The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 03, 1918, Image 5

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C M Sillsbury and wife are home
,m i trip to Portland.
Mr,. May Midwinter ban returned
,m her short vacation trip to Port-1
(.on M. Drown and family are ex-
Ltrd home from California uext
W. F. Harris was up from Narrows
Claude Solomon Is orer from the
Callow Section.
K. B. Hill Is a btulnetis visitor
from the Denlo section.
J. M. McDade Is up from his home
In the Di-iiln country.
Mrs. a. A. Traugott and Mr. Chea
ter Carter are hbrae from a trip to
Seattle whete they had been called
because of the lllneaa or tt.i i.ik..
r. siWl Mrs. John Walkuo left M
i. week for outside polnU. John ' Mr M Mrs. Walter. Watd and
0A offering his services to the Mr n' Mp- Keeeie SVltsell were
rnnuiit in some war capacity I roswrea at a local hotel from Nar-
dMrs Wnikup and the little dau;h
f re r .linn to locate uear where
,rill In- stationed.
rows during the week.
Jack McUuire Is building a shop
on bin residence IiiIh wIiii' he will
Instull hi,; equipment for auto work
for the present.
Court reporter Walker was here
this week on official business In con
nection with the adjourned term
held in the water adjudication cases.
Catlow yesterday to make proof on
his land. He was assisted by Fred
Wlckert and Chas. Downs as wltnoa
Mrs. E. E. Owsley has returned
from a visit with relatives and
W. B. Johnson was over from his fre,ni, Now Mexico. She Mates
,.r Creek farm home yesterday. I "lat "toils ' dying In that section
Johnson is getting along some I from ,ho ,,rv range.
mars but he says everybody j
uUluo something to help win thai, P" 3 "" " l Al
rM he hS been making a hand ; '"" "H "" frn' CrMW U" ,lu'r
the farm himself this season. , ' but "e,U,,r av " I'""'
pusher of this Joint a chnnco to get
high iron fence separated her , word with them.
u the kiddles whom she desired
pla mutes. Her struggle for Brookings Station, or Half Way
biiicipation and her ultimate at- ; "OU8e ror 8ale or trade for cuttle.
.inmeiit is a riot of fun. See Mary j Jb0 ttcres 200 " cultivation. Very
(Alllstci . Essanay's six-year-old I reasoxable. Inquire at Station or
in & . Write ttcrne., tlrnnlrlmru Ul. t..,- .
Er. in i-auis i ine i. im tin - ".wii..0n, .,,..,..,
ister. Saturday, Aug. 10. Oregon.
H A I'oage. the arcbitcet who Can you Imagine anything funnier
i been in his city for the past ' than a situation where a youngster
Aar. left the first of this week for who is all boy finds his clothes have
imath Falls where he hopes to been stolen while he was In swlni-
Ad more to do in his line of work, j mtng and a dress left for him to
l Poae gave this office more or wear? 8ee "Pants," featuring Mary
. assistance in the mechanical McAllister at the Liberty Theatre,
partment since last rail and now Saturday, Aug. 10.
j bn lias to go to work.
Mrs. Hoy McQowan, Is a guest of
The numbers on the raffle of a friends In this city, having arrived
bill donated to the Bed Cross by here during the week. Mrs. McOow-
ladle of the Poison Creek an was formerly Julia Ureeley and
iglihorhood were drawn last Wed- she is well "known to the people of
da night at the Liberty. The this county where she resided dur-
ma number was 24658 und the sec- lng her girlhood. She Is at the home
1 number was 076984. Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mace at pres
et Bl 111 'icvant had the first num- ent. Mr. MeCiowan will Join her in
har and won the quilt. u short time.
the ownership of the "back to the
land" movement, led by returning
soldiers, Pan-American commerce
will increase tremendously, eptchal
political events, both domestic and
International will crowd on one an
other's heels, the oceans, so far as
their Isolating function Is concerned
will be no more, International brother
hoods and associations will spring up,
great movements, social and econom
ical, will be born and rrow raDldlv.
Fences Jacquot wee here from rn fact the oW worM to golng t0 K0
some," In the twenty five years fol
lowing this war. The wise man Is
preparing now to sfexe this oppor
tunity when It shall come.
