DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums, Oregon . and residence, Gee: Young bonne Phone No. IMS CARL C. GRIFFITH riiysMan and Bargeon BURNS. ORCOON. J. LU. CBARY Fhvsleian and Surgeon. Burns, - - - Oregon. L.,. ,n si cond nitor lonawania nm. 'Phone Main 8ft. PENMAN & DENMRN. PbySiCians and Surgeons I ..r.u.iullll .....lit (II illlV It) Utiswer-"! inniipii . ' .m llnrrlllisn. Marriman, Oregon r- Minnie Hand lysician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. L. E. HIBBARD DEKTIST (till. . hrsl iloor east pliolo gallery Boras. Oregon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law tnd Office Practice Land Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law I. (. O. F. Bldg.. Burns, Oregon HERMAN VON SCHMALZ Attorney at Law mti -'J and practice before I". B. Land Other a specially (fiic. Fry Bldg. next door to post olfie. Burns. Oregon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice, in the Htate Courts and be- krethe U.S. I.aiid Office. Chaw. II. Ijoonai'd. A TTOKN K Y- AT-f.A W, lareful attention given to Collec tiiuis and Real Estate matter. Fire Insurance. Notary Poblifl Hl'k.nb. Okkoon. LONE RESTAURANT QEOROe FOON Pi op. Meals At All Hours. Short (-rcrs and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates Give Me A Call Oupoklle llraea-IIrrald Building Make This Mm Bring That job to The TWff!i!'!ffl Let us not consider Quentln Kooa- ovelt s days as Incomplete. However brief the life may be ,no maun life which Is given for hta country mils abort of full completion. F. (!. Dll.LAKO FWmsrljr Ami. Raalnrar la 0. a Risnlsmailua Mr vtoa. A, O. Kaui.knbk roraarljr Chief Kb tinser uf Hle wasters. Ky. Eastern Oregon Ea ineerin Cenpaay CM. AM IMWATIBf! tflilNKERS Boras, OrexM JOHN lr:.NIIKKI.IM. vl Qf3- Jnwelor Optician Knirrnvor. Mini Fine Watch cialty. Repairing A Spe CoA MVrUMr, VyU OAVVJ E'J J -.....- lot caAcmIoAo. '-foUrAc, VocrlvwX A OoXoioae. OVt toAlol VttC1 'J A luxvLXu arvcl -OrAvicc. 9rvrvtrtA - Counaelo: $1500 Reward! "l'l- nreiton, I si I funiiuuii'l Nl H'iit I . I vi- (tost I'M.ll"' Hon Aasoslstloa ! which the unilcr Itii.ril Ik sisrobsr Mill give i.'t im rtwsrd for evi dence Icmllnit lo tl c irri uti'l sea vu'iioii ot .1. pai lyor parties strsl I li K tinmen. I'nltli or mull'! hclonglns '.i. tnj mI III mi-in beta. la .ildllioi. to the above, the iinileralRneil afbM the isnie ii.mlltlou t-'-'s. oo for all hon brauile't lii.m- hml Wn. bolti oreltber Jaw. Ilraod ri-.onlixl In i-lxlil rouotlrs. Kalis1 Harney, Lake mid (Took counties. Hornet rented when ao.d. Nods but grown horses told aud only In large huurlii-ti. W W. HKOWN rife Oregon. Sumpter Valley Railway Cd. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Depart No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrive Baker 1:1SA.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Depart No. 1, Baker 8:3 A. M. S i n '. er 1 :05 A. M. Arrive Prairie 2:1 P.M. No. 1 Makes good connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15 P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv ing Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. M. which picks up Pullman at Ba er, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 0:45P. M. for points East. Room Yours fr Whether you are building a brand new home, making additions to the old one or merely repairing wall, you can have a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. Beaver Board walls and ceilings are more handsome, more substsntial and more sanitary than any other kind. They are the essieit vrsilb to build. No lsth or plsster therefore, no litter. Beaver Board always gives satisfac tion. But you can't expect Beaver Board reiults unless this Uade-aavkb on the back of the board you buy. Burns Hardware Co. Burns, Oregon Timer-Herald Office SENSITIVENESS HURTS A MAN Affliction Often Result. In Absolut Ruin of Persons Who Are Inclined to B Ambitious. In nn article culled "How I Cured Myself of Mtf Sensitive," a writer kii.ns In the American Magnslne: "'Wagner, you've got ability,' he cried, 'but you'll never get anywhere In this world until yon quit tearing yourself to pieces! I've watched you for the last three years; twice I've had It In mind to push you np a notch In the office, and every time I've passed you and picked some one else, because I knew you aren't fit to bundle other men. No mnn Ik fit to handle other men until he linn learned to control hlniHclf. You ciin't, you're too blamed MCllHltlVP. "'I.lllle setbacks break your lienrt. a letter of complaint comes in from some CtlBtOtnef mill you Inke II lis n personal criticism, earl lose n ilny's work brooding over It. You MM Me In conference with souk- of the Other men iimi you stab yourself wondering why you weren't Invited and Imagine thai I linve turned luminal you. You hour nlioiit some one who Is Bulking more money than you, nmi Immediate! nil fur del. Is look greener. You're ii fair ly useful eon 1" your present Jolt, n ml It might i u i me to si. me iinnoyiiiice to lose you. I'.ilt you'll never hold it big oli until you enn forgot your own petty self, nmi lean, to laugh when the world takee n crack it you. Bunged If I don't think sometimes u might be better; If you were to get out nmi try votir liiinil somewhere else.' " Fuel Problem in China. Mrs. Calvin Wright, u missionary nt TaDgehOWfn, tells Of fmnlne conditions In China. She writes, according lo the Christian Werld: "Between us ami the sen Is h Held of the tall grain we call giiollaiiK, which has I. ecu almost completely stripped of Its leaves hy ( the p., in- of the city, trying to tlml fuel for their kitchen tires. When we cut our millet the poor Cktme out in families mid the hired reapers seemed to take them all for Itulhs, for each woman ami child htol 'hamlfuls of pur pose' mid went away wllh l.nskets mid nrmliils of grain. It seemed a pit J 10 stop them, bat the memory of 1" mOUtlU to feed led US In send them word to wait inilll lite rentiers were Bo the gleaners sal In groupe di.: among the graves or by the i laide ami waited. When the Inst stall; wits nil m.d carried off they pounced upon the land und raked It bare. We had our lawn cleared of wild grass for nothing, as the gleaners were only too glad to pull up liic roots for fuel." America's 8evrest Winter. A letter from John Winter lo Itev. Dr. Cotton Mather describes graph ically the severest winter and deepest snow ever recorded In America : "If held the north half of the continent In its (,'rlp. In the Illinois country In this winter of 1710 und 1717 the snow fell to a depth of six feet on the prairies mid hided so loiik' that all wild animal life, such as the larger Iflime huffalo, elk, deer and imiseopi died. The l.uffnlo and nntelops never crossed the Mississippi rlv..-, and these two species (peculiarly plains and prairie ruminants) never came hnck, hut elk and deer und other large game did." in i H i ii. MRBOTOBY State of Oregon United States Senators; Geo. E. Chamberlain, C. L McNary Cengressmen: W. C. Hawley, N. J. Slnnott, C. N McArthur. Attorney General, George M. Browi Governor James Wlthycpinbt Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott Treasurer T. 13. Kaj Supt. Public Instruction J. A. Cbur chill. Statu Printer John l.awreuui Supreme Judges: F. A. Moore, Geo. II. Burnett, Robt Kakln, It. S. Bean, Thos. A. McBrlde Henry D. Ileuson, Lawrence T. Har Is. Ninth Judicial District District Judge Daltun Blggi County Attorney M. A. Blggi Circuit meets the first Monday It April, and first Monday In October. Joint-Senator J. A. Hurlc; .loiNt Iti-presentative, G. M. Craudal County of Harney County Judge H. C. Leveni Clerk Chester Daltoi Treasurer Pearl O. Flai Surveyor J. a. Nicholson Sheriff W. A. Goodmar Assessor John Caldwell School Supt Frances Clark Coroner G. W. Clevengei Commissieners: W. H. Robin, It. L. Has. County Court meet the first Wed nesdiiy in January, March, May, July September and November. Harney I . H. Land Office Iteglster, . V. G. Coac Itei elver . .Sam Mothers'iead