract Co. Mr. and Mra. Henry Dalton and ih childrtMi are out, on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mra. Harry Oouldin were I J. W. Bigft-a made a profHHHlonal trip to Ontario during tlio week. J C. E. Solomon lx over from Cat low Valley. Farm Loans on Irrigated ranches Harney County Abstract Co Geo. Cawlfleld and Mra. WalcT'wcre amonvma visitors from tbe Nsn-owa during 'tho week. Mr."oVtff!KlN: Bill Campbell have .. rf- r ft. -m i Aft.- I .-i.- j In from me u- ummca aurma n , rotuitM . f rom ilend where they had week. beetqeaprinj? Thorough busineaa, high school Mra. .-J ike Welcome and her chll ml college courses at Mt. Angel Col- dren hate reurned homo from their M si llenetllct. Ore. j. M McDade and wife came In from Hi ' southern part of the county outing spent at the Blue Mt. Springs. K. L. Hass closed his hotel the oth er day In order that he and Mrs. Hass rHterday. Mrs. McOade Is here to mgtll take a vacation. They have gone to coast points we are Informed. Mrs. C. A. Swoek lias gone to Cor Valllfl 'herejlie tamtlj I'Xpect to re side for Hie winter. She will he Join ed Inter h? oilier meiuhers. undergo an operation. lira. Hunt, wife of Hev. Hunt, will lecture at the Baptist church to morro forenoon at 1 1 o'clock. Pub I , cordially Invited. M:. Helen King l,'l'l ypstenliiv morning tor Bend where the foea toi The Tinea-Herald baa been Infor ined iiuii Ray Bmtth recently Inrea gn Indefinite stay for her aunt, .Mrs. ,, ,,, two knitting machines and li Horton. thai tils family lias not only donated ,. ,, ... the maohlnea to the lied Cross but Itrookings Station, or Hall Way , . i ,. ,,!. I were devot Ing their tlino to knitting imuse tor sale or trade for cattle. , , ... ,, vorft, for that orgunizat on. They are 160 acres L'OO in cultivation. ory , . o,.n turning out about 40 pairs of socks reasonable. Inquire at Station or , ' ua ,, ,,,- aift,,ur, a day at present with these machines. write llcrace Brookings, Sisters, Orefon. Thursday evening alter the mail James Mace and Len Nichols, two ' had arrival and the late papers dls estenaive stock men of the Prlne- i trlbuted the post mistress dosed the rille country, were here yesterday on office and departed but later had oc hn.lnesi Mr. Ma. e makes his head- casion to return and upon entering ,-uarters outside while Mr., Nichols the otflce found 'lied" Noonchester takea (are of the extensive rancher uulflng his pockets with small hange from the money drawer lie , ,,i utnek in Crook county. lirttnetllately told her he would give Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Callow returned ttn back to her and upon Investl- tbe lure part of the week from Bend nation u was found ho had quite a bars they had been for a short time supply, lie had crawled through the We understand thc have acquired p;Uce left open for puckages to be tteresta In that city and are going mailed. It is quite evident ho was then to make their home The datlgh helped in as little fellow of his uge ten, who accompanied them over, yonld hardly try such a thing on M remained In Bend. own initiative. MsV mmt"' X" Jxit&ffimBm i9 ftQaaftHawsT BTaaaBF BaaalaT aaavascj BrHfa3feaaaaT3 W9r iti m M -aw l5 BamBBavalBBsaBaaBaBai v We will do your Job printing. M you want your liny Insured hh Wm. Kurro. Had llowser Is spending a day or two In town the guest of relatives, I. Jesse Alberson vas in town Thurs day. 8. Alberson in in town from his home In tbe southern part of the county. We write all klnda of fire Insur ance. If you can't call, Phone us B63 Harney County Absract Co. There is very little bought by mall that cannot be bought right here In Burns. While helping the nation you can help to boost your homo town. Affairs in RUBSta seem to us like a play proceeding1 behind heavy cur tain, soui ,i and noise, iui no clear Information, If President Wilson semis ins commission of Inquiry there we shall have some knowledge of the plot and act. Dike Jameson left yesterday for Portland where he goes to attend the National convention of O. A. It. He 'old the manager of this great ro Itgous that he would not remain for a very long time M he soon gels tired of erowds and big pluces whero so much Is doing. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brooke and their children were guests of friend In this city Wednesday night leuviug the following day for the mountains where they go for their vacation Mr. Brooke was district Attorney of this district one term and also represen ted the district in the slate senate He Is quite well known to the people of this county. Principal W. M. Sutton of the Burns public school, and his wife re turned yesterday from their trip to Willamette Valley and other points n the western par of I lie stale. They were ueeoinpanied home by little Prances Barber who will make her Koine with them during the winter Mrs. Barbae remained In Portland for the purpose t taking up study In u busine ii i ollege, TUP VOICE OF THE IHSIMJ HI At the Liberty Theatre, Saturday, Auguat 24th T I I WILLIAM FARRE Notary Public, Land Office Practice, Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Office: Tonawama Building BURNS : H OREGON ejsj 'Ji W RAY'S AUTO STAGE ALL TOURING CARS Between BURNS and BEND DAILY " - I 'nil Leaves BEND ot 7:4." H.iii., arrive BURNS 7:)( p.m. L.'hvh BURNS at 7:00 a, mj arrive BKNP .":00 p.m. FARE, each way $8.00 ."( Pound Baggage carried Feee.' Boihi leper lb. Meet all t ratlin In Bend. Pawnmgera Arrive at I'ortlaud. frotu Burne, in 24 koure, fare $16.05 Prompt attention fivao all siliiiuientH In onr -mi KsiMM-inllv PerliUablo UonsiguiuentH. ImIuikJ Bmpire Realt.v Vtimphiy, Agent The chorus of praise drawn from our ullies by the gal m try of American troops in Prance sound almost like the concerted tlnale al an opera, Among I he paeans ot appre(datlon We hear a full-throated tribute from a vocalist whose tones are a little dif ferent i rom the rest. It Is the roles of our old friend, the Mikado. He has a style of his own, has Vohhi. Many of the most eminent In Buropean strateejy mid statecraft have handed It to us a plate. We gel ll in a ladle from (he Kuphulst of the Jsles. The trlbuted of statesman ami generals- l"renh, and Italian have often been triumphs of literary graoe. But for polished verbiage give us the Mikado, or some other cultivated Nipponese. Al throwing verbal eon fottl they are the lulr-huired hoys. Even more engaging Is the note of sincerity that we obeerv in the royal message. The foreign policy of ! Japan has often seemed something of . a problem, and the attitude of the Is land Kmplre toward Its allies bus not always been easy to define, but in his latest utterances theMlkado has un ' reservedly comitted himself, 'it is well thai the military weight 'of America is being rightly estima ted in Tokyo. I I praise of the Jap- aneee war-lords Is the praise of ex perts, ll Is belter to huve them with us than against us, and their exact 1 striking power Is always an unknown Quantity. How Japan standi on submarines, on aeroplanes, on lanks, ,011 machine gum, is a baffling. rlddl ami we can depend on her to keep the : riddle unread. It Is not long since Nippon wie re gardod as America's greatest dinger, and the time (hat we have taken in raising and equipping an arniv proves that we were anything bu secure Japan now realizes the value of our friendship when she fioei that our fighting strength is more thun ihere potentiality. If the proof of it in national pre paredness had been shown to tier many two years ago, we would prob ably have never been obliged lo go to war at all. o Keep Hie llloixl Hleitm I'lll'P ltheumatlc pains, backache, swol len Joints and sore muscles often are the result or impurities In the blood gathering in the region affected, u result of failure of the kidneys to I llmlnate waste products from the blood stream. Koioy Kidney Pllla heal, strengthen and Invigorate wens diseased kidneys and bladder. W H. Illll. Justice of the I', I )e troll, Tex., writes: "I used l'oley Kidney I'llls and ay unhe ulatlngly that of all I have used they are the best, and have done tbe work v. here the r railed." Sold evervuh re, JMMSsassapssMsssssassaMsssssssas". An American soldiers' food, cloth ing and war supplies for one year would fill a freight ear. There will soo.s be two million. Perhaps rive. Five million carloads. How many million more to fill con tracts with our Allies? A million and a quarter men al ready In Kurope A million and a quarter freight cars to haul their necessaries to Atlantic ports. TOllVCIIi OK HKI'P.NHK KXTKNH-' IOXH iraOM) HV THK 1MIKHIDKNT BOAKtJ OF EQUALIZATION MKKTINO Notice Is hereby given that the Hoard of Kquallzatlou for Harney county will meet at the court house in liurna on the second Monday of .September that being Hie !Hh day of the month and the regular time