M The Times-Herald goes re gularly to more home In Har ntjp County than Any other newspaper. If you wInIi to i . u'l the people iihi these col- fte The Times-Herald l an oM established friend of the peopl of Harney t'ounty where It. has been a weekly visitor for thirty years. It's Job department ri equipped to aerve your neeiK. I tiniiiH for your advertisement. is?B - VOL. XXXI BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 10, 1918 NO. 41 mimt$ mttatk PREPARING FOR FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE James J. Donegal. Instructed to Appoint District Chairmen and Get his Organization Ready. Goes to Portland Next Week. .lames J. Donegan nan received a letter from Mr. Cookingham of Port land ask Iik that he cor-.e down to a conference of County Managers to he held on Aug. 15 to prepare for the next Liberty Bend drive which will .ike place the latter part of Septem ber. In writing Mr. Donegan. Mr. Coek iiighatu took occasion to state that tie had ronsented to be huirmitn of the Htate at the" request of the Feder al Reserve District, provided he would be permitted to hold Intuel the splendid organization of the last Liberty Loan drive and upon this as surance accepted. The gentleman complimented Mr. Donegan on the success attained In this county dur ing April and hoped he would be able 10 use his organisation as before.. ilmniie will leave for Portland next week. He has found It neces sary to make a few changes In the rhalrmanships of the several districts in this county and also has added to the districts as it will facilitate mat ters by having a closer organization and giving each a smaller territory lu which to confine their activities. Mr. Donegal) has forwarded the fol lowing names to Portland at the re quest of the state chairman, as chair men of the several districts: ('. K. Me Kinney. Bums; John Smyth Andrews; Frank Clerf, Alberson; M. J U Connor. Denlo; C. 8. Green. Cat ""IowTTT. H. Brown. DlamondT'ft Jenkins. Happy Valley; Mrs. Tom Allen. P. Kanch; Ira Mahon. Harney; Ji'liu Craves, La wen; C. W. Drink water, Drewsey; J. E. Sizemore. Warm Springs; James Anderson. Van; J. M. Mi -Dad.-. Fields; J. C. Cecil, Silver Creek; Dave Craddock. SiUies. FAULKNER TAKES OVER AB STRACT BUSINESS. rharles M. Faulkner, who has been the secretary and manager of the Harney County Abstract Co. for the paM several months, has succeeded to sll the stock of the corporation, hav. ing bought out J. J. Donegan, J. E. l.oRgan and Archie McUowan. the other stock holders, the first of this week. This is a business that has been conducted for several years and the plant has been built up until it la well equipped and doing a good bus iness. Mr. Faulkner has had suffi cient ezperlence in this line of work to be proficient and bis Integrity and reliability are such as to command the respect and confidence of the public. This firm does a general abstract and fire insurance business also build ing loans and Investments. Mr. Faulkner is secretary of the Federal Karra Umu Association In this coun ty too. LIST OF YOUNG LADIES SIGNED FOR M KHK COURSE in response to the appeal made by the goverment for young women to sign np as United States Student Nurse Reserves to take up work in the Army Nurse Schools several of this section have signified their wil lingness to go and five of the follow ing will likely be called between now snd April 1: Miss Juanlta Upson, of Drewsey; Miss Esther Hughe), of Pasadena, allfnrnla; Mlas Drusa Dodson, Mrs. Juanita McUowan, Miss Dots. Sweek, Wish Esther Sweek, all or Burns; Misses Harriett Hill and Phyllis Hill " i'enio; Miss Anna Brown, of Moun lain Home, Idaho. A board of five will be appointed lo make the selection of the first five young ladles lo take this Nurses Training t'ourse. li does not matter whether you ' irry golf clubs or fishing roils or a camera on your vacation. The Viuln tiling is to get Hit- Vinalli.il and for I ' Miur daily routine for I he I line he occurence which civet b man n '. mem , in cantonment (be most tag issuing of iii:, oversea c luipment. DESTROYING WATKR SHEDS OK STEINS MOUNTAIN According to the stockmen from the south and east side of Stein's Mountain the water supply of thai section Is l.eliiR menaced by the destruction of the timber and brush of the mountain hy sheop herders. They claim these herders are setting fire to the brush and timber of that region frequently and that it has a tendency to denude the country and allow the snow to melt so readily that none is left to come down dur ing the later months when the water Is most needed for irrigation. There is a