City of Hoi ns Meetings of the Council every Sec ond and Fouith Wednesday. Hccorder W. Y. Kln Treasurer Henry Daltor Marshal a a. Perry Ceuncllmeu: J. K. I. organ. Sam Motherhcad C. M. Salisbury, J. H. Thompson. How proud we are to have aaved some wheat In our household now Hint we realize that our saving Is part of the magnificent total that has fed our army and saved the al lies' morale. Lot the good work go on. -o HOLT FAMILY CHURCH (Catholic) Car Miller and 0. Bte. Buaday High Mass at 10:80 o'clock Week days Mass at 7 'fttook. Instraotfoaa for children Satur days at A. II. Rev. Father Francis, 0. F. M. Rector. I MEAN iti hinfsh Have renl purchasprs for both an Improved and unimproved farm, but unless you are the owner und have a good buy, do not waste time answ ering, us I mean business. Statu prices, terms, and particulars In your i first letter. 11. ('. Irwin, :U.r.-Stock Exchange Building, Portland! Oregon. ..ughi fold at I'alm Beach Southern climate Is no protection against summer colds. Helen It. Saunders, 626 2nd Av., V. Palm Beach. Fla., writes: "My sovero cold i on the chest was relieved hy Foley's Honey and Compound." This fine old family remedy can be depended upon to relieve summer colds, hay fever, asthma aud croup.- Sold by Heed Bros. NOTH'K OF ABMINIHTRATOIt'H SALK OF HF.AL PHOI'F.RTY IN THK COUNTY COURT OF THK STATK OF ORBOON, COUNTY OF IIAUNKY IN THK MATTKU OF THK KSTATK of TONY FLINT, Deceased NOTICE IS IIKUKMY OIVBN That the undersigned. Wm Pnrre. adminis trator or the Batata of tony FLINT, Deceased, pursuant to an order of the County Court for Harney County Oregon, made and entered on the Till day of August, 191 X, giving and grnntlug paid Adiulnlstutor the righl and authority to sell certain herein after described real property belong ing to said Estate, will from and after the uth day of September, 191S, offer for sale und proceed to sell at prlvuti- sule to the highest bidder upon the following terms: either for cash or credit, or both as the said Administrator may deem best sub ject to the Confirmation of said County Court, the following de scrlhed real property situate in Har ney County, Oregen: "The South one-half of the South west one-iuarter of Section 19. Township 29, South of Itunge 3:1, Fast of the Willamette Meridian." Offers for the purchase of said real properly may be made to me in writing at my office Tonawuma Building, Bums. Oregon, from and after the 9th day of September, 191 S, Dated August 9, I ills. Win PARMi Administrator of the Es tate of Tony Flint, Deceas ed. First Publication. August 10, 1918 Last Publication, September 7, 191X NOTICE OF t.i iiiiiiAvs sai.i: of RKAI, PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THH STATE OF OREGON, FOR HA It NKY COUNTY. IN TIIK MATTER OF THE GUAR DIANSHIP OF VIVA GARRKTT AND NEVA OARRBTT, Miner: NOTICE IS HKBEBY GIVEN' Thai the undersigned, J. W. OAR ItETT, Guardian of Viva Garrett and Neva Garrett, Minor ( hiidien, pur suant to an order of the County Court for Harney county, Oregon, made gnd .nieied on theltnd da of July. 1!IX giving and granting said Guardian a License In sell certain horelnal'lor-do-scrihed real property belonging to said Minor Children, will from and after the 26th day or August, 191S, offer for sale und proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bidder upon the following terms: either for cash or credit, or both, as the said Guardian may deem best, and sub ject to the confirmation of said court, the following described real proper t situate In Harney County. Oregen: "Au undivided one-eighth Interest In and to the East half of the South west quarter, and the Southwest Minuter of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, and the Southeast quar ter of Section 22, und the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest quurter, and the WchI halt' of the Southwest qunr ter, und the Northwest quarter id the Northwest quurter of S. c tion 2::. and the West half of the Southwest quurter of Section 