M QO-TOCOLLBOIC ABVOCAUD) Dt RBCRKTARV Of WAR. The War Dcpartni'iit Authorises ilin Following Anneuncement: The detail:! of tin plan prepared ' by the War Department to otter to able bodtctl college students orer 'he ago ot 18 the opportunity to enlist In the military forces of the United States and to obtain training in the olleges which will prepare them for the more gsatttaj forms of military service have now been completed. The plan was firat announced in the letter of May S to the peaidents of ill educations! Institutions of colleg iate grade. a;ul the details are ex plained In :. circular sent to the aollagas under the date of June 28th. i"lic pvrpoM i" the plan is to pro- ido for (lie very Important needs of Km army for highly trained men as offtcara anglnaera, doctors, chamtata tnd admin!. trntors of every kind. Tin- tznportanca of this nMd eaa II. ii he too atrongly adrphaataad. The plan ta an attempt to bmMUm aad ,i volop tin' brain power of tin- young in mi of th" country for thOM services which demand special training. Its, Objacl Is to prevent the premature nliatmenl for a'tlve service of those' men who could by extending the per Rd Of their college training multl ily manifold their value to the coun-1 iry. 1!'. however, the need arises for the services of these men In the fight- lug line, the terms of their enlistment are such that they can be called by the President on a day's notice. But for the present it will be tho policy I,: the Government to keep them in training until their draft age Is reach ad. This Is a war in which soldiers are I only marksmen but also engi neers, chemists, physicists, geologists! doctors and specialists in many other linea. Bclentifle training is (odtepen-l silile. Kuglneering skill Is Beaded i bj the officers who direct every im portant military operation and who trol our lines of tranaport and nmnnication. In the same way imical and physl.-.il knowledge arc constant demand at tba front a- well as behind tie- lines, while the :ask ol -avlng the lives and restoring t He health of hundreds of thousands il wounded culls for the service of regimenta of military phyeiclana The scientific training which pre I a man to fulfill one of theee highly specialized duties and more liberal training which helps to (level op qualities of leadership needed b) the officer or administrator are aa-n-iitial elements of military efflcien .. . Kor the purpose of developing men nrho shall have this combination ol ivlitary and Intellectual training B i ew corps has been created in the ar i v to be called the Students' Army Training Corps. Voluntary enlist -I .-lit in this corps Is open to all able I t-odled students in the instilutioiM collegiate grade who are not un-! r IS years of age. Btudenta under! H cannot be legally enlisted but they may enroll and thus receive military '.raining until they reach the age shen they can legally enlist. The boy who enlists in the Stud- ( oils' Army Training Corps will be en furlough status and will not re-, oeive pay. He will undergo regular military tralnine as a part of his I course during the college year, will attend a six weeks camp for rigid and intensive military instruction with prlvnto's pay and will be aub Ject to the call of tho President for active service at any time, should the exigences of the military situa tion demand it. The po'.ioy of the government, however, will bo to keep members or this Corns in college un til their draft age is reached, and the War Doparment will have tho power to order such men to continue In college even after their draft age la reached whenever their work la such that the needa of the service, e. g., for doctors, engineers, chemists and the like, are such as to make that course advisable. The Students' Army Training Corps will be administered by the Committee on Kducatlon and special Training of the War Department, Which will function as a section of the Training nnd Instruction Uninch ol tM War Plana Division of the General Starr. Competent oftlceri and non-commlssloned offlcem will be aaaigned to the various Institu tions to terry on the work or military infraction To supplement the of ficers aaaigned b) the War Depart ment three special summer training camps are being held to train a lim ited number of picked students and members of the faculties of the var ious Institutions so that they will be able to assist In the work of military Instruction. These camps