JUUAN BYRD Manager SATURDAY. AUGUST 10. IBIS SUBSCRIPTION RATCS W I OB t ttai 1'oat Office at Burni, Onajpou. as Second Claas Matter. stf :a. Ka i luaioiu ,,, uji limn jinini i .. it,, shortage of siiRar hi been mused largely by the U-boats, Thore Ih plenty of sugar In the world hut tho lark of shipping and the HlnkliiK of uiffar mrgoes have caused all the trouble. Then it should ba remem bered that while the government Is asking Individual to ue 26 percent less for the next six months .they arc still allowed double the amount our allies receive! It is a small sacrifice that has been asked of the people and there Is no doubt that It will be compiled with, although there will be soma grumb ling. It may be that before the six months has expired enough siibiimr lnc'i will he destroyed to make navi gation of the Hens safe enough to MM are sugar from the mi re distant soun-es ol supply. Meanwhile let tho grumblers think of the leys who arc riving nit for ....,' ..,,.,-.- hi iijiin nun iiom 25 to 40 per cent 1 not uncommon as the direct result of files and th" extreme heat of Hummer. Under ex isting conditions with a keen demand for dairy products and with prices at a high mark, It I highly desirable that every dairy farmer exercise a maximum of care and caution to elim lnate the fly evil, according to dairy specialist of the United State De partment of Agriculture Remedies are darkened barns, stable sanita tion, and spraying with fly repellents. Thorough treatment of manure, its dally removal from the barn to a distance, the use of hanging burlap or other dovteej In the barn iOOfl to briiHh Mm from tiie iinimuls, halted fly traps jilaced outside the barns, ami closed milk pa I Ih are among the necessary retjali tents tor keeping l lie . away. The It able fly armed vwith biting iohi:-kimit When the war came upon IU It foam! in totally unprepared. It wiS Ijp to our discredit IT we are 'Mlly unpepared to meet the condl tios of a peace which is certain to uaam. These conditions will make rasaajaatment necessary. There will tataua Immediate cessation of the war imtastrles which are now emplovlng so many people, and there will he the nlul re-absorption of a great arm? Into the working mult ; of the wmmntry The young men of tli army, ac eusUUirned to hardy out -ol door life, will many of them desire outside rk Secretary l.aiic s plan for a y ol all the vacant ami wa le fctml of the nati. n with a view t WaterininltiK which ol them can be vecBIini d It cultivation i, an at'. uiaM- project. Hinv of the piai;t' producing war nattti1 can ba utlliaed for commer cial garSdnota. The government ami the- -apitiiists will do ail they can rowazs meeting conditions. llatriibre is much that can he done loraltv towards a solution of the garabkMD. Th" governmenl doe., rtol wM any puhlie works, except tln,. Mkhkh r" necesaary, undertaken :r th period of the war. Hut there is hiw reason why we should not have ot plans laid for Inaugurating them rtw the i lose of the war The put ting op of school buildings that ar their country who are enduring cheer I mouth partSi punctures the hide or fully the sum of all hardships and ' cows and sucks their blood, while the danger, and then look at hlmsell' In I horn riy locates at the base or the the mirror when lie complains of he -I horiiH, where It Irritates the skin lug deprived of the second spoonful and causes the formation of pongee Ql nugur for his should he enough. coilee. One look o ANNOUNCEMENT J. 1". Kounsevelle and Tusnelda Rounsevelle, or Dcnlo, Oregon, have purchased the combined Insurance Interests of William T. Lester and Albert A. Traugott. known as the Inland Kmpire Realty Company, and will conduct a general Insurance and real estate bualnpaa with lieadiiuart- tlons which resemble inosiuilo bites Moth hpecles of Hioho files propagate rapidly and require only from 10 to ltJ days In which to hatch their eggs and produce new hordes of posts which operate for oow discomfort. The stabling of cows during the heat of the day In cool, darkened bams Ih recommended as one of the best means of eliminating the fly evil, provided adequate labor Is avail able to keep the stables clean and sanitary. As manure provides an ere at Bums, Oregon, under the firm Ideal breeding mater.'al for files, it name of Itounsevelle & Company. This Is not u DOW business for Mr. Rounsevelle; for years be was In the re;il estate and Insurance business In Boise with the late General PerrauM ami during a part of the time he lived In Chicago ha was connected with the !irm ii,' Brown