The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 8

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    j,. i, ',".
Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business June 29, 1918
Loans and Discounts 1518,458.23
U. S. Bonds 105,812.60
Bonds and Securities 27,970.22
Stock, Federal Reserve Bank. ... . 3.000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,200.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
CASH 140,494.98
Capital $ 50.000.00
Surplus Fund 50,000.00
Undivided Profits Account 35,018.81
Circulation 50,000.00
Bills'.Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve Bank 24.800.00
DEPOSITS 572,117.12
T. C. Albrltton ts In the city.
For Bate 41 seres adjoining
Burn. Bee J. J. Donegan.
Frank Foster wan In town Wednes-day.
Capital and Surplus
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mutton wore
over from their ranch home Wednes
day. Joe Morris, of the Narrowa Mer
cantile Co., made ua a hurried visit
the other day.
Mrs. Isaac Poster and Mrs. Frank
Dibble were over from tholr Silver
Creek homes the other day.
Attorney M. A. Biggs made a bus
iness trip to Ontario during the fore
part of i hit. week.
The body of Albort Ileadles was
Hhlppod to tho former homo ut De
catur III., the other day for final In
terment. A. K. Brown was ovor from bin
homo on Crane Creek during tho
wook to attend a mooting of the di
rectors of the Intor-Mountaln Tel. &
Tel. Co.
C. K. Tulloch Is over from Catlow.
Born Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Smith, a daughter.
If yon Want your liny Insured see
Win. Pnrrr.
Starr Buckland'
Harney Monday.
was down from
The Times-Jierald
Ha The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Buy a War Saving Stamp.
Geo. Cawlfleld was in town Wednesday.
Carroll Cecil was over from
Silvor Creek home tho other day.
Adam George w In town Thurs
day. Born Sunday. July 28. to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Leo Thornburg, u son.
It. J. Williams and two of his sons
were in from Silvor Creek Wednes
day. .
Link Mutton wiih In town during
the week from his homo at Wagon
tire. Misses Murllm llaiiley und Jocelvu
Burke, who havo been visiting at (lie
P Hunch, cainu in Tuesday In eorj
pany with Mrs. Tom Allen
J. K. Jensen and Sam Tlmbroll
wore among our Crane visitors dur- i M. j. O'Connor. Chas. Ingram and
lng the week. a neighbor were up from Denlo dur-
i lng the fore part of this week on le
gal business.
Four-horse power Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine for sale. Call at this of
B. F. Ausmus, who was confined at
the hospital for several weeks fol-
The rains during the week have I iowng an operation, returned to his
helped the second crop or alfalfa and
also been beneficial to the range.
O. O. Jetley was here during the
week to attend a meeting of the di
rectors of the Inter-Mountain Tel.
& Tel. Co.
The A. Venator ranch house burn-
home the first of this week, having
been taken out by his friend. Grant
Henry Kelsenbeck was up from
Lawen Wednesday to be examined
for war duty. Henry had recently
been placed In Class 1 and slated
he would not offer any protest what
ed down Tuesday morning according ! ever, as he was ready to go and do
to telephone information. We did
not learn how the fire originated or
whether there was Insurance or not.
Joe Thompson and family and C.
A. Hrlttlngham and family, accom
panied by Miss Leona Thompson,
his part when they wanted him.
Irving Miller came In Wednesday
In company with Garry Cosad and
family. Mr. Miller joined them at
Bend and came over for a short visit
here as his wife and little son were
Geo. W. Hayes, formerly' a resi
dent of this city, was hero for a few
days this week from his home at Vale
He spent a short time with his moth
er near Lawen and later visited In
this city with his brother Ted, and
looked after aome legal business.
Lost A saddle horse est rayed
from Jack Creek this spring, Bay in
color, branded CB on left stifle,
saddle marked, weight about 900 lbs.
Howard for his recovery or Informa
tion leading to bis recovery. M. 8.
Davles, Narrows, Oregon.
Little Belda Schwartz accompanied
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Griffith out on
their trip across the mountains last
Sunday. Belda goes to Portland to
visit with relatives and friends for a
time and will be accompanied homo
by her aunt before the opening of
James J Donegal) has returned
from u trip to Southern Oregon
where lie was horn. He went out for
it short vacation und also to attend
I to some, business. He stopped lor a
! few days in Portland. Mr. Donegau
reports the Willamette Valley dry
j thin season mid crops not up to uor-
Mrs. Agnes McLuin took her de
parture Monday for some point in
Idaho to Join her husband who la
In eliarge of some engineering work
for a big lumber concern. She we;it
out by wuy of Canyon In company
with her cousin Clyde Nunes, and
will visit with relatives and friends
In that place before continuing her
This office had a letter from H.
