ME OLD TIMES town Meetings Not Just as They j - Used to Be. It I an Improvement, but nbiiacent Citizen Seemed to fipeak With a Certain Ting of Reflret. ; "How Old town meeting go this rf" inquired Opt Dudley 1'a.tter- Just home from n voyage nd i littinkjunrtera for Infonrm- of ulml had liimootictl of Inter cut while he lintl been nwity. "W-a-a-n-a-l, Cap'n," befaii Qrlndle the aatsraksajper, "tir annual meeUng of, the legal voters o' tills town, to inert at act upon certain articles to-wlt, wat'l)'. ain't nothln' what It used to fc. Times In changed WOOdertully, aaiiilaii atmja the ww broke out. "TAmvu ineet'u' Dowadayi is gettln' at be jin decorlons as lh' Bible ilnss vvaaoa meets in th' small vestry di swtlj after lucii'liin' .services, to Sshich all adults are Invited. "They ain't no winders hroke, nor few stoic tipped over, nor the luod'raior tsn'i have to suspend consideration of nlrle :.'! while he 0ei down on th' .ill Impresses seine cil ell as to er iiarl'tncntary procedure hy hatiK- fta him over th' head with a caulkiu' awallel, usimI In More peaceful ino aavmta as a guvcl." "Tea, I see It done," put in Captain faltershall with a chuckle. "It used to lake an aide man to do the mod- themselves with lire extinguishers, they clashed lo the rescue. The life of the petty office! was saved and the de struction of the hangar prevented. Sec retary Daniels wrote a personal letter to each of the murines, commending him for his coolness and presence of mind In the face of sudden danger. Private I.awtou enlisted In the ma rine corps on August 4, 1014, at Nor folk, Va. Private Burnap jelned the soldiers nf the sea at Philadelphia on July 21, 1017. "They was times," continued (Jrln eUe, "when a woman couldn't go hy on 'tuber aide of the street from the tewn hall without stickin' both lingers her ears, hut this year there was a of em limn tli' gallery an' all lis- iiu' lookin' on an' knlttin'. We've got a woman on the school hoard think o' that : Th' battle of rmpteddidd.v wan't CMtbin' lo some of (It vl'lcnt collisions toetmven the Itoshki lovls froOl the Up- jewiii " tir vaiii.v an' the clainmers ftv:u flown on th' cupe bill liny ain't T-uthtn' like that bow. Tir hatchlt In hurieil in ii carefull marked -put. Ao' ivhal do you think, ciip'n, they ejpeaHii up tli' inceiiii' with prayer, an' aiiri. prayer it was, at that. Elder aiece.s o' the li:iiiis cinirch, he prayed far "i'Jj-u; ' i'ollard, lh' luod'raior that fce aralgbi preside ovjw tir detlb-raUoni "with nlsilom an' Jcdgmciit. It ain't on a-atas-rU thai ol' I'ollard was ever BMrayviJ for before not that way. Th' easier pruyed lor 'iooal everybody an' -eryihiiig an' then for who or wliat aar uiglit lime left our.'' "Weil, wasn't it a better town meet- ftS than the old-fashioned kindV" iu-t-ruurWl l.'ap'n Pattershiill. "Mr'-n-aa-a-l, I s'pOM, It was, in eeakin" o' results an' good hl.ness t-eeeUin's; but there seemed f be awaoelhtu' bickin' this war has upset Baauay old an' time-honored iu.stltoo fSataa, somehow." Ho.ston Globe. Telephonea In Canada. A most remarkable Increase Is evl denced In the use of the telephone In Canada during the past five years, ac cording to a report recently laid upon the table of the house of commons. TJie number of telephones In use throughout the Dominion In 11)11! was 8T0J84, while In 1III7 the number had grown lo 004,188. The number of tele phone companies operating III 1813 was 088t and live veins later there were 1,650 Companies In operation. A total Of B80tff?3 miles of wire was in use during the year 1018, In 1017 the wire mileage was 1,7084102. The capitaliza tion of telephone companies also shows a great Increase in the tlve-ycar period. In 1018 It was 0424178,881, while In June. 1017. It was 70.VJ1.70-'. The revenue during the same period had grown approximately $S.(KM).