The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 6

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Promote life and Vigor j
Or "Whiit-liu" days use Qoldoa Rod Oats, Oops Meal. Rys flour T
nd Buoi Wheat Flour.
VSmWT IrJkeHarvdyRed" Pi (j '
RWJfat Food Value WWA
fc 'iVff youll fln4 them the idsed E j IAAJ
y-j- jjj sodas tor your family jftr'vl?
WaTutI crisp, tasty nd satisfying Lfl '"7
Wlti Tru-Blu Biscuit Co. ff fl w
1 TEAS-SPlcfo
Pei re
I Product of Home Industry
Government Inspected
Economical and. highly dependable
wherever a high grade shortening
is d sired.
North Portland,
K2 cot to" ( Vol,
. ,.-...." ,,.1
rw, .,V
Its the daily break
fast in thousands of
western homes.
Thar I as other digestible
and healthlul.
Hsnaally rseemsvsr-ded aa the dally
diet of the entire household.
Because the ingredients are in blended aa to produce a food that la
Bpetitlaing and perfectly disrated.
Those who have found other pancakee indigeetible will fiud OLYMPIC
agrees with the moat delicate atomach.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
Send ua the cad of tha package and receive by return mall
Magnetic Top.
., iranvcuT h
Steel Cut
For particular people who appreciate GOOD COFFEE!
At all Leading Grocers.
"You'll never know how good it is until you've tried it
Ask Your Grocer for
Wadhams & Company
Manufacturers and Wholesale Grocers.
Some Really Excellent Dlshee That
Are Papular in Different Parta
f tha World.
false was the chief aboriginal food
sf America and la aim a favorite ar
Ucle of .lift In Central America.
"Samp" wan adopted by the early col
onixta of New Kngland from the In
diana; It consisted, according to Itoger
Wllllaina. of "Indian corn beaten ajid
broiled and eaten hot or cold with milk
or butter." "Hominy" waa the nmne
given to malxe nfter It had been boiled
with alkali, causing the akin of Die
grain to peel away and leave the aoft
Inner portion.
"Succotash" originally meant an ear
of maize, but una afterwards used to I
deacrlba a inlxlure of Mm and beana. )
"Hoe ik" waa.tnken over from tba
xouthern Indlaux. 'I'he Pueblo Indiana .
ate gruel baked an stene atovea, call- I
lug It "paper bread." "Hulled com or
hominy, ground Into a paats," aaya M.
J. Kplnden In hla account of the Mexl
sjiii dietary, "furnlahea dough for tha
fortlllaa or unleavened cakss thnt taka
the place of bread In Mexico. Although
the ordinary tortilla la rather aoggy,
It is rfellciou wb'-n made thin. Cor u
lirc-nl.fiiMt dlah nuthlng can aurpaaa the
aehUsOS, which la a lorllla rolled n
cigar faahlon wilh a little meut, cheesa
or Willi pepper aa a aurprlae In tin
icnlcr. Thla In toiiHled before llic fire
until it la crlNp nnil i ruckling. I'iimlc
la, proparly ipssklug, a psrehad im-ni
DISSS lruiii iiiiii.c ami nllicr BtsdS, The
wors la sppllsd to a Miiiity of disnss
auch aa ulcus of nini.c, nirnt and rblll
Phlloaophar Aaaarts That tha impor
tant Auto Fixture la Net Unlike
Soma of Human Race.
'The more 1 have to do with auto
mobile tires," wild I'blloaopbcr J I in.
"the better I understand men. There
la no limit to the colupnrlsonx that
i.,tgbt be made, but let me aak your at
tention for Juat o,ne of them. It turn
upon the way they conic to an end,
men and Urea alike.
"On my little roadster 1 ma have at
one and the aame lime io Urea of
such different character aa thla:
"One lias Hened loop; and well. It
aceiiis sound as ever, and still looks
good for n lot of work. Hut Its health
appearance la deceptive: It bus a
vast number oflucll hidden deca.veil
"They beyan to go aepnrately, not In
ajMuaMS) No one part of that lire wore
out all by itself. The whole thing hna
been alowly, aubtly honeycombed with
"Tha limit la reached auddeuly. The
end, prepared for alowly and In the
dark, comes swiftly; and ll la a very
complete end. The tire la u goner, the
doctor can do nothing for It.
"Some men end like thai : tu'einlngly
riSDMSf one day; and Ihe next day,
on the scrap heap.
"And then there are Urea and men
Hint go the other way. They aeem
worn and wenkened, but (hey are
aoinol limbic. The shell gjOSS llrsl, (be
inner tube retains li usel'ulneaa. You
know they are koIiik. but they iilwivs
aeeui good for anol her ilny's work, mi
othcr liiiinlreil miles, 'Hoy will aland
a lot of patching.
"Tlrea are mighty Innnrin, and that'a
why I really enjoy fussing with l-kotat."
St Sioq mm p4oiH adad 'no,,
..i.woun O) aan p.l J-lp
oa B ltiq inoqu .woiia sq B,)BlAt.
., jMpoa s aq oi suol s.sq 'qt
,.-uo Mgj B.jsqx.,
'.ill t.upip
ad nd mm tq na.tin im.i j.ij)ii,j
inoX uo 0.i o p.o. 11 oipw UBIU futlojC
jsqi jo Hiiiomii H.iUtM -jUu,
ejepJQ Suiqojsw
ua.. .os os aaipiim ai kiuiio.i -
SUIIX B I" Op oi OH. i HI.
qU.l Sll
-uui J.o o) ii j 1 1 ( aeH a.Vu.U rfqs,,
..lisqi jo aumx,
Hiiuq u u H,iH Si 'MO..
i Vii.. liii..
