B. B. F. SMITH Uysician and Surgeon Burns. Oregon Lad rctUrnce, Geo. Young house Phone N. HMS CARL C GRIFFITH phrRK imi nd Burgeon BURNS. HRWION. j. rjU. CHARY phvMi inn and Surgeon. iBaniH. - - - Oregon. i,l Moor T'Hiswams Klilit iolii Mhiii M. i n 0ENMN & DEISNIAN. phys.nii)s and Surgeons J ,.wr I prompMl night or da? ,,.,, I n I 1IIIIH1. Harriman, Oregon )r- Minnie Hand jysician and Surgeon Direct leiephone Connection Albritton. Ore. L. E. HIBBflRD iEITTIST Mice iirt door oast photo gallery Hums. Oregon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law L Office Practice Land Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law l. 0. 0. F. Rldg., Burns, Oregon MERMAN VON SCHMALZ Attorney at Law tUfti and practice before 0, I. I. and Office a specialty Bee: Fry Hldg. next door to post office Hums. Oregon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon frarti.-.H n the State Courts aim oe- e tin- L" . B, Land Office. (Jhas, H. Jeonard. Attoknky-at-law, ireful attention given to Collec dons and Heal Kstate matters. Fire Insurance. Notary Public Buava. Oregon. LONE- E RESTAURANT flhORGE FOON Piop.J Meals At All Hours. Shorts h i- and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates , Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. CivoMp A Call M. which picks up Pullman at ,IV( M- At,U1 JIBa er, arriving at Portland 7:00 Oppualte Times-Herald BbIKIIbs a A. M. Also with No. IS at ...0:45P. M. for points East. Make This Bring That job to The Now that the g(rremmtt ksi taken over the telephone wire, rmn we continue the accustomed ,tlo- phone salutation? la It polite not to mention loyal, to address your gov eminent as "Hello?" V. O. Dti.i.Ann Formerly Ant, Rualnesr la U. I K.-rlamatluu Bur Tie. A, O. Fadlknbh Formerly chief Ra laear at Boltc Western Rr. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AMD IRBHATHN ENGINEERS Burns, OregM JOHN (J KM KKUI.IM.il, AA Jowelor. Optioii.n Knirruvor. Fine Watch Repairing A cialty. mill S pi SLa (PoAmA, Ltvw UjAauA-vv urAj ewrvu "Lai a a A mA AaaM A A a m A f IW.1M. VL yf M & a. Is. a a lrc-rVUj(AA cL I Mn xlnviH imrii an jMn , JmaAami OvyvcL -OeAAvoo. IlMHAFFNERFRESSca TUB 9ervtrtA - ZtWXjoAxr, ' $1500 Reward! Tim Oregon, Cal Horn Ik met N'uvriIh Lire .-itiM k lit.i, lion .M.in-lii,,ii "I olitih ih" liodei ii''.i, ,i l neiubtr Hill , '.'" "a reward for btI dt nee leading to il . arreitt mnl con viction of nny )r l; or parties elosl- II ! ll.irM'H, ! 11 or inulra lieionslns to any ,,l Ita iiiein beta Insddltion lotbe abuve. Ilia undersigned offer iji tame rundlliou Iww for all liori.oi brauded borae-shod bar on both or eltbrr Jaw. Brand rerordod ID elgbl rountles Kange Harney, Lake and Crook counties. Homes rented when sold. None but grown horse sold sod only In large bum lira. W W.BKIIWN Kile Orason. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrives Baker Departs MSA. 2:35 P. 4:15 P. M. M. M. No. 1, Baker 8:3 A M. Smi' er 1:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:1 P. M. No. 1 Makes good connection with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15 P M arrivinir at Baker 7:55 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv- mp; Baker b:5U A. M. Mn 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Room Yours Whether you are building a brand new home, making additions to the old one or merely repairing walls, you can have a room like this if you use genuine Beaver Board. Beaver Board wall and calling are more handiome, more substantial and more sanitary than any other kind. They are the eaaieit walls to build. No lath or plarter therefore, no litter. Beaver Board always given satisfac tion. But you can't expect Beaver Board results unless this fjadsHMlkis on the back of the board you buy. T-v( I 5 Burns Hardware Co. Hums, Oregon Time-Herald Off ice NOTK1! OF UUARDIAIVH BALK OK KKAI. PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THH STATE OV OREGON. FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. IN THK MATTER OF THK OUAR niANSHIl' OF VIVA OARRBTT AND NEVA