severe penalty for Ihus destroying timber and uuderbrush on water sheds and should the practise con tinue there is a disposition on the part of men interested to bring the matter to attention of authorities In this place to prosecute. There seems to be no reason for setting these fires and if It is doing an Injury as claimed by these men. it should be stopped. o PHTl'ltE AtTIXU IIAltD WORK, SAYS TAYLOR HOLMES About the only difference between acting on the speaking stage and In motion pictures is that the latter Is ninth harder work. At least that Is the opinion of Taylor Holmes and he ought to know, for he has been work ing In both lately. Mr. Holmes appears in "Efficiency Edgsr's Courtship," a highly amus ing comedy-drama produced by Es - aanay. That organization has se ured the noted actor as a permanent tar for its pictures. Previously, he was one of the best known comedians before the fotllghts, having stored tremendous hits In "His Majesty. Bunker- Bean." "The Third Party. ' The Commuters ' and others. At the same time Mr. Holmes was being filmed In Efficiency Edgar, lie was starring In "Seven Chances," a Belasco Stage production then run ning at the Cart Theatre. His two roles were so contrasting In nuture that he declared he lived in u state of constant dread that he would get them mixed up. In the audible play he enacted the role of a woman hater, spurning the advances of the eternal feminine while In the silent play he was making violent love to a pretty girl and constantly Imploring her to marry him. "Motion picture work is much har der," Mr. Holmes declared, "because of the ever changing characterisa tions and scenes. Once I have mas tered a role in a speaking play, it only remains for me to enact that role over and over again, perhaps for an entire season. But in motion pictures one must master a new char acterization with every new picture, or, in other words; every few weeks. That calls for more work than the layman. But 1 Ifke motion pictures much better than the work of the sptaklng stage. The constant chan ges. In fact offer a newness thut breaks the monotony and gives fresh vigor and enthusiasm to the work." "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship" is an adaptation from the story of the same title by Clarence Buding ton Kelland which was published in the Saturday Evening Post. It will be shown at the Liberty Saturday, Aug. 17. -, DON'T. HELL FEED NEEDED FOR STOCK Farmers of Oregon are cautioned I against selling off their stock feed 'and buying it back again in the ; course of the winter. Those who sell ' their oats and barley with the expec tation of buying mill feeds, are like ly to have to sell their stock before the end of the winter, according to W. B. Ayer, the food administrator. j "Non only is selling feed And buying it bark a financial mistake, but It entails a useless and harmful burden on transportation and marketing facilities and requires the use of many sucks which are badly needed for other purposes," says K. L. Pot ter, professor of Htilmal husbandry In the Oregon Agricultural College, "it Is impossible to toll how much wheat will be ground on the Pacific coust in i he eumtiig season, In no case, however, Is Hiire any prospect of their Ijeiiu; as much liran and inorts on the market m the " idai i iv ill want." ,, a i .i,u li.ti'd ;i iini'ii rt'-t) nn 111 I V Itulliiii front. Their Have undergone iruiiiiug which rende'ri tin n completely launu ie lb garlic. MEN FROM 18 TO 45 WILL BE REGISTERED Local Draft Board Asked to be Prepared in Anticipation of Extending Draft Age. Select Registrars for tach Precinct. The Times-Herald Is informed by a member of the local draft board that Instructions have been received to prepare for another registration to take place on Sept. 6 at which time all men from 18 to 4!i yeurs of age ure to register. This is in an ticipation of the new draft age meas ure being adopted hy Congress. This will give in. le Sam a lot of good fighting men in addition to those now enlisted and will allow many men who have desired to enlist an opportunity to go over aud help. The following have been selected as registrars for the September date for I heir respective precincts: Alhritton T. C. Albritton. Alvord N. H. Voegtly. Anderson -Mrs. James Mahon. Andrews John Smyth. North Hums- Wm. Farre. South Hums J. E. Loggan. North Oatlow- -W. N. Monroe. South Catlow E. W. Lewie. Curry- Homer Cecil. Denlo M. J. O'Connor. Denstedt ('has. MnPheeters. Diamond M. Horton. Drewsey -C. W. Drlnkwater. 