The German "peace offensive"
Mrs. J. M. Dalton and her daugh
ters arrived home Thursday evening
from Cour d" Alene Idaho, where
they hud been visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. L, It, Johnson since
the close of school.
W. Wlckert. one of the boys from
Catlow who went out with I he dial l
boys Inst tall. Is hen- on fiirloui;h
from Fort Wordcn, Washington.
The young man was met here by
relatlvos and friends from Catlow.
Mrs. Bud Heard, who Is known to
many pioneer people of thlB commun
ity, being a daughter to H. J. McKln
nou. is here on a visit with relatives
and friends. Mrs. Beard lives in
Wyoming and she has not visited
here for several years. At present
she is at the home of her sister, Mrs.
ThoB. Cleveland, over at Van.
Have you forgotten to buy your
quota of War Having Stamps for Ju
ly? You know every month adds a
cent to the purchase prli and we
must keep up our end of the war
work for the boys "overthore" are
certainly making good these days
and we are sure going to do our purt
at home.
will never lead to a peace offensive
to the allies.
We learn that the Hungarian Diet
Is tukliig steps to Improve the diet of
The newest styles of clothing are
old st.vles. Thete will continue to In
most worn for the duration of the
What Qemans are left after the
war will probably die from overeat
ing and drinking, ufter their long
Istablished thirty-two yes rs Need no introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eastern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
i " " ' ' 71
The Labor Problem J
If you wish something pleasant to
meditate upon, remember that there
will be u Fourth Liberty Loan some
time this fall.
LiUle Nary McAliSter m "Pants"' CssAMAY,
At the Liberty Theatre, Saturday, August 10th
Public, Land Office Practice,
Insurance an Keal Estate.
Office: Ton awama Building
l'';mH BEND ot 7:48 a.m., arrive BURNS 7:o p.m.
Lmve BUBN8 at 7:06 n. m.. nnivc i'.KNI) 5:00 p.m.
FARE, each way $8.00
(' I'oiiimIh Baggage carried Kre. Excess le per ll.
Mtfts nil trains in Mend. Passengers Arrive at
Portland, from Burns, in 21 hours, fart $16.05
Proiuil attention given all shipments in our cure.
Especially Perishable Coniijnments.
Inland Empire Realty Compauy, Agents
Importance of oontroUlng vr-
VL'iilubli' plant diseases, purtlculurly
as a wartime DeMOTe, Is ciniiliu
teed by the war emegeucy board of
Auierloan plant pathologists at a
conference beld el Medieon, Wta .
acoording to n. P, Hurss of o. a C .
commissioner lor the west.
If bunt and loose emut of wheat
bad been completely rent rolled last
year, the United States could have
hipped an udditlonal 38,000,000
bushels to the ullies. A hair million
bushels more of rye might huve
been sent to Europe, hod It not been
for ergOi The total pnulietlon of
barley could have been lucr'-ased
more than 1 L 000, 000 bushel., mid
the amount of grain exported '' per
cent by the use of tnrmuhlclmle
and hot water treatments for the
Loss from oat smut In 1917 equal
ed the amount ol grain exported to
the allies und neutrals in the yeor
93,572,000 bushels. Smut destroyed
twice us much corn as was exported
last year. Late blight of potatoes
reduced the crop nearly 92.000,000
bushels, or approximately ten times
the amount exported last season.
Loss through two diseases of beans
autbrochose ami bacterial blight
amounted to almost twice the quan
tity of dry beans exported between
July 1 and December 3 1, 1 9 1 7.
P, J. Gallughor who visited Camp
Lewis lust week brings back a good
story on u llnrney county huceuroo
who recently jo'nod the army after
years riding the range In the Interior.
- This particular bronco buster had
always enjoyed the reputation of per
sonal Independenoei and for qelttini
every Job he ever bail tin 'Irst time
the boss "called him down."
.V cording to Cat's story this hue
oerOO wus assigned to the remount
division and was out on the field
with a bunch of men training anil
lerv horses when oiui of tho animals
broke und ran. He wus ordered to
bring the horse back. When he las
oed the animal ho handled It rather
roughly and the Sergeant In charge
"called him down" tartly informing
him he was handling Uncle Sam's
horses and not cayuses on the range,
At the barracks later a number of
bis bunkles were kidding him for
they had known him over in Harney.