M llorton yesterday mornlne In
which he stated he wanted the
great religoua weekly over at Bend.
He wrote that they see Burns people
almost every day but that doesn't
give them what they get In this fam
ily sheet. llorton adds that he Is
beginning to think he's going to
like work again after a while as It
was gettpg a little easier each day.
Lady waiter wanted at the Star
Restaurant la Ihta cltv.
Judge Grant Thompson and wlfi
were guests of relatives in this city
during the week.
Mr .and Mrs. C. II. Leonard ar
rived home this week from a visit to
their son, Dorman, at Fort Canby.
Miss Helen Bayer returned home
last Sunday from her vacation trip
and has resumed her position with
the First National Hank.
H Anderson was up from Nar
rows on business during the week. Ho
was accompanied by his wlfo and
Notleo to parties who have ordered
wood from mo; When you are In need
of wood please notify mo a few days
In advance and I will take care of
your wants. K. B. BKNNKTT.
Ralph Weaver and Miss Ki lid Tur
ner, who shape the destinies of the
Crane State Bank, and Mr .and Mrs.
Flsor were visitors to our city Thurs
day evening.
WANTED:- Man and wife for a
responsible position on a large cattle
ranch. Must have had previous e
perlence and able to give references.
A good place for the right parties,
inquire of The Times-Herald.
I 1 -7 hnfct sUllUHiUIJ
B tMBpnlllinMWIimilllllfflHI B
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iiiiwiinimsfTtnnp'Pj j
First Deposit is a Magnet
It Draws to itself the small change which you
formerly scattered. It starts a growing bank
account and creates a fund which will finally
make you independent. Make that first
deposit today.
ZJiij 3Jank 7irnta'nt
Harney County National Bank
p Burns, Oregon
. , ..-X-iff-
8. M. Bolton and wife and Mrs. Clyde Nunes was over from Cto
Flsor wore up txom ttnttrHrIrst yon City this week on a visit to tkt
of this week. ! Bayer family.
Heglster Cosad of the land Jhke. I Miss Bertha Schaper was ovr
arrived home Monday from a short from her
doing some shopping.
home Mt I tin niei.,1 t.i..
- - .-.. v.... '.mill
visit with relatives and friend.!1 In tho week calling upon friends im
School Supt Frances Clark arrlv-1 urant, county
od home last Saturday from u trip to
Spokane, Wash., where sho had
been as a delegate to a meeting of the
Woman's Committee of the National
Mrs. Hugh Allen, or the Allen Shoe
Store of Ontario, spent a portion of
tho wook In this city with an exhibi
tion of late style shoes and hosiery
She left for her bona Uils morning in
cnmpHitv with Judge and Mrs. Halt
on Biggs.
Judge and Mrs. Dulton H'ggs ar
rived In town Sunday from their farm
homo above Vale In Malheur county.
Judge Higgs had Intended coming In
on the train but missed it und decid
ed to motor over and bring Mrs.
Ira .Malum was a business visitor
to our city the fore part of this week
He took John Gllcrest out for a ahort
visit to the Andorsou Valley ranch
and around by Narrows, giving Mr.
Gllcrest another view of the territory
with which he Is so familiar and
which he covered for so many years
during his active days in the, man
agement of the P. L. S. Co. properties
In this county.
M -
- - i in
V HsWBMEiar-' --raJS' ' '"""ftSBBaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaasas SC- ' -' '
"'?. ll! T ( "$-- j :''F':" .f$ K
B ' i . ;& afattsfl
fH ' rat I i
Taylor j-Tolm'$ in " Toolrfer L tck z$y
At the Liberty Theatre, Saturday, Aug. 3rd.
eipect to leave tomorrow morning here. The latter may accompany him
iur wraier uase 10 spend a few
weeks camping.
Mrs. Win. Farre and little daugh
ter Katherine arrived home the first
of this week after spending several
weeks visiting with relatives and
friends In various parts of the coun
try. They came over from Canyon
City In company with Vic Cozad.
J. L. Gault of the First National
Bank and his little son, Lester, left
Tuesday morning for outside points.
They drove their Studebaker car out
by the way of Prlnevllle and will ex
tend their Journey on to Portland
where they will Join Mrs. Gault. They
are out on a vacation trip and expect
to be absent all this month.
out upon his departure.