will be held a 1'lattsburg New York; Fort Sherlun. Illinois; and Presidio. Cal ifornia, for sixty days, beginning Ju ly 18th. The importance of this plan for combined military und collegiate training. If we are to meet In the fu ture the urgent needs of the army for highly trained men, Is so great that the War Department earnestly reqnatta the colleges. Councils of De fense, and other patriotic societies to cooperate in bringing it to the atten tion of the young men of the country and In urging them to do their purt to make It a success. Approved ! (Signed) Newton 1) linker Secretary or war. RANGE HORSES HHIPFBD TO SEATTLE RUTCHERB KOKMKIt SHERIFF A. R. ANDER SON NOW ENDORSES TANLAt) Prominent Houston Man Says, "Mon ey Could Not lluy The Good It Has Done Me." "Money could not buy the good Teniae has done me," end I gladly recommend it for what it has done in my case, "said Hon. Archie R. Ander son, of Houston, Ex-Sheriff of Harris County, Tex., recently. Mr. Anderson la unquestionably, not only one of the beat known, but one of the moat popular men that ev er held public office in "The 4MM Star state. After serving as Deputy Sheriff of Harris County for twelve years, Mr. Anderson was elected Chief of Police of tho city of Houston lie hail occupied this office only a short time when the sheriff of Harris County died. Mr. Anderson's friends persuaded II I m to make the race for the unexpired term of Sheriff to which he was i isll elected He was honored With reelection si-veil dif ferent times and served the people In this Important office for fifteen consecutive years Pour years ago Mr. Anderson declined re-election and retired to private life. Ho cast his lot among the people of Houston and is a large property owner and foremost citizen of this Interesting and prosperous city. "I was In n run-down condition, continued Mr. Anderson, "and had no appetite at all. I could hardly sleep at night and never felt like get ting up In the mornings, I was so tired. I had the worst form of Indi gestion, suffered all the time from gas on my stomach and was continu ally belching up undigested food. I had to take my coffee without sugar, as when I drank it with sugar. 1 would Just belch ror hours. I would bloat and swell up like I was poison ed and Bttffared with neuralgic pains a of the worst sort, and nothing seem ed to help me only In a tomporary way. I Just can't tell you how 1 did suffer for the past four years and up to the time I began taking Tanlac a few weeks ago. "When I read the testimonials of some who had been relieved of troub les like mine I Just felt like I could n't make a mistake by taking Tanlac and It has done even more for me than I had expected. I began to feel better after taking my first bottle and have Juat now started on my third and I'm a different man al ready. I sleep like a log now and eat Just anything and everything I want without the sllghtost discomfort af terwards. I am glad to endorse Tan lac because It does the work and I'm telling all my friends Just what I m telling you. I never felt better In my life than I do since taking Tanlac I am willing for you to publish my statement .and let eery Buffering person who may wiah, benefit by my experience with thia great medicine." TanUc Is sold in Hams by Read ilros. - Adv. NAZARENE Clll'RCH Mrs. Woodrow Wllaon christened the quistronck, the first ship launch ad from the. Hog Island ship yards. She must hve done ao with some In ner dubitatlons unless she had been previously Infomed "What Is a Qulst conck? ' or "Where Is Quletconck?" Hatband and Wife If one may Judge from the news paper reports the gentleman known as Yankee Doodle Dandy la now In France and la In great form. Mrs. Frank P. Wood. Box 18, R, K i D. 2, Merrill, Me., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills helped me so much. My husband also has received much ben efit from them. He was ao lame ha could not atoop over and now he feela no pain." Lame back, sore muscles, atlff Jdlnta, rheumatic aches and peine quickly conquored by Foley Kidney Pllle. Sold by Reed Bros. f UNIVERSITY of OREGON TralaBM) far Dflclry la Faaca r la War I'.illv o.,iii pped liberal culture nnd eeieiiHncilepiirlrneiile.Spee.lal riiiiiinr in lit "ill"""'""" -...,.-.- . . . ... Viwli ill). Library Work, IHilftir, I i-i r.w.. - .......... . . " j ,7 ., , '"'"" V . "... ! .1 II, 1,1. 1, lli, Ilril ' rHir.. .! Ill-Id irk , i i .. ... f ....... .1 ... ., ,,l rrmltra. brldCra. N-t..