(MH). The number of persons for each telephone in the 1 1.. minion In 1018, was 10..') and in 1IH7, 18.4 HAIR WORTH MORE THAN GOLD Lock From Head of ths Immortal George Washington Brought Sum of Five Hundred Dollars. It Is a wise barber who knows his famous customers, notes a writer. A single hair from the head of Shake speare would be priceless today. Tet tin must frequently, methlnks, bare hail his hair cat. Moat poets wear their hair loag, hut there cornea a time, even to a poet, when he must have It trimmed at least. That Is the barber's chance. A silver shell-shaped rellquard con taining a lock of hair of Milton, to gether with a lock of hair of Kllxa hetlt Barrett BMWBlag, sold In Lon don nt an auction recently for 1400, A lock of Thackeray's hair, cut from his head after his deatli by bis daugh ter, Anne, i.ndy Ritchie, fetched $100 at auction. Milton did not get quite that much for "Paradise Lost." The sale of a lock of Napoleon's imlr for Id shillings denotes a serious slump In hair shares. Perhaps there was doubt NWKKT ClOVfCIt I'p North In the early duys we no Mod sweet clover a mil. nine Wo dug It out, cut It off, and did nil we know to eradicate It; still it came on It took the roadsides, fenco corners, ditch banks, and any old place, wet or dry, that was not In other crops. It grew and did well rlgbt In fairly strong alkali water; water-logged seemed to bo Its favorite place. But It also grew on dry land. Then some one started things by offering good prices for seed. Some of these waste plaoes made more money for the seed than the better sections of the farm. The United Htates Department of Agriculture Weekly News Uulletlu has this to say: Let the sweet clover grow this year In vucunt lots along roadsides and along railway rights of way until after the blooming season. Hi US provide mure nectar for the honey whether It ever grew on Napoleon's '"'cm and nvontuully more substitutes Two Brave Marines. Osi the first day of February, 1818, awe vviis an explosion in a seaplane hangar on an aviation field near YYa-,h-ta-wi.i. The explosion started a fire :..'!. set ablaze the clothing of u can- petty Officer of the navy. The tomb of the petty olllcer und the de-SFlrtM-tion of the coMl.v hangar were Im- swtt. Privates William It. I.aWtoii Kayuiond J. iliiriiap, United Slates from the Washington navy Hard, were u'i (Jut nearby. Arm lug Cautious Qslveston. Many persons remember the destruc tion of Onlveston by a West Indian hurricane which blew so hard It forced the sea up Into the streets of the city and thousands of lives were lost. As n protection against a similar disaster, the city built a great sea wall. This year it has begun nearly two miles more of sea wall which will take near ly two years to complete and v hleh will cost 02.000,00, After tile great storm of 1!WO, the citizens raised the site of the city 17V4 feet by pumping millions of tons of sand from the gulf. ' Onlveston has taxed Itself for nil these colossal Improvements. Kxchange. SAME BOTHERSOME WEEDS Pete to the Aboripines Continue to Be sn Annoyance to Farmers Now Tilling the Soil. When Samuel ( iaiiaplaln earned the gratitude of succeeding generations by keeping n Journal as be sailed along the COBJit from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to Cape Ann he recorded. among other things, tin- appearance of the fields with Ii the Indian women cultivated not far from the site of the preseni town of Qloncester, .Mass. Be described, relates a writer, the hoes used by t tit-Ill. made from the shells of the horseshoe crab, o creature, which Interested hltn greatly, and he also told of the weeds which these women grabbed up with their primitive hoes, llius eavfng their corn, beans and sqaashee. Among the weeds he mentioned es peclully the purslane of which he saw enough and. If he could come back to day and inspect the gardens rlong the Massachusetts shore he would find the same weeds flourishing In the same old way and holding their own against the most modern of farm Implements. More than that It would not be sur prising If he found fields In which the weeds had gained Hie upper hand and had smothered the planted crop, whether f beans, aojoaafa or corn, and he could well be pardoned If he won dered that agriculture, after more than .'MX) years, was still helpless against the weeds which he had fought In his day. cranium at all. for In 1000 a similar relic, much Hie sunn' color and texture, realized $100, and a year earlier two locks were sold for ll.'i ami 088 re specttrely, Bill probably the record was broken In America, where most records are doomed to be broken sooner or Inter, for at mi miction sale In New York a lock of Imlr from the head of the Im mortal George Washington fetched the sum of 0800. ARTICHOKE IS EASY TO GROW Favorite Vegetable, Declared to Be Valuable Article of Food for Both Man and Beast. The Jerusalem artichoke deserves to be