The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 17, 1918, Image 1

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The TImcs-Hrrald goes re
gularly to mar home In Har
ney County than any other
newspaper. If you wlf to
reach the people tine these col
umn for your advertisement.
'flic Times-Herald I an ohl
established friend of the pcopJ
I il.uney County where it lute
hevu h weekly t filter for thirty
jenrs. It' Job department a
equipped to serc jour need.
NO. 42
rint Rnrgeit
Wht mmt&MtMk
i i i, ... i,i. ,.,,,, . . r, 1 . ' .'' ' " ii i , . , i ,
co.vrHim tk to MOHfJHOT
Mr. and Mr. J. B. Hounnevelle
have recently received a letter from
their noil who Is In France, and vorv
. indly allowed ua to publish it:
Dear Felks:
How is everything on the Other
-Ide of the earth? It been pretty
hot here. I don't mean the climate.
By thin time I suppose you may have
'.ml about It altho you never can
tell. Us like this:
I've been transferred to the photo
.li'tachment of the Kalnbow Division
and my second day hero the Boche
started a little celebration. Here I was
-Iceplng quietly when, about 2 6 P. X.T
in the morning, they (or we) opened
tip. Not only had 1 never heard such
,i bombardment but the older nol
.llers said that it was the worst they
they had ever heard ,too. The whole
i rout jusj biased and there was just
one contlnuou roar, like thunder
only more so. The photo detainment
girded Its loin and went forth to
battle. Somehow they didn't have n
iielmet or pistol for me so I hail to
-tay In the lab. but as the Boche
were shelling things within a kilo or
less away. It wasn't exactly what one
i til' call quiet.
Ml never forget my first shell One
milled over our heads just after the
rui'hus started, on Its' way to a p!a e
about two kilos distant. I did a quick
impersonation or a poodle playing
dead dog". Of course there wasn't
anything to duck for but the first
time one of these thing tomes
crushing along Is enough to make
anyone duck.
The Lieutenant and the men tame
bach later on and went out again Just
a little after daybreak taking me
along. We got some good movies and
nils of real action. The still man
mi one of a baloon on fire that I
going to be great. In one place where
Mopped for photos they started
-helling the road with sharpnel. One
chunk hit the fliver and another hit
about a foot away from me. Gives you
a rather peculiar sensation, being so
nearly not missed. j
L,ater: Yes I should say It was!
We have Jum come back from a trip
In the fliver looking for material for
photos. We got plenty! Material I
mean, not photos; friend Boche saw
us stop. 1 gues and got busy with
his 77 a. It sure was lively for a
while. Just imagine your noble son
ilriving thru a cloud of Bhell smoke
with the throttle wide open. Clad
Dad taught me to run a Ford.
This I the second queek I've had
in the last three day. Can't say I
like 'em but it might be worse.
Kindly note I'm sending you an
order for candy. I don't know how
ou'll get It filled out there but do
vour durndest. Absolutely can't get
it here, and It my one and only bad
habit at present. The limit I 7 lbs.
per package so five of candy will be
about right with two for the parking.
r lease don't send lea, It too hard to
get permission for packages at all.
Perhap you could end to Wlnne
muca or 8. R. Co. for It. Bend choco
late caramel and nut bars (Her
sheys) or caramels, anything but
creams as they don't travel well,
Joce tried It to New York while I
wan there. I don't need to tell you
anything about packing for you know
the distance they have to come.
if vou cet around to It you might I
also subscribe to the Cosmopolitan Examiner representative that his as
tor me. reading -matter Is very scarce. Blatant thought that he had seen at
I hope next time I wont have to I the head of the lake two fles that de
ask for anything, but you must re- j troyed grannhoper egg. He stated
member I'm in the land of want and I that the We laid an egg in the neat,
ant get" a I know you will. . Produced a grub
Itemember me to all the Valley, which commuted the egg. Owing to
If you will, and especially to Jean the fact that but two were observed.
and his family. Tell the kids Cousin , he wa of the opinion that the fly
Phil sends them his love In addition ' would be of little effect in destroying
to a lot for his folks. If you write to the eggs this season. This find of
Willis give him my address and tell Messrs. Thruston and Wade Indicates
him to write me a line or so
8. If you get It from Sears
have ihem ship direct.