1 Kgli - L. Huttori Happy Valley- Claude Smyth. Harney llobt. Drlnkwater, Jr. Lake Joe Morris. Lawen- Frank Catterson. Pine Creek--A. J. Johnson. Poison Creek - Frank Whiting. SIMesrT. K. Hardlsty. Sunset ('has. Heed. Virginia D. Qatar. Warm Springs- Harry Golden. Waverly Hert VVIIIIums. young GIRL CAUSES anxiety Last Sal unlay afternoon Misses Miriam McConnell Kathleen Jordan. Hazel Owsley and Louise Desislets started from the Dodge &McKlnnls ranch on Emigrant Creek for town. All but the latter were In a rig and Louise was riding a horse. The girls in the rig came In shortly after noon come and later her parents became but the rider on the horse failed to uneasy and started out to look for her. During the night the Dodges started out from the mountain ranch to assist and then called for help sponded. The call came just as some here in town by phone. Several re of our people were returning from a trip to Silver Creek and some of them C. B. McConnell and Bert Wheelon Joined with the party that was ready to loave which included Peter Peteson, Young Parker, and Wm. Farre. At daylight the follow ing morning several men on horse back started for the hills but the Petersen party hd found the girl at the home of Mr. Dowglasss on Willow Creek where she had come the night before her horre having become lame and unable o come on to town. STOCK MARKET The receipts of eattie at abe North Portland market for the weak to date Is approximately 1200 bead. The cattle market for the week opened strong for all grades, the better grades however, were In demand and some cases showed an advance over previous prices. The cattle mar ket is steady at the following quo tations; Prime steers f 11.76-12.76; Oood to choice steers f 10.75-1 1.76; Medium to good steers $9.50-10.75; Fair to medium steers $. 50-9. 50; Common to fair steers $5.60-8.00; Choice cows and holfors$6.000 H.00 ; Canaan $3.00-6.00; Bulls $5.ro-7.&o Calves $8.50-11.60; Stinkers & feed ers $ti.00-8.00. The hog market broke all previous records yesterday, prices were shot up 4 0 to 60 cents, top hogs sold strong at $19.00 to 19.15 Medium mlxid $18.65-18.85; Hough heavies Hulk $18.85-19.00. With a nominal run In the sheep division today Hie murket Is steady al (allowing, quotations. East of the mountain lambs fl8.00-14.00; 'ai ley la nibs $12.50-1:1.50; Yearllngi 19.60 to 10.50 j Wethers IS. SO B 60 ' I.'..... , f C .III I,. "Oil r. i-.i ,;,,,. l 'I t w I,, " ' . il The Salvation cnuy drive Is obeduled neil week. Keep your i pOCketbOOh handy. MORE KL FOUND IN THE HOWELL WELL HeaVy Pressure of Gas Makes Addition.! Catinf Necessary To Shut Off Water. Flow of Oil Obstructed by Water. W. G. Howell spent a few days in town this week from the Swan Lake oil well where he has been In charge of operations. Mr. Howell has been one of the optimists respecting oil in this territory for years and wus the power behind the move to raise the funds with which to sturt a pros peitlng hole on his holdings near the Malheur Lake. The drillers have been St work for several weeks and recently they suspended operations for si short time until additional cable and Other equipment were se cured. The other day they struck a How of oil but owing to the water were not able to get much idea of the quantity and Mr. Howell was here to to shut off the water. He told the get more casing threaded In order writer that he confidently believed he had oil in paying quantities but could not tell until the water was cased off and the hole further tested. There seems to be no question of the. presence of oil in this region but as to its quantity it is still speculative o IWIH HOI MM P TO BENEFIT RED CROSS Pendleton will stage her ninth an nual Rouud-l'p next month for the benefit of the Bed Cross. The direr tors of ,the big frontier show offered to roiitrhlliuie the entire net pro ceetTTto (fie Red Cress .and the offer vui-i accepted by the organization representatives yesterdSy.W' , The niiielli til' Pendleton's isjiiiiu epic dramas of the west will be held on September 19, id and 21 and. de spite the fact Home of the famous cowboys aud bin karoos have answer ed the call of their country and are now bulldogglng the Hun some where in France, there will be compe tition a plenty for the prizes and trophies. The usual program of wild west sports will be presented but there will be added touches of the military and patriotic in keeping with the spirit of wartime. No person has ever received a sal ary or dividend from the Hound-L'p but heretofore the profits of the show have been devoted to civic Improve ments In IN ndleton. In these times, however the directors decided that such Improvements should give way to war