The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 10, 1918, Image 5

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    our eoantry want It young men
morally, mentally ami physically f:t.
hit Angel t'oiiene. St., Ore.
Hrooklnga Station, or Half Way
house for ale or trade for rattle.
H(,U acres tot la ultlvatlou. Vary
P'HHonabln. Inquire at Station or
rlte Horace Brooklna. sisters,
Mr. and lira 1.' B. Halcomb Miss
Huloomb and Mrs. It. It. Grant are
re from The Lake. Mia Halcomb
recently came out from Chicago to
rtsil her brother and may remain
i tills country permanently.
lira. Kills McKlnnon rnine over
(run lior home near I'rlnevlllo last
Seek and has since liccn a nuest Of
i r sifter, Mrs. James Kennedy,
the latt-er underwent nn operation
t Monday afternoon and is eon-
n ed at the hospilal lor n few days
but is recovering nicely.
Hjrrt forget that Mnrv Pick ford In
i at the Liberty tomorrow night.
A college education spellH IMMM
our hoii.
nnHct, Ore
for your eon. Mt. Angel College.
t. n
Mary Plckford In "Rebecca of
jSunnylrook Farm" at the Liberty
i torddrrbw night.
M. hl Mra;. ftdyMeOowan atart-
! WV,Tr rur hom yesterday
I after a abort vlalt with friends In thla
Mrs. Starr Huckland and Mrs. Len
Vlckers were vlaltlng with relatives
and friends In thin olty the fore pnrt
of tills Heel.
Heputv Sheriff Plait Randall let!
this moruliiK on some official IiubI
nei to th- southern part of the
cniinly. Ha was acoinpanled by
Mra. Ramlull.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Arnold,' who fat, HuMtj wlV ()f m,v ,,,
Have been making their home in this wlu lei.tlm, H, ,,, ,ap,lM church to-
city fr "e past lew weeks, will re- nxUrr.o renoon at 11 o'clock. Pub-
tuni to the homesteud near Prlnoen- c cordially invited
ten In the Immediate future. Mrs.
Aronold made proof on her hind Sum Mothorsheud und family, Mr.
Wednesday before the local land of- and Mrs. Allen Hlggs and Mr. and
f e She was assisted by Judge Mrs. A. 8. Swain are going over to
Grant Thompson as one of her wit- Blue Mountain Springs this after-
i '-es. I noon to spend the week end.
.1. V. Bigg. Win Karre and Keg
ter Vic Cozad of the local land of
e went to Canyon City Thursday
attend the funeral of U. I. Hazel
H Mr. llazeltine was one of the
jhly respected pioneers of that
thin and was also well known to
iiiy ieople In this country. He
early seventies and his geuiul
id resided in Grant county since
.nullity had won for htm lasting
iendslllps. Mr. Hazeltlne was well
ng in years and had been In feeble
alth for some time. The Times
raid family feed ll;e lOSS of a dear
ud in the patting of 1. (i.
Mitt Helen Biggs of Raker arrived
in Ontario lust Thursday evening to
vlalt with her aunt and uncle. Dr. and
Mrs. W. J. Weese. Miss Biggs ex
pects to return home about Septem
ber 1st. Ontario Argus.
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Griffith. Mrs.
Millar and Clarence Luckey huve re
lumed from their trip to western
Oregon. The purty came buck by
way of Crater Lake mid most thor
oughly enjoyed the Journey and the
scenery. Mrs. A. W. Giesy. u sister
of Dr. Griffith, returned with the
parte and spent a few days here. le.-iv
i tie for her ho this morning.
U. K. Cooper, a business man of
Portland, la in the city. The gentle
man ia here a guest of Ira Million.
Tourlata are numerous going
through the country. When the
highway la completed thla will be In
creased many times
Mr. Wright, one of the engineers
In charge of the highway work In
this vicinity stated that road dis
trict may' be formed to levy taxes
for hind Improvement. Thla ahould
have attention of road bulldera.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Geer took their
departure this morning for Kiddle.
Douglas county, to bring back Mr.
