The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 10, 1918, Image 8

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7" Ira Mahon was a business visitor
during the week.
1 1
. . ...
Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business June 29, 1918
Loans and Discounts $518,458.23
U. S. Bonds 105,812.50
Bonds and Securities 27,970.22
Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 3,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2.500.00
CASH ..: 140,494.98
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund 50,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35,018.81
Circulation 60,000.00
Bills'. Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24.800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
The Times-Jlerald
Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
1 '
local rows notkh.
(Jive your boy a chance. Mt. An
gel College, St. Henedlct, Oregon.
J. M. McDade wan up from the
south end Wednesday on business
returning home the following day.
Waldo (Jeer, 0. B. MoC'onnell, Bert
Wheelon and Harry 0. Smith were
oyer on Silver Creek Saturday even
lap to attend a meeting of the Home
Defense League and a dance.
Nptiee to parties who have ordered
wood from me; When you are In need i
of wood please notify me a few days I
in advance aad 1 will take care of
your wants. K B. BENNETT.
lira. A. K. Klchardson took her
departure Tuesday evening for I'tah
where she expects to visit for a per
iod. Mr. Itichardson took her over
to (rana to take the Wednesday
morulng train.
Alfred Johnson and family were
over from their Silver Creek home
during the fore part of this week.
Mr. Johnson bought some bay in this
vicinity early in the season but has
found he has sufficient at home and
was here to dispose of that which he
had contracted for.
The Times-Herald has learned of
the death of Mrs. A. I. Johnson of
Drewsey on last Wednesday. She
was a pioneer woman of that section
and was well known and highly re
spected. The funeral was held Tburs
day afternoon.
Henry Elchner came up from Port
land last week where he has been en
gaged In the ship yards. He came up
to arrange his affairs in order to
take the family with him. He has
rented a house and will put the chil
dren In school during the coming
year down there. Henry says Tom
Sprague and Hoe Buchanan are both
at work In the yards.
Buy a War Saving Stamp.
W. H. Craven was a business cal
ler In this city Wednesday.
Four-horae power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this office.
Mr. and Mrs Tout Allen were in
j town from the I' ranch tluriiiK the
Albert Oakerman and his mother
came In from thulr Silver Creek home
The best all-round training a boy
can get Is at college. Write to Mt.
Angel College, St. Ilenedit. Ore.,
for a catalog.
L. M. Brown and family arrived
home from San Francisco the fore
part of this week where they had
been for several weeks visiting. Mr.
Brown says the trip to and from Cal
ifornia in an auto is worth while.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Beard who have
been visiting her father, It. J. McKln
non, and many other relatives In this
county. Including Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel (Mark, at Mann hake, will
leave soon for their home In Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Smith ex
pected to take their departure the
last of this week for a visit at out
( aide points but Mr. Smith cannot get
I away for a while on account of the
' erection of the new stone garage
building so their departure will be
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson are
over from Prinevllle. Frank Is here
to look after the business of the
Oregon ft Western Colonization Co.,1
It being his usual first of each mouth
visit. Mrs. Johnson has been enjoy
ing a visit with her slater. Mrs. Lloyd
Culp, also her brother, Chas. Mc
I'heeters, and other relatives.
Mildred Dalton has arranged one
of the big display windows at the
Lunaburg, Dalton ft Co store In a
most attractive maimer with bunt
ing and Hags together with photo
graphs of Harney county boys who
have been called to the colors. The
little lady hns a number of photos
of our boys and would like to have
more. If you haven't seen the win
dow stop as you go by.
Prolonging Human Life!
In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex
istance, every available resource in Nature's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and system
ized and ready for use. This is the work of the
The intpllifront tiantlliiijr of thin vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your phvsician, devolves on
Your I)ri'fjfjint
Wa employ none but eomnetant graduated pharmacists,
The KexaM Jtowg Store
REED BROS., Props.
Fred Smyth was In the city from
Diamond IbhI Saturday.
John Carv and his family were In
this city Wednesday.
For Sale 4 acres adjoining
Burns. Sea J. J. Donegaa.
11. Mecham, the Ogden stock buy
er, was again in this vicinity during
the week.
A. A. Tlptoti was in town this week
after supplies and looking after bus
iness affairs.
Harrison drove was registered at
a local hotel from Deulo during the
fore part of IIiIh week.