GARRETT. Minors. NOTICE 18 HKUEI1Y GIVEN That the undersigned, J. W. OAK RBTT, Guardian of Viva Oarrett and Neva Garrett, Minor Children, pur suant to an order of the County Court for Harney County. Oregon, made and entered on the22nd rtny of July, 1 91 S giving and grunting said Guardian n License to soil certain hore'.nnftor-do si Tlhed real property belenging: to said Minor Children, will from and after ihe 2 6th day of August, mi. Offer for sale and proceed lii well ill ; prlvuie tale to iln high i bidder upon the following terms: either fov v mil or credit, or both, as the suld Guardian may deem best, and sub let i to the confirmation of said court, the following described rent propert situate 111 Harney County, Oregen: "An undivided one eighth Interest In and to the East half of the South west quarter, and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, and the Southeast quar ter of Section 22, and the 8outhwost quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the West half of the Southwest quar ter, and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of 8. c Hon 23. and the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, and the North half of the NorlhwoBt quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the East half of the Southwest quarter, of section 3G, all In Township 20 Soetli. Range '2 9 East of the Wlllam-1 ette Merldlnn. Harney County, wre- gon; and also Lots A, 6 ana , anu the Southeast quarter of the North-1 west quarter of Section 2, Township II South, Range 2(1 East of the Wll- i lamette Meridian, Harney county, 1 Oregon." Offers for the purchase of said feftl I property may be made to nic In wrl' i lag at the office of my attorney J tV, DiKSH. v'oigtly Itiilldlng, lliirns, Ore gon, from and after the 20th day Of August. 191K. J. W. OARRBTT, Oaardlan. Date.! ibis 6tb day or July, 191S. First publication July 27, 1918. Last publication Aug. 24. 1918. NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLKMF.VI. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Walter T. Struck, deceased, has filed her final account of her ad ministration Of said estate with the clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County, and that said court has made an or der appointing Saturday the 24thi(llynn Adrian, minors, to sell the day of August, 1918, at the hour of real property belonging to the es- ten o'clock A. M of said day, at tuo tate or said minors, i win. irom ami court room In the county court houso, after the 27th day of July, 1918, pro i Hums Orairou. as the time and ' cued to sell at private salo the place for the hearing of objection:! to sin h final account and the settlrf inniit thereof. All persons Interested In said es tate and having objections to said final account or any part or Item thereof are hereby notified to pre sent said objections and file the ante wUh the clerk of said court on or before Hald tlrao. ZKP1IA STRUCK. Administratrix. GUAHDIAVH HALE IF PROPERTY REAL Notice is hereby given that In pur- suttiice of a license and order of sale gaW gale muy eavo hjga with or con heretofore made by the county court Uy ly ilUorey j, s. Cook of Burns, Of the State of Oregon for Douglas ()r(,KOI1 w)t, rufcreiice thereto. County in the mutter of the guardian-1 ALICE SWANSON, guardian. shin of Chaster Lanlb, Jesse Lamb! and Helen Lamb, minors, the under slKiied as guardian of nald minors will from unM after tho 29th day of July, 1918 at Yoncalla. Oregon, and at the office or A. F. R. George of l.iwin, Harney County. Oregon, offer for Hale and sell at private sale, In tho miiniier provided by law, the fol lowing described real property of said minors situated In the County of Harney, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lots two (2) three (3) and five (5) in Section Twenty-five (26) in Township Twenty-five (25) South of Range 32 V6 East or Willamette Mer idian; and Lot (I) of Section Thirty (30) and Lot Twelve (12) of Section (19) In Township Twenty-five (25) South of Range 33 East of Wil lamette Meridian, all In Harney