I K Weston had the misfortune to
break two of the wheels of his big
Nash car the other day. He was
alone at the time of the accidet.
and turning the corner in the lane
leading from the Lena Harkey place. '
said he thouhgt he was putting
his foot on the break but It was .V
Idem he got It on the feed Insfead as
l- came around that turn so rapidly
ihat he made kindling wood out of
lha wheels Now he's walking or
, " thankful for a ride In I common
,,,. until 1.1. car I. repaired.
For ten years and more the names
of Dell and Bertha Blancett have been
linked together in cowboy-land and
together they won prizes and chain
ploiiKhlps wherever thoro were con
tet to tet the skill of cowboy and
cowgirl. But at the annual Pendleton
Kouud-I'i) next month Bertha Blan
cett, champion woman bronk rider of
the world, will enter the contents
without her husband. Dell Blancett.
ever since the inception of tint Hound
Up one of the most consistent of
winners, now occupies u hero's
grue somewhere in France.
Blancett, who was one of the lead
ing spirits In organizing the rough
riding Troop I) at Pendleton only to
be discharged, because of a touch of
rheumatism, "beat it" straight for
Canada alter the Bound-Up last fall.
"I'll boat you boy over the pond
yet," he told the boy of his old
troop. He enlisted In the Canadian
cavalry, was sent to Knglaud al once
and, when the cavalry was transfer
red to artillery, was o:ie of sevril
selected because of uperlor horse
manship to fill the In the fam
ous Lord Strnthtnore Horse, hi tho
midst of the Oerman offensive last
spring, his troop charged a wood and
Blancett wes laid low by a German
sniper. "ThOSO Crerman bullets sure
hit hnr.l." were his last words to his
comrades. aeeordlg to a letter receiv
ed here recently from hi commander
who paid a high tribute to the fam-
ous cowboy l flKhtiug qualities.
At the Hound-Up of 191N, which
to he held on Sept. 19, 20 and 21
under the auspices of the Bed Cross,
Blancett s companions of the wild
weal will pay a fitting tribute to the
first of famous Hound-Up star to
make the supreme sacrifice.
J. L. liault, cashier of the First
Nsiitional bank of Bums, Ore..
Spokane visitor yesterday, report
that the open winter, followed by a
dry summer, bus resulted in a snort
ago of pasture for sheep' and caMle,
the two mainstays of the district.
"The dry pastures have not n I
down our production of abOOP and
cattle, hut they have made it neces
sary for the live stock men to operate
under a severe handicap," said Mr.
Qault. "Many stockmen have been
obliged to drive their h'jrds Into Ida
ho for grazing, and this, of course.
Increases the costs."
Mr. Guult called on H. T. Coinan.
president of the Exchange National
bank, v horn he has k'.owen for 2'
year, dating from the time when
Mr - 'oman was a hauler at Paloun
and Mr. Gault wa banking at Mor
row. Mr. Gault Is negotiating finan
cing assistance In Spokane for the
stockmen of the Burin" district.
Spokesman Revle.".
K. C. Thruston and Bert Wade this
week brought to the Examiner a
number of grasshopper nest that
were Infected with grubs. The nest
were gathered from different sections
and nearly all were Infected. During
the visit here a few weeks since of C.
W. Creel, who was examining grass-
hopper conditions, he stated to an
that I lie I lies are mucn more numer
ous than Mr. Creel supposed, and H
Is protmbly ihat they will destroy the
egg that are reported so numerous
" """"' ''" ftxam.ner.
Baseball Is our national game
the game we all love and bott.g aj
national game, and u man's game atj
that. Its soul should be patriotically
dean. Baseball will never claim .
empllon for Itself and the arm thai
throws the ball with a curve that I
brings down the cheers of the crowd
Hhould be .be arm to hurl the bomb
and bring forth il.e cheers of .he
o -
When Urn V. S. army lakes the
field It not only lakes I. but holds II
Of late 1. has been a Kren. 1. Meld. ,
Circular Letter Addressed to Workers
Contains General Information of
Interest to Entire Public. A Great
Enterprise That Has Produced a
Vast Quantity of Needed War Aids
There has been some comment as
to why certain thing are done and
why not done by the Bed Cross re
cently and the following circular let
ter has been sent out from Division
headquarters for the purpose of let
ting people know about matter that
they have asked quetttluu about. Dr.