(leer's parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Cal
Geer. They will drive over the Mc
Ken.le pass anil oujov an outiiiK
while on I he w,i. The senior (leers
are well known to the pioneer people
of this c'.ty who will he glad to learn
they me returning to make their
home here,
The friends or Hill llanley in tills
country were disappointed In a re
Oenl story written by Chapmuu In his
Oregon Voter in which he gives Home
pnst history. It Is a pity to xpoll u
good story of u man like Hill with
fairy tule stuff. Moat or that story
Is good und the friends of Mr. Ilunley
would appreciate it if some things
which are purely Imaginary were
left unsaid. It wasn't necessary
either, to discredit Peter French to
bring out the good ciuulitles of Mr.
llanley. There are many here who
respected Mr. French und know him
to huve been a different character
entirely from that pictured by Mr.
h Hew ' - jtK WA
snV " ,- J v Si-yi iD' sssaV
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fSCTrTaaS ' ' ':-
nrnMriwiirt ti inKTTniiaiiWtTij ''Vr '
iItTTi " i iTli' Mil effTiia TtawmMeMMteWM ."..'.
sj eHEj '?. irVy. 5Jw3 tjfl ' -r - - ji' "
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" Z-fficLency i-agarir Couriship" -tsivuw
At the Liberty Theatre, Saturday, August 17th
trT-aiir:riii t-t-
Notary l'ublic. Land Office Practice, Fire
.Insurance and Real Estate.
All prulse to the inuii who har
vests und the woman who case.
The name of the river Ouroq Is
uggeatiTe uf eaaiekneae. it is hop
ed thai both name and river are mil.
ink the Germans sick. Qoodwin has appealed to
Nee fork courl to have recetver
appointed, Very few people would
ipe wilting ta reoehre Nat under nay
while cotton is growing up the
pine Is going down. It Is to be hop
ed that next year a plain gingham
gown win be within reach or the or
dinary American woman
'III" Interest of the OOUntry seem
largely to center on the emend nl
to the agricultural In 1 1 There Is
Quite u difference between a "drip
ping wet" and a "bone dry " nation.
Ilni. mil u.. Wife
Mrs. I'runk P. Wood, Box 18, U. 1
D. 2. Merrill. Me., writes: "Foley
Kidney Pills helped me so much. My
huehead ulso bus received much ben
efit from them. He was so lame he
could not stoop over and now he feels
no pain." Lame back, soro muscles,
stirr joints, rheumatic aches ami
pains quickly comiuorcd by Foley
Kidney I'llls Sold by Reed Bros.
Office: Tonawamu BuUdtn?
Ret ween BURNS and BEND BAIL Y
InTJ J -eU-
LcavfH DENDot 7:45 a.m., nnivB'BrRNS 7:00 p.m.
Leave IM'UNS at 7:0( j. hi., arrive HIOND ."t: p.m.
FARE, each way $8.00
.o I'oiiihIs Haggage carried Free. Bioetefi leper lb.
Meete nil tmiiiH in liend. Paiuneugerfi Arrive at
Portland, from Imrnn, in '2 hours, fare $16.05
Prompt attention given all shipments in our cue
Especially Perishafclb Consignment.
IiiIuihI llmpirt' U.-ally Coinpntiy. Agents
ittattBMF iLMittttttttttameeaeaeaeaaasjagB-
Thelr country flooded with Aunr
icuus. the Hrltlsh are doiiiR their best
properly to entertain the strutters.
Many of those attempts are doubtless
flat and unexciting uccordliiK to one
Yankee who bus undertaken to cm.
the English a correspondence course
on how to idea e ihe new comers
Writing to u Hrltish paper recently,
he spoke of whut hud been done to
amuse Americans and then proceed
to outline what should he and what
should not be done in this respect.
Ills symposium Is emutlug. Here ii
"There are two forms of entertain
ment, One aatttSM Hi" Ik.sI only ,
! the other satisfies the host by de
lighting his guest. The former is the
simpler und more common.
"Ah u sample, 1 read in a London
! paper the announcement of a great
Sunday entertutnment supposed to be
I given for the American soldier guests
I Its big realm-,- was a song by 160
i veices:
Ho I'm going back again
It's a tiny little country,
To the dear old spot,
Hut it means a lot;
Ho it's England every time for me.
"What an entertainment for an
"There are u few simple rules for
avoiding such vicarious entertain
ment: "Don't take the Yanks to a cricket
mute h. Cricket is ubout us exciting
to a baseball pluyer as a Bolshevik
demand to llliidenbiirg.
"Don't 'rush the gowler' as the in
troductory midway und final expel
slon or your friendship. Thlrty-rour
of Hutumx's 4K stales have deliberate
ly decided Unit entertainment doe
n't necessarily center around a bottle
HO of them that cold water ha I othur
usc: tlmu to buthe in.