-voii) HSi 'asjuSu
B poof aj.ia S puuqauq Jtfji -."i
dBH siust s,sh
'III'HI I'OH ui.iui.i pus Ui.ieiN.i Hiqi
hJ.isjsi.) joj op ! .u 1" s.iei.)M
eqt uqM saaeauim Joj op oi 'a.ipitie
.Miiti.i. ii a.looa qw.ip aJHiSl0 S
Siino u 'iiirfddu ..MiiXuni ii u uw. i
ll s ...i.iqi ...i.ii u.ia. HA' u v 'IM-)P
pun ..kii.....iiI oi .iort,..i a'-iI nmpw ii,
llil dja A'.ii., imiii..iiiuiIU a..A .i..ii
AI o A'.ll 1 1 1 AV A'dl A.I.IAo.) jo A
-u.ido 'a.i..Mtiiiiq ( ...oii Au.iu.i
in inoqiiw .isiuu.iniil .VI.iim aiqi
luiaooi unsss yon ihboj Asm ish,i
l..j .H j ail s '4liil.loiliil
o II. H. I .111 llll.IOlltll ..l l .. IH..I
j,nl a'i iMj.i.iui . mi. I OIIIOM h. 11.111.. Jlltm o( AMIU1 U O.U
When Sick, Os te I "Ve."
Some of the beat medicine for
pie are dog medicines," aald a phy
sician. "You aee, all aorta of remedtea are
prea'rlbed for human complaint, and
aoimitlmea they are beneficial. Many
peo le have faith In patent medicines,
w iii.-ii may be more or less Justified.
"Hut a dog medicine Is very sure to
be goo.l thing. It wouldn't sell If It
waao't. And what la goid for a dog
la likely to he good for a human being
ai.ppoalug that he real I;' kuowa what
la Ihe mailer with him.
"4 doctor who atarleil In bualueea
with uo other aqulpineut than a dnxen
pi script Ion rcpreaeollag tlrat clnaa
.ho; medlclnea (auppoNlng him lo be a
fair illannoatli Ian) ought to make S
fair profeaaloiial aueceaa ''
"Yes, you do know him. He's the
little bey who Just moved In next door
to us. You were playing with hiss
"Well, mama. If thafa the aame Imj.
be'a over-washed today."
Famous Military Coi.nmandara.
Napoleon regarded vYelll.iion aa but lucky. kl et.Malih.ied Tilly
and nallenatelu far looter genernla
llian t.UNlaf Adolf. Tureuna hr ilSOSsJ
far In aelvauve of Frederick Ihe Ureal.
"If I had a aiau like Turenne a my
second In roiiiiiuin.l mil lug my cam-
I piiigiiN," be aald. "I abould now be l.ina-
tci of ihe world.", accord
I lug lo Clularvh, soincl lines ranked Al
exiiu.lel, Momctluiea I'jirhua aa Ihe
roremoat general of nil time. Selpio
' he placed aecond. Himself he ranked
but third or fourth, i'oaterlty has
moilltled Ida vertllct to Ihe advantage
of blu Iniiie.
Net a Century, But Kneuo
l.adv hurrylug acroas the broad con
course at a great railroad station,
milking for the train gate and evident
ly afraid of udaalng the train, with a
long wait If she didn't get It. Hut at
the gate she nieeta a colored porter, a
man of tranquil mind and pleasant
voice, who aaya to her, quite evenly :
"You needn't hurry; you've got two
minutes yet."
Now. two mluulea la not a ceiiry;
in fact the margin waa allll narrow;
but i bo laily knew that the sorter
knew the Urns exactly and what be
aald and the way he anld It relieved
the tension. She surrendered her bag
to hlgn and gave the tip to him esry
Husband and Wife
Mrs. Frank P. Wood. Boi 1 !
D. 2. Merrill. Me., write
Kidney Pllla helped me so meta.
husband also haa received tusvli 1
eflt from them. He was o Is""!
could not stoop over and nowkeaj
no pain." Lame back, sore m
stiff lolnta. rheumatl. arbes
nalns quickly conquor.d by
l.i.l,.... Dllla QnlI hv Iteed ":
He Had Changed.
Mother--Why didn't you speak to
that little boy who Juat passed'
i'liiiinile 1 iUin' kaaw him. mama.
Old Ratss ef Interest.
'lve per cent Interest on a loan
would have l.eeu scoffed at by the men
nlm hnd niouey to lend In medieval
times'. In Ihe thirteenth and fourteenth
(-flit in Ira the usual rale seems lo have
l.eeu ' per cent, and In the preceding
centuries It was probably higher, says
the London rbronlcle. The rale of in
terest decreased with the Increase of
specie, wilh an oi'cnslonnl limitation
by the state. Kll.aheth reduced' the
rate b) Inw to 1(1 per cent, .lames I to
and Charles II to tl. In MSiSSl
Rome, according to Njsbuhr, the rule
was 8 1-S lor a ten month fSBf &M
I'viulvaleut e 10 per coat jyci aniiUMi.
Itinaril: Eatraved fra
ranch, one pair ratio i 'in'11 i
Mares one weighing around l"'
other 1260; branded with U K,
right stifle; aheuld have, coin
them now; foretopa have beea roll
ed and grown out about ihreeorsj
lnrhea. Witt oav 125 0 to fl""
team. J. W. AH'iWRlH1 OW
Ilev. J. Stewart Maddux. faSaaJ
A cordial Invltatioa is eit"
to you to attend our service!
huura of the service on the 8
are aa follevea:
Sabbath School at 10 A. M
Preuchlaa: at 11 A. M
Young Peoplea' xueeimg si
P. M.
Song service at 7 : :u P.
Preachinar at 8 SO IV M.
Prayer meeting Wed ne. .lay ll
r. u.