x. Oiittan. it is expected thai they win areoi a two story stone building on their propert) On .Main Street next to the i ii ti r Building which they re '-ii f i purchased from the Tupker eatate The) invite wmr special attention to their future advertising campaign! al 0 Offer their thanks for your 00 operation and further patroage, i.i:i i o i:it ci:iti:.xi.s required or other necessary public iMtiklirtK- can be planned. In many wa-tkn8 of the country good public hiejhwny.s are badly needed. Bucfa aterprb-.es will give work to many. It would also be an excellent Idea to establish "mall factories In (Us trkle where the material reiiuired wtnU either be largely local or wlth tu ;a transportation. Conditions would he healthful Tor workers and czajployini.'iit would he secured for ttsnr men. b'oreslght ami careful planning wBI greatly aid In meeting after-war coiMlllions, and should engage our fnMVghti'ul consideration. mnants or cereal breukfnsl food often ba utilized to make pala table dishes, to thicken soups or oth er foods, a nl In similar ways. Small I qusntitiei ol cooked cereal left over from a meal can he molded in caps ai'd reheated for later use by setting Ih Imperative that none of It he al lowed to accumulate In or around the stable. Spravlng the animals with some rjy repellent, such as kerosene emtiislon Ih an effective remedy, but requires repealed applications. Re pellents should be used with great Care, as no good one lias yol been de vised whi.h is not likely to slightly taint the milk. It Is best to sprav the cows Just before milking each even bag, using a band opray pump or ap plying It with a brush or pom There are some antifly solutions m the market which are more or le effective, Most or them consist or some coal lar product combim-d with either rish oil, oil of tar. or rosin. I. line sprinkled about the ham or manure is also useful In destroying tiies. 'in pn-pari- kerosene emulsion one of the Cheapest and best home made riy repellents dissolve one halt' pound of yellow soap In a gal lon of soft water boated to the boll- itig point, and with tills combine U gallons or kerOfgne In a barrel where the solution cun be chiirne.l with sl gallons ol water. This mount of emulsion Is sufficient for spraying 100 cows and should he pre pared only as needed when smaller amounts ure required they should be prepared in the proportions given. OCKXTIN la tfae last two or three weeks the Ijiicntin Roosevelt has soutlil- tnndly in our ears, iteyond Brt-iitlkt-s born of political creeds, we ace In the death of this young SkvbUor a slgnlflcaee which Is neither YWMtifk'd nor emphasized by our men tal altitude toward the poliiiei wrhkh we have learned to correct ir reparable wit Ii the Itoosevelt name Democracy offers to Us lenders no stuniunity from personal obligation gssr thtem selves or for iiieir children. t;cr can any man here accept it i garaquisiie of bjgta office, The Room eit family is well trained In his niiol, and It is with pride that we mi lo a qua lit) in our national unake up whhdi we share with thOBS other democracies on whose side we ai fRjbt. The number of deputies elect id lo the Krench Chamber who have 'alien In hattle furnishes u roster (.'. would be appalling, were it . h'lorious; and the same coudl Vaii exists In Knglaml, which is a raubll- in everything but name, .ih the title of King preserved as a cardtaevul survival lo be used occa sionally as a rubber stamp. Two of K.ut'land'H e premiers have lost sous hi ibt- battlefield, and both house 1 .tt i'.it liituieni have seen umoug their --. ranks how great a price In hu raaa life roust be paid for the per- .ctMjitiiin of the demoi-rutlc prllicl- r.ut are there any gaps yet mudu In i. he family of the Potsdam depot'.' the cup. In boiling water. Another way to economise cereal mushes is bo add hot water to any mush left over so si to make It very thin. It can then easily he added to a new supply. The prai tise or frying leftovers of DOl ! hominy or of eorn- menl mush is as old as the .settlement of tills aountry, and the nursery song aboat OIV1 LOCAL ito.i:ns i-ikst ic : the "bag pudding the queen did make k;mtion !rom King Arthur's barley meal . low.. U- thai for centuries other car leal pudding have been treated In the same w iv. in oatmeal oysters, left over cereal h dipped In egKH and crumbs and fried. Left over rlcu ami other cerealu are commonly u.