The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 10, 1918, Image 6

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tacri New Meaning to Biblical
It !' popular fnllncy Hint It ll
ranch patter tn ii bnd Hum fond, Nn
firmly ranted la IliN rror that II Is
unlvernlly accepted, II. Vni'ley writes
n Jttdgti
Yet It Ik very may to demniistriite the
a bam Milt; of It. ImAglm yourself, for
ii moment, Inning deHrted to lie ai bnd
us possible. Throw off nil IIioukIiI of
rotrwhtlon of Ihw, of cnrltig for the
nplnlnns-f others nnd of heeding the
atlll, stnnll voice within you.
Here vou nre then, remly to he bnd.
Not Jut ordinarily, pretty hnd but
luul to the lit Ii decree.
Wluit sluill yuu doT Murder? Tluifs
silly, for there Is mine ynu hnte enough
mil If there wns the fenr of cvotitunl
l.v sit Him In n chair not upholstered
fur Comfort hut for speedy demise
would deter vou froth murder.
Huh ii hunk? However delightful
the prosper!, von enn't tenr Open Iron
hnrs wlih your Imre liimds nor dli:
through granite with your tliitfiTiuilK
Klope with your ' iie,'hlior's wife?
Tlint Is the most ridiculous of nil, for
you know your neighbor mid Hint re
moves niiy wish to endure, oven for n
moment, whal ha Miners Indeflnltaly,
So you sfiiud, nnd mentally ko
through the whole category of hntlncss
w 1 1 limit llndlng n single thine you rim
do without much more trouble Hum
yon could perform some good deed.
The worst you cim picture yourself do
ing (Hint Is fenslble) Is such n com
mon peccndlllo Hint you must deaplao
ft for Its very littleness.
fio you see the difficulty of being
Just n little bnd the uller Impossibil
ity of being really bud.
Then the Biblical Injunction comes
to yon with nn entirely new inclining:
"The way of the transgressor is hard.
Ingenious English Officer Devised
Scheme by Which They Earn
Their Dally Bread.
Monkeys actually are innde to work
In Malabar, India, which Is perhaps the
only place In Ihe world where they
earn their salt. The Malabar monkey
Is of the fine species known as the lun
snir. It Is very warm at Malabar, and
there Is n fan called the punka, which
used to be kept In motion by a slnve.
It required n slave to work each pun
ka, but now every punka In Malabar
Is worked by a monkey. It was an
English officer who conceived the Idea i
of making the langiir work in Hint
manner. The fan Ik a movable frame
covered with canvas and suspended
from the celling. The motion is cnused
by pulling a cord. The officer tied the
bauds of a langur to one of the cords,
and then by means of another cord put
the machine n motion.
Of course, the monkey's hand went
up nnd down, and the animal wondered
what sort of a game was being played.
Then the officer patted Its hend and
fed It with candy till MOO the langur
thought It line fun to work the punka.
The' experiment was successful, and
now thousands of monkey! are In har
ness. Who Built It7
Summing tin his interpretation of the
Amiens cathedral, the "Rlble of
Amiens," Ituskln uska:
"Who built It. shall we ask? God
and man la the first true answer. The
atari In their courses built It. and I lu
nations. Greek Athens labors here,
and the Roman Father Jove and
Guardian Mnra. The Gaul labors here
and the Frank ; kingly Norman, mighty
Ostrogoth and wasted anchorite of I
Idumea. The actual man who built It
scarcely cared to tell you he did so;
iior do the. historian? brag of him.
Anv quantity of heraldries of knaves
and faineants you may fimi In what
they call their history; but this Is
probably the first time ynu ever read
the name of tinner! of l.ur.arches. I j
aay ne scurceiy cured ; we are not
sure that he enrrd at all. He signed
his name nowhere, that I cun bear of.
You may perhaps find some recent Ini
tials cut by English remarkable visit
ors desirous of linmoi talit.v, here nnd
there about the edifice, but Robert the
builder, or at least the master of that
building, cut his on no stone of It."
Give "Overt" a Chance.
Many a fine adjective has been
apolled by being hooked up, In some
facile phrase, to a commonplace noun.