Mr. and Mrs. George Marsden
ranch last Sunday for a short busi
ness visit. They state Mrs. Marsden
senior has returned from her visit
to California and will remain at the
ranch during the summer but will
likely return to California for the
Mr. and
their daughter
John Gllcrest took bis departure
I Thursday evening for Denver. Colo
rado, after s delightful visit with old
time friends in this county. Mr.
Gllcrest has a beautiful home near
Oakland, California, according to
several of his Harney County friends
who have visited him, but be must
get back up here in the sage brush
occasionally Just the same. He will
visit a brother In Denver before re
turning to his home.
In the effort to lengthen the span of human ex
istence, every available resource in Nature's store
house is utilized. These must be classified and system
lzed and ready for use. This is the work of the
The intelligent handling of this vast store of reme
dies, under the direction of your phvsician, devolves on
Your Druggist
We employ none but competent graduated pharmacists.
The Rexall Drug Store
uitos., Prop.
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Griffith, ac
companied by Mrs. Lelah Millar, took
their departure last Sunday for Salem
and other Willamette Valley points
for a short business and pleasure
trip. Clarence Luckey drove the car
for them and the party drove the en
tire distance, going over the Cas
cades by way of Eugene where Clar
ence will visit his parents for a short
Wild freaks of action! Weird
tangling of circumstances! Sudden
and dynamic changes of humor!
These elements and considerable
more make George M. Cohan's new
Artcraft picture "Seven Keys to
Baldpate," the most novel film of
the year. When It was produced on
the stage by George M. It defied the
critics und won their most favorable
reviews. It bewildered the audience
and left them proclaiming it the
most remarkable farce ever staged.
It was heralded as the greatest nov
elty of the theatre end readily ac
cepted as such wherever It appeared.
On the screen of the Liberty Theatre
tomorrow night this famous theatrl-
resumo bis work in this field and will I 'al "" '"' disclose not only the un-
preach tomorrow. i usual mystery, humor and thrills
displayed by the original play but
Occasional showers ut least help uU() oie Inimitable George M. Cohan
to cool things off If nothing else. blmeelf. plus the wide scope of the
James K. Sawyer, county treas- elnenia which was denied Us stage
hi tr iii iikiivniu i ,,,... i, .,,.. .. . i
"iit taller for a fuw inimil.s In Muh
KeV. W. F. Shields refill-,,.., I thl.
Mrs. Garry Cozad and j weeK from hu varllt,ori trlp and ,0
er arrived here Wed-1 .....n,! n,.. i-ri.,... . ..
nesday from Klamath on their way j Eugene. While absent Mr. Shield.
iw III.1IU eouiuy lor a snort visit.
They remained over a day to visit
with his brother, Vic, ulso Mr
was called to
preuch ut Corvallis
i and later his old time friends at
and Medtord telet,)i,,i..,l liim .. ........ i.m.1
- 11F - - . ,..... ..w. ...... ... . 1,1111. (,1111
Mrs Wm Farre and Kodney Cozad visit with then, for a while. Mr.
n luiiinv. going on over to t'unyoii
Shields ulso visited points in Idaho
during the month. He Is ready to
shop the other morning. Jlmniie
and his wife and some friends were
returning from a tour of the Yellow
Stone I'ark, and learning of a former
school friend in town dropped in.
Hu and the writer were boys togeth
er a good many years ago, aud while
(hey were not exactly the "Tom Saw
yor and Huck Finn" they bad some
fun together and made things Inter
eating around the normal once in a
while. Both have changed In the In
terval and Jlmmle has turned eut
te fee a real respectaele citlsea.
HTni'UUIII.IIMUtl A Willi UL'LT. '
Tne buying power of The Dollar is
not always in the number of
cents it contains
ThiH great Family Store makes a specialty o!
Intmaaiag th Imying- power of your money. We
can do this because
We Buy For Cash
We have no heavy credit bills to pay. and take ad
vantage of all trade discount.
We Sell on Close Margins of Profit
A reasonable per cent for our trouble and investment
is all we ask of our customers.
We Handle High Class Goods
Every article we luy U the best possible to be had
for the money.
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of'
the Burns Flour Milling Co. will be
held in the city of Burns on Monday,
August 6, at the hour of 2 o'clock In
the afternoon at Tonawama Hall.
The business usual to the annual
meeting will be transacted and aay
other business that may ceme feefere i
the steckaelders at that lima
W. B. aTViTON, Secy. ,
On these three business virtues we baa ur bid
your trad
Burns Cash Store