Miss Urusa Dodson has oht to
Portland to consult with some friends
In connection with proposed war
work as a nurse.
Mr. Wriiy Sr.. who brought In the
Wray stage on last Monday night,
had the unusual expefence of running
through snow between this place and
Hlley on that day.
C. E. Kenyon and his son Charles
were guests at the hotel Levens on
last Sunday night from Welser, Idaho
being enroute to coast points. Tin y
left early the following morning for
the west.
Judge Webster, who was here to
look after the interests of clients at
the hearing of the water adjudica
tion cases, left Wednesday for Lake
view where he had some legal busi
ness before the circuit court. He
went directly over In an auto.
Lost A saddle horse est rayed
from Jack Creek this spring, Hay In
color, branded CH on left stifle,
saddle marked, weight about 900 lbs.
Howard for his recovery or Informa
tion leading to his rerovery. M. 8.
Davles, Narrows, Oregon.
Mr and Mrs. C. T. Llllard and
their son Joo were over from the
"Valley or the Moon" last Saturday.
While Charley circulated- around
amoig his friends and Joe well, we
won't account for him Mrs. Llllard
visited the Kail Cross work rooms.
Kev. C. P. Bailey, who used to
come to this territory occasionally
and hold revival services, died at The
Dulles on Aug. 3. II" will be remem
bered by many of the pioneer re
sidents rf this city, especially tho
members of the Baptist church where
he used to preach.
Mrs. Nolllo I(eed took her depart
ure last Monday forenoon for Bend
where she will visit for a short time
pending the arrival or her parents,
Mr and Mrs. Harry C Smith of tbls
cty, when the entire party goes to
Yakima Valley to visit for a abort
time and put up fruit.
There will be the usual services at
tho Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Kev. Shields has been absent with
the Camp Fire Girls during the en
tire week and should be refreshed
and readv for a gord fcrroon at the
services tomorrow.
Archie McGowan and his son
Burns returned home last Sunday
afternoon from an extended trip to
points in Western Oregon. They
were absent on recreation and busi
ness combined. Both return home
looking fine and ready for the stren
uous life of work.
Chaunney Cummins Is over from
his home In Malbeur county on a vis
It to his son, Will, and to look after
some business affairs. Mr. Cummlna
states It has boon exceedingly dry
out there and the crops are short.
Where they have water and the
places in alfalfa they are making
good. Meral: (Jet Irrigation and
plant alfalfa.
Jlmmie Dpnegau Informs us that
he has disposed of his interests In
the Harney County Abstract Co. to
C. M. Faulkner. Jim will devote his
entire time to the Fourth Liberty
Bend drive until that Is over when
ho expects to convert the building
at the rear of the Trlsch ii DoneKuu
corner rormerly occupied by Hill
Htlder. Into an office und take up
his real estate ni.d Insurance business
If yon want your hay laawed arm
Wm, Vmrrtt.
Mrs. Al Woatherly Is' a guest of
her sister, Mrs. Eunice Thompson.
T. C. Alhrltton was In from his
Haildle Hiiito home the other day.
Mrs. Jack Klsby was up from
Crane during the week a guest of
relatives and friends.
Dr. Minnie Hand-Catterson was In
the city Wednesday, the guest of
John Craves came up from his
fai in home near Malheur Lake last
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. ('. II. Smith and her Utile son
ban- gone t,o Portland where they
go to Join Chester.
Mrs. Ailed' Clark' Is here from
Portland on a visit to her father It.
J. McKlnnon, and other relatives and
Mrs. Hen Brown and her little
daughter Lucllo are expected home
this evening from a visit In Californ
ia. They are coming In by way of
James Fellows came over from
Prinevllle Thursday. He was ac
companied over by Alton Hyrd who
will visit with relatives and friends
for a short time.
acootum invited.
Fvmtt Deposit is a Magnet
It Draws totnfhe small change which you
fJtlUUtly lmt " starts t growing Dank
account and creates a fund which will finally
iJLke you jindAendent. Make that first
Inn A 77?aintani
mam B
Harney Counlq National Bank
j Bums, Dregim
ftffBp tnrlinilUB
WANTED:- Man and wlfo for a
responsible position on a large cattle
ranch. Must have had previous ex
perience and able to give references, visit to Portland.
A good place for the right parties.'
Inquire of Tho Times-Herald.