For example, overt. Never In my life,
writes ii. L, Mencken In the New York
Bun, have I encountered overt save In
front of act. Thus Joined and poisoned,
It Is mouthed abominably by lawyers
ami newspaper editorial writers; the
literate fauna of u superior type avoid
It almost altogether, And yet It Is u
fine adjective, a Juicy adjective, an
adjective worth knowing batter, why
not overt honesty, overt destiny, overt
love? I once hnd an overt black eye.
EarllM In this life I made overt eyes
at a girl overtly red haired, and re
member her oleaginous kiss every
time the barber's brush slides scross
my face. Let us appoint a commute
to get overt out of Jail.
A Useful Husband.
"Why In the world does his wife call
hlin Picket Kciiee?"
"Wel l'e says he'i ensy to see
"And, Huu, be'l very UMftll around
tin bouse."
Another Matter.
"How do .win prupu to support my
daughter, nun mun?"
;.,ii I'm ealj proeeileg to taarrj
bar, .:."
Requisite of the Really Great
War Is wont to lip Associated with
th' physical rather than the Intel'
Intiial or moral (pialllles, Says Col.
Thrfi A. Dodge In the Forum. The
Idea -rtf yoath nnd strength mid nrdor
le eejptiled with the military pnifssf
si on. Alexander at Hie Orimlcus,
Sclpo at amn, Napoleon In '(Hi. Me
Clcllnn In '2, represent to the' popular
fancy The typical soldier. Rill wiir.
from Hie standpoint of the captain. Is
primarily nn Intelleetunl process. The
successful conduct of n cinnpnlgn re-
uulrcs, first, exceptional mental pow
ers; next, mral qualities of n hlrh
erder: and Inst, a physique M with
stand the drnin of unremitting mestnl
and nervous tenalon, The glndlntorliil
ronrage which prompted the iinic
Roman legionary to dose in upon the
htirly Teuton with the sword, or ihe
prfspflghttng iiiuii; which carried the
guard I lii-ouch the day at Waterloo,
are not as essential to the cnitnln as
the moral force which on the linmd
Strategic Held helps him to push his
own scheme home despite Ihe threat
ening inaneiivers of his opponent,
which on the narrower Meld of bntile
enablea him to risk the lives of thng
siiiiiN of his men npon Ihe result of a
calculation, or to watch with equipoise
the compromising movements of bis
adversary, or to hold back bis battal
ions for Ihe supreme moment, nre not
na essential as that self reliance
which prompts him to great under
taking! and sustains him through their
First Were Primitive Indeed Com
pared With the Splendid Ones
In Use Today.
The first Are engine seen In America
wns received at Ronton In KITH It
was made in England, and was of the
type called "hand squirts." The In
strument required the labor of three
men, one on each side to hold the ma
chine steady and to dlreit the nozzle,
while the third man worked the plung
er. This contrivance was not much of
an Improvement over the "siphons
used In conflngrntlons." described by
Hero of Alexandria In bis work on
pnciimnHes. written nboiil I'fMI R. O
At the close of the seveulei-iiHi cell
lurv n slight advance was made In
Newham'i improved engine, patented
, Rniland. which consisted of n
strong cistern of oak. mounted on
a heels. and a taction pipe of leather
Steam Bra engine! bud their begin
ning in England in 1880, when Bralth-
wnltc built an engine of six horsepow
er, weighing BjOOO potimls. Though lis
performances were highly apnKen of.
this attempt to apply steam to lire en
gines cannot be said to have been
successful, owing to Its great weight.
A. R. I.nttii of Cincinnati built an en
glne that wns a vast Improvement over
Its predecessors, and It was In the
Ohio city. In IRAS, that the steam lire
engine first definitely supplanted the
Old style of fire-fighting apparatus.
Statues of Crest Men.
The fashion of placing statues of
popular heroes In pnrks and squares
has prevailed for a long time, and Is
apparently not losing any Of Hie popu
lar favor, says the Ave Marin. It
would not he so prevalent, however. If
Rossini's plan were carried out.