--d In croquettes and puddings. Three men have Just been arrest thelod in New Jersey for trying to blow up munition plantH. Two of them The following lia.i been SOOl out by Adjutant tieneral Miller: To ALL Local umi district exam? tiou Hoards, Legal and .Medical Ad visory Hoards- Subordinating self and declining well-merited promotion to thu rank of lieutenant tieneral In the united States Army on the remarkubly un selfish ground that he was not en titled to such distinctive reward were caught r, d handed, yet all three I when no provision has been made to HTOI" Till-: (.lit MKI.IM. (Omaha World Herald) "S.une dlssat islai tlon lias been aawml by the late orders concerning the consumplion of sugar, but the ajbe Food Admiiiistratioii is not to have been granted ball. The bull Ih OUree, heavy, but when a mls creaul Is caught (u the act Jt seemi hardly logical to grant ball at all. There is always unlimited pro-Oer man memey ready to guarantee the re aqqearauoo or the aecused, and those who luriiish it consider the ot ! i an ai Of patriotic sacrlfioi There i- a possibility thai Injudici ous leniency might tend to encourage i m ..i acts of sabotage, The kaiser didn't raise his eldest boy to be a soldier only to command an army. There Ih a difference. America Is pouring out her money and her blood like water, to the end that there shall never another Ho aeaaollem sit on the throne of the Herman empire, The hot sun Ih doubly dangerous If there U a maHs of undlgeHted food In the stomach. Foley Cathartic Tab lets give prompt and Hiire relief. They act gently but do their work thor oughly. They cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stomach and benefit the liver. For Indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas. Sold by i: i Bros, lltfjgN DAIRY cows FKiirr i i,ii:s THElfl MILK I MW DBCRBAMBH. Deoease in milk production losses of live weight, discontent, ami unrest ure promoted among herd., during th summer months us the consi quenca Of the activities ol' the com bestow upon ilmusands of loyal pat riotic citizens coiiHtitutlltg the draft machinery throughout the Nation, the public recognition due tor their unremitting laborn which have made tin- operation of the lelective tervlce so Bucoaaafuli Major General Enoch ii. Crowder bai written a letter to United States Senator Ceo K Cham bar lain, Mian which no more Insplr Btlonal American do iinieut has come out of the war. Ueocrui Crowder' communication to the head of Military Aft'ulr.s Com mlttee of the U, S. Senuti- which I verily a (lassie and breathes a sen timent as noble iih It Is unprecented, Ih given below that Hoard Mem hers In Oregon ina know that the heart of the chief executive of the Selective Service pulsate,, with and for them in the great sacrificen and patriotic devotion to duty which Iiuh been their contribution to the cause of Culversal liberty. "Washington, l. ('., July Ji, litis lloiiorhle tieorge K. chamberlain. United States Senate. My Dear Senator Chamberlain: In view of that provision of the Army Appropriation Hill, personal to myseir, now pending before the Conference Committee, it Ih unuvoid able that I should take tins oppor tunity to lay before you and also Mr. Dent, Chairman of Hie House Con ii ie. .. my personul sentiments, ami mat no- approval tesiineu to n un vote of the Senate gratifies mo be vond the power of words to express Is a simple statement of fact, But, after considerable reflection, and viewing the manner In a broad way, I am reluctant to allow tho con sideration of the proposed provision to proceed any further. If the con ferees are In accord with my wishes in this regard. I should be gald f you, tor the Senate Conferees, aqd. Chair-, man Dent, for the House Conferees, In reporting back to. your respectlx) houses that the Senate conferee.. yielded on this provision would say that the action was in accord with myi request ami for the express reason next to be slated. Foiiy-elght States and three Ter ritorial Headtfuarteri and nearly six thousand Local uml District Hoards, with an aggregate membership or nearly eighteen thousnd cltlxens, assisted by I igal and medical Advla ory Hoards, with an aggregate nyMii berabip Of nearly eighteen thousand OlttaOM, assisted by legul and medi cal Advisory Hoards In every Juris diction, have cooperated with the .National Headi uarters efficiently and honorabiy. and many without compensation, In the superb team work which has produced the gratl tyiui; result-: attained under the Se lective Service Daw. Thene results embrace the reglHtratlon of more than ten and one halt millions of citizens and their classification for military service, and the entralument of the nearly l.tiOO.OOO