26, und the North half of the Northwest quarter, ami the South 'list quarter Of lite Northwest quurter, and the Baal half Of the Southwest quarter, of section 35, all In Township ZO South. Range 29 East of the Willam ette Meridian, Harney County, Ore gon; and also Lots 8, 6 and' ft; ami' the Southeast quarter of the North west quarter of Section 2, Township 21 South, Range 20 Rest of the Wil lamette Meridian, Harney County, Oregon." Offers for the purchase of said' neaa" property may be made to me In writ ing at the office of my attorney J; W. Hlggs. Voegtly Building, Hums, Otw gon, from and after the 26th day of August, 118. J. W. OARRUTT, Guardian. Dated this 26th day or July. 1 91 K. First publication July 27, 1918. Last publication Aug. 24, WVH. NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLK'WrcNT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the im late of Walter T. Struck, deceased, hm filed her final account of Iter ad- ' In the matter of the ("date of ministration of said estate with the Amos Oldfleld, deceased, clerk of the County Court of thi-j Notice Is hereby glWn that the State of Oregon, 'or Hurney County, underalgfiod administrator has filed and that said court him made an or his final account In the above en der appointing Saturday the 24th titled cause and the County Judg-) day of August, 1918, at the hour of , has set Monday, tho 12th day of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at tho August, 1918. at ton o'clock A. M. at court room In the eounty court house the office of tho County Judge in In Burns, Oregon, as tho tlm and place for the hearing of objection . to such final account and the settlis m. -Hi thereof. All persons Interested In said es tate and having objection to said final account or any part or item thereof are hereby notified to pre-s.-ni said objection and file the same with the clerk of said court on or before said time ZFPHA STRUCK, Administratrix. NOTIC'K 9Hm rt'BLlCATION I'N'ITED STATES LAND OFFIOE Burns, Oregon. July 11, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Charles Ward, of Fife, Oregon, who, on Sep tember 2(1, 1913, made Homestead Bntnr, No, 0MIS, for S',4 Section 4, Township 21 s.. Range 14 . Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to inako final three-year PrOOfi to esmbllsh claim to the land above deeerlbed before Chaa. A siie--niun, i'. s. Commissioner, at his of fice, at Fife, Oregon, on the 14th day of August, 1918. Clulmaut names as witnesses: K. J. Laaguttn, James Perkins Paul Warner all of Fife, Oregon. Henry Street of 8untex, Oregon. V. G. COZAD. Register CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA T. FRY, DECEASED. To Henry Fry, Kl BoariUnan, Saruli Rlee. Frank Fry, Alt Fry, Lula Fry. Edgar Fry, Carl Fry, Ertna Pry, Paul Pry, Eugene Fry Elmer r ry. KiijBh Wilbur Cooper, r rutin , Musgrave, Argy Musgrave, May King- ' man, Allle Musgrave, William Fry, Fry, a daughter of John M..I I Ml.., ,. Fry, deceased, and to all other heir: o( Joshua T. Fry, deceased, unknown R any such there he, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby cited und required to appear In the County Court of the State or Oregon, tor the County or Harney, at the Court Room thereof, at Burns In tin County of Harney, on Friday the 30th day of August 1918 at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cuuse. If uny aglet, why an order of sale should not be made allowing the administrator or the ubove-nunied estate to sell at private sale, ror the purpose or pay ing the debts and expenses of ud mlnlstrutlon of the said estate, the following described real property, vlr.; East one-hair or the South-wo't one-quartor and lots 3 and 4 of sec- Hon 30 In Township 25 South of Range 32 East of the Willamette Mei- Idlan, in Harney County, Oregon; us by petition it has boon prayed. This citation shall be deemed served upon you upon completion of the fifth publication hereof, and the uhov named dale upon which you are cited to appear Is a date more thun ton days after the service of this citation, by publication, upon you. First pub lication to be on July 20, 1918. Witness: Tho Hon. H. C. Levens. I Judge of the County Court uf the State of Oregon for the County of Harney, with tho Seal of said Court af- flxod i his 19th day of July 1918. (Seal) Attest: CHESTER DALTON, Clerk of the County Court. 