The great Italian composer was
waited on one day by a delegation who
Informed him that a statue of himself
was to be erected In white marble,
nnd that It would adorn the public
square of his natal city. The artist
Inquired how much the Maine would
"Twelve thousand franca," was the
"Well." said Rossini, "give me that
urn ,n(1 on ,tll(e occasions I'll go and
stand nn the pedestal myself, so tint
Instead of a mere copy you'll hnve the
Commercial Morale Low in Japan.
China, for long centuries n highly
developed nation, has an elaborate
code of commercial ethics, .laprtn, on
the other hand, which Is n nation com
paratively new to civilization. Is not
in scrupulous, says a writer In Sys
tern. He centinues:
"In Japan they say I contract Is
never a settled thing, whereas in
China It Is absolutely binding. The
Japanese admit they have uo t null
lions in trade, nnd the average Jap
nuese merchant is tlrmly convinced
that If he orders goods today, mid Ihe
market declines beiore they arrive he
does perfectly right lo refuse than,
Hanks in Japan recognize tills trail
in Japanese character. There Is no
such thing ns lending money in a iiiuii
on his personal note."
Power of the Old Song.
Comider Hut old souk. Iinuicdlutc
ly all the things Hint imike up Hie
present existence fade Into dim ob
scurity ami Tor n while, for Hie diil'ii- '
Hon of the melody ut Ii-iihI . we live In
Klnry of the sons mid its MaoctaUgft,
on thing hns remained ihe ssne
nnd Hint Is the sung. The yenrs luiV
made no ehntiKi' In the beauty or the j
raganlBg of that, la lbs fsce of lae
constant change and neiiviiies which
meal to'i existence sud the world!
progress, lbs song has remained tbe
wnii tbe keen Inilghl of buman pu
uire, authors hnve been appreciative
of the "jowar af Ihe haunting uielodjr,
nmi luive Made n till lluiiio of Hiell
mm , Mae ,-. -. , jV .., . ,
seven weiieeiu mixoue oireim, out
Only One Is Really Popular
In the State.
The llMMsnynmpii Is nn Arizona
river which stands for Hie aplrlt of his
native desert to the son Of western
Arizona. There nre two legends con
nected with the wnterq of Hiishh.v
ainpa one subscribed to by unlives and
the other by Irreverent aliens. I tot It
partial ngrec Hint Ida -waters of Ibis
desert stream have powers snrpnsslng
the iiormnl.
According to Hie nnllvc of Arizona,
whosoever shall tgOtO the waters of
llassayimipa Is thenceforward bound
to the Arizona desert by ties stronger
than bonds of steel. Drink once of the
magic currant, ami you mttet Inevltablj
return to drink again. Wherever you
may wander, In some quiel hour you
win hear the Eiaiaayampn calling, ami
Whether you nre In Cape Town Of
Hongkong or I'ori Said, you will forth
with take n(ilp on Hie trail of another
drink. 'I bat Is why the Arloulau In
foreign stales mid lands frequently
band themselves Into clubs called lias
say ainpii.
A look at the llassayniupa Itself will
convince the Unprejudiced stranger
that some magic power must reside
In the waters. Otherwise noboily would
want u second drink.
The other legend of Ihe llassuy ainpii
ll more often retailed by aliens, though
occasionally a native will admit Its
prevalence nnd the existence of a cer
laln amount of corroborative evidence.
This legend altlrms that whosoever
takes a drink of llasxny itmpn water Is
thenceforwnrd utterly and constitu
tionally Incapable of telling the truth
on nuy Important mailer. So fit inly
established did this belief become Hint
at one period of Arizona history. In
stead of applying the short and ugly
term to a mail, they called him a "Has
saynmpa," which Is a term certainly
long and In the opinion of sonic per
sons hc'iutlfill. --Chicago News.
People Then Employed Two Forms of
Writing, the Manuscript and
Cursive Hand.