Hie WnMWofln TrHffnirrn Tin movn'
lyn brldee?
"Don't Imagine you amuse him by
laughing at his slang. There Is noth
ing ridiculous in having discovered
other descriptive adjectives In the
English language bealde 'ripping'
and 'rotten.'
"Don't talk tradition. The only
use he baa tor tradition la Ita leaaona.
And America la famous for having
profited by thett.
"Don't keep him In the country.
He adnilta there la nothing the world
like English gardens and wooda and
hedges. Rut neither la there any
thing like London, Hustlcutlng la an
Interlude not u career
"Don't feed him purely English
meal. Meat once or twice u dny Is
his custom. More than three meiils
will probably ruin his ftpPStltC and
temper. And he likes coups, salads.
and more substantia I desserts
(Hweets) thin ciiHturds. lie may tall
to afternoon teai when ha he over
come the shame or It; teaing Is u
wuste or time, and In America there
is nothing more contemptible than
l lie pink tea man. (live him good
COffM for benkfast if you know
how. (The chances are you don't, I
so beware of experimenting.)
"Don't freeze him. If the trenches
nre us uncomfortable to hint as Eng
lish houses in cold weather war is
sure hell. You may not he able to
heat hulls and bedrooms us In- has
them ai home, hut indoor draughts
und dampness may send him to the
hospital with rheumatism.
"Above all don't study him openly
don't try to convert him und don't
set lonrselt to 'arranging' his salva
tion by niHrrylng him to an English
Established thirty-two yearn Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
The Labor Problem I
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the gee-whiz to the farm tractor, wc have all
the new labor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
Keep the Stood Hleiini Pure
Itlieuinatlc pains, backache, swol
len Joints and sore muscles often nre
the result of Impurities in the blood
gathering In the region effected, ,
result or failure -f the kidneys to i-
iiminuie waste prod nctc from tin-
blood stream. Foley l-'ldnev 1111.-1 ,
heal, itrengthen end invigorate wean
diseased kidneys and bladder, W.
h Hill, Justice or Ho- peace, De
troit, Tex., writes: "I used Foley
Kidney puis ami ay unhesitatingly
tbll Ol all I have used they are lb"
beef, and huve done Hie work where
the re tailed." Sold everywhere.
MAS li woods. Plaintiff.
MYRON J. WOODS, Defendant
in MYRON .1 WOODS, Defendant:
OF ORBOON Yon are hereby re
quired to appear und unnwer Ihe Coin
plaint Hied ngiilu.-t you In the above-j
entitled -mit on or before the list -i
ol September, l'.i 1 K . und it you tail to i
m uppear und Answer, ror wan
thereof, tin- Pkmtnttfl will apply to thi
Court ror the relb-r prayed ror in
said complaint; namely, u Decree of.
Divorce dissolving the bonds or mat j
rlinony ei..iin; between Plaintiff
ami Defendant, end tor the can' audi
custody or the minor children m
Plaintiff and Defendant, Mil
dred D.. uged 1 1 years, and Isabelle
M.. uged 9 years; anil ror such other
and further relief us to the Court j
Bay seem equitable.
This I'ubllculloii is made pursuant
to an Order of Hon. II. C. Levens, I
Judge of the County Court of the!
State of Oregon, County of Harney,
made and entered In the above-en- ,
titled Mutter on the 9th duy or Aug !
USt, 191S. The date or the First
Publication hereof being August to,!
IttlS, and the date (r tin- l:i ;t I'ubll-
cation thereof being September 11,1
l B 1 1 .
Attorney Tor Plaintiff,
Vosgtly Building, Bums, Oregon.
That Fall Suit!
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and Sec Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
I il
a m W .aaflLaJem
gf br - A'
-JljxV "i
. -K6r-r- C?.v,v
ii iES Mm C-SF
or flsmybroor; Farm,
an ArfcrafY Plcf ure
Liberty Theatre tomcrrow night
! X
hi ill I
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
Yon t this if.vou buy and cat our
Fresh, Pure, Full-strength
Bvspything in our store is bought with an
cyo to securing the utmost value that money can
At present prices o! grooerles, you can't
Afford to accept inferior articles.
Our splendid, carefully selected stock insures you
against this
Farmers Exchange