1st July 20th. r.th Aug. 17th. ironCK FOB PUBICATION tTNITHD STATUS LAND OFFICB. niirns, Oregon, July 29, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Julia E. Haines, heir of Mathilda Wood aewfc, r Harney, Oregon, who on April 1, 191 6, made Homestead En try. No. 08036. for Lots 1. 2, Sec. 29; Lota 1, 8, Sec. 30, Lots 1 and 9 Bec tie 33. Township tC 8., Range 31 .. Willamette Meridian, South of Mal heur Lake, has filed notice of In tention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register aad Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the Bth day of September. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis Siawmorn, Mrs. Otis Slzemore, George Cawlfleld, Clarence Miller all of Narrows, Oregon. V. O. COZAD, Register NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THK COUNTY COURT OF THE STATK OF OREGON FOU HAR NKY COUNTY. Burns, Harney County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob- Jectlons thereto. JAMES M. DALTON, Administrator of the estate of Amos Oldfleld, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, July 18, 1918 Notice is hereby gjven that Perry D. Williamson, of Riley, Oregon, who, on July 1, 191'.. made Homostca I Entry. No. 0824G. for EV4SW4, Sec. 5; NHNEVi.NW'i Section 8, Town ship 24 S.i Range 26 F... Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final throe-year proof, to establish claim to the land iihev: deeerlbed, before Regieter and Re ceiver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 26t.i dav or August. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Charlie F. Williamson, Fred Hart well, both or Riley, Oregon. Fred Starless, Kva Sturgess, both oT Sun tex, Oregon. V. G. COZAD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE July 35, 11-4. Notice is hereby given that Leora I F. Kane, of Narrows. Oregon, who. Ion June 11, 1915, made Homestead I Entry No. 08208, for SVa8V4. See. 84 land NV4NV4 Section 25, Township ! 27 S., Range 28 K.. Willamette Mer idian, has ti'.'vt notko ii; Intention to , make final three-year proof, to es 1 tnbllsh claim to the land above de ' scribed, before Register and Receiver at Bur. is, Oregon, on the 28th day of 1 August, 1918. 1 Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Gouldin, I'uTi Gouldin. Al- I bcrt Dendaw, Robert Pants, all of Ba narrow Uregoll I I M 1 V. O. COZAD. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 1 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of llaivo Dixon, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix has filed her final account in the above entitl ed cause and the County Judge has set Monday, the second day of Septem ber, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M. at the ot'tice or the County Judge In Burns, Hurney County, Oregon, as the time and pluce tor hearing objections thereto. MARY E. DIXON Executrix of the estate Of llarve Dixon, deceased. o WARRANT CALL. Notice 1b hereby glveu that there are sufricient funds on hand to pay General Fund County Warrants regis tered prior to August 1st, 1918. Also all Road Warrants registered prior to August 1st, 1918. Interest ceases . August 10, 1918. PEARL KEELER. County Treasurer. NOTICE OF BIDS ON WOOD Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Harney County will receive bids up to 12 o'clock A. M. September 4, 1918. for 35 cords of j first quality muliogany wood to be delivered at the Court house aud High School in Burns, Oregon on or before October IS, 1918. The County j Court reserves the right to reject any und ull bids. Bids should be address ed, seulcd. to the undersigned anil marked "Bids for Wood". CHESTER DALTON, County ClerK. "Ambu."