-.i..i. rvr'..'"".-,,:. ";;.,, ... ....:. Hi. Hiii.Ii Ml riTi.niiii.iiiK-u Inr ' ,.-. - r..:i iiui. I ii.mrv ,,l BOyOOO v.iliinii... Itoajil ValarBW nd oiai. I ISrn.r lwl. mu Il .it.iri.ilillr lor ..,.. ..!: - Wrllr llrliHnir. I.uirnr. OfH ' lllaairawa ih.. Kin. 21 VF i Itev. J. Htewurt Muddox, Pastor. A cordial Invitation is extended to you to attend our services . The hours of the service on the Sabbath are as follews: Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Preaching at If A. M. Young Peoples' meeting at 6:41 P. M. Hong service at 7:30 P. M. Preaching at 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7: SO P. M. -o When a conscientious objector re ceives a sentence of from firteen to twenty years at hard labor he must wish thai he had either objected less or been less conscientious. The fir : oar load or young range horsei lafl the Yakima reservation Friday nr the Seattle market whore the animals win ! slaughtered (ot food, Should the sale or horeefleah be welcomed it will ha fallowed by otter Shipment, The present ship ment was arraiiKcd by the Wash ington State meat Inspector, K. B, Henderson lie believes the meat or these young, specially selected range hones will lie found superior to He onlinao beet Mr Henderson kiim- The animate ship; ad are young and healthy, from Hie Yakima rung m Thej will make better meat than the ordinary beat and are to be Slaughtered under the supervision of the - il meat Inspection department. This ihtpmenl Is only an experiment, bm ii there la iure enough da maim the meat will become a fixture on the Seattle market. I cun get thousands of the young range horses that are of no particular value for any ober purpose. In habits Ihaag taml-Wild range horses are much like deer. They eat the same feed und an a i lean and healthy. Kx. O Mr. Hoover's trip to France Is prob ably for the purpose of securing the lutest tail modes In food conserve. Hon. 491 I aaaaaaaaajBBajBfaaTarjaajBaBeawaaaBaaaaaaaaa Special, next Friday LIBERTY THEATRE Bryant Washburn, in "THE MAN WHO WAS AFRAID" From Mary Brecht Plover's atory in the Saturday Evening Post Mother Love vs. Patriotism ALZWlF lTlfaafjtjTx j rt- ' r ;tl?-BP"fjiB ' KaVaflBBtbBiaaiaaaaB '' aaSwaivJa. Kr3. ' aPJP. rPwc Wf 1:l- i I J. aJilllilllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi'"' ' '"lllill!l!lllllllllllll!ll!llllll!lll!lllllliyi!lllllllllllllP gr it Hi Perfect Confidence No other Wordi can daoribe tho relationi that hould fxiKt between a Bank und its patrons. If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a bank, you certainly will not tt ust your money to it. This Bank invites carefi I inspection of its financial strength and boui d bticiness methods. We know they are above criticism, but the tint is, we want you to ki ow it. When you have learned, then we solicit your business on our merits. CRANE STATE BANK ORANE, OREGON 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon s an ' i in 4 aaaaaaaa I H .afBaaaaL If M&mmT il JDV I anaaaaK A ! HWflaP latfslgfaBBBBBn JaaJgggaBalafBal BBBBBBBBflBaKiaAaBBBBBaBT 'aaBBBBat' aCVJai BBaWfcBBBBritlBBBBBBPeBMllMBBBl 1 BbB iSaaaaaB-a JwmBBKI ' TK Nn WKo War AJnii " twKtJ Carolyn f the Corners is just a natural, wholesome, joyful little girl who leaves only a trail of smiles and happiness on the path she travels. Making her acquaint ance is like getting a burst of sun shine in looking up into the blue sky. Carolyn romps through the story we are about to publish in serial form. It is a clean-cut tale of every day life, with many a smile, not a few thrills and also an occasional tear. You will treasure her friend ship long after the last installment is ended. Look for Carolyn! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' 1 THE UNIVERSAL C V liiino; your Find car to ua when it needs to ba "fixed up" or repaired. U- gujuftntee the most reliable work; tin- genuine Kord-made materials and lo ask Kurd price, It is our business to know ull about Ford cars. We bavo the necessary equipment and competent work men to do the work as it should be done and to give you prompt attention at all times. When you want to buy a Ford car we earnestly solicit your order. BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE For your conveniencv we keep I supply of FOUD KKFAlliS anil OILS at Narrows, Riley, Alberson, Harney. Drewsey and Juntura The Time-Herald Prints '"or Particular People U