County, Oregon, said real property belni subject to the dower right of Ada M Lamb, mother of said mlnorn, to wit Hie use of one-half during her lifetime Also the East half of Lots Six (0) and Seven (7) l Bloek Twelve (12) and Lots Five ( ,r. ) und Eight (8) In Itlork (II) of Gray's Addition to La wan. Harney County Oregon, said property being also subject to the I dower Interest of Ada DC Lamb, I mother of suld minors. Bald property la to be sold for cash In hand and said sale la to be tub- Ject to confirmation by the said county court. Dated at Yoncalla, Oregon, June 22, 11S. A. W. LAMB, Guardian of the Estates of Ches ter Lamb, Jessie Lamb and Helen Lamb, Minors. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF HARNEY. In the matter of the Estate of TOW Flint. Deceased. TO ALL of Hid heirs of TONY punt. Deceased, If any such there , m t ,11 persons claiming to bo Interested In his said estate, I lltl( ( Die abovod-dcscrlbcd protu- (HIEETING: ises; and will on Monday the 51 h day IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ,,r August. 1 918. at the hour of 10:00 OF OREGON, You and each of you ,lroi k a. m. of said day at t ho court are hereby died and required to np- ' house door In the City of Hums, pear In the County Court of the State county of Harney, State of Oregon, of Oregon, for the County of Harney, ,1 ffer for sale to the highest bidder Bl the Court Room thereof, at Iturns, I for (.ftBU an the right title and lnter Orcgon, In the County of Harney on ,. 0f flftj Defendants, or either of Wednesday the 7th day of August, them, In and to the said above-des-1918, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore-1 oribed premises, and every part and noon of that day, and then and there parcel thereof, together with all and to show cause If any exist, why this i court should not grant tho petition of VVm. Farre, Administrator of the above estate, for leave to sell at pub lic or private sale to the highest bidder for either cash or credit, or both, as said Administrator may deem best, the following described real property belonging to said estate and situate In Harney County, Ore gon, to-wlt: The South one-nair or tno Southwest one-quarter of Section i l. IOWIISII1II AH, 01,11111 l ItaiiKi: ,,. , ,. ,r t.... ,,,. LJ.....I. 1, ........ 1 -I Kailt f Willamette Meridian All as prayed for in the petltl on of hp Id hereto Wm Kurre, Administrator, for(, f,,, N,.reln. I witness Tin Hon H. C. ERVEN'S, Judge of the Couiily louit i of the State of Oregon for the County of H-ricv, with the Sea! (if 1 I'd C urt affixed this June. 1911 28th d.i of I SEAL I ATTEST; CHESTER DALTON. Clerk. First Publication; June 29. 1918. Last Publication : July 27. 1918. NOTICE OF H ARDI.WH HALE OF HEAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order made and entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County on the 2fth day of May. 1918. licensing, empowering and directing the un dersigned, as guardian of the persons and estates of Francis Adrian and following described real property, to wit; SViNEVi section 16; N4KW',4 und B14NWV section 17; SENEVi and NEUSE section lg " K..W. M.. Harney County. Oregon , oi.talnlng 320 acres J The terms of mM Sto wljb. payment of at least $8000.00 cash in hand, with mortgage by purchaser on the premises, drawing 8 per cent Interest per annum, for balance of pur base price, or such other and different terms as such guardian shall deem to the best Interest of the A , , all ,H,r80ns Interested In .NOTICE OF SHERIFFS BALK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF HARNEY. CORNELIO RARAHA, Plaintiff. v. EUED IIOLLOWAY and CLARA HOLLOWAY, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That, WHEREAS, on the 10th day of April, 1918, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Huriioy, a Judgment was duly made and entered In favor f the above named Plaintiff, Cornolio Baraba, against the above-named Defendants, Fred Holloway and Clara Holloway, for the sum ot 8596.16, and interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from