set for such meeting. All mutters of equallaattoa or complaints as to the assessments will be heard by I lie board on thai dale. J, Li, Caldwell, Assessor. HI MMO.VM Wm. Karre, who Is In charge or the county ror the State Council or De fense, Is In receipt or correspondence between the President and Secretary or War Maker wherein it is urged that this organisation be extended to cover -every community in the entire United States and to have under Its supervision every war activity. This Is a move that will meet approval. At present It covers almost every phase ot war activities of any conse quence. This organisation Is now a factor that will be Increased by the proposed extensions. Buy a War Saving Stamp. "The Six Bare Sons or the Kaiser" sounds like the tltlo or a Herman fairy tale. Hut It Is no fairy talo elthor; When our boys come home they will be well up in the geography of France. If they are asked to name four French rivers it will not take them long to enumerate the Marne, the Afline, tbe Ottrcq, and the Vnale. We are In the habit ot thinking of the president of the United States as the geatest American but Just now we are not sure that he in any more im portant than the soldier or the farmer. IN thk CIRCUIT COURT OP THK STATK OF ORBOON, FOll HAK- NKY COUNTY. Bllaabcth K. .Oorr,- piaintitr. vs VilllumvK. Ooir. dereudunt. To William K. Ooff, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the "complaint tiled against you In the above entitled court and suit on or berore the last day or the time prescribed In the order ror publication or this sum mons, to wit; within six weeks rrom the 1 7th day or August, 1918. that I being the dale ot the rirst publication hereof, and If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply MP the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, to wit; A decree of said court forever dis solving the marriage contract now ai'd heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant and awarding 10 plaintiff the care, custody and control of tbe three minor hildren of said marriage, and her co-Is and dis bursements of ibis suit, and general relief. j You are further notified that ihis summons Is served upon you by pub- j iicaiion thereof In The Trmee-Harald, i a weekly newspaper. publlslM;d In Burna, Harney County, Oregon, pur-J -cuiinl to an order of Hon. II. C. I'V- j ens. county Judge of Harney County. ; OregQU, made and dated the 16th day ; of August. 191S. the dale of the first j publication being August 17th. 1 9 1 S and the last publication thereof will ' be on September .iKth. 1918. J. B. COOK, or Hums. Oregon. Attorney ror Plaintiff. . LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS, OREGON I stabltahed thirty-two years Ne'd no introduction Through square dealing have won the confi dence of the people and are no longer in the experimental class, but stand among the solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de serve the support of all home people EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY The Labor Problem Of Special Interest to Farmers Then; in but one solution of the farm labor problem Improved Farm Machinery It is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will enable one man to do the work of two this year. We Have These Tools From the free-whiz to tho farm tractor, we have all the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you how easily you can not only keep up your reprular work but Actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do. .See us if you want to increase farm efliciency. I. S. GEER & CO. L. j0 wVM 1 ?rfftfflk ISr orecon Tfk lcSALVAnONH That Fall Suit! Have it made now during the slack season. We are always busy but more time now than we will have a little later. Call and See Our Samples and Styles Williams-Zoglmanii Clothing Company $E ! 3E 1 Table Satisfaction With tin' strenuous work mapped out lor the people this vi-cir. it is more than ever necessary that their food should be both satisfying and strengthening. . This will aie assured p! if vou buy yOW GROCERIES from us. Our store is tilled from front door to back with the best and freshest (iroeeries to be found in the markets. QUALITY IS NOT A FAD WITH US - ITS A PRINCIPAL. FRESH RREAD Keep your working power up to par by buying and eating r.eeries from Farmers Exchange BURNS, OREGON A. Ottinjjer, Prop. N. Franklin, Manager i . . jaa I Tic baj fe 2B5