Griffith . i, airman of the Harney
County Chapter, handed It to The
Times Herald yesterday and it wus
thought of such wide interest it
woud publish the letter In full:
To Rod Crow Werker:
'i l.e women of the country work
ing through the Bed Cross ure pro
dui lug enormous quantities of Sur
gical Dressings, Hospital and Kelu
goe Garments, and other useiul arti
cles. The production has been in
creasing during the past year by
leaps and bounds; there Is no ap
pai'iit limit to the generosity and
devotion of these Bed Cross worker-
The Bed Cross today Is one of the
greate.t manufacturing enterprises
in iTe world, and the wise direction
of all ihls energy ami enlhuslsam
pri -ills many serlou-t problems. We
want every Rod Cross worker to im
ileMtand (he situation as It gradu
ally develop,, so that we may have
thai cooperation on the part of every
one that goes with a true understand
ing ol Bed Cross aims and purposes.
VVe have. Iherufore, set down below
at some length a summarized account
of the work up to the present time
antl of the problems now bofore us.
Our Knlry into the War.
When thin country made It entry
Into the war. the Bed Cross saw the
necessity of providing great quanti
ties of article which could be made
by the Chapter workers such a Sur
gtcal Dressing, Hospital Garment.
Knitted Comforts and the like. In
formation a to types of these arti
cles wa circulated throughout th
Chapters and tentative estimates of
the quantities which were to be pro
duced were relied upon in arranging
for the pun-hase of the necessary raw
material audi as gauze, cotton,
yarn, etc.
Plans for instructing workers In
the production of the various articles
were rapidly made effective. In a
surprisingly short time, the Chapter
were turning out enormous quantl
ties of all these articles. In the mean
time, the Bed Cross organization for
Inspecting, transporting and distri
buting these products to the points
of need was being developed.
It was not humanly possible at the
outset to make any dependable es
timates of the quantities and rela
tive proportions in which the various
kinds or article should be produced.
The Red Cross Commissions when
they took up their work abroad, and
our Department of Military Belief,
dealing with the Camps and Canton
ments In this country, uncferstood
from the first the necessity, from ev
ery point of view, of making these
estimates. The dlfflc.ultle of niak
ing estimates at all reliable must be
obvious to all. It required time and
opportunity to study the situation
from every angle so as to be sure,
In the end, that they had given due
weight tO all of I he perplexing
phuses ol I he problem.
While Ihose studies were being
made, the Bed CroBS was convinced
thai it would be wise to spare no
pains to be ready for any demand
that might be made upon It and
while we have increased our knowl
edge of the problem month by month,
the tremendous production of all
these articles has been going on In
every part of the country so thai we
have, thus far been able to not only
in, i I In one way or another all of I lm
demands upon the H'1 Cross from
every tiiarler bill have al the same
time, been able tO 'I" WW further
thing Which we consider essential.
That is the creation of great stocks
of necessary article so that emer
gencies, and emergent les are a rule
of war-- might always find u ready.
Everything no far produced I of
positive value. This is a war of such
trumettdous proportion that It neem
almost Impossible ever to figure on
having too much of anything connec
ted with It conduct, particularly of
those thing which the Bed Cross
Chapters produce.
If there was no limit to the amount
of raw materials available in the
country and ihe shipping space which
might be used to transport the com
pleted articles to the point of need,
the policy of almost unlimited pro
duction might be Justified. But
there is a limit and a very definite
limit to resources, both "of material
and transportation, and so It Is not
only Wise but necessary that we put
the entire production as rapldlv as
possible on the basis of our best es
timates of the most urgent needs,
so that while we are for Red Cross
requirements adequately we may at
the same time be conserving the coun
try resources of material and Its
transportation facilities now so en
tranportatlon facilities now so sore
ly tried.
The Situation Today dressing:
The rate at which surgical dres
sings have been produced has been
constantly Increasing and is now at
a point higher than our estimates In
dicate as necessary for some month
to come. This rapidly increasing
production has strained the capac
ity of the manufacturers of raw ma
terials to such an extent that there
ha been serious difficulty in secur
ing sufficient gauze and other ma
terials used In making dressing.
Our Department of Supplies Is
working In close cooperation with
the Government to see that regular
quantities of these materials are se
cured for Red Cross work. All ne
cessary orders have been placed with
the manufacturers with every help
that can be given the situation by
Government priorities. For a while
there will still be delay in getting
the material Into some parta of the
country but everything is being done
to hasten deliveries, and we bope,
before long, to have established reg
ular delervlieoteallosilsn scmfwmfw
ular deliveries to all sections.