much better known In this country which s Us native land, for It Is one of the favorite vegetables In all parts of Kurope. It Is easv to grow, and a most valuable article of food for man mid beast, prof. T. D. A Cockered of file Dnlveraltjf of Colorado extols Its merits In the Scientific Monlhlv and tells some most Interacting .facta about quantity t( "" alUes for sugar. This appeal Is made by the United Stales Department of Agri culture. Sweet clover, recognized by bee keepers for many years us u vulu uble honey plant, bus beou consi dered u weed in niuny places, t'lty county, and rullwuy authorities, as well us farmer.!, have cut the plants before the blooming season, thus pre venting then from maturing seed. It is admitted that Mweet clover unmolested, many of the plants reach ing a height of ti feet, but it la not difficult to eradicate, and sweet tovi-i recently bus become well known us u valuable forage plant. Thousands of acres In some sections of Hie country urn planted annual ly to grow forage crops, and results iiuvc Justified the rapidly Increas ing acreage The United Stales must not only im reuse sugar production for domes tic needs, but must ship uu increuHed Every effort seemed to agree with me. "I began reading about this Tanlac when you first came here, but did not decide lo try the medicine until 1 talked wllh a friend of mine who hud actually used It. Ho said It was the best thing he had ever taken, and that was sufficient proof for me. "I have Just finished the first bot tle and came here this morning, not only to buy the second bottle, but to toll you Just what it has done for me. I began enjoying my meals from the first few drops. My nervousness Is gone and I can sleep like a child and always wake up early In the morning ready for breakfast and feeling re freshed. I am very fond of onions, but was almost afraid to eat them, because they always disagreed with me so; I could taste them for hours afterwards, I ate one for dinner the other day and II agreed with me per ils fly and I felt no bud effects whut- so ever. I tell you I am beginning to I'eeJ like a different man and am ul wuys going lo keep tills Tanlac on hand. It bus done mo more good than anything else in the medicine line I have ever taken. I certainly do recommend It to my friends. It is really remarkable." Tanlac Is sold in Burns by Bei I Bros. Adv. NAZAHKMC OMtmOH Iter. . Stewart Maddox, Paster. oordlei iavltatloa Is extended te yen In attend ear services . Th keem ef the service en the Sakha's. are an fnHewe: 9esetn School at is A. K. Prenchlag at 11 A. M. I Young Peoples' xeeetlng nt 6:45 P. M. Song service at 7:80 P. M. Preaching at : P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday at T:30 P. M. Light less nlg'sts are on deck again and the Great White Way Is discon certed. Hut we have not heard that Uncle Sam has placed any restrii Hon on the light of the moon am that Irna good enough for our forefathers. should be lumio this yeur lo stlinii late production of substitutes 1)1 sugar In localities v. here sweet (lover is growing abundantly, city, county, and railway officials arc ask ft its name is a curiosity to etymology The word "nrtli hoke" s derived from the Moorish "alkharsliof," Which nppn si in the true, or globe artichoke of which We eat Hie Mower bond with its thicken. acts and the delicate ' ",l '" "operate with beekeepers and "bottom." This plant, which Is of the M'" ,l"'1 all Wall known nectar thistle family. Is a uutlvn of the old producing pluntH. and especially world. The Jerusalem artichoke. It ell i sweet clover, ure not cut until after unions innerosiis. Is a tuner wlitrn ,. l.l,,,,,,, i .. oerlod grows on the roots of n sunflower. U was well-known and niiieli used by fhf unlives of America before the coming of Columbus. It was Introduced Into France early in the seventeenth cen tury and was grown In the ramose gardens In Koine, whence It was ills, trlbitled throughout Kurope under Hie name of Olruaotg Artlcloceo, or sun flower artichoke. "The na art! choke," writes l'rofessor t'ockerell "appears to have been given to the lleltanthiis solely on account of the more or less similar flavor, while 'Jem saiein' is mi English corruption of the Italian ' lira sole, or sunflower." Accommodating Fish. "Waller!" "Vas, sah." "That tlsh Isn't fresh." "Oh, yas, sah. Dnt llsh am fresh, sab." "Ycll. It's