men now serving with the colors. Hy Augunt 1st of HiIh year this latter number will be approximately 2,000,000. and bj the dose of the year, Jf expected requisitions are received, the aggre gate win approach 8,000,000. Of the members Of these hoards it may be :ruiy said that when the Selective Service System which they adminis ter ceases to funotlon efficiently to produce the military and eonaervt the Industrial man-power, we shall be in a fair v-e . to loea this war i have long entertained the i ee thai something ought to be done to rn hi; nun publicly ami emphatically tin enormous sacrifices these ti.eu. made In bestowing the ontliiu in and exhausting services thai aai been Indispensable In carrying the administrative burden or the Belec live serviie Byatem. The difficult) has been In dOVttlttg: a suitable re ward, nation-wide In its application, ami acceptable generally to thoat w ho have so n.tr: -, ; ated. At the r oi i-..)i regarded aa ungratefu to the proposers or th!. provision, I caunol bring mysell to be aathtftor' thai my own conscientiously perform ed ihare In dtecharglng thai dun nltion, io long us the far greater should bet ome the subjet I ol rt nil Ion. so long in the rar greater share Ol these other builders of the National Army remains without pub lie and distinguished acknowledge ment In the records of CougreHs. "These men, my rdlow-w orkers. their tolls, their sacrifices, and their BChetYOmentS, are next to my heart. On this subject I frankly confess n deep sentlmenl i hope thai it will not he reckoned as sentimentality a sentlmenl which would Hot receive unulloyed satisfaction from the be stowal of any honor, however gen erous that Is personal to myseir only "in placing before you at this timi these sincere convict Ions. I trust that I have adequately expressed the mo tive that prompted Ibis letter. Cordially and gratefully yours, B, II. Crowder. I'rovost Marshal (leneral Page 's Sweet Shop mmwmmmMmmmnmmmwmnmmmmmmwmmmwmmwmmmmwmmmmtmmmmmmmi: Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Confectionery and Ice Cream You will alwa.vH find at our storr tlv pmvHt of confectionery bm6 tbe beat grade of ice cream. PUREST FRUIT JUICES Clean tablet and clean glaiiseH w; eater to par ticular peopln. We Carry the Only Stock of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES in town &caBai r N. BROWN & SONS Brown 's Satisfactory Store QUALITY MERCHANDISE Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Bon Ton Corsets Burnn, We i hi rj goods advertised on the Oregon "II me I'n. die I- I'rtge" W. T. LESTER A. A. TRAUGOTT Inland Empire Realty Co. Building and Farm Loans Made Direct Farms and Ranches Homesteads HEAL Blueprints A IE Fire Insurance riBrr Phone B-llO Life Insurance Resident Prion G-OO and G-43 Agents for WRAY'S STAG S Members Burns Commercial Club L UOGiMT STOCK It.Wt II BAROAIN IN IDAHO BIO acre stock ranch comaoeed f the tines) soil En Idaho with a free rater right of S00 Inches, Opens directly ontp Free range, Local d n the State Itlgbwa) one mile ruin Salmon t'ltv, the I'duiiIv Si-ill Of l.eill hi County where there Ikis never lieen ii vvati'i' or DTOp failure Alum! half the Raneh feneed with wire Balance rail fenoe, Atoul fo acres in one field of the best Hilininer and vlnter pastare with open iprlui water for stork the year round, the halaure of the riiurh uliuost all In rop. This ranrh can he made to raise IMP, to 1.100 toon of hay. We shall sell t li Its raneh for $100.00 per acre, after our rrop Is harvested, as we are then k1ik to dissolve part nership. This is the liest bin In Idaho For lurbi r information write or wire PRIO L, Villi. Cure of SI ins, At Vie I Salmon City, lilulio o l.oromotive Wajajiaiatr Writes When the kidneys are not work ing properly, baekaclie, stiff Joints, rheumatlr luilus uud sufferiua reault. George McLata, Turtle I,ake, K, I), wrltew: "I uin a loiomotlve eiiKlueer to ask you to . i.iiiiniinlia lem, II ,, H mul ,mlll , Mly t)u(.k (lt, my vou see rit to your assoelates. hli'dder aitlon was vory Irregulpr, 1 Tluit the provision In (lueHtlon in- j., Ko,.v K.lne I'llb, aid WM in volves a lomiiiimeiii anil a dlstlii nvt.( in u i-ouple or duys." tlon whd-li 1 value beyond anything In ;,. ...,( j,illi. LIBERTY THEATRE Sunday, Aug. 11th MARY PICKFORD "Rebeck Sunny brook Farm,, BU LV BXeKBaak, W 1m Ebbk BaW B afl I taB 3BXaXassxeBXea j aWTHC HOvSTAGc' JjAPAftArlOUAIT PICTUREil Sold by I Next Wednesday, Aug. 14 Wallace Held "The Hostage" Also a Sennett Comedy "Jean The Women" Saturday, August SI 81 bbbmbbjj "i