When one of them asked him:
"Why don't you quit, Jack, after a
call down like tiiul?" he was greeted
with this reply from the recruit:
"1 would quit the blame Job, but
they're short handed here." -Ontario
Wise ones are preparing now for
l lie alter war problems and oppor
tunities. The man with vision will
inn be a fortune after the war. There
will ln vast works of reconstruction.
, repair and organisation In Kuropc
and In (be Americas, The airplane
will duplicate the rapid growth of
the automobile, industry, the much
discussed Morchunt Marine will
.oiue into its own, what is left of the
Public Domain will dlsappeur into
H stands for Heroic, Hold'em llalg
F for Foxy. Fighting Foch, P for i
Pent-up Power Pershing, and W for'
War Weary Willie.
Wherever there Is a Red Cross
hoeptUU to be bombed or a hospital
ship to be sunk the Germans will not
fall In determined action.
The stars and stripes are Indeed
I raveling about the world. We are
Informed that in ever) capital of the
orient and even In interior China,
they I'lout beside the national ban
ner o
What is home without a mother? I
What ! Washington without a con- i
grcs-i? Until congress convenes j
again, who will tell the president to j
sit up straight and the secretary of
war to trash behind his ears?
Write to your boy abroad or In u
anloniiieul here. A soldier's let- J
ters from home are half his life.
It'ji cheaper to pay up than to wear
01 shoe leather and time In crossing
the street to uvold meeting a creditor.
Coconuts Make Good Mock Pearls.
The coconuts of the .Malay penln- ,
sulii sometimes produce ocurls that
are highly prized hy the iiailves. sns
the Family Herald. The tonea are
not unlike the pearls of the molluslis.
and nee similar in composition to ihe
oyster pearls, huvlng calcium curbon
ate und n little Organic matter.
The niolliisk pearl comes into exist
ence by the efforts of the ojster m (lis
pose of Irritating particle, iint hav
entered Hie shell; Inn the coconut
could have no cause for producing
these eoncrellens, which, while the.i
liuxe great Similarity to pearl are net
pearls, These conereiloaa torn just
beneath the stem, umi a pure white
poo I brings a high price, as It Is sup
posed by Hi" natives to poetess some
kind of ii clinrm. Cases have been
known while the coeoniit pearl has
1 n ld iis a mollusk product, but
such Instances are rare.
Of Special Interest to Farmers
There is but one solution of the farm labor problem -
Improved Farm Machinery
It is up to you, Mr. Farmer, to provide tools that will
enable one man to do the work of two this year.
We Have These Tools
From the gee-whiz to the farm tractor, we have all
the new tabor-saving machinery. We want to show you
how easily you can not only keep up your regular work but
actually exceed what you have been accustomed to do.
See us if you want to increase farm efficiency.
I. S. GEER & CO.
That Fall Suit! I
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later.
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
Clothing Company
Keep the Mood Ntcniii Pure
Hheumatlc pains, backache, swol
len Joints and soro muscles often are
the result of impurities in the blood
i'a t her Iiik in the rev ion affected, a
result of failure of the kidneys to e
llnilnuto wiiHte products from the
blood stream. Foley Kidney nils i
heal, HtreiiRlhun und Invigorate weiiK
diseased kidneys and bladder. W,
ii. iiiii. justice of ihe Peace, He
troit. Tex., wrltes: "I used Foley
Kidney lMii.s und say unhesitatingly
that of nil 1 have used they are the
Pest, and have rfOM the work whore
the res, failed." Kohl everywhere.
: - a
gLgfeS ''" 'Tk'' ggga
T-JilW ' V'rH
l fflflr
Tdylo, J-tolmor in'ToolrorLuok!
Liberty Theatre Saturday
August 3
You must have it if you keep up
with the present big drive
You i-t this if you buy und cat our
Fresh, Pure, Full-strength
Everything In our store l bought with an
eys to securing the Utmost value thai money cun
At present prices of groceries, you can't
afford to Accept inferior article.
Our splendid, carefully selected Stock insures you
against this
Farmers Exchange