If chapters will take step to lim
it their production of dressings to
the exact kind and quantities spec
flcally called for by the Division
they may feel assured that the situ
ation is being well cared for. Th's
doe not mean however, that any o
men who are willing lo work need
be Idle because of lark of opportu
nity. There Is urgent need for other
kinds of Red Cross work, as will bc
seeu by the statement which follows
Hospital Garments, Refugee Gar
ments, Comfort Kits, Knitted Hoods,
For monlhs past careful si -id I I
ha e been in progress, not only bj
our Commissions abroad but by our
Departments In this country, tru
ing In close cooperation w in th
Army and Navy to detenu fid C
need for Ihese articles. As .1 IV -.lit.
definite estimates of their req I .'
incuts between now anil tin autumn
are In hand and have served :i. the
basis for the allotments for th work
1 to be done by the Chapters To make
i the things called for by Hi's eitlfemta
will mean that more women than ev
er before will be required lo d fbte
their time to ihls work. BotaO "'
theM articles are for our own sol
dier boys and for those who will sOOU
,e called to the colors, oilu-r.-i uiv I'or
the hospital! of our Alliei abroad.
botfa civil n. id mllllai . I h ' I tl
others are for the in I 0-
(Cm ;inuca 00 1 - i
The Burns Public Library lias re
ceived today a request from the A.ncr
lean Library Association's Headquar
ters In Washington for more, books
from this community for the men
The appeal from Washington
stales that new novel and good Wes
tern stories, whether new or old, are
most needed. Books by Zane Oray,
Rex Beach, Jack London, Italph Con
nor, Owen Wister and O. Henry are
very popular. The Public Library
announces that It will receive and
forward all suitable books that ure
turned In. It urges the frlondJ of the
soldiers and sailors, many of whom
have already responded most gener
ously, to give more books.
The communication received by
the Library from the Washington
Headquarters states that over 600,
000 books have been sent overseas.
The supply I nearly exhausted and
several hundred thousand more will
be needed oon by I lie six dispatch
offices which arc no.', shipping books
to France. The books are packed al
these dispatch officas in strong cases,
no built that they serve as a bookcase.
They go on the deck of trans
ports in cargo tfOMOit and in naval
vessels. Those that go on the dOOkl
of transports are open no that Die
men may have reading mutter lor u.-e
gathered together again, however,
on the voyage. All these books are
replaced In the cmo-; mid delivered
to the proper Official I in I'r.u CO,
In France, the hooks are distrib
uted by an oxporloncod Librarian,
representing Ihe Annraan Library
Association. Mod ol them go to V.
M. C. A., Rod Cross and Salvation
Army huts, hospitals ad cant' I
others go d'roctly to chaplains and
Bill, H "JiT IS ;Miv:;
The sior-' of ' Wolroi of the lioll"
an Artcro't picture starring William
S. Hart, the Tboo. H. Inco nr. which
will be tl- n'rrnctlon at the Uberty
Theatre uokl vYodngoday, Aug. 21.
has the I roa ! western country .'or
Its set til .
Hart is I'r-i i-"'!:i ui "Buck' An
drade, a daring h! man, WfcOM
gang la feared and dreaded by the
offlc'a'.s of a 'western railroad1.
"Buck's conversion is effect d at
the bclslde of big flying n.nther and
he give. I i his task of reformation
all the energy, vitality and thorough
ness that characterize ill. eOTOOr as
a hold-up and all-round bad man.
"Buci'. becomes a staunch cham
pion Of law and ordor. a loyitl protec
tor Of the ratlroad company's proper
ty, and a safe guardian of government
monev, though he bus to fight his
former gang to do so. Of course
there's a girl In the case I'aith Iuw
son, the operator in the railroad tow
OT at Smoky Gap. and th inlag
.if Audrade't now eboraotor u:iti bu
r10iflfaiTnttl of purpc.c are partly
tin result if his Live for her.
I There la no let up In the interest
and action of "Wolvej of theHull,
(mid the millions of admirer of "Big
Bill Hart will find r.iuch In this new
offering to enthuse over. Firm of
all there's the new character In which
Hart lakes Ihe side of law uud order,
and his strenuous but none the less
effective methods for ridding the
Box Canyon country of the danger
ous outlaws formerly com mantled by
himself. During the course of the
five reels "lllg Bill" performs enough
deeds of daring to pleae the most
Most of the scenes In "Wolves of
the Ball" were photographed in the
UMiunlans ol California, where a cotn
pjeti railroad r.tatlon. switch lower
and division superintendent a office
,ve:- erected. Hart la glVOd UJa lit
1 U.ll e.M-ellelit .support, Ud " hole,. II
im has brought bla finest craftsman
.-hip to (be toro In making ihl new
plctura Q I'ani'ard for future llarl
r.idi: Toils.