The differences between script and
print are to be referred to a dale long
before the Invention of printing. We
must not suppose that the ancient
scribes, in writing papeis of but tern
porary value, would labor to follow the
siitne alphabet Hint Ihe carter em
ployed upon the monument! of atone
destined for all time. As far back as
record! have been preoervad there was
In existence a cursive Mvle of writing
Instances have been preserved nbiin
dantly In Pompeii of random remark!
by the ordinary citizen scribbling Idle
sentiments upon the walls.
The alphabet of the monument! was
Commonly the model for the writers of
formal literature, prOfOOBlOBOl penmen
who looked forward to the library
preservation of the works upon which
they were engaged. Iluslness men used
the cursive script, which was far more
readily and correspondingly more rap
Idly written. The luoiiuiiieutal and
manuscript band has served as the
parent of the printed letter; Ihe cur
sive hand Is the ancestor of peinuaii
iblp. Hindoo Prince ind Missionaries.
Never shall I forget a frank conver
sation which I had In Ids palace with
his highness the gaekwar of Itnroda.
relates n correspondent. He told me
of some of the measures which he bus
nlready Introduced for the betterment
of bis subjects mid of the dllllculllcs
which he hnd encountered. Ills ml
miration for things American Is so nil
(nullified as to be almost naive, hut I
think I was inpsl of all Impressed
when he said: "1 nin thinking of cull
ing together the missionaries nnd ask
ing them lo tell me their views on now
we can Improve the qaatlty of the na
tive priesthood. Then I wnnt to call
the pi lest, together ami say to them.
'Look at the missionaries. See the sne
rlllees they are making to help our peo
ple. You ought to go out and do Ihe
same kind of work.'" Ills highness
has already established a profensor
shlp of comparative religions In Ihe
Itaroda college for the express pur
pose of Introducing the native reli
gious lenders to other religions with a
view of Improving the quality of (bell
ow n.
Buy a War Having Htamp.
rS- sFa bV
Wliy accept an in
ferior Army Shoe
when you can get
the standard article
at the same price or
less? Ask for the
BuacHixHT Army
Shoe and gtl what
you ask for.
Then you're sure
to be satisfied !
Look lor i Ik- n.w.u-
u,m,K'd on the sole
t every Shoe lurour
mutual protei lion.
At your duah-r'i or if ho not upilid orclr
,iiti'.t from tin, wonufaf lui't-rt,
Ducking-ham it ilrcht, San Francisco
L e
n ins rear 1601 a Weekly Journal
Wai Published, Edited by thi
Elector'! Physician.
The first Berlin, newspaper wns
printed in Kill) In the reign of the
liieitoi of Brandenburg, The paper
wns edited by Cornelius llonlekoe, u
Hollander, physician to the lOlector.
Robert Voelker nnd Rllai Locker, book
sellers, were privileged to sell the
paper. It was a weekly and appeared
Sunday morning; Ihe clerks of the
booksellers would sell Hie papers. In
winter before, and in summer after
church, which was held In the open
from May to Seplemlfer. Those of the
young men a bo could not get a scat
were allowed to climb In the trees to
listen to Hie sermon.
With bis wife, l.oitise. and the chil
dren nnd the linn -eh,, , i. the elector
weni regtdart to rhuch, lie would.
as a rule. urn Standing, wlille Hie
elei'ri'ss and children would occupy
scuts under Ihe trees. After tin- clon
ing prayer the newspaper sale com
menced at the entrance gate. Rupert
V'uell.i r, the llr-t bookseller of Iterlln,
was allowed to give the elector a copy.
After church the eiectress and children
would return to the palace, while the
elector wo, lid enter a piibiiiiuin ami
be carried In the Luitgarden, There
he would cad Ihe paper, mid then
give nudb'tice to art lit! and oilier
learned m-n.
One Sunday a man was Introduced
who entertained the elector (WhO be
lieved in Hie appearance of the devil
In some form or another) With a story
which had happened to ll farmer at
Ihe Berlin gate.
"At the Berlin gale," lie said, "the
farmer's horses stopped suddenly. He
left his wagon lo coax lliem to go,
but coating and cursing would not take
them a step further. The farmer
turned bis head and saw nil ugly wom
an on his wagon, blaspheming God mid
promising the farmer wealth. Then
lbi farmer said : 'All good spirits.' The
woman did not move. The farmer got
angry and aald i 'Will you rldet Then
ride lii .lesits' nanie.' and the woman,
the devil, vanished from the wagon."