enterprises, and made their offer accordingly. o A COMPARISON A LA HUN Secretary Daniels said at a din- ner lu Washingten: "The Germans sre already beaten, and we must not listen to tbeir paci fist talk about a compromise peace. "Compromise! Compromise makes me think of the story of Calhoun Clay. "Cal said to Washington White oue evening: " 'Ye know, Wash, 1 useter steal, but since I got rellgon I guv It up. Last night, tho, In Peter Smith s shoe-store I seen a pair of cowhide boots Jest my site. No. 14, and the devil he says to me, "Take 'em, take 'em," but the Lord say, ''No, let 'em alone; It's stealing'." " 'You bet. Wash, I was tempted. I sure wanted them boots. Mine was all bustedout at the back and sides. Yep, me and the devil both said, "Take 'em." The Lord said, "No, It's stealing' "; but there was a mu Jorlty of two to ono agin' the I-ord. And Just then Mr. Peter Smith went inside, and there was my chance. " 'The devil said, "Take 'ein quick now aud skedaddle." I knowetl thut I could take 'em and stick 'em under my coal, and get right away without anybody knowln'. Hut bress the Lord! Uress the Lord! Hress the Lord, I stood the temptation, Wash. I compromised, and took a pair of shoes.' " Detroit Free Press. 00 ot T OM special TRAIN Off) 1)1 TIES Three of our young nioii will leave her.- nexl Wednesday for Portland! io i.i lie up p.'.iai training coui i in i he Hen on Polytechnic Ichpol I ill' WAY Willi : ii'MiiK I'n iter. Bdgsr Williams ami iieiir.i Kelseubeok, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE IN OCTOHER School Supt. Clark has selected October If, 24 and 25 as the dates for the annual institute this fall and Is already in correspondence with outside Instructors for that occasion. stale Supt. Churchill will be pres ent as will a iho Miss Ida May Smith, primary instructor In the Eugene schools. Ouy E. Dyar, secretary of the so- clal welfare an field representative in honor of the boys who have ganr: of the American Bed Cross in this from Harney county to fight our state, who Is connected with the battles. This is not a monument to I Diversity of Oregon will be one of those who may lose their liven but the lecturers during the institute. ' one in honor of every boy who ho From his reportolre it is quite evl- entered the service In whnle-r dent that he will be kept busy dur-! branch of the war work regurritc-.v Ing his stay in this city as when he of subsequent events. A record Is Ira is not appearing before the teachers be kept of each one and every inli he will be In demand elsewhere In vidual and this is to be a pari or tb town to address the people on his monument. If be comes back after particular line of work. Among the the war it is so recorded. If he la lost subjects he discusses are: "Heorgan-! that, too Is likewise Inscribed, izatton of English Teaching;" "Les- Mr. Hounsevelle took it upon Mot- sons of the War In School;" "Tom- self to nominate Mrs. Frances Clark. it: it- and Sammies In France"; this Mrs. Eugenie item hold, aud Jaliaai is an illustrated lecture; "Poetry of Byrd as a committee -to gather so. h the Trenches;" "Your School and the record as may be possible at this efsae Junior Red Cross;" "Home Service and begin compiling it for tb swr of the American Hod Cross;" "Some pose outlined. H.; wants to coatrifc Hecent War Dramas." Jute the necessary funds with whtVh Mrs. Clark was also Informed by to purchase books for recording und Supt. Churchill that Dr. Doney of the that the publto in general will con Willamette University has recently tribute toward the erection of a suit returned from France and would able monument in lienor oi' our boy, be available for a limited number of engagements but owing to her limit- AL,i Ml HT HKU' lS ,1K ln,N ed means of securing outside Instruc- j COMMUNITY OF PEHTK tors and lecturers Mrs. (lark may not be able to avail herself of this opportunity, although it is possible the gentleman may be secured to give some lectures In this section during the Liberty Bend Drive. ' o DETERMINING CHICKENS' AGES A common way of testing the age of dressed poultry, as described by liouje economies specialists of the V. 8. Department of Agriculture, is to lake between thumb anil finger the end of the breastbone, farthest from the head, and attempt to bend It to one side. In a very young bird, such as a "broiler" chicken or a green. goose. It will bo easily bent, like the . "W"'" ,,urr"w "ro"n " U1K- -cartilage In the human ear; in a bird , pleasing the water and flooding tta a year or so old it will be brittle, and crP"- Method of exterminating lhes In an old bird, tough and bard to whirh th """vidual farmer as well bend or break. , as ,1,e ommuity can employ, aro Tricky dealers have been known to break the end of the breastbone before showing the bird thus render ing the test useless. RUHNS LADY ABROAD (The following Item was sent us by the Los Angeles Chamber of Com merce. ) Miss Esther Hughet, oT Burns, was a visitor on August 2nd at the big ex hibit of Southern California products malntaned free to the public lu the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. She also attended the lectures and moving pictures that are a part of the daily program. The exhibit is the largest of any In the country maintained by a commercial organ!