Juki wh Hi' i'o should it 1 1 a boon
any question us lo put lit ; tbo ball
plgyora out 'f iiu' "work r fight"
order until after the season Is In
i.oinprehcnalhle to the patriotic Amor
lean. There Is no logical reason why
tlio big baseball league- should mil
ill; i intlini" for tba duration Ol the
war. ,
I . Canadian, in Ihe t'nl-
tal i who liovo always enjoyed ,
. ,i.' may begin tbj mil to
is of the dr ifl i,
The Times-Herald had not baesi
Issued but u short time on last Sat
urday containing the proposition '
Mr. Uoursevcllo to erect a errfc
monument to the boys whet kmr
gone from Harney County It tak;
imrt In the war activities, when C.
V. . Loggari upnroached the writer
gad gave liltn fl toward the. mad
i Ills la a slarter that should bo fol
lowed by others If this Is to Uf ouUt
a real success. The TimeM-H-raVJ
dOH not want to handle the fund bjti)
would gab that those interested er--IgttOte
a treasurer to whom the dona
tion! may be given.
Let's hurry up Tor too boys an? go
ing forward with sudi rapid!
they may settle the thing before.
get any decent amount for lie- pur
pose. o
Vou I'oys who have become of tu
since JuneS are asked lo register fer
army duty m August 24 according to
Information received by the local
droit board. Instructions ure ex
plicit but supplies are she rt uud es
pecially the time is short to rret aajr
UPpliba out to the outlying dfat
trlets. However, the local bearcl
has given nut the lnformatlou thai
tli: boys who are to register do the
boat they au. If they don't flatd
uny one in their own neighborhood
lo register them or fall to find any
blanks the are limply to write to
the local board lc that effect jjI
state they have become 21 years oW
since tba registration on June ' uJ
formal registration win toko ri-
when it is convenient anil the ne-ran-laT)
iuppllei are received.
According m tba telegrapblo ha
formotlon ibis i by a proclamation
i,i the pre Ideal ami ha not blag fas
do with th- propooad change In due
draft Ogc whiotl Is t be put i:''' ef
fect n. an early date and for vJsfdi
pr parol !o rt ' tins, made ) reaj
: ttr on S pt. ."
Clerk itiii.'.i til of the local boatdl
..a notified i i." Times-Herald thai
bo win be aide to reach so mi- of tfcej
districts with supplies and tbO ho;.-
in those neighborhoods are to go be-
fOTO the registrars named. The'
John Smyth. Andrews; W. N. Mon
roe, Catlow; Sidney McNeil. Crone;
w. c. Drinlrwater. Drowaoy; SToei
Morris. Narrows; Sheriff's office
The sale ol tbfl Sh!i.holni home
stead, as It has always been known,
lo It. II. Brown of Hurn.-y County br
I, II. Seaward lor 36,00l show
inur i ampboHcall; than anjrsmtstg
ebM WbOt Malheur County irrigate!
farms Hro wortH.
This salt wan coni'umatecr but
week and the transfer was completed
shortly afterward. Mr. Brown Inkers
the ran b with the present croi
Thoro an.' ICO atreB In the piece aiifl
the price i .-r acre therefore war
The Eale brings to light auother
Interesting fact concerning Malheur
comity lanus. Despite the fact that
ihlj ranch ha been cultivated for
many jeurs it is richer today than
.'ver it was. For more than 13 years
the annual crop of alfalfa raised un
his ranch bus been from 1000 to UOO
tons. In other words at present prfcsw
the crop In one year Is worth hall"
the purchace price.
If there if. any section of Undo
Sara's domain that can surpass tltK
record lecal authorities are of th
opinion that II must be a gold nine -Ontario
Weston F. Bbialda, Pa tor.
Preoohmi at UA, at. All gra
cordially invited to bo presoaf af
this Mrvica. Important gnnotini v
menls to be made.
Sunday S. Iiool at 10 A. M. Bu j
Jecl, "Working in the Church.
Preaching at tba Poison Croesc
School-house at 2:00 1 M.
Broaching al Harney next Sunday.
August 18lli, at 8:00 l. M.
I'ruyer met ling very Thursday at
7:ii0 I'. M.
August Ntbi preaching at Swkl--hen
at 2:il0 V. M... a.:d at Itfleiy
SohOOl house at ItOfJ P. M It.-RUlar
morning services at Hums each tiu-
duy. Commencing win. Sept. lot
regular morning and OVOnlBf