August 10, 1914, and for the (OBts and disbursements taxed at $50.00; which said Judgment was duly enroll ed and docketed In the office of the County Clerk of said Harney County, Oregon, on the 10th day of April, 1918; And, WHEREAS, It was further Order ed and Adjudged by the Court In the above-entitled cause that certain pro perty, theretofore attached in said cause, to-wlt: 8ESW. 8HBR of Bee. 19; (4NW , NV4NKV4 of Bee. 82; NttSEK, BWttNBiA, 8KMNWK of Bee. 34; also NWViNW'A of Sec. 34; NBUNEH of Sec. 83 all in Twp. 40 south Range 36, B. W. M. Harney County, Oregon. Also the EftWVi of Sec. 86 In Twp. 40 south Range 87 E. W. M. Harney County, Oregon, be sold, as provided by law, to satis fy said Judgment, Interest, costs and disbursements, accruing costs and ex penses of sale; and that Execution issue therein; And, WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of July, 1918, an Execution was duly Issued by the Clerk of said Court, commanding mo, the Undersigned, Sheriff to soil the said property as by law required; NOW, THEREFORE, In obedience to the commands of said Writ and by authority thereof, I hare levied upon (10 interests of Hltlll llel'ellilalll In singular the tenements, hnredlla ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to satisfy said Judgment, accruing Interest, costs and disbursements, subject to the Right of Redemption and the Confirmation of this Court. W. A. OOODMAN, Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon. Hy P. T. RANDALL, Deputy. Dated this 2nd day of July. 1918. First Publicatien: July 6. 1918. Last Publicatien: August 3, 1918. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION i UNITED STATES LAND OFFIOB llurns, Oregon, July 11. 1918. Not lie Is hereby given that Charles ' Yanl. Of Fife. Oregon, who, on Si'I tember 2H, 11KI, made Homestead Entry, No. 099, for 8V4 Section 4, TOWnablp 2 1 S. Range 24 ., Wil lamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to theMaml above described before Chas. A Shop man, U. S. Commissioner, at his of fice, at Fife, Oregon, on the 14th day of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: E J. Laughliu, James Perkins Paul Warner all of Fife, Oregon. Henry Street of Suntex. Oregon. V. G. COZAD. Register CITATION l. THE COUNTY COURT OF THE , r,r ,. . STATE OF OREGON. FOR Ma NET COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE E8TATK OF JOSHUA T. FRY DECEASED. To Henry Fry. Kute Sarah Rice. Frank Fry Roardman. e, rroun. -w. . - , . ,M ' , J , Lula Frv. Edgar Fry. Carl Fry, Lrma wi,. m r T , I am rry. asssjssssi ro, aasaam Frv, Elijah Wilbur Cooper, Frank . .. ..- i . l.-i....... ma aVaaaassaa 1 ., m . M it v Iv i 1 1 " A He MusgVaVe. Wmiam F'ry. J " MM of John Uwoa8edi , to all othor hair. T (sgasil, unknown, OUEETINO: , ', , ,,., T,u, qTATH IN THE NAME OF THE STATK OU OREOON, You and each of you are beroby i cited and required to appear In tho County Court of the State of Orogon, for the County of Harney, at tho Court Room thereof, at Hums In tin County of Harney, on Friday the 30th day of August 1918 at two o'cloe in the iilternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exlsl, why (in order of sale should not be made allowing the administrator of the above-named estate to sell at private sale, for the purpose of pay ing the debts ond expenses of ad ministration of the said estate, the following described real property viz- East one-half of the South-we-t are sufficient funds on hand to pay one-uuarter and lots 3 and 4 of sec- General Fund County Warrants regis .i qa i T,,,,hln iK South of tered prior to August 1st. 1918. Also Range 32 East of the Willamette Mer Idlan. In Harney County, Oregon; as in- iieiitlou It has been prayed. This citation shall be deemed served upon von unon completion of the fifth publication hereof, and tho abov. named date upon which you are cited ... .,,,..,. r la a ilnle more than ten 1, U llrV14l vm - - - - H a - u .,irt hiu .HuHn Omym ttiiwr mo hcithu u io .,. i.v nnhllcatlon. unon vou. First nub llcation to be on July 20, 1918. Witness: The Hon. H. 0. Levens. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Harrtay. with the Seal of said Court gf. fixed this l!Mh day of Jttly 1918. (Seal) Attest: CHESTER DALTON, Clerk of the county Court. 1st July 20th. 5th Aug. 17th. NOTICE FOR PtTHICATION UNITED BTATB8 LAND OFFICE. Btirna, Oregon, July 28 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Julia B. Haines, heir of Mathilda Wood cook, of Harney, Oregon, who on April 1, 1915, made Homestead En try, No. 08036, for Lots 1, 2, Sec. 29; Lots 1, 8, Bee. 80, Lots 1 and 9 Sec tion 32, Township 26 8.. Range 31 E Willamette Meridian, South of Mal heur Lake, has filed notice of in tention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described', before Register and Receiver, at Hums. Oregon, on the r.th day of September, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis Slssomoro, Mrs. OHs Slzemore, (leorgo Cnwlfleld, Clarence Miller all of Narrows, Oregon. V. 0. COZAD. Register NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR- l NKY COUNTY. I In the matter of the taie of Amos Oldflold, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator has filed his final account In the above en titled cause end the County Judgo has set Monday, the 12th day of August, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M. at the office of the County Judge in Hums, Harney County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections thereto. JAME8 M. DALTON, Administrator of the esta'e of Amos Oldflold, deceased. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UNITED 8TATK8 LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, July 18, 1918 Notice Is hereby given that Perry D. Wllliamnon, of Riley, Oregon, who. on July 1, 1915, made Homestea I Entry, No. 08245, for ESWVi. Sec. 5; N'NfUi, NW'i Section 8. Town ship 24 S., Range 26 E., Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land abov,) described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Hums, Oregon, on the 26tii day of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Charlie F. Williamson, Fred Hart well, both of Riley, Oregon. Fred. Hturgess, Eva Sturgess, both of Sun tex, Oregon. V. G. COZAD. Register. NOTICE FOB I'UHLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE July 25, 191. Notice Is hereby given that Leo.e, F. Kane, of Narrows. Oregon, who. on June 11. 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 08208, for S',iS4, Sec. 24 and NttNtt Section 25. Township 27 8.. Range 28 ., Willamette Mer- idlan, has filed notlco of Intention to make final three-year proof, to es- L (.lan (o ,aml aboye j grrhed, before Register and Receiver Bt Hums, Oregon, on the 28th day of August, 1918. ! Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Uouldin, Dora Gouldln. Al- Tlenilaw. Robert Failtz. all of M,,rr,iifc-u in,'' .. --. "--p. V. G. COZAD. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. 1 In the matter of the estate of I Harve Dixon, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un derstated administratrix has filed i her final account in the above entitl ed cause and the County Judge has Bet J Monday, the second day of Septem ! ber, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M. at the office of the County Judge in Hums, ' Harney County. Oregon, as the time 1 and place for hearing objections thereto,. MARY E. DIXON Executrix ot the estate of Harve Dixon, deceased. WARRANT CALL. Notlco Is hereby given that there - all Road Warrants registered prior to August isi, in. "'" August iii. mm. PEARL KEELER, County Treasurer. NOTICE OF HUM ON WOOD gyp Notice is hereby given that tho - County Court of llumey t ouuty win I receive bids up to 12 o clock A. M. September 4. 191S. for 86 cords of first quality nsfcbgan) wood ta be delivered at the Court house and ' High School In llurns. Oregon on or before October 16. 1918. The Counlv COHrt reserves i hi- right to reject any and ull bids, llids should be address ed, souled. to the undersigned and marked "Bids for Wood". CHESTER DALTON, Count) ClerlC IV .. "Ambu." rS. --rr.