- sation. Miss Hughet expects to visit several of the many other places of interest in Rout hern California. ' - MORE SHEEP NEEDED That mutton and wool production In this country can be greatly In creased admits of no doubt. This can be accomplished by developing sheep husbandry on farms, especially In. the Eastern and Southern states. Steps should be tuken lu the East and South to do away with the sheep kil ling dog menace by state or local ac tion. Large results can be secured by improving methods of bruedlng and management on the range; by securing the restocking of improved fain lauds with sheep; by the lurger encouraging sheep and lamh clubs; use of forage crops and pastures; by by the elimination of parasites; by protection against losses from pred atory utilmuls; and by having lambs ready for market at fro n 70 to 80 pounds weight, thereby requiring a minimum of grain lo finish them am! making possible the maintenance of larger breeding flocks. Overeating kills people physically, proi rastlnatloii kills them linancla1 V' n olea1PMm klUa them moral ly. lu olthor cat i i he sre "i oi i dead," o (lencral Pot h'B policy of Dal ami waiting has been rewarded SUGGESTS A SERVICE MONUMENT FOR ROTS Shaft and Record in Honor of Every Harney County ow Who Has Responded to CalL Asks Committee to do Work. J. E. Hounsevelle has sugg,en'j-l that a service monument be erected Systematic and organized campai gns, in which the entire coinmuaftjr is Interested, sre suggested as meatus of succesfully exterminating injuri ous rodent pests On farms by tb Bureau of Biological Survey of tkn United State , Department of Agri culture. The.v are about 7 BO ioroui of rodents inhabiting the United States, and the annual I'm- thee cause in food and feed crops is es timated at fully $:iOO,000.000. 'I hey teed upon crops in the fiojf'V and in Storage, 111 some cases de stroying gra ci laud so completely that erosion follows. In the Irri gated sections ;f the West s m- told In Farmers Hulletin 9'J. re- cently publlilied by the Unite States Department of Aglculture.. Any farmer, by care and industry -may free his promises of harmful ro dents, but lie is h'-'Ipless to provenl an 1 earlv recurrence of the trouble ilultw. he can tccurc. Hie active cooperation Of his neighbors. The departmew ot Agriculture urges, therefore, that whenever possible the destruction of these pc :t l ho a community undr- l"Kl"K- I ii the past, individual ef forts, often supplemented hy thei pay ment of bounties by State, county, or tow-ship, have been only par tially ineoessfsl in reducing rodent depredat'ons. In many western coun ties tho amount paid out in a single r for bounties on pocket gopher. 'ld eround squirrels would, if wlwsly fied Poisoning operatic- 8UCU s nvo con " u"1r Government gupervlglon en public 'an"8' " "&! "' ly every such aulmal in the rosnt; and make unncessary much further ',,., ,fr , 11Pnrt A few of the rodents which inhab it the I'nited States are not clasts) a'j Injurious as they live in deserts, mountains, or swamps and rentiy come in tontact with cultivator! crops. Some are valuable becaavi they feed largely upon Insects. nom because they produce fur, and other-; because they are used as human food. Of the injurious species ull art' native to this lountry with th iw cuption of four- Hie house BBfrMIt and tarM kinds of rats gel the-' four cause approximately two-thirds of all the dttinugc Field mice, kan garoo rats, pocket gophers, ground" squirrels, prairie dons. wOOdchUekB aud rabbits are among the most t! tructlve of the native species. REGISTRANTS CALLED I OR AUGUST INDUCTION Harney county is called upon t furnlsb five men for the army to t to Camp Lewis. 'Pim following aara bs ii i.ei tie. I i i appear before th.i local i ii i ft: a. i. (toward of Nampa ; ClltfoecS H 1 1 L'kard snd Jasi e H of pre i : Walter H Quler, eC Troutiiaie. Mauvllle Butidy, pt i F ban 'a, o Ru i