The elector was greatly Interested In
Hie story mid ordered the physlcliin
I'dltor to have the story published In
the next Issue of the paper ns a les
son lo others not to be tempted by
riches. Current news wns not allowed
to be published. Court functions and
fables would Dud more fnvor with the
llerllners. A bookseller fropi Leipzig
came In Berlin to publish another pa
per, which was promptly forbidden by
the elector, who considered one news
paper mffident for Berlin.
Wells Doesn't See It Through.
An edifying little wrangle between
Meeara Wells and Jerome has been
adorning the correspondence columns
of the Loudon Pally News. Mr. Jer
ome w role something about u "League
of Kensoii." Mr. Weils then saddled
Mr. Jerome with Ihe elegant repronch
of "slobbering with love mid forgive
ness about (he neck of the kaiser, the
Mown prince, Keventlovv mid the
Krupp family." Mr. Jerome, very
naturally, retorted that he hnd done
nothing iif Hie sort, w hereupon Mr.
Wells criticised Mr. Jerome for hold
ing opinions which Mr. Jerome sub
scipicully staled he did not hold.
After n few more Interchanges of com
pliments the editor of our conteinpo
rnry has printed a further letter of
Mr. Jerome's, despite a pressing In
vitation of his for further remarks by
Mr. Wells, with the Intimation. "This
correspondence Is now closed." This
embargo places Mr. Wells In the un
usual position of being unable to hnve
Hie last word.
Mental and Physical Work.
Murk Twain wrote as follows on this
subject :
"Ther are wise people who talk
ever so knowingly nmi complacently
about 'thi' working classes,' and sat
isfy lli'-insclves thai a day's haul In
telleetunl work Is very much hnrder
than n day's hard luminal toil, nnd Is
righteously entitled to much bigger
pay. Why, they really think that, ynu
know, Is because Ihey know all about
the one, but haven't tried the other.
Itut 1 know nil about both; ami so far
as I am concerned, there Isn't money
enough lo hire me lo swing a pickax
thirty days, but I will do the hardest
kind of Intellectual work for Just ns
nenr nothing ns you can cipher It down
- nnd I will be satisfied, loo."
Huv a War Saving Stamp.
gi a - g-r sT"
a Vf- W m
Built sturdy
serviceable for
Office Men
and others in
every walk of life
$50 $y.50
' I
1,115 Kl
Saturday, August 17 1
Master MlmicrUt, In
"Efficiency Edgar's
Taylor Holmes- 0) TBaW.
Five Part Human
From The Saturday
A car w;ih stallcil on a lonely road. No Iiousp
within miles, no food in the locker. The baliv cry
ing, n "everything!"
Hod the driver listened t lii better mum-.
he would have reached home and its coinforls long
ago, but he took a chanc.- and did not attend to
t hose
to have bfen taken enrf of
If your ear need repairing, or looking into,
DO IT TODAY and aroid viieuiivenience, delay or
Will it raise any dough?
The Times-Herald carries the
standard sizes Billing, Systems
Binders and Indexes
Billing: Sheets 1 and 2 on
Duplicate Sheets for above
Finest and largest assortment
of Bonds and Flats stock to be
found in the country on hand
Prompt attention given all orders for
anything in the printing line. Call on us
for letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, etc.
The Times-Herald, Burns
Edgar was known
as a stickler for detail
and when it came to
discipline, his office
force made the regu.
lar army look like a
Coxey brigade. Enter
romance and Edgar
discovered there was
one game in which hit
correspondence course
was of no avail. Hit
research into the
workings of the femi
nine mind furnishes a
wealth of laughable
Interest Comedy
Evening Post Story
he knew ought
started on Ihe
before he
Garage Co.
Certainly! No matter how coarse
grained and heavy the flour, Cres
cent Baking Powder will make the
dough light, wholesome and easily
It make all war breads better.
Yonr grocer sells it
25c. lb.