beelltt long llllle out of lha water.'' "Oh. no, sah. I seed dat fish crnwlin' out oh de water only an hour ago, sah.'' f s ll ill m i ADVERTISE You may have the most wonderful store in the county, but if you don't advertise who will know about it? USE SPACE FREELY Include the use of The Times-Herald in your appropriation it's the best medium in Harney county for let ting people know about what you have to sell. Advertise in dull seasons as well as in prosperous times you can make your business hum every day in the year by using space freely. The Times-Herald This plan was pgnctleed in at least one locality last year with gratifing ivaults. and It la hoped that all sweef clover growing within a uille of colonies of bees will be permllted to stund until after the blooming period this year. Sweet clover not oirftr produces an abundant flow of nectar over a long period bill does not begin to bloom until the while clover anil alsike clover nectar flowing Is nearly over, thus supplying an abundance of nee tarrhi'ii few uc fur-producing plants are iii bloom. Owners of bees are nd vised to make every effort to bring the Importance or sweet clover to till1 attention of Officials In charge of mowing id, int., In vucunt lots, uloiig ; roadsides and along the rights of way of rallwuys, and to endeavor to huve flic n owing of such places where W.enl clover is growing delayed un- til tin! flowering period Is pust. By i hearty cooperating to this end. the department says, the production to bonny can be considerably Increased this yegr, Reclamation Record. "ins TREATMENT is ItK.MAKKAHLuK" UK HAYS Ifis Itcnoil kiilde Medicine Accom plish Wonderful KcmiIis In l.e.uihig Cities Nearly everybody lit Kuo'xville. Teiiu. especially the railroad i pin, know Captain !' S. I'ntty, for twelve years district passenger ggool for the Northern Pacific railroad, with local offices lii t'lialtauoogu and gen eral oil u it in St. Paul, Minn. On account pi generally lulling health Cape Potty was forced to discontinue active work und for the pust lew years hns been making his home in Kno.wille, where lie nuin her his frlnds hy his uciuulnt:inces. Ho is a kind genial ueuUemun of the eld school, and Is beloved by all who know him. The following Interesting, statement was made by lilm in pur son to the Tanlac representative: "I am C9 years old and always eu Joyud good health up to about six years ago. when I suffered a nervous breukdown und my g norul health grudually failed me. My principal trouble was Indigestion and oat:;rrh, but my wole system ; coined to bo out of shape. My condition finally got ho bad 1 couldn't sleep at night and al ways ufter eating I would suffer ho from Indigestion and heartburn (hut j I felt Just like thero wuh a coal of ! fire in my stomach. My hearing und I vixlon wero also affected. I consult-! oil cveral doctors here in Knogvlllo I and other cities and they helped me considerably and I finally gut so 1 OOltli go around, but some how 1 Jiut I couldn't feel right and I couldn't aloep ut night which made me awful l nervous and nothing I would tml j Perfect Confidence No other words can describe th relations that saWttld exist between a Bunk und its j hi trons. If you haven't confidence in the soundness of a bank, you certainly will not trust your money to it. This Bank invites carrfnl inspection of its financial strength and sourd btuingea methods. We know they are fcbovi criticitni. Lot the noint is, we want you to kt ow it. When you have learned, then we solicit your business on our merits. CRANE STATE BANK 0RANE, OREGON 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acre3 or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock Company CRANE OREGON THE UNIVERSAL C P Bring your Foul car to ua wlnn it m-i'ils to be "fix. ii up" or repaired. We Buaiantve the most reliable work; th genuine ForeWmade materials and to ask Foul prieva, It is our business to know all about Ford cars. We have the necessary equipment and competent work men to do the work as it should be done and to arive you prompt attention at all times. When you want to buy a Ford car we earnestly solicit your order. BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE For your convenience we keep a supply of Foui) RBPAIR8 and OILS at Narrows. Riley, Aiberson, Harney, Drewsey and Juntura The Times-Herald Prints for Particular People