Sheriff Goodman arrived Home; Mrs. Claude Smyth was a Kueitti
the rirst of the week from an official her cousin, Mrs. Allen Jones at hi.J
suburban Mo me during the week.
Mrs. Kobert Krumboln, formerly I
Miss Km ma Johnson, wm hare for s
few days last week visiting with1
friends and having some dental work
done. Mrs. Kriiiiibeln'H home Is al
Hie Whits Horse ranch or the p. I,
I, Co where lier husband In foreman,
hut she h;M been u( l.awell fur 1, (', w
..' 1 Irs wiiii lier father Chs 1 .1 Jobu
son, who had boon burl by 1 borse
throwing, him. Mr. Johnson has
Rboul raoovsrsd from bii injury ami
Mrs. Kniinii.iii ii preparing to return
to bor boms
Alex C. Kao, the expert accoun
tant is here from Portland on busi
ness. The gentleman will spend a
few days at the Hanley ranch In this
vicinity and go later to tho P Kanch
and Crane.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnold and fam
ily and Mr. anil Mrs. A. L. Cockrum
returned last Friday from a two
weeks vacation In the mountains
near the Seven Devils mines. On
tario Argus.
Some of the boys who have been
put In a different class have been
disappointed In that they were not
accepted after all. They all want
to go It appears hut some are unfor
tunate In not being abb to pass the
physical examination.
At the annual meeting of the
Burns Flour Milling Co. last Monday
the same board of directors were
I'liie-.-ii to continue for the coming
year. A report from the secretary
treasurer shows the affairs of the
corporation in better condition than
heretofore but little prospects for
much business during the coming
season because of poor crops.
Mrs. Llxxle Hanley returned home
the fore part of this week from Port
land where she had been to see her
son, Tom Johnson, who was with
the drafted men to leave that place
recently for ('amp Freemont. She
displayed a picture of Tom which
was published In the Journal of the
6th, he being In the lead of the 260
boys who were on the way to the
Kev. and Mrs. Shields and Mrs.
James Lampshlre chaperoned the
Camp Fire Olrls on a camping trip
this week, leaving on Monday morn
ing for Saw Tooth Mountain where
they spent the entire week In fishing
and enjoying camp life. The Camp
Fire Olrla of the party consisted ef:
June Dalton, Oene Schwartz, Gwen
dolyn Lampshlre, Violet Terrlll,
Blanche Goodman, Marjorle and
Gladys Byrd.
Lester Hamilton and family came
up fom their farm home in the Denlo
country Saturday and met his sis
ter, Mrs. Alice Swanson, at Crane
and they all spent that night at tho
J. W. Buchanan home, coming to
iuess in connection with the transrur
Burns Monday to transact some bus
of the big ranch property to Lester.
Mrs. Swanson was accompanied over
from Bilker by her little sou Glenn.
The party started on the return trip
Wednesday ,Mrs. Swanson going
back to Baker.
Frank O'Nuil and his sou Pat
were guests at tho ranch home of
Frank Jackson for a day or two the
foro part of this week. Mr. O'Neil
1h one r the pioneer. of Malheur
county ai.d used to keep (ho station
al Win-in Springs above Vale where
we all used to enjoy ,a square meal
Shsn coming iii or hoIiik out on the
hIiiko to Ontario. Mr. O'Neil still
owns thai big luring and it Is Qlu
tO lie a I'll',, result oie- pf til ila I,
for bS Used to pill the writer 011I Iii
OUt hi I he b:il b bun ,,.H In Kleep , ben
He orowd was i.m big l the suflon
and l hose 1 aths will slwsj , be i.
Illi-inb. Tell
k Amm ' aiaVff a
. sjjaar LV r
im 2'n Pe-becca S 3 " 'swl
. r - 1 dk
n ebecca
of $unny brook rarrrJ
At the Liberty Theatre, Tc morrow Night
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number of
cents it contains
This great Family Store makers a specialt v f
inotwating the buying power of your money. We
can tlo tliirs because
We Buy For Cash
We have no heavy credit bills te pay. and take ad
vantage of all trade discount.-.
We Sell on Close Margins of Profit
A reasonable per cent for our trouble and investment
is all we ask of our customers.
We Handle High Class Goods
Everj..articla wrWfl-i the best possible te be ruid
for the money. - 'HUES
On tht'M' three l)iiHi'ueN virtue we hntst our bid !"'
vour truilr
Burns Cash Store